Whitby Chronicle, 14 Oct 1887, p. 8

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N~uewI, mmemen*ofobeMtPM ma dibsaI l$mmlg lu bléekaIW G. Wts une, .. H. e p, si 1the lau uraw or fur btls Thecysowétil Baibéihop itho place oget ashaib outor sanice easy Uise'Dr. Dormendws Gftst human Hait Magi fr bu"«u4 , py hait, la tuosisl by all druggItà» >1mw ulook cf ploot braMa lth. neyait dr... trmng in blaok sud oM i olois as W. G. Walteia. Paw soc" of mou's ad-youtho ready puces. W. G. Waltoesl. M fo Cair ak olcrod céabsre hose te b. sold out ai wholeole prime, 8 pmitfor #-1. as W. G. Wallon. A asEIL metingof the W. 0. T. U. will b.hbeld tis PtErday sftemio in the Fme Beading Boom st hall t W. G. WAL*EB lu showlng a âne rangeocf Mondie sud Ulster Clotho. aue thozu belote paurbsgelaehoeAUl ne e*pods -a*4loveel pnfe.W*. 0. aissOdd"eliw î Oàmand sud se .nov mportod Chinis ousna ullbiefor doors or windows eboio patterna, eleal <cd at Boss Bnc. Dry_ Goode Emporium._ Boas Buse., special 25o. lino of nov dieus gooda are 1h. talk of the lowu, you shoold se. them e borset.lb eading colon ame s"d.1 WE amenov prepaiod t soei l hick gocds aI "simues, W. refer Parti. olarly te cor elegant range of ladeé' mandee sud ulator olotha, Bou Brou, Dry Gooda Emporium. TIM Bond cf Hope vil muet iu 1h. W. O. T. U. Beadîug Roem, on Mou. dby, Oct. 17tho ai 4 Ùoleck, for the pur. posu of a re..otieu cf officers. corne sud bain 1h. nov drl. Say : Maudy, whero are yuoing ioj boy th. boy'. elo1db., ibisfanil "lDanne Ephtiam"Il$vonlIl've been "biking tihas nelghbor Porkine is pu&- tiug on smuoh styla ainoe. Beu Bisa., goi Ihaur vnew talionthat wva-b" )baller go Ibeis So. . Sox. peoplo are forevon grovllng sand grumbying about bard limes sud high pneand not being dble to mrush. bolh suds meet wv o ds'l heurvhbt ende tbey mess but il ihey vanS the wluhées1-cf their hait te meilth. eapaof atl. ochaI tbey uhould eaU amBosBrus.Whitby Dry Goedu Bm. Good IlutIa A&V. J. y. Bokerpas barBaptiui Ohnkela. 8aven~eut Lorals D&y on bllovt-10 sJ. 8. S ad pas*or'ulle. oû lau."s i. aubjesi vi)be "pîSrobnug mèeoy,» ls. ii xtensive Aue" 'eu -ae1ôbonnes, caile, farm fo~imenta, etc without roserme l..Lvnfexpiredo loiS, lu 2ad cocessIon Pîoksr ,kuowu au lb. Sherman-Brovu arm, h il ssiiby ~bIic uc luon We>eai y 901h boi- 0tewoe o bis stok and faim impie. meute. For particularsne. posters.. à Fairbanks, Âue. Auotien Baleof farm alôck implemeute, etc., on Loi 84, 91b cnou, e t aly lw' Mule. Westof Ashbbu,th.e porly JMr. 'Wm. Roulley, J., eu Mou ayý, Ce--1.7tb. 1887, ab eue e olock, p. me. Mi. Levi Fair- banks, Auooreer. No roetesu ad ne Mr. B. J. Lynde, loi No. 80. i he frd conceon a oflt.elowabp of Wbltb.yo, vii sson by Publie Anclien, tb. wboee t bis stock,- implémeuntec$ ouSiudyUl M9d 1887, atl12o'olook noon. AU *Miib. sold vithonl resrv*su ho haa reniai bis farm. h ed, try Allons Lusg B arsd b. mu The Dally Nea' Dobilu correspondent msye lb. Govarnueut are about le suppresa the Nadlenagneenlzrey. #"The Beavaiofa aviug a beilletfPerry Davis'Pau-Khiier iluthe.-bouse inth ba yen are preparod for thea «vent." 'Orcijp or -1-- thelb Pain-MUer la a souvenir Therei o usactive domand fer tb. Manitoba bonds uevly isaned. Gave mesa doue ef Dr. Smilb'a German Worm Bemedy sud il remov.d a lare number et verma tfram may hildren, ate r a&l so-caied worm medicines fsioedi-Thos. MdogItigot 1 Anderson street, Moutreal. 