Whitby Chronicle, 30 Sep 1887, p. 7

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~air o PAPE.>R 4 furnished from and (Jpwarýdj from the countr attended t. SllOp-Fij't door 8 Smith's law om"3, Wl F' May l2Lh, 1867. NIS! AGENT, MEADY-0)Ur new bocknmat mpad Sky; o, Ma yol <I aengilfull ud 1ai of aul that i. woziderir 4n of the Globe, lutà w ad thxe Starry Ileavam oua %dventures onlad" isOoveries o! the werld-gpe h>t &II ages, and remak~ îh oeory reahu of nt~jtý leitr"kig Phyical featumqè i) pecullar charaoertco~ oe, oLanimals, birde, 1in ok a Vivid description of i-and Indian Oceman d ofê<1 U. the Moter. of heji seashella and Plns, jàý 1 dwellers in the wodct .w# eOcean onrrents, ete., topUl 2WG PHE1WOMEN4 op THà ny DAVENPORT NORKMop,' ) d with over 300 fine enl~y ,ms to Agernts. D PUBLISHINO JCo, a of major IHarpoe df Whitby. rnay rncern* 1Certify that having ox4miew i u-sed a great varloty iuwI have corne to the ozinogr 7hite Machine sold by L0. ',a0 cot the best imade &s'i n a machine that yul Dotesi der, mad will luit nUleh lOUM nachines, as Caro basu e~t& wear auirniwh Ui phie, trAcomrnenâ il to*pri.w~ rid lasting lowing maoi1 ne of the White'gso»Mi=" th tsete everystîactjon, -1887- years use of the White sew5aa My lamilyI can fly md tificate and eaui fu7y machine au a & mii ta less 4or repairei tsua ive ever bad aziythiuag r@ M&JOR U P3a; as the cheapesi, Buël Oi~ ~bt. - Sole Agen & for this Dlkt INSU reli's Block for -go Y/ TUBE ROOM SIJITS, ROOM S 'UITS, 3EDFIOOM S.UiTS, K.filCHEN -ait bat Ooty Compl iCorne ail, and Yourâe1ei,.' JOINSOb ~ING, &LBO A*P B -JOHN FBITU$ stabllshinont, Duadii hours frem 9 &.wý éI c90traci foru qifieoNc a~,eday, ]ast, while ooi»N "a ràolg eastcf Oakwecd,* b«-- an namod Mrs. moi e 8 h@ vas net tally iujured. B:~ . Gauld ef Coboeenkt 9 econtract for the uupply heGrand Truuk rsilway1 Ibodngseson, amolnuting t bc the Midland division eveni ,Mtrsin frein Toronto on Mond -%0 nearing Stouffylle-oi was round -tut a flue ini t oebad bard. After saine delay 00vaS sent item Stouffvlile 9e go n handed go Lindsay, resehi go stîtion about lwo heurehhi Thgre is a party of ehcbddy podla M«thiediatriot, wbom il would1 on flfor our farinera te lot severe dong. &otouliebing bargains lunc0 offered and the meut fayotai a egiven. Theo skfif le sbd »oWeOr, s&D 1hwill psy botter te <ii ood square price te your l ocal doi ere for au article, than t buy fttc thosparties feointtole oîîîug. A sericus accident. happonod lu ti galt yard on Tuesday, wtaereby, Mr Oallsghsfl, of Emily, -had anua brokif, sud her husbanc ud va F- c".A dog-an tuàta«ggeur-rmd idg their hors., biliug 'hi& in lu hull. This caused hlm te kick am run, yith the reut-a breken atm, au ethe inuies, 10 Mrs. Callagian, îw prire kicks ta ber huabaud, sud îmsied buggy. An important business change iasaa nocnnoed by Mosqrî. SprahIt & Kil!.z Thîy intend ta retire frein tb. genere groeey buiness wnd devoe te ouhol attenltion to teas sud coffoos, inbwio they wi11 do au extensive uholesale @ vel! as a large rotait trado. Mr. Sproi Jeaves te-day te attend tes sal Montres! and New Yerk. The oncel >ant reputation of lb. firtu durnug tl yeara hhey bave been lu businoesi Lindsay ila aguarautseofetfAir ni square dealing