Whitby Chronicle, 11 Nov 1887, p. 4

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7 J'I wWilson's Ging ~LEm Mercer's Quinirt WINEm. FOR SALE AT THB li )a MEDICAL HALL, ,ONLY Si oo PER ANNKJM. Whitby, Frday, Nov. 11, 1881~ The Ulobe'. very impolitie artiei eoodemning Mr. Ohamberliu's rnisici havig been uotioed by that gemiti mmn sud somo London Eng., paper our Toronto thunderor is simoot tiel lsd te dealir, sud considers it bas in- lroducsd ibleintlute b igreit political and literar>' social>'. Tire Globe may b. righin au ttacking 1Mr. Ohabanin se far sa.tact gees, but v. fiud nea.. oouut t a n>' Aierîea papers irsdi- capping tiroir oommisuloners b>' s.d. lug them te the arbitrallon viti a irad name. Sureyt>'tie (Robe',, vomiteau do noîhing els, but jepardize tire boat intere i tanada. Wz givs somo figures from th. Bureau ef industries le show 1h. shortage in erops for 1887. In tati whesl thoro vas 14,500,000 basheis, being 8,600,000 legs than last ysar snd 6,000,000 loes thau- the average for fiv. y.ams.In spriug wheat 5,600,000, being 8,800,000 lese than fast y.sr sud 4,000,. 000 tees than Lb. 6iv. yearu average. In bartey thers lu 17,000,000, beinig 2,800.000 loue Ibsu laut yesr sud 2,000,. 000 lest than the average. Iu osto tire.i. 50,0(1,000, beiug 7.800,000 loge Ibsn ut ait'sr. ,lInpoase Ibere is -12,. 000,000 againut 16,000,000 JouI ypar. PsUl wbeat averaged 16.1 per soe; spring 11.6; harle>' 22.8; oats 29.6; peau. 16.8; beiug lu overy cs. 4 le 6 bushets Joeper acre. The Manitoba otmatos of lot October givo 1208519724 bushée of wheat, 7l,265,287 osto, sud 1,925,281 bariey; whiie estinates of the maine -date give for the United States a yioîd of 450,000,000 bashelu of vhoaî, 600,000,000of ets, -sud 65,000,000 ef harle>'. HÂvUicitoec uibusiness tb ,attend to, Moyor Howladof Toronto, bas déollned a Ibird tomn, Lbough 11'01e n- erslIy conodd h e ouid -have gono in by aoolâmation. - Tho 1boodieos and vlskey otomoit ,dr&*v'a ugbrsth 1 kellf ultho beinforan~to, for tliy bae. baa u avl l igie ô1;it udor bise .- gimo. e a u" où"not Of »'isn. toution leu 1&0. a sho w.r .oflo upea Ia76,000 admirere la the citytbut thoro le nio holp fo« il. Up *0 th. statement of bài.Intentions bis oppénouts vos. tslklug up Hôn. Inn. »evÎrly Robinson, D Biau d' seloro, vii. ire nol se fi;zà inu thir priaolis but now f.hst- Hovland le onat oft4h.eflsd w. dott hea ou »eofthes. ,taoun oznluted. I Ib.ou 4odbapohd tbre ith ont Ibelngtalsod t. provoal tg. -This th lbfolo oh" gagalnst tire Ventral lu lbheAret PIAO*, sud il remains ni plsined y.t I*Âbuslng thmewho u lb. ruIr don t dimprovo snythxug.- tact callig usures la e ..rsIrthe resort o! sauMsu vheu hir adéfisteî bis argumme Nt.W.havedoue s N doeal for Port Pevzry filr.asud dld it netiring, vhill. tbhBGstnd h IVbs heen paidifor ils trouble.' Tais ProvinoWaAssceatiou oftrna us'. iasad W"t Sfor TEE strong objection smre <anadi in paperu rais. te Mr. Chamberlain sittiz, ou th, Bosrd of Flirer>' commissiez ers is tiraI ho bas leurred the dit pleasure efthtie Irish iu regard te Ho ' Rule, sud Ihat vould provent eltbu parties in thre States having anythiug ti do' vilir hlm. Thissimpi>' mease, itI out goiug au>' furlier round thre point tiraI. bectus. Mr. Chamberliniat neither s fenian nor a fenisu sympati ser for the sake of votera, be oan't d business ton Britain lunlire States sud i ais moins that thre ouamimoonteifo tb. United States are le ho fanians toc Suret hinga bave Dot corne tethal paso in both Eaglauand suheb Btteï tiraI none but rébots &bid fenians hiavi tho proper quaeIfieations and credentia for diploma.