.WAK TER, SIGN .;IER, FA FER HANG.' OMINER) d llotise Decoratpk 1 'rnish&d (rom 5ôc. a Roll and upwards, rom the country promplly attended to. 110OP-$First door South 0of Smith's law office-, Wbîtby. Mav 12th, 1887. 218M T s AGEN TS READY-Ourr eww book Il66 art.ki and Sky;- or, Marvela oft Ihe being a fouilani graphie 4ee. -' f ail that ta woaderflnl every of the Globe, in the world a! d thiý Starry Heuvens, centainizig dventnrem on land and eea, re. là cuvertcs of the worldA's mratent in .1.1 ages, kaud rernarkabîe p ha.' ýn ,eve reahu of nature. Ero- e î trikn g phyaical leaturesgof th. a peculiar chiracteristice out h ýce, o u erabF, birds,, jjysecte, cIe, a vivid description of *the Atan ýc andd Indiau oceamn, and ofthe ýas, the Moleter, of the Doo.j, Beashiella and planDts. singular d dwellers intri tOworid of wateirs, le Oceaicu cri ts, etc., together (NG l'if ENOMENA OF TII E B AIND 87.lRNI SYSTEMS' D-4vi;-NPliT Nontmepij, D D., ced with over 300 fine engravinga, ýrs to Agento. 'D PUBLISHING CO. ST., . TORONTO, ONT. ,te of Major HIarper, Zsq-I.- of Whitby. Il may eoncerra. tu certify that baving exatnîbed, 1 d used a great varatty of S.wing I have corne bu the concluion White Machine îqold by L. Faix neu f the best muade, as in My ie a machine that wiil net oaily order, and will last rnftch longer t* machin es, as care has been takex it wear as mucli as possible. I ity rodommer4d ilte parties want.» 1 and lastirîg ,ewiiug machiné. 1 one of the White's Rome mnuthe ve yeairr use of the White Sewn 'n =y family I can inlly enderu certificate and. can fully tecom. machine -as afamily sewing costB leas for repairs than any. have ever hdanythtng te de MAO ARPER. sp-lis the eheapeet, and je the best." L. FAIRBANKS, Sole Agent tur this District. H'NSON uerell's Blocht for gour ?ITURE! NG 4 RO SUITS, Ta ROOM S UITS, BEDROOM SUITS, KIICHEN 4SUITS ~s that Oefy Competltioft. .Ine, Corne ail, and -see- for Yourselves. ýJ. JOHNSÃ"N T4ZING, ALSO A F'IRETI LA33 HIM&RSE. IOVER JOIBN FEEGBGSO]N'B ing Establishment, Dunda,. 0ffic, heurs front 9 a.nm. to ]2 nu. .80 te6, p. un. Residenct..-Cct nd Gilbertatree.-. b1.BATES, Newslis> i vet]ising Agent, 41 Park. es BuiIdiiug), New York , ta d tu contraci for advertior- ihe CIJIION1CLy t n purcaaing aLn Impnovod a t GrnierS1NeW, weo Th arquis of Lorna- la reilOlUL ii.bi Oi.ao"k U~oyi~o bsa. .w1 be il Thwe eScondition i.s sid 10 b. -'ess- lui dy Man aboqFuig a gelouu .îgydflulbap~te c s Powdeley Minsate PlilyfieuDt tg fastofis. hate, Buffalo have been se sibéd". - U > .ar tt p vou u eh b loford. 4000ioe cais of. sweeb OPorIjabouo lder -bsé, ratb601ord Th oinion Parliint Will Most lme lof apple., bellas, daiebnosyererWsca- The Dom M, uia other vegetablea dmg le 1h. eolone.rcrvu on Jan. 81, 188. uky Lord aud Lady LandSdowfl have re- fruit. juIeBm you used th.' racttie o'r wi0h. A turned to Ottawa from Montres" osatilPi ooal rseD 0elêas h1aif e le sin jl'1 'a ise1p50l5<1 in Ottowo uudent cf Priaooett, with ip>lIi oaSi sntWOrl bl e-, On W.duesda for football, tsas