Whitby Chronicle, 16 Dec 1887, p. 7

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WgIT. -HA NUE.R, ýSOMINER, irat flouse DecoratOr.' furnished [rom 5c. a Roit and upwards. ýfrein -tho country prompty attended te. SIiO>-Fist dor Southi of Y. Smtllst hiw office, WIlitby. by' May 1i,30,,18,7. ENIS AGEN TS! RI&I)-Our iuewbook, "'Barth, ~ea apd $ky; or, Marveis o01l*. je", being a ftil andi graphie do- ni of al thât 10 w otdt'ttulinixiov ut of the -Globe, in the world and the Starry Heovens, containin< ig advetu res on lond andsa, . idiscoverios of fthe wrld's grealeet ire inul ai ges, and rexuaikabie p h.- a in every realux of nature. Bic- ,' the otrikîng phiysicat features of ",. the pecutiar ecaracteristice cof tb. * race, of animais, birds, inisoots, etc., ug a vivid description of the Atian- ,ific and' ldisu Oceàns, and of' the Seas, tlhe Monsters- cf the Dej. -ali scashelle anid plants, igulx aud îiwellers in tb<' wortd of waten, able Ocean eurrt utts, etc., togetbor ZINO PlîlE'iOMENA l W' TE AB AND s'AR ISS2EMS * shed withi over 300) fine engravinga. tciuc to Agents. )RD PUBLISHINU 00. TORONTO, ONT. cate of Major IHarper. Zsq., of-Whitby. - 12- pî i i lt f/ ) y c ýi l C r l . e to certify that baviug tiamîned, aud ustd a gi-t ai rety cf Sewing vs. 1 bae c(Une to the Conclusion e White Mgt(hiiie ýold hy L. Eaiu- oue of the test Maode, as ln my il ie a machine that. wxtl net easily :)f chIer, and will last mucli longer st macbiues, ai ae has becui takesx tilt We'ar ne ruot-ti as posbible. 1 estly rpeoxnuxoud ifte oParties want- A d ts sleg st-wing machine. 1 ol onti ( th XfIixeht's some mnuthe it gîvum uvery stitîstacticu. MAJOR HARPER. :ve y-crs us-e of the Wbîte Sewing lu nîy faruiîiy I clin fully endorse ~e certîficate aud t'on fully recom- lie machineu as a faiuîily newing t1 cot t~ s cfor repaire than anv tI Laîve t'VVt1Lad atînlg te do MA30RR1HARPER. ieLSn *tïie ci,tapest, sud le the 'e bemt. 1, FAI1RBA N KS, Soie AbenL fer thie District. )FINSON ieuerell's Bloch for yqui RNTUBREI rING ROOMI SUITS, RNGOOM S IJITS, FBEDROOM SUITS, ces that Uety Competition One, Cone a&l, and see éor Yourselves. JJOHNSON ETAZIN~,. ALSO A -'IHET W. ADAMS, IS OVER JOHN FIEBGUSOlils thiug Establimbipeuî; Dundai..t. Office heurs fir 9 a.m. te ]q =. - 1.80 to 6, p. in. 1 eidence- e n and Glberttreet. .H.B4TE89, NevapapL. dver:2aslg Agent, 41 park imes Building), NeW yerk 9 je ized tu contboct foir advertxse. la the CIIRONICIa te s. tonI By pnrhazing an Improed E -1- SEWINO- MACHINE5, Styles fer the Holiday Seascu. Fopcr sale che4p by &NTERe SIGN [2IER, P-APER street kyar." "-Dan de circoîÂuslinn of your remarke ar'tte do effeck dat women can' ino de club ?" ",Decidedly, sa.' Widout dierespeot te the Ciha'r, I sbould like te bey a veo teeOken On dat quslun." The i-ol wa called and lbe vote steod: -For womnan's rigbâte, 3; against, 196. The Colonel sat down witb a jar vbioh was beard eigbly rode avay, sud tb. routine bùLsiuess cf thp meeting vas thon tîîkon up. CAST ASIDE. j udge Openhense Cabin, Chairman,i cf the ceminmutee on Meteorologic5i dis-i turbances, repcrted that the thornm etor invenled especiaily for th. club by Prof. Moes Ctingatene, of St. Louis, b.d net been fonnd up te hIevwarrant. During tbe heatod terni in Augnot il