Whitby Chronicle, 30 Sep 1887, p. 5

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boa reoeived from iglNand NEW -YORK the fineet stock of WÂTCHES & JEWELRYI ho lbas aver hadl. ~ss in Whitby. ~a se new ines -of GOOa et 'ii-now we stand £=r, n be The Leading Dry God". ýntroduced into Our8ftQre the very féew of the largesi store ýbor and inoney, and hy liai re. invited to stop in ana e for inspection cosit ýe fourid te comupare favoura.. of a First-class Cutter rweeds, Suiîtingsl, Ovcrfft. fit every time, and al g&OO&a 1i um. NS' OOLUMN, ER SLAUGEITE wr'« to our custom we g suiunyr ânes at PRICES iout. us bt4ter to do th.i lb ii over to next summor. a ladies' elippers t n' children's tun o&io No bettear wearing g ai gentlemnen's shoos t t/me for ordered some for Fail. 'er ie t he mosi sneighborhood. 'CASU DUR/NO FA hIR T/ME Ila will make a ueBl attractive eiîlibit at hisestore. BROOK ST., WIITBY. SEPTMBER 8th, 1887. LOCAL LACONICSi wNAT 18 601NO ON IN AIMD AROIJND TOWN-A BuD6ET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS OLEANED BY CHRONICLE REPORTERS ÀÂ 3hiel's amang ye, takin nots, An' faith h.'U prent it. TEE piper is ail fairt lIt week. OsaàwA is %gain agita"ig ils railvay ohemae te tap tIe O.P.R. à blaze vas sesa lu Oshawa from ber.. Il proved le be only smm. old barn or stable. LooK ont for -Te old folk& concert" und.t the auspices cf lb. W. 0. T. U to b. held on Fridoy eveniag Oct. 2lst. Partionlais nesl wiek. HoN Senaber McMasler's wilgranting tht.. quailers cf a million dollars ta th. Baptist - eburedlisjetoe le onteted by some relatives. Il i. aid a will bsquealblug money te, charitabl, lu. stituions le le vslid bu tle b. made over six moitIs belote the tetaterie deatb. Ciz'iàn< CArK et rofGuelpb wvasoffered 8,000 l e tke bis cadets te, Detroit,, yel th. membera cf lb. BovmanvllIs baud lhiuk lb. comblued movemeuts cf lb. girls sud boys cf eur Institt. efar more attractive. Tbey have sen bob corps exhibit. Two mon from Usbridg., Alfred 'York and Philip Wite, vero brougbb dovu bore te jail on Wedue.day, cbarg.d with bouse-bresking. Tbey vero al- lewed tli Saburday te look for bail, sud il unsucoeeful they isteud te, stand lIait trial astlb.eouanty .udgos' criai- ual court. TH&NxfflIvKN Day is te b. Nov. 17- It i. pretty late inu 1h. masn, but Il may be csplalîod that th. Gov.-Gen. basse ..t lb eilback te enable lb. people to garner everyîhing in and se. if ibere i. anythiag vorth relunung th"nh for. Ther. are maiy people vc erap have not lad blesngm enougb byr ed upoa them te fis theinmc Ith" bey can afferd bo spend a day to-go ubceblug. SEVERAL oe the. caiddai4 , vo vrole ettbth. mideuamer sx.miuations for second aid Ibird o.m eilifleai Dot feeling satisfqd vitb lbe r9ùltg cf th. liii r.adig cf 16epprsaseo to tbe deparimeit and lb. ft ievu bave lad thehr appesi .usimd. hai Gordon, second clims; hire KllcOarliy E. Webster and J. 01a" bIrd ciao.. The nmresetfW. 