SIL ERTHIMBLE8 oa tyles te choose frein. $iyrFruit KnivesI 6ý IZeW Artjstio patterne. Soid Sterling Silver 1 g1pkiU Rinlgs, $u&r and Jelly Sheila, Butter K.nives, Spoons and Forks. N4ew tiod Elegant Designs in SILVER-PLATED WÀRE je S. BA RNA RD WATCH MAKER, 'ubROCK ST., WHIITBY.1 WI)itb~ Qfl~roînck. NOVEMBER 111h, 1887. LOCAL LACONICS§ u fi BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS GLEANED fo Bi CHRONICLE REPORTERS cfi Fr "À ule's mang ye, takin no0tesi, an Au' faiti he'U prant it. E Nei Thareda>', the 17tib, le Thanke- ivi siving day. nol Tared# aue reankabl>' good for fl Ibis sesson lotthe yean. tlb I xsa w as a fire et Oshawa en )Ionday vbieh burued a bouse verth n 8800. Tirs Conlin estate, E. Whitby, vil be Gg soid b>' adoioetcthe Central, Oshawa, la to-morrew, l2tb. f REPORTS fîom the cases of diphîheria -es in leva are ver>' encouraging. W. de S1 net bear cf e single hopelese casie. W HASTINGS and C tiambers cf Claiement il are saoemonud te appeau et Broekliu le day te answer charges et infraction eof tbe Scott Act. Tas wateuing cart bas beau remunneet- bg e&dIagain tiii v.k tego notâer the drifèi.ï ingd uset. - tsseemi k. a stringe freak i fer Novembeu.v Oiq Monda>' night some roagbs of the* tovu had a set-to vith -atones and in fusiWaing eacb other managed to break a large front glass in the Ontario bicok. d~ Tas Methodiat choir le getting ap a v song service for the evenigcf Thauks.V Riving day, te -be beld in the taberuacle. It is tole b.*gresatt heu. A collection u is the on)>' féeecbarged.a Tus chief- constable eaye the period t fer oowe uunniug at large expires next1 Tuesday, being the 151h inelead cf tbec let as% tated in oulast issue. He e wiebeaeitizeue te toe. inthe cows v ith- t ont futher notice. AT Windsor, Ont.. Mue. Elizabeth1 Baker cômplained of fepi>' Coubett1 for indecent assait. At the triai the1 evidence shoved that Corbett'ea aseanlt conuisted cf kisuing the voman -twice. Magistrats Bartiet hel.d that kissiug1 did net conetîtule su as8ault as oharged4 sud dismissed Corbett.1 Mr. Thos. Hneton, Secretar>' cf tbe Board et Elealtb lu thie tovu, bas se- .ured a number cf op les cf a pamphlet isaned b>' eider eot the Provincial Board et beaitb, entitl.d "Bales for eheckiug tb.e elread of Ocutagiofle Dieases," snobheas earlet fovier, diph- tberia, semail-pox, aboIera etc. Ever>' lime a case cf diphtberia le r.ported Mi. Huston sonde tbe partles a ccp>' ef this pamphlet lo be nusinluthe naighbor- hoode Mue. BRar&kat g* convertied Syrien lady weli knowu for ber -voaderful eloqueuce tte bMissicucu>' would , viiidurng tbis month addueesa cnamber cf ineet- lugs lun vauleul places lu Ontauo, Whitby amongat lb. favcied fow, under- th. auspices of the 'W. F. M. Society'. 8h. bus eutianeed pieketid eee ln tbe baugeai ehurches lu new 'Yok' Git>', Chicago, Boston aud Phibadeiphia sp1eaklnit le both mon and women aiiki. Farîber n otice cf lime miiilaoe 01 meeting vil1 soonb. given. Juà T ait lb. pissent tune lib tis lovu Wbou a yonxag mn ules ho bas a suie Ibroat, b. besnstlonce lo find in bau case symptoana cf diphbnlra. Au unessiiaS onoa* ,upon bIn, ho look@ bak ever bis "44. aaffl bwaborboin- lug- a, hn g&aftly at the--future, lo MMtt;1 t he' other Bud ee 1>' 49 siand bit trieil for, burglaiye a linHuzrs e t eçaoUsh' x .correspondent "Quai>1"O' lat ofr si is if h. la ound oui, foi ba 1g A Wu a leiter eharging iii. Rlie0f up sa lite of the 0ou=09 with grant. BÀ âo relief. hau]i a. D. MÂXNiNQ .rived sf.)