T - IlB Wlth calm Prirnted words, great thoughts, and untiring indu8t thefi ia r it. S) «Velb la$ hs al ces. rikets- nkets, Over-. ats' 0W crs nb no »DA-Y tyst mli VOL* XXXI. WHJITBY, ONTARIO. F WIptb! ~grte k, t QJ LnqyjLn2ej & urke, S, Established 1856. ARCHITECT. heLCadi'ig WOkly hi1 00taîI1 nuit Design@ for Churchas, villas and cot- SUBSOLUPTION RATES. tages a speialty. Drawings preparad for remodaling eisting structures. #1 par annum in advanca-S1.50 othar. Oiozc-Firet fiat over Howse'oe Drng ,,isa. Subsriptibns are alwaye payable at Store. theo ffice of publication. P. O. Box 202, WHrrZT. Steam equipment and best furnished Book and "ob printing plant in Etastern Onai, aaleo xe - Ucase fFA BM FOR? SA LE I hmfdbill. Spocial mention le madle of 1h.e- UnsurpassE5d prose facilities of TEz CEmeoN. ABatflyatae am h goL1, with its olebrated N. Y. Cottrel ABaiiul itae aml b 0ylinderarrs8 and other modern conveni- TOWN OF W I B i lui attention. Thé nndersignad off ars for sale bis f arm -JER1iS18 VA.DVERTrISIN(G. cf 49J acres, being ituated on the east aide Prtinsertion. per lino, 10 cents,; each of Brock street and north of the Grand Firsetineto,5cts Trnnk rsilway in the Town cf Whitby. This DisplaYad AdvertiBeents are measured f arm je as gzood a piaca of land sas eau bý ba scale of solid Noupareil, and chargea found in tde country bhas a splendid situa- byodigy tion for a towni park or driving park, is ini Advertisamaflts Sent without written as good* a state cf cultivation as any man instructions ineerted until forbîdden, and could wish, te fencad entirely with board oharged for full time. fonces, je clear o! ail bad weeds or other oh- Ordars for diecontinuing advertisements jactions that nature, hais a Stream cf M ha bin writing, otherwise thepbi- wat.ar run g through one corner which mrs ilt bpublpoeibi- neyer f ail* The barn and other outbnîld- A libaral diecourit for contract advertise- juge are cf the best quality and alcaost new; met ythe year. Copy for changres cf the lieuse ie a nearly new one-8toray build- motac dtsmnte Ihlbyb hne ing and can ba raised a storey with ne great in net later than Wedneeday; and notine expense. There je a good well cf pure water. There je a yeung orchard cf stand- of any intended changes abould ha given ard fruit treeg, juet cobmmsncing te bear bat ora Tuesday noon. Other advertise- fri." h ade e ad as can be mente raceived up te Thnrsday noon. foun. The gardonis asconvnin t chools B3usiness notices in local or news columne aond churhes.taie good ibératerme Five cents par lino weekly. Locale , 10 cts. awill be lI'wedte he purchaerltem par lina weekly. ilb loe oteprhs. Oorrespoiideflce solicited f rom al Parts Apply te proprietor ou promises cf the (lounty or neîghboring tewnelPe. 45-i2in. GEO. ELIOKINGBOTHÂIef, Correspofldentfl are requeted te send liWibP.0 thair comamunications spromptly as Whitbyct P. O.887 possible.,hty c. Oh 87 HENDERSON & GRAHAM, JOHN STANTON, Proprietors- Dominion Uineofo Royal Mail, Snp't Mechanical Dep't. STZAMSHIPS. WINTER SEASON, 1887-8. SAILINO DATES. __________________________From Portland jO)RN E. FAREWELL, LL.B., "Vanicouver ...Thursday, Nov. 2th. ,Sarnaa............................. VbABRTSTER, County Crown Attorney,.*Oregon ............................. ISand Oonnty Solicitor. 1Oce-Sot wing, Court House, Whitby -48 JAMES RUTLEDGE, BARRISTER, &o. Office formerly ce- Bcupied by Farell & Rutladga. nazI e Royal Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMIISTON, B.&., A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR M 1.Cbancery, Convdyancer, &c. OrrNez-lu the Office south cf the Post Office, in McMillan'e Block, Brook Street, Whitby. ly-1O G. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., QARRISTER, &c., &c.-Mcney te Loin J.