nePhew sud usmemake upi>. whole bo dy ,fi-e godb, s ii Th e Hoe of Cones wil adjeuru of OonstantiolOOi S &@1o9eiar.l, Who little mesaktheieS msy b. on 1he. wiah from Dec. 22nd to Jan- 4th. -S b rIwi ms'ou hl oe hudbaeai iebu a Conreemaf Bobmsl, ! *hio isbornin 1h. Sultans calà Pt5llb. cul offWiliioatdlsjoluting th.eon. soelgesa oldier u an abl a- Th 1 .Pebersburgcorrespondent of Boesasoeen as i hebr"ïssIicredýremelve >& On-leged godierand 1hablDj 1ly NewF mya h. is nablêd 10 the fork and disjoint th. legs sud winga, he r ei poe elr thst sate pcaitivolY that 1h. Czar is OPPOO. sud begin'te serve. Buasia neither desires net dose il fear tM ost. WiIIkentpersoapre e&ut jhnt A f heeje ibtiman esole o IraIto War.leasly endesvering 10 change his vimua. oul ib coff before îruaaing the gos, sud à brakm nsMed George Rich- à Amerjoane are Msi te have iuveatod il certainiy e4ii î l heoarviug le bave mond wlas kili.d 'bar St. Thomas Fri 860,000 n lu ondurs during the il rémoved. day igh. pat v. s.r. Ti. MI uroasevie There ile ne objection to reuiovlng the A ag urber of F'rench Canadiafli Ihal of Seustor Hesrat, of Californis, druw sticks firet à hudoeprfrta will motde in North Ontario nazI spring. Who uow coustrols 1h. Sin Andtmgl ehdsdb al esrk h on The aggrevatoad asssUl 058CaseBganet mine, quolsi aM *6,000,000 ln the Lon- esaily.-Good Housekesping. Sol White, of Windsor, wss dismissesi don market. ADS"oNIO PwBinacp Friday. Margaret W. Leightou write@ tb lbe ital D S." Co m riOfolfPouE itaa. Rose, tbe înosing Montreal merob- Swisà Cross that her favorite pst je a iS hfgt i nfof Hloouftry. ant, bat; been discovered alive and lovely little grasasanake Of a milky- Bishop Csrberrto aitn ida Wall in Portlandi, Mre. green oolor, which is so lame sud enute oork 1fonday morning. Sandfotd Flemming delivered a that she wu5 sccusloIDSd 10 let il YoamI A Boquet of enchanling swestneao- etrong speech in favor of Commercial around the houle aI Will,1 until su ««Lotus of the Nie" Perfume. Union in Ottawa Furiday night. ophidfiophébie membet' of tbe flamily Lord salisbuty thinku the wur scarehau Edward Plante, the Moutreal watcb- bogali te objeot.,Dott mucb f eundalion. mnu bas beeu again srrsmtedà , Ibis lime For many yeas e ocf the land- A 7Frequeul Aunoyane. for burglsrieiflg a jowelry store. Marke in Oglethorpe (3bufty, Os., wass Who fa there thal las nol frequentir an- A general mowmtotifl, the lsvsa b Old Treaty Oak,"~ undor which the noyed by distresaing headaches? Bufferers n er cf s hwso . futheettiers ma eh treaty with the from siok or nervous headache will find a intememory o teoldes ettllers, je1irt1he rrs adef eoet cure in Burdook Blood Bitters. reported throughout Western Texs. Oeoe n orilteln nSoId by aul doalers in Medicine. Cnodiepatcbes receivsd in Bruse thapt part o! the state. -The Ires bas B'hme r kldbyaeanto Srecelly de fgir the laautriwy New Brunswick. cn e Friday nigbt make Do 'mention o ayo amE. hl Obn audy Stanley or of tbe situation aI Stanley ay cf Cate threi, gt Whaocoid g atuda