Whitby Chronicle, 28 Oct 1887, p. 1

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parationefo ofthe ti. Sbest « real ts, ei oths al Iankets, ciover- g5ents' -shong FPlowera ESDAY,, days.- CGES> EE'P. i patrons es have t t-class sel~ e)r quire1 it 'on thfos [naît, for: ock.) Fi 'y G oods ýhe largei 'mptly. Au n advanoe, 4 or Amerinui. WfflTBye and- tf Ulos 'DO N, Mnd IIITBY Wth calm Printed verds, gre«t thoughts, and untiring induit VOL. XXXI. Whfitb!2 Q.Uronk, Established 1856. [eleadlng Weekly ln Ontario Coupty1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. *per annum. in advance-1.&0 other- ,a.Subsoriptiens are always payable ai Ibo office cf PUblication. Sleam êe .ment and beet furnhed Bock and Job priting plant in Eastern Ontario, capable of exeouting aMl classes cf work from the large poster te the amallest tendbill. Special mention je made cf the gnurp%.ued pre faciliios cf Tax Cm&oN. IO.ul with ita celebrated N. Y. Cottreli 0llnder P resusud other modern conveni- @uies . Evety order reoeives prompt, caro- fui altention. TERMS 0F ÂDVERTISLNG. First insertion, per lins, 10 cents ; oach .subsequent insertkcn, 5 cents. DisplaYed Advertisemeu ta are m easured by a scale cf uolid Nonpareil, and chargea * a.ordingly. Advertiéereelti sent without written inistructions insertod until forbidden, snd .hargzed for fulil time. * Orders for discontiuuing advertisementse muet be in vriting, other*ise the publishi- * es will not be rospousiblo. A liberal discount for contract advertise- mente by the yeam. Copy for changes of sontrmot adveriisements ehould be handed in not later than Wsdnesday ; and notice od any intènded changes should be given befgrq Tnesday noon. Other advertise- mente veoeivod up to Thursday noon. Business notices in local or newe colmmua Tive cents per lino veekly. Locale, 10 cts. per lino veekly. Correspondellce soliciteâ from al parts rd tho Ccunty or neighbqrîng tovushipa. eorrespondente anre rquested te Sendini fQbeir communiicationse as prcmptly a. Possible, RENDERSON & GRtARIAM, Proprietors. JOHN STANTON, Sup't Mechanical Dep't. JOHN E. FAREWELL, LL.B., B ARRISTER, Cownty rowu Attorney, and County Solicitor. Office,- Southi wing, Court Hos, Whitby -48 JAMES RUTLEDGE, I AABRISTER, &o. Office lormerly oc- layfel by Farewel& Rutledge, next o Roa Hotel, Brock St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B.&., A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR ]EN Chancery, (Jonveyancer, &o. Ourc-In the Office South cf the Post Office, in McMilln'u Block, Brook Street, Whitby. ly-lO Go.'YOUNG SMITH, L IL. B., AamfrIE, &., &.-Mneyto Loan B Isue ofarriage Licenses.Makt Brook St., Whitby. Jan. 22,1878. i6 JOHX BALL DOW, B RRISTBR-ÂT-LÂW, SOLI01TOB Bli Chancery, Conveyancer, &o. Offe-DeverMl's Block, Brook Street, Whitby. MONEY TO LEND-Prlvate Fundu - n sums up te$8000, sta a 1evrate ef In- berest. (ly-62 LYMÂAN ENGLISH, L L. B., t) RRITERAT LAWo SOLICITOR IN A haoRery7, Oonveyanoer, &o., &o. Sie- eoa Street, Oosaa. inUlebtcaL B.U MBLDBUM, M.B. (TORONTO D1,University,> L-..C.P.- and L.M. (Edifl- burgh), &o. Office houri, 8 te .10 a.M.$ 2 to dand 7 to 9p.m Sec. St THE "tTERRÂCE," BYRON-8T., WHITBY. 8.C. CIRAWFORTH, Graduste of the Ontarfo Veierinary, Col- loge, Toronto. Orderi by mal or ielegraph -Promptly attended to. i jlfia es eidenoe cf G. &.reseppoiIie Dr. Bogart'$ 9DuIIdu street, Wnll'by. LIVERY a S ALE 8STABLES§ GodRadG oed H0555.