Whitby Chronicle, 9 Dec 1887, p. 1

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'ou IIITBY qsmmusj -s ) iROI E 00* ir Stoctk s, Man.. GcodsQ '.Wea Vorsted Une of- 'Is, the We ~d the a are at and pieces, et per sett,' otto china sett, Col- i ina and er dozen, iohs pat. ti, b]ack il get- a Y.Sel!- pou.ltry. ý;1th and o t of q-DS. rda ast ITBY. VOL.*XX.WHITBY, ONTAIR10o.F1MDAY9 EEBR9 87 LOCAL N EW S LETTERS. practiOOhat ey Pr.aoh: but I suppos ~t~a'W5teMtoilsrom te with LagMUT Crrtspod n I that .«The end justifies the means employ r.By snyBno drse h TOýLnly& Burke, ">"'OK'OuztheiOorrspodelle. ." "C8onsiotenoy thoul art a jewe-but Tooto,) --few discover O rda h nsiu. .t . pnd £stablished 1856. ARCHITECT. I zmr The great 50. Cigar, and the W. J. Umcurty ie not goiflg i- The following la a lit of the standing fi tevnng eaig eklIOnai UD Designu for Chmrces, VillanadCot- te miosat Bowmaiivil1e BsWUS the firei three pupils ofBalsam, oheol, fr'Mna vnn ' ay~u SUBÇRtTIO BÂES. tages a specialty. Dravungs prpard for vr1 TA N D iau td but in oompan-y with Mr. the month cof October and -Woebr.stgont PkpnduWToa1oa- SBCITORAE. reinodeing existlng structures. -":GàLJ~ ~~ude of Osheiwol, has one 10 Ponrth ohs-Mary BosesSophia, Ward<~.o htpr ertebig h~tiuo 81prannum in advanc"-S.50 other- sfiat over Howmo inrtheCrummr,SnirtrdP ne Go o, per ~O7pc-Pirmt fNeit odvtiir oits owe. ep_ rozn oU. AuJuniora ttu m'u ,,.Subsor tionsare always payable at Store. .~ mR1 i th iJ A i' je . t@ the office Of PU 1 Btou. . OoX 202, WVTET. tamequipment and buit fnrnished MAréi~ gtBos uior eo4ndi Book and ob prînting plant in Eastern DXb-E :-I1j0 ho uôe& u u at, Jamus eoireat, Wmi. Baldion. ' Nn etenôhlhe. bia Ontirlo, capablO ,nia'vr h Wu w~iiih respete. f late ond part cf frt-.Tohnny lMiller, Wii weefudT saym nng tnaiohapbe of exeoutiuig al lasses o! FAPIFOR SA LE hteByAieJns eirfrtM work f rom th l Poster to the amaly tho basbeen loit abu&louil.ByAic ois.Sno'iniMni handbill. pca mention is made of the- baving no relatives reaiding iu the Gardon, Alberta Baledon, Linda Orumme.Lo n o edn u c am qýUpSe peslalite fTzCm The grest 10c. CiRBTSvie uil upon hlm d.ath ho loft hlm Junior firt-James Miller, WmiByOratrswf n. id a ue 0lx iLuhurpa s ce reifaites .Y.Ctte A Beautifully ituat.d farm lnthe pro tteo huroh. D" W'ard . emdniIIonatdahstatewa , with itipr ess ra ther d rn .cto îalla npt much ta kabout h. reeve- V R O .toub ta edyn, utseis s wy i- 01inerreu d thr odmcne-i.TOW N OF W LT ux. a . " sasif Mr. CremyMr. Alez.Birchard went ta Kin@eo pog *ncs. uivery order eceives prompt,v came-utsma W ha If ho wishes t. stand another teW M Saturday lait te try the examinationshedM.HnyB fTotabsatl ~u1 attentio, ~~*~ndensinedeffbritOflle bis fai fl j Fo pny Meurs. Stewart Bruce, W there ibis week for a higher grade, lt casntme ri h at etsdwmbr ThWnerînd mesfo i hef Johni Notare freehy spoken .onStryla. * E FAVBT[SI:NG. ai 49J aores, being situated on the sut aide wb adcuaerict. FiBretisertOF e,1 cns ec raksrelof ombo ieGrnof. Ilbelieve we have men hbe.whO cudcet1e 0TBrok sre ad -' 1te rn eà< et mheacio!them a&IL.Why are ne houses gaing up ? Âgo r .DanvrtAe ls efo aaret nserTonpe boume0 webe;fome Tocoupaiwed iathebTwnuefshare. Thi acarcgu ber. ua 1 befareoudMntbD.areturned ti ubequent insertion, 6 cents. a aasLI eauow î bib e :!iIT ~tb hed ite amual metig ol o eadyta reo i erhn t~>tadde etl D isp la Y e d fertîse m e U a reom espied of I & D C E M i <>a n d R U G G ISb .il U rl . F . M . Y .rn c ld 's 1 w o ffice o ui T u e s- f e e d e d bbe o re . M . Cc uipS h a re s da sm ihhh e v e h i b plye osi er i d Nup are mend carged iound lu the countryba asplendid situa- edIsy sei tN. aeun .C; a ge nteman fmo re obn on . we omk o husle oena coordingI ýa oaaeag fclî ai n a d& - rsd uN .P tro 0 l tien fom a town park or d iving park, le in &gent for W hitby,_ h ofl tw e . T e ficr eet- Ag n em n r m B ehn is or Instrtifese e d u.sent ito n ri en u ol ib stne utrI1 ib badVicPZ!eedeit, J. W. Curie; Sec.-Treai. mn 0a "branch'" baruiesa shep lu Beavere. EkRpdMlhissda fw eei Advertiedmut witowrien asooa statn en ed cettiio1 s sy anPrcrstediet rithmauatrr..ILunF omte eeapit-Jttikoft1aBehietblb ahrzdfr ultm. ecs s luo Ilbi. d toattend to the business ef the club, having a branch, and that braucinli arg sesmedn esuteeii ih su detsmnsjcin fthtntrbsaSra fad *o prospecte point ta a good sesuonus town h1k. Beaventon. ehtefiiymc icsbtbfr o es ot rsonumbe vator running througb eecamerwhich M u s t b e i w tin g , o t e rw l e t h e p u b li h - n o v e r t uila. b e b aH o rndeot h e r e u t b u il d Ari li tbe r snp oon i se t d rie- aenetadalmost new; H ah#'.qnh sehool concert oui Frday uilght sd the lavcâhçot c ae ee nc rlifi. M ml alaigmreo i Aluea icun o otat dets-igse ofthe bstquality aI mn.Q I P-t?" ui ailrespects. There vas bere lait week. Scatt Act court vasbedotfmiea mnbte year. Oopy for changea ai the boume ina anearly uew one storey build- aiigLa 0 ett*pwas eand h rgam unrneurdyadFiaM.A a oontrsctaderimt a hudb add igsdçul a ed a starey witb no great gea, &Iarna his alald tefind tautbav- vas fined l00 and coite second offne m loe a bo eiul 1 lh in nt liter than W sdneaday ; sd nti<e ve r. »ê Thme e ia aug or hard et Stand- gt en i eo e n o a d a c iti of any intended changes sboula b. given d fruit tes tn brea inn a yna e enb.ngoaceard a c l ofc; 5sud M n. on as Bleda lui tva aea Ifs alnb tb l etu otr bofore Tuesdmy noon. Other advertise- fruit. The garden in ai gaod sa cn ing burt i uaki intaot uïr nieatecoola 50.c dcaLtosc o li. ess cayai naudpny lnenIB-TCIýiea u to hurBay non. ound Thefarmin envenent o scoolethai people expert aquateesr thfo m ne tic.xesinpltal humsds on undh ami evnett coh qure.I te att psy for theln Mr. Ferrienlef Green Rivon u iTemho ocr st .hh uWd Business ntcsi oa rnw oume&dcuce.Ttego.Liberal terma Five cents per line weekhy. Locala, 10 ets& v . ad o ed Tt tegpurcaser. qatr fte &t1asbcito ody per~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wl beue weekiy. I the purRpiao, boter tuke round asbclto ody edyDc ii edpormevl pe r epndeek soU ite frin my prtspropietai' ou premlies WVV. . W S E tbans8k peopl te psy and auffer th ei-. dd Mesr. Pailey Bras., spent Bunda i h rane y i.pph u h i c theConty one sghbitd