Whitby Chronicle, 30 Dec 1887, p. 1

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18 SAI WARE ROQI rtuhe Hoiiday8., IN FUR GOOr S, ETC. HITBY' J Wltb calm prlntod worda, gbeat thoughts#,r a t hitng industry, i 'VOL. XXXII. WHIITBY, ONTAIRIO, FEl ocate Peace, Progrese, Xsïowledge, Brotherhood. AY, DE CMBER30, 1887. to elear out overcoats our own, their Minik, J3eaver, S Astrican- and Nutria Cape udkercliiefs, Ties, etc., etc.1 oidays, instead 6f watiui 4and the season o'ver. W' Il giveg big reduotionsa, ini au * uitablé, uiseful and elegant friends, and we have the Goods, Flannels, Blanketetý kirts, Yarns, G«loves, H08f. 1 lie market CUIEM!-VERY TS ~ l aloring lhuery. 'l boys! and fine variéty. maon is over, noux ii'e Genuine Bar-. bounid (o sdi the & 00* iT Store find -the largest stock of ini Town.«. v romplete in e, Fancy Goods, afull Stock of ITT & GYSTERS na Cups and Saucers, $1.25 iroportion2. ,ves. s ôf farrn produce. GIBSON, [TBY CHINA T STOIRE ?A DQUARf'TEI3. iassortruent of WOY 'GOODS ý&11 aui "VdQimmine them, a lot of mes and 'G AC#IINS,,de., dc. rue early and sel01ect your gone. Our Satehol., wIjt M~nuce Established 1856. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. $pin annumu in advance-3l.50 othe- vise. SubsonxptioIii are slways payable at the office-of publication. Steam equipment and beet furuished Book and Job printing plant in Eastern Ontario, capable of executing &11 classes of vwork f rom tb arge poster te thie sixallest handbill. Special mention ie made of the nnsurpa4sed press f acilities of THE CHuoN- IcLs, with its celebrated N. Y. Cottreli cylinder pre sad other modern conveni. onces. Eveîy onden receives prompt, cari- ~A~7 ~. imosTr. with Ltnglcy, Langley & Burke, SMOKE the MUNGOI Tonento,) ARCHITECT. Designe for Chu.ches, Villas and Got- tages a sp.cialty. Drawinge prepared for remodelig existing structures. Oppzcu-P'iret fiat over Howse's Drug store. P. O. Box 202, Wairnv. FARAM FOR SA LE el A Beautifnlly aituated farm in the TOWN 0F WHITBY. tul attention. heuudensignedl offiers for sale bis farmu 1 f49J acres, beiug situated on the east side TERMS 0F ADVERTISI:NG. of B.ock stneet and north of the. Grand Trunk railvay lu the. Town cf Whitby. This First insertion, per lins, 10 cents; each farm je as good a puece of land as can b.' subeequont insert;on, 5 cents. found in the country bhas a splendid situa- Dieplayed Advertieemeuts are rueaeured tien fora town park or driving park,- Is in "y a @cale of solid Nonpareil, and charged as good a state cf cultivation as any muan açcordingly. couid wlsh, le fenced entirely with board Adverti-iemeute sent vithout vritten feucîs, la dlean cf aH bad weedi or other ob- instructions inserted until forhîddîn, and jections cf that nature, bais a îitream of ehangîd for full timi. water ruuuiDg througli oni corner which Ordîrs f iQr discontlnuiug advertlsemenls neverfafli. The hemn sud othîn outbuild- muet be lu writing, otherwise the. puhliah- luge are o! the best quaiity sud altanst etuw; ens wili net hi eponuuhui. the houaeisl a neaniy new one-storey build- A lîberal discount for contrant advirtise- ing snd cen l'e raised a îtorey vîth ne gneat meute by the year. Copy for changea of elpînse. Thene ln. a goed viii of pure contrant advertiBeents ehould hi handed watîr. There is a young onchard of stand- iu net latin than Wadnisday ; sud uotli ard fruit tries, juat cemmenciug te bear cf anyiuteudid changeas bouid hi given fruit. The gandin is as goed as eau b. befone Tueday noon. Othîr advirtiai- found. The farmnii couveuient te achoels ments rîeeived up te Thunaday noon. sud churches. Titi. good. Liberal terme Business notices iu local or uewe colmmue will