>Issuar of arriage Licenses. Orpxc-Smith's Block, eouth of Market, Brrck St., Whitby. Ions that ývo beeu. 8s Sehool a-ire -up,) those to'- for 100. Fash. Ods -ana- Iy. AU JOHN BALL DOW, BARRISTER-AT-LA-W. SOLI01TOR Bin Chanoery, Conveaelcer, &o. Oafce-Deverill'5 Block, Brock Street, Whltby. MONEY TO LEND-Prvt ud, n sumo np te $8000, at a lev rate of in- tereet.(ly.52 LYMAN ENGLISH, L Le Bt, ARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN B ()hancery, Convysucero, &c&. Sie- coo Street, Oohavab. ri.MELDBtTM, M.B. (TORONTO DJ ýà Dïverisity,) «LE.C.P. anid L.M. (Bdixi- burgb), &c- OfIca liquma, 8 te 10 b.m., 2 to 4 aid7 to 9p. No ,THLE "TZR$ÂC," BYBON-ST., waiTBY. 31. c. CRAW FORTH, ~RT3Efl4ARY SUBGEON. OraS' f the CIVadro Vtrn ,col. logé, Toronto- Orders 1y mai or blegraplipromnptly sîbeoudea to. 0iteo aI resiabence o! .rs,'opposite LIVEIRY and.8L TBE God Ug a4 ooda aumes.Totm tes sonable. ~ 3B »Vancouver-.... 8atud Nov. 201h. * 8 « .z ia o . . . . ..* * , D e c. I t . O(regon......studa ' -241h. 1 RATES 0F PASSAGE. FROM PORTLAND OR HALIF&X. Gabin, $50, $65 and $75 ; Returu, $100, $125 and $160. Intermedia.sta, $30 ; Retumu $60. Qe.-.,.iz. to or- from Liverpool. Queenls- )MOKE the fVWNGO !i The gree.t 5c. Cigar, and the ijL 1' ADI~,E, -A-ýTID k!ADRE el EHI,70 The great 10e. Cigare. CHEMiST and DRUGGIST Agent for Whitby, Procure s them direct fromn the Manufacturers. HIangjing Lamps! h<anging Lamps I W. R. IIOWSBe Charmai and Druggist, WbitbY. Wishes te inform the Public thal ho is' showing the grestast as well as the DEST and CB[AP[SI Amsrtmant of Hlanging Lampe over brought ixito the Town of Whibby,1 LOW PRICES. NEW GOODS ! W., -i R.IOWSlE, or'Lcndon, $20. CHEMIBT AND DBUGGI8T, DAVID TORRANCE & CO., General Agents, Montreal.w Or te E. STEPEEBNSON, Telegrapli Office, Eue on baud a very largo sud select stock Local Agent. Whithy. cf Chrielma geede, comprlelng Il 11an LnE Ladies' Work Boxes, Royal Mail Steamers. W ikH/os Odor Cases, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW. .gu&nmer rrtçent DÂTI48 0F SA.ILINGS FROM QUEBEC Ciramsan - Friday, Oct. 21mb Sadnan . -Thursday, ci 27th sPolynasian Friday, Niov. 4th Parisian ----Tburedsà y, :" 101h Sarmatian "4 " l7tb EgXtra steamers. Noue of the above Carrycattle, sheap or pige. RATES 0F PASSAGE PRO W QtTEBEO. CkBNn-660, $70 sud $80, acooraing to position of Stateroce. Retur tiets, $110, $180 sud $150. By extra eteamer4, -80, $60 sud $70. ,Ucluru$ > The laut train Cennéobug sill the mail. Steam=ezs at Quebc pases Wbltby on Wedncaday morniug. To coeat th theh Extra Steamers, Tbursday morhng. Pas-' maengers sud their baggaga arp pub ou board lhe Ocesu Steameshipi aI Q'iebeo free e. ai expanse. IM&poRTAIT ARGMENT. Cablu, Intermaiaa s p~éragpss. gers eau now 9gOuonboald -ai nrOal,, if tliey viih10 do so.ý Paà rties gendlug for their fMeuds lu lb. old country -eau obtai PRim ]Am D ?A8. SAGE OBMIRIFLCA.TaI lowest rates. For Ticketsma sud lother iufoMetonl appiy toi Geo- B. ue wAgent, Expe ss Vffiecei ~ ~iWBii TtYpI - e e '* --g g Mîprors ton Plush, Toi/et Cases, su Large Vases, frpreseuts. il. RONICLE. Peace, ProVesa, Knowledge Brotherhood. )AY, NOVEMBER 18, 1887. NO. 49. - - -- - -- - I - OSHAWA. I ASEBUEN. L NEWS.LHIt.K~W Ed.moneou Brou., bave plaood a 10 Large exhibits of turkeys, geese, duoku, horse-power engine iii their plaining eggs, butter, etc. are being pre~ared for 1h. (Jhristmae fair liera. There will te a big KEomIOLE Correspondence. »IRT nPERKY. r much regret to have to admit keepor cf our. temperance r so long, rtlat feil frnxn grace. ico tb. Scott Aet came iu force b as rua t nn h e O riental ' Wý4t ofta1k about drs. Bisem to jail, Mid net <ce so b.d lied been compell. ut bo have ber liberty ir bbc meresest of cf parties vho ware iafter having been le street ln e meut is oonsidered a little t t efords ne excuse for P follcv ber. EHov justice - ulsbed se b prmit a à -issue to ho triad before - setlled ls amalier vbiob - t. uggseted to the Ob-4 ùditcrial regarding the fine9 oun1Mr. Bon MoQua>'1 cf the Scott Act et Scendalons injustice, ao u infernahi>' unjust la1e, snotlýer outrage of, <trous sud - cursed type, prpeîrated &gamat one- if rpeebsble, ineligent sud eiguons. The epy, sesk, j.w-Ived, alsoabl leuth- z inforer ba been practie- erus sud despicable arts ko ver an sd highly beob'- e* su being aidsd sud dgasbd troacher>' by skrg attempt ut under. 