Whitby Chronicle, 18 Nov 1887, p. 2

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And Items Stolon fromà our Rîchangeti. A go od f BRoyaleplare has been started bore. Uibridge defeated Libdoayby 8 goals t0 1 as football on Ba'tiray week. Peter Rirby, bar-tender cf Webb'e botel, bas psrtedl with $50 and coità at 1h. requeat cf police maagistrat. Horne. Thse many fiienda, mal. and female, of Mr.ý and .Meý I J. Gould erpriaedl them lest *êNek 's4d handed over to lhem a $100 set cf silverware. Lt was to mark the -occasion cf thoir silver wedding. Tb o Timea charges tisree counfilors cf lthe town with uiing tise influence cf their positions te gzain longer lime te, pay their taxes. Tiser. is considerabla talk aboutîil aud for tise present matters bave reaehed a criais. On the on. hand, the collector baving stii lin bis bande the roll for 1886 tis. elerk refue, to, baud over th.eue for thea current year unlil tise old oes e returned. On the cther baud dozeus cf ratepayers doclares tisat they will net psy s cent cf txea until the. conciltloris have paid up. lJaleuslb. collecter invokes thse s4d cf thse 1mw t. ceaà i the back taxes cutof *reo. oloqent snd mut promineuî oogkoilors, those gentlemen iu. $00c0 find t hommelves vithout thse means tb carry on the business cf the town. The. majarity cf tise peoeotlink tho more tact that a man ie a counoiller id ne reasen why bo sbould b. exempt from taxes. On Tbursday, tise 3rd inst., setrangor bired a herse sud rig at Woolen's livemy stables, Msrkisf n, for tise purpose cf hving a short drive, but failei te show up et tise lime speoifieti for hig return. Mr. Wooten telegrspised in ail direc.. lions but founti ne aine until Tuesdsy, vison lb. lynx eyed preprietor cf tise Mansion House.bond tise borffland rig linibis stables. Tise sîranger pas. ed himelf off as a turkey bayer rd wciuld louvP the berf-e and riR çwith Mr. Webbauntil b. returned from Toronto. Mr. Wooten claiuied bis prcperîy ani founti thinge al safe. Miss Emily McDermott, visevas thsmonet cf,& buggy snd soriously burt a month &go, Wâs removeti from thse Albion autel se ber home in Mar& on Tuendsy. Bhisi progressing favor. ably towards comploe recovery heom her injuries. Rumet.etfsabîg suis are current, in viielMm. Dan MoeLnlay and a To. rente firbi of catie bnyers are tb. pria. ciPal partiesè A local hayer, Mr. O'Brien, oved Mm. McKinlay sot. moey, sund tise ltllr seizedt tise best a% tise Midianti raiway estion, sud aeVeateea more somebow eape<. Tise.belonget teseTomnto parties, sud veme moreiy in chsargeofethtie per. son vise owed tse money. Lt îs saiti 1h. catllmen vaut $2000. Last Saturdsy mnrning, au abduce- lieu took place Bt tiohe buse of Mr. Taylor, vise lives on tise concesaicu lino unuing acrosa tihe ati etMiis. sage itreet. Mr. anti Mm Taylorhisve au adopted cisilti, a littho girl, vieha.ü livet vils tisem sino.it van a baby. The motiser et tise chil kvainluMus. keka and ti l oulti seemse oceaional. ly regrets tise absence cf ber cisilt. liast'Baturday se drove ap lo lbe bousl e nenetid, viile tiso uttle girl vas stone aud ase terolbly placeti ber lunlthe cab and tirove quickly off. This il the second time tise mother bas taken tisecisilthlie latter ou tise fermr occasion refusing te dtay st home. Mr. snd Diu. Taylor are mucis grievet aI tise louaofetIheir 111h., pretege te wisem tisey are-muais attachet. Tise ircumitauces atleudîug tise demis. cf tise laie Mms. DeGeer ver. pecaliar. As pethape seme cf oun readers are already avare, thse oi lady va. fount tesd lu b.d liselFrîdey morulng. A.fev day. befome Ibis te bat armlvet home froai visiting Mreute lu Myrte. -Ai ae.leftItise train se was eudteuly overeeme by -veaknus aud faintetl on-thse platlorm. 