Whitby Chronicle, 2 Dec 1887, p. 7

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lltrypr j " door SoiiUi of E 1j S ING C, IrPor, rEBq. dbyL.pj~ muci one ze beenlio epossible.I p%5fi*Mrwaflt. nino,. 1 q0se mnoh Mldl< Sewlug - fliy endte, 1 Uy ecen. mily aevig >& tbtancMy sud is- the N ITg [loi id soe -t h Fer fo~raJsrettohr dayto av gAldlwenty poun"d ad oo OD be nial ingo1cf hih 1k. nforn. TIIsuldlR Bbe ad Su-oi h a ma as 16we,v shiedl d"À0ho l QW hjoin LonMon Cross,> thé i li u t on, tunoonsoiol ae te oiSl gee ofand wit bas ne y diesee, tlIwin . fsIwas'Wg iep w7 6 nS0of 1otl'ei alI oglri.: Warner'. safe ure I uevotr luru, and igfbor adeettb h oîf." h tabae -arie r-camre o 1h. ho.. tops "Buwha reth e pla ingeoonsfor ?" lia d ye hon.,, tus1tbotne l 0Tha.Igput eld. eye. hesnodbyahieniasibera hysicie tatil d8 ber@lg et"' for lb. abb r os itsadl.nlprofssiontal , ndno adzitted byo pihge n arfrthe ferrets Thooyfviii 1h. coe. oahilo 1h. n, cfsà 1hi. st bave theR50pie offs and witv te eyword rses frvrà,fas nt hie 00 igenstonsac ofbisuit, adfordy. n cf».Rh51 s teol; its im i Mi o hem Zealalici. TbereitpreuXmedfaisteehucon-pe aut wa rethe biigitsnsd f.ori?" Thnd1ift i. suces ndlok e hopanefuley I bavest seekepean sao <s cf hte forad lhe iho vd eripyoin beiovu nkeedifor tbe rbete, and te not n metin in andinothais oded ar den forn tfee ptho pe igen.l hi oe1.1h for hvendtheyMofth Iwold pareqsetefarsirhlfocarsignca te an éatheth750conigonson t Tw oyaon to ow Zaenid. theyrr ll aend cou- ord A1h ea od akviholl; ian bs'ein tome tlwy haveuiookan ter bk on, hemifeesont10 eta ng se an incorrigile. 1 bav the piges. But tief a I bld onr o txe ar ovendentlilen Oah edi fuor theyforgel@frn pEng-th.nd rs. agnd mnin tîwhip.l, n ofIia becorpionsd ptheigeos.. i athfrtewol eo I% wbiea are 1h. formeigs silingd aeo ulri bpigqatte tw ?" of fourruks ee akn ITRICTsgoITEMSh. ba 'wTboy are cnigment ba are sîbishdmôgonn 1kt thelf r er n ew Z, and. Trybrd AT2he t orancpois cf Aasbeln rbbtpeethav e kn f owb no ntpr o p en tnIn asout- n corrigible sudoe pgovn s. B uthre. IThe ns. Monfor re es andre pue tty mleo tethalifi'. I e are seeiRot rmenbave eaS.andr Coenol@andt ontre hop rebbthepeer pigfoeonscte; bt Iis o." ag o o eenl.bvn lc -eAlnd wool arerhenferrtsou gbt A Paidsfle. Tblr e s angt e uppts Cross jeofoflgutegoenlasgow,0 ferre h. fox They wor't aakeniich beedwoa lare etJno. H aoffm nmankel er- sOI ay, aainew r ab . BTtho ehol bo, cfanerele playing tbe ralap ese, ae s ndifnonstof haema Wle lsHlad eteeo re ltet on . ee, inut a f e w large' wiîh i ecae eently a baok 7elme my cl eouhat t bave 0hor eg ron aet. The agb, bey s o ed i exp oernsen'h d to M. The ad r.toite Ata cre et meethfe Uxndbrldck aros e aing p a@ende pis 120 feorrets.hfox.cucl i a soran la hiayheep out te rb eeit anutithon sther j liibotof anding mornle 12,000 lheyee c n atthmandiner ofwill ema ofthe tae shoetes86,an abal650nc are ined mon.th Byithe nait wmnil I arnlg -ost te tbih is coleotafbis giuge yclenthe sine oubaemer300cOnr Jh olr sa1 r.l hrh eiguent cf hosato s'il heels. Te vtia ntmoetingeda ol thfor Un. Tho are ewondr u ll toh ristteomors arecolt was ula, endwuntîl Johinels hie Isoste;ev wilht ae ed the rab',iu- tle boo eairedot sandigsoe $2,000d n det;holu no etim hohowilaon't axs o 1886,nd both45.o uriouela. ynone"ad aid _r1 Crss, A Bosthofil manjenarne Jame . "aingto very hsaelime outa I recon-d lyJbohn alctionef 1h. naroe, Chara sissme oe or an of es Troy ing b tho cl hyaicios ldersi. the rabbitm in New Zqaland, 1 received i. said te, be very contagionsq. Le3ley aise a large erdter for rabbit*, and 1 iaoeut off fnom society as effeoluall1y au atn now hard at womk getting tcogether if ho had leprcsy. D000 of them as qnickly sa I eaui. A son cf Garvin Kirkwood, whc They are Reing te British Columbia, works a farm on the Brant townline. whoe tley have ontot geaev vabbite. neer Obesley, vas killed recently in I arn sending 2000 of tbem-1500 doeu the field witb hie father plcwing. A and 50R bnoke. T bq it;i.