>AÀd items Stolef rOm enOur ischanges. se en-T Mv. John lî B.rron9 M. P., h.been.' aoting s judge et lb-iffMorent div ï a,, courts during th.ei naseof JudgeDébu, wba sesmli i onflued sa the- house, but wbo js improving ame iho ihyl be out shortly. TII. copions.raina of tlut maif., days have almosl effecîualy- put ont the forestOreinluth. district le tb. north. Bollet ha. appipared 'Coetco soon &0 mrion lots et; vateapproheânded in addi- tion ta those already incurred. On saluvday 1asix hands, carriers *inployed in th. lannery of Bobson Brou., alrnck work and refused to go on again until cmre diffrences have been aettled between hems.lvesansd th. foreman in charge et 1h. îannery. The. lewn council bas endoraed th. proposition tha& a domeatic water supply b. provided for the iown by pasng a resolution tbat th. counoîl ;ri onleriain offerts lroin a oempany or individuale le bring torWard aacshome ,witi lhe abovo objeel-in view.hA the offer le o0nfbr onby ton dtà ym some- ting d à Ili.-my ,b.look.d for. à wouuded cran.e oughi refuge in th. gardon et a seti yard legal gente.. mat, 1h. othor day. Au action for traeawuasinstituted by 1h. 1. g., but 1he crayon fyied a "bih" of- excep1io+s of mach lngli aud wfth me mach uior tiai blood vas dravu snd a loes1eye nesVblsa legal lighîvwu no.rly ex- tigulahed. The biped (which one? vae alow.d le go in peace., CaptainLau.eoft1h.esBturion met -vwilh an accidêni lait veek wbieh prov. ed te b. more mrions than at fint anp- posed. -Whil. lebdlng émoe on., = hrug a gatevay the animaias udd.n. a ied throwiug hlm with consider- able violonceagatusi th. gatep~oul Ibe animala orowdiug asud giving b m a bail sque.z. Dr. Krrinan pvoneunoed lbaliver te be migtly injiüred. A few wveea ill probably ts.him *'on dock" $gain. On Wednosday afternoon atith. Union ochool Master A. Kalthows, mon of Mr. Geo. Kattheva cf tiis levumet vith a painful aocld.nt, Durlnig inter- mluion vhie h. vas outulde playing h. happoned te b. ruuaiug up th.e tps Ieadlug t the, platforun wheà h. sllpp- odand fell, fallUk onubia sud wrist »ud dîslooating lie latter. H.ovau taken hoen udhM jrd mombor attendadit e. W. hop l viii net b. long until ho.j le i.to e b.und &gain. Betveen vo sud ibree o'ebock Tues- Clay Mornlug oethiisveek -1h. a] Arr cf 1r. vau given. Il vas focud thal the kiiohen in vear of Mr. L. Ne*lon's' house.,corner oet-WIiR&am sund Qleueig stretes, vas on 5v.., By str.nous vork 1h. m Saie e.put oui betore th. main pari eft h. hons. had boee damaged ta such au extent t1_ai il ould nmi e .re. ile.Oni tb. premises Mr. Newton ,=cetf 800sud on (uruaL %o«itg hmtony covereme "ee austalned inu h..hmricularu. Considerable difficulty i. b.ing ex. veineby lh. lumbermon operallu baoknzirtin'taproouuig th. e u0. numuner of mon te cany on the vert upon the enlarged sosie aender.d mis oesçary in couslequoie o e l.Ijiitsbe. ing over-run by the bush fins, mauy On Thuà ?day bai, Police Magistral Parlrldge -held a couvtin utowu, vhs M03 ~W cf $'e OduilHouas okuou vnaa a~o~j~ed 0and8 '4oe adW of the- JbIéum h0t.l, 50 a 1715c6ts. r ueuggu.