>. It didi't saetite u ai makiug suy difeéreno. virsî vievs Mr. Chamberlain holdiounother subjeeto, e long as ira nuderalandi viral ho h about lu tire fisirer>' business. Til Fiier>'Commiasion dou't ail te dlacusi Home Ruis, or if it did ils labors vould net ho fiasird durng Ibis century. Ai the Toronto World says, Ibis %Iri nuisance le hoing iulroduc.d imb oeor>'. thing. Notes about Books. ù W<E BUT GOOD BOOKS &RB KEVAEWED. The~ Life andl Time, of Joseph Got4cI, by W. H. Higgins., Toronto;-C. Blackett Robineon. 800 pages- Cloih 81.50; Hlf Morroci 82.50. This ir mort Ihan £he story of a long And usefiil tifs. It 15 a complote and accoraI. history of 1h. Ooucty of Ontario from the arliesettlsmont of whioh Ihere is sny record or s1y tradi. tion, dow to th. pressaI day. Thé, lii. of a man like Mr. Gould, vho vau boru ini the Tovnshpr of Uxbilidg. and who rosided contincouly thero for *ight y.srubeyond the allotiwd Ibres score Mud ton-a poriod whieh prsetlally ooven theb. "mskiug" of Oansast-nsîu. rally devolops imlo a hi"" yof the Ooanty, wiîh a ohaptor or twéon pro. vmocial pollUes fifty year Sago. Mr. Gouid'a ehoe of à biogrape- for beob,, is desth ho expr.ssod a do. sire Itst r. Higeis should "ndort"* th. work-wss psrticutuly fortunsto. Ris long resdoen th. Oouuty Town aud equally long oonoctiou with th. CIOICroL, Iabishorough knovlodg o0f the Oonnty aud hi@ julimatmce ult nue wilb ile ropresentativo mon, mark. ad hlm as pecoliarly fitted for the work ho vas asked 'to undertake. Tizat ho ha. doue his wori ol-n o i ho examices tho vork wiU theuitàte tb admit. W. have, uot onty s faithial sdapprecatvoigrpy of Mr. Gould snd as*genersi hlstory of the Oouuîy, but minute sceounts of lhe asip, vith statàisls informuation de- rlved froco tho voery làtos avaltabe Il9 th ro ' i juil" whst roeôrds w o' ro Bg kt 4- *Editor 0uOmwwoi.: * Sxa-In Wedoesday'a Globe I & Mad viral Heaitir effleer Canuift did lu lire cas. of an outbroak ef diphtberia lu i th. home Of tire uoasker of a pub. slic hall lu Toronto, aud 1 eould not bsip * compariug ii prompt action vitir a lirai of tour ovu officers snd the Board 1 of heatin lus senviat similar oau. a aIt home. Tire earolaker's vile va. 2taken vîtb tbe dis.... sud lu cons. *queuoe Dr. Caniff ordorod not onthie closing 01 tirebhalbut ase oof s prIvaI. sobool théb.aegiborlrood. Iion4 at our owu oMoier. A cas.' breaI out siot under Lire ver>' windows eft hé -modeo ciool. Tir. nurse of Ihe rallout le " oa aretaker of lh. scroo, botir tire patient sud theo seboci arn attend- ed te rogutari>'. Tventy uev cases follov lu quîck succEssion sud tbe cause la attributed te a drain hall-mlle 'dis' tant. Ou Mfonda>' lut s aseubroke ouI vitiu Ienl>' oisetftire Heur>' St. sehooland up le dal. lhe Loinof irealth or It. offloo vr o rena>' b. ira doue uolhlg tl event s rom-n rene.e o t rabiastaen Place attre MKoisi. Thu lbeBeard et Healbh urake not tire firt effort to discver Sb* cause etfIre dieaseor le prevout its sprGad. RasIl itou ectb irert partie cf informastion as to boy te, prevut' tirs lime sud uethod oet burial of tlb. uufrtunslesRasil It vnou tbotnt information as t. tire -bee out easof fumigationPRas It examined rtir Wells of th. lova or lire of tire acho IS even P Net that I1sur avare of. No doubt tir, urmbens vii say the>' are net paid for Ibsin sdrvu.es.True, but vby scoopI offi06 sud refuse t. do vWC& belongigg tte reoffice ? asu>' o lire cases resulted frour doteetivo ironie or stable drains ? Tire Bonat., do.a't knov. AreAU tire veet o pure? Il esanet "sY. Youir Tire Entnance ËX'mlaiîle vioii Mbe w,aI Mn wededy M rd>,sd pFada>' eo. »rs!wIgg book No. 5,viii b. zqutred troua -cantdd te. he b.entranee Iza iona. villa ges and -four.. lo ris lu ehl . 