Whitby Chronicle, 28 Oct 1887, p. 2

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F - Andi Items Stolon froua Our Exchanges. A. paragraph i. goiug the rouuida l eouneetion with Port Hopp's receli effet o! 620,0M for tbf. Peterboro l1ok works te theo' ifeot that Lindsy got lb.e Port Hope car verks or ropait shops by sipaying a good price" for Ihean. Lludsay did not pay a god prie. for the works. The>' ver. removed bore because tbis vas the mcut central and oonvenient point on the oystom. Tw;o Lindeav business mon drove ont te Fanion Fails on Tneadayý-just te cobllc a feu little bille. B>' 8 p.m.- the>' returned, and returne began te comae in sbowly. It transpired that a groat man>' accounta had been proeut. od and on. b. mi. succeedoti in settling a 82.87 eccount for 81.25, while the other had the satisfaction> of paying for tbe herse and rig sud the supper for both. It yull be just like the GbZette te stand np and bowi thal lbe above story is a canard. Objet of Police Bell is rigidly entoea ing the dog ta% by-lav. A. large nom ber--o! tage vers taken eut sbortly after the. by.law went inte force. l'hen there vas what Goldwin Smith celle au, in- t.rreguoe, dnring vhieh ne sage vote applioti for. Learnlng liat prooeedinga' wonld b. tabou le& pnnlh delinuannte forîy.four cillioens bave corne forvard siuoe Oct. 8tb and peid for the nocese- ar>' tagi. In lual&bout 820 tage have beanutalen out, with quite a number te be baud froni. A question for tbe lowu council te face-or rather one thatuwill b. Jet for the fire and valteommittce te rastle witb-is te provide a uew fire hall. The promises nov in use are needed for business parposos. [t je possible bhat -b u> ayte eMain sacoomoda- tien lu a central position is te build a snitable place. This should b. done, as in the end il wilI prove leua expens. ive. It is net a serions matter to move the applications ont o! the present tire hall. but vbeon il cemes teo rrying off the beil and 6futures nov overbead tie expense of reinoval would pay tb. i- terest on the cool of a permanent Flac. for soin. years. On Thureda>' latithle aut yard nom- bered a.nong lb. citizens doing business tht.. vory sxcitsd, heaeot sud angry meu. Tve gra buyers gel into an altercation. Presenîl>' 1h. affair alBum- ed the dimension» cf a figbt. Subse- quenil>' il reached the proportions o! a positive riet. Tvo sgrain.buyers ver. more or leu mhook up and a third part>' -vhi latiou.ly extended lie olive bransi e! peace over 1h. combatau- had the. olivebrauoh h Iruit side and bis features somewiel oblitcrated. The general publie are nov onvieîed that solid competition existe et Lindsay lun the grain-baying business. pIcEIG Ons Weduesday morning lust lie be. boved vite cf Joseph Henderson, of Ibis village, passed avay te ber long bomne. For tmre lime ah.baib becu in poor healîb, se that herdeaîbwuvas e si pecteti. 8h. vas lu hot 681h Jear. The grand Truuk RailvayCoompauy have deeided to double traok Ibait per. * tien oethle lino belveen Port Union aud 8oarboro Jonction Ibis faîl, aud tb@ work viii be proeeeded viti at once. Prom lthe Port te Picering viii net b. doublýe-traoked liii priug, wben ne Ou Tueuda>' evening lait MisaJoe.. phine Long, daughter of Mr. Gao. Long, Br., o! Ibis vilage, v as nnited la narriage-to Wmn. H. Fielti, droggisl, laIe of Ibis village, but nov of Toronto. The. coempnu vsperformotiStet1h. -rosidence