ilutho lin.r e10which hiel propose ba devote thoir onorgies. Last Sunday a Young gaffor wvie o hcreebsck drives cous twice dally Iý and freinprasture at th. head et Wil iain stroct, neoeiVed a 'sharp bisoou Il@ hacl a babil of tunuiug lhc cous ID tbi& instanc e obors.passed ong of thein, uhen the yonugstor uheelei the. horse ton quickly. Rosuilt, th o sailed .oul et lhe eaddlo sud portos-meý thnes or four circbes inuthe air isugini bYone log caugil - iu 1h.elirrup FinallY lh. iribroeoand bey aud saddle wout futly fifteon foot, g0o siftl3 was the hoeespinning round sed round. Ne bones.were broken." The boy ines rides baroback. COBOURG. VOn Saturday lest as Mr. AlIbert Roi kin vas returuiug from Port Roe, when near Haig'ascshool bous., lh@ ~horse became frightened et s pugei bicycle, -ébled, sud threvw hlm eut break. iog bis coller boue. Mr. Gec. Raine, of Oampbellford, died asat wcek froin blood peianning. Aboat ton days provioes ho pioked some hickory nuls, wehich ho broe open viîl hie tOeti. Ro had #à coldanre ou his lip et he th ime, vhich becaMe itchy and gave hlm @eMO unoasiuests," aftervard. eansing dealb. -À mnan naîned A.loi Oriosben, 24 yoar. How we are Owludled. Tac EXPERIEOF V INom'tbus MA"£ TOL> BY ÂAS EX-COOIITJUDGS, W. wer. seated on S@ieào fMa Up-river steamer amg lie wp- frei Et. Louis te St. Paul sad04 4 z . bso tulkng about uvin. andLfrsuds. "'The.fiait lime t wass vo rtak iais, faid My comlpeanionu dg. obnuo, retined counîy lde w hwec 1 was 16 years old, sud lb . "ea sees fiai I have net cul My viedoin teeli jeO. Erery ebray -swinUder who oéomes alffg Illnages te tope me là-,sad I nevor lamu te kccp cloar cf-hlm.lr <'8iteen vas pnetye tily le ..i ho manage leo, mju .dJo dIp , I asked. tI vas net very. amob quarerbutthie var ,i Ifail ~tof il vswu a iinslcf bloodiug mamr, w RMtéo tblir 25 clubs. WheoI u 1 . ýb0uS 1 s"d voîsoo"agiha*tfiive1 ý ÙWUIato bcheat me a tuIytIng in that pap , S1ared an a"gio =- Siauer is, as nogeg u l~0: WATEDÂAUTHOM Ni sv»R ~0latoth ffs la tôibcy cOf the U î»b-' tb. d 't thuwiom Q à, to hèirýfrlait for çý un~Lot,.&W eon4frosa oealg bo th~irky questions tcon. iihalte of taImti p sud d htory ot wàh li.- Erôat th onhpOahf o even thé Quinine oe ts it bttoi huep luh lvd" aité, and -doog nDot impair t he lamaIa "DdyQU anuer them" $! Y t51tIOf tp e. u r f Yl. ~siua~ eyet Whou t tient ; while mals. dous, tquenuly lmpeaf4 for tblk i 'tiiserions Way lu Wh b,- 1 a ren h. th i uae, l noreas3ao eut workod lham, up. u InsbifI ould ôr% adi4*Wana ,theuctote,,e. mm. 1h p~uiur'h. cul b.wiling vlgo whigh, iM ~purs rae naptto, * o te ve hlm another urî s ns, hô les the t4s ' oe54 nry Sknow1odtmnt 01 the lriok k. Playeansd fortifies the-aIo giu i xet no me and cf My cwn gullihility. Ânf,11 c laf.Akfo ofoý:yuî s'g til ilIam afraid that lho dia flot makeQine zi;.slbym ruits V02 v r uoh out cf -bis, gamo. Thoro - Venez"ela laappealing Ih UIIO Md VOrOtWoletersto eoh iotM, ithStates for belp in ber disute villi Greal * g, lPostage cf six cents, two ouvelopos, Bian nd Mud twO Prluted copies. Hie prôfis OOOTT' m EuLION 07 cm > yTENO=LM could net have houai more t"a15 " !POPI[Tzs lasold aul oyor eshoWorld. Osut. Ofcoure Ineve heud oftheIt ilar i"superior tb plait 0o4 