>'on MI aide of the oceam with Mr. Dry. worà @ caIlle laut veek ad plaeed them T Larantlue. Nota single animnal of Tla Largs herd of heavy ouà tile vas bout, P1is, ough the voyage wuas crough one. re looking Weil. Mr. Manning al. M roughi oui ibree Shetland ponieis grcî himself. etr, ra regret te announce the suddeu G untimely death of Mia. M.- T. 'i 9 ater, of Winnipeg. This lady wua Wa daughter of Dr. Orowie of Markham. M v as for the paut six yearu cîganisi eau neo% chureh Winnipeg, and for thre. ciBi ri proviens an lustînctor, of mnusie ,h Ont. Ladies College and organist H th. Methodist tabernacle Wbitby. for )vas weli kuovu in musical circles 1mach beloved b>' man>' fnendis in itby wbc vill hear cf ber sadden g9" ,h with mach serrov. mni dais. J. W. F. HIsoN gave On 8 Lradey sit th Ladies' Collage, a * 7 interesting historical' pianoforte sai ,iai tracing the progresu cf the sonata ton à salte from, the originel danois form. 1 e nuumbers wve.arraged iu chreniO o- ical order from th. sixteenth oeutury lot wnwards aud were préfaced b>' hie. m ical aud anelytical explanaticus b>' 1W 'J. W. F. Harrison Who is givmng an et xative course cf recitaleanmd le. es on causicalmubjeots in the college liii job wil b. continued duriug tb. cf Uter. A, moat delightful evening wuasspeut fr< Weduesday nigbt vith the Ladies ly d Societ>' of St. Andrews ohureh at o eir harvest home festival. The large c sement cf the church was gorgeous- decorated by fruits, rooda, herba, Ja Ld productions and evergreeus, and da okcd wei. The eeting vws arrauged thb c fîee-aud-eayS> imue. à , splendid PI ogramme vas reuderad ousaisting c0 songe b>' Miss Ida Ratch and Mise re rencb, instrumeutlé by Miss Lord ni d miss Wilson, and readinge b>' Mise Im dith Murray' aud Mr. Theo. MeGili. t« ,r. AUl the Programme vas good, NW one baving been sandvicbed, in te sç I time as ja often the cae. The tea 4 u ýin keeping with tb. other parts cf w ie entertaininent.M Faca the mauy hlgbly enlogiatic Ji otioes cf th. work being carried on y the "REeçcue D)aett," Mr. and Mrs. D eo. A. Stafforzi, in the crgibnisation cf 0C adges of Royal Templara ve clip the ollowing from the Uzbridge Guardi- l ýn :-Mr.Dannaett,Mr.Stag0rd and Mns.c tafford voie the energetic and bard C vorking organi»ea of these mase-meet- ngs, and whose musical taent more âan eurprised ever>' eue present. The 0 bove named lady and gentleman came g rom Hlamilton. not oni>' &0 stir Up the fî Bmperance vorkers in Ibis section, u but alec toeaetabliab a Oounoi. of the ~ Royal T.o>plers of Temperance. oe f 1btJS beem trougeat orden ra ie railing, agaiet iutemperanoe. * t ** The>' did not vear>' the audiencef witb long speeches, but intersperised is heu craticus witb beautiful solos, t duet, and vitt>' sayings, the latter were the best vo ever board ai ac Tem- d dovu as beîng ne frieud cf thoirs. It venld be easy te do no, but w. don'i wisb 10 parsne the sabjeet further. The Gazette. in welcome 10 pis>' second for the Port Perry Obaever. Tbey make a good tesm. If an>' min brougbt sncb lattera le us for publication, w. abould kick hlm dowu utairu. Miera. J. S. Roberison & Brou, lite proprietéesetf iis journal, ae in future to compete wilb tb. Canada Publisho lng Company' lu some lezi bookia. In May- 1886 tbe OntcrioeGoverusuent authcîised tbe publicailon',y the Canada Publahing Cotapaba>' td»av iua bqoks