o! the bride'. brother, King- sen- Boad veut, by EIdor Wm. Poret. et, cf Toronto. The. happy coouple loft for lhe vest on - te e- o'cOlocb train, takt lieudepplur. undet àa sover etfrie, ud ltb.' goéd vishes e! Ihohir mEnay.Mouds hors. Word reachedi bore- cf lhd saitido "p5thjQin Idpsey, et Winduso, on: lpr'iy ]Ïql, aor near . Matln, Il app.ao ho, had beau* a te Qeb«o, sd vwu returulng té bis homo et Windsor on the G. T. B. ýWhou near Malton n ho va seess by bis feblov passeongers te tirov up bis baudes d n à a ev seconds vas a corpus. The. doasedi ,as vel bknowSto =nathé! leeder rosidents of Piekeriusghaving camt ed &lis brevet>' acros e rivr r 0 aouy Yeats. Latteri' ho bas been manager o! lis 1elerational Hotel -at Windsor. Ho vas,& relative by .m1at. oila.eMrs. Jon ayantof the "Wes- tote,"Who wvnt vest go attend lhe - On 84tnrdso lust iesGrae.ArohbWa. Men: te o tlb aws a4 Yer on out ipf obïui* n5 eoyeà.alugswillh. ont orovdlbg utbaspausage va l.ad- inig t e .eauaoe,6a getleman .of Ibis tevu is qu4te vitllng 'oontribù'te ae a&nount -brge 'OnoiliLte pureha0.an obsotric ligit plant, anud put up 6iv. or ton atidittoual, igils la*q, îvpnyof the ehurci douta.o. Resesire vant te gîve lie >Younw m vory accommo- dation, but dos net tiink il just rigit te boock up th. outrance tte .hurci. -Newus. E W,~ Dr. W. S. Bleck returned on Monda>' morcng from bis triple lihe old country, looking as thongih. b ad enjoyed bim- self i. spite o! the nupleaseul veatier viich ho experieueed. lu lhe evcuing tie worti>' docor wvasereuaded b>' the band. A dead-beal conjurer camed Seoton, vie hsld forth boe a fe.v veeke ago, returusti tu tovu on Mouday, asmre. bow mauagsd te obta liquoretsugi le beoome sintoxiotted. 1db. other foole hb atu l mabe an exhibition 'et hlm- self, flouriehing a revolver la a menue decîdel>' nupleasatat te thouWviehep. pene o e b. tauÀllng lu- lie viclnly. H. vas arreueonaachargeof violating thes lB"@ Ace, s'blohprohibits the cerrying. of firoanus, but on -being brougit before a Magistrat. vai only 6used $1 end comti for being drunb. . It e ver>' muai te b. regrettedti Lia an impression hau go.. abroad thtongh- ont lie voighoring tovnship liaI tie grain.bnyer. bae forsned a "combine" te bosp dowu Lb. prie. of grain, andi liaI higier prices cen b. obtainsti et cther places in lie counly. Iu the interesesnetoulon!'cfLthevu, but ol tioeelves, eut buyers sbonld et once labeo stops tu salisfy the fermer. liaI the Urbridge market lu ai gooti as an>' othbr. Thisi.i an important incIter, aud we hope il vill net be overlookoti. - Times. This tovu iseannoyedthe iscatapull nuisance. &bout $800 vasimpoeedlunBSctt Act fiues [ltvssk. Tic teva mever bas proved uneatie- fador>' andi bas boon taken Up. Oui>' 8600of the $5500 necassar>' le build tie col. Williams monument bas y.t boon subscribed. Mayor Btevenson has offeredté ~r.. yard o! 8600 for th. conviction o! lie parties uic lried tb ést ire tu Mr. Yelland's boueou Saturda> lest. Foutr>Young menwvote lait v.eb sen- leuced te a >'ear easetinlutue Centrai Prison b>'thie Pellce Magistrale for tobbing a luinber camp lu ah. back- voods. More men are lu be arresteti. Ceastable Mitchell, of Fension Pells, vuainl lova Mouday booking for a Yeung Main németi Swanteu, sunspecteti o! burglarizing the store o!f1Mr. MUil et ah. Falla, adeerrying ave>'200 vorli e!fiat,. Wbil.ho wau boe.Con. stable Adams reoeived a telegrain