jjîyAi AOnd4t llfZ IN TUB BANDS O P ynJENDS ATR THl ITO BANKRUPTCy. CentralTrsci, -eau y ec9 ernafe flionlh. tebo& in t6vory n ;bon iberaj.eu , 'ORDON# ily of Ontario. t Perry. out. O LOAN. eo at Low Rt, estr purposon,Iyig tpe undre. te proacbed for e and Qualrty. FREE. nuelph, n NEW hffl. EVERELL. r RN-OUTS et Notice. SCT naC&à yfJ.. ~GAZINE ED.- 1 organ et, pro. onnt, in every pother atarat, ï, th~e couilug er OIy illustraI- lesIo on- Amenï- alit~IIuy uu- 1 raSwit- I Indieu - nov à w n~w [eîÂrÂxx, fer binding, vil ~n reouept of forblu4Ing, i by Peut- us# adver- of Rà Ai- weel ftg') a Pl-~in31Meau >. C, a e nd Bai, :à âl ho h,.d roaided iiiy eg, york foreugle dfe k.I bu b.d DOW érrived for pelitioe inu I ,big CiIY to be purified. Wouà ld I assis 'ian ibis greal work2 If ego would t foiut8a îryeslmg place wbere vo 16 ern5t and trystIauggested ' lb-ey bush @.nd quiet of lower Bod - NyOrteew York end ofEsol. river ,,sta 8 o'ciock ; but h. said ne, w. 0jlgbt b. dicevered. Bo we agrood te mset at Lily houae. Thore ho told me ,hat bis ides was le run rue for the ot&îe senste this (ail, flot beooms. ho 'b.dd .n8y poliis1 ai te grind, but 1 boinse lho walted le see old methode ,Wiped out and the will of tiht people fix>d truce and untettered expression. ..Ana, sir, " I aehed, "1what party do1 YOD repredeitr?" Iq î0ireselit those Who wiehà forf puritY iliope who dospiso old methode and yearu 10 hear the uneothered voies, of the people." ."Then you are Mr. 'Vex Populi him- self peri8Po." "No, MnY naine le Krgili, and I amn in dead earnest. I1 represent thé party1 of Parity in New York" FinallY I said reluotantly tbat I wocId &Ooîept, for I have always said tihat 1 would never ahrink froru duty in casej 1 ettould hoMW thei.viotiru cf polincios1 pref rrn ent.C In runanfg for office iu Wyoming Ont greatest elpetisO and annoyancO arose fromi the immense distance we hsd to E travel in order te, go over one country. m ny a day I have travelled îhrougb1 an exciting canvass frein daylight tilt dark without meeting a&voter. But bore was a senatoriai district, and 1 theuRhl that the expeuse- of makir-g a oanva@s woxld ho comparatI1voly smnal.- That was wheu I made a mietake. on lb. day after Mr. L.icifer Kargili had eulered my home, aud with honey- ed worde muade me believe %bat New York bad beév, figuratively epeaking, sitting bock ou ber baunches for fifty yeare waiting for mue te corne along and be a standard bearer, a mn came to ruy bouse who said b. bad board Ibat 1 wae looking toward tbe senabe, and thal he had come le ose. me as the repreenftativO of bis BH. I said th at 1 did net care a continental for his Hall sÃ" fur as fly owfl campaigu vas concerned, as I iutendsd tb do ail my epeakiug ilu sool houises. He eaid tbat I did net nnderetand hum. Whal ho wuuled te kuow wus, what perceulageoef MY grose estuinge aI Albany would go ii ishi parieular hall iukiug fund, provided tht organ- izalien indorseed me ? I said lhatVI vas goii in jte Ihis catupaigu to purify polies, and that I would do whst