v A HITB I - - N IIRONICLE. m1 othsai mries, Ja ckets lankets, Iover- 4.. ~ eho Wng Piowert ilUbe nô EiSD AY, clayse. patrons that have booms class School r guire.up4 on those t tusic for 106. c k.)Fn Goods and 3-large nov -ý nptljy. ÂWI iadvauoe, fi'- r merican. - WHITBY0- uloors. il 4s01 joints )N ansi soIS 4iIUJ~Ori0~ lbs. WIth calm Prntd words, great thoughts, and untiring industrys %v --WHITBY, ONTARIO. FRI 3 of lie lhie bock, artiulair 6 beSt eal- B) ARRISTER, &o. Office formeîly c- en cniod by Farewell & Rutledge, noit 0 Royal Hotel. Brook St., Whitby. RATES 0F PASSAGE. FROM PORTLAND OR HALIFAX. ICabin, U,0, $65 and $7.5; Return, Sl04J,$125 DAVID ORMISTON, B.A.,andi 8150. ATTORNEY.AT.LAW, SOLICITOR MN tl.C anoery, Canvqyanoor, &C. Opric-In the Office sonth o! tho Paît Office, in McMillan's Block, Brook Stroot, Whitby. ly.10 G. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., 3&RISTER, &o., &.-Moisoy to Loan B Isjoerof arriago ienas Ornic-Smith's Block, soutis of Maiket, Brook St., Whitby. lan. 22,1878. JOHN BALL DOW, B ARRISTBBR-AT-LAW. SOLICITOR in >lu hanoery, Couvoyancer, &o. Ofiaoe-DovoriUf'o Block, Brook Street, Whitby. t MONRY IO LEND-Prlvato Fund,- n anme np ta$S00, staI s 1evrate o! im tonalt. (ly-62" LYMIAN ENGLISH, IL L- B1 BARISTBR AT LAW, SOLIOLOR IN~ B lhsanoyCouveyaiioir, &., &c. 000 Street, Oulsavr. R. ZDVMB TBN~ .13 Unlv.eityt) L.R.O.P. sud L.M.(Edifl. burgh), &c. 001"ceheure, 8 ta 10 &.M., 2 to 4 aud?7io 9 PJfl No. 3 T K "TBRD.ACE3,"tBYRON-ST., wHI1Y x.- C. CIRAW rOZTHp V ETEINAKYSUTRGEON- G radae1thé ! lt Onl.'OVotoilnaBYl ,.1 loge, ToroutO. Ordure by mai or loegiapitponpi aitendod 10. Office st reeldoncOetfG. Ave5oppOi> Dr. Bogart'ieDusudU I---~Irlq LI VER Y and BA LE\BALS BROOK iB T IIIIM e Gobd Rîgi sud GooS enu- Tern," S 1. Lor, K.long Steerage, ta or, frein Liverpool. Qnee- t.ow, G lasgow, Boitac , Londondermy or Landou, $20. DAVID TORRANCE & C0., Goneral Agente, Montreai. Or te E. STEPRENSON, Teiograph Office, Local Agent. Whitby. 7Ullan Line Royal Mail Steamers. NL W GOODSI W. IR. HOWSE, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, Rau on hand a very large-and select stock ct Chriainasgoods, comprlalug Ladies'. Work Boxes, Whisk HolderPs, Odor Cases, LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY1,kMirrors in Plush, F> ummner Arrangements DATES OF SILINOS PROU QUEBRO- oCirogasslsu- Sardinian Sarmisu Thux-sday," Frlday, 1Nov. Thursd&y$ go 44 do 27t.h 4th l7th *Extra steamers.lions o! the aaoe CarryCaIlle, sheep or pige. RATES 0Op PASSAGH PRO X. QURBRO. OÂnn-86,8ansd $80, Scorin1 te poliu~ Statereom. Retumu tiLm e *o,80sud f150. By oIns ta #Md *W- sud $70. otnral, 00, $11 Steuffle staiQuoi. asesWhlbmo Wedneeday mormng.To coaneot vusthe Ritra Steamer, Th»zxedy morulng. Pas- sougore suda thbir b#4agegeare put on bord, the bocesutesauhipi At quobofiee Cf ail Cibii ,IntermodiatO md Steerag ses ,emi cam novgo on board saI Knireal, il thyvish todo oe..9 Parti"s seding feu themMouda in lise sAel vU u lied.stu.. vor Tiokols eandail olhi ninuto,, -Geo. B ue Ageýnt, Express OffiCe, Toile t Cases, Large Vases, And an aioriment of othe r niols