Whitby Chronicle, 9 Dec 1887, p. 3

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-SELVIS BT JUMINUG- - ý Dc. .-Tits Royal iy -. cever vMI 1 -lty5h whihoise.. 1g red e -vlives à irut -of Ibis domiIgatoY k, wbîolî deetroyd , .)Oaaoit, bobol, uneoOf lth- letbore. The dlamAes hd made h-ft1e&.dwav whon lb0 lumates We>' ikened., and asethe -'fire oiginatsd di hehlunthe firet fiaI, oscapo by 0# o.îair"pàY wam impossible. Ail lhe pste aud boardsl'5 had la jump frem bdw.T ho dames baid madie suob epdprogreséi abat il wouid have been jstht. suff ocation te have wailed fcr tbm book sudlde.r eempany. Berne *jsanped fromn the fourbi etoray on to- ihe adjoanue wroef. Most of them i-ow- *ye, îepd fomtho second sud third etrea.8am"eOpera Company vers 11,puge the hetel. AUl the lumatos i A~>IN TuIEuR ZI4IT CLOTHES. The (toxetins anti lady boardors wore Ikî)3 hIo tth.-r hoteis sad provîded for. ll1)nRih, the proprietor, with bis {iIV of thirtütýn, glept on the second flel lr . Hough waa.everely injur- in resocug U hi bjdren, and le now ID the hospital. Solme of the boardere e84Ontio6 Who jumupeci from the uDer etoreys wore also iujured and t~le to the hospital. Noue are sup- posee to be seriouely injured. The ýhird and fourth istoreys snd sttuc are OomDIplotolY gutted, aud the lower fliighte Vre go badly damaged that the hotel will bave te ho ail rebuit. Lose and inursI2oe cannot yet be aeeertaiuod. h oNE PERSON BtTRNED. ' ;uj'è cbarred body of Chartes Bako, a t( mJOUIder aged 2i7. w"s feund smoulg the o: ruins of tho bnrned Commercial botei o tonight. There were betweeu 75 and d So personq in the hotal, and strange te 8 gay, altbough msny persous from the1 s3econd and third storey Windows aud a somne frorn the fourtb, ail eseaped with- g oùlt brokefi boues. The sereamiug cf c -1girl@ and women ait the Windows fi wss eartrending. Mr. Charles Hongh1 jumped from the fourth -storsy and os-. caped with suoh uiRht injuries that ou bearirw two of hit; littie brothera wereE etili in the building, ho ruphed thronghî chapé, to those beiow holding bianicete,i and thr-E in jumping from the second storpy bimeelf reeived severo injries and was taken tothe hospital. Dirritte1 was tbrown bV the breaking of a lsdder fromu the third storoy on the telegrapb wires, whlch broke hje faîl. Hs got off with a tow bruisse. Many others bad very narrOw es~capes. THE UINJBED). The following le a liai cf the muet epverely injured :--John HouRh-pro- prietor,badly burued ou face an~d bands, and body bruised; Mise Hansi Hou2b, Painfully injured ou lefI aide ; Charles Uough, right arm sand left log power. lesta, bad gaëh over left oye ; James Claucy, bands aud face bally btrued; Mises Mggio Doherty. bacit injrired vcry eeveroly ; Mies! Vina Checkley, baok aud .bcwlder P'binfttJy injured; Miss Mary Reîdy, ininured lnternaly aud body brnised ; Sarah Jobueton, bqdy ver y nmch bruiped ; Wm. M jonc, cf Peteirboro', hip disiocatod and back injnred ; Jas. Bogue, of Peterboro'. eboulder ivjured. Most cf tlhý aboya naieed injiired aro in the. boppit aI. The fire le supposed to bave originsted in the furnaco. Lone n buildingr about ï,10,00; inred for $9,000 in Water- loo Mercantile. Los@ ou -contents otil- mated st $4.000 , insured for $8,000 in Royal cf'Liverpol. Every jumate cf tho botel lest clothlng sud valuables. The Baird Comnedy Company eetimate their leoseat 84,0W0. Poisoned