leu -as bte su" ge ea b GÃ"BtDose ]owity eofiai Port Perr, Ont. TO LOAN Mos lie WesterAUura Fipg purpo4m. 1y1»g cents per t iud. ply to 3ELL2 uapproached for U5 FRIS.l NEW lue. LÃSTABLES, &DEVERELL TUR-OUTS horeai Notice. le Ta libercsily ia re Arc me*y tufenr corded vîi ut, - etc., offered sud9ol4 alitm by nui u- îiled tuerohantlrsd , tie repution ot ru the ladi&es ïIeltMOUby -w 'jr attention l'o 110 ty 01 beeillg tbAt lb fA &U Coi slinegoodu, ireaae genulue. tini when a warmingo' iions beverage le-. aganidram TTENTION and. well-'eie tood tire ted arble Imtà g gLI ouapul nly RELMIAB whch las bes eut -Groomreta r il sà d OTHE ~b.filiu5I3 th Chrmmai umb4t yaM06as&ne will sJioq r.., ýi0* r'iey MandEroun ti. AIl .6* .npiste ijrn tie number. onoDrjilOunuee'. 'irhOr ud . Sullirsuuarêe C.ce a t tbelf xeelhiD< L. ber ovbEfNuruber cf Earpor'a WeOje introduoed by a oharmiug 10 .7eentitled "A Fairy Tale," b F. S. Obnroh, mc. i~ed by an &nOny mous sonnet 1 igthe idesi cf the plotuére, Og d 6"A Child shall Lsad thox»." , cýcin f Southern California S" evPirly ditsplayed by Edwarcl. te n "A santa Barbara Holiday," The iir iletie Beview for Novem- bot jg 5 lât ae in its appearance, but j otasare rich almont bsyond êjn.Dr. Donald Fraser, cf fdon2,Iplaas off with su admirable piper on ilLowthe Pulpit <Ian Bout Ceanteract the Influence Of ModemD Skgpt!iir,. Dr. Stuckenborg, of Ber- uegvs aoo.ther of his able oud-in. *îiearti lies on Psychology for ,bcheré. Tho sermon dopsrtmont bis srmons from snoh re eentativo gehr5 as Dre. Morgan Dil, Josiah rZD, T. L. Cnyler, i. W. Chadwick, Aieold Foster, snd J. M. Gibson cf LooDa. The prospectus for 1888 bolds ont a pro mise of unparailelod yjhneé8 snd variety cf contente. publîshed by Funk & Wagnalle, 18 & go stor Place, New York. $8.00 per ear ; 30 cent8 per single uumber. .lfil ort maý ing, 'Pro] 44 moi add mei bea 41 per me chm box trc thi We cal lb Be w lif, du té "Thé Popular Science MontLly" for L Novmber opens with th. fifth paper cf e the lion. David A. Well'as ecios on o "iThé Economia Disturbanos mine d 1873," in wbieb 1h. author shows bal t inoéssed tacilities for production andw trasportatione have been the chiot tac- tors of depreseion, and net tie soarcity tE of gold ; sud -that, in tact, gold hae neYer been no abundant iu proportion t, te thé need for it os uow. lun "Agaiz nnd EvohitioJ," Profeser JoFreph Leb Conte giveste Professer &gassiz thé t credit of having laid the basis on wbich e thé doctrine cf évolution bas been bnilt,q althougbh o himselt ereclèd ne structure of thé kind upon it. Dr. Theodor Eimer exposes the evil cf too exclusive dévotiona to minute spécial researobes, which je thé growing fanit cf soeéof the science of the day. Professer John S. Newnerry irrites, from bis cmn obé;ervaticus, con- crnfing the "Food sud Fibér Plante cf thé North &merioan lndians." The Novembér Magazine of Ameni- can Hia8toriy in oesof thé brightest sud Most. richly illuetraled issues et the yeor. Oliver Cromwell's portrait &p. peaus o ite front iE1$'Ie, incidtnt te the romantie story cf the firtit seulement of Shelten Island, in 1652, told by Mré. U*mb in)ber happiee't veîu, éntjied Lb. "'Historie Home cf tb. Sylvestera." Sheller Island mas erected iute a manen in 1666, aud cultivated by nègre slaves until il beceme a Gem et beauly. Dur- iug thé Quaker persecution iun dasoa- chusotte il vas where the