Whitby Chronicle, 23 Sep 1887, p. 8

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Tas PIGRMG EDITOR T-AEsa A.- NIP7 OP? ITS BRAC- ING (?) AIR. >EAuoEERID-àAAA»ONM»HM N AràGrRAV-LS DRIK I S uraO mmE 500T AT-PM EirOneESTA» A HIOR OL» XMI-A OOMBTY FLOW- ING WITE ME A» HONY-TuA La Li" Tbree kuilesefrom South Falls in Brcbridge, the Capital of Muskoka, bls aloug th. rapide of a river. The bovuisaon a aide*s0estéop tbaît th grouud floor of' oue boue ie s il- . va ys s blgbas lb.eoaveuof the nexi building below. Once Bracbridge val agmt place sud money flowed in)o il from &U directione, but Ibat vas beLo lbe pine vas ail goes. Tbe sanda of âges are nov beginuing to blow domn japon Il, sud soon ilvili ouly live ln hiclury like Carthage. Pont old Las see o uhavesa feilou éeling for the tovu. IessaWv-Ihat ila doocu vas seled sud heo fet that hbe owu lime vas net fat distant. &AU &loug PYmler bolbeen mol o: ydrink. lug his heuth luasubstuWa=>s te bu ici bo-biw vblekey haa'abrasro la b fl eas.ue4-by igsri -But nw votas. lu th* iaorng be.mw almosé bsd tlu 1.11bhnm up, Euchof us Made out s diagnosis ofhbis ss. the maoty ULooing gauntsbis coni- Plaint. Hlovever va got Up over the bull sud sood of nortb sixteon deogoes tweuty mine seconda osat, Sud LaU va so imamhnie bad to drink hie bealtb àlmost evsry bal-mile. I write from memnory, aud I tbink il vua s hw miles norlb oh Bracebrîutge we as, the moat luuching sight tlu h. found in that desoiste region. Soins settier b.d cleared a piece cd land h.. aide the rosd wbich land vas quit. levol for about twenty roda back sud then à frowming rock stood up lu bar bis pro- presa. On tbis uarrow slrip of baudt he buill a bouse sud tried le live. But famine drove him away. Theon only_ remaipa now lu the small narrov elearing a littIe lonely-Iooking tomb- alune -whioh keepe ils quiet vatoli ovor the grave of a litle cld. The poor litle inhabitant oh that grave vas Lerhape bora in a better ountry sud se.d bora taken to, Muikoka in ils bloom of b.sllb, sud ils parents bad pethapa gone there vitb means. but it <ied sud ils parents vere too poor to do more for il than pl»oace s ttle inarbie slab ai ils bsad to hold vigil until the greal -trumpet .ounkl shal vake Up the litt1e cberub on the moru- ng oh lb. last greal day. When tbe parents abandoned tbeir barren houa. 1hey7wv-re opoor t1hobd 10 lesve their dead bebiud lu a sen!.il region. We sI thIe sadnuo f seelug the little grave away thera, vltb no one to veep ovsur 11, and, strauge s il my seeni lu, sme bo lbock upon nuseasbard hesrlod, there vas not ow oàfe vhoe oye. dîd not il wilh t Aas- nd vo Ventoin. Wevwonegoing onslovly day aller, dey, boaring tovarde ttàe north»ebut nkol a trameof pin. foret coubd Vs ose.. Au odd Ire. could be estanbore sud there but Ibis vas nothing but enlIe. W. begalu ofear tbat rzybig scbsme vbl. are u caried on with Outsro's tonalwa wll ihave lob. oheap unes or hma smigbîy deficil. 