Whitby Chronicle, 9 Dec 1887, p. 2

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Aiid Items 8%Oeaifroxn Our Zichauges. -0- Dr. Horace Baseoi is going to Wesl inglon Terrilory. 1 Mir. T. W. dIbepple is Master of lii Mésons for th. pr6eet terran. Mr. H. J. Gould is putîing up bùilà lngs 10 o b l.thebusiness cf preseing bey. Ocai is $7.50 -periton bere..The Journal je agitating for legislation to modify the price. Mr. Chas. Russeilicf Ibis towu does tb. second largesî calmneal business in the province, Tbe Joi. Gould inhtitute for wbich the deceuaed gentlemen subsoribed the buiding fond- wiil be opeuod tu.day, De.. 9tb. The fighl betweeu the limes sud Ibres membere of cauncil over nou-peymeut of taxes still continues aud i. unlikely tô b. fiihedountil tbe municipal olections, et wbich lime tbe Tinw, predicîs the ratepayers Who paid Ibsîr laxes wHi vote against Ihose Who did Dlot. PIOKEINO. The public achool wus clos.d hlst week on secount cf Mr. Eddy, the prin- cipal, being eick witb diphtheris. Mr. Hfenry Gordon -sold le Mr. John Gordon e pig lest epring, wbicb the latter killed on Saturday, lest, when it rese he bâ ge cf Dne monthe. Ih lipped the scale at 140 Iba. This je considered e pretty good "Iporker" for ils age; of lb. Burksbire aud Yorkshire, white breed. It in very litIle use barriug doors or fsstening Windows ageinul burglarmnow. à-daes. Lest Tuusday night while en. .ioying bierest, Mr. 0. E. Marquis of tb. firm Of Diokie & Marquis, uf chis place waa relieved of a coneiderable amount of money. A mous. weul dowu deep into bis pacte poekets and cerried sway about baif aroll of bille. What were left were ail torn to pieces. Prob- ebly this mouse je goiug lu have aun Xmnes blow-out sud wauled some cash.q -Newe. MfARKRAX. There are several casesecf dipîberia in Merkbam. An opinion bus been oblained frein McOarthy, Osier & Co, 1go1the effeet Ibat th. Clary Wolleà Mille ber. are not exempted froin taxes by the arrange. meOut et th. lime the bonus wae grenled. The uQ tenions horso-thief Taylor, &lies Turner, wue sent te Peuitentiery Wednesdey for five years. hit as proved that b. bed unoen herses in tbe Counties of Simece, York and Poel, thet bis depredations bave exl.nded over e large number ot yeers, aud that r.werâs baver been ofierad for bis cap. bur, by Municipal GOunoils and Vigilance Committes in these ounties. Tbe megisîrale asked bim if he would admitheving been tbe.mnuwhovas sent 10 Pèuinîieny for three years once before for borse.stealing. He ad. mitted thet b. vas, and wa.s eenîenced le 6ve yerrin- tbe Penitenliary for aob of tbe four offeuces, the sentences te mun coneurrenîly. A squabble over the revends offéred for lh. capture sud conviction of Taylor occurred lu the Polio. Co" Lî Two Simone constablos, Andrew an WiliamClark, claumod the reverds ou1Ithe ground that tbey lrick- ed biu for six mouthe. -Ou one occa- sion lbey bid bebind a stolon herse aud when he came up ho eew Ihein and began to, mn say. Tbey celled le hum to stop or tey vould elioot. He bold theux te shoot sud be behged sud and jumped ileea river near by. They fired sud foilowed hum imb the bush, e,but b. escaped. Tboy eontinned to follow biru billthey lraced bim te Toronto, and thealput tbe Toronto de. teclives ou bis track for fear b. would recoguise thein. Blemin erreetedl him 9 sud thé. Tôrouîo deteetives olaimed'theE rewands. The agitrat. grauntod tlb. Clark@ tb. reward offered by lb. Simoe î enthorities anil said ho would divide the romaining rewards su that the wholo