sitable for prosonts. CaU anud Exeamine Our Stock Bef ors Purchaasg qElsewkere. LUI tu ohurci gram tihe 0 à Am otepeace, Proposa, Knowledg% Brotherhooci. YNOVEMBEIR 11, 1887. NO. 4S à . i% 1 -~.r -r n C% New York. The y have ince hear cl ehe I2 ad Ph ebe B o ye , 8rd N ettie < %e o l -NEWS Oozespude boO f aml thechrhil 3i hold în the Baptiet Wit, of Thauksulvlfl1 bee, & --anmTI "m 'w ---, , --a liti 0 oo"lg. S014rod - e molullO loenidnng Wilooefor au &ttem eý ladt meti ta t nure bis Nott'e dimgng. Tho reselullon eiisrge ilcoitth boing underhanded snd un- manly, Sud viti doingoclandestire Bots and adopting =cnparliamoetar meth4eds, and etronglr.eenaured bisas. a e- eta be a >43,16f k ing amo g 1t v A bun1xy vau perpetratwod hér* on Thurod5y morniug-last. Two yonug mon,. shaw «M I Eamly, eged about 18 and 20, t00ok ft IWtheir heedeato gonorth On 8a hunting *xpeditien, but had no guns. To supply *à m vant they bored out a hale lu the doïst thse roar o! Parrish's hardwar store and reeed, lu to unIatois th.door. On gsiuing au outrance they eqnipped thomelVes with a Run eaa toato! ozre- volvers, m«Tmuntlon, cartridges, knIlves, etc. N<(Poreon had the faintest suspicion ai ta thê porpetratore until Satulrdaoy main- ing !ast, vison Capt. Shaw noticed a revol- ver in hie eon'e possession snd made him own np and deliver th. pioperty baok. The boyswmoommfiDtted for trial at, Whitby. A& poorold vomau va sont down froan bore te, Whitby jail on Tuesday, under circumetascee muai Wo be re. grette4l. s» it seems tW me justice reach. ed eut in tho wieng direction iu tbis in- stane. Tho old lsdv is-> nol gneatly re. spected, sud a number cf boys vu( nbould net have been there,felloved hol &long the sent. Sho turned snddenl:1 and struek*one of thew, snd he struci ber W o .serth vitb hie cae. Lt 1leok teome se if tho eld lady ebould bari Rene fiee and tie youtg men beon @on A LETTERR. Edi.orCHRONicL:- A..- FOST. WIPtbI WmL , Me.with LaneY Langley & Burke, SMOKE the MUNGO! E9stablisbed 1856. ARCHITECT. l:2dnnî'I~e1v ~ Onaîl Cout",The great 50. Cigar, andl the Designe for Churche, Vinas and cot.- 8.CBscRPTITON tATEe. a epeialty. Dravings prep&aredor >1RATE. rernde"ig exieting tructures. .j.L p e nnumi advance-I.60 othez r- ci-Firut Bat over Howse'm -Ding IWIfcl of Publicationl r. P. O. Box 202, Wurrrr. St.am equipmnent and boit furalshed w~o, capable o! exeonting ail clames eof FA R -FOR SAElA ,RiEtI O ,ek from the large poster to the emalleet hbscl. Special mention is made of the ~,,Urputted press f acilîties o! THx CHUON- ABatw statdfr ntee greet 10c. im ,aewith its celebrat.od N. Y. Cottreil ABalflystao ami h aie.rieyoder receîves prompt, ; TO N F W H BY ~~~I I~~ The undersigned offers for aie hie fam V . II ~ U f ~U TERMS 0F ADVERTISIING. of 49J acres, being aituated on the eait Bide UUE T piret insertion, per line, 10 cents ; sacli of Brook street and north of the Grand 1ubequeflt insertion, ô cents. Trunk raiIway in the Town of Whitby. This DispisY(il Advertisemeflts are measured faim is laan good a pieceofo landi ans a l> CHEMIST and DRUGGIST bv a ,C&le of solid Naupareil, and charged found in the