Liver. O9, ' n sts. f oure nverherd f h.palatable and eaiiy .ioed Dr. Mart" hg" htr orgain." eveMilca Stanton1 Bury Bu Londoùna,n b. Weîhr o ne I ad verbeau Is.nd, ay11- 141have preoscibed SUei glY duIpea, even 10 th. amalil aMountcf ý çaumôn, snd tahonlhuyself. I apl qu«rter, I did net proposwe th confées able, emfolont# sud eau be tolerated by i-. jmosItony euethespelaîîy wheu ccd livor c,! >1 bu ulbke i.ocuVorsticn up ltseIt.caEnot b'. borne. put up 1u500 sud aud te osec if My oompanlâeuhad any #isle VO more reminiscense I asked if ho hsd Mrhu e~l urIi osncoe 51ever stambted Up agaiutthe "por- 'aWilbave te go te St. Petersurwg itoad '~trait ocpying" swlndle. He oonfessd e1 Cronstadt. ho ht ho nover bail aud aakoed me vhat u04TnFaoi. il u Wii5.The sema f g vn éa Il. ~ru tI o vrrs h. persuil drln'is te fritand Il>. -- oi olume of 1he daily papr* O0me coea nibs sud bothe *"cuaplalut ~*have oomo sr ts he. <.4.., it afeo m rau. s fad, Dr. W ' omil.n h. hin veryday NetferInfomaton, rs xtract of Wu s travberry seald ho but for amsomont. Theïe a"0oi.-kept St 11511. pOZ80 70ii la be id quoer thin go 1hob.fouud int o l. euot reliablo rouiedy. id inânus."The British Steamer Romneo vas eaPslad- vo 411 kncw 11," h. replied, Ionten. ou the Prenehh ooataud ""rrai livos lest. 5tiously..Pres aWomPweaa gr- <'Wihinlielai yea ~rso oveab Ile to takie, and expel alil kund of ýn onterprisiug Estern gentlemen have worm.from ahiW4rer or adulte. ~. avoriee for"arist " t* w~~, Th& attendance at the Provincial and aI Copyiug portrait; the a umt.ges western Pairs vas vr alfecy de verk raI home snd no osnvssslng , 1h. ey"Uât eh psy, prinoely. I spcîted the sohome CONSUMPTION CURED. »u as a oiidle and thcught no more An cia physielan, retlred frei practice, Mi aboutit; but on. ofImy ionde wau havzg had plaeed in bis bands aman Hat lu taken in." India missienay the formula a a imple d- 4.ginamIg. jiue P?" vegStable reinody for 1he speely smd potin à. 4Neyer min hie nanie. In eply te ament cure cf Consumpticu, Hienébitis, in s lobter cf inquirv-he reoivod a cîreu. Ct&=h, Adltma aud a&H Ibroat sud Lung Afetlions, aIse a' Jouive and radial -cure d la, a"cig for 82 for apparatus. The fer Nervous Deblaty and aili Nervou OoM. y $2 vas sent sud the. matenlalfor oopy. Plainte, Ratr hsving tested iis derful lng reooived. My fnl.ud vae some- '>urative pevers in thousanda cf Sie, as nof auuMot bùt tosave hlm he o euia tlt ltbhisdutY te mmake it knwn te bis to net make a deosut pioture with tb.he ma«n felleus. Âctuatod l>y Ibis motive [1- mahlm. Hoeevon oaUcniand a desire te reliove huqia um enlnig,1 in ateial sao R n l il moud free ai charg, te aU vhod.sire it, w th auuutao f a p90fesslual tiis bocipo, lu Geran ,French cor-Hngllsh. S. a"llt. Tbe latter told hlm al stil vas wth fanildirections fe ppansd uaang, le impossible 10ttuc -ou anythiug but Sent by mail by ad rieg*th Stup, d «blotohes2'Bo e hogave il up. jsHo 5qth pprW. Noless1i9o814 ýyhad th.ecunicety, bovever, to Samd hi eo lcB4t .Y dcaricatures tte Eastern gentloman, The Court of ppeal1 at Montres! as con_ gWho promptly repfi.d tual they ghcved flrned the injOueion againit Gilmour talent, but vere not quiet up t11h. re.th isaneofRe.Fm Squired standard, sud urged the arils NTOÂtPL8 ~ aml ýyte persvere." AINLPLSai i À «'It's quser how people are taken lu,," purgtive, mting on the tomaol, le said any companacu, meaunlugy, but I IÀv6i' and Bowela. remosing al ch. psssd Ovor bis remark lu silence. t e,. "Do yen know, " b. sald aftor 0 fev minutes, 4"that the *literary dodg. laà amost taking the place cf the ooucter. 