Whitby Chronicle, 14 Oct 1887, p. 4

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lightfi Toili GIBBARD'S LA VENDE/I WÂTEI~~. Proneunoed by Conoisseurs le b.- 1h. moot * de. ai Perfume sud ai Water w the Market. - - 25 Cents. lu"",-, >ruw~ - ONT. 1~ - Price GUI' I-I Ohomiat & I WHITBY ~ith~ r0uîctt. Ot4LY Si ~0 PKR ANNUN. Wbkby, FrIda~, October 14, 1887. Tii Grand Jti~7 ai 1h. Toronto as. misse lait vsek strongly urg.d tuai 1h. lash b. ueed mors frsqusntly lu omise vh.rs eriminal assaulta are made upon vomen. Aboul ousIhird of 1h. lime ofîhe court had bseu lak.u up villa suoh oas... Wi1h promises or bribsi ihes. vrsiohes puusuade minai girl. ta soins pecluded sud uncccupisd build- ing and oti1t~ige 1h. belpises orsalurse. 1K 1h. Nerfolk couuiy assises on Kouday au sillon vas lrledbefors Hou. eouuty eou~cll ~o provide lwc4hlrde lb. lundi r.queulsd 10 exiler.. lb. Osuada Tsmperauo. hct, The pies of 1h. oounoil lu rsfuelng le provide lbs monsy la, (1) Ihat lias Âot le net ena braoml I. 1he mueolidatsd slatuisi of Canada, sud causol b. an forme; (2) thai lhsr. b.hag iv. sidlngm w 1h. coamniy lb. oommieslcusrm .hould have asà.mmsd .aoh s.paraisly lbough thero vie but ou. lnep.olouule ; (8) lbai theL oouuly esuluimIs. for ibis purpees sbould b. approved by lb. Provincial Tr.aear.r sud 8eoe.lai~y rssps.iiv.Iy. Ths plainilifs urgsd ihai ther. vas a siaussin lb. Ail of s.neolldailou pro. vldiug for omissions oflam~s ov.rlooksd, sud Ihai 1h. ProvIasial Treasurer sud 8.sr.lary had .a2hspprovsd lhs ssii. assise. Hlm Lordshlp d.terrs& jaadg. meul, bul lb. case 1mb g~ bih. court .1 appu~al no mail., vbioh side vins. Ta, OrWia PuekeS slalom ihal 1h. CasouloLs I. oppesed b hoees-raolng - ai fifre sud voleomes us as-su addition b 1h. ir*aiehaul advoaioe o! v.ferm. Ws ais .lraId tha Facial pvse us - oredit iban vs hsv. saru.d s. lai., Bu.iaslh.mallsr le uudsr dli. «aseiou, vi julghl elals our ampr.s. atone ou lb. et~bJsob. W. b~lisvs lha~ sool.ilse #bouM make a point M effet. 1uggsi~d puiies lot Ssii drlulng lu order la ssefltse lb. brêdhsg ofgood md. tà botes., sud thsrs h nolonhi Ihat drivllt#taêbore.e le au a~oompIleh. * - ~wblok uIaouId bs' .uo.urapd. Thlaletatsauali 10 so. 1<@ntofss. EUS? ~o* Toa'Ã"uto te 1aylng 10 mak Up us mmd ast. vM~oe~Howa Iaud 1mb l1a~. s ihird brui or noL~s la no doubi vlhUalg 10 slau4fcm.lsiilon, as hie vcrk le~not y.lhalf4nleb.d, but h.haamad.ahosiofnsmlse. Wh.n he vas Brai .lsil.dhs fournil she polios syelsm lueffiolsul andbadly nia~agsd ~ 1h. oity's deparimenle ver. .zillsn 10 lb. cors, as ihs mou, va10~.vorks sud ciher scandai. viii ehpv; crime vas rtf. sud uudohoied,-almost evsry. lhing vas bath oarelessly sud oorrapi. Iy bandled. Irrespsolivs of ihe bel. juge of jabbeu ho p~eoesded te reol oui ail th.t wae visclous, bslng lmpsded lu bis vork by mon of viacin bolier ilainge oeighi b. fxpeoled, sud cf course ail ib... mon, many cf ihein vealthy sud influenlal, md ail their frisude, are oppoocd te hum froin Ihe vord go. They say crimes neyer vere se numer. au., whioh i. untrue, lb. 1.01 beiag Ihal crime. are puuishod nov whereae they vers net heard cf je many casse before ; lhey ssy