by a Dogs Tooth. WILLIAM NASAULD SUFFERS FR055 BYDRO- PBOBIA WITH SMÂLL CHANCE iu a eut in une of the warda of tbe Brooklyfi City acepital, William N as- maild lies in the agonies cf hydropiobis, the surgene haviug battled ail day yesterday for hie life with alilthe aid knuwfl te medicai science, but tboy have littie hope of conqueriug te dresd disese, Namauld ha. paseed the second stage o! tibe malâdy-the convulsive aud apasmdisfld to-day tic doctors esy ho wil reaci th.e eheautted state. Thie is geuerally the la-et great effort of 1f. te threw off tho deadly effecte cf lh. poison '-and ausns-ly te affect -'tun 8u0cesfý' and tho ufferor dies. Nasauld is. a german, thirty-thre enee ge, and basm a wi in Germiauy and wozeITd tur B. O'Leary, a furniei doiug business at 140. 36 Jein-street, Mr, 'Lesàry kept #à largo Newfc'ind. land dog te watOliIhieÃŽ promises. Or Sept. 7 the dog bit e herse, and savons' of Mi. Q'Leanym ernmpioyes made ai atteuiptilu capture the animluS. Nasaul ,W"one fo! raef. Ro cernerod thi dogs ad lie dog îurned upen hlx ftow at hie Ibrost, sud fastenod hi 1teethi uNassitd's le! t fereanma as 1h, - Ias'raimed il te osre is face, ýN&B8uld *eut te the city hospital t, hiv tleeorated arm atterded th ' ounot. 17 lue rassdiacharged as cured 1but ,i8fted tie ;hospitli Iice s week t .bahve' bl%, arnildr ssed. Noue ci th ourgeonee8UPpÃ"fedthat the bite ut th k itrp7 dog would pruvo fatal, sud. the et~r"-' ~profeoèi>flsîIQPFDmc Nossld otu-nedtic hie'*ork .Uèébh .,- 1tbe' 4.g iol and begaul lu forget -h" '~d WA bout'the uilddlo >of lasI wef âk " se -Bat I$uday ,orning t] i se gl et of ws He beosm.rtery vio1.itand ohb-wed kl the. symptome 01 hy&dophobi.. Dr.bpêl uae on by à, Wori w. re-ý, porter laut sgt "The paitinctt le tirig muohea4-er' to-pighV," aid tbe dotr, "but I hwe litttie hope for bis reoovt'ry. He le now able to drink water aud snilk and take Duuriehment, W. are giving him chlorai aud digitalie. Tbey are anti- spasmodce.. As a curative ho le gîven hypodermie inJe,'otlons of curère. This le coamonly kù'own sSeuth Amerlos arrow poison." 4There is no q1aestion about il bolng hydrophobia P" aeked the reporter. "INone whatqver," was the reply. '4411 hydrophobia curable?2" ",Yet;, there have been cases ri'ported where tbié malaily bas beon cured, but s a ruis, where a man ban hydrophobia his life, is fot worth mroh." The Beginning af the Orangers. Some wiso mon cf the prose are &ay- mi that the Kuigute of Labor are like he Grangertb. As the pointe of reeo- lauce are net stated, the assertion orvet; oerely te caîl up a recollection E the unique eret soiety, whici, a DozoD yearm mgo seemed far more )owerfül than ever the Knights cf Labor vre. The Grange 8tli lives, bat' ils ,tory is doparted, and its hietory 41e re- orded only in lhe distorted statements >f partisans sud cf mieinformed review- writere.' In the latter part cit 1868 certain Min- iesota farmers received s printed sheet ,hich began as fellowe : ,tIn response ýo numerous inquiries in regard to, our Drdor, tbis cireular le iizaned. The Drder wss organized by a nuber of Litinguished agrieulturists cf varions' States et the union at Washington in )ocem4'r, 1867, sud ince thon ha. net witi Moet encouragiug sUccese, giving assurances th&t it will soon be- come oesof the Mcst useful and pcwer- utl organisations in lb. Unîted States. [La grand ebjeot