Whitby Chronicle, 16 Sep 1887, p. 7

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ral Honse 1 andupa ors& from lte eoSwi G. Y. Smliîh's lav oisco 'hitby, May 12th, 188. LW READY-Our nbe k Sesa and Sky; or, fr. ersc"; beiug a full andaa lion ai ail that 1Is vndrfjd ieut of lb.e Iob lu the Ira sud the Starrylieav.n,,,-0 ing adventures. an land , =4 ,ied discoveries ofthlb.vomi'a Mrr inu aeges. sud rta; mi in eveny reaini cf uaI ag the tikng physiosi iaem ,the peeunohar otuA1, Mu race, qi animais, birds, io ,ding a vivid description'cf thi aeffic aud Indàiau Ocenb, a&bd SseuslbtheMousters cf ib tful seeshellhansd plante,-a i4 and dwellers n th. e nd aci -kable )ceasz, urrêet,, etc., the 'ZING PHENOÂEEN4 OP ýýl'y llieIhed with over 300 fine eugp -a ttris luAge. FORD PUBLISHINGî AUN .ST.,-- T0ROS"i icate -cf MajorHae, of Whitby. ý>m it 1ILdy coflCerpt. il ta certify that hsvug exe md sud used a greai va-Ity of 8 -:10. I;have corne tle ou< ,be White Machine. sold by L is anc oft1h. beai inade,&as r.it is a machine that viii Dot tof order, and wiAlI leai niueb-- iosî machines, u a ae bbu ; vent Wear as much as Po" uestlY rei0-ommend iltapaglie bod sud lastîn soelug mebh eêdone oftbeh. i eso»Me di il gives everys&tlstctM MAJOR HA»M -1887-1 -. tive years Use ai the Wbhit. a e inMy ismly 1"can ly à 1ve certifi cale anduden lully m he machine as e tamy U e mts les[or repaire ibu eI have ever had "ybta MAJOR ýhe&p as the cheapeet, 0s- à Sale Agent for"IisDh$I One, Corne ail, for Yourselvi J.3' JOUE~ 1T.80 to, m.L«i Build6,ping),, 14 ~d tu comrac «* I.k SA ivSeehua Who 1101 e cairfatory wu ooprad visitor loft Big t>obldtondby lest, lue"e. 'd Wivwe bysoon expoot te, eelsaer, thb. vatèe ci0f 7~nrailway bau 165 mi ioperat i, 1h. Nothswtà 210, an. WooJunetiow 1 d a luniltle" sud North Western If& he i. &P. . buOmiles undor A~irfeul througl , Mrs. Bond's l,V about ivOlve o'olook Sa&turdeb Wo.The visiter vas in a eondition aiposiîlve oollapsê" and vu not re. ,Wonbl50' at leaet did not nmaïn te ,kthe window. A frieud Of hiese»t.- ,W te bil, Whicb amounted te some- Ibovat $6. Saeh accident as ibis > M iable te Rive oue a pans. - The ibreebrick' blocks icourse of erechion on Miuuîssaga street have been makiiig wonderfut progrees Of lie.O The brick work ou the Tipp Dg block je *Wesy aboie thbe level 6cflthethfrd o>or, sud yulnocdoubt, won 1b.ecmta n t. The Syndicats block i leds u~>n p rapidly. Pace & Maini's i SWe msking fair progroe. By the tune thîmn0w fliee our main street viii b. 105d.nfully improved. The Irandale, Bancroft and Ottawa WW&lY echeme je not dead, mthou*h n@hgbihe u beon hoard cf il in 0Oilliai gnste h meetings hold bore by Mr, Passy. ln the "Rmlay8ttsie bige bock i«ed by th. Dominion. pFrhiment the following facs are muade kaown. There je ne part cf the rpad buil y.t, but there are IfIty miles nger construction ftem Kînmount te Ban- oo. The auiihorizod ebar. capital jes 100.000, cf vhich #55,000 bau beon eubecribed aud $5,500 paid up. The