Tif E' EWbII I Pur8es, Odor Casesi Toi/et .Cases, L ad/os' Com pan/on, -FOR- 'Xmas Presents. -AT- MEDICAL HALL, ONLY Six cePER ANNUM. Wbitby, Frlday, Dec. 9, 1887. question bas boon naised in the ceurIs, as9o wbether contested election ctases houild nat b. brought on insiie eo et six meonths alter the election. la nm te Kinigston trial on Tuiosdey, titis vas ' hoid te b. beje-aw, but it vas ase bd ltaIt the time panliament is in session th doees netceuni. If thre lime efthtie ses. e sien did ceunI nearly every case would w nov b. tirrown eut s very few et tbem c have itod san rder toetsay proceedings. ci Tac reat eonvsnieneand absolute c necessiîy et having bospital, in tovns, foe as saggeebed by "Whitby Finit " last weKwseuuwu at une ipuon Sagrdy last, wbente barneci victime eor lb. fire ver. imnrediately cmnied le lb. hospitai andi mbbsndod te. Wiro would bave taken lhe vretched sufféernein itac lter. been neoitospital? andi boy many lives mightt have been lest titroug thbie vint cf sncb a place?_ TIIE Fishenies commission ins etiil int session at Washiîgîen, but ne inter- maîtion as te iLs venr thas beau made public. A few jeuruale protees te mevw semelhing about ils vonkings, bat' ne twe et the journals 1e11 1h. sains story. Thet. t j iste Comoeissieners are bonni! le keep teir affaire te themiaebves until titey stnike seme baisofetet agréement or disagneement. Iu thte meanlime hîlf ltse(Janadiau prees and alilbh Amenemu pres are figbîing fer te Atueian., viibt tire Canadien aide ofet leae je oniy iteld up by bail lte (Jnadian prese. Iti Uzbinige recetliy a committea of situoens vas ppointed te coneider seme changes- necessary in eenducting lte affaure eft litIteu. Amonet lte ten reforms urgenbly needeul by ltaItevuw ter. ii acely on. but i. juils bedly r.quired i Witby. Oun tevu muni- cipal system oertainiy neede au over- bauliug. On., parliaulanly, efthlie r.. forme suggested in Urbridgre in vorlty of immediste adoption ber., viý: a * i nee l u li eo a a e r o f sa s s e s s a e n t sud lte sppointneuît ofa cempoîsul -asessor. hie vel kuowa ltse preeul aseseor'u ttis tevu deurvee le b. oonsidened sblbe botter than a pou- diouer, In Uxbnldge iu future tb. S sesesiment te te be publisbed, vjl:loi action viii oerWaily relisve any leva, of onseofthlie vent oet is abuses 'jTa dspatehes rsgarding lté troat of Gerniuy' neo a nPrince reutind i us groagly of lt* bulletîinsissued regard. r lte condition ot Presideat Ganelld a dstlervardis *eu. Grant. One day SedooIom nsad ,il is oaucen ltst eeïbilb.th Prince, sud furtitermore 0 k u tem rmincis ltaI Ibis caner tzdté orýà ini sioking tlamo. Tho xt day¶i. s atmi oen but ,ftar t 4mure bout it. bdg bte r t of obâcoo. Tieti hiW-day IbiM doubtfui,- ~fit is cane., st&Hails. te hys*imu -- »sge. The~ fout day lb. Prias. Yay lv or jean. The hit h. nlsma foit ls4d aUtt. .a s~ o. ai i>aepi 5ndlsaused w these hnlle. . zneftY outiuef the. sohemne sud more Important uonst4ertiou,. gymnaïitmi Steýà , pehaplu n o t obvïouoly more fesibie : and 18-:a Moreflle!y 1- b. taken up, as lte oenipols usto previds ait, institut. a gymnasium.kdded.ýt 'Whitby Pire proposai for a free reîding room,J library, museum, etc,, w. wouldi sugReet a nigit echool and schooJ design. Tusse latter ire 'now be Bstablished In.ail important tâwns cities of the United Statees ince centennial. where England'aschools design exhibited drawinga vi astonisbed the whole worid. 