Whitby Chronicle, 16 Sep 1887, p. 6

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0~ d Wi ols BeAtîohe fàtUd1hpl U9PiM .yl. When 1h.esagor lisl.uers fnd OPL Budingtoin, if *vas il- ntn8 Thst te maie its umoug ip.weeétor, sso -heeIpw reliasd a on men have: =au lb. *Jzgft blinA. 0 *ioef.to ,iï-oàài âfr ~i..u Yet il kupenda ne lime in v 1 h. ensuing -seo*.The iébie Wd been Overfiappler Mmentas t 0Jilf1~ > he.' Jn luerWne And nno 1te o! aid 6ebpann quter . stbmaie ber bah v 'boa Maru 1he uweetness o l ee u n a plu .whieb oould not be, Ana yen, bave-hearted brother, - rsaobed te b. rep.ired. Aoordingly Tho' yenu se ne ray e! ligli th. sbip'à head wu pointed toward 1he- MPidst 1h. omber gloom sud shadows South sMd the returu, voyage begun. Of youm long.aid droary night. The Polatis hsd net Proeseded far vhén Tet-yu. in yor olas bravely ah. becamoleimbedded in th. le. again AiY itet.y u ng yonr uon - and drifted sonth aîtached te sa large And, where'er your music rmahe floes, allb.lheexpose8 te the danger Every tender heart la stimed. cf beiaig orushed te pisses. During ai 'lho' we grieve oer your affliction seler gale of wiud the 'ship vasmlu Yt yen lever wvill rejoîce, grt - danger, and. preparations voe. Tat whsn your oyes were blinded, made te abandon ber. Q~ eyour seoulsa yoe, Provilious wore plaoed on the fioes, Thstlik ih litle olaud Ithe srev beft the ship te trust their That 1k.t h li the sogte, hrng lives te the preoaýious chance' of beiug And make ou rlte . botter ng pioked upsmre hundreda of mile@ By the uswestneasscf your uong. futifher sonth. This was partly aosm- Nwrvin H. Pzrn.au (Edith Barle) pliahed, about hall of the mou beln on PLYMOITE, Mich. 1he. je. heu tlm .violence of th.egae -~broiee l, bipe fastonugs and X, *ed Boietbing Oheap. ber avay .andsoon the parties vesont 01 sight of eaoh chier. There'. not a cheaper thing on earlh, The ship vasilu aislking condition, Nom yet one.bal! se duar; but by great ezertions eh. vas finallyt 'Tlu woth more thai distinguished birth Min on shbe. Lieut. <Joffin vas on.e o Or thousands ginsd a year. th. sevenn=mo% vho landed freintheb. It lendu 1he day a new delight *no virtuels firtusst uumeld ; slip. They bufit a shed from the. mm- And sadds more beauty te the nlght, ber sud old sauvas obtained from th. Thoail&U1h. stars may Yid 2Polaris. lu vbioh te pas. thswiuter. Itnakt pvrt onet For yoars mter b.ing wounded lu Vir- Iol makthpo eycntpent, giris Lieut. Coffin hmd been subjeot te To lemaew whifper peav e ; ntbeadsoîe, ansd at divers limes wvas Fot lus glt mho nes; t lreateued vitb brain lever. One dayv 4l moe,'iu wlth a amile at morn; when thé mercury suddled dovu lu lb. il kils yôu to repose; vi"ofnye 500 belov zero, ho leff<he1h A flower for peor and peasant born, uhnyfrasotalonhee. An velasin roe.The pain lu his head vas exoruîialing,0 A chamm te bariali grief away, and i longed for relief. Around the f To snatch th. frown froni cars; ship vas a place kept clear cffje. aud b Turu toar te smills make dulluesu gay- by a mistep ho e fol lut e chillingr Spread gladneas everywhere ;wae.Whrmribestvtfo And yet , lis cheap uas unmoerdew, weueressed foremanrbetisvitefr h a Thtgma the ily'sbret; one rmhed eftsudau oddlutin g Eho A taisan for love, as tmue ombeonansuSd igtigè As lever man pSuesed. - back te the hut whioh, fortunately, vas Xs miles the ruinbow through the Cloud nema abohnd, before belug frozen te ý When threalening storm belun- death. Witl tle lelp of his compoin.a As muuie 'mid th. tsnpestloa ions ho rsmoved hie clething and turnedb That stillitIs eveet vay vins- lu. Hov long hbeulepî he mev mnot, t As î «Csurh mroethe lid ,but wh.n ho aele bis memory bal o Se ere Ibis