D)ominion Government bas given the roed of $160,000. The total capital cf the road je #215,000. Au effort vil! doubties bo made neit summer ta induce mninicipalilies along tbe road te hslp the enierprize. on Saturday night a fellov Item Waubauaboe ne evht the verse cf iquor boarded the Midland train gein north and in the car started 11alking ,Yery loud ad wering, muech te lhe ennoyancé cf the ladies and paseengers genraily. Conductor Letbbridg.e sme along and told hlm h. muti stop svear- ing and be quiet, aaithbm-marns lime ask- ing hlm for hie ticket, Wbieh the 1.11ev refuçed le show at the same lime seer- img. The endctor very promptly pull.d the bell rope and put hlm off the trai, to the pleseure cf ail tbe, paon-. gerse We are inforuled thatt1h. con- 'duetr bas been iroubled several limes IateIy by jaet eucb cases an&hae'decid- edltripua stop ta it. Thsio is ne more popular canduotor anyvhere on the. G. T. B. tItan Mn. Lethbrldge ; ho èu ase lbomforl cf his passongors et ert and vo aruremho viii have their ,pproval in hise oreade againsI such ohanactors asthe.aboes. On Tueiday afiernoca a loud explos- ion tartld manàyofcaeu citizens. The event eccarred-ibout thr"êoelock aud gaie rime tevafions speotlatins. Some ver. inolined te b oiniu hai 1h. powdeor supply ef oee oe hardwae *toree h - -u-ceodd hian2 tiompia- The Markbm 111gb *olbas r.. opened vlth mautenauOf toty4v." pupils, but Ibis uutaber wlIl1e Incisas- id eensriderlbb, dnrlng the asoit Io veoka.J MùliuNeebone viîelsping octhe readeide, near Btuan«vlieva bbed of #41 in oabâ" re paw frs.1pats, tt.ootlo n âshirt 1v.oo bsirts, ooraiefsôàksand o» * V""4 -o0 :ebeocoHoet" est bathmo.me b %Ien upon a tw.nty dn"11111 111.1 va# taIken, sma Offpgu$164) rwswê for, i*uIeaiio tatvin lbai ta 1w#àçl*bo liou cf l.the y~~h,~b>v and *éI4om1~r4dj~oli Sud ~ ~ o Aapo~~e ~4k of nswi, elhogb no o! natue tMh., voks4 m-suooo.f ini àlrkbsph 0 * *5O On Roue" f~room ts~si1 c ofb cf dgh irenndgclue lamier ,if topitoè1i -for4h qwwlsnsd à oûm lan. Ti.lattr itmdately loc preeeelngthe n4 iie»auleo for: mu1oiofsl UjUrpte .prdperty. 4flr healngIh evdese.submiltted by both Parie« sud -- conmlîiug nmr auhloniis Mr. Wùagfild deeided te -ofube Ih c., givîng as hig resen laI lee i cs hèewuva squestion - itivolvede vbiob plaoedi beoni ""a.dscn oampienship match e t drauglta belen Fleming sud Kelly oommnenod Thursday eltersebn. Mr. Go4vln, cf TOrO'ol, sotsi as ;Sýre and. gave ,unqualifisaatifOon thicugiecut the. match, Mi. K$117 vas alteudod ibroughant by Mr. lober, vile, until Monday, Mt. fl.wing vas vithout a coaoh0. Tfr r.dý6aeitinge ne- tulled ln drave, b *j Friday Kelly won gatne. This advantago vasbut, t i- pcrany as Flemzing vwon -the.veny pexi gai..