Whitby Chronicle, 25 Nov 1887, p. 1

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ýrepaïatî0n8 j -stooke partiou1l - -ho best rtreal vets, Veb vell as silks, 1oths ail PÏices.- 3launkets, idover.. gents.) Y asIin,1 Fowers îvll be no JESDAY, days, Jo. ~&1at fissware al and 8, 44 pieceB, at 8.0per sett, il otto -chin& i Pèr tett, Col. ,sS China and p er dozen, lui varn ua pst- Gireen, black, i .eve it -get-4 arrive. Sel!- ý'g poultry, Il liealth "à.- by, Ontý. CES; patrons I Shaire bg or quire -v t on thoéSE ýuSict or i )ck.) Iga ýGoode à je 1arge-n m.ptly. à advance r Amerii3 With ealm Printed words, great VOL* XXXIe Established 1856. FeLeadlng #eekiy ,n Ontarlo County1 SUBSORIPTION RATES. t si SiPer anum in advanoe-$1l.50 other- vise. Snbscrip tiens are always payable at the office of publicstion. Steam equipment snd beut furnished Book and Job printing plant iunRasteru Ontarioe, capable of executiug ail classes cf vork f rom the large poster to the smallest handbill. Speeial mention is made cf the unurpassed prees facilities cf Tux OnuoN- IOLE, With itsi celebrated N. Y. Cottrol -Cylinder prose and other modern couveni- onces. Every order receives prompt% care- fui attention. TER1MS 0F A.DVERTISING. First insertion, per lino, 10 cents; oach subsequent insertion, à cents. Dispiayed Advertisemnents are ueasured bysaa oeof olid Nonparoîl, and charged seccrdin gly. Adverti1,emOflt5 sent withotit written instructions inserted until forbîdden, and charged for full timo, Ordeme for discontunuing ad vertiBements muet be in writing, otherwise the publish- *e rs will net ho responsible. A liberal discount for contract advortise- monts by the year. Copy for changes of oontract advertisements should ho handed in net later than Wednesday ; snd notine cf ânyintended changes sbould be givon boforo Tuosday noon. Othor advertise- monts recoived np te Thtirsdsy noon. Busineise notices in local or news columus Fivs cents per lins woekly. Locale, 10 cts. per lino weekly. Corrospondence solicited f rom &11l Parts cf the County or neighhering townships. Correspondonts are requested te send in their communications as promptly s possible, 1IENIIERSON & GRAHAM, Proprietors- JOHN STANTON, Sup't Mechanica Dep'.t. JOHN F. FAREWELL, LL.B.,p B ARRISTER, County Cnovu Attorney, sud Couuty Solicitpr. Office,- Seuth w*lag, Court Houe, Whitby 48 JAMES RUTLEDGB, B ARRISTER, &ô. Office formenly ce. ouped by Farewell& Rutledge, noît oRoyal Hotol, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B.A., ATTORNEY-ATtAW, SOLICITOR IN~ AChauceny, Convoyancen, &o. On-uic-In tho Office soulli of the Post Office, iu MoMWlan's Block, Brook Street, Whitby. ly-iO G. YOUNG SMIITH,IL L. B., I RISER &c., &c.-Mouey te Loan Brook St., Whýtby. Jan. 22, 1878. (tf-61 JOHN BALL DOW, BRRISTER-ÂT-LAW. SOLICiTOR B ùin Chancery, Convoyancer,&o Offie-Deveri's Block, Brock Street, Witby. MONEY TO LEND-Prlvate Fund- sumo up te $800, at a low rate 0 - terest. (ly-52 LYMAN 'ENGLISH, L L. B BARRISTER AT LAW, SOLT'~ B Ohaucery, Cnoaci 4OlI 00e Street, Oshawa. ~ ~ O 1l DR. ffID 1,M.B. (TORONTO D' ~L.R.C.-P.-and L.M -(Edin- burgh), kc. 'Office heure, 8 te 10 &.m., 2 io 4 a d7 UG9 p-. 81. , THE ««TERfLAýCB#,.BYRON-ST., WHITBY. si. C. CRÂW FORTH, V~T3BNA2RYSURGEON. Gradluale of th. Onlarleeternnayi.Col- loge, Toronto. Oreiby mail oï lolegrapl promnptly atteOdeate. Offce tr.îdolOOcfG. Ayrs,epPasile LI VER Y and- SALE STABLES, Good souV.