25 cents, ais» druggwbi. Mr. Obarubarlal is teossiifor Americoen the 291h nsi. *HI W Àx PE»EsNJeWZAE £A» FAM?, on tstigued udexbauai.d, there la noiug50m r mrsbua droliue au sitle of murry & 1 Lsms P Ferd Waâtor.Rubbed on lbe bandasud temples, sud lnbaled fr.ey, it toesu d bramos ha vbole systom. It ia stsled that the Csai vau delerred trm Meeting Eiuperor WÃŽila by the kuowledge Ibai Germauy'a poliey regsrdlng Buigarl Vas inimica osi a Esu. Physielaxs bsvlng ooumunplve patients, Mud having ""ieito Ours tbsml by their ovu sc *e enLong Bahsmm. Il bas oured CasesWvhs.aulothe r med>as bav e 1.. 111 barmles thb e i daiasi emoild. * #4ce$00 pebeilla Nowthtdin dam" ansd oculsâl to% ýeàý b sot m othlb B.& <iod alth amus ome s propar tobe san aeompllabed tact. amountcf exorcse md at"g good '6b.aIiuI bcd. We are no»s rpriaede odM5ttiox58 thst Bo «a,,ujpope uifer home dyspep. mde-iiýlo*baces, itb, rfre PUC1 auaisee tmasmso I meb. 0,utap"vertupeirst- does i 'mgw o teheurtisaitiresis ei ng-1-9zumadiesr.sebta tu very ouari. irme Ah r se akdiag Baki»UgPour. 11D. MTle, mout suceeuuilesmu d«, *44 6u 'PMe s"deau b. e vmsd 15nvfeneiyrare lied "pm. W, roterta B. W. (Gillet$," nv mo pam, fol Posenm Toucug>,Canada, a»d ChÃŽicag-,U. >1.vhi. Il lu a ". pq att obn ILA. It l&la aled 1h. Impena1 Y" v a bs ftîad 1e11litaf- madérin porareml ad la .ifn am U, largboillkras 9Acetil-à. ë bave mot lmd thisbuad, üeur i o se amn ubn il grecor for IlàI saco Sud ve kuioWif you lm o )l ~~ baned fe osestryte ju vii ue o ote8 stuzdsy. aM" Ihebin dvt. of Powdered Lyer m.ssWrs thi5lp5pe O. I».Y., itss: 8h. eaus reublelà spoetsag ~ wlu saaiâm for fkur eansbal te ait up niglatshite llvi$ha i. 8h bas she Ibtisa ¶oméuao Kuirt <31ul, d oeydkub wo bt s et Dr. '17b.eus' Beletn o 1, intend ék% a . mesgg tin e-Wod- u aprutl ua.8.Sb on'hy0r . bicn putx jOot. $RD ?laarevlfb. Iammunda à, s wîn'hm op &W elagent fouraw isbn sMd tbrfat mrace. ,manbr igbr D" naibavlng wmeu b.pomaula lhlb 1qatioum alosbuil avsèisi,.Sud et. oIs ltu lb. Ammims u.cstoaie v for th. amplesshlp cgf lb.. ta Detaitbuiai vosigmes ma Ui.-Louis L Oo mnysd Bubar, 1h.Enlsm, rovod tv00016%e one last Sunad"ay s wok r 15W0 Calats¶Wolb. f9Mt sudBuboar thebeiked lýe Ivo mon woeao n lb.. Isroms.e bampiezashzp llb.theOnisAM o suoal14 a pd b Bbttgraeksof gMonte lth recuir lb. lb b m e uellm Wè4 Lost eroont. Piusia 68 4do 61 ]3àu"ton- 57 . 3e.uy QilY' 48 9 4( Blr. Bmebsjw & spo*st tavoisi thh lutl.vitf, a M.W.Siwg.s I xA BTEEa39JABY BOY, . X. W) iovzaabp. LivAuna.- s 4uz~.b ~jY.;. z.; t o ci- -' MI2T AGENT WHITBY. Hundredfi of J. F. Peas'Economy" Warm-Air Fur- naces are uow being used and are gvn perfect satisfac- tionL. The fÃ"llowingspecifloation is annexed to every or-' dot, and le the guaranteoe venwith.every Furnae: "Eoonémy" Wroioht,'t6eI Plate Furnace, IDouble Cased, îeniÉbitd ,wU Va&por Pgnt Chut Damper, Our Improvod Ânti-Olnker "rae, ud ail 1h. latoatim*provemea s deecribed in Our catalogué. The Warm AIr Pipes to be supplie& with Dampers, wth patent foacm r. regulating th.enpply of Warm Air in difeen aparimenta.difrn Furnace Dampera te be connected with a regulating bôard, to b. place4 ini the Hall, Dining.Boom, or Ãœthér convenient place, for oporatiug same on first floor. Ail Furnace Collars te, be double, tô enenre safety and durability. The Warm-Air Pipes, Register Bsoxe8, etc,, to be made of th. best I. X. Tin Plate. Ail Channelà for Upright Pipes ini new werk or exposed OPenings t10h. thoronghly lined (10 ensure s&fety) with good tin. The 8moke-Pipe'to-be made of heavy Galvanized hron. The Regletere to be the TUTTLE & BÂjiLY, N. Y., manu- facture, of the latest improved patterns and flnely finished. AUl material te, be of the best' quality, and the work te b. oxecuted in the most thoroughly workmanlike manner. The CoId-Alr Dut-oue leading from the outside for intmoducing fr.seh air, and one from the inside of lhe building, -eith.r of which un b. used as desir.d-to b. buill of good, sound, malched lum- ber, drsed aon bolli aides. We guarantee te warm the roomse in whioh Registers are placed to 70 degrees vhen lhe outksid température is 10 degrees. b.