1cuWt speud suy fuithe t6o or epic. *wiing shoul Muekokai. Thons are tome spots sround sud amouç ils lakei Ibat look wild, sud 1suppôseat la posai. bIs for an cver-vorked business mail lu îhrow 'ff Itheyoke sud -idie svsy s lev daye Ibere euijoyably, but Juet show me the spot vhere a pormaoon' maïe ie pbeasant for s lime vitb Pbsnty oh money topsy t. heaol sud uothing lu do but lah arouud. "Give the couulry a good name 1" mad .everybody. I ami beartilysoiy1 cangt. W. put in a f.làlersly goi% &mo, unkmmtnv old ave ibooü& of rPaniÉ,lke Wîeo0 Ilh. hsifefled fImm sut aep bm*M. hWg Mud lear sud feue. 4 e.F~OI tbis tesson il la almoslte 400oon 1 udstI h@. ISourceof Pl on District. W. sludled a gool deal 51 ,Edsah to maks onthow 1he 1hra. large h 0leli culd lv. sd th, only appareni seheme w. could Imagine vas bytaklug aul that 81ew &round 1h.m. But Iuey. em.d t10bc ploutiful sud tfiey 1 poi boy lu clin.h bold of suy tha" is golug. AUl Iravoen rsare osiled, touriste thorae sud if one vanta W b. dtlveu auj distance th. pris a&bout #1 a tmile. They dou't kuow whea lhey pull yo0W log bard enougb. Tbey never expe toee.youa*gain and tbey douit osr. Pour iles beyond Emadale, aftsi drivlng thiougb the maguificeut forse aud puti uic. faim places we struei Katrlue s litie, villsge basude -à pretty UtIle lake aptly oaIlsd Lake Rasins1 sud had a fine yacht .noioed a&11111e vay from abois on its waters. High up ah.,, Its vaters ou 1h. aide of a cMif is a pretty 11111. otîtage iuhsbltsd by a maldu s ldof.1 .cely mildie use em6 l h. vWorth 8$000 yer, *bo ,&r sop leoos 8abao un bas hosa Pe p .h he "desp -eorrov tl bear end os. whleb Ibis éeansnotremfove and bas found balm fot a wouuded bout in that romautic solitude. May. hep some heueewreteh won -ber ganlsh affecîloul yeare ago sud thon jilt.d ber, or psibly oth. fui fitation bad left a feli,ng which vas not, recproosted sud vbieh etuug ber hear toludoatb vithout the objeot of ber love bain« able to aither know about boy matteras tood or how lu help theux. Lot ber complaint h. wbst il may oh, în kind sud is mach reepeoed by th. settiers W. vent afar seBurk's Falls on lh. Msguctawau sud fouud Ibal place a Progressive uew country lova with tbres large ho"el. Splendid large steamers sud sleam yachts rcn to sud tro ou the Magnetavan belen Burk's Falls sud 1he Parr Sound. -À number of peopls from Ontarioocouuly reaide there. W. found that Burk's show bad been at Burk's Falls-the ame ex. aclly that exhibited bere. But thora *as a difierence lin two respects, sud in 1both these respects il vas & raseally ciiest. Bnrk advertised aIl kindse o circus ring performances sud in ou. place I noticed a picturs of a goal rid. iug a borse and jumping tbrough boops beld op by clowns. The other cheat vas in obarging fifty cents. Il beats ail that Ibese Ameriesu robbeiu wlth' shows of tbe most fraudaIent deserip- tion are allowed, lu go fromn ou and of tbis couutry to, the other snd rob the people of their woney. I abal nov "a sfew vorda about th. cofntry geuezUanl d close. There are net a bali-dosen good famiml Muikoka lu my kuowledge. But lb. part cf Parry Sound ww neusrikes Me seM à milg glclural dietriet. &U thelàistaken up lu about lhui'e buudrod acre fims, sud good erope grow every amr. Bt lbhe. firt elotes are moslly &ai« anilo seil ont, se alwaye tbe ess. A mam vitb 85,000or 810,000 culd go in there nov and moaehim»eliricb in a fév years. Alrcady il hau almal eeaaed to look lik. a new country sud large cloor- iuge loon op everywbere. The soil ! a. .3--1--__.2 Lomsodep ude, .ht1-e flhstrees for RouI Tva short actepassaed y lb. ontmailo sseellu mon are oresligagrt d f dmsionsud speulationstlb ~eot ime. These ar the stuaptn for rent sudana ot piovlu crmtof ocitelu goodu fo himselmure on Rechtiu. u s t h.eomuplemt cf b. other, md i ibcome le ooralion on Au itober h mge kl "u aboudiyfPte goatso thegode o loders rab* elm eIThéo Two hous in good. loaiy 3r. I. pbilp. bauled, ecrupd sudebn Nuw stok of houe.bl.uh.