lb. police .7.1cm ~O verse than il vas v hile 1h. lad le Ihat no person osa 1.11, as there, vas net hall se good a tyebeoe of finding eut these ihauga bafoue, sud iheir short. cominge msy b. noie& sasily nov; they say bis mulilng duen if Ihe numborof 1lqt~or licences ha. nol sur- taileil 1h. seale of liquor, viaie 1h. lad i. Ibal bîd soin. other insu been mayor tb. chaussa are lb. number of Jicenees weuld have gene up seventy-fiv. lu. ste.d of beîng loss.ned by Ihai number, sud 'il le alec a fiel hast 1h. temperance vave Saules llppliug lobe notloed mer. than bêler. ; they siy b. preaches toc much, la Ico goody-goody and trios toc much la please 1h. vomen M Ibe ciiy. W. fincy h~ dose net veaken hie cause cnly $th certain classes by pr.schlng Ohristiauity, sud he cannai gel far auirsy by oeusulting ihe ladies on questions ef oeerallty. Hovever, whie .11 lb... siforie te do rlght bave inorsaeed 1h. number of hie suemis., 1h07 muet also have addsd largely le bis liii of frionde, sud they bave sure* ly gaven hlm a d6eper plie. lu lb. heurts cf those vho .siood by hlm be. lois nov. The good soupe of, the city muai sarely eeg. Ihat h. b. sent back la lb. olvie chair as long as he 11km.. Board ofEducation M~.t Wcdnosday evcniug. Present-Mi. Povoil, Chairman Mesure. Forgeson, Rutled~s.~J> Barolay, Ã"rmistou, Far*vslI, MeLelhan, ov. Minutes et former naostiug read sud con- firmsd. Mi. Rutlodq. bronglit iui a report cf Iho Fleaxioooommzttee rscommsndaug llao foflow. ing accotants :-E. J. Johuston, .87; R S. Oorinack, 4L90; A. C. Wilson, *82.18; N~~*92.57; Jua. B!ov, *284.38: *78.96; Henderson & Grahain, $21 00' A G. Heudoruen, *10.46; Rev. Dr. Rare, ~750. l'h. report vas adoptai. Mr. Day brougiat ha s report from lb. sohool Kaluagomeut (Jèuauiittee stuting that lia. J~7oe1OT cf Colegiate TusUlulas laid i-spa apparatus aI ~ur inatatuts mi follcva:-labrstory *80 sud globes $40; Iibrary *65-lu l'h. aommilteo reoommcuded liait la. r.. -quirenieuls et lite report b. oamplibd w-ith md liait tho Departineul b. uothlled te liait offset. l'h. report furiher etated that lb. Institut. grounda vero boa mmmli lu erloul mndrqoommended that mdjomning properly b. exproprial~d la la. extent ueoe.mary. The-r.porlvam adoptod. On motion u~t Mv. Barolay. Mesura. Pergu. son, Rublsdg~, Ormialon sud lb. mover vero mppaaxated a oomiulleo te acquir. the noces- la oulirge 1h. groundu et lias ~pat. Instituts. On motion of Mi. Ormiuion, Mi. Schelem va. alloved Stand Mis. Roua *3. for teseh. iug irikthe Mod*l sahool during Misa Burni' atuonce. On motion of Mi. Fareveil, a coanuittes vas appoinbod cbuslullug et Meurs. Bal: ledg, l3ùclayB'ergusoa,0rrniaioa~, Dovsud las mavorlouubmitarsportlo liais Baud et niatieru propor ta ho brougbl bel or. lb. Provincial Âmsoeiatiou af.claocl Trustes. aI it, neil meeting. Tho Baud thon udjourned. AVBI!aM. Su$pstt... -Ma. Brairai.- T arn mure I express lb, esalimea vaut niajouht>' s! Ihose viii> sIlex i-scout 5xIalhttioiaat Whitby, vh thulaiaUlbabnmIo b. isoson lias grounde, uothlug gave mors plias '--a". iher. mu be nous speolsiouu ubauihalJurnhbidi~yt on- thai day. - 'Ph. unlameIm mi 1h. 4 lb. T au acaxuarus A uv uàai<*a*uue ~4N CUiSANT TOPIOS 508 ~EE PAPIES. Ilisuolsugblegmailorfora maxi'i muid le beoom, dsrungsd, bul lb. Biglais cf Imaglaxutlon taken by actais msn are quit. amueang, viali. 