h. aiiowed te lthi purchaser. Pive cents pin hune wiekly. Locale, 10 et-i. ApplY to propietor ou preinises pin line weekly. Oorepondeucie olicited fnom a&I parts 46-12in. GEQ. HIC'KINGBOTHAM,'"- etflthe Couuty or neîghhoring townships. Wbhitby P. 0. Oorre8pondenta are requeîted te send lu Vkitby, Oct. 2th, 1887. tirein communications as pnomptly as _____ pesb I, ENDE RSON & GRAHÂM, Dominion Lino of Royal Mail ProprietorsnIl n aM £ A1 Snp't Mechaniesi Dep't. JOHN B. FAREWELL, LL.B., B ARRISTBR, Oounty rou Attorney, su onySoicitor. Office,- South wingr Coeurt Bonne, Whitby -48 JAMES RUTLEDGE, lr>.RRISTER, &o. Offloe formerly oc. >oupled by Farewell & Rntledge, next o Royal Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B.&., Oic-In th. Office soulli of th. Pont Office, in MoMillsn's Block, Brook Street, Whitby. ly-lO G. YOUNG SERITH, L L. B.,e ARRITER,&o., &o.-Money 10 Loan BIB .of arriage Licenses. Opriicz-lmith'a Block, south of Market,, rock St., Whitby. a. 22,1878. (If-S ýV JOHN BAILL DOW, B AR RISTER-AT-LAW, -SOLIOlTOR in Ohancery, Oonveyan-oer, &o.' Ofâic-Deverilils Block. Brook Street, W'hitby. MONET TO LEND-Prlvate. PFund,- a Rmm up te $8000, staI a 1erate cf in- ýereut. (ly.62 ]LYMAN BNGLuEM, IL L. B., P B RSTRAT LAW,SOLICITOBI be. Street, Oshava. LD B. MELDRUM, M.B. (TORONTO University,) L.R.C.P. and L.MU.(Bdi3i bumgh), &0. Offce heurs, 8 to 10 a.m.; 2 SNo. 8, TE" eIIIIAOB," BTKON.ST.e WHITBY. si. C. CRAWPMORTHt Graduatceoft1he Ont&mio VDtOminary, Col- loge, Toronto* Otdons by mail -or tlograpi pnomply attended tel. I office aI vesidanoe oet *G. ÂvsoppollO LIVERY and SSLÀ'BTABLE&, ]BROOIt STÈBBEr- WZB'!. "od Bigi and ~O R«M iS Gifto ODS AND CARDS. *ý Fine collection of B3ooks, il libra.ris or prizes ; aise [o0no-tinî Etchings e i ' numerous to mention. exte'nsive stock of Xmas Cardi 'at CORMACK, IERELL'S BLOOK, WEIITBy. WINTER SERVICE. Sailunge betveen HALIFAX sud LIVER. POOL, Fonînightly, via MOVILLB. Sa.ni...... Oregon .... Vancouver, Vancouve. Sarnia... Oregon.... SAILINO DATES. From Liverpool .TiundayDec. 29tb. . .. ....Jan. 12th. . . . .. . *4 26tb. 1prom Baimome .Tues. Jan. Brd. tg -s i 7th. PromHlifax OregA....... Vancouver. Sarnia ........... Deco. 21th. Jan. 7th. tg 21e.. RATES 0F PASSAGE. Frdm Portland or Raliax te Liverpool. Gabin $50, W6 and $75 ;Second Cabîn $W0. Steerage at lowest rates. DAVID TOBANCE & CO., Genera Agentâ, Montreal. a. BTE[>BENSONs Telegraph Office, Local Agent, Whitby. Rif lan jine Royal Mail Steamers. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. DATES 0F SAILINOS. From Potisnd. Promn Halifax. Panialan. - .Dec. iti Dec. 1'flh. Canin Dec. 29th '1Siale. 'Par......-------Jani. 141h. Noue o! lie above ilcamens «Mrycala, shcep or pige. Thre great 5c. Cigar, and the EfLi 2SID MADRE EHIO The great 10c. Cigare. Wl, nuI TU CHEMiST and DRUGGIST Agent for Whitby, Procures them direct from the Manulaclurem r I. -1 ~ w o )c:lw o ~ 11~ p '-i o~ ~ oe c,- -I ~ f~ CD cD~ n-i o Mic,. * c~ <~ ~do I~ O ~ ~d '-g t.-'. *..i. ;~,' w c-'. '-e t..-' p w ('1 o ~iIt '-g o cD Co ci I CII N s,' Mi~ of pins lake.. ý ùr. 1 mai abould LNEWS LETTERS, ROIlmLe onresondenoe. RAGLANl. , a a good deal ai burut tallow *wu* ,j. Hezzelwood la home villi ýt isîj on 1h. mend. Wàegie has- bought a fi-ce blook oMr. raP-rott-, 'nea, chà1ke Mr. *nd Mre., Geo. Keliey, of Scot epent Xis here. Miss', Maggie. and Mary Lehman, milinon, S&ouffviile, epent Xwas bere. Mr. John Wbità here je buey lhrash- iug elo'er. e reports a very good crop Mr. and Mn. M. Nighevander, cf Marylaudï U. S., are visiting boreaI Mn. Samouel «oover 's. Mrt. W. J. Lehvnan Markham, paid ne a fiying vieil on Xmas. 0f course one cf Markham'r, fairest vas along. Mr. chas Madili vap MaTried te Mies Lydia ',Frsyth on 'Wedneeday last. Tbey wý.ie both cf Uzbridgc township. Mr. Albert Syphor'e auction sale cf (ai-w stock and implenients viii corne off on Saturday nedt. H. taîke of go- ing te *illia. R9W4W. J. Willoughby and W. H. Motg&anpf Slouffville are holding revival orvic64Ï in thc Union church hene. We Wi"h hem ecoesin the good work. The %ftI whioh vas bcing dng ast th Maploeri«ýn has icen abandoned hav. ing reiâ6d the depti of eilty-two feet and fouri neovalet. Ben vas a brick to werk .