sinouat ebould be equally, hered byà the (Jiarksaend the city detectives. Tramps are beginning to seok shellen iu the police.station on eccount cf the cola. OM - Mr. J. R. Stratten, Mâ. P. P., address. * *ed big consttuent& st Beiliboro last *- Monday ulgbl. There vas a large atteuýance of lb. eleeters. Con. ciller Louis Byers occupied tue chair.' The i poople bore are talkiug of run- mung a, tom-iranc. candidats for Majomr ha ogppoeitwoU- .te Ifayor Stephensoni. Ii à thought$ that, lii. Toroubo, th. vomeai,' vot.s viii onable the prow- bioai*ts te carythbday.: *Mr., -0.W. Bavers, slitrbas basa to, brhap suit for thé recoveryof #810,000 -dama"s agoinst the(Grandi Tkunk Bail- wyow<çmpAny. ,l s la laed thalîtheir fouury t~ OD4el sbresl,,;wiw de- slroyed h firbcomnmunioated by sparka freina 09 liioomotlvs on tb. MW.s ig Liak - Mr. John A. Fovie, oe. North M]on- a#han, fath.r of lth e usgmnu, John E.Fo*Ier, uppoééd tb bave beui PU44spil bt b tvu. ' siW" v as ne Y> &ZOO '91raqb< son. . 'bas plaed i£#anlooo»at . papers of' that city5ki, osn2lonrgad la. tabig aaAï4i.b - 1- 0 'Igulled" muta uifer the conseq uneoes. Tbe Simeoe eounty couneil remitýed Gravenbursî's -county rate on acaoel- t of its havi.ng been burued. The New8-Let fer seys the farinera have hed a good 8esson round Orilla, and itloloke'for e large wiuter'e trade. A deediiorse was ellowed te lie on the bead cf sur main street lasI week nutil attention wa elled Id il by on. cf the newspapers. There je e stroug feeling iu fevor of the old couneil for next year, in erder te enable the sane imen te, go on wilh some incomplet. publie worke. The tant of th. Grand Trunk pur. ehuiglbîo 1Sau sud Northwest. ern BlwyuaottiheeOlf people aut cf lbeirw'its, as there weul then b. no rsilway opposition Ihere. Beveral local peaers in Simece conty weut poor bouses, but they are a&l snob hoge Ibat each WinI oppose any sobeme wbicb dosesnet bring lhe poor bouse to, ils own lown. This i8 tb. wey public business is alweys retarded by local jeelousie.sud selfishRue. A man frein Sparrow Lake, naxned McDone&Id, got drunk boe.luat week and found bie way te a bouse of iin. fame wbore be believes ho wus relieved cf $80. Twe boys were arrss3ted and cemmitted for trial,. but beviug been eîged lu one stailin*u the lock-up over nighlt, lbey broke oui sud are free.. ns aaa gonecuhrouglathe. proo.dure na aboie, .givlng bis Dote for #45, but had ouly rffo.ld - hlI lbe loili stlpulated- ffd the vea-it hoddy s aIt t @ te anhe Ir bo bil e 1h. gamoon hirIvng d6wuntie au a buggy. Regavie immodial ppar, suit, but tbe otbier drovs rapaçlly ,U Oonuoor'a lUv.ry stablé, left the ; bugg theapsd "kippe d"x.eut cf sight'beféré h. eould be overtaken. Aeting-Chief Adams was applied to, but oould give no &id. Ther. is no redreicà available, The eurling riuk wee flooded tho other night sud ein. curling wes stert- ed. Cousidereble veniscu is etili pasaing lbrougb by rail froan tb. nortb. The most of il ise ousign'ed te dealers in Toronto and other places. Watsr ije tilI very scarce and numer- ens welle lu lewn are beukrupl. Milk bas alsoo dvanoed on. coul, sud is now vended at six cents èer quart. But what bas the sceroity of water to do wilb- lb. prie of milk, anybow ? A stop sbonld b. putteb reeblea o nowballiug by the sebool beys, A luttle fellow was badly hurt one daj lut week by a bard bail thrown witi great force sud striking' tain in the oye. Teoher, parents sud police ehould ocuxhine txi put dowu or koep witbim ste limite Ibis attractive but dangeroue paslune. The