Whitby Chronicle, 18 Nov 1887, p. 8

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or0 i O UI ?ACtCb I ýrX ~l5 wIlI u&ble thems to 0ndu@t * sOonoLs'ý-XLit. J B6 iulflge.t51- d t1 hiSw aDvats bout çeh»ctya4e fèsrnts vos ynow open wuea tediffernt Bowrl of duo in £0worn Who Usure Pn U ostoIOr lb1. provi c etat Toronto on Tue@. s xbueIi eboeuaaudd enmdsnceitla1 dayand We mdàda of lest week. Mr. clir1.dt fI.Qveusîbpo POILProsdent onopie thevide eIttheopportimily tb qUslify bLheu- J.E.FreslPesdns oepedI e à to aotc h ' lons. ,LetthIe chair. Mi. J. B. Dow bsing eoretary. rusu=eat couvert oue fourth Oflt.hI R hl schools mb o hools for tegahinthos u rausawr' ADDUSSjects which 1h. industrial sU mercantile The. President opened the proceedinqs classes desire Ihat their sons shoulId learn, with bu address on the mattere requiring tLe aud in wbtch g proper &Mount of bsoy attention of the. association,.lRe suid that Euglith literîture sud ei.fnoeaj includiuig asgitlwag establiahed beyond controversy Ppyiology sud hygiene,,are taughtand it liaI ther. is a ueceeity for such su ormi* wilsoion b fouud liat one or two mre zationit i waa a malter for serious oousidera- fourthe of lhe %ih echools il bavg o tion w;eher the association s at present undergo the like conversion. If tbis isnflot oonsitituted in equal to the task of supplying donc let us have thes. subjecta taught in the tbiR waut, sud if not, have its members the lower forme of th. High echools. lIn cou- GD ability to discover in what respect ils ecope ing Le said hie reniarks Lad flot been made nabeeenesuiscosiuoam d. nasprlfbotll el.Grneted, go0as properly te perform thiir service ? Mr. Farewell's sôdrese opened a wide PRE ' The public had a righlte demand thal their field for discussion, but oui Iiznited spice work shall h. doue tearlesly, energetically does net enable un to follow. sud intelligeuily. Wheu ilwas remember- Tii. qu"ues to s paying tares to public ed lite expenditure for education in cou- and sahae Qos wa ette(lby recoin. Issjro zcinepoe n .Prvine hve heprivilegeof saying whether tLsy fo mthuaface amounted duringthe year 1885 eth'e cnet- ahall go le public or separate ehbooIs. As l la use'.d by lth i__ Mous uni ïorm.142,462, sud thut lier. were toasacement for Public and eparate nah<>l Endorsed hy thd headi cf th. retUn"r 7,583 teachers employed in Irainingthe il was recommended liat tie asseusmeul law tien5asth N Aor, e r sId m,", b*de 480,706 pupfils taughî ii tiese echoohs duIg i u«dolsa ineai e .etul.D r. es n et i moni ,rmeoru. tht Year, îLey muet be impressed with the down as aseparate echool truste.e «cept ae Sh ouly lu Cane.eorA= iii iatm tt.mpting te interfere wili the bis ewu request ;il wuaw ng"t o'in menBAKING POWDEB Co.- management- cf sucliimportant intereste rural distdcus'the hldy a .alwd ~ ~ ooc. v.rvs liey were aesm isi reqmonibility in the Vinter iustea f1h may a _____________ rin 0 ~presant oudficiently compre. hy*les.0cfil chool fie. ls hS8Vs ivo e h l»d 1ressivè,. proceed. Mr. J. B. w Made'a sensible motion rs f's.FimSl *o ino' a olws: ncarigout -,he commending lthmwiere tire. leachen n I 91 au al #4ue,Andjarraugiug sud M Agng -he 01kgiats instituts eau quabfy asspcait details of our gômeWhe t omlicate 1 duos . lufur'--departne ti b eceuanidered T W 8 I Mei s ynten, the ie ýr bras msn y ad- I suciént.4qstad cf four specialistesaiat T WN0I F tW ITsy. visersansd officiais wio are net niitu u ?s present. nei motion carried. u"osibile te the people. There iis Màr_ ..