FI-. .1 wa~s~ Petorot n if Q m7 -tt,ý <>1Iliir puaaeb a.-ami ter mrabi& e a dkmofetaboutbWhait m i nt a thé uu»y tiuk awile- el nt vire UMud by- a Irmu in. b2r.' ?.arn 1a mie thég lii.*aay Oompany tor $50 etthn lii ruothir U.ok *snot Ousatnrday morning lutI at S o'lo«k Mi S3toufvill. a brakîmaun nsnped Lon m d , olv Vasputing a lina a-n. a mvou-. "ie train vus i motion Whou io wus osugit b>' thie bea and throwu agaizmlon. of the rail, resu. lig maionnjies. fes vas h4la an naiu iposition for quit. a lime bile. nÃŽ,ÃÃŽod. It i. doubtini l le will b. able te rosume vork- before apuing. -ne îiojrm mu tYork, and ha. &W.4 mtOiAirnulà Goodvood. Mr. IMeGilhiry vanta lo bs alarmer Md wult lbfemen. sand, but lis 8nde il a fitdo ixpouuim ThTi Tabs- bui osneful ta hep us pr»lýy eli Poeten hibisfamiag movsi dufing the. IHW IMOb &10ub . JCO hovever, madeé rnemi »b> another ami l la possible liat by nexi 0"0lsotiowth botter luok snd a "ard luoram, he m.>' b.abe.-to rival ils friord Mteras@4aa torcngh.brs furmer or a faumer et thboroughbreds. i Thoro ooorrei hbre on Moaday alteoon san asoidemi ual might have remultd in athe d"atof is. Go. Sharp's yonunor on, a brl«bt litt. lad Of 4auMMMOM IlH vaaaviag * ride on a bai ot oate viti hlm sîdîr breir, George, vhém h. oit Uoff viti one. of the. baga betvosu lh. front »mai ni i..l, ti. ate mîasi ovon h"m obly hemis aide te bls shoulder, brosklng, 8 ib. ami hiesellai bone. The. ba et oats rne doube iaved his 1fai 4h.ovas lylug oies. baside il aidlthé iesi Ii pas.d ever il, Ilim leiseaing lth. uigt on thiesnnoby boy. The liWte suffi rooivi prompt medjIem lo Mdi hepés,4arenietecinod. et is r.. cove ,althougi hie laterul iJufie piay bemoresros harmvus mI &t iuppoeied. The riba ver. ptremaSi Wa"m th. lou mcu"ibbedirag but aller, iii. Ont day ho vas bitter md howei ai fsetimproiement. Thon. ver 19baheléle f eu(SM04 bm.) on th. vagon-v.gîe n ougi t»ornlma greva pèeson. On Prida>' lutai t v*-yer-old io tMr. R. J. sarooi, ville croint amm mstrost near li. t"Oir&saors, vasknokd dovm 8. mover liya hec.. adibugg. ES a. mploisi up b>' Mir. Wm. Mlntyrein la muuneo». soou odllom Md oouviy.w e hl home, but on, examlna t lv.foýau lha*Otiam vomie, lia svon.bros. euiaed m em llo varWU* 0» of.1the vieilà hai ru*. The. driver ph iii vehiiafmtwr "m"s ng ove le cili viippod up hie hors. mai irve a"> as tat aspossible. tir. Karvood venl On Tburday lait viii. Mr. T. Beatty v" *«Wl fi a sh4 lgon lihelur etftUr. Tii.. Gbbo, 141h Oonoesslofe Brokli the duj parut bis riait mim bov tbomÃŽvai. à ont 1»oii galngeolmaiuia..AsBeatywulim tie uit ilghtmelnqIL. Feeling f*a *iMoatvawugit hsbjerki lis ârm *wa>', sud vaUked o«m»e immtano ot idiesveni fiis amm b e eu%,»mree0#tble d.1 m th#limain aTpqbe bar oua Tu aam p taable, e4 istom a Mn et h vie ohho b >' 1 e." à l e1 fa0 0 .1 i c. il ia m(d lu mompul oe01>', ùdeNà quarto'oeta ïmilion beMani. 