0Ver>' foundation cof Society' sbccseaful. Bucb wretohes b. peÉtmited to live, their rWv~# M~osît 0holefl u dpro loge *phioatiou cf l. boo, hile triobase bound, sneak sud sPYI sbonid b. branded acros their wrebch- od broya, lu fact such a miserable es ould no et ho loed te longer disgrâce the. image cf bis maker b>' be- ing permitted te liv. lu buman form" Mr. IH. Wesbt,0bas Ureturued froum Kilworthy. Mr. Frank Madilh, M. P-, t.svwy ih Muskoka. - 1fr. Geo. Bertram ie prepsring tx ereet a blacksmith sbop bebveon Du mout's sud the hook sud laddcr com psm>"O storage roozu. 1We heur that s certain resu leckedi <'cerban- boy -a&Uof a certain Buxiday nigb lu a certain poter>' lita>' for breakingi ce.rtain pane of à La lu tlýiâ certain pebtarl This wus cerbaini>' takixig Utche ai baudsfor craneeulf-cttlY Mfr. c. lË.yOUflg'5yOuflgesb son s"charla3 met wlth szýaccdent on Tuasday evenin Nova. Bevas playing aroun 1r.J Gordons borses power ma dtbougbt lie weni try an4de on the tuxubler but lis elothim ge agMtii th mahine ud hbobom 'veud ~ al bveve vasculoff, am uit daywts à a1round ag01alu n ýwibb bis fm On nai o=xEM st P.ôxià ôà ec9.-Ofl Fi Mil. A Moohanioe' Inutitute.ie being form- ed bore with 800 mambera. Mr. Thompson, cf the Dominion bank, bas gone to Brampton. Ho was oystered before ha left. . At the last meeting ot tbe town coun- cil au aboount cof $20 was paid for market day on that occasion, Tho annual meeting cf the Upper Canada Bible Society wua held last Friday evening week ini th. Preebyter. ian chureh. The President of the brancb, Bevy. A. M. MoCIelland, M.-A, cocupied tbe chair. Atter the meeting waa opened.bky deotion1iservico, ih. -- amplejusice 'èThre was agoc, uize Jrt ýd l.Grand Truuk railway. uineaerbldbhlnWhe o0 bnild a switâh tCohe town. The following officers woe appointed' A reward is offerbd by the bowu for for the ensuing year ,-President, Boy. he. conviction cf miechievous people A. M. MoClellan; Sec., Mr. James who break glass and destroy prepêrty. Balfour; Treamurer and Sooretary, Mr. Thora are $2000 of unp4id debontures Thos. A. Fisher; and T..H. Briggs; ci Ibis town te the Masson Worko, Colleotors, Mise E. Routlcy and Miss snd Mr. J. E. Farewell foir the Worke Stanton-collections for evening 811.22. demande bbc paymcnb. A friendly test The observance cf ballow'eu bre case isetLe b. institutcd bt sec if the de. was quiba îively and partook vcry bentures are légal. largoly cf the rowdy element. Mis. The electro ligbt maohinery plant Falding found a good sized table placed ie out cf order et présent and il i. net on tbe toF cf bar chiwney mncb tw her always certain thare will be any ligbt diecomferb. The dtiving shed cf the on the subjeet. resident minieber was ontexed sud a Mr. R. C. Grant, cf Ibis town, has ligb.t buggy taken and plaeed on tbe seld hie residence and grounds,- top ef the church sheds. Mr. James comprising 16 acres, to Mr. W. Adams, Balfour's caîf was talionfrom iLs lodging cf Port Hope. Mr. Grant will vacate place and in a very cruel mannor the property next epring, wben Mr. fasbened lu tb. water closaI of th. public Adame will become a residespt cf 0b.seb80ool. About tan or fiftebu rod- cf 5w5. feuc. b.longi.ng to Thos. A.. Flsber vas aenand piled in the middle of th. The Heape Manuf»4uring co'y ia 10 rmail muob te the great inconvieice b. paid ita mouoy, and inu onOction cf travollers. Two large eroctions voe wilh thc malter mesu and sirautie made oul cf th. long, pôles used for reorences rto euch other are - boing scaffolding purposes m' the very centre madc by thc papere .sud morne of the village. These vcre firmly brus- lesoiug men. There is a mea6n ad together tont fsshion sudu old party spirit existiug lu osbawa, fashioned mih suupeuded fiee lb.