~îvas a1«* #WW resd liq lTGPýTo~LT26 N~H wides read belief liaI mauy of tiese con. and èMr. Dow Sceam. ,Drcuî c ieAR O L O , cN tain nscedwilb important departiucuts cf this n19acsil peu wIlnh se work are net uufficientIy aoquaiuted wi the ChurciaNoe&...10 c reotuîds, goodop ard w .g» ne tra) TicIe o ie apetolein dtcatdnlmt-Tabernacle. - Ou Sibbat c d , sud in a spl endid es cf culêlvatloù. toThere tffl ofa st onuspicigu ibrcsd I rThspoerybi utd tial ~ ~ ~ 1 j f2or the b.Be,. Mr. German wil preacl rprt .u ilas ui ned -4. fiOiSpi*to tip ute Subject cf Bapt su,"sand i te he iporation an 21withln e mile anda ~uaorios as to counrsf study sud syrtems eveulng lie subjeet wxU h. "-the 1Sîder quatrc i on osse ayavn cf traÎing, aud poesibly very strong opin- I u&trt@rlse frth. purchasOe. Wl»h. od= ions as le toit books whici they have written OHBÂP. plyt or whici they arc thon wriîing sud liaf, Revl. . 5.owe will be preut and taesÂpyt holding those icesnesd epinions, .tiey part in th. Thsnksgiving serwie. tounigbt, MUS. RIORDÂN, Perastontly urge thomu ou thoe finisterr o an (Thureday.> The tabernacle choir in teo rleL peo, VWrb>, oxteul hatisnulo always advsutageous t turuis), lhe munie. Silver cellection at th rt . arakAna., Whitb>'. thc educatj1,uaj intercala. (tlear, beai-.) In door.- Whitby, Nov. 9th, 187 brief, it in suapected tiaI there are tee mauy 1Mr. J. M. Baldwin, B. A., sîndent cf Irresponsibie snd iulorestod advisers who Wyokliffs colisge, will preaci merning sud affect te a greateor lrieoxtout the carry- eveuiug st St. John's church, next Sunda>'. ô2 mng out ef Ibis î1iortent work. (Ucur, hoa.)Thce atisties which have appoared inliÉe press as tethie coul occauioned tote . os e5 people cf Ibis province by thie changes of Tii. Board cf Educalion Las advertsedlj 'O toit bocoka may have been above or below for a Science Specialisî te fil the vacany So iet t118 mark, but making overy proper allow- oaus.d b>' the retfremeut cf Mr. J«a. Witi8 Anflul 'WS u w y TRET AÈSE daoeiYaVLT ALAII(< It ta net- stranglitaI a@uci su encl"nous hspe4ýdiure made in this direation,sud short- ly afrmrwards in parI rseeted, aienid have been shar"y crtied. Nethiug but thie de. psuadinjgintorest taken by lie people of Ibisprwince in edueslion could have- M dese uci a state eft hingm possile. It à quitetime thattiosee*bo are engaged in lealton should undorsland Ibat such blunderiug canuol b. 5mon repeated vithout ure u npleasaut consequeuees le ail wocne in s sua outrage ippon tie pocrer ciimsfs, sud wiiout sudaugeiug thie whoie cf out, in veymm respectaidmirable ode- cainlsystem. Whle thie exponse oca-. ,yud > the change in lest booksan public ocicols tese enorinous Ibal Il eale fotu Shrp criticsmu, îti la elu te remombertith tiers ae eer opportunit4*es fur c hanges in tue tcî bocks and books eof rofereS uiued in Higi scioois sud Collegiate