Whitby Chronicle, 21 Oct 1887, p. 5

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f3 s - N e-ver se rfeet order ed to buyý ,se aulOur [0w fat we y examjlla h ings. in Prices ýrked every Do as LUMN.- qvorth and ing, tnd in. oîng, %ng, go in, here eocting, nd vin. e, na wixi ight sdd: YOU Go." the quarter1 aes; it ia oniy more cheq6p- ellng -OES1 IL A T10N8 est and ectfuly se- ieet sud hbrhooed. ;~ WATbaguasor=$"a Md ébu. M&ld5 . Me tOnRht la MiiuioHEa.. plan cf hall runa re, iés udgentleman st aiGibbard'a adaion . 25 - 850. Stw for bt ats. 1w ui ep 01 f 0i.roughamf#it BKMRNBEE "Te old Polka" concoe 0 ~<Xr~J3LE MTII D vo ga e W .Br a héprize for 'night in muujo hall. Plan of hall ai falviies inst.aèd or/W.'L. Babury. Gibbard's admission 25o sud 85o. -AND- FORsale a good ho se and lot corner Extra gond value in gray flanDebe, of Oolborne aud King sîreets, alooe e eee em befote purehaeing, Andrev on North Byron sireet, for. particulMe e M. Ros. S aply tAndrw M.Bon.The Royal Hotel Barber ehop in the Jk We notice Mr.A.. T. Haight, meent. place to, get a hait cnt or & nice.easy ly a pupil in the institut. ber., . bas ehave.-A racee nd gnnting inl the newest beaeeceeed preaident of the lilerary Nacw pantingu snd suitinge juat te. les of tGoLD and SIIýVER society of 1h. Woodetock Model school. coived snd a firsi-clasa fil gusranleed, &XS S.Tua recent raine bave been ltlle Ândrew M. Boss. > good to0 the farmers in the. malier of ron- REUICMBECR "Ye old Folks" cncert le. -V~AT I3E8dering t#l*e oeil tillable. The plow.atill night in menie hall. Plan of hall at W -&-W C 1g::E turne up lumps balf as big a% a wash- Gibbard'e admission 25o sud 85c. For Ladies. tub. Bazu n wvpatternoin Union car- TRe annuai South Ontario -plowing Pets, tapeetry carpets and -floor oil lage srogWatches Match will be held ai Heron'a farta, clothes, Andrew M. Ross. extra srn west of Ashburn on Friday, Oct. 2Sth. Use Dr. Dorenwend'u Great German ~»Dust-Proof Cases Thore are plenty of classes and BOy Hair Magfiefor baldnese, gray bar, je for mnen. amount of money for prizes. ah good for sale by ail druggst. FoL.LowING e .uetom ofTiiheaepest plaee in lown te buy M1 Graes ofmany cther papers we prepose te give yeux mantie olothe je from Ândrew M. AilGrdesofthe ORRONICLE for the remainder of lie Rose. - year free te 0ev subscribere,0or py- Nicwssorimeni of tweeds Mud black AI~mn o iai n f $l before th.eud of 1887. worsteds, Andrsw M. Rose. WA THA M anu LGN m. G... HI1GBOTRÂM advertibes W&xTmn ati tus office five barrels cf EL ~~~'<a beautiful frm for sale in liiis town. *firstc1555 *inter apples sud one of faIt IMovemeut.8 in Stock. Ils situation je scatoly equalledl by apples. Muet be well paoked. A.pply that cf auj other fatm a rouud bers nstaIouee. The apples may be deliveted ije in a1 g00d etate Of oltivation. astany raîîway station. lie" te adv.Tim Hood-Senith will case does net BA R N R D As witi ho sen by the. report cf ithe come off i the chaneery sittinge ber. îowu counocl in another columu, Mr. oeit veek au vas expeoted, but will BROOK ST., WHfITBY. Hugi MeBrien was on Monday nigit Îikely be traneferred te Toronto and be appoted Objet Constable cf lb.he ou barnext mouth. ofe bd wAnokthrcomi u swil Oua correspondenté deserve credit be fund n antheroolun.Ibis w eek for lbe excellent neve-be tiers. QIIroncL Dock-ehootiOg ai lhe bay, or ratier The mateor is very resdable sud shows ID~blazing avay st dueke, je the popular that wehave the beet staff cf vritero in ___________pastime with or Whistt sports aetI iisthe Province. Ksep il up, friends. seson. 