~ ~1 ulcers. lB? BBOS. IVO RY, ste with Langley, Langley & Burke, Toronto,) ARCHITECT. Designs for Churches, Villa.s ad cot- tages a specialty. Drawings prepared for reodeling existing structures. Ovruz-First fiat over Howee's Drug S3tore. P. O. Box 2W2, Wummrv FA RU FOR, SALEI A Beautifully sit.uated farm in the TOWN 0F WHITBY. The undersxgned offors for sale hie f arm of 49J acres, being ituated on the eutt aide of Brook streot ana north of tho Grand Trunk rsilway in the Town of Whitby. This farm is as good a piece ot land ai eau b. found iu the country bhas a splendid situa- tion 1er s town park or driving park, is in as good a state of cultivation as any mani coula wish, is fencod entirely with board fonces, is clear of ail badl weed s or other ob- jections of that nature, ha@ s'sstreaui of water running through one corner which nover f ails. Tho barn snd other outbuîld- inge are of the best quality and almaost new; the bouse is s nearly new oue-storey build- ing and can he raised àstorey with ne great oxpense. There is a good well of pure water. There i.sa young orchard cf stand- ard fruit trees, juet commencing to bear fruit. The garden is as good as eau ho found. The tarmn l couveuilent toe choolà sud churches. Titie goed. Liberal terme will be allowod te the purchaser. Apply te propriotor on promises 45-l2in. GRO. HICKIINGBOTHÂM, Whitby P. O. Whitby, Oct. LOLli, 1887. Dominion Lino of Royal Mail BTEZAMMHPS. LIVERPOOL SERVICE. SAILING DATES. From Portland "Vauceuver ...Thursday, 'Nov. 24th. *Ssarnia Dec. tt. *Oregon 22ud. FRam H&X *Vancouver-... 8aturda Nov. gfth. 8Saruia ......... stu a, Uo. ,'joUi. *Oregon....Saturday4 < 4th. RATES 0F PASSAGTE. From Portland or Halif ai te Liverpool. Cabin, $50, $65 and $75; Second Cabin $30. Steerage at lowest rates. DAVID TORRA.NCE & 00., General Agents, Montreal. Or to E. STPHENSON, Telegraph Office, Local Agent, Whitby. 7.1llan aine Royal Mail Steamers. LIVERPOOL, LC;'rDôNDERRY, GLASGOW. eumne~r Arraingements DAÂTES 0F SILINGS FROM QUEBEC "Circsssiau Friday, Oct. 21et Sardinian . -Tbureday, do 27th sPolynesian Fridaj-,. Nov. 4th Ps.risian - - Thuradaye, doloth Barmatian do id111h carry caIlle, eheep or pige. RATES 0F PASSAGE FROA 1QUBEBC. Ciusn-$60, $70 sud $80, ececdine te position of Stateroam. Retunu ticet., 110, 3130 sud $150. By extra steamers, $50, $60 sud $70. Retuin, $90, $110 sud $180). LNTkRN»EL&T5, $80 Stsz&G, $20. The laut train ocnnecttig viththe Mail IStesmers st Quebec passWhilby on Wôdnesday morning. Teceaneot vitju the Extra Steamers, Thursday morning. Pas- iengers sud thrin baggage are put ou board tie Ocean Stesmehlpi aI -Q'ebec free cf ail empense. IMPORTANT1!AUrNGliM5NT. Cabin, Intermediste s ;z Seoade passen- gere eau no* go on board ai Moutreal , il they vlsh to do s. Partes souding for Ihei Monde lu 1 h. OId Country -ca obtain PREPAMU PAS- SAGE ORTIFIOATES stloveelwslos. For Tickets sud m&U other * .mlo, spply la Geo0. IBYl4 Agent, thoughts, and, untsring Industi, SMOKE the MUNGO !1 The great 5e. Cigar, and the I'A~I~I~E, EHIJO EL MADRE The great 10e. Cigar. CHEMI8T and DRUGGIST Agent for Whitby, Procuresa thoux direct freux the Manufacturera Han ging Lamps!0 hanging Lamps I W. IR. HOWSE, Chemuest and Drnggisi, Whitby. Wishes te juforun the Publie that ho la showing the greatest as vol as the DEST -and L11[AP[SI Assoriment cf Hanging Lamps e*er broughtito tie .Town cf Whitby, vhich ho in selliug aI LOW PRICES. NE W GOODS i c W. Rt. IIOWSEJ CHLEMI8ST AND DRUGGIST, WI3T