institutes. As these changes affect On! thle parents sud guardiassofthe 14,M 0pupils ding hise sehool, hiey do uol excitéeth.tention liaI changes affecting the parents sud guardians of over a bif millon Public school puil nsturally coui forth. NotwithulandMing tii, unfnecesaary cinsges aelucre iiij ' stitan in Publie school books. The number et bocks to h. provided for une in tL. Public schools ie. limilsd lu comparisn ohe enum - ber required in Uligh soda. The liat cf test bocks suthonzed for tie use etfIligi sciois an à Collegiato institutes for=is:, go V.), sau authorized by thic Educalionai De- pertinent in Junt 1887. includes 89 bocks, leagelecaI t fwiich lan16U-75. It iâ 10 obed tuaI lie parents are ucî coin- pellcd le purçase uer lie pupils te read thic viioleof et se bocks luruq; their tacs through the four forme. The lare numabe of booukà&required in tic Public scicols has enabled lhe Minster to procure I heîr pub- lication at muci lever rates tien in possible in lhe ceecf Rigi sciool books, where thie numuber required is linited.? Tusa malter of onneceary changes iu test bocks je net, sioiild not, sud muet net be madc a part>' quention :ii ne n whichoeveiy puer uma in lie province bas a vital iàtertst ; il is oe in wiicb every one of bis morc f orlunate and infiuettial noigibore in bound te assisl hui in r.sisting. (Iloar, bear.) Tic interesta cf ndredla cf thousands cf - ralepayers muet net hcaiacrificed tote . tereste or 000K MIA ND *1)50K PUBLISIR8. WLile tic unecessily of a. uniforin course cf study througiout lhe province bas groat ad- vantages il iesquit. possible liaI ilmay1 be carried sofarai, t«-work much mi>' le a numnber Pt puLpile in oai Iocalityw ýIoe 'tiare for attonding scbool is limit.d. I ýven- tutu tésIMY îat there innot -a mniere cf1 "'ie auSciation Wie bas nol istened te just complaintiaucf paertA In poor cireumetac UponlhI mbelWho have not fecl thail more dinorellon Za; allowod trustewes i> weuld have pro vided fUr lemsof classical sud more cf a praotical business education bo n ich<J caes, sand that Ibis *ulghb h deeçbout luin a &rbeahle way aMur-. The trial of a number of noblemenilu hlgh-toned lad isu st Paris for uelling titles ha.reached th. mn-in-4aw of Preuldant Gvrevy, who is iikely to b. punluhed. Gen. D'Audlas g«la five yearms ad MW00franc& fine ; Madame Balisi «et. thirteeri months and 2000 franc. ; Madam Courlenil gel. twc moullia. At Joe Beef'. osoleen, a Mentreal doni, on Monday night a number cf people vere wounded I>y revolver ballets ooming frora a druken-row. Anuc ud dinsane M&IN amsd MoLau«hh lnofParkdaeageil 7%tried t10oct bis throt wth knii o- M n l ght. The wound is urs loprovo faMa. He led no friends tocar. for hlm.- Meesr. Plne sud Çox Irish Id. pta' bav het bdse t . Ileoul«6=i« à wrat msued against Ih6m by th. Britlà. Goverument. A marine and gêneraI hospital inta bhb esabllahe sOungo Wm. OmBden, of usalbed truand, refns.d to h. oloth.d ini prison garb, no Ui own olothe. werestolen whisàt h. lept, and ho bas been obhig.d 10 assume jail clothes. Financi a1lsd OommecU Office of Whitby CHKRONIOLE, Whilby, Nov. 18, 1887. wKIBY MAB ET PRICS8. .... eé...........0 74 - ý Gos..W.............. 065 Ps................02U 'asle, b...