erah eeux am' 'rstnmned. Springlug wildly from his Thisangl o oudee'.bnnk le booked vildly srouid and eaUl. car hme.ad culte obis eompaniens: "Wbero in What =&y tlisi. oudronssuprit b., my rsgim.uî 1? Whmer e l.Thirleen. h, Wllh power unheardl before-lbNvH phieAt apsor.j This charm, Ibhis bright divinlty ? [thsNemdui,.?m Iute. me . Goed Iemper-nothing more!lI e u iemntssneh Good tempr,-'tia ths cholcest gi!t wvas truok dov by th.e uemy'sshot That vommn hemeard on tle green turf ef old Virgiia RHb And eau the tores UUtoompà io oeked at him lu amaze. To blisu nLznovtokMage. ment sud began te whisper and abateb, their heado. Th.e old bath, tbsy NMN N ADEM thought lad fixed hlm. %Lt eertainy f YEAR IN8 U l ad. Onoe mors h. eould remember a the, .uié. ! elt. att the lb. oun f ohot 0, Singular Effect of a Bullet Wond andi&hall as tbey sped omq their erand et hi The Head. d..1h. H. put hbIsade to bis heati a LIEU. CFYIEAN»RISuzxey uz sd thought il strange tIaI ne blgoda APART FOR SEAU Y à DBCAI>-à se htet eakdbsom RUDE £WKXENING TO panionsvho -bad taken hlm prisouer? a doue. Thsy only looketi upon hlm s éietlN. Cfiteo sufàwt hrtbe omsrtoad as- di 8100oV" oossl&butNe Bg-sured hIh t le voouldtionmb.eailU ont b. leplled as0l.eutemo aut u b. zrivins. befors. CapI. Budlnglou Whlleumttnd near tIl. P lbeytslM=TOILoure alitlleof9, -ho tV4u~~yards pry s$ot thuieb lt p~~sed b~el 1sh.w. Tbn"TO .11 e b. truCapwn, ria houiaJaMgsnuIsr affect On. egnnulotb 80somyself."-r»plied, màemory. For Xdué o eausho weuasLet.Ofi I a ouuad abut th. v'ar ver. almost euatrely forgolten. qTbat-saîighl -Coffin, a1s ia Re vas sont te b hitlathmdte ihynJes àdlz a c Il nrs.naa' Ama., . ,A i*wmaa4&.f prh ', My thebs- . Lode is -w' Theoar m-,question, -à pad ar stevhal uneertain ago, Il l eld eumataus, smd hem- îlistalis tbld on 466 t1 rt.q mwIhaitage jesuothlnglo d l11. te hobeueed ouly lu emergenoles. .Whou theear le used lu the daytlms its behaviour, if behavieur il may be ealled, iàltheugh notlai4g eompared te the scenes tIaI eau be iffiteséed at nigît, l is ll mot Vary plesant te, those of sensitive nervea. WIen in motion it *hm l theuedauoy te emit as 1ev, mean- ing sound, muel like lIai vhiel escapes from a human being vbose body je rasked with pain. Thcse wbo bave bard the mesu sesert lIaI it je go real aq toi be suggestive of some person uni- dergoing tortures. At Uiesthe moan je varied frein a lov ons te a loud oui., vila an eccasional screesh of the mest blood-eurd"ig kincd. thmovn.out as if te fairly paralyzs the listener. Fera vhile t;, minas are husled in stilluess, only o.peeia mogthe vomen foike, tle "lmoauiug o=21e as tbey bave gel le calling 't * Wall kucvn, andi vlenever they ride thle train they wilI rooog. nize the anrnlu ninstant, ansd nan sousdorai-n-u bey ho ludused te enter or ride ii i. The traîumen hbld the a's Peularilies lu greal ave, sud it je dcubtful wbether that car culd le boupled on to a thrcugh train bound for Texas or the soutl. Tley do mot oh- lest te munng on it during the dsylimo, mitl short tripe te tI i ty sud lia k> <Jaroudelet or De Soto. A train baud wus boedtoremark mot long age lIaI ho. veuld miot go on a 'long trip vitl car 466 aveu if ho lad a baggage car full of "taIllIsa' teet" te amsmpany him, and a rabbil's foot 15 regarded by railroad men of high or 1ev degres as an simulei or cbarm to yard off ail ivils sud accidents. That th.y ail oarry Ibom je a veil-inowu tact. The attention of au [mon -Mountain official vwu oalled te the cmis. eeuliar actions, sualnde rmot te verkupon Ide superetitacunature, the interroga- tor suggssted aI the ma'.a iles need- id gmsssing. 