85e vas takon home te ber taught.m's, MUa. Bil et this teu! nd-utsoon reeovereti ber usual fairly geot isealti sàdopiits. Wbeu se.rehireti ou Thorsday'algist oh. appeare to beb.quise vell. 8h. was subjeot te, attaoke of nigilmame, and ti Il s. usloaay opon lis.eeaslou efthIis mslady'. troquent visite for ber grand-daughter b avaâk.u1er. About 45. w. deo.ed bat suMak 'cf "' kindt, su thl. 11.girl by ber side, tfiet to:neuse ber, but vas bld b <'qui ", .i169 ber g0.ra dunthe mppr eigtly sleeping, but t 11rl~, eu-on*i' gciuq booklto avake ber, fèonu her a A brkesmn ohe .Viotona dùiliqn of the G. T. B. cnmed T, Bimpsou vas ftrsaw - W.eday .At Halburton, lumbelrman, vwilh-lthefiof biackts9. Z*e*rs.brougbî b oIday -aud immgr. ed in lb. 'edaeou4deep', ?b seaerBeubcaela stili ou. sud u aybroudght îuto jor& Iveh.vllylad vi svasd &aSU Dî twenly mon W lrasfer th. lumben *0 th. long lin. of flai.aùs ln-waihing, 4h..hé Objeot belug tc gg.ê'the' boys baok befere i'avigtîiou clao. Ânotlwnirip will .b. tumade If pouuibl. oun rlÏg wbihil elôsmouthe soa na ià ,.1 eda'MOrung -and lnterpreted as -MOaUlng 0 Ylîi~d aid forthwllh VMO» ai.ookjlseA$tè 1hibt b. a fals.t ciq.Boule J sa .einai;, vidual cauïbt 4' htof,.mo *umýp burning o0 the stewu flmita'of the, In consequence of complainte regard- ing ight weighl cf-bresd fwriih e& ,by. scme of tb. bakere whe , uip PlY lb. '-ataff cf lifê" Ohief cf police Bell ou Wednesday inspectad the different' baktes'aWoôks but founêsil up ý to- 4h. regulation weight. Perhapa toc muob publicity wise given t te .omeIaint before action was taken, tiereby putting the, bakers on lheir guard. *Ainong tise bat on-the prepeller Vernon, which foundêed in Lake Michigan on Saturday, *as Mr. Bd ward B. Borland of Milwaukee, but formeérly of Omeme., On%., sud a geiktleman wel known in.tbe Lindsay, Port Hope sud- Peterboro 4dirtricte. Mr. BorIand -a 1ev yeare ago kept a drug store in 'Belle- ville, whenoce ho vent to Milwaukee. *0 travel for a dtug eeatablisbment in thst eity. He vas au emergetio business man, an experienoed commercial travol. Er. and b.d many- friends inluOmuad who Wiii deplore bis esoh. H.Re- vuC s- if. and s i liréÉ Who, are ai -riabtuese snd busIess »'Qeorgy gued him many wa ri éMouds ho wyul deeply- regret bis ntimoiy eut... IlseOMIs tis tise captain of th. Vernon vais dmuck mont cf lShe lime. Rat ho been seber il is believed lb. tisanter vonit tet hafe oecurred. Deatis calhot say on Ssturday Ist co cf tise oldesl setlriesof tise tovn. ehip of Emily in lise person ef Mrs. Catiserine Devine Malien, reliet ef lb. late Patrick MalIen, a veteman wbo ser. ve t Bthb, attie cf Waterlooc r. th. 891h regimeul, under Lord Blaiuey. Mre MalIen vas born in tise town cf Flintina,GO. Tyrone, Lrelad, Jane 9-4tb. 1799. andi came tiste township cf Emily lu 1832. Sbe had s famiiy cf four sens sud Ivo daugisterx, cf vison onlv two sno sud on. dansister survive her. Tise decessd bas lived for lise lesit twelve yeas w ils ber scn, Coun. A. D. Mil.n j.Bshe ws a Rreat-grsndehild of tis, lamons Hugis O,Neill, anti seond cousin tb Rugs and ArtburO'Neill. Tise funersl tcok place on Monday le Downeyville cemnebcry, aud vas a very large -one, s great msuy cf hem old noighbors allcnding tleovin.. Ibeir r. apect, sm she wati helt in u igisesteem by ail wbo knew ber...Tse fi aga ou the publie buildings in towu ver. haIt. ms unday a. token