beFhiateolls.enn, cîdnly Âthma ciired by the double treatment cf Fat.Irust the oomb in s gas jet ner h Southr Ohm ure,isa acomo rtmark. Tho sugar bountios enterence, whicb mirrer. Thescomb wsa Of thuo ter stm met yest*sday iu London, discussed and îsshed inte lam lks powder, Thé Marquis OI Ely hau beau cenvertei a protocoIwhchwa igned Moudsy. Beeting fis te ber hait aud giig her a itb a rent-reducer by a visit te his Wcx- yhic Wasfordestale. Vermont* wiIl open the Presidetat narrow escape from eesousim7 - TRui "BOYAL" FLavoring EXruÂCTS are bali neil yesr wilb s delegate nominal- Âadisw Robinson, a tramp, Who net only true te Iheir names, but are pro. ing conventiola to b. hcld early in April. brought iu Braluerd, Minn., isut pâro bfon fruits of the bost quality. The. Wseboe Indias s eld a grand wpinter, bas Msrriea a wealthy divorc- TeDk o ofl n audype council near Genca, Nev., reosutly and sa wemau for whem ho actsd s sene en ieorte' jubile congra- pamsed a law makiog theft punishable general niliîy man duri1h.esmmeçr. ltednQuc tenPope by dealb. H. Ihua beoomes eue o! the richeet lAtieni l 1h. Pope Unitod Ireland wIlasu the police for men in these parts. Great Place for When firal altacked with s cold la the damages for rsmoving ils show bille tramps ont there. head, droppinga from 1h.eaa asae » frein ahop windows lu Ennis snd os- Tvo gentlemen o! Norwich, COrU., te 1h. Ibrosi, pain in Ihe h or sur of wbcre. have bai s mathlob tnbbsp etogstber th. symptom~s or forernn f n'o ctarrh. a 50 cent package of Naal Bslm will cute Baron Bortbwiok, a Scotch peer e! nearly every ay ince Jan. 1, 1882. yen. Falisment whe titis dstes fhem 1452, plajin inluthat ime nearly 16,000 .Aubertin, M. Fotay'u asmailant lailu a bas become a member of a flrm of usines, One o! bhem ÃŽle Wtu*iity mihueand la lIkely tle i L mmeulia. London stock brekers. ainsis heaiof 1h.e then, sudaIetno A pymiieno! uiuy Ii..basa .cr ime bas aither boai1h, acivautae by Jamnes HILGilmoreo! T. Gilmono & Co. a pied ef Ananchiat Lingg'a 3awbonel, more han ffty gmes. ha"ve m a m Bor Wa m ecola sud placed il on exhibition fer theuon Engliah Cutons effilel are puzzl. land ceagi, whib tehi mmedlalY nelloe eSit othbe curions. ed wbst le de about gooa maein luasu curai. The Wnnipg capen n rede. Germauy and France with EnugliaB ovin a foot o!f.iow tel ou slunay neth mandlng tbfrty cent&seau hur, sud ulue marks Put On hm&su Rgal-S l e.Yr udPnjavms boure for s days work, -the.-change 10 sud thelre.shipOd te othercué n r Teare a uumbeof e!varielies co rna. oore ne mb ffect Feb. let.as Bnghsh geed. if bhey ponuil tlb. Ho>lo>ury's0Com Cure wsllepovo auijOe. Karulin' hadwar stre sd sgoeiS o Pau Iroub diacredfit tis W thein. Ca1 on your drugglsa sand gel a numbr o! buildngsor.ethande poau«mh-uuscD1 sdifboteson. ihmerlaza_ lingsnthen, Fh id. .