0 pbeled lodmu ooaesful candiae fi id cms cerlificales ver. omit" io m i -1. fIrai publiabed.Ai e ntdasfo second claus cerglfoalervero @ 'f WE obseorve blial b. Knxabre Gusetto e e ffered le 129W until te lb.coe yTear's esusilptàn pé lbé daly aid si1lt;, lion, uaaking a tr.e id for tht0 moitIs. MT 01ithe betjournmlsW Ils Varions neye-a- ofully odie& d~ ung mon aud jwc4tM Ils iv. stoc.k Md I TacEmm a t* bête for luiesy,m"à aMd "ay@ ith"Obavp 'If the New jérëMkS Abut belug th* tevis. noai eIt lb. mmre$ ioe a&#s!0" i to bsrbrtoni , am A - 27th,- ~A4-Fi A Wnnisca papor mBe thatu'Prof. A. IBurkarlSlmatford, pmd IbrougliTil- bury Centre th. other day mad spet Lsienday lu tovi. Ho ilaselhung dmu* -akpot.ou-by vbicb vbieey ca» be covere inte KelIad gin, rip or almoet nythiig requlred. The flV'cm lu tevu teck hlm for Inspeoor66Lïaoepl Elliot aud on Saturday niglaîlthe boiels ver.Clousd as tigllm aua oyster sbeiL. It-isquhtasaebemesand isabig direct saving to botels. . A oinait ott. jadi- conslyrUsedvillbewcVtU*#100 -bo a appeerunc cf lb. "Prof.*'ii. lb.àstoul elderly mai, villi a gry beed, la do. fi a ralbling budsis,*ad dudo. vbo think tbey aregtting tlb. "pure<vua" are golting bsdry f, aui besd- eebes neit rnn elf"'as amy b. s nov vey cf *pplytng an etd ik. TeY saie«rulps"for tIereas in- the quuaxlly eofl4Mor y adn ding, sd valt v e miuod sud ne doubl exlensi mm * oi, -eeei WhocOum mm nfonc ô a b. for Ibetrostume Oie f et b.Most oclenulaines01 base-bçâit«ove*plaed uinb=a peut of tb.e cuuuy eu.off on Fnxday lb. bsy. TheO',C iea r lie eblan. b. KudtuttoseiOglb bus ne="sud ibe effim Miben Pub poced natuil eciveim te sdive. th. deaei lui lb.boa&i. m. uin. Wsv ri,.. Ud manu-of4 thesgune aid Kmr. Obadrlsy ry Pe*wMetda (cino siert4el ci ielve ob»1ch*bm aHvlvo olo*Aa .b1 . n u~ Of *GoQ-werae enor M s and onull of Toronto ou;lKoàday, -lnur .U broughl a&#mu"lb.mth foidamages rosulting tfrom, talla on bad idevaik, tb go round wIlhh ix.e oolng M lt &Hi the worl asa If ho lie tolen il from tb. ]osuoseph Wh et Parkersdyeworks 01 teroubo eu mû. éit no a bra nov ceof 1he Most fashionable"abid. for a trifie.- They wlllb. boe.on Wed. neédaynexi baud 4bem out -ail your gcoda for th. flan sd bave bhem dyed like uew or lbve lbem ait tb. agnoy Mn*. &%a.bock store wber. lhey vil receive prompt attention. Tis Directors 0of the Boutb Ontro show cannot ovuglabe themseIve. apon h&Ving brought out tb. exhibits in borses oiouging b th. Wilsons cf Oshawa.- These mon have about thirty five old skia. vbxeh hold logether as mauy skelotonss,-sud every bee stick. ont 11k. the' corner cf a piilo*v To prevent lb... old skates frompanch- ing their bones lhrougb 1h. sideof tb. stable a brick cencemn lia been ereolodl. Thefr hainsansdtigeare old and ai the fairbofbe Wilso'0 m<st have' sither bhou driak r esdeMinnd I. injure semebody. Ou ondàyilbool' the oombined setkof lb. Directo= aud th. Objet constable tb keep lb... men frcm. duiving iheir old sheleous among the crowd. Oobourg 8eneZ-S&w r:-Wo amollo. thât a minister in Wbitby is complain- hig cf th. praotice cf yonng mon les,- ing church ausoonau the test' is an- nonod. Perbapo if b. would select ai tosiet suit tbem tbey vould etay, until after tb. collection, anyhow, and Ibis pute us in mind cf what vas related le