Whitby Chronicle, 25 Nov 1887, p. 5

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SIL VER THIMBLES'I 6 New styles ho choose fin. Si/ver Fruit Knives I 6 New Atistic 'Patterns. SoIid Sterling theý paét ~FUL. ? Larg-. lty, 1ttirkey dealing )LÙMN.- 0 Woth and tying ~'se ini, f-4~ and vin. Sging, n lwig to dawn. o ting, longin i, jep 1IiéÈ scochang #'an Wu in, Iten. etrile, ge, 1ov~ Ovil, h and Win as Yor Go.,' .ny the quarms dores; it is ouiy sell more eheap- * llÂn0Eg favor than and hiey ire excellent -j dpu SPECIAL TI- 0W IN pRBICE ontreal amd e noatemi ami noighborhood. 00c.~ .DREN UKEITII laruwa t. . JOMPLAINT Si/ver 1 jiapkin Rings, Sugar and Jelly SheUls, Butter Knives, Spoons and Forks. New and Elegant Designs in SILVER-PLATED WARE J, Si BABRNARLD WATCH MAKER, BROOD 0K ST. WHITBY. i a i NOVEMBER 25th, 1887. LOCAL LACONICSI WH-AT 1S GOINO ON IN AND AROUND TOWN-A BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS GLEANED BY CHRONIOLE REPORTERS A -h)el's aMuang ye, t.akin note., An, fait.h heU I) rent it. Did ye nas ken the MeGnegor wus soming to toon. DoNT fOnget the Wiling Worker's Bazar te b. beld at the Ail Saints Sunday sechel Dec. 7tb amd Sti. TaERE wili be a great gatherimg cf the Clans on Wsdnesday igit aIthie Mueo ail. You need te engage your seat emly if yen wonid b. snitod. A meeting cf the. Sot Ontario Farm- ire' Instifrate wülibbeed in tie Con- eil Charaben, Oshawa, on Satundmy atterneen Nov. '2th. Tuns Richmrond IHili Liberal in ne- perting the King Plowing Match emy:- Aften a caneful inspection lie lady judges awarded the prize for lie nemI- est dnesued and lhe handsomest pow- man ho Mn. T. Cain cf King On.ek, Whoe wus dnesed in a miii bine emilon shirt." To say notbing cf dsoeey tlii appeans ho be a very scanty oticor costume ho vear Ibis season of lie yean. LT is ration a disgrticiful comment. ary upen oun beasîci educatienal, bd- vantages in Ibis Icyn, tust mot oeeof lie parties immEdiately omnnected with lie necent Sumday figit oeuld vniti hie ovu mmmc. Snrely tliescicci reg- ulaions have nover bien ôisinved in Ibis malter. We trust Ibis viii be taken as a vanning tothie antionitise 00w 1 aise tuat &lU ebilren attend scicol thie preper portion cfthie year. W. vonder if lier. are ever mmv reporte made on tlii.subjecl. 'Tac musical and liiheniry Thanka- giving emhrtainmont heli in the taber- macle on lhe eveing cf Tiankigiving day vu largely îttemded and mcml hartily enjoyéd, Mr. Farevell occupi- ed e ohair apd by bis samies of vit and hie immorous as veh s instnue' tive remmrks added muci le lthe even- lng'senejoymenh. Tii Beys. Dr. Han ami E. Bove gave short and pinlai addrisses fally in keeping i *hheis c jecl of the meeting. Tii. choir funsi id tie musical part o!fIthe programme vbiob vas cf superior excehlence. à silven cohleeion vms taien at lhe dcci vbicb mettled a nemI mmm ,for charihy.. A. Véry pleasanl lime vas spont in tb. Baptisi Chunci on Tiambogiving day ovenimg, by -hi. iembens cfthe chureli amd congnegaticn. After aIhuad benusatiefisd'i it Lan &andanlt supply of food, lhey ver. tvealed le a mou excellentI e.ection of readingo, i-ic talions, and musie. Thi ey, N. Ered, cf Wiitovali, led in prayer, ItiasKing ifoshavaiW, Miss Dii.' Pickinmg, Miss Gray, Mn. Wood- to Mn. Barber dia the. nding. A dia logueswvial.»rendered by ftve cf li B. 8. girls. Mn. Gray ana jorna Balland, cf Oshava,iadsouz.very pleui 1ing Bunging