% prelty largo Lino became fast and the boy vent in bnqnee aie. ~-~ vii vnt in. font te releaso il,, wben the animal dred eacks cf oati' at lestdnring lihe took frigit, kuiocked down and trampi. voyage, bemides plenly of lîey, elraw, od upon th. boy, cansing injuries from and savdust. hcle idéotyaer "'Nov, bow mnnch ehould yon lhink," Whih ho ded ahonl buftem. e asked Mm. Crose, III amn paying fer Wnhmtw oni a oue tloe rabbits ?" Ourn reporter hasard. t0 511ev Watts, thb, infidel, te lecture in ed qu.',but itvasIeow tua . their tova hall, and the Paibley. Ad». *"Five shillings aà pair," said Mr. cl ebrs1.cmun,"om.. Crnoss, "is wbat I have le pay. I arn Littlo Bon Clark, et Acten, ras buying them from a large landlord net againet an ash leaob, eaualng il bo fall far fromu Liverpool, who bas rais.d tb. upon bim. Hlie log vas brokon. big pice o"ing te th. large number cf anel. disloealed, and bis foot badly mo1o-iisi ncesr-t losraaned. ment Who Win. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS TIUIOWN AWAY- ais LM VrAS SUCCESS. A good healthy body i. elmeel sure to be found asaoctated vibh s gond con- science. A close student cf liuman nature i. rarely wiliing le place lerge matters of trust in lhe bande et anoLber, nbil he bas seen lhe oee vhom b.h te trust. Ho tecks fer lb. fneshbehaltb sud vigor, tb. boneot, frenk ceunb.uance and mnanly fornm, sud tact aul tial àiaI- Inactiveiu mon. H. double lb. dys. peptie vitb ssllov askin, drawn eut features, the, evident weak and irritable nature. Re feele as Shakoipean makes Jalins CSsam say:- "Lot me have mou about nme thal e artl; Bloek heddmen, asu snomas leep o'nlghté. Yen Cessins ath a lesu sud huagr-y look; Hoe tbinktee oomach; ach mmn ae danger- Re dosnet doubb lite ionosty of lb. poor unfortunate, bul he feara dise... cf the body vill effect tb. mind, big mieforltue upon j he individual, and Il cosy be injusgie le lbtheveak. but if lt.eiMsu bas nol lte menal at an0bi cnt if o v rapped up l in bisaedrf, h.. eamuel lake llite situation t it venld, doe aol ose tIhalides reý broal.aiutg, sud that,,lsmssMd tflai- luge -areadrancing 1 Row e», aa em- ployer- hope for secosa froin snob a man ? The Jyspepilo looka . h-vax- like .0olexion *Sud sation'flurès show dise.. . fathefiing Miln lsia itbo lises. sinsd knova tb. Ith greal ligit of mnu, lbe bWn aI.ffeeted or vilt ho, ilt no distant day.. Ho119dioards the powif wam of dl 5mo Who goeis weinu7 OUI 10. -1th woldl« DIOSI" M lthob. akes to e it&8 j»&. dhi i dk 'mdw à. Lsate of-' t i An indigent wbo eoe Maeford #500 to support, bas died, and the UÏrrer romarks "6hie te.i. iour gain," Tbe bown eork of Uxbr idge refuses le give the o311eclor Ihis y.ar's roll uni- tii the 1886 ,ollis seturned. Irvin Derlin, un OakIle (farm couldn's mmrn ig witbout_ npstig, so bis ribe are being r.paired.'