sufferers fled for shbeller ; aud ils hislory il interweven with the rangles beimeen the Dutcb cf New York sud tb. English cf Con. necticut whie the hwe parent nations were at war in Europe. Tho papor je intorming ou a multitude ef hitherto obscurepe int nearly Amenican hislory and ù§ deligbtftuly 1ivernified miti inci- dentù. Rer. Philip Sobaif, D. D., con. tributes as eond paper ou tie "Relation of Chureb and Blate lu Amerlos," a continuation of hie lowyer-like disons- - Mien et our governmnent'5altitude lemard religion. A very plosuantly v rîttou sketch is by Watein RBcd, on the 1,Hamilton Ã"Oneida Academy iu 1794," tb. gorm of Hamilton Colege. The tourtir article lu Ibis supenii numnier is s study by Charles Hl. Peck cf the publie 1f. and ciaracter cf "ÂAao Burr," lu wiiich b. aime le substitut. atriexplaustions for the sots sud misfortunel qf bise ezraodbmasubjeet. Then foilows, trem G. Brown Goode, cf lb. S3mithscu lInstitute ah Washing- ton, &Au Inleresting Dialogue lu 1678, between Bacc», 'tie rebel,' sud John Good, of Wiiitby."'lJudge J. Tarbel cf Washington, -eoorubtostslHorace Groleys Practsa Advqlet4 U4 construïcloni ste l in = sippi" sud If J. (Ibapmxa, A. M., vrltes an lutoeet ing paper on the "ReOligions Movement in 180."The siiortorarioleians vari$ed sud anterhal»lg. The. uimbos concludes with ils csrefùuly edited de. partmenl5 cf Originl Document' Mîrer TopIost Motes, Queie, Replie' Bociegip, 04 elte.,*fnihied, ïte ',aiorâ sud BSil Jit ip umhrald, sudj dozen or uoî 'ey v»lu okr ,iems. Fi. 500syaPubuheï ai 748 roadw&Y, New York Oity. persoualGars HOW ToRI DELSAITIMAN TREORT 1 P DEVEL- What s theirs elsr"lSDothoi if lsadies a u»U eultiyAtiowl et he voice, @50 r.4Msd ovoeli smeetly moase et stroug sud deep d.veopwP% f oust ud ud 5the. enesbpIe$t o be -maInn"" b& 'Wbat # oeu em t of" powp cl bilý2!0rt ýmyol eozu l%0 bave?", 'N1S no P arel," Doughaed ~~~,~ êw7 'Tm as when u . bfih wea keetl*sud thinneet 1f eus. Amy ontecmam comphie h&%'a Lvé4Qu ttisoeasyoSOqe1re a 1"soà t voiéte i'whJneetir. gre w horre. -',Il volds~t ,atutterlng,@sOUdisppear onder Per tmaioui'*" "Doei tbis training affect the pyi 'Y.., il viii develop theb. buse, ho ai eh ideal -perfection. Gentlemen will d four or fi,. luches oheet messiure- Mt iu as mauy months.", 'It in desi rable. from a point c f auty, thon Y", 'oY.., ladies gain th. rondees cf jest, taper cf ani and band, and 1h. rleoh pois., ossud gpao. in mcve- eut, Ihat add se uuohte pers onal 'HatIubould thînk, vould b. rSefited aie ?" "4Iudeed il es. Lang and Ibrool oubles decresse, uarrow choute and à u arme are d.veloped, Sud femalo abkuesos argely evercon." "It meeme te bisa regular pâtisseas "éNo, I amn uorry that- sorne rganu unnot be made good in thie way ufler oy have been injured as min6 vuro 'a &e'jourt near ao southêru OWaMP. sîojro I tri.d physical, culture sud 'smner'd safe cure 1 was&s couftrmid ivslid. I vas cenà sumptive lu earl3 fe, sud it lu only a few ycars aines 1 oercame a serious liver trouble. 