0Oceuioually &aduck ges 0eztn W Tybsafaosbr akt OICT B3ER 2lst, 1887. carelees sud ie killed in running the FWKITBYunba almnstbairleyraik el. _____ ~~gauntiel. Aà chapee aid ms.y proveFaeraeindigherrinbe fatal le aoytîiniug.from aut pointseucilli, sm.e oming LOCA LA ONIC. oWREN a Meau vante te oeil bis farrn lveuîy Miles. The prie. js good Ibis -LOCALte eIlcore god toc beyear in comparisOn vith others tatot.. ARONO OWNî eoold place Belarge ad00r1stock lie &T the. annual meeting cf lie stock- ~HAT 001M DM-À ltO he d ce aNIlre s 1.1 iepenof ienboldere cf lb. Ontario Ladies College ByqaLT 0F LIYELY L.OAL NEWS GI.EANED coooty know about it. This paper bas i.ld ou Friday lust the lollowing BN (3HROMICLE REP>ORTERS a very large circulation axnong the very Direclors were ,lecled :-G. Y. Smith# - beet men in thi. eounty. LL. B., Whilby. Presideut; George A.. "A hîlemenuRye tam ots, Wg lry te enake Ibis vpr orti 81 o o~iEq., Pelerboro, Vice President; À 3ie'smiag epaper tM4A.. Rose Beq., Port Perry; Rev. Dr. An, f ,ith hc'll prmnt it. per year in advance Mud sa soon &BHare; Whisby; 11ev. E. Barrass., BÀaEY ce.o p npres iis week possible ve iuleud teges Or liât fil: Hampton; W. D. Mahbews, Eesq., and fariers are iaking »p their mcney.onalass Totti atud e'reîoNJWs areseningouts lrgenumer f W B. H. Jones, Esq., Toronto; W. H. REmEMBER "le eld Foîko" ooncert to- oare seudugouia arnd umbriner oî ilot, Ee. korontE;.,ToBrouao, DiRbt in magie hall. Plan cf hall aI he o good sa t sen the moneYey aI &,Wilot, H. Toon e . . Bacay Gibbard's admission '250 sud 85c. .A.., Wbitby; HEs. Wy. i.ePoell, vIEZ Ua areat sa"Y ontI mIe the TiEREare ôve or six Cases cf diPi- Joh i., Esq; . W.iTyloJ. B-Ael, country Ou Buuday lai tolegâther beech- therisa in difierent parts cf tb. lovu, Whitby, Sect.. and Treas. nute, aud Most Of them returned empty. aud &t a meeting on Tuesday nigh t the Tua annual meeting of the St. An- The beaves of trees have ballen &round Board cf Edoctioli deoided te leave rwaSceytopieonM dy ton ngrs qaniieduring Ibis temte fdjsmissiug iupile lrom ngt iDow's 1ev office. Théefol- week. In smretesti tiey are hues the sechoola iuthe bande cf tie Boardd ng a ea eeeetd:Pei deep of eslt. pomptmeurree avedent, Jas. Campbell ; Vics.Presidenl, Two Hamiltoni boys, named William been lakên le prevenl any bottier cases Geo. A.. Rome; Beretary, Tb.o Mo- aud Fred. Bell, oole> hborse and wagon if Possible. Gillivray ; Treasurer, Jue. Ferguson; Ihere cu Friday last, drove to London MR. Gao. ANDERsON, a Youg farmer Chaplaîno, Rev'de. Careniobsl Camer. and sold lie wbcle for $48. Tbey vere near tuis tovO. met vili anuaccident on aud MeCenan; Physieians, Dre. arrcsted sud polion jail. This sionld on Friday. ]jevas pultiug a bridî Gunu n d Meldruen Bard, Gao. Me- b. a waruing Be boys- onu* .herse in tie .1.11, viiela Bôme- Gouuury ; Reâd fCommitpe., Messi.