Whitby Chronicle, 23 Dec 1887, p. 3

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treatintt oeq uany thouso ,ee cbroiiie weaknems~ itSuhscîar lu feniales, et the I urgics! Institute, Buftlldo% orded a vat expérience tu nuley d thOroughly testiug eemtg, fwomnau'peou liar ni adieu. _'r ierree's Favor île Pree*i iutgrowth. or e it, f th t de experçnce. fhouands eceiv'ed frocu Pa lentsa an froam vho bave' tested !t lu thé more sud obstnat. ceses which lied ,kil!, Prnve t t e he ti.mt la y ever devised for the relief sud< ngr woinen. It is-not recorumended but as a uioot perfect SpeMju as peculiar alliments. à powefuiL Rviiorainglut« "the wotnb and Its appendages alar. Ienr oerwork ed, -voru - lown,I' debilitated teachersmil lkers, eemutreeses, "sop-grleb$ ,* nursinamothers, aud feble 11Y, Dr. Plerce's Favort greateat earthly boon, being u ippettziug cordial aud restortv a noething sud .trengthie tue "-Favorite Prescription" IS 1anà lasinvaluabl ilu slIaylog cnd nervous excitabity. irritabillty, on,. Prostration, bysteris,, dlstressng, uer vous e unp= M attendant upon functias.ansd of the wonxb. It luduces ref înd rlevea umental anxlety sud ney. Pierre'. Favorite Proscripu4- le g Almate medicine# oa» unded by au ex perienced sud in, andi adapted to womsu'a doe" ration. It in purely vegetab)le lu sition sud perfect4y harmaleu la it. fn azny couditou of the system. g -siickufmss or nausea. froru Wba rising. wenk to-aci, lndl sou$ and kindred symptoms, itsus, in ýr pirîî e very ben&'fl<ial. iorite Prescription 19tla aef sa r' lîrth10st (eonIlc'ated sud o of itI 't u orrîie('i. eXct'sive.flo Or w.',ckîecs otf Mo wombit, rwrv r-di)wn si,atioI inn-, fiC cmu nation ami i r?, lu'iem1 tmi. pam n sd tai'a, uee ,nied with îtrrt b-at.."J> regu lacer and proutoter ef etion. nt tint eritîirdperioti ef c rlhood( to wouauiood, "Favorite P~ ,n" le a perfectlyste'remette.! ,n produtce oui y good réeulta.& efficaclious sud valuable linlse thonu for tine. dîsorders sud ucîdent itô tiat later sud meut kuowuas '*"The Change eof .." vrnge Proeripti on?"' when ection vîth the use or Dr. PiSre Medigal Dsoevery, sud amnI Dr. Pierce'. Purgative Pellta Uscres Llver. Ineyand B * I<eir cembiued use e re teints, sud abellheacauverous DU& humera from the.oat*=m vrnte Prescrit 9inP,, la tu ie for WOMen soid by dugos nm Étive ?uarantee, froni lhe at 's. thatitýwiltglve satsfaction ln emeq mouey vili ho refundet.h. gusaum- beOn printed- on lie ýthfully carried eut -for tany yg eboules iioe do"ee> , r e a for $5.0. r tllugtrsted Treatiseou Dimeas0f 60paempper- 4cvered), Und t1m 'DISPRISar MO iiiAau.1ffm ma3ina M.4L, UFFALOIf. V, 9 lfsUrance AT COST. à Reserve Fund Life Assur- ance of New York. u liovernnent depogit S50,000 sted reserve fuu4(over) 315,000 aims pald during1884 479,900 ne,,,B, 18t I Mon., 1885, 15,000,000 Y-oive peIr ceut. of al assseî eited wth the Cenîî.