Whitby Chronicle, 16 Dec 1887, p. 1

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4, Hi! mm mn--o Pt- Ou' uOvedew.ohrhoi Printed vords, great thoughts, and Ufthlflg infltiýy Pence, PTopess, KnowIedg.~ Brotherhoot. ).XXXII. WHITBY,ON'TAIRIO. DECEMBER 16, 1887. f. EutabUàhed .1856: t?1 eadmtgekIy In Ontario Couoty SUEBSCBWTION BÂTES. o., rle, rapbl e odwail oause &t tdSpoallusi'mi a- bésé t te Jo olsoelbatdN Y ctri ~rse l ad other mode= movent. -4xeyorer roll.,prompcue H Prsnseull"on yrlUe$, '10wnf*big M *baquant inoertioza, 8 oêt* Dsl1ad Âdvealbiexonta aemaue a lcealeetfld Noflpureil, and ohared 'hAdveloeints sent vltheut wrltten e ltnolonm lnserted Until forhiddeu, aud 4a ý.4for 1fuit line. 0 ,enu for ioonllnuing adverllsmenlu i4*tb. l tu l t ehewln lhe publiali- er.viU nol hêresponsible. A àliberal dboeount for colîrcIadycrl- memxl>y by ear. Copy for changesoe ookonrèl dvrglsments sbould lie hsnded lu ui*l lalerlWednesday ; and notîoe an y intlennchanges -aboula lie glven or. Tu.ssy 'bool.Other&adverti»s. ',*ont% roel dup teThureday cnoon. BUsiness et1o.s lu local or ncwu oolumras mci.oentsper line weekly. Locae, 0-clu. uine w.kly. ~rrepodonce bolliled frorn all ~ats oomilCatons as promptly &B ION13RBON & GRAHAM, ProprI. "ia Coucty $Ooilor. «C»e,- South 'C~ourt 1Uouu.ý Whtby 48 ABSISTER, o ce formerly oc. Ftwb arewellk& utledge, aGi lWd'Ro4Brook st., Whitby. DAVID>WLIS BN .& kA,?ORoe4AT-LAW, SOLICITOR EN ob O«7 onveyanoer, o. e;wmqu-In ýthe O020o. outh Oet1he Polt 0:%1a Moiflan' Blook, Brook Street, G. YOVN SURITIE, 1,L. B., - 4&BEUTEU&o., ho.-Mogney te Loan Isue 9 arige Licols. ~w~,~Uudh'eBlock, ioulA ef Market, *b~pt.,Wbtlby T"UR-ÂT-LÂW, SOLIOlTOR R% sUcery, Convoyancer, &o. 0-DeeU'o Block. Brook Street, (»Ir TO LEND-PrIyale F=na, suplo 88000, aI a lew rate Of A- (ly.59 MORI8 AT LAW, SOLICMIT N lbenei7Oonvysuer o.. am- ast, bwa -&. _&. :OST. Mie with lançmey LanlyhBre oront7e,) A RCIfITRCT.- DCIn f*Ourobeu, Villa and Cot- ages a speelalty. Drawifgs prepared for reoeugelting slruture. Ouuzo-Filrst üvtoie* owue'u Ding P.0. Box 20, WuMlr. FARM tFOR SAiJE! ABeaulikaly iltefalim As the TOWN 0F WHITBY. Tu hnemged effets 1«c sle haiit mu Idiars .ng as atea on the out ide ot Brook tresS sd uorth et theO Gra Trunk ruilway As the Town of Wbuîby.- ThibI farm àas good a plece ot landau caubi foundA lnb.e ocuntry ,bua splendid mAsit» r lon er a towuiPark or drvlng park,la imA aU good a state 09 oulllvatien a.meny main coula wlah la fenced entlrely wllb boari fonces, inolr of &U bad woed or othet ob. joCtlons et thal nature, ha@ a streain a n-aber run=in throngh eue cornîer wn-b nerertails. Weo ar n d ether outbild- ingu ar te beat quality and simcàt non- the hous. in a ncarly new oene-storey huila. ing and ean b. ralaed a slerey n-lIh neogreI expens. T'bore la a grood vell ef puri ,ater. Irhere ila ayouug orchard oet sted. ara fruit re.., just emmnenclng to .jý fruit. The gardon la a. çoed as eau hi found. Thae trithea conveetlesho sd churches. Titi. good Ltibtertm Apply te preprieter on premise. 45-12in. GEO. HICKINGBOTHAM, Wbibby, Oct. 2m1, 1887. Wiîby P. 0. SMQ.KE. the MUNGO! The great 5c. Cigar, and the M A R- NEWS LETTERS. éL3 Oorrespondenoe. iies for XWBai R. 0.. VfPozcro, nt., isla it, week sua neraccidents reported. neylParewell held court here on 'Thiursday and Friday lait teinivestigte inte the de- bauch Mf tbe Saintfield plowing mnatch. t, aperthat oesof thec moat succesful elements of that event was the fine trade don. freinbooths in the field As wbiakey. Newton ef saintfield bad two or treo branchas ef bis"tavern establhmleutg Ihere sd luhed-eut-tbe whiakey Anlargé quanti- -ô,Sur. DtsrOGeb killyd fo 80;at odp HIJO j The great 10lOpm ae odf-Im ?R41eut ectured. foru o9 Weosdy audnýu - asdyevenlngsi. ThA là lb. secen&'tiie a eham vlited Ibisae'» ansd obsum ectiy fée attendmne us mml. -Bs-1tUrea henever are amuaing. a Tbl.orga Alb.hemethodînt oburoli bau teenrepalred and reznov.d hem the adac ou th. plattorm, behld 0 U]itýTtide stl ote cappear. suce-Lýt lb. oburch but the muniec1û net therqor requires bome oeste bring il eut. '0onslsblez MoBrien pased Ibrougb oui Ion-, on Moday sundserved Mr. George Chi=- vitha summona to appear bef ore ,,!