- Action b..ulied in a supply of sen. fer the elivalion cf anY tmP vaut. ing s ocrpomati meal. Mrs Shinners of Woodstook, offors a revend for the penson vie oeaehed ber Rale to piecea. PrQbabiy lb. Misa natIwag Nit9s It is nnderstood ltaI eeuybh inl relation te tthe double Ireek ala, Grand Trunk in lu sathftory =sha,à tbIae the nev tek ill beîbou<Ij-ous pn ebogt wlue veks. The. Improve- ment w iielila. the bsndl4sg otf trame and / aven mMy dangers. lange ahane of lte doubla lra.k bcslneý vil ua vis LUnd.ay IBaelal.. Mn. 1. 0.IBsil.y, CO. , o o.lgagedtinsu x, plsuaoy su*v.yover th. lntiI put-l4f lheproposed oule of Mari. lino. ine wp*c #êi ,opar Sudand eWto buk ith a- $urty o boîven liWIpla nthia. Mldlaod Immedialee ouslruslo@f ltee Isl Do n paeeplaioi. Poei Î1 mes oMau na sont zoos s$a au sugmy inamend ilte e Verbody. Mte bhave been leost have ltuzud UP a&U ht. lu a readul O Ut4on. lattle B. Mlanlhemn, et Mill Villie, ot yý cough i asdreadini, lcoula net a nlghl. on accouai ot Il, but miaou I usedrý halvied's Pectoral Balsa= 1Ihad trest aCI aiqulokly onmod. AUl dmuggist e .ll Ii ruable oouao romedy. 'ho Goveomnment et Newfoudndbas 3>lvod le vigorouuly eot1h. Bail« Act. a Claim VertOe4 B. B. B. dlaime te cure sU ocunable diseasJ eýo etIhe etem aeb, bovele, liver, kidney sud hioed. That ilactnl&y pertorms allr claims, le proven by testmoniale frotai parties whiih n one eau dispute. Bond tor testimoniale of remankafleou.. Woodseck has p ut np #W5,000 worih of buildings dnning lte pnesent yean. Wheezing, gmsping sunflrers frein Adsima receive quiok and permanent relief by usung, Seutheru Asthme Cure. Sld by duggists cm by mail on eeipt et pries.. Dennie Moore, cf Hamilton, bas lotI $M,000 le Vicooia Coilege. James H. Gilmore, of T. Gldmone & Ce Wholesale Grecers, Bmookville, my- have usef Tamerse Elixîr for a sevene cela and eough, vbioh l tiimédltely melievof, and curef. Sorieus collision teok place bolveen 1h. polie ai cfl te orowd in Limeriek Sunday many on both aides belng injuref. Mr. Henry Marshall' Beeve of Dunnn vnites:<' Some lime ago I gel s botti. et Northrop & Lyinan's Vegetable Diseevery fnom Mm. Harrison, and 1 coniffer il lthe veny beet medicine extant for Dyffppia This medicineînis kin)g marveleuns cures in Livor Cemplaint, Dys;pepsi, ste, in pur- ifying the blood aud rostoring manheef le full vigor. The Comte de Paris and hie triends are aaid te have repaired te th. French capital te profil by lhe political criais. How te Catech a Lien. A foerce lion, the terror of tbe Sahara Des- ont. was tecently captnred by lhe followfug simple method:. The sands oethle desart woro passed throngh a sieve. The Lion cf curse reoeained in the sieve. Hie majesly bad in bis vest _peeket a eau cf Tmperial Creami Tartar Baking Powder, whjcbheh vas taking home te the Qnoon. b Tippoo Tib f eiled te supplv promised Pro- visions te Stanley's mon end smorn f thim died of starvation. Tiere are a numbor of varieties of corne. Holewav's Cern Cnrs will remove any cf them. Cati on your drnggists and gel a botte atonce. The Qu sbec rewdliea had anoînen high tine on Saturday niglit, but tiie Salvation Arxny did net panade. If yen have a Cengi. de0 not nlect il; bny at once a bole of Allen'a Lang Balsam. The Preernan'a Journal states that th. news depols» ut lhe Bighb Hou. W. H. Smith have sold -theuada cf copie.ef United Irelani. CONSUMPTION CURED. An oid physietan, etiredf fon praclice, having haf placof luntis htnds by an Bat Indlia mlssionery tlie tormula et a simple vegatebte roimedy ton lhe spe.dy udpenm. santni cre et CeasuMPtinDrnell Ç.tamh, Aslhm»ansd a&l tbroM msd Lung Affections, &ae peulve s andiate tom Nerous I>eI4*ty sud5an Nervema Cern- curative pevers in Ihonsand o et asa,hie feuit il is duty tezniake lb houa le his suflszng