froua Linduay' staalug liaI Bvanson iad been arroaed ti.re ville trying tu dispose of bis plunder. Constable Mitchelliveut up on Lie 5.15 train for bis prisouet. Monda>' morniâg a number o! emn- ployasoefo Porter Bres'. carnaége verbe vote tom *riug dowu lie shed et ths exhibition <rounds in whieb lie exhibits efthle firm baid been displayed. One cf lie yonag min, WM. Forster, feil frnm lie top cf ien strucNture te lia A fev veeke ageo1Mr. Frauk Doyle, vlire aefiehsudatio'tdrt marbet ou Ringsîrelt, hiteti a Youing mnu nameti Frank Callaisu, vho came iere ftom Presoîte aoSem*t arounth le store H. appearsd te b. a ratier decent yeung febov, an&ias 1fr. Doyle is acquaiutei viti bds famil', Wvieaare respectable people r.siding lu Syraouse, N. Y., he E<lme ti onlidence la bina. -But hb. liaI l b. confidence bati - besa cah ic eti bO lie obete o! iloc room gver lie;>- éï the tiie! badtiqo vord va sentlto Tc un tle, sud chiel odea desc#iln to c Hope, wvie,,prome eatùr"1=0% 4Mp-do n i or y oana *4 of throat aud. noue and head Mud liungob0 SirQUuf. fU rebad. AUqghýt te ri&f. herfsjiston-*. su re wjhoPfi rid o! theux. That la to takdBe wu ,' German Syrup, whioh any druggisi 'WllM ÏQ yea t 75 cetse a bottie. Evenifery uapon this for certain. The vala of* an uànnlsihed building er._ blown down upon the house o!1 Ur. Oreen, of IMitohd, on 8uùday zught. 1r Green and a female servant were lnstaii* ly killed. Mv,. Maryj Thompeon, of- Toro,&fo4 tua a4licted wst& Tape Worm 8, figt 6f vwh wsas romoeed by om WîktU of Dr Low's Worm Byrup. The barge OrientIwlows t lu the storm on S&nda night near Port Dalhousie. It il ferdthat herorew (fiv. e il II) veut down with ber. For Billious DixSdezu and Aeil, Stomui,l Campbell'aUs athioicompounud àa T.y cifeetive. George Bu<Ige#t oue cf thé,mebI hat on. Subday b b..fined £05'« résult may be serions. If '"'a dose of physic take Dr. Cartn and Constipation Bitters ; it acWbleua on the bowels, purifies the bbood, ïmproves the circulation, stinulates lhe liver ,andi kidneys, and speediy cures bfllonaneus, headache, dyspepsla, Indigestlon. Bearch the 4rug stores f rom on. endi of! Canada te the other, end you cannot fiud a. reinedy> equalleoit. Try it and iu» It i your familles. Solti everywhere in large botties st 50 cents. The conventions between France andi England iu relation tb ah. Suez andi the New Bebrides vers signed yerdty. To aIl uho are suffering frein the errera and îndiscretions cf youth, nervons veak- nets, sari>' dcay, lons of manhood, &c., I will -#end a recipe that vil cure you, FU~R 0F CHÀ&RGB. The great remeti> vas diacovered b>' a missiouarysinSul= Amerlea. Senti a mel-addreau envelope to the Be,. Jo«spT. lUxAs, Bia44ionD, New. York Oity. OUR NEW ELEVATOR le now cernplete and running au MYRT LE, Where w, viii pay the Righest Prime for &Il kindseof grain. je.XKÂ o GET THE BEST! MHEWESTERN 0f London, Ont. THE WESTERN ADVETigERAROPREIM Agente vanteti overywhore. Td valuabie prisesto be avartiedc above lisecash commIssion the o oeudul agents. Registereti letton eut tub. For free u.uuple papons,1 agents, etc., sadres, AOVERTI8EJI PRINTINQ Q9 -for -IYnfanRtS and ChÛidiren. L 'Gsorlaluowcfadaptdtochldre ta oasteoe'i uTS colle, Cbotfptuon, [recommend Itas superior to any prescrapticu Sour Stouinch. Diarrhoa, Eructation, 'DDWESo>me.1t IL À. ARHeux,KLD., Kils Worms8, gives uleep, and promoths di- U1 Och. Oxford