or'nes lu the ~@e 5 er-,a' téa 'termesatoni tiens. Oas o éf thèeObconitIons providQs '""tai U7y other publisher aboli ha"ethe raght ef te b. ebtsn feinl.Dprn Educallon foi Ontarl objeol royalty tet 10 per..ce nt. Ouùlb.e pri., a 0rt ssuilor p.fter rïdedi e aoh maevery7 oop aaid bok olong ,pçà pnblbhd,. subjeeit tea proprabowaute leA ceai of- ajoobip bina olbor, n4,» *xpenualep li r. suiopsët$ýhf bc s.Somat tbrà *go L B., Iýc sou:& Bt.., mïtght te somie t Ibis Pro, , i4 roususe cw stock of boys unmderveai lua él à ei. Rzou»»i alverlises berfaim, W, ali luaother epUMu. .;. &&Ies blaok *1liveol houe from 25o t W. G. Wabtere. LNxDEL th. barberi; oranium over- ed, aorped and aboru, r. Ytaruld's report on th. vater- ts question vill bu *found elaawhere. 16 Royal Hotel Barber sbcp lu theA ne te get achair cut or acule.easy Ne. lu. W. H. Piper, inear tb. fair undu, reneve ladies m4d gentlman'. w or fui bats. k81175 lined, md uuiined kid gleves gnat variel>' ai bowesi pucoes W. G. W atmr. f. Thompeon'e, for oysers, cigare or idieu, north cf the Moutreal ie»lgiapb ýe. Gîve him aceaUl. Use Dr. Dorenwend's Great GermunA kir Magie for baldnesa, gray' bau, is sale b>' cildrmggiakh. Mus. HUaEvEYrepaira ladies sud mlemens fui coats,. caps, etc. Fuis %de into an>' article required, resid- ,ce Centre St. uorth. Bome ver>' choicepatteins lu man- clothsanmd cloakings le select fromn seoeptioually 1ev ratas 'W. G. Wal. sOgddfellews Hall. W. GI. Wabtera baving bonght, c job kof nen's boysansd youibs ready., &de evercota aetleu tIbm mauufso.L rer5 Prices lu offeringtbam thia week wboleuaba pices IW. G. Walters. O)n aceount of the prevalanoset dipb. inaî in Ibis tovu the Breokîju Béard Hlealth bas sampended fer tvo weeks pupil. from their achool who halls om boe, amd on. of the pupilà recent- atteudiug 1h. ooîlegiai. boesfrom roekiu bas been denied the privileg a ttendiug the IBreeklin sobool.g THEi 77th meeting cf th. W.-O.-I. îtearr>'Sciety' vasbeid ounIVedues- ay 'Nov. 9th, Mu. Exubre. ooupied e chair. Àfter the minutes cf the revions meeting bcd bain read sud( onfirmed and th.enriei bad read bis sport the followg programme vas undered:-Piauc' solo-Misa Armslrong 1 uprompta epeeebeu-Oh5. vii, Ial. or Thom, E. A. Gregory, mnd Bd. eobster en feilowing subjecte respect- >etivly-"'Tory'" 6Uuiou" "Men"< iWomeu ;" Reading-Miss L. Good- vin; Chorus-Giseeclub; Reading- [jeu Geutie Way; Recit&ton-klbert eeoksou; Soug-élius Lette Page lealtation-Misu Ameîia Morris ; Vocal îuet-Misues Wood and Dryden; )boras-Girls Octette club. UNDuRI the beadlug "A Hast>'Pueceti ýng," the Pickering New,# of lutt vsek complains of the mauner lun vhicb the DIRNIOLE referred te th. capiasiug cf P. B. Foieyth, cf Pickeriug, andd as n tc takeit all back,as itiMa>' ilnjur tbera. The statemeut, of the cas given b>' tb. New# le lin., peihaps, so fa s igoeu, but i111seatill misbesdiug inasmne a tb. ioie stor>' le nett lbd. E!bai journal should, bave stcted, as ve Lld, t4tat Forsyth W"as nlepis& & est î*elative of bis ovu, 'bioh &ei julI>' justlfied. tha Bell Organ Co. lu foloving suit. If the Noua viii con- suit the Bell Organ 0e., it will find tbat ever>' dc> soine honeat (?) agent ýqaves tbem to mouru, Md ils commen- dator>' refereme te .probabilit>' that sympatby for thme. Durlng the 1a six monli b > lebving ont porsytb, feur, oruaagents have shkippeti oui frein Ibis sonu t>' wb hilgeaveragé, lng about# liO 6, sd eteoal asesOf forger>'luoni n sta , *beCaEmoLUM thematerexeptug on.ecse. 1hie paesu nigglng oui kuow lb.