Whitby Chronicle, 2 Dec 1887, p. 5

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IVER THIMBLES Ne6w styls te cheese frem. 51vrFruit Knives 6 New krtistic Patterna. Solid Sterling - ur -Trira- l es' Peý. Si/ver I go.pkifl Rings, Sugar and Jelly Sheils, Butter Knives, Spoons and Forks. Ne'and lolgant D)esigns in ,SILVER-PLATED WARE J# S# BA RNA RD WATCHMAKER, jabROOK ST., '- WHITBY. /10/ces W1111 ~3joîCt PECFAE À 1'tR-'id, 1887. oo holoü bair On Wdedndbu ~d Thusa 7tb uâd-1h Deornnber.,11.uý4e.. à Tbanksiiing meeting wii b. bsld. iu the. Free Reading room <bis (Fi. day) afternoon ab half past Ibree. A fau attendabe is roquested. Wz soaroeiy need te apologie to Our readers for the publication et three 1oxng comnmunications in ene iseue. There are a few, a very few, men in thÎs country wbo know more than we, do, aud when suoh men write us letters we muet publiai them. Besides they are ail good letters. Two schotarohipta for Toronto BQB* inues Coilege st 825 of a reduotion by spplying at this office. Any two youug men may take a oheap courue sitiber singly or toether by purohauing these soholarshipo. SA Newcastle eorrepeuodence of the Orono Time8a ays :-On Friday even- ing a young man frein Port Hope met a youug lady hure from.Whitby, wbeip af ter proonring a liense they prcceeded te the Methediet parbonage wbere they iotendud te bu united but when, the minister began Lhe oeremeLy, the fair lady was evercome and fell fainting to the floor; bewever, she alturward ru- oovered and the ceremny was solemn- izei st Lhe Windsor Hotel. IN the Uxbridge sohool board iast week, there was quitu a warm diAcus- iion relative te disrniusing Mr. MoGe, tha hpad master. One inember, Mr. T. cbapple suggested finding eut tue rate- payers' minde on the subject by the unique metbed of taking a vote st the municipal OlActic'nS. This wau voeu down, and the maLter referred te the school management comrnittbe, ILS it gbould have been ýtveeks ago bufore the maLter had caused se much tualk. \VINTER baS cerne and with a yen- geannu. ±uv m te wrm ,:le somuler', iowery wcather on Sonday te snow and tic zero-bugging day. cf this wê(-k waa oharacetuiatic cf thi. jimps from onu extrume te anothur Éliat Our climate takes. Sieuld this LOC L L CONCS. clear, cold, brpcinR weatber continue de, LOCAL LACO ICS. thi' public healti wiIl bu ben.fit.ed as ies« vwell as Lie ceai dealers bu madu e tLeo «HAT IS GOINO ON IN AND AROUNO TOWNOI cmll contpntedfly. Well-wateî je about tiî BNJ-GET 0F LIVELY LOCtýL NEANS GLEANLO as r-carce ns ever, for althougfr etaturne fat BY CHRONICLE REPORTERS sud nain water bparnela weru fillcd by ha the welcomne downfl-of Saturdsy, in "A he's man ye taixinota ~ Vankiug Lie pump bandie doua mot yuL iA ch ibell prg e, tit te bring iLs watery.reward tLei. wuil- ije An' fith e'11pren it.goar. W Tiare ie good skating at 1the bay. N EAn the railway track pouti cf Lthe foi Oshawa is granting $10000 Of .a uptown station thora is an sgud herse de bonus to have Lie Hall Work's Put in stili pasturng ent amid tLiesnew, sud La opiration. in connectien -witi thce ld quadruped's Tt TicKETS fer Lie toboggan rsida tbis taste for summur living tuas cold wuati- CI winter will coat $5 for a family, $3 ecci u, our geniai friend