-00MTier i- sonable. 1WHITBY, ONTARIO, &te with Langley, Langley & Burke, Toronto,) ARCHITECT. Desigus for Churohea, Villas and Cot- tages a speialty. Drawinge prepared for remodeling exioting structures. Ouioxs-Flret fiat ever Howse's Drag store. P. O. -Box 20w, Wmw. DUN'N'S BAKINO POWDER THE CODK'S BEST FR1END The season bas now set in when a warming, stimulating and nutritions beverage le required. We &gain draw PUBLIC SMOKE the MUNGO! The great 5c. Cigar, and the MADRE Po advocate Peace, Proures, Knowledge. Brotnerhood. ,DAY, OCTOBER AL NEWS LETTERS, C1MONICLI Correspondence. ruter in the Worl urges the appoint- of Geo. Laidlav te the Senate. Many i laver the aoenmn f 1Mr. Jue. onald, the fes m erobant, te the 289 1887. The gang cf somo 40 mon that have mado PORT PEREY. their head quarters -hero for somo veeks whie clearing out the ditches on the C. P. R. are to be hereaà few day 1ljuger and since the new store ham been started ai the norih part cf the village their trade has beondivid- ed botveen the two stores and sorne cf the ganghbuspurchased as high as25 eis. worth of eating mîteriai st oee ure. Mr. R. H. WalkS ha. been re-engaged at Greonvood ai a good salary. NO. 0,46. Lt is lb. ialk ihat Mr. W.l J. Me- Murtry, laie cf the Ontario bant hors, je gcing ie the dry goode business ini Beveanville. His many friende wlah hies evory sucoeses. Our hotel-keepera end iheir -bar- tenders are up to-day (Thursday) for. indifferent observanceof the * o» Act. The Cc. Attorney iis- ber. ma 1 bea aon cuerwinens woj.Ps EHIJO0 The great 10c. Cigars. YTa nu I O!E, CHEMiST and DRUGGIST Agent for Whitby, A T TE NTI ON 1 Procures themndirect from the Ma&nufacturera. To the old reliable and well-teated (J) o (n q o z w CD CD This prepamation ha. stood the 'test for years agamit innumemibbo imtations vhich have been brougbt ent, and bau proved iseif te ho the only GENUINE and RELIA BLE Prepaailen cf iths kind vhich bas been of - te t.he Publia. Aîk yenr Grooemsand Dmngglate for h sud TAKE NO OTHER. Rllan Eine Hanging Lamps! htanging Lamps ! W. R. HOWSE, Chemiai and Druggit, WhiibY. Wishes to informi îe Public ihai ho la shoving the greateat as veli as the B[SI and 11i[APESI Assoriment cf IHanging Lampa evbr brought iuto the Town cf WitbY, vhich ho is oeeling ai LOW PRICES. NEW GOOD8!l Royal Mail Steamers. w. R.IIO WSE, LIVERPOOL-, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW. F)ummé-r jrrangemeflt8 DATES OP: SAILINOS FROM QUEBEC *Cicasin .- Sardinian oPolyneasan -- Parisiau Friday, Oct. 21st Thuradayid 27th Fiday, Nqov. 4th Tburaday, id hotu id go I7th *Extra steamers. Noue of the above carry cattis, sheep or pigs. RATES 0F PASSAGE FR0O% QUEBRO. CÂBI-IS, $70 and $80, aocordin to psitinof Stateroom. Returu to, $110, 8130 and $150. By extra steamers, $50, $60 sud $70. Returu, $90, $110 and $180. INTERNE VUTE, $80. 8TIrakuz., $20. The luti tramn conneotiug with the Mail steamers ai Quebec passea Whiiby on Wedneeday morning. To connot vith thle Extra Steamers, ThrSday morning. Pus- son"er and ih.,ir baggage &re put on board the Ocam Steamships ai Qn"eecfree eofail IMPORTANT ARRANGEMENT. 