'URevas Yeoi it 5 osa bol a m d p p M ep m l. e a u e n si m o n soredun l bdva i lute nt. odthe eh"r.h-aLnd Xqoleir-WQsgaà r ,i lits idslonlisliý<ogi gr îa ht vill be re mom1est'idthat amai aaWgti0Wt *w suppous.d eave mauon. ve.r i*8W and bien domdb' olson e 'a11 tvo steamersinla lbiiboy durig lithex. '" B hibifloni, Il nov ftrm ouiht 1",-h, manoeii » vasnamed Thom" as Cape rmDurham, Gry Play.utr ' il tii sn..U H ile body v as dro gg d oi a m r co e . - agi, auf hetl g lu a et id Mn -Prida>'ladt, idvas d.ntlfied* by l~ i e,. b W yîa B. l i sM . R é ev es, th e v em a n h o r etin , ui era t à r u m a ti ' m è d e- l aV o r id s e e u - a h e r e4Z &r 1 tempi#0 »ommii suicides, vasup on eswhhout vu ropomand r eutmblyerday.8b' * ~*~.W bad -at. slw=1à a hag~j ~duà #Igoi~mua tenmod t»#WGr six mnthi fob..ý 1mw drunk, ai!te ýsix menthe in thé, Iferser for attampting niolde, lie termea t. ron:ceourr.ntly. LWstlune *boeut 95 poer oeu f te 700 retail grooerml in.h* eltyagnoed "i to »I meRmrehan ielre PoMd4 et gmaulated sugar for a dollar. Tis a«reemeniit le ndemtoda biené Riviem Renmaistlmtmcon. but la ýQ-W leo dîminle @vorklgt te oombxna.e uc r ul'a meeting ofgroosIs vas ratier Iuriedly 0.11.8 for £ r. un. yei- terdai t Pharm«oEHall. Adélaïde slimat. Ti. chair vas ooouffl dby Mn. Mille etfRing atreot eet, tPreeldeit the BostalGroomr' Asoeiloo. Ast, however, ply about tiosoifbleid putil n »appearane lhi meting vea ioured ouil ntr Tu*eday at 4 P.. m sti samune pi. Tiere la a oonmlnt villagecnp sunie men hem inamarun Beaver. tonukleda#à bear in Graat'a b"ah a couple etfveekamo. l .A. omn, V. scitWoodvlllo, hau movsi héeo"ainiipraitiebis Pro. feemion n atutur. Tii. Balvalion Avmy lofttlie plai e, b# bubaie ebaek te /niake lia Edgar, tie e.4 EXpress 6~ 6 xpre. 16'&< 1- 2--pe s (doue'Dot *Oo et FÂRK FOR ISA. eOmptala Wm1ke, doune isd..lioh ie vite bairouted bls hou» a. reîun.d t» is a voction ontle. l.& The ouI>' exumenla ourvilg laIe>'bai beau-veidéingej. ounleth* * i. tMr. Alex. L"asIl mai Ms Bu Gveg vre miion. u omd bra hle toc aMi oS tie 14th four Mmre soples vramaie happy ami.ala vent tt h.eInadestia. , Lait atudoe eveuigthelieDvisIon Ofeon Sof etTempeuao. m$Aaroia lireugh ltheroutine of busnesOpe-e4 lin, alnIe ~publie t» im nprompin e0mo«t,, Tiihale a »oou 0114mMd a goiPregrmm» preparedi, lW.vbia -tie Ummbera Mdi à È. T. I.Oragbumbeau ue>'liej C4 *enetNuiok78a uu1* vas t O trou Bmebaer lnS mildoaml u lis nov -lie lanrmlie"troube ut gelug mu> em s es b>'tblome tiat b. emnn. i' perum. e<>letiV"tilr£our iVin the drus sar..foi K «n of thes other mû yoit canait flm equalteit. TrylI mai um At o osaI.. choieraon beau arlyi ain tro Thuruda>'nigil. To &ilU i o » sru g p m oam', be4Wof in" F18 0FCUIGE.Th.e v a iw m oovri b -a iuloeaa Âmeorlomb. Sna usl-midreu loe RBe. JosaraT.'Iuuw New, York OilV. W hltby. OSne & 47 am n . - 8 . (deonotu#tm à 4.5 Um P-- M&»P.m. IL T s Oo &ua O euPA" , 77M urrayS retN. Y. TREASURER'S8 SALE 0F LAND8 FOR, TAXÈ&i T>y~lrt~eofa W arrant und r ho hanmd ofthe W arden and the Su ia of et l . C r rio ~ .1 et b, Ounty t Outarlo, dtd thê PIUi