firm'of Carmiehael & MeGribbou. the twe Lindray youug meu wbo otart ad in thie gro"ery lin uT.route, have been oompelled 10 suspend. Their many friends borse yul regret le learo of Iheir difflenlîles; sud yull jolu us lu bopiug that tbey may b. able lu go on ....We notice. witb regret Ibat Mr. Molville, bat aud for merebaut of Ibis town, bas been bompelled te make au segument. Master Arthur Touehbbun, the seven. year old son of Mr. R. Tuuchburn, did s plricky tbiug the other day. He aud Master Boume McMurtry fonnd their wey le tbe cellar ut Mr. Toncbrn's resideuce sud geîîiug te lb. cioteru comneced te paddle it witb their bauds. This was a very engsging puet- liuao, sud Rennie eujoyed it so muoh &bat ho feli in. Renuisis s bravo uitile feliow, but Ibis vas uot te bie liking, sud Artbur jumped lu afler hlm sud msnaged te hold hum up until assist- suce came. Forluustely tbe water vau net deep-enougb te drovu eithon. The usual trealment brongbî Master [tennie out lu due timno de the worse for bis involuuts.ry. bath. The stable attacbed to the Royal bote-i caught fine lunsoin. unexplained insuner Wsdneaday aI. noon, andilb.h ob1arm being souuded vig4uroly a large Orowd econ eolleced, sud for a white considerable exeitomient reigned, sud hed net the proprietor, 1fr. T. MeGon. neo1l, reslralned the wehI.npeant but un- thinking ardor of sorne of the onlookere, ie bolel would bave been tlned. inside oml, sù to speak, "'in lb. lwinkllng cf au oye." The firo vas libithehay loft and- oecasionsd a dense suioke, but tvo etreame cf vater vers soon breught 10 play on il sud spedily' extingnia.d- lbe dames. Thé tIos vill foot up*to about 8200 sud viU b. about covered by in- 1,8 Wea vua -bigh collarin afuture ib bide1w. -razor goasheshe put in -bi Docok b su ele' h*prcn oin s cr or~ per t in Qu20 -.f SIaneM0 0ê~ina Coy u b Simeos, a ~an aeage yjriy~ 0f*.5per o&ouied. Âh.Diàkio'àw iggnwelI Iuqir hopsýp hi, rcovet- anentertained, -P?.=&vMamoth obeese, "oeh weigh, ing oVer 2,800 P'ounùde, weore s-hxp'ped" froinIng t he b.other 'd*yoeuone Gibralter, one dOicago, snd « two tb Sootland. 4 L&mblon fumier ha. madea&O'eese li th.e bape of am -.If lhe health depart ment don't interfere thern. vul ib. eaxough life in that ehesse mu~ direetly te admait of hie being put l0 work on the farn. George Mitchell, of Newmarket, bas- a hors. that ean kick le a hair'u breadth. Il experimented on George, takiig thée skin off er. hie nose, but George 4ioeen't wans a hors. bo play William Tell on hlm again.11 Aurore BoreaUa: Thre tnrey hene belongiug te F. Trent laid t9 egge, halohed out 59 -eMekenes as4d raieed 48-ohiokena ont of the.-loi. O-ýr. ofl.saine trkeybwg be4M satsftd with berseif, vent aMd> out anolher breedeof 12 obiokeus4, 0~ turkey gel th. modal, the'-laid« 'tbe golden elggs. Safe, CCerai, PrompO, Ionmw.-.ThoS lew adjectives apply wxth peouliar force b Dr Thoma8 Ecectrtc Ol-a standard «.- ternal and internai remedy, aUdý lo the relief and cure of ooughu, ms hoxe , oas- seneus and ail affections of the breathing organe, kidney troubles, excoriations, sores, lamenes and physîcal pain. The London Moruuag Poil has a remar. kable and improbable story about a Fenian plot te murder Lord Hartingten. in Destructive earthqnake shooke eccurred n Calabria, kilig 20 peronis asd lnjuring nany more. Temarao. To effectua.lly cr.re a bad Cough or col&à aud do il quick,nse Tamarac Elixir. Il gets et the root efthIe trouble and gives immed- iate relief. A succestul meeting in favor of commer- cial Union was held ai 8t. Thomas on Saturday sveuing. A natter of zoomy. As a matter ef ecouomy B.