0ab", Intermedlate and St9erae passen. gers eau nov go on board at Keutreal, IW they wàsàieodoue. Partes sendtng for thqlr friendi I&the Old Country cmi obtan 2RBPAfl)-PAS- SAGS OBRTIPIOÂTZS ai lavesi rates. For Tickets aid anl other ufrain appl? to Geoe. B. Yule, Agent, Express Office, BROOK ST., WHITY. PRINGLE TAILORING ESTrABLISH MENT' in a paut Of W VGalter'o stre, OHEMIBT AND DRUGGIBT. Has on hand a veryluargnsdselect stock cf Chr1stmafl gooda, compilalng Ladies' Wor k Boxe8s, Whisk Holders, Odor cases, Mirrors in Plush, Toile t Cases, SLarge Vas8s ,ad an assortmen cf oehe r"tilemsitable for preili. C.4U and Ezamùsp 0"'Stock B.f.re 1110h4ff t re en uWg of eiy.f<-ibr eor:iseuses In the oiy, bas giron notice on tlo efuriher in ihem onti sd te raise the licenie'féese. There are n* MIêav6rn bounses and it lu likely ho vitgo lu fer cutuing the nuimber to 20. ' 3faseph Harbey vas a cabinet maker in "hiioli lait year and purohased 10 shareo îwtb» 1Bank of Commerce and 18 i the Do- uamion Tetegrîph Company through Mr. T. Lovusborough, a King St. broker. Thon hdspored suddenly and, though ihe ia1dMdenadee regularly paid te Lovns- borougo, Hambey oould net b. fonnd until ladt week a leiter came from Grand Rapids, btich.. saying bis body had been fo'înd in iii. river there. It is not knovn vho vii gétlhe shares nov. luith. Water Woi-ki investigation mat- ter,,Judgo Maeougali made a very Io1 r port on Monday.-to the effect that the w ule syem of management vas rotten, corrupt oàWd negliont. The vhole lot cf them- wier.vorim committoo, commisioner, un- duo rs aMd ail-vere strougly censur- ea and Hoi onor reoommende a complote organistion cf the crev and the appoint- ment cf a commission. On Saiuray nlgbt there vas trouble in the conipany which pl& ad Deacon Bro- dia* al veek ai the Grandi vasubetveen *~. BdWWA J. Henley, Who played the leing part and Mr. ?red Desmond, otuor- vise Aialey."4the cove as sqnealed." Mr. Huley, h jes sd, had beeiu dissaisfied vii Mr. Deimond'u vork for a veek or mzae. The latter get nualy the vhole cern- péey agahn su d vis sxicus te, Liý Btu tue fourth and fifih acte ca iiaday uighi if enloy made a rusta heugond vhie on the sage, sud just sas uhe asrtain vont devu ou the fourth aci tu vb4oh ho murders Demnend. 8cm. s»Y that lu tue murder sces ho vas far more yWmt than la necemSy, sud thM vhon " hemian voit devu ho used Iàs fiat on Damd'a faue sud gave hîm a black oye. a.leraecuni lai mi lio vas restriined stage rpenter befomo'hecoulâ simiko ~TeConcert givon in tue parlers cf MM. 1) Cmbev»a scem. DrW. Black iuntry, acted as chaiman. The ive quree iron by- Menu. Brotucur sudBButtnsd Mesure. Weeks sud Nelcu erevemy pretty sud vo» sung. Mise Adda Gould's soo-The sang for me"' wusveli received. This Young lady hai & ft nU ieet voici, voîl tmaned. Mic» MoGuiro favomod the audience viii a àsang "Market day" sud vas applaudod by appro ciatve hearor, Wm Bremmer reeited "The Newboy!s debi" vry teucbinigly. Tvo solos vers sung by Mis Huichimon cf MOn- Uýtrea ho hba s ivt and wvo» cultivmted vobe. Miss BOYore et St. Osiharine liyed "Shopord boi echo aoug" very uicey, vile Mifts KeUar's* a s'e&A mommn in thevoodae arried us3 in fucte tte veoeste isioto te ibitds sudstresmi, Dr. F.,Blme and Misn W. Hamilton thon ave a voln. Commi' TOW The Rye vii.Mis MaleCrosby'.récitation ",Josua Bçan'à Courtahps" put tue0com- puy ntoW,.