vaSé riglilt owards his hall iu erder to gel iu n>y work as a purifier. W. thon b.d a long talk upon what ho called the. u e of het bbout. Re eaid that 1 would mako a good candidate as 1 b.d no pasl. Iwvas noknown aud saut. SBieeo, heo ould ass Ial I had nover expresaed any opinion &bout any. tbing, and bad nevez autagouized any cf the difféenot vings et tbe party by saying anytbing that people had paid any attention to. Ho said also Ihel ho learued I had belonged te aIl the differ. eut parties, sud 50 wonid bc familmar with the mothode of eacb. Hie Ihený asked me b asigu a pledge, sud after I ba3 doue 80 be shook haudi wlth me sud vent away. Tbe snert day I vas wuitod upen- by lime-j trasrreeteevnemate - STÂTICMNT >10W IN VIE BARNDS OF MY ASSIG- Loaned la ted uosed gentleman vho dincovered me sud ploaded vitb me to mn for th. office so thal tb. people could have a pure ad- miuistration .................. $5.0 Paid rent etfrman Who -daims b have influence, but whose wif e lu lu the habit et kîkiklg hlm undor lh. lounge aud veltlug hîm ovor th. besd with a car p et sretobé ... 20 00 AdvanaOd le larlytGaloot Club for deostsiTIofl purposen, vis., for purchaue of 500 torches; which demenslnation *va a ailure, owing to lb. inability ofet h. six lmcm- borsa/lecarrY 500- torches 'while dmunk.i.à .....-*..............25000 -paidaiaui éjwhouagteed to lbrev a ateneopticon Portrait 0t myolt againet lb. nideof et bGrand Central dept ail'ultghb, togoîhor wllb the &ÛÛOUMMOeilntthaltI1vas %Ib. peôpil'5 hoiSbut vhlch mid 71 mmIn,%fetwardS loarnéd, gel $0 for puthiSabQv b ortelunil. -lumii»abed legend, &&n fall: This MOsU vouldhave loche4 bolIer îf ho iwe S1ne~'i janihae Pilli... 2500 .Pald fer voboa whils rtu .in lblgý church fair fer embroidrdsuspen- -,4ers vole&ite Ihe mosI popular ià airlees man lu Nov York"$8. Jnsdll by 5uspandesî -e40centsi -balanCe ....... -............ 881 60 psld for OyboôatI for ourpat, bhe, lugbe venld freqIenlWaUdOj but vue tok the 00&tand " ,xe0 tage tbis mme*of Uaytug, sa 1 »M ta, tqy *à e le sv.ilog, th*% il. ' ubl", ~ r b.&'pubico blt, 1 might bUlt ow-and ehav>e it over. n.otqorow I1 w il elout m!1 i 9- aefloe~ wiawo Dvoted 10 rMo s, the most )OUI ;t' mat i ra lthse a; &I0 B ma8- M0tnm."n1 E >of Pil pua alittlqic4'ee ÃŽn h.. ,dl.. obs*îe i kh1t. 1 will elosfe ouIa& the saies timo p500 torches. 800 tfi holmet@, ýnine téime. parenêinn and one doublteoded editâe- LSl entitled, "Dinna Y. HRear lb. 8no'" gan?"-Bi1l Ny. lin $w York World., East Whftby Oouncil. ouilmol Ibis day. Mambers present, Miers. Mowbray, MoKeuzie, lancook aud Power. The minutes of last meeting vere resd sud adoptl.. omnunîcalionae Werd -rami i freinthb GC1rk cf Piceoring and trou> the Clerk of the Peaeà . Mr. MoKenzie sec. by Mr. Haneock moyed Ihat th. Reeve grant bis erder on the Trousurer lu fayer of G. E. Mowbray, Reeve, W. Purves, Clerk sud James Barn@, à soses. sot, s soleotorse o jurors, for the suan of $15. for Ibeir services--Oarried. On motion et Mr.. Haneeck - Sec. by Mr. Pc.wer the