-y.. ....O 60 aBieP..........0 M Po"s..................0 60 Rsinike.C. ev.r............8 1 50 RsdClover sued.........45 Apples, POTbu......i 50 Tomate..id.....î10 Potaoes, per bag ........()75 Egu..........017 Butter.,.............o ie4 Waiod--................ 010 Elides,perIbo.........* .0 600 Pork,porewt..........00 Tnrnipe............ 5 Caisry, pre.....00 Oblebsis, per lb... oo@.. 00 'Vurkeysp r .....011 Pucka; parIb.......oooooo.. 010 Geesoo*l.........07 4#4078 &K 0 77 (or 068 0250 *070 @ 062' 0066 0065 n 004 *600 *600 *200 1 190 0090 *20 025 0.O16 *560 0050 do007 @ 820 O040 » 010 0f Wbftby sud Piokarijag Thecm Anlvnmr ofSeotlsud's Patron MUS/C HALL WHÇI-y NOVEMBIe 3tt,187 An uivaU«. Settisi Vcalls Mrt. L.CzS= g=otalo'Mu :P Chriai.,Piaist.' I'ROGIL 1.Overture MES. CRAITE IL84 <s) -rua Aul soochSog" 3. scng "O' For lh. Blocno' W myamn ~ (nativemother." MROWW.ÂLNB i. Organophonjo sud Itrm.amnlrM&tn. Ment Incud=agvocal Imitations ef verp, Bau=o,ît-rgan~sd Plut, il Solsn Cornet, Double Plaee&ets, .Pieo o'etc. " 'oward's eradi. 80lo "tlcou UmaE& CR RI8 an ROWMU ORer, stzand a Pcst. luciulzNg atiol Bauner and Pafrietie sonos cf Egae Scolan Ireland, Wal.a sud îa. mdB. VINDLÂay àoGeGOR. . Bli4MES. W. H.LI3OWIdi PART ]EL L. Ode MI. GE(L >.MGLLiVaRY, Bard et théd'y 2. eseton5&- MR& HESTE 2. Dmaste Vcal ke la ndwg Iag ùcrn B4%&- - John A1ssn nrb, N»asLaddle but As,"Wee Xeel Boy; "The Orooked, Bawl,.s' ME& .BOWMAN sud IM lïK**uoOE. 4. Song oMm M» le other."' IM& ES.RIBWTIL Ban"mel Doonth. Bua, ve J' * OrW.-Q W.&H-%fi OWàài7 -IN a Iiî4 and* w, "Whg WlI~*s1eb, table,hbenhouet -jacre land YJ.J Ewa ehclâe frut. Warme Oomfcrtébl bouii In béat locaity and very convenik" 000 = 7 or upwsrds oed'ig le imprave. New Goodsare comntohd dénb deured b ' tennt. Mn8t an nd big prepairation5 s ALSO)TMB-R.OOIMEOUSH .nug A:GI AN TIC 1A LTFD~ suuar n c-d o ielu cdteraJg We are prepa ring rte give our custolme,. Ooo h i6 g.lby Nov. 4h, '.07.or Ofth WhibY No-AhOWA'87.NES. nes of GoodB in the markets in our new Stock, latest styles and low prices. We have taken particula, pains in purchfasing and. ean show the3 best J styles and lines of Toronto and Montreal I goode. We have now to baud. S PINewDress Gonds, elsVelvets, ~ 1 véteens and plushes, a we l «~P1iecI i buttons, braids, twists, silks, ~( 8~ Pkt ~etc., to m*atch. New Mantle'and IisteêrCloths ail Colors, Shades, Weights and IPrices. to order. ~~ &J~c1.$ fLKt BlofeNew Wools, Flannels, Blankets Yarnsetc. h1ù~~ li!,B/G LINE 0F NEW TWEEDS, - J U S T O H A- c o a t i n g . N e w h a t s , c a p s a n d g e n t s ' -JUS TO AND-Furnishings Goods, Neweu design@ in Ladies' BROOCES, ]PINS sud SFiOUtCHEAINS. CLQCKS.-1 and 8 Jay. Plèýl Stock cf Now Gooda, &log XNlVB8,- PORKS, sud 9oolsB. Tes Spoiita from - $1.50 per doz. Extrordioary Vlus., -Cail and See lbemiD Jewellery made to order. Wb""*es Clocks an& Jewellery Bepm anrasud arranted. JAMES JOHNSTON,' Praclies) 'Watshmaker, BROCI-ST"REET -.-.-WHITBY AFOR SALE. àmare sdSclt, bogetber or separatls>, eu0" e tousand sound'sud quiet. Colt 8 meubla Md, andi bred, for cash or credit, Appi>' b November, 18807. Tvo Thoobr.de Boir for seric mS i other ~oe port4 'egisbsred -heir mae: n s t o. r. c.aJ>Lasii. ns $1. 