«Wceedi gly<d hume?. Han Msd Miss McGUire sang iv. quartettes ome havlng the clsasislnameof g«Peter Peter pusapkin ester." Aftrdninif the national muSthi . gaieMing &7fl' Mi. Heup cf Toronto arrived lu Utica lait Saturdày. . *. Wra. Stphens of Terouto, in.stay- bsg~ at Mu. ,Jobn Cbriowiu'a Mme.MçDermid sud Master James ver ,kte tue aity sponding a veek vWtiing tueir- GIad teiss Mu. SMi. Cimugiton back te sec le. aamDakota dom. nut s»eMte ver' maunu. Mx. A. J. Sponce'hua gin the foyer in bis family tivo ysaged àixasd ivelve are no ver vfor TCo fani'ybave the sym- pathy 01the commuuity. Owimg te poor health Mr. Jas. Burroughs ha. decided the give up farming for a time. Ho il yl oas ni the village. Hic brother Mack viilwork the farm. Nov iii your chance girls. Mr. Chas. Sweeiapple, Veteinary Sur- geon hàs cpened an office in the one lately cccupied by Dr. Vanzant. Oharlie is yonig ai the business but ha. had considerable experience under his father's tuition. Police magistrate Horne and inspecter Ferguson paid a visit te our towu lut Wed- ueslday and disposed et twe Scott Act cases. Thoy vere against one Solo from Manches- ter and Panner of Whitevale, ihey were eacb fined $50 and co8s. Our echool board have decided te canoel one from the lieft cf our teachers for nexi Mr. Spence and Miss Pearson havef eere-engaged. Mr. Spence'a qualifia- tiens as a teacher are weil kuovu and the trustees have acied visely in securing him for another year. Mia. Poarson aise ha. gainod for hersel a good recouneud -in the pu.t year. The Bleut annual meeting cf the Brooklil Brandi cf tue Bible Society va. beld iu thé Methodist ohm-ch on tue evening of Wed- nesday the l9th mest. The attendauce va. much liciter than ai au y previeus meeting The agent cf the society fler. W. W. Smitu, cf Newmamket, Bey. S. C. Philp, Rev. J. A. Carmicbsel and tue officersyofthe branch occupied seats on the platform. The elc- tien cf effiçers resulted as follova :.-Presi- dont, Alex. Ketchbon; vice.presdeui,, Reai- dent miuter ; treastror ana depoéary, T. J. Holliday, su executive coînmitiee cf ive members and coflectors for the differoni beits vere appointed. Roy. Mr. Smilth addessedthe smeeting for upwirde of su heur ou the vork of tue society at home sud abmomd. Re is a very eutetaning speaker and bis discourse vasiniorebtiug and in- sieutve A number e Of-- Hmuwr sung during the meeting. T7he addmess vbicb vwu te bave been giyon by the Rer. S. C. Philp on Sunday evenlun¶ lait vas, ovlng te tue main poetponed tl nexi Sundsy. He vii epakon the temper- anequestion sud its bemri o n.galli*R This prmmiesitoibea2 should avail theueves oftihe opportunity cf heaing Mr. Philp en auoh an imper!aut subjeci. The meeting dû Mendmy eveninç vu a irly veUl attended. Mr. T. J. HoUi aay ably filled the chair. The Rev's'Carmi- chai, MeLelIand sud Barker vere present and e l s ound temperanco spec- ai s pesk i vas lu with singing by a union choir, sud enor, recita- tiens etc. -Mm. Hoiiiday as district deputy cf the. order apoko te some leuph n ltu benefite dorived fraim membership. Ho ex- tsnded a bearty invitation te, others te jeun ieWr efforts vuh-tbe order te llelp aloug the <mcmi vekThe RBoy.EL.0. Phiipepen- ed sud olosed the meeting liii prayer.. Ur. Roberi Dixen speut Sunday at home snd reports businessat Keadovgal s o- Mr. Thomas Barrot amd "u. Edvrd Barrot have jit reiurnnsdfrornviitn frienda in Puiii Keep your eyes and&sariopen for tive mmreddlnaîgs. Iýf