us in connection wllh lb. establieli- ment cf a churcli in this tova several yemar gc. The miistor bad a bard lime odlleoting a cougregation, and oee niglil when a erepaired te 1h. place cf worship cnly oesm&n greetelt himand the toit selectod for the ocaion was ,,Thon art th.' man." The solilary listèner dida'l lea,. afler tb. test eltber, sud said lb. sermon wu. eue cf the beut b. evor hoard. DuamG lb. inspection cf tleb.hbtby jail ou. day lu.t veek by lb. grand jury oe eof ils membors, who resides witbin eue hnndred. miles of Obauig. ton, made il a part cf bis duty le inter- rogu alsecliprisonor@as te e»»asof his or ber being iu '<darano. vile." AI lutI liecame upon a vomucf vMr respectable appearance who erousedl hit enriocily to a high pileh. Etis fit question ws.: 41My dear voman, wbat has bronght yen ber. ?' "Buines, she replied. This; aneer by ne meaus salisfied lb. G. J., aud lie acoordingly follewed hiesl"aIquestion villi numer- ous elbois. The womau's patience becoimng esbanst.d, alhe jumpod to bar fout, esclaiming: «"This le vbat I am boe. for (ilonriabing a buncli ot keys), aud unie.. you gel ont you'l <eot putI in." seagot. She-vWeithe wtteof the fcromr :-Osaxmisgt ioi lacoer. N. - TO A*N.NOUNC.E HISGRAND. QPENi NG '0F vRY AII fMIILESHOW u . a~ HarMagicfor b"-de.,gray hk freeby tdggij W. G. Walters O)ddfeflov'e aU. Dcon'1 orgot lb. Pickbdbg-sov .hoal BrougbgS où àMondày sud Tnesda3 neslt, Oet. <id'aud 4tb. Pickering ounghl to -have, lb. boultownship tair lu th, JfOý. Wmwscx l8t a pair cf erutche. betwe.î Whiîby and Brookliu on lb.h gravai. road on Tuesday laut. Re le g Man it oil uly oie 109 and w. trtut lb patywho tound lb. crulobes wtll snd thom te ficrneai oe. AT lbo Industrial Mr. Thos. Bicf carri.d Off- br.e iraI prises and 1w. seonuds Oun bspi>ltry. He sold ail bc exhibited, eue pair cf Leloras brlng. mng $Iô. -Hoeteck îeerly aQlth. prise. in Legloiin. uWbt. Tas voret played. <ar.etofbas. bil seen on oui ronds tiisy.ar cam, cff Ou StUdaY lasi betveen the Alli. lettes cf Toronto sud oui club. Froni thesOitt waav[deu.jtbtaîeoélut vas dleroel.dý te do, iwos~su k ~thal lino eOh *trtdt dfaii.bi HIowbvei. wben'Il came dowu le b.d bail Toronto vent away aheads ad muooded, te sncb an esient ibat t tou- pletey callpsed in the 4tb inningsand lb. urupure Stopped the.ppay giving the garn. te Whitby 9 te 0. Tus Toronto Nes, lya:-Thorsay uiglit a mai nam.d Nicholas MeGregor gel on a opre. witb *50 l is poeoLkets, aud met an old friend îamed Tbcmas Ryau. Ai midoight MaGregor reporte et beadqnarler's alRyau had robbed bim cf bis money aid a wateb aid chaik, aid Deteotive Barrâws veut off in searclioftthe alleged bluet. Ho found Rysuin b.d et theModel Lodginq Rouge, Lombard Street, and locked him up, but tbis morming ho vas aflowed le go$ MoGrogor baving boom go drink ta lmi didi'b remember what b.d beome of hie money. BEy. FATEER BORmBES, et Vroonx- aitea, in th. Township ot Brook, re- portse thal a mai repreéeilxng bimmelf s. a son cf Strauss, linon amufuftur, of Brussels, Belgium, was travelling tbreuglithlb auern townships on a swindling