7HÂARRIEShas enly ene nailroad à -Orillia two. The competitio a at Oni je oce keen between the moade t] potatoes enub. sent te, Toronto a grg deai cheapor from Orillia t6itar Barrie. For tbis reason potatoes é ton cents per bîg higher in Orillia th Barrie îlthough thirty miles furth from Toron to. This talked cf purce of the Northern by the Grand Trui would place Orillia in snob a positiq that potatoes would be ton conts buw tbam Barrie inetead of bigiten. TE shows the harma doue sacittown whe, opposition in rates vas doue away vi by permitîing purohase or amalg mation. And every ime the Grar Trunk or 0. P . R. gobbles up ath rad it je b shbut off competing ratg and dose the cquntry a great injur, The outcome of these nailway inonol olies wilI be the Governmer-t vili haç te buy up -all the rai Iroads and ru BîsHop Clea.ry, of Kingston, is charge, witb hîving defamed car Canadiai girlo, iL Napanee throe wesks mgo, ani Rev. Mn. Manning, of Oshawa, ii charRed with having severely larruppok the Roman 'Catholice from hie pn.lpi luring the paet two or three 8ndays Both clergymen are etrongly condom. ned by certain newepaper@, but thesî papers forgeýt that tbey warmly greeted Kano, the Irish Orangemin, and 'Brien, the Irish Cathoio agitaton !roux wbeee vieite ne donbt thee pros- )t squabblos are a resuli. If vu nuet have the nosianoe of Irish politios ntreduced into our Canadia affaira, 'e cînnot expeot much else but Ibat be more bot headed cimes wiii pull toh othors bain. The neweapers hbicit mont strongly condemn Bisbep 1.iary and Bev. Manning are te very ns which bave been iaberug for bye ears, te introduceIrishpoliuics iabo ýaada with a view teO atà hing votes rz tem respective parties. s0eeling to write about if ve ver-e ta maire any reply ta te vile abuse show. ered upon as lest veek by theo Cobourg WorId, copies oet viciot ers sentbtaa number et car tevu effleers. It is obvions frein its persenalties thet lte World irasgo ides vite is oditor etfthis journal, as bis abuse là diroctec astireg wrong persan. If te World tinke il le te proper course for a paper te pur- sue,l walow& a 4i is par;y leacipre may demand and neyer attempltet have a minciofet ilsown, tM i@ the lt course.fer ilt t pursue. We titink jar ounseives. W. have net yet iteard et âuy man of mny political stnipe stepping the CHRONIOLE fer any nealon, sud ve cannet se. vitere te World gels ltastery. No Caourg paper eu en. ligirlon lie people et Whiîby as ta ailher lte preseut or pust coureso etir CHlLONICLH. Our peoples mev il about ltaI, sud lhey sitoulci mev, for lter. is, scarelY a houseirolc in utiis parter ite ceuntry imb vIn-obchlie CRONtOLE dose net go. Aj tealte WQrl's abuse, il don't affect us. W. are used te Billingegate mltgthsr int advance cf ils offerte, ftralte port Penny Obser amnd Whiîby Gazette.1 They eau maire ilt tree.iraudod if iy choocs.. Wsvould suggemlleti tee latter Ivo ltaI they quoe.lte Cobourg Wrldsn te subjot. l ON mouday nightin tu h. Toronto oity eouuell, Mayor Rowland uneartit. ad wit w iii likely prove lte aut grand scandai oeateti during lie tsrm. Il apper ltaIt e Toronto Galle Percha aud Rubbier Manut'g Ce. bave beau eupplying lte City and, vadicu oater conpogationg in ttis province eu tbhoe, sud that lbe contracte veaei moourud moesor lssu irougitwiepuiafor wic mog othrte w Iooiy alder- mentlte @ily oe*' nd ud 1nx-presi- deont of lte KdlsudReam d sIl of 200I Hope ve. noevin ,smm. siens. To 89e-ume boss ontaimets for tiisoompaay M*hlroy, ils maaagro bas et varion limes durlng , tpa>" six yc.» id ont fabout #8,000 tué ine palièes. 1besde. lueisitao"algud tRSt t.eýc ëOls, îasued by tRi. t mpauY gealer*Uy rerm td he. mc lie rmt ute bs Oenslt asvhénit,AU&dinhe foo lêiiaamà th 1the it l ad teh a of ich and reit rom are her, b50 on -The (Jeunoîl then îdjouneqed. ver re W hftby T o w hp Oou oil tir za. Brookli, Dec Bth, 1887. ,d Jondil ef Whitby Township met par. ier suant te adjourninent. AU1 the memabere ta pretient. Reeve in the cair. Minutes et; imel meeting read and ppoved. b ry. Mn James Balteur, inspecter oetIres, as ýP- heard re report of trees inopected in 1887. 