&l Trust Gem- NOw York, au trustées, ufthe Re- usurance ut les, than oue-hait thoe rates, sud securi:.y perf.tct, 0Oniy- meute ruade in 1881, 1882, 1885, sud iLà no case cau îhey be More than every-alternsre monti. etpenses of management, &e a$2 perà$1.000. ýIv. agent waànted in eve-y unre- "BE LL" ORGAýNS TIiapproached for Toue sd Q.Uaty. &TALOGUES FRIRE,- and SALE- STABLES, UNDS-ST., WHITBY. FRH&DEVERELL. - OAlToR-Ou!5 1 rivubq n ehrlt Noie 1~ toithp. er 4 'Z y L MaGS' 1r On "rt aaso74, ~l tîî e 'rShows th. lougi ' -& ,<, Ot O."tinsti, n of ils EuIior t 10 wepha:nalo iZ lelrdCUln the b.bighý4 Point of Q X- tile opwoùolil ,o~nbuorA ' Wl eU 1ac', isoiuthl bsby lo ng obeervanos, ~ii~ia DliLaowei~, rodes bcoti~'iitoiîoI, îih but eligiatcoam- fijy William eny WatlesOD, the Ber. 1 en>tngavýt* If .it- esiula giv ~~~aî~~~~~~ Dye hoOeÇid hradpesaÈi êIîu eacu, is is nos probable thut t<>< Duely Werner J S arrer, Ame tb hno ol 5pY 0 eIinu M-~s M.E1.Drvs oaPr~ gurSIiOu idby, sud hercin lies tO li NdI .&ery. Elarper &rKur'dnffbhlimou f h care . Lgecorps of careful êngcV.S suad Seke arlisis came dowu b 1.à aie~t ctrbt ooetspcnelfloor Ibis wsek, .alled à coUeagu; lothlbu, artst heir ihwt Orcelet eNumbel'. chair' and réquested ti. oue 1%0 fa of hei biu(iwok or his. ombr.appoint the. Comn itte.CoEleo tiqus; k.ý Ibis unumal course fwas takeu for ithe Ti.LbarY MczaiflnO oflthe 101h resson tuat th.eake.,et je b -n fo Deoember oi)tAâfl9 the. follOwigThe oontested, lsud h bel otca. 0 eoue caUiclie ilevival of 1he Siz~l h bs o; jdgem. The reault i the leî m Century, from the Qtisrlerly Beview. CoomUitee ofl Eleotions for years, with lu Scienoe and the. Biabope, bv Prof. T, H~ Mr. Orisp, of Gisorgia, for Chair"a, hi Huxley. The TheoesophiO MovOwent Mfr. Turner' 1h. former ohairman' ur ini lndia' by llerr Ernst von 'Weber. having deelined the houer. Until SUlW, Butal Frtact~, trum the. Rdinburgh of the regular Commiblees are sppointed, cli Reciow. AlPo brief artils frOm the th ouge cennot gel fairly at work; ni Baftrday Riew ou ÛDThe. Future of the speaker la uow engagea upon ibis! Canada, ATiO5fl su ad Indiân Whest, tîssk, but ho bardly hopée. te coompliah Queries fur Journalisti, and Debte of thé nnd.rtaing before the holidays. Honor. Singie copief; 3 cents: $1ý00 The Bepublicin Senatore are maàking Per year. JkIlb B_ AleuPubtîeher, 9, great effort t10 ifealtbheconfirmationi NewîYurLk of 1Mr. Lamar for ,ssociate Justice ofsa the Supreme Court, hie âge being th. in Raeeintereteted in the workingi of main objection againsb hini, for, after higi anud îow tarife in th. vatjofls siglt yearusService on tb. Beneb, ho ojviiizpd conutries Of the world, will oould retiré on a salaxy of $104000. a ti ûind au unui1I' refidable diBcussien cf year, and those Who are familieu th oi the. sut ject bY Hou, David A. Wellqe, the indolent disposition et the Boub1iern sl under the tit1e of "GoOKnental Int.er! Statesman, bliev. ho woul.4 ma.îbthe terence witb productioni and Distribu- niost of bis opportauity. lin, he b fortbomoifg Janusry number of "The Popie Sinevaities. Moiithiy."1 It is proposed t. change th. jury Tbe Homiletie Rti5#W for LWceuubpr iaw in Jerpey so thal the selection. bf is ai er aI kuilsape~rfl0.. ve ytrymen mucy b. mcd.e.ooordrgte rieb table of oontents, however, 0108.8 the tleiits, knowledgs, Independence the year, Dr. Scbaif leade Off in a and iulegrity of tb.hesmen. 