cf respect tb lise momory cf deoea.ed sud ber huebsuit. Among lise MI&nY ofOr oit inhabi- tante, on@ by oue paaesing &waèy, Ive are called on le notice tise dealis et Mr. Jiu. MpClang, for a long lime on.et Our we 1-known aud umspocted citizeus,. Wise depart.d lisie lite at lise bouse et hie mirried daugst.m, Mrs.. euyon, Bmarptu, ou tise Itis day eftii pros. eut November. Mr. MeClung wue bon lu'tise coualy et Tyrone, Irelsuti, sud esme with hie fatiser ana ti. rai cf tise family gt tisownsip et Darl- inglon, iu tise yeair 1842. Hoe, wvu bis two brothersaflervards formot a par. tuersbip anti cariied on su extensive business ln Bowmauvalle, nder tho nAme of McClung Bres. Of Ila years, hie heaith ha. fsiled se grestly liaI Se vau oblige to tekfse from active eu.. picyýment, sut some l ime ago veut le Brampton tom et ; but the baud et dthatiea upon him sud ho grsdually ssuk te bis eternai rosI. -Mr. McOiung vas a vitowr, Mre. MoOluug baving predecenethim by some yesm .HR leaves on. maruiet tisugiter, Mme. Bon. -yen, tve other tisugster, asi ooasd s vide cirole et relatives sud friands, *0 mouru hls os f a kint andi turing fatiser sud brother, ansudagooti cillien. Hie romains vero brougisîteoBowman- ville sud ver. interrdithlueb.Bevmnn. ville eemelery, a large oonoours.eto triente shovring their respeciby attend- ing lb. fuuersl. Bome vieket person ha.-stolon lb. editor of tise <R.anoe'a cuffasud ouf.- butons. Tise Gb.anr aska tisstishe villag oounoil erot ix uev street -lampa a nti alie IShe charge !thosenov ilallouet noni the tiifeorent.-churobes sd kepithe visol. of ihoetu ghtot uisbls. PFrom tbis, twil vlI b.seeu Sisal li necu stage et civllisaàien bas .truok itbis, Ou Wednesday evemu of1et lv .k wb tie.Jas. -P"ris t Ofbersyylî aopanisti byh erus*g.Ms4ob ver, dilvihg se tl. b. nilvay ,_ta aI he ZLaldl a i.. mis nul] ewýr Uboejfrcm ho, 'rueM" on biiw"roIé -al to walk sud -ne ruani ivrêe__onvl,aelong M Te bcy-tà- on 'r ul b.se..i.boo tbemeelves vils sud von .ef for boeoming a hy er préot of O)ntai is inka ilhas. mùadi buildings- rpraeting f #152{p aoteboro is flot yet a cèityt recordi. shead of lhsb. Thisi baildings em.cted, vitb ne extra expenditure sncb as ohhuie publie buildings, amount ýO< lu 1886 tise figures ver. 22 -leu, #215,000, and in lu 1, making total in four yeàraofl Ties eflgures are not mai lange lump sumos, bultbey r dwellinge of zmoderate costaudà hlnaka. oalawIfor he zaoeoaed. The. progrees 'à 1. very eslisfatory....wbsî garded assa building boom gardeti a. au annual agar,- i year atter year by amal *à well kuevu Jingo thym. nently b. adopled: If we wsnt t be a City$ Ai mauy of u".do# We've gel tthe buildings, go And ivecgeltishe money, lu ffloi& and To Tu Point . Dyspepsia um dreatif*l Dlrad1anvî in mîsbery. ?ndigestion ia i» te É' nature The human digestive apparatuý a"' 01 tise mosl cornplicated snd Ïwoudzd I4iage in existence. It in eaail put ontc1f«-e$ coeery fomentl werryo, le -,m bahîtW, antimany q'e b net te he, bave M eate b. m s nation of dyspeptios. But Greeu'a AugulFlowem« a wonderful vomkin wreformng E business aud making thse Amerinu e éople se isealîisy tisaItisey Cau enjoy tbsiàeslss and be bappy. Remember :-No bappinees wihout beaitis. But Green'a AliugtFlovo healtis and happines lethse dysIpo s youm druggast for a botle. 