- DuaNe ies fretymoringa ey tbing frigbtened the. bores oauig it le Dow, Fraser, G0. R oss snd Ka,$. Duf N o t lies my bseau aryd ay.sping baek sud Mn Ont doom. Ander- Thé auinual sermon je 10 ho preaobed4 ligitpsradiog tbe neigibering pasture son B banu va ngit in thé bakmineaS t. Andrevs eburci on BundaY, fields ini quelcof musbroceni. They sud hie vas drsgged cul cf tb. stable,, Nov. 27th st 8 o'elcck p. mu. by BRo. do Dot go so eaçly becaube lier. is aoy bot managedae top listhe rse aller Mr. Carmiobsel, sud lie annuel supper danerc~liemohromg being sou- breaking a amall boue cf bis a&M. in t -e b etd asnsuai. The affairaol bdaIgerif lthle msr u eas hy -Arc oelmeseli osdr 'esceyare in s fiourusbing state. SEle liel ci n pr utp«erte dv r-areRomauv' s ein f$10 onedr vietb bisfeiy ilnvaDeerco The Anniversary Services of ithe Haie, Erneîl Gregory; Gonslabls, neo ilvii ,ebartlegel tbem !iaek t' Metodil abenace re e h hld n-Harry Bevoîl, Frank Beveil; Orilice, WVhitbY but I amnaaite&,tviii Whitbk metodit Tberace a tube eldonBasit arprAllégis Cok Estfr sud prefet h sas a loeslly befer Sundaynexi. Bei. Dr. Williams,<one HBreyarerSmth any that I bave 8e lairsMn. I expect t( of tbe general superintendente Of thée are, 1i.Sîh.relunihome lu about five veeki bc& wbez Meîbodist oburc isjete eccupy te pVulpit Tuzma vas a general celebration in, I tiink cf lhe jouruey belons me il imme at bohouservies ou Bunday- On MO- on. lvu bout midigil on Monday amoug zinie, as I have nclhrivmw ed e ouit] day eveuing lhe annual tes-meeting the. yaiooe cf tb. place. They had sure it wJud have impruved your healti vilI b. ield frem 5:80 le, 8 o'coek,aftar eecured a box of pop someviera sud sud lb. -curney vwoul.d have. been Mm vhiei addreseee vilI b. given by Bey. drauk the sînf out ofthie bottes vitiz. pleasantifor osm. -D. William.sud ochers. Large nu=- eut alloving lh. gas 10 espo. The bers are eîpeeiéd tle aliend on ail result vastho.gas ent te heî heade esn. occasions. sud vorked serious disorder the b i u Ms il aehriro Tua aonual maeting ol thé Whitby nxellov spots, aud the tolvii v a o- tei edi er OU satarda ragl, a curling club wu hsld on ThuWsay lutI ly frighlensd imb fils by , heu r oketeck up theïr rasce in Ce ivelln at Bay'& hotel. The. alend*nce vwsas Wth.y tan npp sud dowu the sireele. MOulfted by Mr i fav 1&orb good. Alle r msatug the régular Borna cf hem useea afev w ,tw@'ýtd kw u anOfl5d w5 %f1l ,th t routine business lisfollowiug officere ho énablé lie gai t10-escape. There hostlei lu otmgoui bèslw1ioe..- veto eleeted :-Pésldéni, Judgs Dan- vas scaroely àawiidow, lu auj ait Dell ; Vieo-e@Îodenl B. Bnov ; Secte- éd pari of the treetl nirl teu ixaWs Iary, Sherif Paxton ; Tresurer.W. not!sMeOuq " dDg it. '.Ükt fFA RM aTOR 8A If' R. Howse; commithée, J.Twooediot. W. valtrte gir. lthe yahoéifb uhoer bathII Un, 11o0d Go.se onohhvêll,3. Blauhon, bol they disereeily kep t t. iniddle of EngiRBose. Thereý»s Bielbaéa rs thé Street. AlÂBatulletaed auu i e dca! cf enthniom among uhemetibers TÈS 741h mestigof thé Whiby C -o W0FHTB lhis yenansd ibre le a prospeol of àa nst Ltteray Somietyvas hsld i te. y, --FWH TD greal viulet'a noise. th Hny ule -chair. -After thé Bouflirzlaybiend v i wl i aDise. minaufe"iieprevicus 1metig-iW'The. uudersigned 4fferl *for slébi baud tende us iu su aoout cf a Mat- beau résd lie foiloving programme of 491 acre, béi<uàhfl5iéd onuthlietsautÉli iage -or rallier,tas w. aboula have vas rendawed ofan ol-is Brook -tireel sud noithi iii 4h.GUlm Trak ralway=i*ieOT<oviof Wbltby. Tt said, parit of theoaoant cf a margiagéJentuie Almcpai d; Adtis-ý tqnBireé; laSu 1as gom-a -plée.1 of laind -oaam, ceremony, s lie »ame cf the bride- BSog- Ma1y ,Pinglé ; Bea4log- uai.te dý-Pa>aWn&-st groom vas omllted as *61 as the Mi", A. Montgoery 1.001 dno4i to'.h tiipakr4,4g,üi lccallty wherm téie iueresti»g évent The. tissé& oorO,»ly5sgo saa~ e#àI u tookplaé, . fot lai e bvemot iteOlub; Beodlfl Fik$*lOu oiwth u2saqê -*ibbo tonooh 5uful tlOfl le p aetih Bn-W B popwod maltr l .oureaderà. W.