'oas1uablte article on the Conneotiflg in Venezuela a Prize of 84,000 bas Links betweefl Cburch ana State. The been offored 10 suy peoon Who Will CriticlsiS on spargeOli, of London, by 8aiggoel a meaus of profltably aud an o'Etuiient Profesber of Homileticfl," sueoemsfufly converting locusts mto are dij5criminatiflg and juat in an eml grosse or sny otber useful articlet. Dent degre. Miss Franc*,& E. Willard Thenent Ohio Legiaelure vili con-1 has a beld and poverfuli pies in fakvor Of tain meen editors. Il is belived liaI Ljcensing 'Women 10 Preaob. It vil thse en viii do as 0113h tO keop1 intereet even those wbo a re opposed te liaI bcody ini a fermént as if lh."Y vere ber viewA. Dr. Bebirendai vrites vith 'îeuvi. bit, uoua abiiity on The I3est W&y tu "Il il; ne longer fashbionable t. est Beach na Interet th. Labboring grapet witb telie luers," observes fin Classes ini Religion sud the0bre. Dr. emmnena Icbion journu. lEerecfter Ornuiiton hibe s bnief pser-on The Meai grapos viii be efalon vitb tb. mouta for tbe Pulpit, vbile Dr. Piersen <i"es like turnips or any cîher plebeica food. as nas, Ge»gns, ,te., f romi a Literary Truly, tbe world napves. Cabinet, andt~ h. MisaioiiauY Field, Djr. ThmageofteNwYr l- wm. M . Tayior bos an adtmirable Ti.mngro i.NvYr ee Chritwa seronThe other sermons Phone comPbay slatom that on a rcn Citm lie nme aebysohutdday tbey r«eeied an averasOcf 71 inrte nuber are MadflSnTob ni- oela from eacciof their uIMOIltseven preschere eKDr@. Malthoula.nd sobgcribers. o. ésubseriber beriin, dwar JugOD,&- B K d made 68 calte snd another receîved 131 Oibson of London, Wayland Ecyt sn eis -krcbdeaekofl Mackay Smith. 1prfesor Knoclîs.f tly n bttr Wincheillbas a uolsworthy papor Onu igUbroo Isy uôelr -mau sud Evoîntion. Tbe usual de- iug over the. decoration seaudalil part msnts of prof. Wilkinsonl sud Dr. paris, said vith a mie : There are Ludlow are vol1 filled. sud ait lie other two thinge my father nover refused parts of lhe number sre fully up te the even tos meudisaut lu the. Stroet, a miark. lu short, il is a, fit eoisng &0 a cigar from hiseucae and the croses of plumeo! supaS«iR juertsal. A full the Crovu of Iai>.' suana 6efull7 iprepwa Iindex et tb. "If yen vaut to, ne a1.ug fé.,drive vo~neacopslSS. aenumber. a oab," see sot-0 btheb.m0ral eoS Lrd Publisbed by Funk & 'W&giiall@, 18 Wolscley's roeearcheà imb the age$ of and 20 Astor Place, New York. $8 00 London cabdrivere. Ont cf the 15,000 per yesr; 80 cents per singlo number. mon wbo drive cabs lu the. metropolie, 850 are belveemu-60 sud 70, 117 bolveen 1 70 and 80, ana 8 over 80. Washington Letter yroru Our repuliaicorrespon1dent-) rssigu Ih end O! bi WàslaINGToN, Dec. 16o iBl.-- sholani 00gnihin< that tari-ff redntioin is aitrost commuri i nevitable, botb winfg of lie demooraey eslled ' in lhe 1HIous are ruýniiDig a race, bo Lahore," cee wbich Cen ftal fralme a bill of Ibis preaob i ob#,ractei!, while lb. RepaibliOMus mares0. wailiy regaidilog esob aide, Pro 6<d The n l te tae- adranlage Of s"0leisstie r7 complicatiofl liatimoay emiue, witb tb. value loi purpcse of abaudoliigS ther Obstrue Sheffield live polio>' sud passiu< alsa1 neeUre novices of their owa. Tbua, ai pi4 ti he". eau 4"loi are no les. lien îhree tariff bille i n as preess of inoubaîiDi. 