Whitby Chronicle, 16 Dec 1887, p. 4

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. e . B JIIE. NE~ES?~ Purses, Odor Ca Toi/ Ladies' Comp -FOR-- 6 k -AT-- MEDICA L G. E I! ONLY Sx 60 PER Wlthy, Friday, Dec. 1 Publishers' Noti With this nume the. ~enters upon its thirtyeo Throughout that long period ways been in good hands, uequently has alwaye ftouris of our readers are famniliar history, as a numbher have from the nfire issue. The pr pietor. have endeavored toe ~the old subsoribers, and t4 many new ones, and have We thank eur patrons very 1 t>op continue and extend Ta Seott Act ie undoubtel law, breaki ng up traffiu w euisted, for dear knows hoy l throwing mon eut of busi kuw uohag about any othei scott Act by 'yuamiting ia sud inspectors' residences sun ing the lives eut of constables totives. Men who wili resort sots should net be allo wed toe p;blio house, whtether thtey sol or net, for ibgnust e .o unasafe over uight ni their places. pressed wis1oaf a large majorit People o! this ecounty is the shal not be sold sud this m unlawful. The rOBhorities are î1rumiued to'enforce Ne wiees P laA kang of the bustao er 2lIi to s lu> bte c au.rv wltete ihe traffic allowa]J. 1Âi,. h -, , as ge'tiug ioto j -al or ge ~ figbtin ceai-t-d i. u J c e n only do lhb-a --e L :1. sinice yp ph- ar i a - supp rr.t i r 1h' - 10 resort i, th Jy jf-j h tertunira Jd h-i la ..' stoppod. Ni - a wuo fawor bu iro' ni e - iaa n outr- g- te k a a t l - L: -e inie ta nr \ ai< X now ibat ader gî. . Msanufactuua ampny 1- biddig WLby byp000 there v num~ber of dimfouhin~, rrila -o;j? i ' Ia- whlch muay frighten, muan fro; wn jdea ,id o~~'iir' ~a~ to serve ira next y-ar'ai coca eil. - o~-<f Oah'.s Psipular '-i adig-prie- f perte -eria in- already tai f ia<Tr-, oi.y 3Q - ean-iniiu fuii Mowiag Comf'a Kotafestre a metimn.> a tein m a ur-.-he piuc ha~nds of the 1 b-iff. W> do tatr~ ve fi ee one! of -4î-b, 73 oa n. t Bta th bmpa h amenlfil c-.d Lady An- e's Seeret, hy Mira M. E11 ment and cmayavlaw fla0 1 m agi' B-1raddho*; Wif~ or Wid<a, by the menty Ud mayte oironmsta~nes heautnor ofl "The Micsing D)iamondts," torn Uatesat*put u thaeibonus,. te se..; Tar wo allow Eves, by May Ceil - -at any rate cannot sell its daab rñures Ra ; D-rkeet Before Dawnra by tlie I saye. Anattept ws mae atlastauthor of "Sweeît seveu4e en," meeting of ibeir town council te- secure Chidr Hf t t Lvee, by Liauoplr i -muthiori4y to raiseethe money by way cff aut1hsou errs Lofe byu Lthe" authr - u0porryjcloan habt that is unla*ful fThe Cours of Fi Tele," ty ;sy .n4 did not, kork. -Ou thLe - whole a Thei En f aiyTae b yy Mahaer f eakassart Alece have Geoi i ai kilg ofe the so raeprinu-, a felidhe town ina a 'naa em i I. edi- ag ye ihadoeala o eret hed wtinto a. hoe toleve summons, the bar-tender drew a r cf hinott ct Uputheroe, ai Ba8,in was nerly hamre o 1a et Cae onstables shonid report these oas 9t <âSO/ when they coeur and allow the. Count Attorney to try his baud upon the Qg . parties who faney a conhsable's head ~flIfl1 made for a football. People muet b taught te know that a constableeisa officer and must dci his duty, whethu - thast duty be agreeable te people or no Tas Unfortunate affair at Myrtle c Wednesday night shows what folly it i to interfee 'ith deseaeoaatr esent Hcweve depioablethe' ma"e L ed hc the Sco t nÂct deteoer seur haiwen hŸl as their favor that they were summoned entited te potection,evide Bron sed HAni£e i inetonf breakng bb •I Lb.