Ha& ou hsud a very largo sud select stock o! Chnletmme goodu, comprlsing Ladies' Work Boxes, Whisk Holders, Odor Cases, Mirrors in Plush, Toi/et Cases, Large Vases, And su asiartmenî cf othen articles sultable for promisa. CaU and Examine Our Stock Bof ors Purckaaing Elatick.ra. advocate Peas, Proporsa, )'AY, NOVEMBER AI NEWS LETTERS., OnnmommsCLOorrespondlenoe. r'biothers left lastweek for s 1m o h. nortlieru townships. mligyf*xppMd duly Kt -the O. P. "oý by Mr. Lewi Smith cf offciai meeting cf 1h. Myrtle iu tbis place on th. 6th lit. a paeiod regretting that Mr. Xý vas about te beave tlie an expression cf thsuke vas nnov teachiug near Oshawa aged here by the trustees to - -Bil Wilson wh o goee tc, Green sDavidecu cf Balsam hai been t vo are glad te lisar is recoven- - h. lim presuled her buaband Johnson cf Pickering' lia to he . farm owned by hie brother Mr. Peler Hercu moyeu away in ao communication from Ashburn rallier cruelly upon a porion w caIl fiumities aliould have been W. are sure thee vnler would b. orr foi bis action 1h. moment lie theiletter in apublie newspapor. 4orsPondenl embraced 1h. opr. sl.ding 1he lecture iu Broc lin on", that rmu- U s by r. Fair- :t euth le marlum BaIlle The'Dr.inea man la middle 61.1- AbotM0 !a viry sclive umeimheighl, dark complez- ~f aurdyet of a mild cocnten- letr o my 1h.e.leaet vas a mase~iee.W. have heard "Yihap aysa asd wliule ha mas in hie power cf mlmniery, lisi #.pth s yet la onveyng solid nl a maont attractive manner, *t eloqueuce, sud a theraugi 01 hie subjeot ve voulfi place Fair- b thnile average. The patho. cd alehol upon 1h --mOmb, -41-crayon au blae1board -The Dr. ti â a nuent cartoonat. 1h. melsu choly effecta of drink 1ponthe "humanforim divine", how lt lsparentof malignant diseaa- os of mlU kinde, were illustratecl in the mant couvlacing muamer. Ne right-thlaking, poasonable, ocuecienticus, m aater hlen- ing te Ibis lecture oouid go avay vithoul th. conviction b.ing plseed upon him iflieo li nsmli-respeot or respect foi 1h. vol- faie cf Others, thal 111e hlghly clangercue le lamper with the accursed eluif asula eh or ferm. Mr. T. J. Holidlay ably fil led 1he chair. The Gla. Club- discoursed excellent music in a esot cliaming vay. The lecure vas under lhé anapfees cf 1he oa Templars. COLUMEUS. A Union Tlianksgivuug service vas lild in the Presbyteriazi church boe.Tliurdsj evening. Psul plowlng uow wel edvauce. The au s hever of Mcnday uighl vas v.ry Mr. Colessawrilvwu deftroyed by fire esnly Saturday morning. Mr.Cocutte "ai sa= n untül ite h. previus evenig and thnlt everything vas right wheu he loft. Hee scf 1h. opinion liaItue fine muet have orignated fro6m saliesting gudgeon lu the lover eloroy the fine emouldering until about 2 o'clock aud vas net dilooveredunli] the roof iad fallen in, forlunatoly 1he wiii( biev tram thenortlivesl sud csxiod 1ht spanks out cf1linwit.h suy oier buildine neé«. There vas but 'a grual quanlity cl humer umt ~ngagaixiet 1h. mil, Prm bably not ove# 1l00f I., ovuied by smre 4 ei 5: tiert Qc4tomers The building ani maohinery wekaeinsnred in the Lancashir foi #&W0. It.zto behoped themSill wîll bi rebuil1auit Wllbemucli miseed lu 1h Ohief Justiole .dIn Wisonr.eigned hi pomitiou on 1h. -bondi on Monday. TbeM b» been aOnlt 110 Pr Cent. il the vsk. ofe& an ads on the. redit YaUew 259 18870 GREENEANE. MANCHEBTEE.. There is eue prend man in the village Tom the blsoksmith. Mr. James Bsn-ns lest a valuable mare luit