- B. B. in th. cheapesl medicine in use for il takou leus te cure chronic diseases o et l$t'BO=IO liver, kldnéyesud blood, than of any other known remedy. B. B. B. is only One Dollar a 1 otle. If is gtated that warranteamareoul for the arresloettweuty prominont Nationalista hi ireland. NATIONAL PILLS are the favote purgative and anti- billiou omdicino; . thqy are nîld and thorough. A passenger by the steamer Aleexsias dikd aI Yongstown, Ohio, et a diseass re- sembling choiera, sud several reuidents ef th. place are now il et tb. same maiady Givo Thom A Chance 1 Thut in te gay. yeur lunge. Aise a.1you breaîhing mschinerY. Very wonderful ma- chier yil ià. NoL ouly the larger air-pas- Sages, mutthe lbonsand 0cf utIle tubes sud Cavities leadmng from lhem. When these are clogged and ohoked wth 'malter which cught nul lu b. there.* your lunge cannol haît do their work. And wbat lhey do, they cannoe de well. . Cal iti coid, cough. croup, pneumonie, cmtarrh, consumptien or any oft1h-family ofthIroal andi noeeasd head- lung ob. slructions, ail are bad. AUl ought to b. gel rid of. There is just eue sure way te gsi rid eft-tbem. Thal is te tae Boscheeg Germian Syrup, whicb any druggist w il1 yen et 75 cents a bottie. Even if Overy. tbing else had faileti yeu, yen mnay depoud upon Ibis for certain. The Winipeg Citizens, Oomiîtîee bs rofusOd le edVance lhe required aid ou lb. Udot contraet. 14r. Ncrqusy's support is test falling away troir him andtIdaisPros- Pécts are bad. To aH whe are srflerlng te h.errer sund indiscretions et youib, nervous verni. ne"s, 6ar7 decay, 1"ofetmanhood, &o., I WRi senti a recipe that yul cure yen, )3'RRIR 0F CRGR. The greaî rernedy wa. discovereti by a missionary lu Suth £.meriga. Seud a self-addressea nol. tte b ev. JoaamT. hnu" tto New York <Jtfi. M. Sadi Carnet vas«eeetotipresident 01 the French Republic ou tho ýSecond ballot ou jsaturtiay. WORMES often do.troy childron. but Freeman,worm Pozora d&troy Worm, and ezpe, thon fron thse 8t ronegth GI ir, Ditrict Ite"ut 224 cases et OrillaDivision Court ou -tb. 241h ul t. staynen le 1t ae- ri prhs mng joint Stock oomp!àuy. - A bursligg gun sent apeè hog th. ear of J. Brov'-n-u, nefdha lMmter, oo; dp.yreo a or an overcoat. The' he0y""' 0ru voao lb. appoi41ipg of -couaty anditors by th. Ontariogoverument. By fUlig it aapalof boihxg dy% teyo"gza u d ï Iarma5., max. for Ia1 8 Chkren, 'SI t> 5 't E CasOscures olle,.Comutipation, tTCmrendta.u.nrtypm< ou towAch.Dlarihoea,!ructatiôrn. kDOlmtemê" à- A.. AOKE, M.D., KIDsWorms, gives £eqp, sd pro=3tm di. Tus CENTUE CoxpÀIy,7urrayStreet, lN. o z o o J.r i A ~I ~ * &~*LL~ 'J:, M? 13Sf fL.unclrecls of J. F. Pease's "EonomY" Warni-Air Fur- naces are now being used and are giving- perfect satisfac- tion. The follow-ing specification is annexed to every or- der, and is the guarantee given with every Furnace -_ "'Economy" Wrought Steel Plate Furnace, Double Cased, fnrnished wilh Vapor Pan, Check Damaper, our Improved Anti-Clinker Grate, aud ail the latest improvements, as described ini our catalogue. The Warm Air Pipes to be supplied with Datnpers, with Patent Allachments for regnlaling the eupply of Warnx Air in différent apartànenta. Furnace Dampers to be connected with a regulating board, to b. placed in the Hall, Dining-Room, or other eonvenient place, for operaling saine on first floor. Ail Furnace Col/ars to be double, to ensure.