coountry bua a splendid situa- weordingly, tion fora towu park or driving park, îs in Agent for Whitby, Advertl4pluentli sent without written as gooId aeaeo utialion s n a jnstructiong jnserted until forbidden, and could wish,zis enced entieyw t.h nes boardt r teMauatuea Cb&rgeêd for fulil ie. fonces, je clear of ail badwed or other ob- Poue hmdrc ri h aufcUOS orders f or disoontinuiflg advertisemieflta jections of that nature, ha@. a tream of Must ho in writing, otherwiee the publiali- water iunuin throngh one canier whjch___ - e will not ho reeponsibie. neyer fai le. Uhe bain and other ontbuild- À liberal discount for oontract adlvertise- ing" are of the beet quality and almaost novw; ,, th bus i anarl ew -tory ilratdOlIf, Mente by the yoar. Copy for changes of ngo anse ja n e arly nw se et o h re nild.g am innt abetadhdns y; an ntie e ese hee sa good woli O! Pure ~ gigL p intndd hage eould ho&"'e watei. There je a young orchard o! stand- of an givnedcauene ard fruit trou, jnst commencing to bear h n igL m s. before Tuesdsy noon. Other advertiso- fruit. The garden is as good as eaun be Ments received up ta Thursday noon. found. The farmn is convonieut tW echools' BuinC55B notices in local or news oolu!nns and churches . Title good. Liberal terme pive cents per hune weekly. Locale, 10 ote. will be allowed Wo the puichaser. per lino weekly. IO S correspoiidenoOe oljitod tram all parts Apply to propriotor on premises W . IR 3W E of the County or noghhoriiig townships. 45-12in. GEO. HICKINGBOTHAM, Correspondents are roquested ta send in iheir communiic ations as proinptly as Wbitby P. 0. Chemniet and Dmnggxst, WbitbY. possible, - Whitby, Oct. 20th, 1837. HIENDERSON & GRAHAM, Wishecs te inform dthe Public that ie Îi JOHN STANTON, P'roprietors. Domnioon Lino of Royal Mail slowing thle greatest as well asth Sup't Moebanical Dep't. STEANMHPS. ~ WINTER SEASON, 188-d-8. BESI and (?DIEAPSI SAILING DATES. Assortment of llanging Laimps eVEz From Port.land gtitthTonfW iby JOHN E. FAREWELL, LL.B., *Vancouver ...Thrday, Nov. 24th brougtjtiteTw ohty 'Sarnia........... ...... ................ whicb he je selling at very ARtRISTER, Coanty CrowXIAttorney, oregon........... ........................ LOW PRICES. wfngiOour mog, Whitby 48 novr...Stra, Nv.Sti __ ..xu......... Saturday, Dec. lOth. ~. ~sa 'th,.div. 44241h. Tii. ti of NO'vemuber wa».clebrated ion. by the. baye. Guy Fawkes bMing bunud in effigy on tho vacat lot. Mr. Win. HWembs of the. bar han ex-. pired It is now under theo I eStof Mim Chinn sud 1h. baye. YW. Jas. Blair le agaiu on duty'cietn Dr. Warre'acoontie. Hiuvisiwila b. very volcm onel a gssod mny thheshr Mn. tD. Helliday le doing a rusbing bus!- m n thelb cal ipse, hboug»ttWo hhudred tons isire lb. admannspries sd is t abl. te furabiusil ey i.a.oD&by~- Mr. xa o*ï 6k bà uoid ouIlie 'rem"i- derO btlis aIpto W#Ir. Jas.Pini.aand l lok-ý ing fora IPà boioeaoCt. Wo an sony t bas. IMr.. L. as boisa agaad *Wokm and quiet itis8fl. Mx. Jiio.. Drm UbsnOOY&9!I du o! thia village, while rtu nn f to 70 8rd Le lie H odgeoL .