~y mobbing theme. It would be only natural to uxpect that these Scott Act detectives would be armed te the teeth, ,would be expecting diffioulty, and would fightdfr 'tei iv'ea if inberfered with mn RDtotives having reported the Port Perry hol, no do ubt they recognized somne IgJ of the parties who were walking around EMyrtle station, andi feared a atck So when approhed they wer ntackn prepared. It is s very sad affair sud we very much regret it, but those who ANp.endsto nd oie bue ae upthei n 618871 THEme muereing ofshaeoder a few dpoeiaor in Tiorto hin Tuesdy show- ed the. Central bank te b. s rotten ce. ooneeru. Three years ago it started Ca£N IcLH-E a pe io b sm an a d hau in s n c Ondmayeer.as te lo e 81,000,000). It tn har as 8 200 ussed in bank notes sud and eon- amuout of not&s li roultion was far hed. Most rn eroess f what the. law allows, as s wihisbank muet keep its issue within the tku limeits cf its unimpaired eapital. The J ten it directers ail ove the. bank more or lees, osent pro. and iu n m3y cases had advanees made retain alh Tii thede withou . sufidin l urity su J snohaesdd they ipositord inears but aie aoo J our place mnoh more The.y muet foot up bille * ~ Ti. symoney was handed eut to a pyoohad e eton T edar' y cauged s great tH dyabr etio n nousdy s meeting, doesi- r hioh has .er eoming almost frantio with, ex. tr on, ndetemet. Looking at bte Central a! Busd lank iu theilight of these revelatiusorw nesu wb i je 0a nder the retten conceru stood et sytu f enab ig people to know h ov on d pound-8 bak stand and whoe they deal with. all an pude- th t de-h Detectives Locked Up. te sac edo dee liu Paivate Detective Jobn Fahey, ex. g to lae Detective Louis Naegele and Constable ap Te eL&y Bureau, of the Montreal Police service, P, y fThe- are i prison charged vit b having Ceom- we yi orh rmttedi the very crimes they have been ake ituo 'trviag" to arrest other mnu f r. Last ble nowe di- sme iH Paillips, ene of Montreal's in if dt- aorting maen,~ lef-Whe keys of his houesera ictheoi aFh u1s'jsn froma the city. Aa qtiuota dp eA hae be.en robbed. wa, pyr of secutekthe ionsCe' O! jpaiciy, Wi;eou the '4 811 er4h Wilo boca&ne Fahoy'esuad , W tar'kau -I iabaout the rob. and J t ud Lar4au, bl-. a ho her'- 3 thomto it ewa,4rb a G4nd Tran. saf'irn d<ichiiYt T U'i t p Si som' weea sp. . To 5X'eraej a o îl- W'ia JeamlL; to erifam o eeniviction fox s a l .tf c' " e Lî ai CL'eono fe O 5 t a s a a i h . o } eî 1 e . d a n A E i "oi~. J som , r p a a o '~ o oa e aîc ' I k " iL Q w - q . J o ' a irr-ohraue p.1ch<Q~ Qîî re ic. Oritn n ule IlOl " O . e eon~ man ow l, a d Me sFJ IS db- bar bspor metne! e o Sohorl mn-.~ wibaryte neio rhody ofg Dlfest. y E. DBow asprsented a rportofrom the se commit. cf echool management etating is tat in accordane with the. rmles of the* e5 epartment they had adverised n~ for s esonce master, sud eut f er foui applicants had selected Mr. t ,T. N. Fish, B. A., whose appointmnent t. s reomne at a salary cf 87ô0 pr nannnm, his duties sud salary to cem- n mue. htha the opening f shool after s ti. oliays. The report vas adopted. Onto"- n o !°"' Far eel, ti e e h o en a7. cene hmber ond ti as re shoWing special value in Ladies'and GPt ur Coats, Caps, .suffs and FurTr tip re net ae pyiacclaat"oa mings of all kinds. Ladies' S. S. Seal Caps, Ladies' S. S. Seal Mnffs, Ladie'er peilins asl tke ncpace el etos e -iz. pace a todd 1nicialltes vie- sian Lamb Caps, Ladies' Persian Lamab MufLadies' Astracan Caps, Ladies' yad enc chberh n wa rpr Astracan Muffs, Ladies' Mink Caps, Ladies' Mink Muifs, Mens' S. S.- Seal freom the finance committe. reoo- Caps, M ens' Persian L amb C a s M ens B a e C ps Me s Ot r mending the foleowing acenunts:-Juo,.P, esBae CpMn'Ohr Newport, 6 ; W m. W icks, 8.25 ;R. C aps, C hildren's Gre L a h C p , B y ' F r a s, L d e ' A t - H. Jameson 70e. ; Thos. Bic., 81.20;•ryabCpBy'FrCpLde'Åta B. M Netof 8 r25.n8te o. can Jackets. Special Prices, Mens' Coon Skin Coats, munication f E. R. B Iow as referrediM n ' B a k W l te the committee on seool manage- CHEAP, Mes lc ofCoats, VERY LOW. ment with instructions toeat r ail bhec available books f the did sc librar l(f' .