- safety and durability. The Warm-Air Pipes, Register Boxes, etc,, to be muade of the best I. X_ Tir Plate. Ail Channels f'or Upright Pipes i.n new work or exposed openinge bo be thoroughly lined (to ensure safety) with good bin. The Smoke-Pîpe to be muade of heavy Galvanized Iron. The. Regiatere tobe-th-e. TUTTLR ,.,&Ruuy .Yrnn- facture, of the labesl improved patterns and finely finished. Ail material to be of the best quality, anid the work to be execuîed in the mosl lhoroughly workmanijke manner. The Cold-Air Ducts-one leading from- the ontside for inbroducing fresh air, and one froni the inside of thre building, either of which cau be used as desired-îo be built of gond, sou-ad, rnabched luni- ber, dresssed on botir- aides. We guarantee to warm the rooms in which Registers are plaeed to 70 degrees when thre outside temperature is 10 degrees ho- low zero. The purchaser to furnish good coal, careful attendance and a chimney witji sufficient draught. TIIEA SURE!?'S SA LE 0F LA NDS FOR TA XES, B y virtu'. of a Warrant. ander tbe baud cf lh. Warden and tic Seal cf lb. Cerportie, .5of the Counly of Ontario, dat.d the PMl Day et September, 1887, commanding m te ievy upon the lande moutioned the ii owxng liaI fo]r errear eft ta es nhr n a costs, a. herein sel frth - I hezeby give notice that unlesseneuh arremansd copte are eoesd I shail, lu compliauce wiîh -the &ssesment Act, proceed te soUl by PUBLIC AUCT dl, te saiti laudu, or se mucb Ibereot as May be uecessary for the taxes, at the Court Houa.ithe To-wn>et WUITBY, ou WEDNESDAY, the FO-URTEENTR day ut DECEMBERe A.D., 1887, at-the hour of. TEN o'clook lu lbe forenoon. Part. Bcuth S. Simce Part N. B. quarter Pari N.E.- quarter Wost hait Part Contrepart w,,.' veto TOWN8IP F THIOBÂH.. Amoun Coeisasud Lot. Coet-,ý,'jAcres of Taxe,,. Comms'n. i- i 2 87 9 80 -5 27 17 32 8374 295 7 l4 10 1055 2 87 TOWNSHIlP 0F SOtTGOG. 7 10 o > do22 8'18 2 17 224 Total Patenteti or Amounl Unpatented. 5 04 7 51 3869 12 92 TOWNSUIP ÇFBOT. >5 £ 17 2,96 9.8 4i1 85 7 --28% 729 , 2 28 w.'-51 TOWNSJI-P OFPpiKe 1 9 57 KR N .- I 827 218 5 j 240 2 16 ' 5 ýTowII8Ip OF MAR A,* *P.%tented Patented Paeue L1fe isurance ÂAT 1COSTe Jance of'NewrYortç Cnadian QoveMm'ent deoeit 8 5(,000 Aoeumulated reserve fund (over) 316,000~ Deatb daims paid during 1884 47,90 lew business, laIS8 mos., 1885, 1iS(X>,wj Twenty-five per cent, cf ail aseessments are deposited with the Central Trust Cora. pany ef New ýYork, as trueitees of the Bne. serve Fund. Lite Insuracce aI leus Ihan une.hall the ordinary rates, snd security perfact. OnIy 10 assessmentà made in 1881, 1882, 1883, snd 1884, and in no case can they be more frequent Ihen every alternat. month. Annuel expenses of management, &o., limied to 82 per $1,000. An active agent wanted in every aur. presented lecality, le whom a liberal eora. mission wii be allowed. Applicatioù5 solied sd fuIl particulars furnishd b>y. th. nndersigned. H. GORDON, Agent for the Oounnty of Ontario. P lort Ferry, Ont. MONEY TO'LOAN On Real Estele Mortgage at Low R te Interest. -&-A--POST Appraiser for the Caneda Loan and!Saving. Ce., and agent for the Western Assurnc. Co. OFICEO-Over Gerrie's Block, Whitby Sutabi, for wrapping purposes, laying uxider oerpets, etc., 25 cents per hundred. Apply to If. TRIS OFFICE. .P- Unapproached for - Toue and Quality. CATALOGUES FREE. BELL & co0., Guelpb, Ont GOOD HRSEIS. NEW RIGS. LIVERY and SAL" STABLES, DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. CRA WFORTH & DEVERELL, FIRST - CLASS TtJRN-OtyTS Furuished on Sbe-rtest Notice. Commercial