ý F irt clai I I ronto one nightlait week, wae etruok on pr-e a dByâà ,2aAli the head b y a man who then demanded bis tltDavdByods n ba money, Ai"the robber got for hie pvaine Stover, 8rd Floyd Reeisor. Fitcla wui a few cente-m.sM.Stevenion ha hie -let Charlotte Hoover, 2n1 Balph, muney hldden in hie veit. White, 8rd Robbie C3ook. Nsmeà of The Preebyterian soci a naconoeot on those Who did Dot mi"aa a8din Plrday night o! lut week was a suoceash. ~*month, Mgà rebal ]Kg sMM The, fflpamLa consiste& of baabmJne aiiaMthiLMv.-Rnt th« sW uvngwa ue ~UA~U a UYIIAV sllvOr.warete M ise PIIBB, orgaulet o!f the. Brougham ohoir. Met Monday evonlng proenesi-the, MANCITMR. Mayor, Reeve, Deputy.reeve snd _ceun- The. toaobing staff of aur sohool.lias eilore Noble, Babeon, Hewie,- Hallett, undergene a change, the principal, Mr. Wiake, Smith, Fox. ' &. A. Gilroy, having gone on a trip te Minuties of former meeting rend sud California, and almeet every resident of conflroeed. the. village expreses reRret st the. loue à petiien vas ree.ived frem the te the. sobeol. Mr. Gilroy ise till a butohere in the maraket eomplaiing young man, being bsrely of age, but ho that the plan of anctioneering lhe han during the paut four yeane, at market @talle au oarrned ou$ at present Epesom, at Utiesansd bore, displayod a je manifoutly unfair inasmach as viion tact and ability in teaohing meut surprie- a mas pute lu a refrigorater ho. is aJ- ing. Added W his bigh oducational and mont obligod te koep it at mny prie., intollectual eudowmentu, h. has a which ensiles misohuevous fellevu le eimplioity ad amibility f mannor bld hlm up te an unreaeonably high wbieh vwins the heint of beth parent aud pre. The petitioners pray Liai in pupit. Hovever, mch sn vo regret future the. Town Prpery .Oomnmitteo bie lonis a aeacher, vo casuel but ho may set s prieon sabstall sud give -plessod viti bis attompt le improeohiseltie pioGent occupant th. firet chance to beatu by a trip te Lover California. retsi ilai that price. Shonld he de- Ho is»0 bo gene six menth u w he t take hie stsU Bat that pricoeo trust ho may returu higbly tnvigorBtod. eheuld a etali become ompty firm, any Mr. Thon. Greenvood, cf Whitby,is te other cause il would b. put up at suc- eucceod hlm as toachor aud iu gviug iio.-Roferred te oommittoo. satiefaction en far. (Our corrospondent The. tovu property committea ne- will find Mr. G. eau fil the. bill. Tiers ported rocommendiug sacceunts, Wm. nover van a teaciior se skilleed but vhat Epploit, fixing butchors' stalle, #15.265; Butier equslly as goodmculd ho found - Wm. Baruon, fiing fonce ait far o -ED.) greunâs, 87.25 ; J. Brysu, steve- pipes ýr GREENWOOD. and repaire, $6.80 ; J., Bell, vonk on v Mr. MeRitriok lest a number of fine aid tovu hall #5.50. Tii. committes k duokn a voek &P. .poited ou tenders for ceai ; Di 0. La A houe, lately occupied by Mr. Par- Dovuey $6.25; E. -B. Blow.,86.20. rO rot, about a mile and a quarter outh The contraci vas given tai. Blow. A > a The report paseod. ofthe place wudetoyed by fine sa - -T he relief commute. repoted lu ee.rly bour on Tuesday meruiug. favor cf some emalsecounts for relief Cens. of fire unkuevu. amouutiug te 86.50. Tii. report paie- died ou Tuepiday. 