'Man alive," vas Ithex. élamatory rorm , use, e 5swiming lu. grese nov, &"~loeoreaking, saok- lig and sereehmng noises yen mand I hear ven't dovu. People e"y ah. le taunle& ansd 1 reekon as 15j. SI. vent tbrough enough bloody seenes lu ber lime that I knov of te set ber erazy, and I amn sure îloe noises yen hoar %»e EM natural. Tley are mot made py Wood and irou sud vhat the expert aIls friction. They have hotd fer_ fiction sud grsas.d a&l thejoint,, sud %U tono purpose. The q irit of somo >I ber de"tià&*' tohololg -tasý *qsv bave révenge. There are som-o englues kiaI are 'Urdorunste, and tkeub are, orne mas"batare unfortumate, sud fiao arîbushatimore thsùits share of weldents vhIle ou tle rortd. Bo I lon't Wonder lu th. lesât lIaI lIe gpirts y.ll and gpeau ou Ibisoaenby ]*y sud alpear to mentaieyes il ulght libe ae.lasou amaide Iraci intbe yards kt Caoumondet or De Sote. Braimen, twiohisa, anti othernlutlb.deati of h. sigîl, vhen dnty emiledtin mnear bal ~Sr, have seen spectral figures ;w«Lmng th. braies, p" hngIe bell- efilmmug-lh& door.sudavindove, themiug b. oa, andigetting off and 08 g l santhorbzet teMêfnd' 1h6moaùsy if i tegivemàt~!acon.What ioanbs APmoh veuuel ant i ft of a 0ev voee VOtNG MIdËÏ uafte-nug from the ilfects -of y early evil* habits, the resait of Ignorance or fely lY.*O ftu4 themselveu wesk, nervous, sud orhaustd; aise MItDDLH ÂGE» and dL»I lftx, who are breken dewn from the egectu o! abuse ur over-work, aud iu advanced Jffe feel the eenseqnonces of yoUthful excesu, uend for &ud'B-Unâ» M V. LUbonsB Treatise on Diseas e<ge:n. The book wil be sent sealed toany addeuuon regeïpt ef two S0 ulampu. Âddreiu Or PERRY DAVIS' PAl NuKILLE.R 18 RECOMMENDED BT 'Physicians, ltnisters, .?visionaries, Maànagersé ofPactories, Work-shpps, Plantations, Nurses in HospUtas -in short , verybody everywoere zoho hAu Ïver juiven it a trial. TÂK N INTERN"ALLY MIXED WITE A WINE GLASS 0F HOT MILE AND SUGAR, IT-WILL BE POUND» A VEIR PAILING SUDDEN COLDS, ÇHIXLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE 0F CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN THE STOMACH, Sum- MER AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS, SORE THROAT .&c. APPLIED EXTBRNÂLLY, expERINCE HAS PROVEIi IT TUEMOST EFFECTIVE ANI) BEST LINIMENT ON ARISIIiG FROM SPRAINS, BRUISES, RHEUMA- TISM, NEURALGI, SWELLED FACE, TOOTHACHE, BUTRNS, FROST BITES, &c., &c. 25cts. per Bottle. Mr Bewareof Imitations. -I CAMPBELJJS T'ONIC ELIXIR T11s agreeable yepontrpa- tien is epciall dapted r e relie! ad cure e!thatclm o isorders attendant upon a Iow or reduoed State yPaller, Weaknew an alpitation etthe HeaiT ,Prompt re ma vl follow its use in cases o! Sudden Ex. hanation arising frein 1Logs of Biood, Acute or Chrumic Dîseases, àtrîd iii the weakness that invariably accoîîîpanies the. recovery froua Wasting Fevers. Noe i-emedy wiii give more speedy reief in l)yspepsla or Indigestion, uts action on tbe stomach being tiat of a gewle and harmiesa tnie, exciditutbe organ.o digestion te actio à, s d hue o f~ itumediîte anld permanent relief Thé carminative properties of the différent.- ,aroâtic wh"the lixîr contains- render itusefl in uFlatulent J)yapeio Itlai a valuable remedy for-. louat Dyspepsie, which la apt te occur iià I»neons cf a geuty character. For Impoverished Blood, Loge cf AppetJte, DespoLdency, and in ail case w,çhere an effec-tive andcertain atùnu-, ret i i -dlte Elixir will ha DI 'evers e! a Malar nialTyeandi thes varis evil resalte !ollowing expe. sum to the; colti or wet veather, il vili cobnton o!fCcho&na aliaaanti as Speoifosfor lia. above-naued dusou Mae lwneuo so. (cU9fted) ANN-UAL INCOME, 81,sôÃ"0000 MA EF" n Property sud t)woflig Houses a Speclalty. Very low rates. Esy torms cf payment. Simple pioliis., No