1687. ,~ I'!~~ a 93-Our Millinery Opening, show ing New Paris, and New York Fashion, in Hats and Bonnets, -Rib bons, Flowers, and Feathers and Trimniings, will 1w no SAT{JRDAY, MONDAY & TUESDÂy, 24, 26, 27 inst., and following days. We will be pleased to show you our Show Rooms. POWEL &Co* CQA'SIDOER VOUS PO&KETS Ie- Don't ho led away by flaming advortsemenftsE but eaul at TUE BiRAZILIA WAREflOr1Si and see for yourselves that we are selling C rockery' and Glassware at and under coat, for Cash or Produco. White Granite Tea Bette, 44 piece', ait $2.00 per set, Handeome Colored. Tea Bette, 44 pieces, at $8.00 per seti, Fine China Tea Bette, 44 pieces, at $4.50 per sott, Beautiful Motto China, CJupis and Saucere M 25c., Colored Dinner Bette from $7.50 per sett, col- ored Chamber Sotte, 9 pieces, at $2.50- per sett, and Mass China and, Glassware arriving evory Week. Heavy Glase Tumbler8' 50c. per dlozen,,ý Glass Goblots 60c. per dozon, Glass Bette and- Waer SolJtte in varioug st. tend. Our family groceries are the hoat and the cheapest. Green, black, !dJapan teas at 25. per lb., Wort60Sc. If you don't believe it gel a-à samplo free and be oonvinoed, -Xnias fruits in stocëkand ,;te arrive. Sel' Ixig a- bottoýnpics Oysteresud afiel s eaon. Butter,.ge pnty potatoes, lard and bacon takon lu exochange. Wieshing you ail health an& happinoss the year round. Yous aitfuly SIMà NOfRAlùR D>evoreIl's Dlok, rok 4Whitb7, ont. Estùablished SUBR8CBIPTION 51 pur annum u adv stl=mequipment sud Book and Job printing~ Ontr@,ý capable of oxecu ivork -from th. largepet bsAnjblf.- Special mentie lïnirpuso pies. fadoulu ms.,wlth ils oelebratei eyflnderp>resa sud ocher once. Xvry rder récer TEBILS 0F DVI Fuels insertion, per Une -subsequent insertion, 5 lm Disphaycd Advertiseme by a sosie of solicI NonPa according>'. -Advertiaemenls sent instructions inserted unt oharged for fuil ime. Ordore for iscontini must b. in writing, othe srs will net be responeibl A liberal discount for e mente by lie year. Cco conîraol advert»Isoenls a i unet liter than Wàdn"eS- cf an>' intended- changes before Tucsday mon, mente reoeived Up te Thra Business notices iu boas pive cents por lime weekl: per lins weeklY. C3orrospondence boict el tfhle eunIr or nelghl Correspondent. axe reqT titeir coMrmuniouioLu possible, joHN STÂNTON, * Sup'I Meohanicai De] JORN, E. PARIEW Basud Conuocits viug, Court Hous., Whi B>cuiled b>'Pare e Boy alI olel, Brook St A TTOBÉZY-AT-LA-1 Cisucer>', Conve> ,omcu-in the Ofince Whilby. - G. YOUJNG SEFn hiBer ef arrnag - Owsaz-Smnith'eBloc ]Broovýk S3ý.ô Whtby. Jan. 22,1878. > JOHN ÀL1 Offie-Deverill's lb *whilby.- - MONEYTTO -LEND- - 1ereet. LYMÂN ,ENGLII Doôv, ho~~~ ~~ ascthrirprgfr or uder lhiepreset systou, ane Boienl li rustce ta>m bs btle foae thuinbdo beyonI risa dilu moune>'.Il would eean, all ei.asnoefplment of nc. whih requires regulig stton Deplarinent, aud fir ned tesson ther. le apparent- ent ici reqnireeso e ucib -Wit h itb5W tinte oeboyi lies unitensi pausMng ane eai m iai malter iow -il.4 e but tnmd z 71 %Umm" 1 1

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