- b ~et i e cI blots t, u tact iii a oe~le d.ln~I 'L culltinl Mig niestheir produco ýri aaô Itsptle ëyIp~ee r*.o>iïie i for th graMr ec m n a h n Iboe Ourlne. aThe noada -resd but Scîvititauini' r a.(sls lb biekîer ha It . O.cfme ba bayar t evnDro yester i hntOne thoveugiovaled T 111. who*0 il sud hcturahave ls Ml et llght. L4l yean ar tiuld .shb ai restbl vhisethoeletrlc1. Oelsf veli std On es rmrdy onn estMv Y tnts commencsd hvealosrfying t. lb.mils. HoU n succed bit. ap-e&ie bash -Timles.o tep1 be yas Mr. A. T. DeLury sud Mi. Bateson have reluun o letoromito te resume tbeir studios lu lie medical sohool. The vol v*atbeft hý-,-.it l ýcc tbre. days has pamusithe faces et lbe forinera 10 bam wli p eure. P ough- Iug isnov1 iknotapas at lesel s possibiliy. OB~O One, day th. puit eek a large lynx, veigimg about 80 Ibo., vas abin luMv. kmb's weode, about four miles nerth cf Cobourg, Tirs. Bovmapvile botel keepera luit week skipped culte avelil payiug lbe fines ioeposed on them for violatilg the Scottl Ad. A litil. child by th. name cf Taylor, foeu dovu glaire on Monday vith a pair et scissoru lu île baud, 'tb. points cf vhioh emt.red bis ueek, usar the juin. bar vein, making an ugly vcund. Dr. Oraig dresue i i. Mr. W. H. Williams dld smrnebill threahïùg st Mr. Blrd'a the othor day. With bis machine he tbreshed 810 bush- .1. et barley sud cal lu inxdisud a hall hourmasd it vasut a very uioe day fer ihr.shtng ither. The steamer Calitul, 'hlch wu- let ou lake Michigan en Tuesday luit, vas pavily ovmied boe, Mr. Frauk Field having & barge ahare in ber. The cabin boy, Authur Hasard. vbbol4 bis ite 1 st te saine lime, Iived boe. iti bis 1aneaboni Ivo yeBre ag. Lu ait urday morulng about 5 o1clook a voman «sdhscovered on tbe 1bridge -lhai ocunootu Peicuhore vlth ,' shÃuubam, appmartly s&Wil&bout I 50 ye ar, vIîh ber t..i lied teg oliex su ad a rope sirounil ber neck i h e t Pcf jumping ie I he river. No, roason lusalgued for the strange owluet cf tlts voina. During lb. pasi veek ai4rainleadfing bu ite lthe main sover on'King sireel bau 1been mail.. On Fvay lgbt ilba . é ha 1.ftA ,ip..Md <v.ie futa en 1lad on -lte hanlg te va a 4.v oe of vehlcl% at, bt Il ee.d le havi . WaiDo offseeton eue ludivdualsas hi 1 ato.inptdtdrive.hiue maudvwamo IovOr th. excavationsuMd bui for lia 9instinet fb.hebon.. lier. vould isv 4 been s serions Accident s liey aippoi 1- ulgh-ouitheedge oet litdrasin. .Causesof the Cheapus Thé. ocmmcdîy ot Primo Imporians lu- lhé coomenoo sud cousumplicu et thb. verld, vhbioh appeaui te have ex. pnned lhe greale noont bo inl pnride, l s garW"lo-bas M oneate a leer rate than bus@Ver beokuovu lu .e bleory etfnmodermicominreos i viobesalo pri f tain reftmpg sugmr having heeti more liai 114 per cety -bighr in 880 ham inuthi sî hauite the year 1887. Nov, ille Inpro!ed meliodeoft g! anl[esd rsrsd maobesper doubtadby -.utiblla sa aresait, il ha. beon