*f ni v ry o yes a eh dtecoc sud transf.r the samie to tue Dufferin VIL <.I street school for f Arculation lu that neighborhood. BiT H E STD~CCJ IS NEW, T .t Gertenal se. Brighit, and Fresh and the Prices are The Deebe ssogpeeatt. court bouse bor ou onsy open H ouer Judge Batrnham presiding. County Magie- ea Dr Gun sad Beall a s occupiedi W DRULHA The bar was represented by County H. d î l ge . Y . sm ith, E . B . Gam bel Th ooGRAND JUB.ote an Jury were ca.led and aworn :--. Thomnas A. Foranu. Foroman. Wm. Dovuvell Juo. Grayer SI" W hit by Dry Goods Emp rum Fuius sier J. M. Wîddifteld mp rU Fohn Amey simoen Hoover - Ulex. Frazr Thes. C er--- C . Westctt Jos skinner F r i r h e h r i l .Jn.MrOsu .~s Theser, and -i1Men BU RNS' COLU MN. ne.Gorel . . ore. Find it to their advantage and profit to use - reO' ni th ys etrike for ail You're WOrth sud a t t h e r e e r e n o p r i s o n e r s i n j a i l f o r t r i a l .1 . L u e - *ol o r y n o w e v e r th e r e w e re sev era l ca se s t e - --r e a o i a y l te pear at this court for trial. Tiis 'crd to m ke his wa in life' ould al b prese ted t the jury by the I lik tose h i r e yng' y h ea > eu d o tid c s Hi A C H I N E O I L S eA l b s e r n t i u p s u ofav rne asa rt aeue e t io pb rek îg Gn aran te ed nlo t to g u m , an d w ill o u t wear a l o the r trie o r a ou 'e worta s d in o brug s oretpenr, w ich osuldg W ac i e Ois Courage, cmraae, keep ler going, e verdic to b gran d jury for (fty Try O ur C y lin d er il It h s n o e•fF r s l n W et hr h e i u d r boing Scott Act Appeal. -T. Da caster appeal- hi by, by .Tsnlqu l o s l ark yn so pu" chllon e ' lu agaist cottActconvctin ontheNever mind the. adverse hooting,. undathat oly t resen c io iqorn d •h M BRYAN & SONS.. Dundas tret. Ho you s ukphalleng o'in, pliaoes tor selhnug had been.proveon and • e.HI orgon n ephrsotn, ter don a eul L . r. s n e liur sud n d , N F .ri e for a ll y ou 're w r h a d w n ll fr Crwn., pp n ; E. areWhoop lier up sud nover talter, nersonQC <ors plu;J.Ketr.-n E. FBNever turn yen from the strife, dealer ina Oshawa, sd ester a arm r Orna tre aningsoelte ltar. Markham. Five or ii yeare ago Kes- Keep~ yorha c sd 's wife diedJ and his uephew, Forsyth ofNweetiet ty e sfnot madde to order, uantl last year when ter act maerriedi aga~. andi had moved tombstone swa~ frot bis wife's grave paed it tapon the roadi. Then Ander- pt 'u a ci m o 4 for the atne ani eitered it in the Dlvjsion Court of Sam Tb em nlot commeu~ up there wrs tran f-tr i here wnh interestN i a I t 'vCiuty Court eo4s. ut £n1o a jy.. E. Farewell S cGalivray atnd Cuapple for de- -sa o a naha-A en for senicr i E- ~1r~ 1 I l pauj bouse:a- d r ]b, w bi' i to Busti a of a;, Ca~Iup1 for D0t. igCoioWt ol I tli- m ai, e~- 4! u o kn W··hco li Ieeps fire ail nighit is duräb1e eenes. on-Chr o ansteasy to miauage, and econoical. r4 o a. In -I. r ° "a. s°aAnheQeeiEhbtoniteeie h Leen Lain. td on ooa MEA awre to e only SILVER~ arge 0 0~MEI)L wrddoany stove this year. n ~ i/ vèry Stove Gru antee to e e*eet.JDù' n~ '~ ~ y - ra g ne ree g s< n b u y u n til yo u s e e t h e ge r epiý n de n t e - itA at my S op and 8 e tlih Soe~ n~ r To tisespiritsd advice w. might add In Buying, Pay as You Go." Manay the dime sdan Li.qare earued by thist prudent plan h ure Deal primcipally at cash stores; itis only -reasonabl te bel leve thiey sell more cheap. Amnon thbe cash stores selling B00OTS AND SH OES! None htave won more favfor thsan~. JUmrs & 0 WRITLY.- Tisi pieais.e igaf 'iat 1ien sx ~ ~ T' 15; ' - 1; PEACH B] Mounted mi Fie Set o! Knife, Fer Rn , Eea BESGUI BE0KU. tBiK T., 1ECtB~ WHIAT 18 6OIN8 ON - BUDGET 0F LUVEI day next, De. Thursday. THEs Examnnai Whithy conlegia Wednesday next The-aehburn g bill of their Ohri Chriestso Mr.~J. B. Biel holdemun Tr wsfraid-to let truth. AO'h Mom. . robee, sud al Sale at noon-. Ackerman lu gei NEsa Kng's. naight about a 4 shiots were fire rt-wo other dial The police mag another carnii almost imposei eerenb in thia 'the JlhDostii e a iz fiaiCubourg}J Xmas Pr '1 e' IV' q '-r -N f t. 4 ~srA n

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