Traveller. iffberally deal ?AIR PIOE5. KONEST BLufe. WANTED, 1,00 OUNGo E N AND LADIES. To prepare for the hlgh sud well-payîugý Situations offereti by the Directors et th. Jollege. We trust our reader is eue fer wbom wealîhbs a charm-.ene who de, aires lu earn meuey, sud wbo is net afralid to work for il. hu Ihat case, we wiil ffer uim or ber a chance te coin moxey more rapidly, more eagily, and - as honorably as a1 any other occupation. The advantages re offer are se numerous, lhe power se myslerious aud wond8rtui, that "no wcnder t bas createti euch s powerfui impression Dn th1e naaeto the Public. -Tis is ne unrbug or peddliug affair, and we weut nly Ihose who are ambitions lijite, thoga whO are am-art, energetie sud induetricus, s Ibey elene are sure cf succees. But a unaIl capital, a -short' lime -toprepare, sud mtistscîory -retereuces are requireti. Ad- Lres iyreluru mail. - Cfo ANADA. 1. i t i i s -ç s il o h o n a n ai i VEN it lb. urgefllhàving,,bat yesiterday for bis ife wt knowfl te medfc&lel ee. have litIle hope Of couque"' disease. N:asld bas passed itage -of flb. malsdy-4h se i ilreach l.thai Thisi gener&Uày the ls x life lu îhrow off the deadl :~ lb poisua ed unilYthe enceesef i l dti.sufferer lNasauld i agermant sud wore~~ fo al. Olss ~ ANo. 88< TBYS 1 1 1 1 1 -_ 1 1 e PORC5DTO SÂVI sDL~$y JUMPING. gred, oLIJViV5 , at 2 o'eluak, wbidil d 'omoeTOiaýl hotel, on. àthere. The flamnes ha s,$h.aWBYwhen the iumat ened, and as the fire ox th. hall, in the firet flat,'e etî»ir WA'Y'was imposiiibte. éte and boarders bad te ja SThefvanes had ma P. priogroee tht il would ha t1h by suffocation te have wi heokand ladder company aped froin the fourth stoni _'-'"e 5djoifling roof. MosI cf thi yelesped from th soeond ai rs.Baird's Opera Compa etoppixng at the botel. Ail the ;pt3çtpBD IN TVIEIR GUCL Thdoinelitice and lady boiarde tàken luo ther lkotels aad provi MX. aongb, the propriètor, ferDhly of thirteen, slept on the fiight. Mr. Hougb ws'e sieverel ed inreseflifg bis ohidren, au~ inuthe hospital. B orne of the ~~sud domaestics, who jurnpeclf uapper storeys wcre &IsO mml 4-tird and fourtb storeys ads jfcopleeîYgutted, su 1th. Iow are 80 badly damaged that Il wiil have lo be ail rebuill. ?L insurance caunot yet be ascerti -The charred body cf Chartes moulder aged. 27, was fouud ai ruine-of the buned Gommerai ta, night. There were betweez 8o persons in the hotel, sud s say, althàugh manY persona second and third storey wind îorne from thefo'irth,,ail escai out brokeli bones. The- seref t he girls and womeu at the -ws bhearlrending.% Mr. Ohairi jumnped from the fourtj toe caped. with snob slight injune heariiig two of his'litîle brnth stil xi thebuilding, he rusee- the flames upetairs, toeecd chape to those below holding ana then in jumingf frem th storey himself reoeived severi aud was ieken tothe hospital. was thrown by tb. breaking c from lh. third sterey on the wiree, which broke i ai with a few bruises. ManY. very nerrow escapes. The following je a liel Of 0se verely injured :--Johni Ho prietor,baedlyb!lft on face a pud body brnised; Mis Henne anfnl ured on lefI adde Hogrglarm aud left li f lese, bad gaeh over left eYsE Clancy, bande and face baaly Miss Msggxe Doberl- ba výery severely -' Miss Vina baok sd e1ir wmfx~ r(ie aryBed ijr- and body bruised Serab body -verY mnoh bruised ;W cf Pelerbore', ip'dislooated 1[ujnred ; jas. Bogue, cf 1 8shonider inured. Most, cf na udijued are in th. Teafireispodtoav 1 1 LIND"Y. 1

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