Reeve ws inslruoted te gtpant hie order ou lhe. Treaenrer in fa,éor ef Mr. Thoé. Gay for thé sain of $6.66 being î value et oue ehesp killed by doge and prevEn tLe esatiefactieu of 111e Couueül-Carriedý; Mr. MçKonuio Sec. by Mir. Power, mev,éd Ilat lisera. Eancock, Power sud tbe v moer- bs a committee le examine the séveuth con. Lino opposite Liot 3 as bo the requst ef Mr. W. D. Beiîh and report est lbe neil session et tbeOonit-Os.ried. ou motion of Mr. Power Sec. by Mr. Hancock, the Reevo vue ordered le grant an ordet for the sum et 31 refmiud doit tai in fayot of Mr. W. Thomson. Mr. Moeozie Sec. by Mir. Power moved thast Ibis Conucil nefuud tb Mr. A.. Weir the auto of nineloon dollars and fifly tour coule, rebute et intereet on morîgage-Cnnied. lin. Power gave notice tbat ho yull at the Deit nession et the Concil introduce çà by-law te appoint Deputy Rotu.ruing officeresuad polling books fer holding the munielpal siections for 1888. lit. MoKeuzie gave notice thal b. yull at lbe nezI seiasion et the Counoil, moe. for basve le intodue a by-law te upporbion asm ofetmouey among the scool sections sud Union achool section. Tho Reave, Depnty Reeve sud Clerk vote on motion et Mr. Hauock appoint- ed acorumitte te parobaseecedur. lMr. MeKeuzie Sec. by Mr- Rancook meved Ihut the Rt ove graul bis erde4r on tb. following amanuts# viz.-Jobu Mo. Gregor, relief et lits. Bu rt, $9 00 ; John Mogregor, relief etfirs. Hpianeer, $4.00; John Harper, relief ef W. Gibbe, $8 00; R. E. Hedgson, relief et W. Gibbs, 42.. '25; A. Rose, roeet ofMisn loffatt, $3.. 80; E. J. Jobuston, relief et Misa Mof- ftt, $7'0)0; lir. -Bryant, relief of Miss liofiatt, 84 50. Boadeaund bridges se sna.-Cb.e Hagou, 85.55, J. G. Edmondeon, $111.15, Thos. Bradley, 88.00, Fred Gloven, 86.00, Gee. Tbomue $16M5, Thomae & Glevrer, $41.00.- W. Gerrilt, 81.00, Geo.,Hans, 50e., Thos. Wotteu, $2.00, D. Mêage., $1.00, Go. Thomas, $08.00, Fid Gbover, $10.50, John Joyafi., $1.00, O. Trt ilo' 1 00, Stephen & Brou., 88 50, Edward Colo, 85.28, B. J. liartin. 85.25. The Gonueit then adjournod le meet on the first Mouday ii Dec. uit eue o'olock P. in. Ourrnt Literatu.te. For lbe issueofe Novembor l2th The IlluslruI-ed Lendon Nleu(à &rînin Editien) tcrnish their many reuders in connecrtion vith s vidq variety of reud- lug, the folloving îimely ilustrations: À very apirited piclureef lh. unemploy* ed lu London, eutitled ",Tii Police. and ths Mob;" Ibree pictutos upon lb. Stube et Irelsud; oeeof lbthev owSoin., ef the London Poer Spend lb. Nlgbt, sud suother et the Poor Hlping tb. poor,s watt as the maeting. sE th. un- eu>pleyed lu London. I'he arealmss, sketches trou> tbe Burlesque of "The Sultan etfliecha, at te Strand Theatre and eue page devoted te the Sultan et1lieroco, vbil. îLeoppositt page preseube G. L. Sayruour's drwln of #-A Favorite Slave. " Besidss lb.'.e attractions there, is a double page qpi.