VeXIktloui Conditions. Prompt sottement cf losseS withobut discount Be sure you do net ieure unitlyen know our terms suad conditions. Enquire of B. B. B. HAY- WAED, Our Goneral Afent for Sôuth On- tarlo. Office in Whitby-Part of D. Ormis- ton's Law-Office. Âfl letonaddresued. to Lock-Box 78, Whiit>Y P. O., wifl receive Prompt attention. Residence-Ham Cot- IN'SURANC E! RATES, LOW! .AIDJ7STMENTS LIBERAL 1 LOSSES PAmD PROMPTLY! Oompantes among the beet in the world, itich as, The LZVERPOOL, LONDON & GLOBE, T1Z.ILANOASHIRE, The WATERLOO, and The. NORWIOH MUN., MMT1q:Ey"r Local private fiuids in sumo to suit at lowest rates. W. B. PIRINGLE, NOTABY PUBLIC, Whitby. T HE . WESTERN BATNKNTO.OF T HE ,WE-T---------0F CANADA, WHITB Y, - Whitby, Nov. 7th, 188M. THOMAS DOW, - Manager. M9NEY To LOAN! *4o.ooo FOR lINVEBTIRBeNT. ON EiBAIESTÂTE SEOURITY. Ai owost iving rtes of intereut. Money seonred within 10 days of &p- Apply te 8500.#000 TO LOAN. At« 6 per cent. j'earIy._ Teof pa Pirat anhemoUd mortgages bouglit. Ad- vau mDe on second raortgages and to purchasefirmes. No coits iîncurred in* making applications- to me for maoney ; no "~et'a fées; no dolay. Parties psiying highor rates on, mortgages uhouid apply te me at once for icwer rates and ugvo money. Write or eaui immeafely for partionlar. ly2 20 Adelaide Street East, -Toronto. TO AGENTS and 48 lfronit Stroat-But, Toieoto,get Up the Neateat moat, Comùplote andRBeatSeln ffePaokaàg Am a e n4ïd26 CouIc PInali. Pationlas.ment wheu. stampa are enclouedoirzx'èp1y. Dont wrryifYcu arottOfempl yet Wrt e1r owdy, 41 eligb te Hast ToFut6.Sid4stompsfôr re$ly. Geneal HuseDeooac Pape,' fuIni8hed from ic - anid Upwardsi Orders from the couuitry Pron attended te. Bi SOP-T'irst deor mir. G.Y. Smith's law o ce, whitV. Whitby, May l2th, 1887. soription cf all that is wondrfui i y continent of t.he Globe, in the woZRi waters aud the Starry Heavens, con - 4-- thrilling adventnre on land -&adu~ nowned discovories of the werld's ra explorer& in ail age, and rem&rb10 ," nomena in every realin o! naturem bZa cng the s rik lng p « i a ea u e ~ earth, the peculiar -characterigUe. j humna race, QI animais birds, 'sCW t inoludiing a vivid description of the Ati tic, Pacifie and Indian Ocoans, and o t Polar Se"s,-the Monsters Of the Des1 beautifil seashellp aud plants ugI fishes and dwellers in the world c wte remarkable Ocean currents, etc., togeti with the AMAZING PHENOMENA o0FTHi. BOLAR AND BTÀBRB YBE BY Embellished with over 800 flue engravàv Liberal terma le Agents. OXFORD PUBLISHING CO, Cert2flato of Major Harper, E of Whitby. To Wham it May concern. This is teo ertify'tilat having oxarmn repairod and used a groat vazietý cf Soi Machines. I have corne to, the conclud that the White Machine sold by L.,. F bauka in-one o! the -best made, as in-1 opinion itiin a machine that wiil not.e get ont cf order, and wiIl lait muoh loil thon mont machines, as carsbuasbeon lu to prévient wear a much as pousihlç0 cmn honestly reoomnend it te pudte-*rz ng a good. ana listing s0W1Dg machie. purchased one of- the White's cnrne moil ago, and it gives every stisfaction. -1887-' After fivo years use cf the White So Machine -nm* y family I-can fally endu the above certificats, and cen 'fully--eo< mend the machine 'as a furnly ueý machine Mosts losfer reVairsthaaÀ machine I. have- over bail au Sold cheap as the cheapegt,' s1U? bout cf ths er u. Sole Agent for Ibis Dist"i NsZx' DM 0, DeerW Blok oryo Dm rua slrsvb"nz1for amme2ozwins na ghe i t to =y iond. nef ivttiVeà lotaer dlsaes baL *uinob houlyi maio .1 T.Ri»Weidmm., Out i Y f! A M"~~' ST ?u eru v ONTABIO. ly-47 1 Wl Ùtbys Febmuy 16th.9 1WO. 9. 1

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