1 wo moeh te Wamner's sale cure, sud I ý net bouaiâe te acknowlodge 11."' "XAnd the consumptien, tendoncy?' ",Dieappearod aftor tihe use of tii emedy, aud when I had learned bel o bresthe. Net eue in twenty brestb' aeueh s wsy a te 61 theoair-cellet, t, ipand the stroug muscles at thé bau >fthe lunge, which ahouta do the labeu )f expelling air. Heucoe, if kidue, isesse prevail 'E4 the lunge affected b le kiduey pelsoned blood aeon giv wsy. "la net your system the Delsartis -yes, and I greatly rejoieed irbe bhis grand teacher gave toe . ori bie ides. Tboy oorrosponded.te thoso had long tangbt, for I amn a pioncer i bhis work sud bave devoted lite SI tn.irgy t10 teacbhing tb. wor!d th wcomen may gain 'vocal accompli@ rients, health, gruce snd besnty ail the saine lime by tîLe. metbode Cultivâtiôii.",' "4Yon are yet teachin ?" "ly6t, a% the sabool et Orgtery si Physicai culture at SyrusLeetN :' permanent institutionl, ucw In suocesteful progreate. alEr. 4 U i. U 'UMLFUIJ h bUlm uW 40 Y""ea4o, eaw. rbuhadiît for 27 r #bs fil by tclibtangtwo &'n Op-en Bounti is 'Éed on' <pi*e witbiu »iJo timite P-iporbed by the- bylÈw 00oet e ~slubougeo. lobn iul guoo1 e"éen8O vss. îoimbd for two heurs by thé oaig ini of a otsnd pit. Whou r.ed ho %vu unoonsciofll but sooc roovere. SunDeJy ,venlug ýetonuoeve- threwu throngh the Blcra S. A. barrooke Windows and afler the. ladY offlcers-had retirea thoir budroom windows wêe Uxbriadremuet boas bud au Beeton for, travelling troupes. à Toronto orcw' *uuunced a two niablte entertaiumeit. but not a golltary Man vent to heir them. A dsry uid' soial wap held lu Kinkadine reeuly. The. bill of faire irB asmde up of hbe eute sud butter, gingerjbread aud buttermilk, co00o0 end By the.Uuetting cf a lump the elothhe of a eeven-yeon old child- of Mr. P. Keauey. cf Bredford, eaught firo, reuht- n lulb bild'u desth. lu Mother Iv.aso baýhy brnlu uulobfltg the rclothing from the child. E' Tii. Penetang #Herald la urglug Efà rmere having waste tracte of lands Sadapted b o ranborry culture-to utihièle them. Prom a four acre cnubêrr rnarcb Judge (lork, cf Michigan, makos a $800 a year. rM. Hugh MoMabon, of tSte, ileiw "' uck. Hfe planted on iret mii 10 affres of fpotatees and th. vield is 1,'700 buehele. ie 8irty cf tl* ,,Murphioae, weighecd tr ninety Pond@. The orcp le worth 'y sî,ooo. 7 . _________ Dd a 'ry District Notes. Two ctons witb skies worlb $6 esob were osught at Beeten last week. Thé Beeton ormy kicked sud refused le "procese" becouse tbe officers order- ed tbem tie carry brooms. Tii. Boston young ladies haut oocue, sud th. Youg ceeus of lie village haut thé ladiels. At o Hoallowe'eu party near St., John's jokers e al& thé wbips fnem the buggies sjud aise chauged thé wbeels. Alt. Hanter drove bomë miti ibe biud irbeels in front aud nover noliced it. Acton in lalkig electrie ligLil. Four lame deer are lie pets cf H. Bock, cf Wabussene. Barrie chese club miii meut twe even- luge a veek Ibis vinlor. Mil Sunderland'e oburebes bave unit.- .8 sud are holding evangelisticeser. vices. The caresse cf a bog snd s orale ,of- eggs were punloined by thieves lun ew. market. A Young rlbur Bock vont deer- buuting sud had ho psy $20 for shoot- ina a fariner'. deg. * Blyner fsrmoe'&re se bard pre.sed for fuLn&s tiaI they are payiug 18 .Pe r coul. inutl. Georgeownvupeople have uuberbedý $400 le e*Mt a public divlugsbed,. for tiroir village. fUnder B&rnie'e sidevslks are holsu 14 foot deep, sud the Aè.ome osh 4them, "bottomless pila.", R. J. Creelman, of Gsorgétovu, von. Wtilabis baud vith irolvr ballet Re vas clesuiug tirs shooter. Wm.OChappell, of Oio, yulbé,eu- traliy looated for ï"ue ,wooth for rob tbing tii. runk of à m Bsrni mute. À A.Fegus drunk dleinuthe.look-ny )r The jury returued a verdiet of "nain 