1Mr. Rendall's pounine beada the liel, Upon theo preeImSpticu twk th tha% lie ecni>' bird0ca& tch* b.wrmn; sud tli lhe grest Peansylvsii a- pmtectioclit igth proi oses a reduction of 860,000,000in au " the revenue, tw b. butsu divid- the 0,0 ed belveen tarif sud intéraI revenue Tien th taxation ; the vays sud mmsu coin- aa = wfllviiipressenbIlvila Speaker tbe stiw Cull'5 pprovSalia bill oeakiâg a redtk" ducticu of 88,00,00 luiD nternai a b taies sud providing for e ver>' large elan ,i fret-; 1h. Regublieauo expeel te offer a bih 0Piargiig tb. frOs listYosudg removing 1he intrnl9à revenue toi op t- a*7oIU tobsoo, modifyiu< the dut>' on voot,sîdI sud &a1§o reducing the taxas on whiskiî_ ann on the qiteotioo,,oLeUgal Ibers us e àde. tel ti eidod eonfliot o! opinion, la faitthhra l appeau!' 1to0b 'b.cirreOilabîe difeé- yohi "oeof viteWe ou lbe tarffi jsa. be-God 10 lw.een ltheasuteriud Iwestern ie- pblilces thelins o! denazrkâtioflý, be. pu, , Iboy Il eul i ii be its imyu ssible 10 saeýyý je useme laeit a s aothe, luio' are anspicioUS W ~~ orm , for teli*. iaoO "0ilcai s.th rloing on the WJ udthiyie wusnê,4p.iI7diereguate; in Voice o! iLb.e, eIêoil îDde!eeI the P.rýeoicOM a ice9em ii r fi uBonIes Oo5. -bae t- basen gedi, and lbat boidy le ro. J snob au teb.n ho BishopI'. of Lahore et the hbis Year, inone 01 the Most ýY nembesof th. Ângelici Don. .la India ho le opqarly 6'the many-tongued mffof p on acount of hie ability to in ane iaop different langu- claive ivory dealiers of A"ie fgpod. baudes t obt &-**mm fuit x their goode, sud nome of th. 0 firme flnd'that lthey mre not ini frauenet PldiS<.ý TIIe md" ivory quit.a. se krly aM bire ta Iffl d o*. lai :Iesd intothe tavlly a-oflthés e weighl 18 îgtaly iàOîeae. >.decepliou uql t heliM bu.- throngh lb. vàrlous -han a, of isry or otber meufa.lume. i. workmen finds théa» saw d b. ad, eom.tiuiels sappSg îwteeth. oirgia bus one. Oýýttou« -ie-Who; dpended on. h. là a youg Déwas reoently tbought to b. a by à widower who me looking for âg wifeand won lbreffol BuVioO ow tàê iturfi. ,Th*e <ISM tell th. past sud tlb.future, sud, Iri reîoeived a gooà f Ie hiMau #Ã" tek.ef i *. rhêu abe scid :-«You ýffok of et; yo will-put 1$ back on. Li k tanding, looking Izke >tbf ho> 71 oeil rau ooI.- "Ãœo &W et. veuve lob cli voe y a I mi»', ber quarî one- irthwatçr,.ind onqp, a week 1 ereit, er witi eue f6urth t",.amoufll of ber ~ k bil. WIÏthe in total Stand- 10be refit is 44-.95' e hsiü vo pgurmilk once imore, sudl not ntil tien. 8h. kuows the mulk i. stiered, but wbemever abs feels dun inalion 10 ecmplain, I band> t .b. ichie aud Bay that My>'milk l s n'Pure A Cold.' That sètles il.', The Oulest Ltule TbIffl. MJute"- i he .choed. 'WeUi, I dont1 know a.te adjective wou2.d have occurred te =e- n just that conneeticir. But if you nua hcI they .do Iheir work lboroàghly? y't nake ne tuas about ilOcuse Do pain or eak il u, in shor, rme everthng, a alOUght 10 be, and nothlug Ibat lb )ught not thon Is.groo ihal Pierce'u pleas- ut Purgative Pellets are about theocutest l1t11e thïug gpius. The Sultan bas givon permaission le semail Pabshe . ê-Kbedive of Bgypt, 10 'ril Constaninoeple. Wh bon Baby vwu aicl, vs gave bar Ouatmons bon ah. wmaa sOI& biae cried for Osatoria, bmn mm. hadChidreli. aho gave iUmm Catorla, sal lamons by anti-ritSliUtic 1ev, le de&&. Thero are Chesp Panacea for variocu human alments contluuafly .oint up. Nolthrop & Lyinan's Vegetabie DiooVer cure bras neoaffânAi> wthan'ofetIhoe. Unlike lhet, 