registered from i eght te ton degroos belov zoro right &leng, sud during th. nold wave of November il marked 250 degrees ahove zero overal days in succession, Lt had been groased vitb bear's cil boiied in milk aud baked lu the oven, but theoeil vas atîhat moment on the vali, rogisterzng over 100 degrees belov zero. He didn'l suppose that a difference cf twonty or tventy- five degrees in eitber heat or ootd made anv great difierence to .ny member, 'hü utho -a 'wkdie nrgfl -beleean rocorded, v&e piing it on rather tee thick. Ho recommnended that il b. caet aside, and that Prof. Clingaton b. notifled te remeove il vithin thirty day.. On motion o! Slindig Watkins, Who is inventing a coloîed mau'e lhermom- cher himieilf, 1h. recommendatiou vas adopted. TAKEN*eUT. j g Cadaver had beon silting on tb. edg. of hie eteel for the laut ton min- utes, snd as soon sIhe above business wa. disposed o! ho &rose suad oflered tb. folloving: resolution : Re8olved, Dat w. condenin de wis. dom cf de policy vhiob induoed de Amoercan colonies te, frov off do British yoke. ' The. silence 1er th. neil nute' va deep enougb for a eteambost.draWii twenty-tvc feet o! vater. Broîher Gardner iooked dovu upon Ibm e ilo judge sud triod le say some"bii, but net a vord vould orne. Ho Ihor motioned b Givsdam Joues, SMipuil Smith and Bundovu Davis tte ao is out o! the lodgo room msd do vitl4 bis as tbey *lbougbt bwEal es veut oui vithlthem, and Ibm judge wus sen uo more dursug Ibmev eaing. Tise trio We turned inabout te» minutes, eaeh oue favoriug hie rIgU loig, and thbm mais va. diuxnised. WILL BRTO K?. b. I I The folloving oommio ifrom Bine Lick, O., vas thon road: Bre. Guduer:-tittl Havlng ceme tte . onclusimnIa h lime Ihaseuld havo arrivsd ha.nZ~d arovon; sud thal UnlussoM b =isdn le ov ur nation lhe lsIu-rec2= aalIbis place viiigo lb. vay of, i 1eoili Houe.sta aUiimeeting et. lb. rhonometa- place, beld Auguat 191bs 1887,#Imthélug eéxs e! BljUeréok sud WamcyivlfbWho hoeounto allach eux nàaes. feelIhatve sbcldPeeaeu. Theretor,be ve mllin ïrhe Gardner le orne béo, Dy rilor othervge; at bis ev-n ax e~s e b UMMpofse o- labiuin5a rmiobclub abst piso.; sud 'i viointy uanartmoi, iU 70»do coOiIxoa', lbnSaI~o is let a.tli Vhelln5l0lm~~OY*5w»IWzj - yothWre pe i b o vitb-esapecially vhen yen stoP On il In a crowdod herse car. Mr- Nevorgo Bore, reaohing eut fer a button hole-What'e going, on oid mant Mr. Bnsy bMan, dodging-I arn, Wbile Bootonians may foot prend of th. provondor vhicb bas made te fanions they objoot cf being ouileu plebeans. The'polceman vbo nover arreses any- body but litth, beys miglh b. oattod a variety cf coliarer infantum. fJohnny Bull violates the Suez Canal Convention, probabiy the oniy recourse wîll h o teSuez Canai for damages.1 11ev. Dr Coilyorsys vork is good medicino. W. bolieve il le a generaliy ocoopted fret that Ibm lesu medieane oue labosthebobtter. At th. bail: Grses (vbispering)-1 What ioveiy boots your partner bas <et- Mary 1IbMary (dite-Yes unforluualoly ho shine sta the wrong end. Teohber o! advauoed cisss;-Nov eau yen givo me an instance o! a noun ta'botb eemmon snd proper ? De. mure Young lady,- "Y... A kis." à Now Jersey man hbu luvented a stove to osry inl bis bat. A bat .10v. in s n od -hng, but a evslu.S'a bat le sometbiug nov. botb