while the. chuneh-and Bani ch 'oîrlu dii equahiy vell. Every perse -vent av ay ajng ,Iwas notet iaptet didjest grand";. i.cmmle a Sizag bbc malter il ua ideurive grea - nedit f4il mrymdsoes Tou g8i.,Antitiv's -ociety of Wlb1 adJPickering hsv,fot sevenal YesM anma more, pailarly hlm prezi . ar, .benu etlve la dishnbulig cbarI lias l arnvmi. t^Tfsqso"lY bas don ils vork quielly ad vllbco ebula lien, but none lmlaseffo= *a UIaWwhsbnmy fUUAIhe1W p ig te IY hé Md Rum--7TOtfor mondmy nigit'. Tin 8<ýuth Omîutâo Babbath Bohoolr Asi ti 'n will Méoel la th. Village cf 01= 0 mniou Dec. 121h and 18th. Mr. W 1>fenden, of Whitby, bai juil 0 complet t he.oction of th. finemi a neop.Me) Monument in the. new y Rbm&n dathollo Oernetery in memory t o~f late Joames Oonnolly, wife and *wo Rxa&onis mutton bill for th. month of October vwas $118, a shight -deerese over the previoue mpiith. The chances. 1 are that 1bereafter they vill b. oonsider- ably lessý as a couple of hounde, from noir theë ridges ver. oaught aIt the sheep aný bave ince been killed. We rýfer our readers te tbe Port g Perry oo#Tespoucdenoe ini Ibis issue for 1 refereno s b hhe-worth of Mn. Fin- I lay Moaregore' entertainments. He 1 cîrried PNrt Perryby storm. Heehould have a gèod bouse boe on Wednesday1 Profes*or Bell who reada boe on the 28th is ýhe father of the invontor of the. teiethozie. He is Dowgiving a series ot readinge in Upper Caniada collbge, ýnd bas been hiRhiy cooeond- ed as a treader of Shasespeare. Hear hiwa, if !ossible. TiîPml megc ti nal Thd &baalmeetig AsOctiOntai held in ilowmanville on Thunsday Nov. the l7th sat vhieh the folowiug officers were oeeted for tb. .nsuing year :, Preaident, W. R. Howees; Beoretary, T. B. Hlggimibothîm ; TreasUrer, J. W. THi& Lýadiom' Aid Society of the Bt. Andrew$' oburcb bas miLe extensive arrangenpnts for holding a Bazaar in tii coun ..i ohamber on Thursday and Friday elhe l5th and 16th of Deceznbor. The ladles bave a fine assertmentof use- fol and ancy articles wbicb will be eld wiýbout reeérve. Refresiments vili be ierved during the. continuance of the o le. Further particulars liter. Lettes b ave been reeeived froma Asb. burn ane other places nortbh hat the CHRONIO;LE does mot reacb these places on Fridêy. We cannot sOP boy thsis.W Lt loaves4 bre on Friday ,nornin* and nev- er fau'.à If our subsoribersdon't receive the papor on Friday it is ths f ault cf sojneo-à,along the route, andse soon as eond eut who is te blame the raghti-ng'editor will pulvorize humn, even i il be hî Postmaster-Genoral.. A vety iteresting svent took place& at tie rýsidence cf Mr. Josiai Wililough -a by, K ~ wiîk, North Guillimbury, en8 Sept. VSh, in the marriage cf bis dangbt4r Dora, to Mr. G. W. Wilson, cf "-Hoine Nurseries," Pickering. Thet ceremo#y vas performed by Eider Pros-. or, cf (0shavr, assisted by Eider Clark cf Kes%ýiok. The youmg couple teck a trip te »etroit anc other places. The1 bride *Ias the recipient of many nies presentO. Tiax 79hh meeting of lie Wiiitby Coll. Iel. Literary Society vas Leld on Wednesday Nov. 28rd Mr Henry in the Cha r.After the. Seeretary bad a tbe 4nutes0 e i.previsus Meeting and th. eritic had read is rpothei fohlowibg programme vas' render.d:- Overtqne, Onhetra-Addrees, Mr. Embrse-Cborus, Girls Octette Club- Reading. Miss Atideron-Somg. Miss Bray-Essay, Tics. Straton-Reoita. tien, 13. F. Webter-Essy E. A. Greg- ory- aosolo Miss Emma