>' vii not b. entioneti -lu tbe pOpes-on iceount Of their friands. aw~ au.aine beaititioni lunsklpping, tbpy go Mtc fIee lufture va'iuniend, to 4iblls both naome sudpr1.I5f DEA-D < e N.LL J aie V.l are agà ini nthe, front with'new Styles.' ,Winter Dress'Goods ini ail Colorn. N.ew cunna Cloth, Princees Cord,- etc. New Braids% and- MANTLE It~t~ JOODS. B-A RGA I COME AND LOOK AT TIm. We have a line of IIregs Goods a2~ad1c, ai>thngetshwn, aa hoicerne aà t 2e ONew Elush TIrhu desirable,-for -a Firat-olas Dress. Wehave e very choico gQods iiStî: Velvets,2 just the "big for a stylish dxsse. K TTi tv nM A TT fVD % TwT nla k1 -1. d"oti 1 _188 TT qshow the finest as8ortment ini Fail a.nd Germaxu Plaids, Costume Ciothe, Vi- New- Plushes, New letes N ew Trimmings CLOTHS - AND -ULSTERINGS. made, correctly cnt and finished, assuring an appearance not. approached by any other tailoring establishment in the coîuntry,t ~ILLiNYER~ are now showing the " Leading and Correct English ceni Styles in Rats and Bonnets, etc. GE3~Tr s' French and âmeri- ILQTrrI I 11T.G. .n unlirnited choice of designs and patterus in Tweeds and cloths, afford the greatest satisfaction in securing stylish garments, perfect fit and stylish out guaranteed.. Ve excel in Nobby Overcoatings, Woristed Suitings, Tweed Suitings and Stylish Pants. GuN7>TrS F UR3'E5Ibr 3WiS4I 0-GS. NewTies, Soarfs, Coilars, Shirts ane d Uuderlot.hing. ~' 8TEW ý1, DEVERELL'S BLOCK, GL~&S~OW BROCK STREET, WHITBY. W~ARJEJIIOUSE, :R & J. 0C .MFBELLC GRA4ND CLEARING OUTS&LE!1 Commencing at once and continuing day by day until the whole stock is disposed of. Parties in want of'Dress Goods, Flannels,. Blankets, Yarns, llosiery, Gloves, Tweeds, Coatings, Cloakings. Ready-made clothing in Men's 'Youth8' and Boy's' Tweed Suite. Ulso a large stock of Mens' 'Youths' and Boys' shirts and diâwers, gray flannels, shirt- ings. Several cases of Men's and boys' wool sox, Womens', Girls' and childrens'-marina, 1080 at HALF PRICE. Parties in *want of G-oods, wiil find at this -sale they Winil be able to get, goods, at one-third less than the usual price, as Lthe- whole stock must be cleared out by lst January, 1888. We offer this Real Estate by Tender. PARCEL No. I-The Double shop known as the GLASGOW WÂREHOU SE; where wve have done sucb. a large business foý many years. PA.RCEL No. 2-Part' of Lot 7 and 8 on the Base Laine, -Pickering, containing 244 acres first-class land, two dwelling houses on the premises, the barns are ai new, with tone stabling, weil fenced and watered.7 PARCEL No. -Part of Lot 23, on the second concession, Whitby, oontaining 65f acres, choice land. The buildings on the place are ail new, built 6 years, ail weil fencea. PARCEL No. 4-Paature field containing Si acres well fenced, directly west of On-, tario Ladies' College gate. y PARCEL No. 5-Vacant lot betweendOntario Bank and Ontario block, on Brook street, with riglit to use both walls, north and south. PÂRCEL No. 6-Vacant lot eaut of the English Ohurch -on Dundas street, .TPener8- for the- real estate will le received to let January, 1888. No tender necesl- s Iriy accepted. For terms aipply to LIVING CURIOSITIE f 47 s - .9 e e ' 9 "7 . a *~- s t'oit ordo ' 1to bui aIl oui, examnj.. Price& 3d every Do-as JMN.L rth and IN OUJR STORE BUT WE HAVE SOME-- 4 v.- 'I. -~ "Y-,"ou BROOK STREET, WHITBY. . Nfv "à «J