Fugan, bard cf Tc for a gentlenjan, $1iuai for ladies. the railway, 9ends us tiie following Bad cf W. j. Gibson, ef China Hall, aund8 in propheticetutMze, which wonku te the su adverLiseaent of etCiriatr. au gooda, Lune cof IlThe Isot rose cf esu- w, but tee latu for thia issue. Cali sud sue mer' 00c hies. ITis the lust hoefs fmmmci W TAx Collecter Pringie 58ks us to state LuI t grszing sioe; t tiat coets wiil bu addsd te ail taxes not Ail hi. aged companiOfll Si Padtus week st bis cffioe. Better &te ata.blud andgciu. aig paidNo bout cf hieukîndred, ni shelu out at once. No crittr is niglie Mr. Win. B. Madili, lot 8 in thie 4th To mean hie lust requiemn cou. Pickering, efiers' about tien, atres If ho ahcuid aie.' cf standing timber by suotion on 'Wed- ON Tûesdsy ight thbe pollue magis- et uusday, Dac. 7Lb. It is te be seld in tratie gave tise Murphy 9satissu innînga mxai lots. rcgardiug the. Murphy-RatiO figit at bd Tic annivuisary senmena cf Lie the Army two vekeago Sunday nigit. in Muethodist Sundsy scoel will bu preaci- Iu tues lait case thi. Harise boys vers l ed on Ciniatesas; day by Ruv. John T. charged by Matthew Murphy witih hav- Morris. The untutaininent wiii bu on ing assaulted hie.Iscsusing actual boiily Ttsesday the. 27th in the. eveuing. barin. Wien the. evidence Was tiaken a Particulare later. it was feund that Juin Hfarris baid vie- b Ta& ood-Smith viii case was callcd lsted tic lav sud h. geL s $2 touci ,in tie court cf cbaucery in Toronto on w1tii Ceets, ameunting in &il te about Fniday laut sud postpoud until the isti $15 beuides retiniug a lavysi for thei. Duceumber. Tiuy say around tevu the delsiios. Tii. figit Costa; about $100 miaing link has been found-tiiat ie te Whin ai ha flutseadeoutsar summeda ay, the. wisaîng ink in tie Chain of up-udalortedipod igte evidencu. Mocet a girl. In future tues. vie visi e MR. W. H. HUSTON, Toronto,base te figit bad better consult thein poketu ic beun iii witb dipitheria for somu time. udus io teilpl'ubutefua sud tis pupils cf hie forin in Toronto ialyFI -Callugiste loistitute sent hum s beauti. UrmiciR the auspices cf tise Shakos- fui lot cf fliee n o eday lest. W. perian claninlutle intitute, Prof. Bell undcretand uis condition isnDot at &Il gave an evening's resding and reciting 1 danRerous. in the mugic hall ce Monday nîgit, te1 Ws are sonry tic flud that eeveral er- a fair audience. Tic Prof. id; quite1 rois are ncted in- Dr. Eàatood'e ltter aged nov sud hie voies Se scarceily cf lasti Week. For instance in oeecose. stîong encugi, but baviug made eoe-à viiene it abould have read "1olcgged theCution hie iifelong tudy, ise eau SUR .9 wbeeuof oui sauitany iacbinery," oui carry bis audience. Hue ooemeuced1 devil hsd- it read Ilstaggered the vith seleotiene frein "Julia@ Cisear," vieuls." Mistakes wil bhappen. - sud sandwiceined l estions frein MuDfrose onthewagonwholaMark Twain, Dickens sud elbois. bas trseonatiemi. wsggc airlsHie rsndering cf the quarrël be-1 bas îsuforsd ein ntover far Ieen Ramiet sud hk motiier sein- intimationseof lhe tantaitieo 6mlng ed te be lhe best of hie efforts with wit4s wiich cirese-Chariot@ 5"0 se Shakespeare. Tise boys' sud girls' ce- Iaviahly .befriled sud didoed. Tii. tiette sDgie clubs ef tbe .institut. grest