é wbieh Jeudi b eh partY doing-.it centre of on. and paiof a buggy frcm vorst againts the other, aud for etir- anothor. There vau nothing honorable ing up Ibis, bitterneis eacbParty blMeiesor praiseworthy &bout the nigbt'm work. tbe other. It lea no credit to public mon2 There was a g00d demi cf labor, vhiob ad journaliste te mcl in Ibis vay. migbt have beau more profitably saent EZACE TOW SIP 8me of those engagea therein, *Uthey The reidence of 1Mr. HeurY Costes, keep but have good prospects cf gradu-, on the Und con., cf Peach, was destroy- alîng witb high honore sîther'et King- ed by fire ou the night cfthe' Sth tuaI. ston or. Wbuby, or poîhaps both, iu The family was about rotirn9 for thecor. - roof, sud il vas burned ttg the ground. Mr. Noah Lake bas secured, Wcrk in The furuiture wuas sed. A defective Toronto. fis je the tppomed cause. The lossis Ourmerchants are, busy oloUctiugý eslimetedaet t15009 inmuince for $1000. their aoco-cnts. - Mi d thsy dontl*Rive The Ubica correspondent cf the Port you a caîl. Perry standard stys:-Nol a singleo.Mr- sud Mrs Redffitt called ou finonde frl.ndly note of varuidg, mach lee an iu town ou Friday- sud Saturday. Thqj invitation, did your humble quill driver drove back gLe Scarboto On Salpxd&y - geL. Thé fafNisla heY wcrO marricd, afbernoon. rbad their deliionos boesymeen, kept A large number cf car Young People everybody lu comploesignor ance for attended a IsurPrprse at aMr Wmn. four or five dae, sud thon, ou last i Hdgueu'5 on Fridoy tnight hast. 111 Suuday evening, ebowed to th. world was a réesi sur'Prise sdaiers roceiv- around what happines thcy baid fouud. ed eas eordiaIIy se could ho ý e ±pected SWho were they? oue vas a Young under the circumslaU0eos.The iviolinisb fehovwb ba benindustrionshy do-. wcre a patcb ever bise, ye 1h. e zk 4 dy ing his statute hahor from here to Brock but be delaà res ho met ith anaccideu 1. Of Jae. People migbt bave vondored- befoeogîg -. vby Brook vas sncb au attractive place, -Bonelme ago auartiilOappeard wn but idimly foruioe thAt il vasnot> a ýcertain local papor oharging- ti.eo a Brock ho veut to see. AsCOorrespoI à ' fighting editor cf th., OBEONI Lw4h It dentes .w.>'.put it-Mri James. aIikoye, îuily samnn hereputatioti -Ondi a jr., end Miss M. J, Bà tgsav, ere test street- cf Whitby on» Satura&Y af10 ,~Weduasday,2Ud t '. , 1uniîed- lu l.nou lo Ivnd . i-Il bol>' bonds cf matrimon>' a.bb-tOP geural-avea tnde1 iz, taI)tu' deoc. cftb. bridelSfthr 1r etnd gby asu idont ltl t Wiour bort Boule>', sud Miss Amuie Lako> bore ou thée#teet a týS Y-' W* e. were the bapp couple *hOstOOa p 10 apposi thal <uhve ho i4» Ld ueo I reum0, wbetber tb. final, kuot Ourtovu 0 u îg vas lied in s nîgbt es-uanor or, nôt.I Thlck I*aU D a ' offer them'M 'býDr m cero congratulations, aDr.PiftOld ,utôhU9-to 'the bd gobut lboy need net tak"tas as ues esthe!, rà thsir poo*1YI'a Iild.- etefogoivathe thIis wiuber.., letr ~ vrei,êI,* TONTO. lgf rbtes buak tý44 nI ~~hi Yorkik1111tbcol -- Ueà Umbisthe. èffeo oU bleu - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q i t..n da ~T&tio CaU anzd Exarnine Our Stock &fteré -Purchasing Elsewh.re. INIJIANCI t3jiý hoIra M erbius, Dypentei Ii0h eursigia, Bore Tbrot, Bprains, OhilbI&laBtwOundB v 's - ~-' - ( I in ta )S.. m very z B"V=Tox. (ti-61 1 p