- bure of Buffalo Huatnlig nVIorI Amerile The prico remnaius as nail allten conta fer lbe cemploW.e ncmber. Office et Publicalien, PoIler Building, Nev York. COBOURG. AI au early bout on. mornuug at week lwe dreseed Iambs 'evot bies ftrothe lbglaugter bouseetf ire John T. Webster, ,upioln pointl dte fanl amed Me oneld, comnpriuing suý old vemnan, bar lwo sons, a hîýlitie. grandeu sand a Young miné Damad ledwA adWard, who uuoe*d ê4oeroux Treriton on lb. 2nd jil, manarentea a bouge on Forth etree own ed, by Mrt Jamoiea .. Chiot Baukin procured ta searob warrant on Tuesday' sud tound the atloejimestin theb oue,-or wvital raaut E l âlrgo prti6n hbav*ug beau ealen. The parties voe r .ueti, aud'k atheb conclusion of Ibeir trial on Wednesday iorniug 1P, -M.,Duble teuud %rs. IMoDonu s$:idf # ý Wtrd gutlty sof là eà ê' "Dn~ Ihêni 8to -six ro$inth~$e Oeutr*i Prdop ~~bus$ u lw proas sud tLe public aliz acknoeodotle virtnes cf Bueook BlocA Billets, as an un. equailed remedy for chrenie dise.ues ef IL. stomach, livrew, bevels, kIdueyus ad bleed. La epaIirity increuwen ilb its yearsof Dr. Loto Worm Syrap wiU rerme. au kinda of worffl from chiMres or Mr. Gladstone and Mn. Bradlaugh have adviaed lb. Radical (Jlub netten epeat Son- days attempt at Trafalgar aquare, advice- which is mont Iikely bo bo laken. Valp~als te KuW. Cousumplion mayhbe moru esailypreveul- ed Ihan cured. The irnmlulzng sud h cough will be greatly relived by heus Hlagyard's Pectoral Balzam thal cures ceughs, celda, bronchitis sud aIl pulmouéry troubles. Pain-Killer as a lnimetinl uneqsialled for 'Chithiain, Burus, Bruisen, Culs, Spnaina, etc. Freeman'. Worm Powdera are eafo int aU caus They dostroy and removê- Worm in ehildren or adulta. ut. G.ochen deieteadMr. Morley in the conteu" for lb.e Rectonship et -Abedo Universitv. Whsuflsby wun sick, vs gave ber Cà atorjm. Whn ah&ev*» a Cbild. eh. oied fer Cçstor1aý Wbeu ahe boceate mb, ah. cumg tu Osatoia, Wîl>.>dam.lad CLIdiéan, hsave tbem Castomba H 1ave you a Pain arywhere *bout you? na Poo= uriy ronumuagtuu, tha tpig 1rMr. wse~ fn fr r isb b A b"muonnt h. AIbe W-, YO1uin 0 ifI, ud ourvati jelly ng uthè * ne. Bilent theught of bier 4m144e4a ~ i nL then Ã&fr. Moarry',e lhouqÈAs eelent on tbe :à aW o a;by, sud tmitabtig, the Oi'v of a horind b. tbrowvta ul' towsii .ieo tkr Lg. ro M ler rveri. of sweet and bittÃr fancies, se. bouncled for Pafely imb 1he treacherous embraoe of the lake. Mr. Muarry hikewiaé bounc1v.a b bE oanoe wbich wae akiff. by tbe way and following th. unhsppy doe, converled her int venieon mný about the ispace of limo, whieob 1n 1 laeeio Inoguage ie called a brace of shakos. The glittoricg vieta, openod, and ecoed; a lite oflbthe rs went ont witb the sun; Mr Murray hada ahundrea and twenty pounds of gêlopicus veuison,ý and he prooeded to sample thb, peau,, liarly refreshing quality 6f the. rýippin spring; Tra la; hikewie. Tan-îvvz; and alet> Yum yumn. General Boulanger han beon releaned. Illiois la threatened. with âaaer lamine. TM Tsars of Tortue. Xr.ThomnanAcren, of H1unlley, Ont, wus f or ton yéars a mufferer from livercomplainln whlch doctora ruodicine did noà reieve, Aller si ng tour botties of