week from indigestion. -The Methodist sud Presbyterian congre- gtiu~eld un:ion servitue in the Methodist chuolion .iakegiviug day. The chuzoli wus pscked snd a good meeting. On Frldal eveniug lv. strange ladies' *hlile Ir, ngtlirough thb. village met a man witlin hel Iro" loacf straw. pwasnou ySUPuyiumnno us zal mefuely kioked 'tu heéad ud fo sud would have unsoubtedly got kiled liil net Mr. Beane been inl the stable. Ho vas insensible for, uearly au hour but there are ne bou broke and ho vil likely soon ho eut &gain. - AUI>LEY. Mis. Collins lias returued frem Uzbridge wliere she ha. beeu for the past thnee months. What the people would like te kuew; wliy the proper officiais absent themeelves frein prayer meeting seoften ? If the ne- giflai weok-night prayen meeting' bas ou- tirely fallen tirougli? Mr. J. H. McQuay, fermerly cf this place, lias gel down te, business st Pickering lumber yard. Ho, having purcliaeed the abovo business from Mr. Gee, ho intende te keep a %I supply of everything um hie lino. W. wieh him evony success. About ton o'oleck lait Tliuraday even- ing the large brick dwelling house.ou the Hâney faim was disoovoredi te ho on fine and before th. neiglibers arrived on the scene the. building wae al lun dames. The [work vas doubtleees that cf au inceudiary sas th.euse lias been vacant for some lime. V XEEIDGE oNSP A lime aI astafty-psrty aI Mr. Tliomp.on's Ibis Friday eveniug. Wlial we niayexpeel-A weddiug sround lie about X.mas, tla ilappearsuces. A grand paiwuva given at th. residence of Mr. Joieplhi Pketl'a on Frldzy eveuing lait. Ail pisent enjayed themeelves- vol. Ouar teacher, Mies E. Wsxlu« vas off duly lait veek on account cfioknu. lIlte mesulime Miesa L. Wsrlng acted as sub- stitut.. The trustees of S.8S. No. 5bhavesuedëd in engaging Mn. Smith ai thein ýteâchen for anollier year, at an l'ucres.. cf ealay. Ho lasdoingvoell  ~rud ~str supersuddin teck pliet ai th. residence cf M. ilkey on Fnlday evening cf last veek.Whitby, Goodveod, Uxbnldge, Pine-Grove ind ethen eureunding places vere veli repreuented- AlIpreeent enjo edtIlemmelvea "mmensely" sud many coetld ho eeu wending thei way homevard duripg 1he heurs cf Satin-day memning. The 6th Concession of Uxbridge eau býasaI f a rosIive heant- breaken.fletessos lhe hearlu f o!morn f the tairnesoiaround 1k. penny laye. Ou. roseau for hie great bowilghing powers o! overvlielm4ng ln that lie supports a iveil herne sud a t6p buggy.i N.arly ail the ladies froruPlie Grave to Broughiam are lu the lait stage of insanity for'fean they vil ual be the lucky oeeil osptivating this ioul.exalting young man. UTICA. Soie thrcal is veny. prevaloul around hereLSchecl W.;a cbeedon Friday on thal ccocuat. W. are glsd to bain Ibat Mn . T. W. Hoin vas succesiful in hie examinstiou, having pasaed vith is-lame higli Up lu 1h. liel. miss Elza Christie liasreturned tram 1a eomvhst lengthened tnipi In companY vith Miss Hannali Wanden se preceeded ta Vauglian about 20 miles tramn Toronto, slaying there for smre lime sud theui go-, ing le Blooinln SMr. Luthier Mfitchel lia juet retuiued tframquite,,mu extensive trip .noillivide. Aller refching. Gravlireut e 'pr6ceed- to the residencw cf oneofe his relations lien aller expborlnog parts cf Muerioka hoé uhed on laIe pàfr7-f4-ônd, visitiug the lumber camps. H. returned vIihlie matuir- e aeeling on thal thiere's ouly a few rocks in , u abul they coverlbvhecour about, NO.' 50. William GraugerEeaq cf Whitby was in tewu