bnmmocke sud rate cf the mn ufauiised pieuty of muele. Tii. enter- resd whiuh the frueze made wiIl seen, taininut vas a very good oeeasd w. if tiie oold uta>'., be woru dovu te trust lhe coliegiale oeay ie us anether dimpled sinotinesi alt9gsther lovsly 1 lter on. i for wheeled vehioles te bowl along. Wbat people would mout 1k. te know A large audience stcnded lb.he81I novwi s onuvii lier. b. uieiglsing. Andrews' Society concert ou 'Wednes- lu, auotber, coluunu vili be found a day night t. )ear - Mr. FiudlAy i.Me- lsgiyIportan It lbter frein Ni. A.. A. Giregar sud bis oaipsuy. Mr. Me-- Peut îrallg tse ipbhhriimaltée Gregor, tu Ids usine, apjeaiaiiSe,, mn- frein a scetufi asapect. We are gis8 uer, dialeot sud other pronsinent* attri-i te publiui&lise letteon, se the. subjeot butes ls vhoily sud ruly s Soothmau, aboula net b. shlows8 te drop beosus. sud'his altempt sI irpeltifio! àlbi the dis.5 bad diàsppesred. W. Irisi ohsiotïr. proveda.esmuci. ,ala sludy the subJeol before iser. le, Tieugi *alsigiiY sotoMPlsed sud snoiie' eidenlOsuduhel4 h bileduest.4 man>, hivlug ttaveIled over lo no iais vol haie saved mmiy Most of the 0 ~,MaGrege' doe. not deshathaa tiben doue menthe ago. p * a @s k gtives s zua A i m u.tohxien uil tet5l ll vinIugtihi oW@4uj d igblt'o- sport. ne iapl ut 'M m grom etra, eIl 'ani ffc kepi eta Hai for est soli wal a ft and wil 1u ens ens pr< po Lui: ine vil ME ed I(AUUM as W.!-Li. TVW 5D. r - UNWRL thse barber; oranialmie Om 1q 1dldsoapçd an d phori icW" stock of g.nt's ýPrinlm ,aat W. CF.Walt.ré. Eswu's, youth's and boy's fine blue )p evercoats at eceptienally lcw rates 9. G. WalterW. . ifr. W. H.ý Piper, noatiste fair unda, renews ladies and gentlean's àw or fui; bats. ryen want te get particular sitte goA ,e -?ningle tailoring establishment, dfellowà Block. W. Thompson's, fer cysters, cigare er kdies, nertb cf the Meutreal telegraph, es. Give him, a eall. INLY the beet.' and meut stylisi goode ýt in stock at the Pringlu tailoring ablishment, Oddfellows Block. Ue Dr. Derenwend'e Great German jr Magie for baldueus, gray hair, je sale by ail druggist.. ~!E5 bav twedovercoatsalw prices nt W. G. WalLons.satow A rewn ceuncil Monday evening and cool board Wednesday. rai roside are ficen, hard and %goe rolling aloug the atreets make [arfal noise. ruat curling rink je buing put in order id frein jrusept appearances there .11 be soenonise neit week. THs musie hall on Monday nigit, iring Prof. Bull's ruadingu, wus cold ingh te freeze eut a Gruenlandur in furs. We hope in future omre in- ovement anay bu made, as people do )t care te pay for anu lugant oppor- sity te catch a bad cold. THis Markham fellows rcently masti- e ut of tbis tewn by the chief consta- efor kcaping a gam bliu« den or shoot ig gallery, bave securud fifty-feur @igu- - te a petitien asking the Markham lage ceunoîl te shlow thei te coin- ience opurationa there. Muserae. Hayward & Co., have rent- the store in Lie umarket and yeter- ay op,-ned eut a large stock of grecer- lfor sale. Tbeir t;pc-ciaiity is te b. a", in whici tbey intend te puai iînge. Tbey bave a banitropt stock cf inoy geodys wbiob are te bu aold at at price. Haîf pnie je a great drsw- ni card ini bard times. TuE Trent Valley Canal Commica. - flersl, are