Burdock Blood Bittersabah.wun entirely cuarod, and slatom that ehe in 11ke a nov woman again. SAn Elgin Connty fermer named Thomao Hatherly was miirdred by bighwaymen on Salurday eveuing. Nationual Pill, are umunrpassed ae a aafe, mi2d, yet thorough, purgative, aeting upon the biliary organ. prompt- Zy and effectu.allf.. The U. 8. Treamury Departmenl believes that opium je etili eruugg ed imb 1he Slaom through Canada. Prsvaing BiokaUs The most prevallng comlaint atI lii se& sou are rheumatism, nieuragia, sors thI>roat inflammations and. congestions. For ail thon. and other painful troubles Hagyard'n yellow 011il th best irmlerual and exteral remedy. Dr Mackenzie han reieved lhroalemng letters on account of his mode of trealmeol of the Crown Prince. A BgnIfleanl 1. The> worn ou>t, wante aud poisonous mal- ter in 1he system nhould escape through tli ueoretions of the bowels, kidueys snd m> eor serions disse reauite. B. B. B. opeà s %Lese natural e" tas bmove dineaso., it is reported thal tL. Goverument have deoided on the arresl ?t<r. Dillon, who bhs iu the meantime gone to Scotland. unlvsal Lpprobattiu, FALL SUI1-TS» --000-- JOHN F E R US40Nt 18 BHOWING A 8UPEBIOB STOCK 0F Scotch, English and Canadian. Tweeds, And -t-hor fine linos of Clotho, for Spring suite. AUl garments made Up in latest style on ehortest notice. Reayý-made Men'a and Boya' 8u1t8, (Jent8' Furni8hings and Underclothlng of ail KInda. I~7.TUOTILE OVERÂLLS! HATS!1 RATSOI! RATfS Lateat styles in Hard and Soft Toit Hats VERT OHEA?. J OHN FERGUSONe Duandas St., Whitby WÂNTE"D,- 10,000 Iba. GOOD CLEAN FLEECE WOOL A18010,00 Doz. , Good FreshEgs The higchest market puepi or. saine t W. J. GIBsoN'S Ail kinds of Fruit, to,>b0 found in their lîeggou-at the WUlTB'Y CMINà TEA STOT]ý.- ýt,>STRAWBE]RÃUES to ýbe lý' every day from- tbi to théenod.-ofjthe se&sou. .Labis tenant'  pplywt W- W. J.TROMPSON9 Whuby. Telegraph Office, NOW OPEi~i FOR BUBINESSe DIRECT CONNECTIONS The Commercial Cable Co. The, BatÃœmore & Ohio TeL O. -ýthe Postal Telegraph o. And aell otl&er Telegroe;h Line..- To seouze prompt dispatol4,use tb. G.P.By. 0Go. Telegraph. OFFICE in Riohardson'e Block, near M arket Square. ordore taken for Co&l, Salt, Gypeuim, Waterlimoa, &o.9 for The Rathburn Oo. A large quantity eî Lanid Plaster and Sait on haud, Liverpool and Canadian in Bsomeb su a g5e, a of 1he bet, q1 an'owestrce Qfl'tlorg0tot bo 1al nd1isas ree$d EE.BLOW§ London and Lancashire* Life. Company, @of Lite policy, and bas depositod with lb.. Booeivor General in approvedl Canadian seenritios over $100.00 for esch 1$100.00 ef liabilityp thus affording, ÂB8OLtlI-E se- cnrity. Parties desiroue cfasesuxing their liveis wif flnd il le Itheir advanlage to consunt l.h undoruigued beforo asunring.elewhere. JOHN FÂRQUHÂBSON PATENT esoeerus i 0 snitiea 3$SW patent Iwo b l lb.67ntabeehusapuia fer #165yet, 74. 'On reonipt fe1 dangWtdstPIf of-,vnkzw Addroe usO .8OW&~.i- Plese entonwhor. yen na -Ihisa aver COUetY O0 :1. '~ s. Âne a >een Genend.'Agègt Whitby, May 18,186-. -ly