- Thé eView ow.~hsn at held i4i 1h. 'Union cuohb~udymrn- i00. oprs.,Beesor;Off-aud Blopifer deond e4lb.ezoie wbioh Were fully *Pfft.ialod by gaU En,~.DebouOareoentpreaoh- borie 8USday afteiiuooù. ByO. 0-BayI. mer, D)ixon's Hill, did likevise' in the Union euh inluthe ovening. A. tlelghload of merry folk@ from tbis burg atlgnded th. houe>' festival at Bloomingtn on Priday. nigit. Itoey vas plonliful and ont crowd wvasose e- mountèd togeh tr li-t did not gel dis. permed 1 tlh. 'mou, hon of lie mein- The Publicùhol examinaion of Glasgow sebool caome off on Tusada> aflernon lut. Tie work reviewed vas very zunci appreciated by theii- ors and found Mr. Maeconnachie a geâtlemm zof the bigiesslcharacter and co,*spetoun* le1maniage the sohool 4oe bu et posuible- advantage. -As b.. is leaving the section heovas oaded dé* evu viiiiealedgoed *"ues <rom'ail.Ho - t he Norutal Oinp bluchéol exminatlon came* offonTluedy a t' tnoon01theladies of thie oemmuity epvead a boeàtiful vonanl ta M afin, whioi onrt teober, ne., Dec. 2Gth wae nomination day. There was a general big talk at the nomination. .Those nominated were-For Reeve, G. Fi Bruce and D. Gillespie; for conneil- lors, jhe old set and Jas. Bernister, J. J. Cave, A. Hamilton, Thomas Treleaven. This year's election wifl b. the firet municipal eliction beld in Beaverton for nine years. Bedford'a eawmill je set on Mr. Hoop-, 'erefarm, 1ju8& uest. ler and' omnort, atuune 'oei of Our gonial Mr. and MÈre. tie. It je a goid plan to let a minietcre CeaI alone even if il je on another man's back, se on. cf our ornant one fonda out latcly at a 0081 t f12.50. Moral- Tee -muoh Memle or semas other herb ie bad fGr furCosa. PORT PERaY. Rev. Mr. Schiverea oommentes revival meetings hane next Sunds.y. Watch-meet. ing le te b. beld în the Methodiet church and ohurch cf thé Ascension on Saturday night. Mr. Geo. Brown vas brought home f rom Myrtle on Sunday, and is nov in a fair vay te gît round all igit. Ihave heard that hi sys he dois net biamne ]ennin for shooting hum under the circumitances. Hi penhapi holde a diffinent opinion cf those vho ran for thein lives and lîfithlm in 1h.elnch. Laing & Meharry's hardware store vas burgianizîd on Saturday night. The. thief entened hhrough a back vindow, having ne. mnvcd a pane cf glana by culting out the putty. A quanlity ef cutleny vas taken- knivee, razons' etc. Tic burglar then un. lockid eveny doon in th. building, leaving tb. goodeaaItichemercy of 1h. public, and- vent his way. - e Thc nominations paseied off quiel!y, aI least net se much noise vas heard sa vas iooked for. Reeve Ourle appeans te hbave ýa good firmn hold upon the. people, and in ieally a good honeel nepreseative. The great tinanigular duel for lie deputy.rccve- siip bctweezi. Nott, Willcox and Bruce has been spoieèd by Boxali ceming into lie field, and if talk amounîs te anything Box. aR ill iiin th. trophy. In this town an). person wiho ce a lk English la qualified for concillor, and so tien. la a lange ballot tor. liaI office. TPhe yoang men fnom hene, vho vereeom- Iitted for trial tor attacking 1h. Scott Act *detectives at Myrte, âhould go and aak 1h. Ohuarver to,.iniunt-U. -and not, ruin thieir bighly delighted with û following officra vire ecix ing ycar.