Smit- Cboruè, G4is1e Club. John Dryden, M. PP., President, and Hemry Wade, Seoretary, of the. Caa- dian Siorthorn Breeders' Amssoition, as delogates appoimted, vaited on thb. Amaerican 8hortborn Breeders' Asoci- tien at theîu anous!meeting'of direc. tors hehd in Chicago on Thumday, th. 10th of November hast, and prsemntid a memorial aiking them te aoceept Irans- for of cathe reoorded in the Dominion herdbook into thirs by tie plymeul ef -1 foi eackaged animal insl.ad of 05 as beatofore ciiarged. Thtis favor vas courtsouâiy granled and a nev nul. sadded ho er constitution te liai effecl. Thére hmaiDot boam a deathfron dipli. tieris in Whitby tovmn for over tire. weekU, aud only con.frein ay Ocher sourie. Tii. pape!. iR the.neigiboring tovus vobo ave heaitaIs. musi trouble ho advertise the. prevahenoe cf dliphthherbohre May Dow give thein- seives a brati" m pli. Whule ve are telkiog about thia matter, va oeigh* mention ubal -oe of lies. papers have boisn known 10 haàve a good deajleu ite aMy vWheusema. son- uagtoz# as nearer *home. Hovever, ve are glad - o &&y diphthoria hie dis- &ppee&e& for the poesent ln Whltby. Tuu lova ýemobu ia le eutom- aMy vý&cgIe on Kouday stigilOver lb. 4a nts-la-ýmlls1m.aW. 0. W.. ramilU s ar.eIy a famer al' n«gthe àgpton road betwien here, amd To- ato who bas not bien more or leua fféer freià tb. deprodatloz*&L.O.f zltry robbers Thieoves make .a0 y tsthbrough Scarboro and Markhamn i in soin. instances carry off $100. Drh of turieys, geee nd ducis frein laidusîrions limona' vives. Itlai.a -eat hame and uhould b. eh*vily imished. We have oftou vomdered my those;peopie vho are going te A Drente markets alvays dcoos. tbe ght for il. IT haviug been illeged in tva hetters ritten te lb. Globe hast veek by Parent" and "Teioher,"hhi ladies' leges sud boarding sohools cf le- &y vers littie boîter &han refnigenatona, ad liaI coid oomforts ver. deal eoutV >Young ladies Who bail previously 'oyed good home,%; fi re Young ladies mOntirie Ladies' Coeig, who apent eir Thamksgiving vacation in Toronto, rrote a letton ho tb. Globe cf Wedmee- &y has mying hhat if snob stalemenîs Pre meant to appiy in amy w&y te i hiby Ladies Coliege, tbey wer. mosl bsurd, sa every possible ôomfert isN appiied thero. GaW's coimia almanie 'for 1888 bas sen reoived, and i. oertainly a credil' 3 the - publisiers. The six calsar age are frein designs by J. W. Ben- - ,ugh, aud th.eviiole merisare about he beèlt epecimoens of caricature dnav-' ng tbal vs bave yet seen frein lie an of tbis dlever artiet. A.. H. Boy- i'4, W. Bengougb and other artiste ontribule siethes-a eies of piotures liustuîting tb. Home liaI Hash BuilI Bing particulanly good, vhiie the read- îg malter linougiont i. even botter han appeaIred in previona years. The Irie is oniy 10 cents a oopy, md you )n get it at lb. book stores or simd ineot te Grip Office, Toronto. As a sequel ho the case ini lie polio. 3ourl on Tnesday of hast veek, in vhi i Matlhev Murphy vas oonvioted cf aving aisauited Richard Harris, on Friday nigbh Police Magistrats Harper ield John Murphy to answsr a like charge preferilcd by Jas. Barris. As we stated lait voek the figit vas of bhe Most savage description, and be. ing in the dark could mol bceseen suffi- ciently te enabl the vitnessei te make uniforin statomonts. The. evidenoe was quite contradictory snd muci of it the magistrat. declimed te believe. John was comvicted, but the magistrale