le net enly general improvemeut lu humbaudry, but te in- crossethe general happiness, weadth,- and prosperity of the country. " As an &id in accomplishingite author's design, thiscireular waiscertainly asucceie. As a Mtaternent of truth it was a conspicu- euS failare. luetead of having6- met with alost sncenrmging &ucoem;, " the order hâd scarcely been hoard of; while, -bh 'distinguished aigrienhntrigts " who hsd -1 organized " it comprised one fruit- grower and six Governtnent eierke, equally diotributod among the' Poat- offie. Treattury, rind Agricultural De- &0udro, seuthugÃŽi#etic Graugefs were calling tbam a few _pars later, six are living. Neverthelesez, it le difficuit tb determine jusu bey much cof tho pl&an d ils exécution vas due te oach.-From "VTe Ruçe of -t he Granger Movernent, "' by Charles W. Piereon, in Popular Science Mont hly for December. Varities. Profesrer Bell is devotîng ail of hie spare lime te perfecting a machine, for talkijng te deaf mnutes. A Boston surgeon ba@ extractod the nerves from à man's cbeek. It weuld be botter for the oommunity if tbis oponatioii wore not snob a rarxty. The lateet financia1 notion lu London and Berlis an exehange fer dispuosiug of superfluos weddiug piresente. The latest quotationse are :-"Wiueocodlera, active; sardine-bex ehearors, duli; mîzed piekie forks, reuovering." Dr. Hlenry Miller aud bis wite, cf Wîlmingtou, Mass., aré haviugi their coffine made white they are yet lu vigorous beaith. The coffins will cest $10,000 each, sud are te be placed in e grand maueoieum that wiil rival Nrspoleon's 'tomb. The latest in eburci entertalumenta is aS haker village fair. The ladies of an Albany Methodiet churci originated il. &U wbe are oonnected With ite management dreas inu' plain 8haket coestume, weariug nu jewellry, or crus. mente of sny kînd. A swiss watchmaker has inventeda a e1electria illuminstol' fer watch dials . à emsial electrie lamp le fittod ln lh. wstol case whero il vill ligbt up tie- dis E wheu, by touciing the case witi lbi ýfcharm, oonneotioui is mado tircugi ti chain with a emal battery carried ù the waistoost, peeket. The lateat explanatiexi of the wsy i ywhicb the aucient Egyptiase erectel ýr their mnormons monolithe sud ebelitk -is that onclusures were made aroun( -the buge stoues aq they lay lionizoutal n on thle ground, floats were atiaohed t altho upper ends cf the etones, water wa " tben introduced luto thi. encosures an id the zûono1ithe were fioated up strsigiý n, Thomas Nast, the artist, was se Kaneas City reoentiy, and wam anuoye 2e by the rudiees o! the elevator boy and said se much. Ou siater vieil I9 eo boy wam ail politenes.suad asked XId i. N ast for bie unique. autugrap>. I dq, NasI drew hlm a, isty pe>-audi to sketch of himseli bcingè deterentWa he tu tie elevatar boy, aud *rote und 4: the drawiug :-"Tbose wi e.eva on otiers muet e >itîese s' o 'The rent introduction byi'1ÀFàer, bd Geormany., of peneila for *riting -upi âiii kls, Po ze1awiuaand me6als, lut 'ek whiteo or bIne, le 14 t'o . uoted. ' '~cotpositien 14oeoütiBp$ go tour patte cf ope e, ti 'treé f2t" 1e 1_- r èýý1h h L .ý , be dCoftrodg, sute DICoSok Zal srDie ssntfoW 'the, pirpoe bY -hluit lf Groee, sud embelllhed vith a lanuel, ,wreath wrougt tin -bra abMr. RicardBel, wiob maked lhe poel'e g.ta ve, s veil ai lb .