Whitby Chronicle, 21 Oct 1887, p. 8

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Temr sud Gaudeurare terovforiie obamlàonablp ci, Amui"oa onovIIuh.,, The Da" Xob boleyclub anti, Toronto Huai club hold Ibeir ta» raoo*mtiug al WSo<bineio-momrw atternoo. On Manday lut Wl.. antiEnriglit hec iheir single-sulling race on Taronte bey, 3rgt vas th. favorite in th. bettlng, but liiê easlly won, therace by thre l nov romains betveon Toronto and Cornvall ta play leorosse toir the champion. sbip cf the vorîti, but th. Coinwal* vil not Pl"y excepi on their own ftold, whioh lu uald ta b. unfit for th. gante. Toionto propos .Ottawa but the match la ual likoly 10 came off. Taronto lacroase club playeti a tirav ai Toronto an Saturday lat it l the Shant. rocks. t vas an exhibition gante anti each iook tbree goals. Toronto ln nov chamipion of the Ontario lacrosse association and the Cornwails, of Cornwall, of the National association. Thoy aure ct kely ta Play off Ibis year. Mr. Bob Beati, of Port Hope, oeeof the beat knovn drivers in Canada, hati a clase call for hlist t h. Peterboro exhibition park on F'iday. He vas driving «"Taif Jr."1 mn the apen trot, jegginf&long and hadti he linosti.dtoa&hoeback ýo the sulky. One cf the ether hoïles vas driven &long at arapid Pae.ant h. twe sulkies celllded.&'<Bob s" wusturaed oniteaide and the driver feil ta the agrunti, jutasho vas about ta jrwip. His f.t Rotceught in the lUnesanti mter tb heela.passed over hua, h. vasdragg.d for sont distanceuntAl h. got tree. Lt vas thought at firet liaI ho vau killa, but ëz- aminaticu sho#ed ihet lhe go$ off iviti -oue, broken nb sund a wienohod ko. R e vas able ta valk arounti Priday niglit. «'Tarif Jr.'" tretted in the raceand teck seond place ta Menti .S. t aitest heat being 2.38. Churob Notes. The anniversary services et the tabernacle take place on Sunday and Mondey next. (Sa. Posters.) Bey. Dr. Willams preaches bath tintes on Bunday. The Ladies' Aid Society et the SU Andrews' church propose holding a harvest- home festival turing the firbt veek in Nevember. It il ta be a fruit festival. Bey. Dr. Carry, Port Porry, oouducted the services on bath ooccaieus in AU Sainta on Suntiay last. The Dn,s. f &urea a brulitant seholar and clever wrlter drov largo con- grogations out ta heur him. Rev. Mi. Casely, ot Oshava, preachet in 1h. Metheait tabernacle ou Suutiay rnorn- ing last. The olti gentleman's voice is grovîng quit. teeble, but ho ia possesseti et ainost a. muoh paver andi tully sas groat eloquence sformerly. VZREY Bal"F. Napano. hati a $80,000 fine an Tuesday night. Torento oves th. different banks; a million anti three quarters. On Sunday night a bank *ssex Centre vas robbod et $1700. Lient.-Col Grassett, chiot et police, Te- The ho owal à SYOPMIS 0FTUS DUTIES TO BI PE. la eder Ihat peope m&y know wheî a ohlief constablie u expeoted, 10 do va give th. foflowing sa sèeeoted.i n thb. 1ev ;-'- _:To be 1h. beati of the tovu constabulary - forcesuant tahave control aofa&U canaables appointei b7 the towa counoil or Its author- iy; tadevais hie lime ta hli uniipal aXfar of th. tava of Whitbyin preserving peace, ortie, andi elenlinesa, ta exocute anti rentera. th. by-law cd the tavu anti ailor- tiersoft he Nayo and counoil. To take notioo f àai uxances, impediments or obstructions hI1he streets, lanes, ailiys, or public places andt t remove the same ai once or tsa preper mouros in regard thereto. tTo prtor iIldutia.requireti ot hlm by iheoatietEtincetion, by entorcig the attendance at sehool ef %Uloufidren Oft ghool &geoas requested by la,«. To report ta the chfaimnof lhe streetu ant i iîprovemenis eamnit4 of the tovu ocü "ro Ua lldfcts lu 1h. sùtrets brides,-7dola orfocpaths iu the tavu andi torthwith gAve notice cf ithe s"me in oaci case ta 1th eproper offiereof the tavu whas. dqty hI. i te look afier euch matter, and'shah set proteci th ubi til