espedition. He usell lnon et 81.50 per yur& whleh il eau le b ouly vortb 40 cents, aid t.11e a plaus- ible story about himeoifand bie g<ode. R. la fair, fni.faoed aid fenrd, about 27 Yeams of 'age. Father Beblaer s1.1.. that "Straus"' subequenIly went te anether party sud Ibere made a bargaiu by meins of repregentiug hlm- golt se a nepbev cfIthe pest. Woan basreschedhe .ofthlois s by fire on Tueeday moiuing cf Mr. Win. Willard'a store at Raglm an ul bis goeds and bousobold furnitue.« The lire occurred befer daynoghband had »S" m.d noa mstrlbeoreIl vasw icticel ibal efforts ver. nuI.04 frani» itank;vbxcb vasustading' on th se t Mfll cf vater lb.eli*" vilarlmigli bave been comme& Tessmià #12,000 wilb *7,000 tisai Me. 1Ms.Wllard vas terrlbly highlenod by the lire aid t. in very >ooî t doam n. AT lb. advêuced, ege cf 84 yeun David Lusk Re.d oethis tova <lied on rueSdy lm toftparalysi e. e as barn beside b uqubnariver, Mi th. sdate cf àry d n1802 and came peu som mcdli hme.on- No. 1, E'VE1UELL'8 BLOCK, - - BROOK STR ?r. -- -- ~ VYJ..LLJ..DJ~, WARaEQUTu ryU SALE., 1 Commeneinmg at once and continuing day by day until te whole stock is disposed of. Parties lu waut of Dress Goods, Flannels, Blankets, «Yarns, Hosiery, Gloves, Tweeds, Coatinge,1O e"kings.Reedy-made clothing ini Men's Youths' and Boy's Tweed Suits. AISe -alarge stock of Mens' !?ouths' and Boýys' shirts and drawers, gray fiannels, shirt- ine Seeral cases of Men's and boys' wbol sox, Womens', GIIs' and clifdrens' marina hQs at H _AF? PRICE. Parties in want of* Goods will find at this'sale- they -will be aide to get gouda at one-third legs than the usuai price, as the whole stock muet be 1- aed et by Tht Jariuary, 1888. We offer this, Real Estate b edr PÂRCEL Ne. 1-The Double shop known as the GLASGOW WAREHOU SE; where we have- done; suoh a large business for many yefl. PÂRÇUL No. £-Part of Lot 7 and 8 on the Hrase Line, Pickering, containiug 244 acres flirte-lss4d, two dwelling houses on ther premises, the barns- are ali new, with étene tbig weil fenced and watered. -AtILNo. 3-Pârt of Lot 23, on thc second concession, Whitby, containing. 65î acres, ohoice land. The buildingson the place. ajre ail new, built 6 years, alweil fénoed. PÂRE No. 4-Pasture field containi *ng 3j- ables weil fenced, directly West of On- tarie Isadie' Ceilege gate. PAjROEL Ne. 56-Vaoant lot between Ontario Bank and Ontairio block; on Brook etre0ti with riglit te use beth wails, north -and south, PÂRGÈL No. 6-Vacant lot eaut ef the English Church on Dundas street. Teudmr for the real estate vili be received te let January, 188e. No tender noes- -'ý ~ariy a~pted., For termes apply te - N JAMPBELt - WE ~7~J \2~;f Q LIVING IOUIRSTOIRE,'BUT, WE AND 00KAT -TH n u MONDA«Y & TUE SDAY, 26th- and 27th SEPTEMBERY Wben 'the, Pisplay of Novelties wiil be the Moat Attractive we have ever made. A ver Cordial lam-itation is extended to all our Lady Frie'nds to corne andi see Our Immense StocketFi and Winter Novelties. R.emember Mondy and Tzse8day, the 26thad2t etme.a L U« GA RVON - ul -RýIýoýs

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