ë el Mto baud .eaop,. . .PhIlp!. The BoylHo Iftel Bsrbetshbp JO the place to get ahalr-cut or a.eas" No* le ths lime lu buy -s, qglehau cabep foi th. noit lbirby d"sAty . -I b. Mts~, H.Piper, uamitheb.-fait groundgi,»-neve ladies suglleman slrsw or futr bats. Use Pr. Domreneudtis Grat eermèa Bai, M.glc for beidmes psy44Xâlel t ealeby .11 drugW4sb4 optca" diseount o gI h-mo fSr thé -nomihlrty dy~o~~o day negI t"«bah by the incnocartin theevsag Tuu Ssctetsry Of the C0nadie foot. desirou oh joiulug that -body, muet do so rigbt svsy orbe letioba. Ifmore club. dou't go lu for -neutyparthbe Association il! h. slbovod lu coilapse. Ma& W. H. Piaba hmove»d te Byzon street, oppoaits 1h. dnibished, wbere ah. i. prspared,'t. do ladiesi' strav or felt hbasn lu Ibe [latel stylos. 8h. bas a"s on baud a good stoo trimmed bate sud trimig'for saie. Al caisolicited. Ma. Tacs. Gnommu, lot Xo, 10, rs of the 7&ha concession, Plckurlg, bas oallsd s sale oh bis fari Ipiemet etc. for Mouday. Oct. 101h. -As beoià givlng up fsumaug sud g othelb other aide everything viwW . slW mth. ont reserve. 12 mouthsa redit. on fan over $10. Bale aI 12, .odouk. Thos. Poucer, Anelioneer. .1Sm The Port Perry Oburset aes *_ One oh the Grand Jury,&t Wby, lest week, vbose residenoë e. l muoh leus than s buudr.d miles IthIe thnlivi llgeu"ohfOunlugton. semed te supposa IbsI b. vuas iOcor of caemouis sud I*&tg vile bseing 'm esasity of jurym,i s »bispuive. ege 10 imparti mfoffloa sud instruc- tio aeu o t h.emoartl offiiasBut vb e 1h mJur ucae -l oka beir officia inspecton 0o he. aW "i ei. ing individus! odout o me l a a grsudoppottunity ludls là isW. teilual abialise oea osmmoucd vbat no dout- would- b ea inore Ieo a'ter ,Iboa # p vbom ho vas add»ug ue 1 ableof ohappreclstln te o»@ eloqueno s bo we»nu-ig This was moreth=n tushr »M oeuld stand, sud lb.modem 1) thene.bolted out ohf . imWlïag ighi. admluibg -folbo jiu7ya igilalauqbt.r. Bewwb o f the, meoile ep jou tIhe kr aly a!gOO& MIDlL whoeb 1h. aticle Mao, p In~ lme of menit. -Dr. Balhs we.G Worm BomMed su eac -id ier th sOt;- stoniaol sd m t tek., a ueerala, s" 'cy bwl requite ne lu rpblu. bld The london Daib -Nom*tiaaa vaisipooh of lùeIaqvlfflbeba Neglota Cods1pýAialnpthe ehesl aildu, ssf-b.Lne Alln' Lug~ssi. Tho prooà- blgaalopillsrsê I COzegn.....Wen y,<' Sth. Toroto.....hurusyOct. $th. *Vancoouver ... . sda 12h. VsueoverErom Qucbec. Vove r n......Thlrxday, " 201»h. Toronto........... ..........ri ...t.............. ......... ......ve . Tburday, Oct 201. Bristol Service for Avoumoulb Dock. &,or rPÂssÂo.