-Sa ,waybýxt o. iti oiv gain e eoplayed, buhdrv )nO Monday Mr. H. Z. Wright arrived to ooach Fleming, and drava bu=*me al- moet à uhing ai the pust. In th. aller. noos eitting Fleming von tvo out of, lb. threé gaines played, andithe othor vas a drav. In th.eî.neing Mr. Kelly foundl a nov oponùcig for the fin gains and plemnâg von. H. thes played oidgle oorser aud *gan Fleming von, suà the. hirdmasud et gaineof th. ail. ting sud match ho opened vilhbhis strengest gans, Pie, sud lest tual. Thîs Fleming von fOveo~ut, of thesix gaines played Monday. Mr. Kelly, after playing vs. ftnish.d for the. day, heud a consultation vii is da-,oaeer,. sud d.ocidd te .ign tb. match. This h. did uhrougb Mr.- God'viu, th. refee. The. score thus Mands : Fleming, -6 ; Kelly, i ; dravu- 14, leaviug 9 gaines set played. Mr. A. Dixon t. ln posession of somo sasiplea aI Life vheat, cals sud barley, grovu ou lhe faxip cf the Dires brothers, ai Maple C"eo, N. W. T. 600 miles vest of Winnipeg. The samples shovn u areaay ahesd ef anything grevw itis secton of ithe country. A lad named Rolland bai a couple of tees mmed iu lb. Central Ires sud' Bridge Works on Tueiday by s beavy bar of ires lahing on bis foot. Tho race for the betel-keopers' purs. cf $200, te tae.plmace thle Central Exhibition lasopen le botb trotters and pace..Tii.purs. us divided*inie 8100 for lie"fitot prize.,8$60 for. second, and 840 for third. Entries mueI b. maie vith lb. sserelary by Ocieber let.. Au outrance fée of ton par cent. viilbe Fuidy monlugKayr Stevenson r. ooivedsa omnmuiitlou rinmPort Hope stating that tho authortiie of tbat place bai docidod le drop lb. negelia. liens for the removal Oof the ,Poerboro Look Works te Port Hope. Cons.- qounly lb.Look Worku vilramais wbore tb.y ea#whebre lis y sbeuld be-a floutisbing aud liv, establishment in a flouriabing aud lire town. Mr. Gao. E. Hondonson, , bas Iound, laye ths Belleville Iniailsgnoer, a brovu obra deposil on .prop.rty ovnod by him in Elsorir, Hastisgs ceuni>'. Te property in queslion is the w. j cf lot 12, in lie M9h coes- sion of tbe township. Prof. Bell ei. amiued lie sample and pronouenosit of good qualty.1Mr. UHoners eon- iea-rng to' Moertain -lb.he qusntiy. The. minéral le Worth about *80 perles. Mr.- Kurro in lemaklug thoexm ho large atook of Scotch, Ei~ ami cotain uoihing9 injurions toithe r1nost delioate, madilîtion. -Beàernber Ate ask, for theQuinine ihie,prepand' by North- eo«to-uô,vsud are -os. you viii b.e satlnfe teu hsyou bhave funi Moonllghiers on Sun day nlght murdined one ppI»ceman and fatally wounded anoiher in Oounty OMare. Mrm J. M. Phaleu,'»ot Sydney Mines, I. B., had chronie rheumatiem, -for tva year, u»W$n rlif aelle .tried BDY4OCk tir.Two bottles cured her. "I vas like a okeleton,-" sys eheî, «before usig B. B. B., àov ,t4ankqto the disoo erY of such a valuable remedy 1 arn entieV restored to healtb." The town of Waterloo is ta have a free library. Mir*. Mary Thompaon, of Toronto, wua affioted with Tae Wormfi. 