=oMgjte orne te anmner tea oh#arý-ot v *olo e b.Scott Act. Geetge bas alneiwl.dged 1h.e ffence sud n-lU bive tle banil over -lAie fty. Put of thason.woik ef1 the engin. houe belgbiItathb.mil. eaved As Juil n-hen about complote&. The eather n-as tee, toohe -o in-Va put up and the frost oomingoutoaued tAc break. It An belng repMted again, Thé engin. arrlved Mon- daýj uîght and - lUb. running shortly. We) bave a puom'ising lot of- youths gron- le = a tb1<aeUn Salurday laut, ne lbthea"os0o!eight sud four",vu drnk playsng on tAc streb Onitbe boy. lnvited hie friends te lits fatbuen ceBu an d stood lh. treal. TAie ci4r rouvgItpe slrSeg for l.m a»d lb. n-s Obycme eut te ir 4bes~gsnralStores An lb. cnD _The mochate eofyour tonnd Agent for Whitby, W« ueathm idirecltmrothe mnnfacturrm. t, Dominion- Ligeo0f Royal Mai STEAMBHIP. LIVEPOOL SERVICE. SAILINO DATES. Prom Portland 0eo..........Thnay, Dec. 22nd. OrqKm...... . SatUray, Dec. MILh vami6ouver,.... Saturday, Jan. 7th. 8ana.......Saturday, Jan. 2Wa. RATES 0F -PAS8AGB. Frein Portland or HEaite 1.LtverpoL CabAn, t0,, OU sud 076 - Second Cablpo Steerage at lowestutt. DAVÎD TORiIM h Co., General Agat. ontreel. or te B. STRPENON# Telugraph0200e., Local Agent, Whitby. 7lUan [in liq BALLDO J Royal Mail Steamers. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW. WmTERARRANOEMENTS., DATES OP BAMUMNS. ' y7rom Portland. PopHlaià. Parllau. .Dee 15h Deo. 17tb. Oaia..o Dec. 29t t e '<81.1 hepo pie 70te 1Llepo1r Lcade.yvit Prlum 0 4w o c, bas opeed isdother I YY 1w. Kainuiienon urn v aauank, et ed ýon eav Ilb rMn1h.' meeting. Ain Tronta i! pr Iton face., Duringý that m eeing $hy a o cre thingu which openied thei eyes mud ettheir wisdom . teeth. vThe, maagement of the bak ýwa'efsther £-aa nYstein of dishoncsyor of-icmeeco boUa. It muet have l"en apparent l=th mangeof that bauk,.-Worëe openmîg up bers that it had ne ilion."-yf-et is Own te.Uée bers. It looksaàs if the *lýbeàt isn.ein tbis branch wusto get ffanda frem -epoea- tors te use elsewbere, perbape, le accolo- date a gang of scampi in Toronte, who wt naingCentral moneyyvith little or nosur1ty an tIle or n n ç, *se~iOU perhlpocf ever paigthe moneyabck. ReHonor JudigeBurnhamin addressing the. a du ytw at y nTu~j, ~ oc aion t c1 ca esv he *.co du t f magitrate W rqbt, Gord o .1 Ba10 anA e n n g M u s& . S s o nr e e t y ç a charge lthe invebtig t a fwhich: ud have stood over &nilaprrnfa<» had been dinposoof Inagjtraît" Robson and CradiLItb-k -rs .18~l h resltf hvig afew toêu;suy nagiatrtes here.' But what etrikos zée asbeiag pa&ti- cul rl u ta r e h a a w cm aa h ould le. denied evenafew dayse te mae p lh. ,m eny to pair br srfall -ine,, S um y Iis welhy c ratin s nt so ard u that a Z»ma mY beset te $losthe sae ef a, d laand under questohnbl cauum tanmg tA., euwould udubtedly have beu.r, allowed time to payi fine, but a po&r womn uis senftoe %be, In writing latlIabo=t a gàng oftbargh Who iit ot P. 1yisadit-tbio,wbfak-ey- the oure eOf the-newo-aper wbhi0k the whskey patY benld b. 1nol u1 but-anu ieentiv te crm. lu e bpi g1 Myrtle station Qn Wednédy nitàbOwç MY word. eré prphetie. whann core bt t m ha4ps e I bhAt I t y ont Atnlgbt inb heeverllaey jpI~~$ J p 1 1W . v eu d er m i e e h i e ~ s mâ ai iy, beau rt 1 or*~" ies aadlancy t and n-o knew I hi. pries. n-lU t Wth cle IL ' DECEMBER 16e 18879 .ý Y 1 ;loi PORT plmy, 1 1 1

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