snob repairseare made. tHe ubIlkeep full anai comploe records of 1h. business -attendedti taby limandnt alsoocf a&l complainta. matie te him by rate- payera and lbh. action tabou by hlm lu re- gadto aueh eomau;e ,ti dalso -regard- ing b teoin'apu esteior poeryor regardlug niace.e aal uah veeksbowaroportoflhie mationlu regard tauthe mettoxu te the Mayor, 1.thotst comaditie.euhe Chairman oft1he Boardi et Healh or whiehever et th.m i. responaible for sncb work; Be shall portorm sncb daties as may ho requesteti o f hlmby ithe Board of Heaih for prosorvîug the public health ; He shil each week visît oach yard during li e te i. treet lampe are lghtod sand notice particularly the condition et saiti lamps&ad viiother the contracos e ur0 ligbting are oarring out thoir contracta propeîly, anti siîal promp tly report any -neglet of smciipersoasta 1h. proper cent- mitle.eoft1h. tavu ceunil,; Be shail meke hummeif acquaintati viti Statutes cf Canada or Ibis province relating. ta public healti, marais andtiheb.proerva- tien et poace anti shall make himselt su- qitedvitb lie by-laws cf the tovu an'a soe that a&) effenders affainat these by-lavsC are promptly puuîahed-provied alvaye ehat uchhiug containet inluthis by-lav shail interferevitl hherights anti authority et 1h. Hlgb Constabeoti te connty of Ontario- Hesahallal" prevenththe oarryin jece exhibitions, or lie exercialng et any tInde ci business for vhich a heeanso As required, unies. 1he. ary carrying on such exhibi- tion or trie.hbaspievionsly socurod a Ji. cense. Auction Sales. rouie, vWs mameî lu ix' g a n ionetM ztensve Auction Sale cf herses, catil, Bey. Dr. Noles, chanceller of Victori farmi ulementai etc. itiaut rouerie. University, Cobourg, dioti on Mcnday cf Mr. BJ i 4 10400 ha1=ine, *>ed<o typheld foyer. lot 6. in 2nd concessinaic lklg, kuovu Mr. Erastuis Wiman ha. an invitation te as the Shermian Brown faim, h. wiSlel by utidresthe Quebea Board of trade en tii.epblic auction an Wedneia"y, 6th Oco- subjectoetCanmmercial Union. Cr, the viiole et hie stock sanifaim impWe The strike eof900 hanti-seveti shosmakers ment.. For perticulars »g poster. L. st Philade pha i& ii doubtleus resuit lu inte Fairbanks, Anc. lockans lis woek cf MW00 haentakers. Mr. B. J. Lynde, loi No. 0. i the Srd Feuvak Wilam Hamilton, au OttaveacuDesaîcu of the. tawuahip of Whitby, vili Bank clerk ha elapeti vil the vite cf Mr. ueIl b7 Publie Auction, hoe vhcle aci is Wm Middueteu. The. scandalha. cansed ti stk, imleei,&c, on Saturdy, 0.1. a get sensation at Ottava. 22adâ 187, t 12 o1cbock accu. AU ill iib. Tii. choonr ifrmauiBubso un-ad seti vthout rOgoryeas ho lias reulet bis st Gloucestr, Mas f rom the GrauePanks M.lira, ain & Sons., lot U6iluthe Srd ou Tuesday. CapLLavson reporte that on cneso tWAbeeml otic Set30 h. fel lu vn ith the French i conce.ssv iofWhitby voie have sale cf slap St. tietre of St. Pierre, lu latitude their taris tock sud int lement on &Or. 4.47.20, longitude 61 20, vater logge. R e t boardeti her anti tound ton mon drovueti day, Oct. 8int. Sale ut 12 o'olotcjk sharpa lu lie cabia. The voather being verythe"e is C arge ýbanount e of p ort'0be rougi h.ovawunablo te do auything vlaslt.Nweere .Farakauloer her or recoven lis bodiles. Moam. A T.Coak have ceeaismaie fer 0 Thnoeday, oct. S7ti &t tholr promises, lot AUDEY.81, in lie rear cf tIeB" concession et AUDLEY. WhitbY, etfail their stock ant iAmpleumet; Apples sud potatees have yielded much EWeSalut eue o'clock andi evayjhmMust ça botter tien vwu expocteti. aS they are moving te Toronto. La. Pair- Farmeamar buay pbowiug although the banki. auctioneer. greund is very dry sud hard. John Leys, aicitar, Toronto, adveréjes Who i. te be the next occukeut of the a large ameunIt fvluable faim property Dunlp fam oned y M. Bilifl luin ail Whitby anti Marpose township, Duiopfrmoutib i.Biuîpe for saie by public auction, ut th. Central