f o l rse 5îi ZO RC B T ,tional totuleetofhving ta liaten te d.cided- Churchil. finm l reve u urud ofteCut requested ngtowshp.me 2nd in i hIGOTAM y weak aitempte ai produeing pisys fai be-Our vilageruiipoved tbe opporiuypae.Tepoeemaefrteetbih oorreýspondents are Wbiby . O Chmia a.d DuggsiWhiby. yond lh. conception et the pu pis. Prais- Saturday =y aklg good sleigb ride, mna colhbay chl o munin catio n~5s sa proiptly as WWhitby-,0Oct. 2Otbnd 1837. ingup au- ehentertaiumrnts Ua i fi rt- unr Bsool houme gai a negular overal O U B S pctîlCl&as played euat aig aln iug lat week. A good scrubbing, e iw M.B uo a o i.M e ________&_GAHAM_______________thePubie________ TheAnglican cougrtienhvn ain staveuid pipes complet. sud nov Iloo u bue Il ", SON_& rApiAM,- beir te tbe Chartes estate, dis next tbing suîx.roam. joil'X' STANTON, D_________Lino_01_ROY81_Mill___ wisbest iuatsts Publ ibt h. i. hTtooihiiTei.d lnYM.Jh Wiear7dhm cas be amily enough deaht with and4 tbe M.Jh bt mle oefo uuvmcuir u ear uterm Supi Mechnicai Depi.ST A HP. nn ir f l gr cn eosoldt se muchi on the Bottirnan, Dakota lait veek alze Mm Ja. sdvisanb lus oiaite urou HI-X 2ffl HI-It'II dllar, but wbat ta do witb the vlnea and Wbei o o u edsvg. Abatyferythptntpoe Le ~~~~~d ULUI UIW ~BST ndCHUEI LlI quor nthe question, h bas been mggetn u red.Teodlga ul pwî .h IIVERPOOL SERVICE. ~~~~~~~geted te me ta reCOnmend that the U- M. Jas. Middieteu sud tamily utyffyyeraolemihnug.Ahub galAe'r, LeIVcfPOOLglSELRVICeE-rglisb churci people bold a bassin sud dis- moved troaroi'burgb about mligtlsuaysmorhmc sswni[a Amrmn fHnin ap vrpose of the more fiery liquld-to he drunk oee igbt lait week. A rather aeplu, eeavsbre au - SAILING DATES.~~ ~~~~~~~~ in e at o niaiof scrousiapdurpos e ove deraved es ai ibegymt e ero r- hmns iametn fteptos JO H N E. FA itEW ELL, LLG DATES.brougbt into t e Town of W h tby, i e msoes!c ur e s d h t . I n m ev. rvele s ofsm gthe g bs e h G uvihem a trclse piism e -rmBriai hc leiteliga ey o'tpotire cmn b. suy "ot like- mancegiven by thlb. hum!le cMpay .dis. J ixOHN E.FI . OO, L p onsPorlan wheh d je selUbget pydo- ~~ Cnc~wui Ât~~qr~Y.. ~~ ~ LOW rUICES- .t~o hetoihm-ruo e- DdC Seîcîor ~o3~ Va vervhiaeybasi theprInciphe cf modemate DBarkey Io Z= pajià I. ii o .* a nali cu rc hai limoe s ly mnd d i ovh d p i fu yel. e f ai n d a fn itc asýv b u e e i e m n !y u e wing, Court Honue, Wbtby Sr Frein Haifax -st l ubr c A ttio i gee a blyshpowded lu i. e t o flve setsu. e aerfa atndufieuo *Oregon .... . Saturday, Dec. 24tb. Il teck lwentv.f1ve minutes l is heMelba- bandiatthelb uiueul. ihu tmy ehaeauos JAMES RUTLEDGE, Vacue.... Saurday, Jan. 7th. itcuhOULd N R I S T I , & o .cO fnc em e u its. YfOt- e p re s e n t .y.. . . . .e tab oy-teyc a p tu re9 1s ud&h a ndSie th e Il og hses udt sy etom. of lu te dcap tp a rtsd o !nthsPho t o u Buidb aeel&RtegDx ATES 0F PASSAGE. t( JU >~ sdverlifing tram die pulpit grave au il bai vhlekey sellers. H. uicely nabbd is levemyntkovl, sba afw FBrNEW- Rtlegenen doue ton the past tvao he eu h tain adodo lrmn o Boyal Hatel, Brock St., Witby. Prom Portland or Hai ai ta Liverpool. rsh fsroswl ihrhv obohneaamd iucm otm C abin, $60, $65 sud $76 ; Second Cahin $W. Ee=n "hetrl r ls emnis- n i ieadcse#7 o DAVID ORMISTON, B.