'e A number et accounts was preented ta ti counOil. On motion the Reer, lat thLb chair until 1.80 O'clck. Couixoil resumed. Ail the membere present. Rleeve in the chair. Pd A By-Law tLestab liab polling subdivi- Ln siens andc appoint deputy-neturning officera for tis municipality Pasoed itis gaverai id neadinge and cmrried, Mr Wilson in t.he chair. A Wilson, secondeci by S. Meduand, )a moves that the ileeve grant hie onder on Trasre in tavar of the tollowing prs<,u a. Fothergili, 14 trees at 2,5 ce, $3 50 James Cooper 160 $4100J, Jeremimb Lick 50,#12.60; SH. W. Wilcox 82, $20 50; M MeTaggant 16, ,d14.00; the troe h aving bean centified bo by Inapector Balfour me being et goocitarin d ad growth and planted accending te law.- rCared. Charles Calder. secoudeci by Alexnder Wilson, moveu tir thLie Clenix hoau-thenizeci rosi! allowences te do se 'aI once or pro. tceedinge vil ho taken Lo colleot the same ---Canrieci. On motion the Reeve, Clerk, and th. Aseor were each granteci 15 ton thoir services selecting jurons ton tire jean 1888. On motion 812 vau granted le nenew 1h. insurance palicy on thie town hall ton three Mr John Eogarth was a.llewed 81.50 ton repirngtw bides inhMasroad beat John Willis, secorideci by Charles Calder moves LiraI Mr Wilson ho appoiLted, Le- audit tire books ot Corn. Rundle and repent thie eveni«.-Carried. Meurs., H. Bickle, J. B. Malhowson and MoRnîgiri vere eech allowed $LOO rebat. on dog tai. On moUtio h.e eeve 1.11 the Char o ene heur. Connoil reenineci. 45 0 membens present Mr. H. Meen was grantecil 10 being three yeans salery as caretakofet b gravailpft. On. motion J. Cutleli vas granleci ".CO ton prnîng 400 copie. bleuir reporte tur the Board et Healtb lui w o rme. On malien of Mr. Wlliis, seocudeci by Mr. Wilson, the Reeve vas authonizeci le grant bîs ondon on the. Treasuner in laver et a numben ef aooounts axnonn tte 3014. On motion of Mn. Willis, eMn. Pearson vas alloweci 18 tor beard te Mn.. Mille in. digent, andi Mn. oakine vas &hseafloveci 86.00 ter board le Isa Walker. On motion et Mn. Wilhs, secondeci by Mr. Wilson, the Clenr vas appolnled Coin- mlssionen le nepain 1h. doors etflte teun- hall, and aise teprocure semIs ton the samo. Mr. Calder, seconded by Mn. Wilson, meves Ihel the Reeve grant hie aider on the Treaeuner i aver et Thos Rancie ton 73122. being:his pylifuil let date sa Cern- missýoner.-Cameci. On Motion et Mr. Medlend, secondel by Mr. WUlsn, te pelilion of J. Tweed. enci othens king tfonraiWfor Micheel Coffey was laid on tabble unlil lie next miel- kr WWs, =dbdby Mn. Wilsn.- xoves thet Lthe Beeve grant hie order in taver ef tire tollowing amonle .--J. R. Ifatheveon asReOve and coin, 850, AUeX Wagson me depuly.Reeve $40, services à u ionillor, Charles Calder $40,S. MVailndi 140, John Wilie $40, J. F. Moeoreelsnrer, 100. D. Holiday, bal. et saey ilnk875.- Darrisd. On motion th. concil adjourneds#ineodi. Railway Time Table. GRAND TRUNX AND) MIDLAND. [allet, Revis, Mayaard, Tile batohens in th. market sent in- a ýpetib'i lge& 4Y it.mýail, agreeing te *taLe thé.