Wtbhotel, Oshawao audyte1 da f HU& brother John Welburuo frointhle Port Nevember. onStrale11hdy c Perrv ModeI achool bas- applied f<'r lie W .Bligsldir bty tv Aî2,dley achool. tises.for sl by solcto Broghityadve Alue Mr. Thos. McQuay recoivet a ratier Tiu fr sal y, Nv.li. aot vBuable rosn Ugl1 scratch upon bis face tram vorking sTute luayNti. zMaloBofgient. Thamg vîtb a atone machine on bis faim ne"r Pencher, enotioneer. .Wm. Parrinder who ham been working the. Harvey f am the past season ha. now sur- rendereti hi.eIlem.and ie moving ta Green- wood the f aim ham been rel-et. Our neighbor Mr. John Look sr mit with 8100uacid1 as àk l aing from àaymow dizlocatinguash. lerand break- îng three rnb. but isprguan favorably. Geo. J. Welburne teacher' inthe Âudley p ublic sohool ha. acceptod a situation ini eii public achool near Oshawa although we are sonry ta loess so. worthy a teacher Wb wish hum aIl suceess viere he i. gemng. COLU8. Mr. Wm. Purves i. moving hie stock into hua new shop. Geneva chees. factory closeti on the 15tb iat., for Ibis season. Mi. La. Beckett we Im bas bought the, aid blackmith shup stand lately occupieti by Mr. Wm.Marshafl whe ha. moyeti taeGeren- wood. Mir iieckett vacate theti. ad sahool houm. lest week. Oui tw- 'merchanta are bound b vie wit "ea.h er in their inducemoats tao usto mers ta tiade bore., Bath appear taehodoln ;. business youi- correspondent her Rodgsn remark the. ather evening that ho hd ati ou ve orders for, men'@ suais tual day. Mr. W. U M ason bas given up Mr. Goo. ei~ys farm neoi Rslan and iented of' M.t.J. Âdams the f. ufaim aurbi vila e ley occupiet by Mr. Win.BIbt -Mr. M wun asduuirmo f bctn sra good achool for ti cthe O f b 4fmiy. Financan .d OomnSiercJ Offce of Whitby EomuCLE, -- Whitby, Oct. 21, 1887. WHITBY MÏABET PRIczS. $pia£ Whst........... 7 ao lour, percv .....2 t* 21 Burliye---------------....046 a O sy7 ..................* Ots a PeU.........062 *0 Peas blek-eye......060 oi Blue Poas............. 060*0 AlalkeOlceied . 860 SI BedOboverm.d4.....0 4PI4pplspebt ....160 m Temites 4« .......1-0W Poifofpbg60.,...0 0075 a s Woo......~..* ....400* .*.....ID 10 *01 Eideperb.........006.5O -600OO 01.5 509 C)qealï,.ro .....080 04 o z. o r >o ~~2~3S 7-ZrJJTY R E AGEINT, wHITBY. liundreds of J. iF. .Iease's "Economv" Warm-Air Fur-1 naoes are now being used-a<nd are giving perfect- satisfac- tion. The followiug specification is anriexed to every or- der, and îs the g uoý tè gien with every Furnace: «"EùOnOMY" WrOught Steel Plate Furnace, Double Cased, furuj.hed with Vapor Psu, OCheck- Damper, our Impro-ved Anti-Clinker Grate, aud ail the latest impro,'ements, as described ini our catalogue. The Warm Air Pipes to be supplied with Dampers, with Patent Âttaohmonts for regulating the supply of Warm Air in différent apartments. Furnace Damper8 to be connected with a regulating board, to be placed in the Hall, Dini*g-Boom, or other convenient place, for operating same on first floor. AUl Furnace Col/ar to be double, to ensutre safety and durability. The Warm-Air Pipes, Register Boxes, etc,, to be made of the best L. X. Tin Plate. Ail Channels for Ilpright *Pipes in new work or exposed openings to b. thoroughly lined (ho ensure safety) with good tin. The Smoke-Pipe to be mrade of heavyr Galvanized Iron. The Registers to be the TUTTLE & BAILRY, N. Y., mnanu- facture, of the lahest improved patterns and finely finished. Ail material to be of the best quality, and the wc.rk to be executed in the most hhoronghly workmanlike manner. The Cold-Air Ducts-one leadmng frorn the outside for Lntroducing frewli air, and one from the insid. of thc building, either of which eau be used as desired-to be built of good, sound, matched lmm- ber, dres8sed on both aïdes. We guara<ntee to warm the roome in which are plaoed ho 70 degrees when the ontaide temperature is 10 low zero. Registers degrees b.