on Tuesday. Mr. Stiokney oneocf the scoel Iruetees je laid up with s lame baok, the resuit cf over- lifting. It lias been deoided to hld the nnual ,Christmas show on the 2lst cf December. A larger display Ibmn usual je hopofully expected. Our energetio merclisut, Mr. Hagerman,, ie "hout t6 ahanue hie vlace 'of vamMaveiS ceu onédraby ove teaeae Mr.White eof Whutby drove tbihro h. village ou Tueaday night viitli'sa-leadfi cf thzee fiue deer, the very appreciable r«ùult of a few days shooling near Kinmounl. The Township Conneil héld Ils ususi moutlily ndoeting on Tuesday la th. hall. Besides the ordinary routine cf buuiness several irate farxn.rs had te b. requitedl for the lose of a number of eheep that were worried te death by doge. T hie makes about seven liundred. dollars lttlis been expeudod on socount of t.he dç§redations cf smre miserable cure, which up te 1h. prosent. have appareutly escsped sUl harm. UXBRmEI. We are sonry te ee that some ottho Bap.- tiet ohurch congregation are net gettiug;xn together, as wel ae miglit be exinected,j .We blain that between the Preebytenian churches of Lindsay sud tlxbridge su or- gan vil ho bouglit sud presented te Mns. Goforth before leavmg with lier huabaudl for the mission flelde. Mr. Kern, of the Toronto University, le new ooupying the room iu the high school lately oooupied by Mr. Wilson. Mr. Wil- son aoceexted a botter situation la th. Ridgetowu Collegiate. We hoe the twe wil b. succeuful. niiunded tliinezI week on acceunt o! lack cf wituesses. The hotel keepere aie getling il lieavy juil nov. Parlai concerts aie Oettingtale$ toc mucli cf the'marne per- ftev. Mr. McLaren of Csuuingtou,presel- ed fron> the pulpit cof the Preebytenian churcli lier. on Ssbbsth lent. Inuth. main- ing h. voke the people upa 11111e "on th. wsys to spend imoney for zmissions." Hie speech wvasfresud hie vends vere taken home by nesrly-everyone who hoard hirm. Suai s blet lis net been knovu la 1h. analscf oui Uxbridge higli, ichool as at preseul. Peréhasibefor. ie ond smcm. -of the bellowing men *ihI corne te knéov Ibsi IL he h.lpd ou *eeè., Mr.-Maffl moreOrsud Iuied 1lessthe3yvoud d i Mr Ê",seo hirighl-mn in the iglit'place. Theré iu hardiy one m=aitillihom Mr. Mage.0v«n bd anylkiing te do vill bt sas.hoieis one cf-the luost, ceupelent high ichool leacliere that lu in the cooxnty. Tfie ides of, tnyîng la gel hlm te neàign, jnsl te pIes.. a 1ew of the reverse side cf religion (wbIoh le the ouiy reason) leob lie stands les amply a disgnace. The higli soeol âsgetiÜng up an enter- talumont. There vas. good sleighing on smoolb. sheels an Tuemday. 'The lake le fiozen aven,, as-if il vere for thie hast time this year.- On Sunday next Rev. Patrick IMearalane Meod, of Ceutnal Presbyterian chureh,' Terante, viii conduct the annual- servioos in the Preebytnisa chuncli héne, and aflér- t. annuai tes-mneeting on Monday night *11 lecture onu "That Boy.» FIdlay, MeGWegen vas lerm ou Moudsy n- ngisda on t9r bimdfi eputtion. amùong Port Penny peuple.- Hàie lm*tiao bave_& ehaîm un thomu while 'hie mixniry cannel be, imaginéd until cne mecs him. I arn sorry I caunot Ioilov bie n u hisnotice'. ýUtI msysyhe isthe greatest artisl we even baid Ieete. îThe _"Old- Folkes» ba,a t aI ime aI XICXZAE INOI aiL Coice Choiera citobusy, DiarrhSai Eheumalis Back.,Neuralia, Bore, adU1l dna of swe press, iITBY WITBY, ONTARIO, I NICLE. Knowledge, Brotherhdod. very

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