1h. brlllianmy 6f their ideas as somevbal ,iriklug. te miny oies. a i.m#armry veakaises oS ihis kln4 may disolo., io. 1h. vorlil ambition long rceiratned b> modesiy. Titis may aceouni for lb. fait haut Mr. G. W. Wyatl cf O~shsws, *as for years au appareuily co tent.d joveiler, bul nov ihai moulai Infini. lies have nooseellateil bis Inoarcerallon lu Whilby juil, h. bas anddeaaly de.. veloped mb a stalesman sud jour. usUel. For ibis veeks issue las seuda us a nimber ef items frona vhiob ib. busy otite cf hie mmd msy b. luS.,,. ed. The fret ibm le for lue CazotuoLE md shows that b. îppr.oiatee Ils value as belng eniirely devoied' le lo~a1 Neye "St. George'. Sooicly viii cmiablish aI Whilby the couaing v'oek. Police Magistrat. Harper viii bave ail. Informa. lion for RIiIOiLdIDg mamberu lua day or ivo." The nexi i. marked local for Brook. lin Timea "The Briiluh Lion sud 1h. Amerloan Raglo vanta dioker. The Lion '~antm lias New Enganil Slalom auuexed le Osuada. The Lion lu wIlllng t. exohaiago f or marne a 1ev islande or a plece ef a continen or le ready sud able la psy cash formamo, if cDu i. uegatiated il onas. &pply ai Dovnizzg streot, Landau. A ,olid north i Preedoin for mli, sud A moud moula f riches for 1h. <3odly. The usai le a bit of adeice for tue R.. foin pari>' "To 1h. Reform Pmrly-Lel Pr.. trade ~sand impIe b. lia, second plankofihe ___ of courue lng ha. ~si Partial protection would oortalnly b. rfersble but 1h. 13. S.are nol d- cols. Tm~o adoolded gland, sud lotit b. h tarif or no tasiff. Nov you bave your~~zoioe for God'm make vhcn you sound 1h. note, ~el lb. aouniry knov you are decided. If you do vlciary viii oorlalnly came. * G. W. W. Nov cornes an editorlal on 0cm. morcial Union "OOXXEicIAL milaN." "Wliaiiuit? A* an y echool boy the question. Tue ivovords ai once ulusat lb. meaning, C. 13. moins that ne duiles mhall b. imposed by elîher couuatry. Thai NorIa Amerlos shah become ons ceunlry cornmezcfally, sud thalle .11 h dos. mean. Il means Pie. Trade commereiaily anil ual political~. Buluomo~~~not coin. si-or maya Ihal ackuovledgo ut once liait Canadimns are u~o~ lu point ai sbiIity ta Auaericans. or eue say niaut em- phalioilly vs are equal If ual superlor la 1h e poopleot suy counlry on earlb. We held aur ovu lu limes gene by, vo osa itold aur avu nov-sud vs are ~epar.dvhUlng sudableteboldourovu futeroforve are lino sud loyal Osuadiani frai, lusi sud ail 1h. lime." Then h. write. ucbmaaoturiibloantiols fer lia. Globe giviug exact)>' the son of argumoul vbleb thal paper hi~ dotoat lIas Refovan party for s numbÈr of years-abusiog John A. sud hovl. luq la vitch Ihe ihlevse sud b. ready fora naiduighi allsck. Perbape Wyult hum been writiug fer ihe Globe ail ilong "l'h. vondeefaally fertile bran cf ibi eminaut polltician 81, John A. MoBonalil le beoomaiug mare sud anereb>OP~aenomenal ai 1h. ysaru roil aloug. To upes bis ehookoreci oaroer eue la lomilu vondas. A look .1 ailtuirntlcu viii envulop a merista 1ev cf las ebosen faithini. A feeling ai dimguat sud detesiatlcu viii or.sp ow lia. vaut mnaJorllyof hiiToi~y saappertoem. Ph. housel anil fxunk Omnadimne vbosuppst~i 1h. Libers! Oouaorvalive~~u 1h. paiÇ viii vrlth amasemeul hie senues couklb.oom. s. eieudeile t. omil a vote fers pari>' vbloh bas nul ~very foui sud corrupt praclies luovu le lias modem ~tlemuto sisal pover lu eider te pitandet tisseur>'. 