8 feet cf whiok 'oat remev.dbij eaboitie of Dr. Low'ae Worm Syru&p. Typhoid fever in raging ai Orangeville. A TRuiTY F=rzD-Perry. Davis' P".n Killer. Safe ta keep to use in svery bouse- hold. There ie a row in the Salvation Army i Brantford. IN HABITUAL CONSTIPATION, Campbell' Cathartîo Compound is need with great OUccees.. The King of Rolland is reportedl as dy- lng. Prof. Loto'a Magio 8uýphur 8oap it highly reommended foir au humera and akin ,diaeaee. Gon. Bedvers Buller bas resigned his postin lireland. Frcemnan* Worm Powderar are aqree- able to talc., and eapol aU kinda of uwrmafrom children or adults. Thon iin a, gestrike aniong the naù mùkers linBngland.* Choierm morbus, crampe and kindred complainte annually make theirappearance ai lb.&mre ie as ihe hot veaiher green fruit, cucumbers, melons, etc., and many persons are debaxred from eaiing these tomptingK fruits, but tLey need not abetaiu if they have Dr. J. D. Keogg's Dyueniory Cordial, and teke a 1ev drope in Wter. It cures lb. crampe aud eholera in a rsmark- ali mannerm.d le une to choek overy disturbanceof t he bevela. A Biood Indi au wuas bat on 8 anday by a white setiler noar MdacLod,. C. Â. Livingstone, PlaitevlleOui., laye : I have much piesserinureommeud- Wn DLThomas' Ste0e14l, ram baving u ,dryci, m having sold il for somo time. lu my own case Ilwillzay for it ibai il in the besi preparation I have aer lnied for rieumatia. The Swisa Geverumeni vanta to stop th, Mormau propaganda in Switaerland. Thon. Sabin, of Eullngto,eas: #II have remeved tan corna fram my feet wilh Hollovay's corn Cur." B«er, go thou anà do ikewise. Feurteon met baloýnglnglig to a Nova Scotiasc hooner vers Ion in a etarm on the Grand Banks NO ma" nesdI fsar choiera ayenmr 'Ilogwa Dy"entory ril frue ht corrects aiu oosnes DM eboofl promptly and causs aàebyuduar action. This in a ,oicn adaptod forth. Young sud oId, rloh "a d Peer sd lefap- lY boming the most Poïa médwe tufo .The alteadanco ai the Industel Hbibi- tien Monday vas neur1y 60,0w0.> NATIONAL PILB-are a mîld purative, acting one the *omad. LÀver and Bowoel. reuaotmugail eh. r1>! Â Special ino EÂAVY WBE-DS-from 50 to 75 OOflt per yard, suitable for usies uts or EBoys' wear, A'FtJLýL 'STOCK0F GROO IS A&YBON HE&ND. Hiighest market price paid for Butter dEg. BROOKLINq ONT. C'ottago#e Or Castie, -AT- PR/CES WHICH WILL ASTON1Si YOU#S CALL ON Wme HA1LT, BROOKLIN. ,Blaek' 'Orstedo 91 EI~ Funera1s Fully Supplied.t Mdidway between 'Brooklin and Columbus, on the. We are now prepared to make alIdnds of Wooilen Goods, such as Tweeds, -Fuil Cloth, Union- Flanuels,' Sheeting, Shitinga, Ai -wool, bed Blanketse Hrs Blaukets, and Yariis. iail varietiés and. al kinda-of, Kxdittedl Goods kept ini stock for' theý accommodation of patrons, Dyeinag iail colora done to oider., -É~es ricepaid ýfor axiy quanta-ty of Wocil. Ai eders prmty Ud W~De BO WERMA N AReAD£3, TOROQ A B340l horU«ghly Eq4Iped fer BOOK-KEEPINGY ýB&NEsM8 ABI HiTIQ 0 8ËOBTHÂANDAND TYPLàIWBRLTINà,Pl FIN EST ROQMS 1HNI Beni for Qiroular. M4[ns, I, < lsais uic. ln sud l A Moset Cat se hvo Hs M>Y u otenmaloeed ind uce bef. rs.. u. vbo* i 'y. I~Tkss Lecture ihoiwaied and;thou -]-?ttoC ..S.ONl * N. - from.., , =ým ý -l"i

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