\ýdoIi't sup- Oies Club., Dut-iubg -thémeeIwh pose for, a moment hliat Our estimable Lavlor ex-mnember of! ýoieté4y~W5 *~ groom nuu" e bOfl O W. si .»ud thle saïl, ïi ott» mlîà'i Îhm i l' uordo ve u p i It0éIJ«»0 cflagIA-1 noir do vw Thébllvn#,4,:F fanoy thli loea» t soiqk Immt> maht 10 g. FÂLJL DR i GODB. axe agan in the front with new Styles. We show the finest assortment ini Winft Dress Goode in ail ColoTs. New-German Plaids, Costume Cioth, cunna Oloth, Princess Cord, etc. New Pliushes, NewVeetns New Braids, and N ew Trimimings MANTLE 1887. Faîl and vi- very ochoice assortment ordered Mantles and Jackets, better garments entirely tailor- made-, correctly cnt and finished, assuring an appearance not approached by- any other tailoring est!blishment in the country, 1We m iLLIE*T*IE;,. are now showing the Leading and can Styles in Hata and Bonnets, etc. Frenchi and Amerim 0CLO0 rrIII -W. satisfaction in securing stylish garments, perfect fit and stylish out guaranteed. excel in Nobby Overcoatings, Worsted Suiting, Tweed Suitings and Stylish Pants. New Ties, Scarfs, Coilarsi, CF No. 1, DEVERELL'S BLOCK, GLmASFOW Shirts and Underclothiug. -1A .rT WÂREXEIQUSEJ, GILATD GLE4RINGOUT SALE!1 Commencing at once and continuing day by day until the whole stock is disposed of. Parties in want of Dress.Goods, Flannels, Blankets, Yarns, Hosiery, Gloves, Tweeds, Coatixige, Cloakings. Ready-made olothing in Men's Youths' and Boy's Tweed Suits. Also a large stock of Mens' Youths' and Boys' shirts and drawers, gray flannels, shirt- ings., Severai cases of Men's and boys' wool sox, Wornens', Girls' and childens' marina hose at HALF PRICE. Parties in want of Goods will find at this sale they will be able to get goods at one-third les than the usual price, as the whole stock must ho cleared ont by lst January, 1888. We offer this iReal Estate by Tender. PARCEL No. I-The Double shop known as the GLASGOW WAREIIOU SE; where we have done sucli a large business for many years. PA.RCEL No. 2-Part of Lot 7 and 8 on the Base Lie, Pickering, containing 244 acres fir8t-class; land, two dwelling houses on the promises, the barns are ail new, with stone- stabling, weil fenced and watered. 1 PA.RCEL No. 3-Part of Lot 23, on the second concession, Whitby, containing 65J acres, choice land. The buildings on the place are ail new, built 6 years, ail weil fenceda. PA.RCEL No. 4-Pasture field containing 3j acres weil fenced, directly west of On- tario Ladies' Coilege gate. PARCEL No. 5-Vacant lot between Ontario Bank and Ontario block.. on Brock street,_ with riglit to use both walls, north and south. R&UCREL No. 6-Vacant lot eust of the English Churoh on Dundas street. Tehders for the real estate will be reoeived to let J'anuary, 1888. No -tender. nÇces- saàriy aocepted. For termes apply toCAJ4 BE L LIVING CURIOSITIES IN OUR STORE, BUT WE HAVE, SOMEý De AA. BARGAI NS, ir~ I f~f.1V AT TW~M ~~JIVI~. I~INL/ ~ r~ a a a Wehavea line of DÉress Go-od at 121 and 1c ,ytbing yet shown, and-a oboicô range'at 250.- Our New Pliish Tria Frablefor'aï Firt-o-lass Dresi. We have ýsome Vr choiee goods in -Striped Ï sTE qà An We tl BROOK STREET, WHITBY. CLOT-US . AND ULSTEIRINGS.- W

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