uer. usDay lowv tuai c= Momeu to t"iier weadbp gi vo ul lii. tohbear Of h. Mut. John Dobso n 1uàd very -a su ooa sale on Weddy oet-lait wek. The etock vis cod oniim -ma dthei furni., changes oroise ageneral dispesition fo quit faroeing.P Another attempt is being made te intro- duce the eyatem of cbarging uniformfocs fer ail puýpils attending our high achool. ,I ibink it would be a gcod move. The mode cf taxation for the biheb branches cf stuiy should flot ho the ordinary tax rate entirely. Every encouragement should ho given te the higher branches cf education, but atudenta sheuld contribute soine portion cf the ex- pense directly. For instance, without go- mg into the subjeci cf higher education te any extent, if cne hundred pupils attend the high sohool and psy $10 each, vo may be sure that ai but $1000 cf the money used in keeping up the high sohool corn directly from the sourceB te which the boue- fis8 go. The commtunity at large may pS- sibly reap benefit enough te psy the balance necessary ta run the sebool. attacha made upon mne by our papota 1mai week. The Observer'. abuse I ratherlke for 1 ishould ho sorry te havt, such a piper a. it say anyihing in my favor. 1 fancy the durectors )f the fair yull net thank that papier for taking their aide-a journal vhich hmfor ycmms beon mgardod a. the doihuder cf vileness. And if the Standard fee" that the directera noed its dofence,it should main- tain ita ground by argument, net by insinua- ting that I amn a blackguard sud a vhiskoy apy. This is inainly the substance of usa argument, and.cf course amounta te nothing, f or everybody around Port Perry kuova I amn neither. One thing 1 said vas that the dimectoma gave rivlteafterthe boothi vereasold. n er is no ftu, -te case and I regret the inacuracy oethte, statemeut- but it only makea maitera, lock vomie for the directors, for if thc aupply privilege. veR idisposed cf ait te time the boothi vere renteci, thon the commite muai have Pnown ibai theme va. ne huai- neiétebe done in thernbutitipling. Oneoýf the direcfora vitu vborn I had cnvorsatica sye the committse on boeths should.be--tii. only eues blarned, and pemhàps ho is- righi. Another droctotriod te argu tuat noP.-, so-aa-o-lmi s h prî»ýw«-od atuif vas seld. 1. dont consider- uuehagu mente a. the latter ivo vomth ansvermg. Every mm i ih vhom I have talked, vwiih ivo or three exceptions, declares1I as, .uighi, and thai some of the authexities citu e fiar vomi te blame. 1 mmv ive ef the constables employed ai the faim howling drunk. a i hird, vas half-ful and making megullar îrupe to:the doma for imore, vhile anether of iÏuim la kuevu te keep an unliceueed bouseand, to vomk many dodges te evade iii. 1Iav. Did the directors expeoi that vithsuch assitance. as ibis Mr. Ferguson could stop whiskey- selling ? Andisete uny sayig that Port Perry hbu ihe reputation et beng a toiigh héee1 Imaysamy that, almoievery man vhom hheard spek cfMr. Ferguien, ialk- ed,. cf him sa sisneak,,sp.i1,aro nd, das tàthhey hoped hoe vfouldgétlft orgef hut.PortFerryham the reputaf ion ofbeW dent"cf tle placi e iauy -man vho traveli through her%.and if any isncb man yho , kuovs&ýI anyulg ha 'place viii net asy ei, the tri OIL ou~Js ciosChoer. Diarrhoa, E B8dl4 quri Jus, ]ýy»utA RIGG3S. ~R.Y- -CLOTH8 very - 'à 1 ývv4bu-M

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