maiuiy due te auappareil prosul i4 , ou the -Parif e f lGoïeva. mmeutla cf Frnke, Germmiy, Astnia,ý -BeWgumi, uRdlal, -ilmtalynsci Bu"s, 44 tolmià ke gmelrnatonal«ags«lidustr. theu-vall la lyvm'bysmlI Mllea strain tustaoiue'S , au sia Reiht tcseei ungstnly op aln~ u- vuIéOI 4oot, lieu on ihe cher, thonmup hbolh feet, =4oiig su4d vheeliivg aides, ke.piug pertoci limevii guinolle lurned by the baudà e i, Wr. kesper. _,4 thelb oulookens voe e myslt vbil. the barke.p.r grinued- sud ri~ lu the niokola-tvhleh ver. pald oveible bar by lb. amnuseil crowd. - Thongi h. i urkeys apparently hkýÃà t lime tithe noise.th. reporter notiied that they danceaon vbeu lie iuà sic stopped, raising fiei eue foot Sud lten lie eiher, sud as liey varmed to their vork their stop grevýfssteu sud totr, lb. musicien rsisiug is eil te keep up vilîi lie jumping ,i9-sThei--ter- keys wbilo goiug W.ùg herpr.r mance ver. conflued l inra- mge ais thrno feol squar, sud ftef..i tie tour of>t-the age va. Thc Neya 'mai, sfte u v vint ont, Investigated the _d nIg tnt. keys sud diseovored 1 he meihoi by wblcb lbey ver. lanitt-or rallieeoin- peled- te moe.. Refonil IbM the plan vas ingenicus, eihciâul. Tbey wer. maile te dance by mesuc ff ire. Undlerneali lbe sheet irmocge bar lihoe. as a abolIBse, leasing a space cf about Ibre. luches Inte whlch vas fitoil an lronelide. WMen the ims" vwantail ibe lurkeys tleaisce be oubl quielly gel a shovel cf live ceaie froin thes kilohen stove, dialvihule liem over th. irc élilde sud slip itluto place un- der 1he shoot-iron cae ber, sud lu btse minutes lhe lnvkcy fandango vobl b. lu fuflblasi. Firealoeefoot vould b. raiseil, thoeutlb cher sud ecM,, lb. pao. qulekening as tie heal luoroaseil, until the birds veulil ha going sfait as lbey coulil lift their teet, sud lhey vouil keep Il np until thefliber vould cccl off again. "sThoy knov vbat's ouiing novs moacc as 1 he*in ltc OI ii lihe aide,' mid the bankeeper, &,sud ibey bogfin te dance vitieut vaitiug for lie fgoor te b. hesled Ils a ood carl for lh. place vble itluiss, but 1 pieu. tb. *noeoty viii »cu var off. rin g.ling tireoI t Ilmyscf alr.adyo" Bâither Ladnisve or D>uferin la te b. nexI ambessador ab Paris. 8 a Burveil, aIof galOnt., villes rLait autumu I vas suftonng frer a seeren kOel wbich s.ed won My Lungà &gpro- s aicool a dlstrosslg cougton vhlahI gave f trial te a nuniber cf Ceugh md bcuesbt vithout sny benefit. 1eI lai t Iis one hottleoof Âilon'aLung Balssm, vhlsb I arn 9 ha= to e b. hi. e site garsi "ulm ln a M eilie Utasd pertormela poiîs cur Iin aohsh»n. e An ailoupi vas»neelýOe *o ~eer '. seon train at Bouit City, la., en sluvdsy. A cure ton ChoieramorSbu. A Positive cure for Ibis langerons complalu, sud for ail soute or circule toms etf bovel 10o1n plitincident le siMucer sud fil, ins!undl luDr. Fouler'. liu t fWild8tSbWhsr1 y lo be prouro em Suxay arugglal. Tue burglanleslunTornte Baturday n1ght. If yen have a 'Caui, de neot ue1 oeil buy at onoesabeille eAlien'a ugBls, A