t.liowa. Asuatef by titis motive and a deaire te, roliove humm su aferlug, 1 Win Bond free et charge, te 5au vhodsd tslol, Ibis recipo, lu Germ, French or Entih wiîli funtIdirections for pepeing sud 1; g, ISent bym"Iiby ed4ress g wu msamp. Inamme Ibhis pae, Wy. A.NSors% 119 Pou. wsr' BLock. Roeh fer.N.Y TH&~ NEW PAPER.1 ev Conservative Journal &bout tei h. abe f lu t nTerol, te 1» caUed 1 Wl mike itsappeeance on or &bout lte 151h et Deenbez. No pains ae being, Ilpa mtemke the papervwotly of Cauada an thle «test pemly of *homevie"s 14 wiii b. tii. expeunt. Il1t -mtrtulit Andf ablu rnlli lverydpbm*l The. pulie maY epo l'air koemmalev ÂUdI othor i.prtm.nts W.Ii suataelnu sort 17su Rxsmviii be a brlht, red-. Everybody boka tonit. Âbould,.adIS' DÂILY BX RWEKeumfU, $5 en Annin. $siUt-lier s 1D SUIT degr for$2OO mf Tweeda, IBlak Worsted, A A- SpeeW~ liae-of aEEVY TWEEDS from 60 to 75 cents per yard, seuI for Bnee Suite or Boys' wear. A PULL.STOC 0FGIROCERIESI ÂLWATS eON HÂRND. Higbe8t market price P'aid foi- Butter and- Eggs. BRaOOKwLN, ONT. M 'JaUt5vIee Brookin cand Columbu, onth~e 7t7h Concession. We are now prepared to make ail kinds of WoSilen Goods, snobý as Tweeds, Full Cloth, Union Flannels, Sheetîng,-, Shirtings, AII-wool bed 11ankets, Horse Blankets, ~and Yarns in ail varieties and ail kinds of, Knitted Goode kept in stock for the accommodation of patrons. Dyeing in 4il colors done to order. Elighest-price paid for any quantity of WooI. Ail ordérspromptly filled. w "Du BO WERMA N 8ON, ARCA DE, TORONTO. A 8choo Thoroughly Equlppedl for *Business Traiuiing BOOK-KEEFING, PENMANSHIP, BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, BUSINERSS ÂUTMTIOt, (JOMMEROIÂL LÂW, 8HOBRHND A.ND TYPEWU!iTIG PRÂ0TIGALIY TÂUGHT. FINESI ROOMS IN CAN-ADA. &enafor Gircular.Âda". V C. GDEA, -Beordtary Jotât Sa . Doge R.q., Aocmoi, t,2drosf. Ba-Havfng tow.me »ago OOMPUW Oh4 0 a cu fuuy la your Qolloe gad hav1tw shio hd mnyoporunii.setprovtug, bolh Iwk Obtoacher snd maa mmh.lrof 1h.B e~Bxmlùe ofpublie sohool ltobentfom 1h. Oounty of Durham, 1Iba«»M iisftIand valu d.Iy. fro yox lstrviionand experleno. m au an Âountmntl, 1 habve much ia th» u b tlaluifyffl tobb. spodradmtnlsofsrld biyour Buoinass * foh*fr boin... purpos. oor& u à&U4Rlal th heba-rgeof 1h. o mieola D otnow l4ig cgianised in-==ay et, *à . Kif asolaoland puM bli oooh e1 W. E TLPeY Mer, 1ntena&'V'.,,,, Itch nsd atiflgjng,% 'l srcin-very iteif:.r alwdte, continue tumomfra.whie oenbleedand uloematebecernlngverys WANE!8 OINTMENT Sosthe itcflntcand bleeding, hesis uni rtion, and ln m ny Casesrmio>vffl ftheturnora. nt 4 1ymeil au r 50e ~ .' MANHOOD!M How Lot!1 How Rettored! JutI publiahef, a nov eiiion ot ou the radical cure cf Spznxê'oBBAoe or luoapaciiy Induced by excees ngerlyindus- cretion. Thoe clobralefaniuhor, lu Ibis admir- able oasav, cleaxly demensimatis tmom lhlrly yemam uoceaistl pràeoe, ibhattlb. alarmg cor soquoeeofetealy errr u be nsalWly onref ; poin1lng eut&a moeo cure ai ence simple, certan, -sid effectua, by nioans et wiih evezy muftenem, ne mal- ter vhai hi. conditien may be, may oure bimsm eito.piy, pivately snd radioalUy., c3 Titis lecture ehonia b. l-lt. bas cf evemy youih sud ,veny man ilu 1h. la Sout unfer saltspan<e o1p, sny addrossipVa-Paid, on receiplof. four coul , cmbyepo id tms drs T/w CUL £ER WELL. MEDICAL C -_ 41 Aun St.,1NewYork.' 1DR. DORENW END"S- MaIhmalualsud Oommiewilu1e port KOpe 11igb Seboolt NO E<GXU SABE 8 ONUTEE -a! net only pareffre 6en.- S 1 1 . 1 1 eht

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