68e i-v. conte. Il bas been establîshed beonti doquubat the German Crown Prince'. tmèublin cancer, but the dectors are dividid in o0ininsas te the beat melisod cftalisyUg Te aU who are sufteing from a li f andi indiscretiena of yotia a nesa, oarl r .docay, loe. et mubood, et Wi 7a recipe It viii c mo yen, FIlEB 0F CHA RGE. Tise gmrerm"di w"s dimoo'ered by a umasonaryu =t America. Sentia sel-addrosse4 envelope le tise 1ev. Jeauspa T. liNKA, Station j> News York OUu. 8t rength ie' INYALID8d OOA N for I1nfalits n hU r tacOsstoe cuber O oie, (onutipadmo, !~~~~Cufta5UPrlCtoanprecraUoaI Bur tomach, Diarrhoa, »ructatten. 'JELLAXCBËr»IL W-Ors, givS es ".pand proniotos di. Tuaim TàtR Com'&u, ?Turray&reet, N .0 z o Q i zI E I m T ~EJE A* -N- AunLrds f J]F naces are 110W being used and are giving perfect &sati-sfac- tion. The following speoification is annDexed to every or- der, and is the guarantee given with every Furnace "Economy" Wrought Steel Plate Furnace, Double Cased, furniahed with Vapor Pan, Checks Damper, aur Improcved Anti-Clinker Grate, sud ail the latest improvements, "s described in our catalogue. - The. Warm Air Pipes to be supplied with Dampers,- with WHITBY ar-'#Pnr apartmenta.--- F.Y ut LaW In Mr m illuerent Furnace Dampers to be conected with a regulating board, tô ho plaoe in lhe Hall, Dining-Room, or other convenient place, for Operating same on first floor. Ail Furnace Collars to be double, to ensure safety- and durability. The * atm-A ir Pipes, ftegk te' Boxes, e ta,, to be made of the best I. M. Tin Plate. Ail Channels for Upright Pipes in new work or exposed openings tbeh thoroughly lined (t. ensure safety) with good tin. The Smnoke-Pipe to be made of heavy Galvanized Iron. The Registers to be the TUTTLE & B&1LEY, N. Y., manu- facture of the latent improved patterns and finely finiahed. ,, Ail material to be of the best quality, and the ýwork ýto bo executed in the most thoroughly -workmanlike manner. The CoId-Air Duct-one leading fromi'the outaide for introducing fresh air, and one from thi nside of the building, eitlier of which eau be used ais desired-to be -bult of good, sound,- matcyhed lum- ber, drossaed on bha ides. 'We guarantee to warmn the roome ini which Registers are placed to 70& degrees whèn the outeide temperature 18' 10 degrees be- low zero. The purchaser to fàrnish good coal, careful attendance and. a chinney with sufficient drauglit. TREASLIRER'S SALE 0F LANDS FOR. TAXES, of àWarrnt udriebu d f Wsdn sud 1h. S -lthe lb. Corpotlieni t ev ory uho dln bkofteýIy!?e" monlloued lu tbe fellowsng ltfra eSo ae i »n -oua "à ashrl sfr4 t :I -hereby give notice that unleu sucb asud costae Part. Both . mo utrel paut Paut southisalt TOWNSRI P FTHOBÂR.L Âtnurti oa ntiTotaw aeneior Lot. on.Acres cf Til.eums'. &mount. Unpatntei. 16 i PatrI N.E. qurter7 pre X, il.quarter 7 Wesi iait 1 I 287 9 80 .527 TÃ"WNSRLP p' 14 82 as874 TOWN831P U 07 BROOK. 504 '~PaLlet 7b1 Pin. 2 15 866 Ib ~1 0 82 18 TOWNSHIP: opBOeTTE. 7 S DR a lia AT CJST. Mi~;ua Rserve lu.nd Lif0 Aa&U anýe- of Ne 'York. Osuadian Gcvermmnd~j Oo .Acumnlated rc8erven doert 8 0,0 Deatb dlaims paid dnring 1884 liew business, let 8 mos., 1885, 15 499 Tety-five Per cent. of ailu aredeoeited with the CentralTrscot- servefaNew York, strastees cOf thle R. * Life Insura4ce at les8 than uneg orainary ratsand tcîi-&yperfeet~~ 10 assmnsraei 1881, 1&2 i and 1884, andtin ne case min tiseyhsyb0 ,tequent than Cvery alternate month. ,Annuai expenses of managemen,& Lmited te #2 per 61,000. et An active agent wanted in every UJI prrnjted locality, te, whom a liberal cota. maonwil be alloetd. ApiaiDý solicitedl and full particulars furnîihed b Il. GORDON, Agent for thse County cf Ontario-. Augst th,188.7.Port Perry, Ont. A--g--t----------- On Real Ests.te Mortgage st Low Rts Interst. ,&praifror