engaged in tic prelimwnany ork, by correspondence, cf arrauging ir the taking cf evidence sete tthe ýeirability cf extendiniz tic canai te ake Simcoe and the Geergiàn Bay. bue tire. commissaners are ex.Judge larke, cf Cobourg, Frank TurnurC.E., corouLe, and aarber Master Kennedy, if Menus il. IN1 Oshawa the Mayor effuru $10 re- vard for the. conviction cf boys found ,aating on sidewaiks. It lu wull werth while te eaU the.attention fcfaoi Mayor ýthe oatter. We noticed a boy iretched across the sidowalk on a ileigh on Monday who refua.d to stand p sud @show a woman te pass, 90 ibe had te get off the walk and go rund bim. W* rreveymu.be bv bhronicle the desth of Mr. G.o. Yule 9,merican Consul aud express "gt. âene.- Tii. deoeased has been sinki** à conaumptien foi yeara, sud, bore hie physical troubles with grest patience ând remignation. Almoet his wbole âfetimé has been spent in the. telegraph nd express offices hurs. acording te being doue, the. sud.- a half-mil. long. -will b. one of the beati luOtarlo. This is hov th. Beetona Woffl d e- scribes a pumpkln pis foodd-Tb. festive turkey figured notailbthTankee ' 'n of the. Beetéonse but lb. yelilov-bld.- pumpkin, th.e meet teotibsome pump.ýl kmn W« wel te'i. ors. Thé. p. P. pie nie W "e bed th *t 6vesud e * . et*. were thers, a u ditto the aall >oy olad in a large meuh »d au a , titi )DS. etc. New and New '1887. 4îowthe fineet assortment in Fail and. 'an Plaids, Costume Cioths, Vi- Plushes , ,New Velveteens, Trimming's MANTLE OLOTHS -AND JJLSTERJNGS. vexye hoice assortment ie ordered Ma ntis nd Jackets, better gar-ments entirely tailôr. made ooreoly nt n iîshed, assuring an appearance niot approached by aùy other tailoring e'stablishmentin the country, .l ar MIX~~LI\T~R 110W showing eau Styles in Ratsi GEJI s87 and Bonnets, etc. French and Ameri- 0CLOTr I I 1114. 0 .n. unlimited ohoice of designs and patterns ini Tweeds and clotbs, afford, the greatest satisfaction' in securing stylish garments, perfect fit and stylish' cut guaranteed. Te excel in Nobby Overcoatings, Worsted Suitings, Tweed Suitinigs and Stylish Pants. G-F'E NT8r S F B'YW, IS ii11-G S. New Tieis, Scarfs, Collars, Shirts and Un.dercloth ing. - 8~J~EJW E .o. 1DEVEIRELL'S BLOCK, RETIRING GL--JA~Sc-O-W BIG SALE FROM 3ROCK STREET, WIIITBY. BUSINESS WAIZE>IIOTISEI NOW GOING ON AT &8 J.OA MEEpBEIS' For the next 10 days -he will seil at Sacrifice Prices. Dress Goods, Black and Colored Cashmeres, Grey Flan- nels, Éllankets, -Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, Men's Over- Coats, Boys' Overcoats, Men's and Boys' Lambs' wool Sliirts--- and Drawers. In ail wool Tweeds we hold a large -variety of Pat- terns whieh must be, sold at some price. Don't Buy a Dollars' worth until you look at -our Stock and get our Prices. Fàrm Producée taken in Eaxchançje. WE IL~JSTE JSWO LIIN-G CURIOSITLES IN OUJR STORE, BUT WE II4VE SOME DE -AD BARG COME AND LOOK AT THEM. We have a lino of Drese «o ods at,12 , and;16C hing yetebhown, anda choce raneak& OrNwPuhTi ~sZhbIe for a Firat-olass Drese. We hatve ,so)me very eéhoïce'goos Strie elveta$ ju st the tbing fer. a stylish drese. JMN. Iadd li Go." 4iqnrtien tis only" i chesp.. ýýrq@ E

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