demenslralln wus madeoIli enlenon Baturday by lie hemeloas unemiployed ie slaep et ulgil lu Trafalgar square. «I noer 1.11 betý« n uMy Mifthan I h.N. ds tIking Burdeook BloeiBitésrs. "I1bam a eevaee illion&e atlak i T coulai .1 cal for sonni dassudmvawunble le vork. Oue botlb. u me." -obna19. Richarde, Sr., Tara, Ont. For illbl3iéna troublesu . Irb.lla te syyeu7Sw ng-.Aleoaulyou breshin nichiSy.Very vondeufulEN%- OSM I lb.1£9 Saulsurdth cavîtleeloeéding -fu enâ _' iWl... tueséArs v nelesId hk fo Ifâhfs iitSed Chtidtens recommend ltas superoroanypre.crlplle tioimti ite." ILÂA.Rà mKD., mecO. OztSd Ut. ,BrooklM X . Y. Bo=r Stonach. Diarrhoe, Euctatin. T =ECHÂ R CmaOXP&I In 17 urrtLy S&ot, N. Y. TREASURER'3 -SALE 0F LANDS FOI? TAXES. B y virtue.of a Warrant under the hand of the. Wardep aud th. Seail of the Corportion e. flke County of Ontario, dated the Ffih Dae of September, 1887, oommanding me to tory upion th. lande meutioned in Ithe toilowlng l for arrearao! ltaxes thereon, and conte, as herein set forth-! I her.by give notice thst unies.s soh arrears sud cosle are soonerpaid, I shal li complianco wllh 1h.e&asessment Ado proceed t o U by PUBLIC AUCTION, the sal anda, or sgo =oh thereet as may be neoesaay for the taies, e the. Court House, in the Town of WHITBY, on WEDNESDAY, lbe FOURTEENTH day of DECEMBER, A.D., 1887, ai 1he hour of TEN o'elook lu the forenoon. - TOWNSHIP 0F THORAH. South 8. Simcea sireet pari 16 Part souili hall 1 Part N. E. quarter 7 Part S. E. quartsr 7 West hait Prt Centre part Pailmni block E fiNo. 2 Fairjport wstor rtNe. 4 Part 8. 4 238B.F. waler lot No. 8 Wl j f N.B. 61 a cf N. 4 Part Seuti hait Part soath halt Broken Part Souh hafl Part uerth haou Part north haof Part north hall North hall Part north hall 5 South hait North hai North hait 1 Part Part Part Part Paft Lti. Jeu. Acres et Taies. Comms'n. 9 80 5 27 2 24 7 51, TOWNSHIP 0F BROOK. 14 10 1065 2 87 12 92 TOWNSHIP 0F SCUGO. 710 100 48 22 8 18 46 40 TOWNSHIP 0F SCOTT. 85 2 17, 296 2 18 514 86 7 28 7 29 2 28 9 57 TOWNSHIP 0F PICKRING. * 2 40 2 16 4 6 à 240 2 16 4 56 TOWNSHLIP 0F MARA. 10 10 12 12 -12 18 18 92 8 195 4 100 6 100 100l 200 'ou 10 14 99 2844 808 406 23802 il 06 86 72 76 1667 18 85 40 19 12 68 TOWNSHIP 0F front front c B H 7 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 16 60 40 100 100ý Wbtb]4 Oepteniboo4Brcl, 87 424 24 13 2248 2809 Il 78 2248 19 48 496 6 17 2549 17 00 21 5 14 00 2 86 2 18 2 69 2830 2 21 2 68 38 8 02 2 12 2 52 2 57 8 il 242 RAMA. 2 29 2 21 2 71 266 *68a 289 2 É66 2'59 223 226 -274 258- 264 r245 12 50 a 12 26,13 10 88 62-7 25 70 18 44 89 74 2 88 19 19 21 42 43 30 15 10 9 65 6 45 M684 25 id 26 76 14 17 -25 14 2202 7 19 8 48 28 28 19 63 24 19 16 45 Total Paened Paiented Patentid Patenied Patented Patented Pateuiedi Patented Pateniad Patontea Patented Patenta Patented Patentea Pat.e - Patented pnatentsd UPatente-d patantea Psiented Unpateuled Patente. - npatented Paienisi Patentea UPatentad 1Unpatentecl Uupatexiied lUpatented Psitented