the Canada Loan and "S' av-g. Ce., andl agent -for lise Western Asu&uo OFFICE-Over Gerrie>s Block, Whitby Suitasie fer wrapping Purposea, I&y*n inder carpets, etc., 25 cents per hunýdred. Apply to If. TIS Ã"OFFICE -Unappraached for, Tene and Quality. BELL & Co ,Guelph, onit LIVERY and SALfé STABLES, DUNDAS-T . WHITBY. CIRAT WFORS TH EVEIEL Fumniset on Sisarteet Nôtice. Commercial TraielierY,' iberclly deai ucitA. FAIS PEIO~5. XONEBTDsu~j~~* HARPER'S MAGAZINE H.iupaa' ILAGaziNE is an argan af, pro. uresve thouagiat sud movement lu every îealelo lite. Besldes otiser attrat- lions, il will contai,, uring lise coming jear, importani articlesr', superbly illumtat. eon the Great West; articles an Ameni. eau sud forelgu induslry; beauiuly hlua. traled pýaperi o. Soottanti ]orway, Swît-: zerlencd,A1giers, sud th. West LIades ; now novele b W4 l it ucxàd W 1B. Haw- ai'Ls;noveéleties, eseis ompýlete in a sin. Ë ,& sud Axirýu;'.shorttorios by misa Wooison and, othirpopuùlaz wZiters;jandi illatrtet paenrsot .peci artisIle s ud lit- ersy uteee.: Tb~dearmemm areeoziuledby~*o.. unueWu.- r.uso Daa oaU, u ~nàsDLUn wANE H E H H HAffgPER'g ?FERIODIUAL8. kPFl' WIIY...4 00, 'R S B A Z A R ...... ..... 4 0 0 &EI YOUN~GTEO1M ,.2 0e Y 1Po ea, Ua~im s 'a I Paienieti BA3EBZ lm "At jhe b' o r Jug lime auI ~~8 u a ,ved fer toyt1'PUrifiéd. Wou je eàk slwork?2 If n06t ryj îpg place1 [g~.~ 'sudtrynt? o~'?Yet of Jl Sa 0S 8 OoWk ; but h. si t b. diecvsred. Se w. b a myhoe. 7Tbere ha tbisl ides vas e tmrn m s. enslO Ibie fali, net hi badanY political ai telî aueho waDtedADte euld and uisd the will cf I! ~15 -*ne u ufettered exp "andirs" lIasked, "what <on rsPfeefl y C&I reWrpt f~these who s uiY hoe wso deepise old st a ,t hear tise u4k vc6 Of tleb.people." isThea yen are M.VxP self penh5Ps." &,No,.My name i. Kargl, iiiiled emnet.I represent' fpariWyin. New Yori0'" Fisnaglly> I said reluctantly tb _0cept, for I have alwayes m ,culd neyer ehrink fram da Sbqqt4, tO1Z0he vieima prelrentu. Lurnigfor office in Wy greaeetexpose ntianeyi frot î. imense distance travel in order to go over e»n raClay I havo travellea an excitiflg canvass from de dsmk without meeting a voter. vas asigenstorial district, sud tha lse xpnse cf makirg would be comparatively emal That was viien 1 made O)n ihe day afler' Mr. Lae had entereti myl3eme, suda e&d -rds -moae me believo, Ycrk b.di beev, figurativelJ aiting bsick on ber isannehle yero vaiting for Ie tb cont b. aýtsndard bearor, a mi myi hUre who saiti he bâtd 1;vas looking teward 1thes thal lie bad cme te se. I tit ne.t cate a contineni fall sciear s MY evu Cam cnc one , so L1 intended i» , spekin lussool bouses. ne aid Ihat- L did not blm. lWha1 ho vaute& 1th what porcenlage cf nmy g aI ÂAlbany wouldi go intO h ~~aU~in ilfnd, provided Jensuto Ibis. campaig right towaids bus ha10u in my vork an.a purifier. WQtaebhdaaalong talk e1thaïsied l nes a b n over ex]preàïo u sf Un 5UA thlng, u ad o anI of et lioifrn ig f ti Isayung nyting tisaI peoi auj aittention te. ne Sam loam ed Ihbat a belnile t 16 eut partio.ant se o WUM vils tie mehde- of -estl sa b ot m e te a g a alti bae doue see vilh me sud veut- away. Tise nexld.y ivwanvi the. trealuten etfedevenc oaca ecreiary of theo-8 shoer na GeaiBt V g5&nbealolgctsô was buriug .bis- Moud 041bred mesiaheo.f *hie propriolor. I gi v e b ol o w s o u h 1 e>eSe. 4640 atth l raùn snd- several ber -loft 'ân Doble W"v 0 1 - - Nom 1 1 ý.1 1 1 : 1 GOOD BORSES. NEW RIGS. DUNDAS-ST., WilitBy. 1888. ILL'USTRATED.

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