&., eren oe8 ae.seand pet spirmolnchill have 1ab houh SodtAiehmmt. in ypa-prastekavuag ffr.sti ie SOLICIORuN sud erbapt te mlunc f h e serbv eTh e Sceti r t. hebysigtansddiing.eklb ATTORBEY-ATLÂW,SLCTO DAVID TORBANCE & CO., W.].10 S o ul td bva lrb",hepd fte trsuli-e Il CI V41SEtaedviced lut.> ibeofditecf lisstrvie . h o N e esning cu f sm fpeshv sua ôkaau Cbsucer, CeuvysJlcer &c.ad ernploy a man Saturisys te vrite 11e ouiti cf Nove tMer u o t2decf on Office, in McM &il's Block, Brok Sree, Or te E. STE PHENSON, 0CHEMIST AND DBUGGI8T, anneuncemenîs, sud 1.1 peple roai unt' i ca is-r li a ms.coT, Sdi n e Byp tesv cisol be olst- Loca.ly10Tl gent fc, bitby.ptrtin? O m eape lb. e espa -er s ~t P bebDoyle,Su4nd Bt e o ,8d Cnam ifi eth oioiTe dy G . YOUNG eM ITH , L L. B ., v teiice ?Or e .hap te d ewg* "' J eu p Beynoid . Sm. third o i -s Dc .2 1 . A v r li rl p i. u ba A.BBISTEB, ~~~~~W hm egtim atbuusies ius to d l =1 euonUMindud W lieMan Sr bo. ,eedsd h.fmwU b ar tlg B IS B R & e., & .-M ouey te Losu - -H as on h n âa svery large sud sele ti t o ~ c dertym an lis eq holy si m o i m g îtt le l B o h y Jr sei n - B IO, ne r ofm arîs aBîo Lk, se st a e f Chistmna goode, ccmprlstng Oeil di ygeais frern this ulpît ineppesi*So eSdEf uelm n n al A C IT R LLOVfl i tonBook sut o Mrtran ste de sverliaing hy liai Reynolds. Finit 2nif pari-lit Calte9sî3 ine n atBre Brook SI., Wiilby. C Hioover, Su Baîphi White, ara A]oKii Brook SQ., e a orowd 0Q11t Cima let d lown Jsn. 22,1878. (f6Ladies' Work Boxes, I5f811 poiton UievsaU A.inchaBisnl&atcnartlIBohi eoSd a ad mpy ybeugprmna JOHN BALL DOW, Royal Mail Steamers.*Whokfoldes, oundls nd ilihtebui t5PYBogai s=-FanlWlb~p~~ b flv#o@,blnigbw Offiec-DsVe~s Blook, Brok Street, LONDONDEsRYO d fu hr r ie ser s 1 nerl sckcf n. Mis L r mol.Be1ahlevitby>gpi D.Fn. h rssv r o eyR o;s MONETTO LND-PmvsteFuni,- GLASGO. u' ~ Jui. Coan cfdii.plac, sudlair poiOS- vhi" oir Hmito. e:nm fis inlle iii brmeseoun No. , 1U TBRIACE," flyBON-ST. Io Sis3erage $28.0.* MORu'uAe.w'-~ - Wbltby te LiverpoolonlacUdnd"thy ia (JeLA.legs W HI BY Haitx. Cahin,$82.8fi, $77 ,, #.85, s-- gu : l .M v n e -c 1 I i . e ' ' _____________________________positiond offstmtemooem - sengers booked te Glssgov asamorate As -IIIGIAN l=ib" j -ý Thes hait train -eounectlug VI11 tiesPl -steamiers passes Wbilby 810 Tiursday i- oàh 1 -"ka a& o S nloa- lgSteerage paIm W his,' bcckeiote or fron-u Gr but i t e Onarioe V ,erilu rsTYcol-! m mbxke oor frm sing.1 p Teel.Glasgow iBelfiel, Élio"s pe io or Louudd»iiM-W i ~ ymiloslarP r mrneratas Lîvorpool atu, Bolam d 8i imt ,su-Wb <4an y MU r tlo»Pl pomptly ai etne t. Cant i à)extra.ColiceoboIoa oimici#snuer ea niece cf G. A soppsilte I>al landlno for hein fnid .al 'b»B toIe L Pa'--~ ~ . - f~.unassir t'&ity * OdCuur a obWa uPREPAn PAS- SLIV RWxc-i SABEïSTABLEra,"Geo.cB. Yuiei os 0teezg4 ki ana el Kema h -f ,~ .< * a ~ ~ Witb cal= Pinsi vonda, g«uithoughtiand iuntlnhng ludumtny, w.ayae Foe, Progr.S, nwedm rthre AL «J

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