rataed npatanta 'Unpalonled Co. Tresa. Ontario. NO ENGLISH BTÀBLE 18 CONSIDEBED COMPFLETE WIT01UT N~ELIMAN Lifç ATCOT ItutuaI Reserve Fid Life é ue, of New York., Canadian Govarnmeni deposiî 'i$ ý' Âccumulaied reserve f und (pver) 816,00-ï Dealli daims paid during 188 4 799 New business, laiS8 moo., 1885, 15,Oo,~ pa ny- Neperkcatrostees cf tih sm erve te Fu h'heCetdl . - CuL Liy f ewrakas tan ae-hof the serveindaeadsoriypret ' 10f assntsrade l 1881, '1§82, î88tj aud 1884, ana iune case cin they bG Mcré frequeni than every aliernate month. Annual expenses of management, &0, limited to $2 per 81,000. An active aigent wanted lu every mus. presented localiy, to whom a libersi coin. mission will be allowed. Applicaions solicited and fulil particulars furniBhed hy the undersigned. H. GORDON, Agent for the Conty of Ontario. Port Perry, Ont. August Sth, 188. MONEY TO LOA On Resl Esiate Mortiage ai Low Rate -A. A :FOST, Appraiser for the Canada Loan and Saving. Ce., -*snd agent for the Western Asmurance Co. OFFICE--Over Gerrie>s Block, Whitby, Suitable for wrspping purpeses, Iaylng "nder carpe, etc.,t 25 cents per huudred. Apply to if- THIS OVFICE. CATALOGUES FREL BELL &CoOGulipli, ot LIVERY and,. SALE STABLE% D'UNDAS-T., -WHITBY. CRA WFORTH &DEYERELL FIST - CLUB TUR-OUTi Purnioied on Shorlat Notice.ý Uomm"ori al Traïoà r UecU~<c i' &RTh4LESS IMITATIONJ dthat d.h i ýwj! ions cItd fo ù o t ci b . ob iai ii periOd for the ortettemporarlly 8gasuysalemeiit for 1 -~Obshws ibat îhei asêf p9526 in thb Iallonl bank notes fi the.Ciciulation ef Soliver. dollars, - - goldandi mler certifl States noes amounti 8gi804,9OI, lb. inerease hi the gold coin. On Oc 1.1 oircnlatioii f &a in tPoUlieS1 sensation oet t ben fnrnished by Civ tjmissouOT Oberly, greal and annoyance I emloyes luthiseil ýýfd lhemsebves mb O81 -~ - ns-for boih -pcliticsl sfor the Commise i~ eesthe existeuce es smoniuhing the -tbey are viola'ting th. pr <0 *.ivl service sot, end %bal th),yjare subjecite o-fine, n a uddismissal froin$hi s~ouisouOr Oberly'a -i Maiighl isave'beau expeea ;ycoudemned by ail spel ~ peeiatai hose of bis ewn Psi ~X~moracY.But on the othei la ýwà rmlY applatided by civi] -&fr ars ud ndepeudeut Il ~morei bcasunder Il stancessnbucnadvsuced si paut- oxbibited' the highesl fidelily sud lmoral, courage.-~ AtI laît there seoinu s Pro the stlleiflOulof 1h. vexed iveoeihe United BSas -an * s1.Presideul has apporn, mprai dty ilCommîis ed of ihe Secretary'ofStbt 1 D u o! Michigap, sud r.rseDtative et the, Nont tie H ast 1he lwo goci country Mostl vitslly Coucai coutroversy sud besider, 1 sela ol -et, spartisan there being ivo Demecrats' publican. Tiaeare mmsfe'w Congre lssashakers' dozen ast soin e eokn fe ef their constituenla aconstmingfl< does te couulry, suèd othérià ïsepif owrýktug for thà eèaprî ou ogreas, vhich,]I * opiion, Iii oue ofthte1 sdel giing luho hà -GovraernWts as eac h parti of camaigR ofpilal -Jfin d lb.reprt f b l-u Oit. i Put. GOOD sonne; x9w Mes, Mut-W 9 m