8fr ltbnMÃ"l>ouahi leanoidmaubul ago doms emltigal. crime. Dli loba bai been b.ivsua itsad frai vevhlivusutur. t. ea>' lia. Go! lovlug f~s au& ledeis. iilIottr w111 aI lits demI ouooetnalh mernemume Ibuir la. 1/ -w' frID- HAD A GRAND ail Hunhing lai GOLD and S CASES. OPENINGI A.nd Magnifloont Display of Bargains in F ALL The ohoicest1 fineat, 1~est aï.id cheapeat assortment of Seasonable Goods ever seen in Whitby. We have to announce that oui immense Fait Stock is 110W iii perfect order and we invite you to give us au early oeil end inspeot it. You are not expected to buy anything unlese you find exactly what yoii- want. Oui steady aim is to please ail our customers and meet their requirements better than anybody else can do it. llow far we have beeu successful cen be demonstrated by cailing et our store and criticaily examin- ing oui display of Fancy Dry Goods, B/a nkets, Tweeds, Hats, Caps, Furs, Dress Goods, F/amie/s, Carpets, 8uitings, Man t/e C/o ths, O vercoa tings, Clothing and Cents' Furnishings. We have been known for years as Leaders in Styles and also as Leaders in Prices. and we intend to maintain oui reputation. We are bound to seil and have marked-every thing et selling prices. Do not delay, but corne and take first choice. we do---LEAD.--- I?~Q88 z~ Whitby Dry Do as 08 Goods Farmers, Threshers, and Mill-Men Find it to their advantage and profit to use M'QOLL'S - u~ LARDINE~~ XACHIN~ OILS. Guaranteed not to gum, and will outwear Machine 011e. fjrj" Try oui Cylinder 011. It lias no equal. Whitby, by W M. WX. BRYA.N & 8ONS~ ail other For sale hi Dunda~s Street. GILMQR~E, WHtTBY TILE and~ Has for Sale auy onnd Tue. * Wood taken in mv timo. - quantity of well-burut, Emporium. BURNS> COLUMNU For extra strong *~ Dust-Proof ( for men. - Ail Grades of ~L THA Mand Movemente m Star 8. BARN BROOK BT., WHI ~Ijitb~ (fhljrtJ OCTOBER 141h, LOCAL LACO~ Y~W1lAT 18 801118 OR 111 AND ARI BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL MEWI BT OBRONICLE REPORTi "A ~hieI'm amang yotukiz Au' f ailla hall prout h. MLTILLh55 a nov pli bis show window. ~ Tai graunda af îhe lut. are te ho enlarged. OAPL.?I8HEE, cf Torcul Ipycrito lu Ibis tevu, I. le Balvatien Army meetings e il their barrsck5here. Ourstor>'this.vOSkisî eue, having beon .vrltieiiJ iug edilor. Bul il wlll mal et e blond rua oold. - Bofar ibis. qoa.oa 1h. pri ~85~ualiillebighOJ~ lusi The aharlage ho se greal, hi ~ uame& ouni et aneuey SUMMER SLAUGHTER. a mi. v. ~J4 Ibis veek C - beau vali ÂOOORDING b our cusbom we are nov selling summer linos at SLAUGHTEI~ ~PRIOES t, olear ihem oui. Il pays us boiter b de biais titan oarzy. them over te néit summor. - Drives lu ladies' shoos! Drives iii Iadie<elimisrs I GOODS

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