ver. e eWe. Wbat imeiis il?" sys Ijiko. "JFaith," anavered Past," just mitksng-tino" Only oeerifle baJlinlu s louaand billa a man at-a bath.. If tb. lhonsandth bal ooutd bho loft eut o! tb. esieulation vbat brikvo solders v. vould b. AlmosI auy gunemitb vill reul you a gun for a day's shoot aseu. y ou the amunition. Yen ecoinasily boy Ibm gaino at the ni ket. This i. hunting imad.easy. Weil, old fellov, it'm ail setlled. I amn geiug te b. married lu ivo menthe. Yen viii b. ou, of lbe viteueosI hope? Conut upon Se. I neyer deserl s friand limisfortame. Mises (te sautl-",Did yen tell Ibose ladiesaI the. door thatI vas bot st homeT" Bmvaul-<'Ys Mumi" Ã"at rets-,'Wbat did lhey »YSyBer, st- t d Areformersaye tisI ne voman eau ralk, iu a orset.. Csrtn y fl Ual.. he corsetis ,siburm&llel t*sO r berI elt ezoeedinaiy email. Coretsare ntîmade té valkin but te essfer in. Jutie Looltemup-Your finse le #20. Asilshed Lavbreskmr- Tw.uby loflabu for getling drinkP Juaties-No ut gstting oaugbt. Huadredueopis get druok every day sud 'I' dOst'A lemaàcent. (>nly fine t"omb m eaugist. Yong tMr Waldo-"Yeur frimua Miss Wa;bash bos >omnvbat stenter tiss MW 1hctomamma -tevesuI md arigte ora fd. kuow itisiâ nt ot.owq cersilY u h1 oisoh eg ~ misa lewiry(et Ëuào)a YOMý k*ýow g r. Trame6r . alePYo CtmbbSKflUOW hin ?I rather thinit I do. Wh be boq 1*.funuiest man iu the dlags. Mis Ne%ýb'ry-I neoie huard that ho vas spOoÃŽslly brilliant. Yong- Chuhbs (absent mndedlYOU Ought'- te geî himu fuit once and boar him 11 stories. Lime mini Club. Ih u wusy1mfor olue esn -Who havre beemLpar= 1e W y o 110 J7UDGE OADAVERS QUESTION. by watérmelous ag ë,ýou ,,eelyedo -- T4**resolution as seoouded by sevéral Juet befe the epening cf the meet- iaombers but the ohair e;plidd that iug Judgo Wintorrboomer Jenkins,.Who il would have,>, 0lay on- lhe table for w&Aviorouliy ,uoking a lemen for hise îwo weeh. under the, rules, anad ho ibundice, fol] over a s tOGl wbile tryiflg wouid think it over. le get ont cf the way of Eider Blnegiim r' MAT BE. Sthe sud ii e onfudSam iOnhWiIWen The Hon. Cavendish Oshoots thon vic. o b ueinfon td. c ame vjîh'n arese tb ask for information. Watt; se. f beng uffoate. 13 va roled uG drawing nigher the earth ? about, stoed en bis head, pounded onRehdba iwsutid po the back and thumped on the cheot, Hohed o ard ilthe vat but di po. a the lenion finslly vent dcwn -and eO50 g te aop 1hedytahemeclub.eu hi. valuabie hf. vwas eaved. The inci- "rd&Ches a o e n ad ot ofl0f otêd eitie r s butter tb meht in case de sun amn dravin' sud oisIcf iem eroW t~~ ~nigher PI asked the President. Brother Gardner arrived and ordercd 6"o, sah," the triangle te seund. "Eau yeu laid in any extra ceai te KILLED ÂOIN. proparo fur de Suun gym furder avay ? "Dis yere dookymut," said the "No, Bah." president as tbe meeting opened on "iDenyoil sot down 1 Jiot lot do 1he usual degree, "or a petisl3uf signed Sun alono. Dean' worry about bim. à. 14 300 persons cf ,;,us weight an' 0%haP Who StÃŽlt 0Owes $20 on his spring shortness, preyin' dis âlnb te, admit in- clotben bas ne occasion te git narvous dividuals of de fem aie se o e mber- cher either de sun or meeni.9 phip. t hurte uy feelings te 850 dat TO SOUR E BTENT. fo' shoote ef paper an' hall a bottle cf The Librarian, undlsmayed by the . ink bev been wated." Col. So.Called Biiby was on bis feet fate cf Gaboots, aise desired te maâke at once. The colonel bas evor boen the nquiry. Should social etiguotte pro- champion et the oppreesed. Rieasoked: vi ameng thoso gathered in the 'Does de chair inte~nd te formulgate library of an evening ? 