-I'rcsident. Mrs.n, Mdiss Lizele Balfour, Trea $alfour and Ivins IlaryDï Miss May Fieher a nd Misü Mns. Goforth, attm-dcd a lx F. M. S. st ilp. m.anddjl the came, snccesel, Thii F. M. S. je doinbg goodwroi npan müost favôr#blv vwiti were ms. speaker in sa few -W4!" ohoseéi remaàrk, 'Pa a high tributé t'te nelgec. christian oharacter of the ftév. gentlemn who vwas about te go forth -te preéasi the gospel to e Hctýhendom. The Beïr. Mr. Gofortli1 displayed two charte anda ÀIarge mapi by moane et vhich he ilueliratcd., ana, gave pI1 oitqWtehie nemanke. On.echant. ehowedAh . actual and relative mernbers eof mankind s.cconding tîothein religion teO 06 as follow.-Prtceitants, 116 million, Greek. church, 84 million, leman catholie-, 190) million, JeWs, 8' million, Moliammedaus,- 170 million, Heathen 856- million., The -4 other chant inRiituted acomparieonboteleu, lhe amount et. meney spent for ehn*stian u mission and lthe smounts liat venê eDcn-'- for educalion, amusements,! cotton and--ý voollen goode, tobacco,.bnead and spirite . u England and United States- only. The-, figures iu millions' are as fellovs'-ýDrink,, 1580; bread, 850;- tobacco, -6W; vololcu gouda, 467; cotton goode-,si266,;.amuseBmento, 160; educatien, 140; 'chnistian missions, 10. The. Bey. gentleman made good use ef bis materil, and impressed ail present wih thefaîl force of hie arguments. Mnr. Gofo$'th gave a greal amount.cf. infojrmatlon 6 b.. audience that will ne dou bt be the means of slimulating manyy b greaten efforts in the. work of Foreign Mission. TicMiss3es. Hopper,foi nov in thi employ of J.E Torento, ipenlXm à$.h6 Mn. and Mme. Hugli-( pa-rents of Mm. W.,"3. Ohnùs-e itovu vitil jMn. Jas. Phillipoý,jw #itby poioôffice7 v as 0. Grah, ot -Rocôheste lthe 'wong sida of eVer.7 case, i tknows osmesi. ic is le, lwrong aide, eût il villbe -con- Mr. dai iidered at once liai, by i " g pi hit -tovun, cause,. -liaI papen vante 10 have 1h.en NL leW York1 tnom here eenviWte4. Tg l mci Ibvni l ative. 8 ils 00Cmua Io com MIi t cteet volence 0'Wè5*s Mn. Jas thc ;means o ettling lie---boys 13110 the'tuen sorape, and nov lie paper migit stop ils. Ét .saio -meti andiglve t1am hit a* chance a esionl te el out of il. Our. nov amou lova coninues, te keep M.L the bail nolltng.- ine. te-lMyvile affair, for, swiei 5 fv.men vee e»"OMîmlte d foi togaler s ltai a&tteroee iad beçu miel, ve have ilad a week nenc'm case-of ximmlal aSuIt upou v1 oman, tIve uer c"mofý agrystd "Shi uponwomon ', or W ,o "Y"ralcases et drunkenneus and outiandùisi ail eîosi conduit on Sunday, a stabbing mffay, and ail duaei a bunrglarý. 'ThIs l le vay te keap Ibinga utuing t buutlg. -On.et iofýï lcvgyueu openýý ionor1 adveesîtes -v*ikey, aud eue cf, env ne- Mut Papenu eperîiy advoeates " violenoe an& Ganada et1 iilbkeov-cemlined.- =d I bottto prement, té'Toroto RATES 0F PASSAGE FROW WHITBY to Liverpool on Londondermy via Portland. -Cabin, #61.100 8P6.10 sud 186.10, accord.' Ihngtp pbemiou et slsteroom. Ibmelt Wbitby toLZîvospool or Lgudpaêemry via Halifar. OCabn, 2860t IMWP.5,a~ ____ cotding to poition ofblpte**>@. TnleitPodiate passuers abooked to or ftrem GlasgowMeorae au LI'vorpool. Steerago passengors booed 10 oniterm. nnginý lasgv, allst, ucestU, or London, ~aris~rleas Liverpool. Bristol and .i&diff 12.00 extra, " 2s%éengersa mà heain baggege are put eu doÎ&the Oc. BlSesmihips fre.e t aIl ex.- peuse. if rtuouetig'il eiauzerspMsacU .WhItby 810T1bmiay ors -Of 1h, ins, aiîd are ui-valuable l l ouidnren aud Ike aged rid. est Lodon, thon arm Uv.t NO~ 3. monomm r_-_ S. E ý ýl ý iýýnmLL,

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