-, and a ohimney with sufficzentdmm#gh. <i5iU oÏIrH~ IGimmIu l 1 7]Said only in Cm& ' 77j MBBKWPWE 88 2fow %OaxIL ea[&" i 50 e7 84 The. f@llnig faim-ani ilag b. ýofferet,i orsaleb P Pblie oe~ ~ eruhm RTURSDAY, I0tI1 -O00~nx 00PBT-b eul ,.fi lad -JU ST, TO HAND- -JEWELLERY. Nfevesi tisu lu aies",BIROOCHES, PINS mati SHOBPOHAINS. CLOCK8-1 and 8 Day. *81L YERWAIE YORK$,anti SPOONS. Tes Spoons from $1.5o per doz. Extrardlàary Values Cail and !Seo ThemL JeweerY made- to order. Watohes, Clookeansd Jewellery Bepaired sud Warrnted. JAME SJOHNTN Praiioi itema eur, - --hr i 4TZ r ba -WiTBY'a T/lE 8009 fiAS TRnU, WI~IT8y~ ~! New Goods are ooming to hand and big preparati,048 fer A GIGANTIC FALL TRAIDE We are preparing to give. our custorners Borne of th" fmut limes of Goode in the rnarkets in our new stocklt~ styles and low prices. We have taken paiticular pains in purchasirigand can show the best stlsand lines o Toronto and Montreal goods. We have now to hand. New ]Dress Gonds, Silks, Velvets, i veteens and plushe-s, as -well as buttons, braids, twists, silks,- etc., to match. New Mantie and UJlster Cloths ail Colors, Shades,- Weights and Prices. Tailor-made Manties and Jacket8 to order. New Wools, Flannels, Blankeis, Yarns, etc. BIG L INE 0F NEW TWEÈDS, Nobby patterns, worsted and over. coating. New hats, caps and gents' Furnishings Goods. #j Our Millinery Opening, showing New Paris, and New York Fashio,, Zn Hats and Bonnets, Bib bons, Flowera ,' and Feathers and Trimminys, will be no SATURDAY, MONDAY & TUESDAY,' 24, 26, 27 inst., and following days. We will be pleased to show, you our Sh~ow Rooma. POWELLCo00 PROHIBITION PRICESI GOODS MARKEiD DOWN, TÃ" BELL-NOT TO -KEEPI The undersigned bega to cail the attention of bisi nuinerous patronsth bis stock is now complet. for the Fail Trade, aud that, prises have be kept to the Ilowest possible margin, for a cash busins-.» First-elsas Bohatu Suples, Fine Stock: of Stationery, (Note Paper from 5c. per quheu Noetes ayCangs adWI Ppr(haydseoutn thore closelote s ason, arfrom 5e.and aol p.) 40 (eý.diShnetMnse h.cfldie ou h:siesfonpr uBazarattri(olle 2,00c, ee i fo)Fae hoio e Mhuesicfod C.atalogueszgratsrne ud ge t ,n . Fane'ood.)Ias#- ool*Bh s, anCtlou es rais,îsy o e l b a od t oe. how 1h. lGoage stock. WB SOLICIT Â A<JÂLL. Âuy. paper, Magazine, or Book, in the world séecui!B proplly. AI Periodicals atI the,,publah-ers, closest prices, payable tcy.nadae, week. noicefor enesls if Eglih Peodiales 2 weekwmfor Âmerisanm - --,R!S.CQBMACK, 1)La.X Egstalished SUBSCBLPTION ise ubscrlipions are 0190offie fpublication. j8teem equipntcnt anti Book, anti Job Printu Gnaxeie, capable af exec wok ron-thle largo adbl.Special ment üg o rpl e5ed pes. fa ii WM i is celebr eylhi ery oreder rece fui attenltion@. TERMS OF AD piaiinscrtion,pyei Une ïûbsequent inseartioni 5 0 DI>splayed Ativertisent by e soale et soliti Nonp .erdiugly. Âdvcitisements sent insiruet ans inserteti un ehrgod foi fun lime. - Orders for -discontin muit he in writing, c'the Mt *vii zot b. responsib A-Iliberal dscount for ments by the year. Ca soniractavertisements ti net later than Wedne of anyintended changes befere Tnesday -neen- moents receiveti up tao Th Business notices lu 1 Vive cents per lino veeki per line weeklY., - CorrespondOn.ce baolli e4the County or neil oaiiespondents areme M~eir communications, poSsible, HNES JOHEN STÂNTON, Sup't M.ohanicaD B ARBITB.,,CouRE ABCorIt esCut JAMES 8A% DÂBSTR, &. B. upie& by Pai o Royal Hotel, BrookS D)AVM » 08Kf Office, it McMllau's Whitby. G. YOUNG 8 Brook St., Whllby. JOHEN B , niancery, IT TO LX ýup ta 80 BRovN-Aupzasx -Atlie rosi brlde's to, &Ashburaby thib London, ,te mmU& M$gL dagte f;A.nr.vAsderun,. D B AT'IlS. Wn.uon-Aât Wbitby, on tie lth inatmtàary tu vlk f cf. Wibon, aged 88 y cool lb. ivA. M. hava cf kaderson, I. - f -w., L im IL

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