0 de epinyun dat ho ar' oppoBed te "yos;,te soeo extent," ropliod the woma'a ight ?"President. "Nobody need squeeze hie "Dema'rgbtess?" Defakdabaoofe enter shape te keep 'em ont o womafl or' a wOmafl am bonour an' 4hbti aeaYoyacdnl glory nuif for one sez De femailwh spits o yboyelse's butes ho wilJ gits de ideab in ber hcad dat de Lawdho'ptetoaeaewr akinn creatcd bs3r fur a man, but dat ber apeleetie lofe. Lot ne nov abdnot mudder put ber in petticoat8 te spite to our homes." Natur', amn an ehjick cf pity. She uhikes a migbtv aiim man an' a migbty pce' voinan, De incas' deforence I Wit anid humor. gin ber am te lot ber stan' up in Ob oa' seui e bh rfo Baia the teachor, ail tb. lime. Depende repiied the o. b, b. They're calleil Germ ans bofore election and Datoh after il in tbis country. A.nd as that bey'. father je a momber of tb. logis- laturo his vord, bas much greator veight vith the pupils than with 1he teachers. A TIaby Jury. ha renreat unranmous r tenfaso bav DrPiere',Plasamn Puract iPflets tof Dtadar ircemPedy forgtve nd tao dhesrader. bitlors, sc adacmh dizziness, constipation and siuggish liver. It an Donistr aîteen, i. thSA",e au of lhe celebîated forged letters. Pan-Rî%ollebcus et il 15 e-ver ry avis sUeviato suifferlîg. appolnted chie! constable cf Boulin. O MORndlaEePeciaity prell'red te tu the place cf Uic.. nauseous Pill. Tlhe rsta h. eeTrw«iphe.s h"Mr t» 8.th An de rophw eaca [y itai thing le mlx lu food for Peultry. of London pay £40,000 more for gas. «LThef ahemes omiaSJe aajuud u.utilatter the holhdays. Prémonitione of ap proaebhing dageràl the shape cf digestive veabu, lsiue inactivity o!flthekIdusys, pains lu the règ"o of the liver sud ehouider bladus, mentl depressin coupied wilh headache, faire-d longue, vertige, sheuïa net be aligardet' Us. Nortbrop & Lyam' Vegolable Dis- covery, sud avert lbe peril te heeith. l remevea asa impuitis sud gives tous ta the vhole systesm. aThe may tal s Cut le vome aetees self- iah Ihau mmn- Who le there thal le net frequeully su- frorzi aek or n«ous headaobem afnd a perfect cure in Burdook Biood Bitbt.. Sld by ai&dalos"u nmediine.1 paso i eulhoulda uew pp«mb 4 paA o, atozzeg ooo lm t £1l,00,00.sfmvlIe Thoumada o! volqunlary o u>smte ilguceerssUil.061 Parueilbu e »te 1hm Son*bof vhere heoi enl nt almel asembls A"IM& eaO1byh. double atoa 80etu four teders Only hasbee m mdAt Otltawa f=t b.a i MXalSm '4 SVIV -11-1u . iîmv.. TO SEOURk ý A >OD -TWE ED- S[JJT' AT IPBIOI&S RVE]aEPEB]zÂCUS R D M IN TEE TEÂDE. A GIood Suit made to Order for $I2.OO.ý À large stock of Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds, Black Woriateds, etc., te select from. Special lin. of HEAVY TWEEDS from 50 to 75 cents per ysa, suitable -for Buinnees Suits or Boys' wear. À F1JLL -STOCK 0F GIROCERJIESI Highetmar t price paid for Butter am d Eggs. Whi[by Woollen Milis, te tell yen, Mîs;si Smith, ho said iu a 1oe rineBt tone thal I arn about te, start on a ion g j*surnoy even aoroes the sea. and th at I niay be menthe, pessihty years, or. I r t -rn, hat would you say? If tb. girl cFopped il wagn'1 per-, ceptible. 