0ooos.Thebo oof, t lie aitation for, snud construction et raltv"vM býe rond vilh mueh intorest, sud -iti la ýb> nureans lh. toast valuauble -91 he, hisitiosisl oàèf lire book,-,Mebicuii -soof XUisy ,soslous 94oc eto ra-liva>conustruction aud oxteilonD *hbo bave gobe o t irir long, týest; sund îis i lioglbsb ef or'nses dser4,,je5 sirouid ho eevd Tirea srg for separation froniM Yok udPeel, tir. Jolosle.s ad biok- sings aboutire Côunt>' Offices sud athe Count>' lovai, tLb.political conteste in. both ridinge, lire progroslu' oduoston sud lu ,othor respotesèe fuit> sud- grapiie, @. et forth, rnskluig - the volume eue of thé- ulmost' jutoritot, -te the goneMrrder,sui" ot speeil:lvalue t. tires.e enuctod with munIcpmal nd public afaras. If &Dy IoOuda rtr ol combine their efforts in a felwoous production iL is G. Morteor Adoàmsu A. EMtheivyn WoLberad. Lu An Algonquin Malie, PablihiW b m Bryce, T<éroua>, lIbey &ira ni* -Knout eloltlng sud 'esioAM' auntof tome rosi litéeovents viloi occurrod during lb. osrly istor>' et Toronto sud nerth. eru Seltlemente. Ever>'.Osadlsu solar shoald resd 11. '<The Prozon Pirate" b>' W. Clark 0us80t1. Thia "te'Of th. esetjust publiahed b>' Wr. Bryce, Toronte, vii b. pernsdviui rMinulng lutoreet ba large circle of reéders. Thom. vbo are fend of the martelon (sud lb.>' sre man>') viii fiud lilt a nir mine of vealtir. Thre naturai vs>' lu vhich PauIl Rodu.>'toilaebis aler>' cptivates bolir the judgeanent aud Imagination, iu th. eUme va>'s i. donein reading for thre fin tlime@ Dafoea$"Robinson Crus.." Or Haggsrds "'Ring Belomon' ae ii. To min>' tirsreal charth et book viii Consisl in the vivid- peu pietures of 009»u seenery, in calm, gale, term snd tempeat ava>' off arounid Cape Bora ia the "Roaring torils" ànd. amoug the icsefield8 othlb.Anatarotie 2ifcle. OonlmunicatioIL o HAD AnId Magnificnt Display of Bargains in OPENING F ALL The choioest, finest, best andi cheapest assortment,,of Seasonable Goods e'ver in Whitby. We have to announce that our immense Fail Stock is 110W ii perfect order and we invite you to give us an early cal and inspeot it. You aentepce oby anyhin uneseyoufin exoty what You want. Our steady aima is to pieuse ai l OU customers and meet their requgiements better than anybody else can do it. IIow far wo have beeu tsuccessful can be demonstrated by calling at our store and criticaily examji- mng our display of Fancy Dry Goods, B/a nkets, Tweeds, HasCaps, Furs, Dress Goods, Fia nnels, Carpets, suitings, Man t/e Cloths,- Glothing and Cents' Furnihig8, We have been known for years as Leaders in Styles and also and we intend to maitain our reputation. We are bound to sel m>rnug aIl seuig prices. we do--LEAD.