hDaLy Of Reptembr, 1887, cemmanding me t êyuPn the lands rmntoned in the feflowing lstlor amrars of taxes theroonand act, orein sot foerth I hereby give noic that unleua such raan and codi.are ' .o n~pid, uh~ l omiano. wit l e h.a o"w smnlt ,p èq dtesiby P L 'pte0âlandi, or se MI"uohhee6f ama'y b. issârfor the taies, at the ~~~ O teu ein1.Tbwn -ef WHmITBY, on W~13DNB ÂY, eFo'uRTBBINMday of - D E M ~ a , i ., 18 7,~ a 1 h. e b r o T E oolok in th e feor e o o n . Part. lC 1 N. B. quarter 7 N. B. quarter 7 Wemt all Amn pGol m il. ~ ~ ~ 9 87n 2ce e17es omsn 9 80 627 224 TOWNSHIP 0FPBOOG. Toual Patenled or Amount lJnpaisniea. 6 04 Paienisi 7 51 Patented Patente Patonted Patented Patented Patented Patenlod 87 12694 TOWNSHIP 0F SCOTT. 35 2 17 296 2 18 5614 Patented Patented Patentsi Pmtntjil Paienisi upmatei Patentai UPatenied paientei Unalaented P nmtontedl Qnpatoated * oe Tjlas.Ontglo auce cf New-y<>k. Âebmnulatod rMse fun (m DOati ollimg paid d iig leu4 14.6w business, ist 8 raos., 1885,. Tweqpty-fe percn.0of ail Ume eaitedwilh the Central "Xm paMY Of New York, as trust~es 01s LIfe Insurance at less tia eh&Ùl.L~ 'Ordlnaiy rates, sud security eec 10 aasesuments mmd. ini1881, 04 and 1884,, and in noeuae 'can îhoy b. frqqutbnî than eo'very alternats month. Anua Opensos of manag.MM4 #ii.dt 2 per 8,000. gm~ Au- active agent wanled in every presonted locality, teonxa1ea misision will -be 'ailow.,d. App solicited an& fuit particulars uns tii undersigned. Iý H. GORWOND Agent fer the' oeuity of Ontaio> Port Perry, O)nt. MONEY TOI LOAN' O n B e l B i t I M e r g ae a L w .t ýPprai» forteeu oi. n sO CoadaetýfitWatePOST ApprisErfor e anmd -lon andBîri Oc.mnaetfr pie Westrn su l.v1 undor carpets, o., 26 cents Par hundro4. Applyleo If- TRIS OFRIOB. Unapproaed for Ton. sMd Qai CATALu.OUES REL LIVERY -and SALE STABLES,. DUINDAS-ST.,wIT By. CRIAWFORTH &DEVERELLI ComercalTravelken liberay doit JAX PiOUES MNS?1LN. epiteme et bummu ru boy muet'bu Wla Day Omo4a<' 86 NSI 7P 28ICK2ER2ING. 1 8 27 2 F1PC 8EING FMULr«tublock B ltNo. 2 PautSB. -28 B: F. vater loi NO. s w eà N. B.51 4 Part déioeb at 1 Broken partssenti hait 19 Paut nerli hait ai Part nortiha it S Purt roth hait si Norh hait 14 Part non hal9 Seuth haif 22 Norh halif 10 a.m~ 44 44 16 14 15 12 5 14 10 5 2 1 I"am stabes, > luoi 1 27 O 2 18 5 45 à 240 2 16 222 2386 2 18 2 69 2 80 2 21 2 68 288 a 02 9212 2 62 2567 SU1 242 229 2 21 2 71 266 2 «8 2 66 229 2164 246 is 10 18 A8 100 241 0 100 4Il17 100 28 0ont 19-78 A 100, 2418 B '10 26-09 .4 1 . 1100 F 0 1400 25à 195 4 100 6 100 11n1 4 79 10 14 99 2844 808 4 06 23802 il 06 8672 76 16 67 701l 12 6 26 13 10 88 6 27 2&570 1s 44 89'74 288 19 19 21 42 965 646 2684 2514 26 76 1417 2514 19 419 1646 i . .o.INM , , nte lG. Pouni, c Peu. ur>' TO-toi A GiPcnutegj o WITUOVT - dise ou* ,7Ir caui4 #ad dî- . -&-v YY JN DilLr Ur THOB,&]EE. - Ammut Costa &,Id of T"". Commen. ot. -cm 82 88 74 10 1055 2 95 se 69 2 87 12 92 7 10 100 48 22 15 45 4IT-he Savi 1 GOOD- aos"s, NEW RIGO. 1