~ey tp1e0Eg"s euea o A Dow Party hbabeen formed by the. 1he job o srii h od.French BepublidanSocialist&s burut o 'Iiuumay. i~as, v~u,.ivWJ eL--fI~. ngr. &0 '. nM elact 101il George Dahu, a chili cf eighl y.ars living in(Columbua, lad., was bitteu by a rat lait Saptamber, sud bas inoe. b: many symptoe ofe!hydrophobia. The body of George Greer vas feuni espended frein thé limb o! a Mree »v- étal mile. frein Flemnmiugtoii, Dak., Friday. ItiI. auppoaed vigilantes bung In the Afruas ~5raflnet sions virils ou hi» V57l10SmBa Omthme Cuva ri nce Of! ýGenisuy madbig suite took lunch st lhê rearsut, sud tbe bill for the parly vs. for bvslve lunches aI 8 franoa*aob, sudforlv lunches aI 6 fr-acseacoh, makinit 286 franc*, er $86 in aIL. The Crowu prince do<lsrsd Ibis vas robbeny sud wý am t nv. s avifle 11.hst ovould b toe &ip le ta r<.bLou a;u dovu for l'e promut. CONsUMPTION CURED. a= Thé freigbt agents of the Cbicago sétîle the matter tbrougb thbm EngUab C east bcund railwsys bave fgreod on su Cosul. aor sdvance in expert rates on ail classes o!f___for____ business. The aivance average 15 petar e area eee cent. IsiCre ose u Que of lb.eshlegatietis in a Suit for THE YEÂT ÂCCOxl'LIBHED WIT NEÂTNE5S suu divorce brougbt by a Jeffersotivills,IOd., sud DJ5ipATOE.an bride of a ye&r la IbsI ber basbsud !aited te kssp bis promise -te buy benr gee os.naly1uae hu i a il iis. don. le a mur" looke very bemptiug E M. Grevy'e age la a. dispulai malter, on lbhepistar, but Ubere ja se little "U and the President bimseh! dees net méat lu proportion te the size o! the know. One. autbeity aya h. vas bizd that un"iesit b. akilfuhly auvsd hemn lu 1818, anoiber in 1817, ami ly a eaU numnbsr eau b. evid. 1 Vapesu gves 820.The bresâtl cf a gods M broader Sud Glasgow mron men are offsrlug $500 flatter ha that o! a turkey. Il ahould roe bni for lb. deîscîlon of the insu b. ssrved dlfornuly, ..lthongh mauy who.bneke thoin naiket the other day vniters iv. -the . mre iirltlu for ai by seuding a forged crier -for the mals carving both. The ligaments conne.- ni e! 15,000 tons. lion 1he boeseaare m Usly varY longh ro Oscar Wild's baby la lthi im>ge cf ils sud mucb more ekUh sud atrenae moîber. Mme. Wild'o@ recepttixi dresse@ nequizai thsn for -oumiug other fevia. are alwaysa desigitid by bier huband, Pi.ilou the platter wihh tb.heaiu but she objecte to, bis tuîls inl bonnets. at the left. lusert tihe kife- firmly D Il la aald Ihea sboom hem ex-Sen sOut tA l. g te on lb.ViesI houa. sIen Harrison, o! hadlana, la being Clt"uh h f 1h bçebt1wu qityworked up by bis friands, lu jons the body, womk ts point cf iii. qthe hp htb o uthe' kuifs into the joint sud with th. aide lb. hopeofbthe o may peros lite Llg v.rkre publiosu nomination for the Presi-O!b.wnevrfo lb. body, sud ont, unhililbtheint sepa- deney. rate.;T nouê1hrqtghuhs tt. n Ojaters are feuna lu 1h. Juniala SpteW&;i tI hom-- hlbobdy. %Jt b.