St, BrOcklyu, S. Y., W si~roaMedcaUu Tim CE2<Tun Coxpm;y, 7Murray street, N. y. TREASUREPE'8 SALE 0F LANDS FOR TAXES. -o flyvirue ! aWarrant under the hand of the Warden and the Seal of the Corportion J.Bo=te Conunty of Ontarl, dated the Ffth Day af September; 1887, oommanding me to IerY upon the lads"imentioned in the Iallowing list for arrears of taxes thereon, and os, sa herein itet forth: I hereby give notice that unless such arrears and coats are soner païi4 I $hall, in compliance with the Auseesment Act, prooeed to soul by PUBLIC AUCTION, the said lands, or se muoh thereof s way b. necessary for the taxes, at the Court House. iii the Town of WRITBY, on WEjDNESDÂY, týae FOURTEENTH day of DECEMBEB, A.D., 1887, et the hour o! TEN o'olook in the' forenoon. TOWNSHIP 0F THORAH. part. South S. Simoe Street part Part South hall Part N. E. quarter 7 Part N. E. quarter 7 West bal! Amount Costa anti Lot. Con. Acres -o! Taxes. Comms'u. 16 6 I 2 87 2 17 1 9 80 6527 2 24 TOWNSEIIP 0F BROOKR. 14 32 83 74 14 10 105 Total Patenleti or Amount Unpetenteti. 6 04 Pahentedl 7 51 Patenteti 2 95 86 69 2 37 12 92 TOWNSIIP 0F BCUGOG. 710 100 43 22 8 18 46 40 TOWNSEIIP 0F SOOTT. Part 36 2 17 296 2 18 Centre part 35 7 23î 7 29 2 28 TOWNSHIP 0F PICKE RING. FaiPertblock E Fairort vater ltNo. 4 Part S. à 28 B. F. vater lot No. 3 'Wj o1 N. E. Si1 cf N. i Part scuth hal! Part soath hall Broken Part south hall Part nortb bal! Part uorth hall Part uorth hall Norlh bal! South ball -North bi! North hail ô 14 9 57 8 827 2 18 5 45 2 240 2 16 4 56. 1 2 40 2 16 TOWNBHIIP 0F MARA. 4 14 19 81 14 21 22 sa 7 10 25j 92 8 195 4 100 6 100 100o 200 100> 4 79 10 i4 99 23 44 808 4 06 23 02 1l 06 36 72 76 16 67 18 85 40 19 12 68 TOWNSHIP 0F Part Part front front A B B G K M Part Part Part 7 36 4 24 24 18 22 48 23 08 11 78 2248 19 48 4 96 6 17 25 49 17 00 21 55 14 00O CouatY Troaaurer'a Office, Whithy, SeptemberSi8d, 187. Ml 2 22 2 36 2 18 2 69 2380 2 21 2 68 2 38 a802 2 12 2 62 2 67 8 il 2 42 RAMA. 2 29 2 21 2 71 2 66 268 289 266 2 69 223 2 26 2 74 2658 2 64 2 45 4 56 7 01 12 50 a 12 26 18 10 88 6 27 25 70 18 44 89 74 2 88 19 19 21 42 48 30 15 10 9 65 6 45 26,84 25 14 25 76- 1417 -25 14 2202 7 19 8 48 28 23 19 53 24 19 16 45 Patenteti Patenteti Patenteti Patenteti Patenteti Patenteti Patenleti Patonteti Patenteti Patenteti Patented Patented Patenteti Patented Pateutedl upeatented Patenteti Unpatented patenteti patenteti Unpatenteti - Patentoti Patenteti Pateuteti Patentoti Unpatented upatsnted, - Unpateuled unupatented Palenteti Patenteti patenteti Uuateuted Unpatenited J. B. LAING, -Co. Treas. Ontario. NO ENGLISH STABLE I8 CONSIDERED COMPLETE WITHOUT woa sttua, uEDS, ANID 5pigNT5 VBEN POE eTn-nsciusoKAPED~£Las wIEI Bc=sonu aomAli n nezusuzs.., TIoi DBROKEN Emmae, aimens, ',APPRw KOm. pon BOU axoùuRams, sOUE' RAOEL - s'uPOOT iBOT, AmD ScIÉ MeUTEs nlx u ', J A 'lS - , I ouSPRAINs, Om i nUmm'u fiOOx ILifr ' Ifisrano AT COSTO Miual ReBerýveFuünd I1ife Assu. ance o! New York. Canatiian Govétnment deposit OW, 'Acoumulated reserve !nnd <over) 3818,0e< Dealli daims paiti dnring 1884 499 N1ew business, lat 3 mos., 18850,0%0ooo00y Twenty.five pot cent. of ah? assessraie are depoeited with the Central Trust cou,. pan>' o! Now York, as trustees of the Re, serve Funti. Lite Insurance ait lees than une-hall t1h. ortinary rates, anti securitLy perfect. cul, 10 assesements madie in 1881, 1882, 1Ws anti 1884, andtinl no case eau they be rao e frequent than ever>' alternate month. r Annuel oxpensges of management, &o., limiteti ta"2 pet 01,000. An aotive -agen't vanted ini every unre. presenteti localit>', t whom a liberai coin. mission viii be aliowed. Applicationse soliciteti anti ifulparticulars furnished by the underifigneti. H1. GORDON, Agent for the Couaty of Ontario. Port Perry, Ont. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate Mortgagce t Low Rate Interest. -A.. 1: POST, App7raiser for the Canada Loan and Saving. Coand agent for the Western Assurance (Je. OFFICE-Over Gerrie>.s Block, Wbitby :pAI:FNyti Suitable for wrapping purposes, laying under carpets, etc., 25 cents per hundred. Âpply to tf- THEIS OFFICE. "cBE LL" VW - nroached for Toné ana Quaiity. CATALOGUES FREE. BELL & (.,l 1Glelpb, -ont GOOD HousES. NEv nIGS. LIVERY and SALE SURBES, D UNDAS-ST., WHITBY. CRA WFORTH &DEVERELL. MOIRT - OLASS -TURN-OUTS Furnisheti on Shorteet Notice. Commeroial Travellers liberally dceai FA=E PEICES. HON~5T DEAWG~ 3EWA RE, .IJýj R47THLESS IMITATIONS "W Ir As theére arc ayufra goode, corded with jute. erpet.offesd and soid oasin.e by some un. éileldmerchantatrad- cgon -the, reputatign, of our geun. Osraline, we vern. the ladies againBt enob imposition by draw- issg thei'attention ta the necessity Of feeing that the 'BROU N COSET COI' Issataxnpedouinner.sideoîaiUCoralnegooas WI±ut vil-znue .fleuine. ~~,4mrers~The -prie OD1n# o eontes' ibe resci of ail. 'Ever>' T-ilTe office of publics polletBuilding, NewY -Th ' i.papor entilot jwmo5 ici Miss -' ar 0w.<vilcocutribute ievmero,recalle a disor~ in tnheb poliital bidt>' ineàmenuhewingbew lie ~2 mark 1 parohase i Thori5 vas ignominen Y the Sonate. Littelll& Living Âge. of TU Living ge for Oct. Itiand 22ud, ca L6ïoss, b>' lie Dke of e,Oentury ; Mas&l Ba;Donatello, and th thoFaeadeocf lb. Duom, 5&tiouil .Beview ; Real, smn, FotniyhtIy ; The Winldsor Forest, Nati4 Boôme Clerical Reminiso Baýr; A Oartiinsiau à Meran- Bpetator ; The Jeviehi-Race' .Iewieh- counît>' Parson as i Io., BWakw<x'd ;The Pi the NOVel, Fortnightly Lestern, 2'srnpl -?Or; Zobobt, astbld by Ili poraryfi; MorpbinMaim meur J. Siarkeo>' Nnel Linoes, Ail tille Ye tempotary Despaloies Minister turing lheI Obarlos lot., St. .Jan 'Wotduwrtb's Grave, Ni viii "ÎMajor ant inl NerZis; "A Secret Inie Le S-9" anti "Richard C s;hipanan," pôetry and flfty-Iwe numibers o!f pages oaci (or more th a.zyeat) the subecripts1h 1ev-; vhile for $10,50 effertoesend an>'oesc $4.00 monthlies' or vo' Living Âge for a year Litteil & Ce.1-Bostone Frank Leslie' Po pu Novomber. The .lmpq ladies vie Wear lie et bave an. attraction even Ibis tèpubliban baud, >1 folbcu vili interept Li count. o! EMpËresés 'au portraits are <lysa lain. ber of Frank -Leslie's P4, * froua .Quseu Victoria tel erar>'lsd>' viesharet Servis. A tour dlong 1 of Nev Englauti coaaiW tovn"' by-A. V. Abboýt. Opetas," by L. -.-EluE full o! charm, b>'s a st borne'wtairs Florin. Maloolms si Sùa t*iou i àPsteti T * estgivi n iniiel alte ble,"a' - aI ire moto tlit areb ffu~taed O .o tt! poiners lu hobnmb- < most o! Pric. Ic t* rtic f arnnelR FSISTER' )-"I B>' purohan uImptboved- IMITE, SEWINO MACHINl Eu $pecalStyles for lie Uuhliay Bson. PFor sae ch aby Rôle Agent. -AIso-Agea~ or , ~~celebratotiAei on OIr Tr thse me for ce.- H oi ELLYMAN'S 1 «M j

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