3-tee mach alciiolie beveragO. I ow. groggery flonrihes ulà is) "y ths ie Oroomqre Mw'tner, tht, 10detimen ou to i. uuoa otoi.' Mr. Samuel Allen, of Lisle, Ont. statea that ho irwéd&1ilthb.docloms iluhie lOOiiiy wvhile sufféring for years with Liver aud 'Kidney trouble ; notbing benefited hlm un. tii Le loch Burdock Blood Bitters, four bottles cf which -cured him. Thé romains o! Jenny Lind more iuterred in Maivexn Oemetery on Saturday. Freeman'8 Worm Powder* are safe in ail carel. Thsij de. troy asd reviVBe W orme ain children or adudta. 'Wben Baby wue sik. vu gave ber Castoeia when ahe wva aChikld shecnied fer (astîoria, Whonen c 'me Mùia.&ho clnng to Ctoýtrià L Wh= n eé.ha4Childxebse garee inmCast0lr lt&v. loi. onywhem about 701 USE PERETDAVWS BEWAIRE0F IMIATIONS. 25 Cts. Pr Bottie. 'a, "i 'V r iii 'e N B" 6. The Oreat !?egufator OR t&e 8tsuas~. Liver, Novels sud EtoOl, Cures 5ssdseke, CernaIt- - ~ OompIa3rn~, uh14s~tbsSVBtSU. Bosd 1h. followlng:- "FiyasPb" 1have ufferea fhum a odade's Oomjouud. i diadsol ud oni oa vertw.' DIL HODDURR'8 (XUGHAND Till OUBEl. cI buaino, Descitv boutfrem*toeo8ipt Of .-amiMo. cAtN I FALL SU ITS. JOHN FE ROUSON . SHBOWING A SUPEBIOR STOCK 0F Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds,1 ,&nd othrer fine lines o)f Cl)t.hs, for Bpring suite. AUl garments mode up in latest style on shortest notice. Ready.-made Men's and Boyst Suit8, G ents' Furni8hing8.- and Underalothitig of al Klnd8.; INESRUTILEOVERÂAILS.! Là atel styles in Huad sBoft PoIt Hate VEBY CHEÂAP. JOHN FERGU SON, Dundlas St., Wbitby TH1E QUEENYS luBILEs TUE BRAZILIAN WRIOS Will eelebrate the évent bYa complote r0yolutiou in ther OROOERYTRÂDE, È()R TEN EX T -S0 p'AYS. Colored'Dinneses IodTases adcolored (hamber sta ull ie away, aliarge - stock of entire 196w Patteziis ad~~ls selec fro.,ememibebr tis no humbi.- WeIeldth t md ITEAS and OOYEF'ES,, azgene- raVroaris.We arry a large. stock an la 11 tbotstom y5 AGEN4T. Londonand Lancashire Life Companye Tins ompuIsues evOrydosiraforr cf Life poc »sd a ep&dtead wl the BeceierGeneral lu approved 0snaà iin seoerties over 90.0for oach 0100.00 cf llabllity, tinhffordig ABSOLUTZ se- desirEfous -of-,sssuxlng ieilives" wm ftOd Il te their advuniage wte'ensult tire nnderslgned before îmà ezing eltemiere. JOH1N FÂRQUHÂRSONS Genersi Agent Wbuuby,May 18, '86. -ly PATENTS_ CANADIANS the aeeme s sOt4ezL a.,Istl hbet yoas atet othanraetimeuewibelimited l'r or.Total ceo f United -States Paint 60,cuy 20 on m akl pplictimn, tirs balance enlY*iien t te a aowea. for 015 jeare, $74. on receipt e! mode à dr u,vrithbdeleripticfli f inventiom, 'w- aî'M ~ }Solicitore oflPatente, Pleas U.matove. ynuvIi d teent ice 1 41enD SITTIII8 0F TH COUJNTY 014O A fev uDighte egoe ed mbt tir smlvao Durham su4 out the. Worth upoà Orala cf eu & ~ '-.'; "-z ~0 - S: -' -s «----000 -9-- amq- Rem a 1 1 W. i. UUFBOJZ0UlN CAAlAPACIFI RY1CUMPAIY's Telegraph Office, ROW OPE1*i FOR BUBIINBBS. £ýIIRE OT OCONNECTIONS e Ci11iflral -GableGCo. The BaItimore & Ohio Tel Go. The Postal Telegraph Co. Ansd al ih 4grjLus Tol seur. prompt dispatch, use lhe C.P.By. Ce. Tolegraph. OFFICE lu Biohardsiou'e Blooki, near Market Square. Orders lakon fer Cool, Salt, Gypsuni, WaterUime, &e., tor- The Ratbburn Ce. A 1 e, tun oty Laincl *Placier isu1d Barrelusud i e,_o th su snalauf :u4,lovost price. Denit flU: qualrl52 ý# a Block, . whitb3 lqmm -HATS HATS 1- 1