- loy zero. The purohaser to furnish good ceai, careful anid a chimn.y with sufficient draught 10OO vIMWA.PýZD 1 ÀArevard Of $100la hs~vOfea for the reeo'vey o01ithebc, ta»i '70=8 I UDER, 211 Quem .a u& BELE, 3=* 2 Onarlo ai, Tffonloi FARM TO RIT. Tb» south of Lot 28, la 11h Ooncèuule of Wbitby, ita ritfor a teru ci yesru Ilis onefthe beuti firnla b. ony. Ouidmble taui plowiug dons. For terme sMd psrtl"lsrspply où PreMIses 44-4iIWO-0.DB RAB?4 -JUST TO atteindance Lii. H1A-ND- JEWELLERY. NeveudWsgrs u ies' mBEOOHES, CLOCK&S,-1--and 8 Daýy. 8ILYERWARE. TO'FL4RMELS 11f]?uni slo&CI, Nwf >aev GodaaIseENiE PRpsyilb. bigta- b rSAC a enliriai n lther Paymrent at Denaion Bank or Mi. ouka store 48-BAn -IL. OWBLLJ. Tes, Spooas from . "$1.M> per doz. Exbèîaarycile Jeweiery madet e rder.- Waboos, 1 ana-sudJeweile.y RePasa n.d udWarrsul. WI~ITBy '~! New Goods are coming to hand and big preparations for A GIGANTIC FALL TIRAD1. We are preparing to give Our customers some of the fng linos of Goods in the markets in Our new -stock, lateet styles and low prices. We have- taken partieUlar pains in purohasing and can show the best styles and lines of Toronto and Montreal goods. We have noôw to band. New Dress Gonds, SilS, Ve.lvets, e. veteens and plushes, as well as buttons, braids, twists, silks, etc,., to match, New. Mantle and Ulister Clôths ail (Jolo rs, Shades, Weights and iPrices.- Tailor-m'-ade Mantles alld Jýacke, to order. .New - Wools, Flannels, B1ankets, Yarns, etc. B/G L INE 0F NEW T WEEDS, Nobby patterns, worsted and overm coating. New hats, caps and gents' Furnishings Goods. #j Our Millinery Opening, showin New Paris, and New York Fashions,1 in Hats and - Bonnets, Rib bons, Flowers. and Feathers and Trimmings, wifllbe no SATURD-AY,. MONDAY &TIJES.DAY,,. 24, 26, 27 inst., and followirig days. We will be pleased ta -show yous our Show Roomg. PWELL Co@ PROHIBITION pRiýS, GOODS MARIKED :DOW, TO: SEL ýNOlT TO KEP The ndersigned begé 10oCali lb. atlé]a his stock la zowoomLplete for -theI a su' kepI le th# lo*esl possible margi-4 fora9 "SùpIi.s, Fine Stock, of Slt-atioîe r.Y (Ni Névelties; -Baby Carnages, sud WailPP close ont -th. Besson, paper from -5o. a rd, hif-dimo Miralo for, Be:.-In'Bazar Pattà, ion Shoots sud Catalogues gratis, corne 7woos&c. .: -Oùi, vus Ciypole vili stc.WB 8OLLOIT A GALL. - SUBSOBIFI '~8eU qipmen" gnktsro, capable ot wuork tram the largo hsudblL .Special unsurpasea.prose f 1.éufwilh -ils ol otilnder proe suad su es. very order PIrsI insertion, qbsequoflt inet Dlsplayed Âdve by ssiswe af Soid asor ine avonlems ehaiedfor ml im Orosfor diaco muet be in wriing, msa viiinot h~e ep A, liberai diBeon meula by theyear. oiiraci adverlieem in-notla.er ihan ef anylntended before Tuffeadsy n meule reoeived up, Businessu aiico& Vive coule per Lino per lino weekly. correspoudence ci lb.. Oounty or Corrospouidentsi Uieir coimflDmel possible, JORN STÂNTON Sup't Mooa JOHN E. Fd - ~ABBIBTEB, I ving, Oaurt2Hou5 JAMES B AREI~TBR, .eupied by J oEoyslHotelD DAVID O Ou'riou-Iu IhE Office, lu Mo~]J $Wbilby. - e. roiJNi Omou-BDhitI - B~oek Si., Wbi~ Isua. 99,1878. .» Muncsy, o ole124h

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