--cabin, $60 10 880 aocordin lu steamer and berth. Second cbnMSteerage aI bovest rates. Passenger. cm cmbark st Montreal il lbey go dles". *These stemers have Saloons, Sttte. Zoms, Muuo-room, Smoking-room, and Bath-ioome amdahipe, where but littie motion la feltand are hmdsonielyfurnished sud carr neithez Cattle nor Sheep. DAVID- TOBRANOE & 0O., Or lo [87. General Agents, Monliesi. Teleffaph Office,' Local Agent, Whitby- FALL f87,1 MILLINERY OPENING, September 26t]4 27th. On above dates- we shall show ail Pa. l.adig styleis in trimmed Bonnets and "&te. Our fancy Feathers in Birds Wings and Ostrloh Mountsare» very choice. <Ail are invited." E. CROISBY. Dundae St., opposite Bay's hotel L~ -I aC- c )OJD F..R,Ml TO 4pRENgT. 100 acre, Lot 84, in the M1 Concession of the Towushipof Whitby. Gkood barn sud tables, brick dwelling and watered by ra"ung sprmg creek. The faim hba- bee wenh»ded s in lu rutOlau eder. For flrpk ouu &W ppy -liai Espp.l. 1h, 1lm, i gv Domp, BiliU ~' Inp"u R ES ver daint%, mmmOO% lm Blood, Oomplaffnt, Tue reatRegîuIator "For' yera opus 1 bave sufferel frop d ffl pea i as rmrerommeanhd ta luy Du. - - 3. CUTIToroito, Ont. De. KODDEWS A»OGH N UNGý MAS 87 New Goods are ooming to hand. and big prepuytj018 A GLGANTIC IYALL TIRAD)M We are preparing to gi've our oustomers someO0f t4 i Unes of Goode in the markets-in our new stock, 4~ styles and low prices. We have taken particol pains in purohasing and can show the best styles and uines of Toronto and Montreal, goods. We have now to hand. New Dress Gonds, Silks,'Velvets,- veteens and plushes, as well'a buttons, braids, twists, silks, etc., to match. New Mantle and Ulster Cloths. Colors, Shades, Waights, and Pricci Tailor-made Mantles and Jaci to order. New Wools, Yarns, etc. Flannels, IBIanki BIG LINE 0F NEW"TýWEED3, Nobby patterns, worsted and OV(. coating. New hats, caps and gents,' Furnishings Goods. #lm, Our Millinery- Opening, shOW4 New Paris, and New -York Faskion in Haig and Bonnets, Bib bons, Fow'ý6 and Feathers and Trimminys, will be SATURDAY, MONDAY &_ TUESOA 24, 26, 27 inst., and following days. We toill be pleased to show yous otr Show Rooma. POWEL CO. -fMORJEJ - PROHIBI TIONx Moabt by thé ye :in not later tha oït anylntended. boef oue Tuesds msnts receiveal 1 usiness notm 11v. cents peu polie weekY cdthe O0 utyc 6Sorendciiti suput-l" vlng, -court Hoi PRIa: GOOD MAKEDDO.WN,« TrO SELL fOT TO 'KEI DATI The undersigned bege b call!-the ettention o! bis n'umerous patri bis stock is now complote for -the. Fal Traeeaud that prices* hai Iept to the loveat -possible margin, for.a cashbusiness., Firet-lam Bupi, v.-ine Sbck.of Bta.tioneryi -{Note Pipe)r from 5e. p«eu 0ovltie; Baby Carrnages, aud--Wl Pa? ers, (heavy liàouxat So closeou',the season, paper frorn 5e. a r oi! up.) 40e. iSheelMusie haif-dimeMusie--for 80. -lu Bazar Patterns, (over 2,000 lin stock.) ion Sheets sundtCatalogues gratis, torne ud gel one. -PanqGog W 4;â c.SX'Our.Mis J1ypl ib. pleased lor show 1h. lN stock.' WR SOlIGITAÂ8OÂLL.ç ÂAny paper,-Magazne, or--BÃ"ok, in the world aeeured prompt Perodcas I iepulihes-closesi prices, pay .able - uiClly lmadi wees ntic fr rnevlso! ngluiPeriodicalw -and 2 weks forMu man b155 O1 Have you a Pain Anywhere about you? 1MEFERRY DAVIS "IPIAINKILL EtR" sud Gel ntant BRef BE9WAIRE or IMITATIONS. 26 Cts. Per Boule. mi MMMi m --..JL 1 1 Il

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