-tabiet 10 bis mamory, sud the mureIgunue1 lu mom-ry o!0 hie daiug . fer, Lady4 Lovela vil, 4af*r tlie a o'toratiun, ocupyýe'"sam6 pe, onrelatively 10 tie grive as ùv. cf tshe dinborouglu Botaniosi Gardons, io dead. Il r'sa found in 1828 by Sir Join Daizeil -t S9. Abb's Hesti, Sent- laud, snd wae fuily deicribed 'by hlm lu is Ivesumpluone quartes, entitlld "Bare sud Bemarkable Animale of Sootisnd." "Gkrauuy'e" food coneieted ef bal! a inussel droppedl once every two weeks intolie membrancue osophsgsl tube wiici did duty for a. mouth. Its ilbum lu thie gardene cou- tains tbc autographe cf mure than a thousand dietinguishod traveloresud R .mo gPoits Nasal Balm does not irritate Or Cause sneeing, dosflot require any instrument fôrt ta eo, does not have any iii affecte, r eves from the first, and oe 50 cent bottle wll cure an crdînary case, 'With ne other expense sttsched. An attempt will be malsto secure legiuia- tion-in COngress that will bring the Grand Trnnk under the. Inter-State Comffiere law. There was a coek in our tewn, And mii. was wond'rous wise, She bonght Imperial Baking Powder, A.nd caused hor bread to ri»s; Anid, when se. 8W how nice it was, Declared wlth might and main That Iinperial-wau the only B. P. tShe wou1l ever use &gain. T,,he Commercial hotel, Gnlph,wa8hurfl- mderly Saturday morning, oe eMan being killed and many people injured. eople wh reifoyer sud aue sud beions ref cotntfy ere revsugendblionsdb rmtt culsrly amultereguintste digeo, lie iojrr s.lb. owel eogetonp ph liac the si or elp eriodihemals- dy.c ofthe re se cf Nfor thpro & LmaW' VegThtaielyiscofyosudhrype&tic Cure laauble Dsafeurd an ytimarea iscovure l i. gakord ged ste b. lie bout blood purifior libothenmrket. The ehareholdere of Ithe Ontaie Invest- Iment Asociation, at a meeting 'Tuesday Idocided against taking criminal proceed- ings immediately against Mr. Taylor. quae thdreiens hve maeem sutes ouanr il teripbavc, mdiceateod rio poyear wto ysrtheirubcndpin, whic whil yatosesintheirmonstiluabie rmo, jals poeiar te simplule ireird ialpmpund. sud seeaye t esiasleh.nThe Qoune Wnds attke, ra a s otrcphe Lymnnet Toroo.ThîartcleiNorerpar& edma frToere.Tishatie of Quinine. cdfomdth fue Slhery Wlue.an cominomawth ine.,Sherrlie.esald Quiie aomats itter las e uLeestnet Qun~inine 1hf es bter te 1h.neffocyet its imai n pntheptidenrt;e bioalyfiss action n t epatient;tnenghten the puse, musule? frcped, d ingrte te ptonec muhela nere y. nd isud rthu, ythe e o thenerlviger hic il m ateu, croateu geapeti. whic giste it e~oa toue sud energy, su otfes the àystemu against ail nfetion diesesÂk for Northrop &Lyman's Quinine Wine, sold by a draggats. The Kinizston eleotion trial commenced Tuenday, Jýdge Patt-ersofl deciding that the case was s cut off by lte lapse of six TO REMOVE 'DANDR UE.- Ctean*e thée salpp with Prof. Low'a Magie Suiphur Soap. A Dolightful rnodicated aoap for the toilet, bae Woindr I ediviciend cf onto c&4 fer the year. "Nsven deepair," is a geod mette fer aIl. If afficled wviti auy lingering di3ease, ne- member "wile ibere ue lite there le hope." Ns-rer despair cirehlf until yon have tried, Burdock B lo,,d Bitters. Il cures disesses cf tue stomach, liver and blood when aIl cther medius f ail. te Tuflamore prison.-1 When Baby wuMs ik, vo ta"e ber Ceoia When @he wesm ild. &sitecnied for Cealerta, When ahe becomp4p>, te clung te CamIons, Whem "e had Cifdàm-ab ie gave them CasIons,4 1 Have you a Pain anyWhere about you? USE PEERY DAVIS "IPIN KILLa" and d t tnBoe£e BEWARE O M ITATIONS. 