--- as Leaders in priees anid have marked every delay, but corne and take fi rs i choice. tWhitby Dry Goods Emporium. Farmers, Threshers, and Mili-Menl Find it to their advantage and profit to use MCLL' v 'Guaranteed not to gum, and wiIl ottwear ail other Ma~chine Qils. CYTry our Cylinder 011. It has no equal. -For sale in' Vhitby, by W BRYAN &- SONSP Dundi~a Street. '-a Q e4 Wl tIi Patent Fire-BÈo x ing Cooldng 0 wihoa.Ieen Em srirn Do as BURNS" COLUMN., Strike for ail you!re Worth and 1 11k. le s» ,a *511ev trying llrd -i etIeebi uy fn ite;- I l1k. e s.e"im ubilave'y1plyi Air is forces lu his stnife. Staigir ahsd sud, neyer traying, Al bis strenglir bis purpose in, Then I cire., hlm ouwards saying, Striko for ail you're worlir sud Win. Courage, courrai., kcep 4er g0111g, lKep.lire -muiiarllngon; Whethier hostie vinda are blowing, D a r k e s s u s t g v e v y t o a w n . Neyer mmd tb» dvrs iootlngt Tbrov your spnkchlegi, Hold your «round..sud keep han ScooliD& Stnike for-ilyo'rqwprth sdvn Whoop lier up an'd nevrfltsr, Nover, ta4m ,'yen frim t'eastrilo, Bum uyour ofciringf, on 1h.is itar O f a tmue sud ,b ia mn ele se lit..ý Reep yonr hoad My couras, level Nov's lthi e t 0lt ry'. begin!1 9o ig olher Mun .nor dvi, SIuikor al yo rtnIsd vin I WATCHMÀKI ST.1 WbiEEtb Qljroi LOCA1IERL-LC( Wm1 8 lB oON lm AND AlOI BUGE 0 LIVELY LOCAL NEW8 - SI OIRONIOLE REPORE AÂ chel's wiang ye4 takin An, f iith he'irprent il.' Neit Tirmda>, the, l7th,î gling day. Tuu roadi are nemarkabil Ibis ssen ef tire year. -TEERE vais a -fire a vonda>' whlcir burned a h Taz Conliuesîsto, EBW, r uold b>' motion s1tirhe Contra to.rnorrov, 12th..ý REPORTs from tirecases of lu lovai are ver>' eneiOOrsgl net irear ot a single iropelesi HÂSTniGg and Chamnbers of sre surnadte appoar aI: -day tle-answer charges 0et k lb. ,Scott Act. TEE watcmlg utg carliahme fer Novmbei'. Ox Mondla>'nlghte ren lewniradsauet'le Wilb amn fusiliaing eicir other aa s lsrge front glassin.tir. Ou< TIExM MthodisI choirtle ' mong service for-lb. eveuli -giving-,dal', lobe hM in lu1e It js o bsa&gret.,O5L A in the oui>' tee cbïarged. toir cows running atI lage l' ùesdayr boing thre1iti i4 la ass ttad lu Our liit, .niareîoltm*es t kke liii ont furtb. tceo. AT 'Wind&or, Out., m Baker complainai ofi Ha *To Ibis spird 4 advlooawe zighî'add. "IIIBuyngPay asYoz, Go.,' aiid y -thopdie at'plan b qst ~ariP ¶atcasIi stores; ili0s0oni le o irhy enaimoreoheap Aong theouI ~rsaeli- B9OTSkND SOES Nouefiaowoji~re baver iban BtYR~ & CD isos 1On GOOIDS, Dundu Street. -A GRAND BA RNÀ overcoating8, 1:;, P. w 1 - CHME ollse kou held a Most lueretlng soesson lu Toronto ou Tueida>' and Wodeesdsv lsst. The Preuidont, Mr. .J. B. Pare. weil, delivered s compreirensivo sud exhaustive addreesontl. eool regu- lations lu g enetaJ sud ou thouielatlug le high seboqisin particular. W. bopo te reeclve a oopyof lb. address in fuit, when vo mirai t Iv>te discuetire pointe iu whieh tir. wajorlty of ouireaders are more deepi>' Joterested. Both tb. president, Mr. Farevel sud tlb. lu. defatigabie -Seeretar>, Mr. Je B. Dow, rsoived tue thb4aks 1%fLb. ka ecih for thed*e..utIàtolb.y liad Imbu in tir, foirtino! bsi body. Tir. Hou. Minister of Eduestion addreessi lb. Association on lb. main pointa brougirt eut by tire Presideut.' His explanatrons &long vitir the Prosideut'u adldress wve dul>' onsldered b>' tbe Assoiation. Tht meeting viii uo doubt b. produc. tive of good resuits, and lbhessoitiou viii become su esalabied Institution in the edaestional affairaetftire country. 1l'-i il 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 yfFru'It Kni 11v rlstle Patternu. gId Sterling Si $uga and JeUly Sheil., jttrKuives, Spoïons anud 1 lZew sud Elegant Design SI4VER-PLATED .DLJOOM-- Mr Ir Ir-l'Cr Do ýnot Ili s «N 7 .lý Goods

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