-stalle tor 1nDeit year sat prosent econuied, Nos. 1i sd 2 paying $#72 saob; & aud 4 PaYîng $60 eaobi-and 5 sud 6 paying424. On motion of Coun. Foxs ecended by Reeve 8maith thre butchors stalle vere granted il the abeve rentai for one yemncoemmencing Jen. 1, 1888, Ihe rent te, be payanie qumrterly. Mr. Goo. Eickingbotitam sont in ýa leIter egreeing te aiiow bis fonce bo be laken dewn during te vinter menthe, on condition Ihat the fonce b. repimced in tbe sprxng. No action vas taken until next meeting._- On motion enf Reeve Smith seconded by Coun. Noble, Mn. Major Harper wms appointod valnato,. in behaif oftIhe bown te estiinate the value eftthe' plant in the Atlas Woollen Mille, te aseentain wbethen the conditions ef tbe by-iaw granting tbat cempany their benus Lom (Im ocbourg)......... .19ress................. ."T MILAD D IV Mail............ set Are showing special value in Ladies'and Gents' Fur Coats, Caps, Muifs and Fur Trim- - --- ---y &i cb luc r Sian Lamb Caps, Ladies' Persian Lamnb Muifs, Ladies' Astracan Caps, Ladies' Astracan Muifs, Ladies' Mink Caps, Ladies' Mink Muifs, Mens' S. S. Seal -Caps, Cbildren's Grey Lamb Caps, Boys' Fur Caps,Ladies' Astra- canAP MaktSeci aPcesloas Don't wait until Everpybody e/se ha ve had theé cho!ce, »GOLI with Diamox, GOLD ' 10k5 and 15k. 1 an&-Fob Chaiu5 fi COLLAR 1 MJAde without Solder piec ofe Gold, Sflve: BA th-r WatChker.9 Me VEsT Con8k Oas DECEMBER -LOCAL - LI WHAT 18 601N48O N lmH BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOI &A iil'a amang y An' f aith hel pn Oebonrg mcaa8 magnif@ m curling nink te gettin Acoordiug te anno paper, tire .mpirei Wa bog ta tendez Mn. aund Mrs. Rober te boss, eftheir oni, Tua recent ekafin rYoung montheir livi Stitorougitly ducked Ferry an& Bowmmn Tire Pickering . hands-,-Mn. L. S. Ac] out on acooflut ef -f gene te Caliormia. <db, T x iibp.,,> l -usBowmamvi they have seme 'y tovu vite ceme, up standard idea e o jiekere. - Theso i Wit leau that Syrimn ladywho. vi address bore undeir Wemen's Fereiu et St. Andrewe' ui till spning. Tite cli b oosefor hon ti Ix our adtertisa pester i ill hoiià b. e of lte town havede eauh busines îf being rissd le "snob offeet ns Us a bit, n or serbage etfu erssto stnike. Mn. DiaL ob lest threir.horss nd zigs inafiSIr on, Menday n knovu here on s ltrongit hero le Tu ySar. ïO Retad BO enongh to cûver i ONE nover smsi ing mreund th.et by -tovu. Ws cantt seurs sud alvays ýeeS Titis accotants f jlilens -andl for b IrTMaybe oid THE Bright, and Fresh and the Prices are W-ONDERFULLY L, Cali and'sec for gourselves. WitbyO88 Parmiers, Threshers, and Mi11-Men BRS COLUMN. GHEAP Emo8um Find it to their advantage and profit to use ~ ARDJN lEm Guaranteed not to guru, and wiil outwear Machine Oils. (jeTry oux Cylinder Qil. It has no equal. rylliv, bp 7 WK BRYAN & SONS., Dundas Street. z o ail other Foda rsaet. is-r rvo1ôutoiL raafl night, le dù-rab Str'ke for ail You're Worth and Win. I 11k, éosee bie biAve1y p ying Aib'is terces inioi s« e. Stnalghl aheaci andi nover stneying, AIL hie slrengt bis purposei, Thon 1 cheer lim onvards - "ng Sînike fon aUl you'ne werth and win. Courage, cenado, keep hen going, Keep tire mil anolling on ; Whethor hosftile winds are biewing, Dmrkness muet give vay te dawn. Neven mid the adverse heeting, Threv your spunky challenge in, Holci jour greunciand keep ber ecooting Strike for ail you'ne worlh andi vin. Wboop ber up and neyer taller, Neyer turu yen tromIthe strife, Bun ou offenings on the aller 01 a tre andi blamoilos lif,. Knep jean heati my xenrrade, 1l'ovol, Nov's tbe lime te lxy. begin i Femning neiiter man non devi7, To IBsspiriteci acvice vo megit Md ln 'Buyin7g, -Pgy &8Y OU G. mny lte aime m an y biytheiquarter eandby ti" prudent plan. Dem pnncpaily &tomet stores; iily re8son eua1ebelieve they Bel more cheap- 'y Ib= eredit stores. Anong liteuah stores selig BOOS ND SHOIES 1 Noue lhave vouà me.fs-von thma 1 Ladies' S. S. Seal Caps, Ladies' S. S. Seal Muffs. LadiÊ,,qy Pn, er- Caps, Mens.'--Persian Lamb Caps, Mens' Beaver Caps, Mens) Otter V U.L can Jackets, Special -Prices, Coon SIdn Coats, is -ss -S Goods ýç 1 mmgs 01 all kinds. OCK 1:; ?4. e IRJ 0 WPL BIRYAN & SONSI 1