3, toit iwindie. 0f ceuefhore ig pleuty _____________ s efthle lattar goiug ou, but not an openly Have you a Pain Snas fermorly. Il »eeau almoit au though1 anywhere &bout you0? * l. harp$ns' erei$aking advagtage M p the liler««aroae *hieh had *àapl cedMTzkV lb. feoble mluded Of lt.eoo0mtry. Did P I IL R yen ever have MY experience vith the BoulIntat e 9cheap bookgRame. ?" *BEWAU E 0F IrMIA INS à «Whsl do you Meta 9-sud-?" 25Ot. Par sottie. - 0 «isNo, ne. They are leptimate pub. lisbon. I Se yu nover hàvèsud vinI ___________ 1git#e yen s pointer. It ' s a test1 Ouludle, sud oee hioi raroly gels il. r 0 perpoluato-r i1utotrouble. à bock le f hatiy jmie----om other1voîko'de-% ta t ?;c p"w "HTES 0opPAS5A4B F0QUUBE~ p u bl éls oes -*e sc u su t eld vit i O aaa w 79- a , ve ry #11.l a p e 1 , 180' 150. "B exta-- ~>I~; . -su0 d 17. etorja. 80 AG  large ÂSpec - w ~ ~ % J L J . J ~u~made- to Ordeýrifr 12OO onèlslx and anaianTweeds, Black W oratede, f IAVY TWEEDS roem 50' te 75 cents peryad sefor Busines ut r os e: Hi~êt aaktpiepaid'for Butterand jEggB. BROO]MINi ONT. Cotaeeo casie PRCE HIHWIL L A8TONI8H YOU, OALL ON WM. ]IJLT, BROORLIN. UY~ Funerals FuIly'S'Upled.," Mido& wa BrOOklin and Cohsmbus,,on the W.are Uow prepared -to0 make.ail kinds of Woolieu Goods, ýsuoh as Twe,-edst, MWI1Cloth, union Flann-els, Seeting, hi à nsAil-wool bed 'Blankets, Horse Blankeft aud Yar n alvarieties aud ,ailkidnda of Kuitted Goods kept in stock for the accommodatiou of' tJoeu Lul. coos oe o-od Hhes pi"e paid or anry quautfty of WooJ. AU ordersproniptly lllIed. -. BDe wERMA N if BOOK- ( \~ICIN~ LDETRER'. iswAVEkSOK -1. aIowed to continue Lumiors forrn whic 0f ibleed and ulcerate,bog.ryo. *~ WAYE'sOINTMENT 8~ tp the ltebing and bl eedIng, < heaýu lceration, and, uIn a <>< any ecas a ,'noveu A Great Cause OfiHu-man Mserf A LEOTinIEoN TME NATUnETRETE and radiesl cure et SemnjW4nso Spormnattorbus, lnduced by BlfÂb In l. voluntary Emissi Impteny, etivon Debilit y, sud 'me otu, teMùlg ,enersiy;Ooneunptlo, Ep!opYsd suoMet&d Ph sia!Inca -cit _b]OB5BT J. JU1" EWIcaL-U1- b -bBL MmD.. 'Yew rld nowued->authôr, fi à,thiad. mirable Lecture clearl7.,CyýVee frinbis o-wnoxpeniencettmit1h. a consequnè of Self-Abuse imay -h. effeetually renàoved vlthoutangeron, surgies! eperations, beugles, istumnt, 1ins-excordials poinuting cula imode et cureat once certai and offectal, by uhici ovory Ifoerai mlalter What bis condition nayb.,ma cnell#mslf coply, 4aeyadrdcl pu y.41, -Éaôe ~~Tu ectrewiUprv aboom,-Se alhouandad *thoma. Sent under smatin-a plain cuvolopo, le - suy addroa, '-on reel of four eis, o v The CULYLER WELL MEDIGAL O.> ÏI Aun Stol.,NoYork. PeutOKrUe. Box e'-! lk ylJM SON,8 ARCA DE, TORONTO. ilTh~ougb y Eq lppdfor ln g Tri ng - -$TROOMS CN ANADA@' li fou hW< b& se* mh AuoU- aMige tiai * @va O pthpiyI r-7 bis mý STYX -ITUR 1

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