2*, Cts. Per Bottie.,I I - lx N N Te1egraph Office, JOH N FEROUSON [8 BHOWING A SUPEBIOR STOCK 0F Scotch, Englisiz and Canadian Tweeds, mde up in latet style on shortet notice. Ready-made Men'8 and Boys' Suits, Genlts' Furnishings and Underolothing of al Kind.1 INDESTRUCTIBLE OVERALLS! Latet styles ini Hard and Soft Felt Hats VUBY OHEA?. JOHN FERGUSON, Dundas St., Wbitby CONS/UER YOUR :POCKETSI Den't be ledl away by flaminpg advertisements but cati at THIE BIRAZILIAN WAREIIOISE and see for yourselves that we are selling Crockry and Glasswaire ai sudna vrn.-L ~ f I,. .+aA 4niec-an it $2.00 per set, Haudmome (Jolered Tes Beis, 44,pieces, at $8.00O per seti, Fine China Tes, S.tts, 44 pieces, ai $4.50 per sett; Beautilmotto China (Jupe aàd Sancers at 25c., (Jolored Diniher 9ette from.,$7-50. per, soit, col-, ore Chmbr Sita 9pieces, at $2.5C pr 'seti, adMas' china anal Glassware arriving ever week. Heavy Glass,-Tumblers 50c. per- doZen,. Gluss Goblets 60C. per dezen, Glass Setansd- Water Sette in varieus pat- tems. Our family groceries are -the besi À.aditheoheapest,. Green,,black, and Japon teas ai 25c. per lb., werth 50oc If you don't- believe il get ssaple-free sud lie couvinced, X.mas frin lustock sud lu arrive., Bell-, ing at bettom prices. Oystersand flal in season. Butter, eggs, poulpryl potaicea, lard sud bacon taken iu exchauge. Wiehiug you &U hea1th and happin esa the;year round. Yo sFait.auyo DevereW',Bck, BrQlrlk Whtby Q ïil DI J IREOT CONNECTIONS The Baltimore & Ohio Tel 0o, The Postal Telegraph Co. To Ma c W. -Ba fin secure prompt dispatci, use lie C.P.By. Coe.iTolograph. )FF'ICE lu Richardson's Block, near àrket Square. >rdors taken for Ceai, Salt, Gypsum, athrlime, &c., fer Tic Rathburn 09. A l autr yoe!Land Flasher sud ào tehd,a Livoyrpeol >nd Osuadian lu àroIs sud Bags, aIl c! 1ý h. best qualit i lowest prie. Don't, erget te caU suan id thinga se reprasenid. E. Re BLOW9 Ys AGENT. Lfedo mp Lany.hie Tus C ompansus ve y.blf of Life policy, and has deposited with the Beceiver General iu sppreved (tanadian securitieu over #100.00 for each $100.00 of liabiity, thns affordiug ABSOLUTE se. Parties clesirous of asuriug their lives wil find ilt t thoir advantage te cenmuit the undersigued befere asssuing elsewhere. v I JOHNby FaARQUA'86.0N * I t'ou 'H f PATENTS, CANADIANS patent fret in th. States, thuëseecxming ai?7 two years. Total coeiloe!«United Stalei Patent $W0 only $20 on makingappli*oationu 1h. balance enly when ,patent litllowed. Total coteof Canadian 5 yeartpsatent,.184 ; loi#$15yeaaro,$74. Oi teeidpl o! mosiel nr drswlng with aeoerlptlob of, invention iv 0 P>leae mention where you USW Ibil are tisement. 4 Noé 68 -OTYF 04.8 - . '. y -e 4.. - s. -~ ï~*'~~#, s *~ 5 £ *- 5- ( - .. -Y~: t -'J b.t more.- theD'e ftus~. t. UI~ àuud by AN r&,vine ing, the, for, 'or une as idn k - e e * General Agent Whitby, -Ma-Y 18,'86. -ly -000 HATS-1 - HATS 1 . HATS 1 COVXTjrý, --ir- mmm9r oveted wherby s pe griniet cmr f this liitherto incuable disee S abelutely effecte& ln, ýýiteo mto thm afpplaoli% no xnatter whether standing one yerorfôr3eers. Thiaemedy.- day, e14 d&oe21 not item e.wt business.Descriptive pampletb sent free on recept cf atamp by TORONTO# CANAA* F-ALL SUITS.I' m 1 1 1 .1 1 à 1 -1 04 ý

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