-c Hiver lu considerable quanliles. Th.y tsub e u iebody issalit are aupposed te bave ionila bsifoiD w bt bte aide o!fbthile u ojiler aboli, te wbicb Young cyïsmteu ~jyen, Ilelwejoint. Theueout rough 5à bete& being dumpeGdlto the iver,, hf.heosb b à grest 'depesil o!f pi ' reo@ititly èsdor bird tJi dWaovered lin!gunbplt CmnqiNo,15kaâ, es poon umte s gn.bu.vtbut ,1if 1 ka, bus ib6en toôli alImm-!b dadO~i>wU*5~*e Bugliait capitaliste fr IbO,0(J.It vitb thes kufefeýrIbejolul. lTi ï à a estimaled ltaI t à viii ieli 10,000, joint la touigiten sudrequines.more aifli 000 ome - u esarainehanbe esp ointluofia At iKenton, Ohie, Fniay mïx-lfl nuiy.l 1efpfth5 iÉa4er -id Cba, Tono,- wolIls. je~ earor te haok boue, ýButpte be dealb, BQ eý,e1 Iy o te u. .si ret~rk l!~%~ la p he ïamd*g isiout of, iamilyai uanL dlog- td .i> Theantil lulb.Stthe sbis1ii, 4 Qbe Who> le Müityoaette ounBuslan moeiuis eou the troubler etIu ~ ~ .~el& lâp 3~~oiano 10~i~ 8~I'iste :bheut p borAe On 1h. la4! sa rais. MVèew**i1 wba ie n, n beb« tte ag goSenatt ton84th rEfeIi3uu th, -,h itn.a eu ido e ot'à të bbru 1oid phyddoAn.,I4 d hefrm ne Ids ring bhd placein MtuS.b baum2]LAMod "i mlamlona-y 'thé. u a simpà le Yu gotable rsmedy for the aiPerU Mti O=r of Ou-mP DOiI wtarrhibm5t»&V su 1 ho1s i ug wfvus>Mft7 anauen N.rVM om- C sduts, atter havina tt e lsvouaMfu rative pove uIn1housmli5of msha" It it bis dnty tlemake il knowu Ob b ffenng 11owi. Âobzluald q 111 mol d . deimte le U1e humua dlg lss»nd h.. o! oh.xgc O, &UDWho db iil ls r;eeoluGerm»mnioh orE1gIl Sent bymabywl .np STRA YED £"À TT LE. 's Suit madeë to Order for $12.U0' - eto.,lýo eleet from - suitable for Bu esi s uito or Boys' weare 1~UL STOK 0FGROCIERIzJ- ALWA-18 ON' HÂND. HlgheSt market Érice paid for Butter and EBggs. DBOOXLIN, ONT. Midwg bewee J3rokZi an Uoltmbs, o Br& oncion.dG-ubuo We are now prepared to maà ke ailIdnds of Wooilen 3oods, suoli as Tweeds, Full Cloth, Union Flanuels, Sheeting, Shirtings, AIL-woël bed Blaakets, HorCse Blankets, aad Yarns 'M' ail varieties andaial kiuds of Knitted Goode kept i.n stock for the accommodation of patrons. Hyigein pric pai do n ne tity f Woo Ail orders promptly filled. W.Di BO WERMAN AROADE'y TORON1 k Bcool Thoroughly Egquipped fer Bi BOOK..KEEPINGt -USINESS OOBRESPON f3HOIITHAND AND TYPB-WBITINO*PR! SsdfoCINiar ÂdRes. SI Ja . . D a , B q Au n% a % , Temce bai uanyoportifliles s prointbot ofs atseb SONI 19 ou bhc rad cretia. T'hi clibl sblsesa thlrty 7051 PENMANSHIP, ion wb-0, I naERoIÂL ILAW, elu L£TmALLY TÂu!(H. uai! CANADA- Thé-~ 'DEASecre ar. pont ofaice .DR,- :Ly lu -our Cellege, sud havlng rani as amember o beBcrd fnuwiu. tb t éi oSlbefil aud dallig, hIenfroor u ins p urp« edmes o as SnErà lg L.ca nge -o !, s h.x bavm m e a W.he. mILeà H, (i 0fenbleed and ttIcerte, O0~ve"Ys0p SWAYNE'S OINTaENT stops the itchinr and bleedlttg, , - eaI ulcerallcn. a ln< <>1. mi cam 9remou e 0- - etumoriett,4r z, 4 bmai 00,- Hfow Lest!1 How Rsor justImpblabei, s noediien 'Of erats of.,bbo1 Fotusi alboit fLVERWELL à Malbenaa udOoMumereamoar l Hpe11b obo a A 3 ier t ary o f B o n d of r u u i s o. o D ir e I doNLBBÂLESONIEE ià ~- sTRD frm MY5,O ov abouit Iiv cltw f M d d, s d- Md iter nov one 75? sd nua" d. The ltr slad svaju Oc ast. ce. 141h, 188. KOTI -G wlUbs aI Ibêncal- te conitnuiot sud opera~ s BBOOXLIN, ONT. Il --y myn 1 1 Aaaress. Sena for Cireuisr. 0. ý ý.L 'Il ý'-l Ë 5,p 't