appeared te fiel tust Murphy was »iicus for peace and gave bim omly si and costs, asrnuing in ail te $15. Matthew Murphy gel $20 amd cosla, gumming up $40 in aIl. Afler payimg the defemdinR coumeelthe Ivo, villb e eut 860 or $70. Mn. W. B. O'Brien bu soed out bis photogr&phing buines leMn. W. J. Umderveod. The gallery is te be plae- ed in charge cf Mr. G. F. Obapinaont vbose von basbue .vsry favorabiy cemmenled upon im Lindeay, Uxbnudge sud Toronto, amd wbo no deubtll rove a vorthy uocaioro Mr.O'Brien- Tbe g&il.ry in le recoive a thorouah ovenbauimg sud te havi ahlarge amonotl Mf aidilional enery added. -The nov proprieter intends te go iargeyiy mb the business of pielurle frimes as vel, and viii puai liat bnenci cf business for aIl il ii vorti. Tii. mev irtiat yl introduce lie electrie promu..ama VLudertakes te guaranWte. ua nohing 1-nah ievi phoegaph l"aies. .d lie etuiffastlthe docr., Prestly they BW.in1ie0 boned a slip near by, »d M rud :&iihi brighl amon- figh it iii viaever e«Oh oqqhd grab*- Tii cardigan jackets virè e mthIb wiy dfvld d idlii boys ver.e oaght, in lb. $et of exchagsg.  lot .1tht* gooda vie founiàt, Demnuhs anc' son* wih Tomn, but bteruvas n. videio te implicite Oraham namdhi vas d- ie ohrgi. Denuageo n eaielu>thî Centra Prisn m s erygava baff l "piar st- the quarter ses*sis>. 7; "FILÉ DRESS,.GOODS. We are again in the front wi th 118WStyles. We show the finest assortment in Winter Drese Goods in al Colore. New German Plaids, Costume Cloulis, ounfla Clothe Prineese Cord, etc. New" Plushes, New Vef-veteens, New .Braids, and Nýew Trimmings MANTLE CLOT-US AND very ohoice assortment ordered Mantles and Jackets, botter garin ente- entirely jailor- made, oorrectly eut and finished, assuring an appearance- not approaehed, by an' other tailoring establishment ini the country, miLLNEI Ve are now showing the Leading- and Correct English can Styles in Hats and Bonnets, etc. Gr Ts 7 Frenchi and A.meri- 0 LQTrIII lqTG3. Lu unlimited choice of designs and patterne in Tweeds and cloths, affordl the greatest satisfaction in securing stylish garments, perfect fit and stylish out guaranteed. fTe exeel in Nobby Overcoatings, Worsted Suitings, Tweed Suitings and Stylish Fauts. 0.EN7 T*r S I TU RI11TIS171IW(3-S New Ties, Scarfs,,Collars, Shirts and Underclothing. m s 2MEJ o1, DEVERELL'S BLOCK, RETIRING. FROM GLÂ&SG3OW BIG SA LE NOW GOIN-G 1887.~ Falland ON AT R' i& D MPBL J ' For the next 10 days lie will seli at Sacrifice Prices.. Dress Goods, Black and Colored Cashmeres, Grey Flan- nels, Blankets, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, Me n's Over- Coats, B3oys' Overcoat-s, Men's and Boys' Lamhs' wool Shirts and Drawers. In al wool Tweeds we hold a large variety of Pat- terns which must be sold at some price. Don't Buy a -Dollars' worth until you: look at ô0ur Stock and get our Priceis. Farm Produce taken in Exechange. WE ILAJ~TE ITO LIING- CURI O SITI IN OIIR STOIRE, BUT WE IT ]ÊAVIE SOMI DEA-D BARGA OOMEi AND LOOK *AT THEM. We have à. Une of Dress.Goods'at 1212 âud 15c, Ytbing yet showu,. ana a ohoice range at 25o. Our New Plush Trin iràb1e for a Firstý-oIa8 Drem. Wehave .soMe very choice, go dsi$Ù&ied o! HîsIlli àid corner cf Orie DunIn~ iii lai anti ~1y parI voih&havs lIa IJLSTEIRINGSO - - BROOK STREET, WHITBY.. BUSINESS "wÂR>A I O )1m -0TYTSEm 75ros rr Ili "Pbtetbu (Ehroilicits

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