1 wo fd @&y Mr. Sampson, se repliod, "ta ýta." Orocer (tes@i)-L Uee tyou don't. kuov boy te bný vateirmelons. Son- Why se P Grccer-Bs'ebueail Iose yen have selected have short steme. Son-Doos that make a différence ? Grocer-Of course il dose. Wben tbey have long stoms yen con cut off--a part of the stem every day and by that means have frosh melons ailt1h. lime. Fitz Wieginis (trying te feel bis way delioately)-If yen vero a fellah and I vers a girl Mis Mollie yoyunknov do yen think yen could fall in love wilh me, yen knev? Miss Mollie (tbought- fuliy-Well you'd be se difforent and fI'd bo se different, maybe I mnight. V Fitz Wiggine is nov trying te find out 1by bis frit-e@e bether or net they think m that very disceuraging. * Wbat are the peop)le of Germany cailed ? asked the nov teacher. When ? We are now prepared to ma3oe ail kinde of Wooilen Gooda, such as Tweeds, Full Cloth, Unia Flaninels, Sheeting, Shirtings, A]l-wool bed Blailkets, Hoîse Blankets, aad Yarns in ail varieties and ail kinds of Xnitted Goods kept ini stock for the accommodation of I patrons Dyeing in &Il colors -done to order. Highest price paid for ainy quantity of WooI. -Ail orders promptly ftled. wu De. BO WFRMA N SON4 AROADE, TORONTO. A Sohool Thorougbly Equipped for Business Training. BOOK-KEERPING, BUSINESS OORIRSPONDENCE, SH1OITHÂAND AND TYPF4-WITING PRÂCTICÂLLI TÂUGHT. FINEST ROOMS IN -CANADA. C~ O'DF~LA, &cretary. J'am.a R. Day, B.q.,~Âccou*tat, Toron~o. monlm aocomploeW a ouo of study in your oclege, and ha ifExminers opubie sohool teffchers orthé Ooaziy of Durbaxu, th. gmeaibeuefi »J" ad.riv$d from 'or Initructioln sd exeono. aman Accoutaut, I have1 lu thuospumrtoyl.lifyig b lt.esuporior aed.vatages offered by- your >»us :ud lu eoom00 ig Il1 h. patrouage o!-=y *ho may de"ire coor elIher-for budu i upsso o ne ing t.chrecfIeOoMM Departmmên nvbel ng oga7 u my ot the1h Sohooad publiê ucho< W.M.ULLY itcbing 'amî ini& as.meet t nigxt-.werît aflewed te cottunO tumrs foi-m whIîi often bleed and ulcprite.berolnh"lgVOiY$i SWAYN~ZQ~~'EI to telehiniz and 1 I ieetg heals ulerttio. and in-,. tikem 4 yms.tifo *> <',NVtt a 4*V .Pl 1 eyn i How Lost !Eo estore&O Just publiged, a new edition of on the radical cure ci rx&O3ÂeOr inapctyhduced by exceme or eaiàt ls The celebratodauthor, in this admlir- able osuayt learlyr noDaitrates f'in, thirty -yeats suco'.mfu1pr"atIta t.1h. alarinqoi>eequ!enfl.. t error muA b. tdqaflyouiéed; pontng out a mode-,i cure a1et8imple> cert ansdeeoi ter what-'hia',oibdiion MI*Y34b'-m5Y~ himmeif heaply,îprvatlyand rad' lei W rTis le cture uhula b. in thh upds of every yOulh .auê overy man 'U ie . ùla& Sont inier uae,in aplain onvelO~t oents,> or tiiwoostgp lesn~. Th" - iIIL VER W4 EDI(A >. ~41 &un t.j,EW Ok Xathemutical ad Oommiralmu mtp, Por«s ope2Wgh SOhoolý, pad,3er.tryoioud of Suin ',Co.:etDuIsm. go UNGI usUi ZLIISONSMIIDD the emploi 60 oml Ps'a in iii. bami tllty Treffl ï1 Whso v ilibe Ibm Be-. WAIR Midway, between Jrooklin and -Colz&mbus, on th&e 7th Concesslion«. PENMANSEIIP, BROOKLIN, ONT. 1 - 1 i' i 'l ALWAYS ON HAND. for Oircul". Aadress.

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