1he artilde in derived from lb. puemsourouS, i? gopred with ltre ulmost ciiemlmd l eU,»ds a geune renod7 sud net s a isivUe for Bilieusuoaa, Consti- pation' Kidue>' trouble5, impizrly oethtie blood, sud female oornplaiite. Twe souo of ex-Sheriff Johnson murdered Lireir eider brother on Thureda>' ai Muids, AI&. Lynebirg in threateni'd mua, soothlug, sud hesling la Dr. Sage's caterili Remedy. There is abill belere lb. United States sexiste tse iense railva>'conduetors. Il la&am artie maiiiitured b>' au ex port chemist afler BManI eYeO01Ocre stndy sud eieutlflo «edorine lale4 lm uw rimmreuW lrbaking Feydier. j&=ak.llgitet wh brocd, relia, biscuit, cake. &e. Sels b>' &U grOcOri Theobiarquis ofHartingn has been voie4 the tiedOm tu liCil>'o! London, i. x. umaihi Barater, Brockok'IleOfl eutao --i wuseuêtroubled with eold iii tie hea tirai I culad sofl ek pa"ny. on applicato iOno!Nsal Ba&Im gave imretne relie, sud thoromugbly cleaedout ni> head. The Iris1of Dr. Croie, o! SiixE&l H Pl ner Coerk, for the murder et hm vite, le ln Whn0o eci oui vobb elu n natrs. e o olrdriigaw l fora botte o! Taimrr5 . Il noveranta'O cure oamnemp 1 OCytgsClm ii, etc. T.. rzaka voe arXXtsed- yesteRd wbule att.mpliflg tOent«teb.Impoue ~v...ài'Ti, mPouo#ýâeU d.ahcy Au lb. -auropanpove ,Tq*rkel iuelud. 4IU tbsa vu ony ou. b@tle*mUu T.U@w Oli Kanioba 1 W=*'g! n onk dAld Ùert ound 91 ad forOi f~.s sl>5emya tEOZSii« beabee lys, auid0O5Uol4ter, isineas. Desriptîvej 3lut ire. on nreitQ Le IIflcN v 5IN us?, JOHN FEROUSON 18 SHOwING A SUPBIOR STOCK OP Scotch, English Tweeds,1 Âud othor fine Uinos of (Jioths, for Bpring suits- kil germents made up in lelesi olyle on shortest notice. Ready-rnade Men98 and Boys# 8uit8, Gents- Fur.niah8nge9 and UnderclothilM of ÉailKinids. INDSTRCTICBL OVERÂLLS THATS I IATS!1 HATS!' Lamot sJOHN Fn HeUaUma Y4B Dunase t., Whitby, ~O&iER YU OK S Don't b. led--am y by ftaring 8adv ertsetbutfS at iu val IBIRAZILIAN WARE]ILOUSEý mu s for yourse es thst wee selling Orookey na Glaswe t and., un4e~ coi, fr Osb o L'rduoe Whte 0a~ile Tset, 44 pieces, e *ýh & ol - mm m m e C lo lo n ad T e a B e tte , 4 4 p i " ,es t 0 0 'O P e r , w " " NiOW PIN mBBUWS DIRECT CONNEOT IONï-7 The commaercial )OôU. The Ba1timorâ Ohio TeL rX. The. Postal, Telegraph CO.-" And. auotker egap1L*# To secure prOmapt diOMapaloÃ" hé e l. .y Co. Telegraph. OPPICen luBichrdsoii'5Blook, near Masrket Square. Waterlime, &0.9 for The Betiabur<Co0- A lu ge quutity et Landauler sudÊà Saion abadLiverpool âsud Cansda l in Berrels anaBags, &a of 1h. busiqualitZ ana lowestprice. -Don't fýorgel 10 ean aun ftd thige as repregenbea, - London and Lancashirei Life COMpay pal- i PATE bA-NA DIt P>iemoutiou vbm 1 OiTNG F -THE-~ iug WSê-7 <roui ~insL3 -bawbee~ ultia aosu.-uU~~ Momie! il and Canadianm of Lite policy, adsud a epouiled il ihthe- Beceivor Geerclinlaapproved Carra&ia secuilieo ever 8100.00 for esoli 4100.0of- liabllily, Iliums ffordmng ABSOLUTE se- Parties desirous o! assuring tbeir Unves wiU fiud it 10 Ibeir advantage té conUsIt the underaignod beforeasrngee hee JOHN FÂMUAL8ONS Genermi Agent Whltby, May 18, 186. -4y 1 1 jFALL SUITS. L 1 «--ý--000 wut la iinp«'" p T*M&T#àO- is the lifé imm ay. apaý-mob» É-1 4« %IKI?

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