8h* vas buried ai théi. . .emetory, Piceoringron Wed- uo.day. Hor brother Richard is stili aAGLAN. Wells neai'ly ail dry. Bots aIl up and farmors puehiug their plowing fbr ail hey âre vorth. The. public ioad about a mile noruli is à digisce to bouli pathmauter and counoil a peril te thei trading gom1- mnnity in gesor&l. 1Mn Lyncie goig te soit ont sud go W Pennsylvanie,,viiere hbasbusons living aud they natwuly viii the. old. foîka seau thons. Sons. people uiik il is limwe vo b.d another store ini tovu but thon. aiw*ya veto eroakers ilutheitruRpond, sud I teuppeothon. s, lwayu vill b. ltovm Bundlay. Olaiemonut vs vlt repr1esidle. Muli. Daui Baukey speni Suuday. ai Zephyr, Soi oui ng auj moreô. Mr. Tarrwvii ha a nveyons allaof iyphoil oera iowly reooverig. MisseA- Nighievanaen ci' <iéenukutvn if" eo nd0th s f -,B" guauig payanont cf afout,.v Newton, 887.75; Homudoion &mGrabamp, $87.60. Tiie report pesled. Tii. fit. sud vater commiileo us- ported nom. sceounts for paymeni Haich & Bren., $95.88 ; Jue. ÉBIQW, 82.25; Ring Bras., $1.50 ; Thon. Bic. -61.655;Wmn. Calvonley $1. Tii. finance commitiee laid ou' tbi. table % report of tho vaterveiku busi- ness frens W., B. Ysnold, 1D. L9 .t. vhlch, vilUbe neeneever inbs issue. Deputy-ueove RBulledge' MaWiied Fluasse Commutte.a had commuatcited - viLla lh. Induntniai uchol 1At Miidot lu viih tb. Militebeys arî e kpti, lu riegad hieaciounti cf 04 roceittIy sieul taIbis caonlfor paYmeul I hus- boss secentinod tliithe aut shudpsy lith, âS . Tii. cletr »"eda numsof letlsratk sow, what prpRensbabuooénmà sdë,, viii'th, saleofthe debentureq rfflemu lY issued, 86,4Mof the bItnus dbýutééçr' eaub holçdI4ai 991,: but the- deb.te, lu Opnlleotion, vith the ouso 4$. dgbi s ems ecau'net b.oldai po4t on acouai oflte m sensof U*b.~ The uollctIëadjo rned.,.Y. Spoitii 'eâs KIC~~A (IDIAN GIL! Ct~B~ES - Oolic, Choiera Morbua, I Diarrhoea, Bheusnati*m, B~ok. Neurelgia, Bore 'I BprainsObuuiiubil*5e vo anS aU ki~a8pofW~ f- 7 7 ta *betior liii vil lage had btter lie undoIr thse meusiipau o! 1or Port Perry cerne- rsuifer thse milii tiOn O! hsving for ite do- tender ench a shoot as the Observer. When wo corne te. considor thse wiiter for thie ,paper ai being the moral vieciser that ho te, es having by hix sensoiesa and scandai- oase conduot ruined ail prospect o! any bapp.ese b ie own home while ho lives, and gaI hlm impr nduahvnW!fght a "uilar disaster to otIson ; sai having bossu the eteadfasî opponent o! moral reforan for many Yeats nutil the. very mention o! the Obgerver'* namin l"sy public place l in . mont looked upon esa eiog indecent ; as elng lth. man 10 % ho" couatenance and championshlp usay b. chargea many o! the c imes and imnuraitlea renlyP oomm,.ied bors ; as havlng pervertod ail sens. 'o! moraly anust himssetiUp as the dofen- der. sud neoemssnly the promoter of 1ev- iesenee-l eay, vien ve cerne to consider ench a man sas takingupour defenoe againal yaur eorreopondeut'e Chargev maywvol » Y vîi o mphasis, l'Bave us tram oui frieuds PI I amn etc. POIT PBuii'f. 1 a 0% à p VOL ý ý --.Mo 6AXI, 1 LO( is 1 er -uregon. .. - - - - - . c&L-uluc&.Yt 1 (ti-61 y