Whitby Chronicle, 30 Dec 1887, p. 3

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ïafl' go li{te dly; experience a gena» i tg tfter eating, or of Il Soue. ess or Stoiil l 1hemo» T tted. bitter or badtoueI ape tdi zinees, toun u-d eyîsight, " loatn seg ê> nervous s prostration or e. hîîty of teîîîper, bot, 91 -. lins ivre ad tiii Iro,7oola niter ueals, W'akûfuineêaj, or titirejreshing ali-ep. conÀ,fjmtl l ing of tîread, or or iiMpeBul or auy cotiderable luIbS oins, you tie suterngfrom v ion of Ainierieuîn îuâladuea.. ia, or rorpiti Lver. a§eoci19I 4 . or I ndigestion. The moo"t U.r iisease ' hue becomot1S1 tiber and duivrsity of an~ ,or Wvhat stiuigt b as reachelm,- qildest tlldhii l co r- if tztkei tivvoerding 10 odiroc. 'ttiJ1ui1intth i f ine. If nMt dons 1n11îtil,îand Congunip.. -4 Skîîî l)isuases, Heurt Dleca% yînî Diseuse, or otiier grave te litîlle t set an and, soutier ia lîttail toertiiiit b. o4 Golden Miledical Blow ove»r riîîly iipon the Lîver, ffl cretit blootti -pîri -ying orge,% onti of ail blood-taluts and lu.. p,î en tuise îirisinér. I à "'u8 iiîacting tipun ttib K& exeî-i-toî-y orgae,1eat iîti bet-iinîg ttheir discease. i 1-lt-ttit etonie. t progtS 'îîîîiîton, t1îiqy lbiîleig Up trigrühl liti iiidaîritti dlicÈ- fîg F% eî ti Agile, ChIîlle and rue, tînd iditiurl duttasîe. -i Goldemi P iuical ie ALL HUMORS,' ri lîlot Ili. or Lruil ion, te lte Sttrtît,--V ever-eres t 8kiî, u t~tît, ii)disemme lii trtt,îerreýd by thje 111% ,i t - r;ti-a undb ite gU i-t1- !o lieisil me-ail 14100.i e IlsItja t ter t iik Neek, litid, - li h IcVtA sla lta- 1.1r , t1iColoreti Dti'9'l Sr AI~tIOainount I3LOOD IS THE LUFe" tîtase it bv. iiitg r.]Piore% irai ODi-m uery, and gSot r t n r, i ta spirite-1 vital tJl liht iti wial bu establIshe&i- '1UMPTIONY iii. ot the' Lungs, lu arrenteti bie reini-tlv if taken llnte t the dit-rase. From Ils nir- ver this terribly fatal dlseaa. [-îg tItis now world-fauied rom.. te Dr. Pierce tlîought serluely il; '-CONSU-MPTION CURE,' bl (naine as too restrictive for icb, from Its wonderful con- ,r, or mtrtngthening, alteretlye. -tîg, anti-humius, pectoral, andi trtles, ils unequaied. Dlot oniy er Consuieption, but for &U aasaof the ~ood, and Lungs. nge., Spttlng of Blocd. Short- Ohrîmki. Nasai (atarrh, BeWn- - î'-r Couglis, and kîndroti imn efficient remedy. gts8, at $1.00% or Six BotUes cents lil tampi; for»I)r. Pi>erce@s itîton. Addreais, ensary Midical Associatio% laiu ma, D(firALO, N. T.- Insurance2 T COST. erve Fund Life Assur- of New York. rument depoit 6 0,000 serve fund -(over) 316,000 til luritig 188-4 479.9W0 st 3 mi0e., 1885, 15,000,000 (r-r icent. of ail aseeeemnta itWthe Centrai Trust Cotn- ho ie Ga di Lok.n and SuàvlnÈ. ,for the Wtatern Assurance ýer Gerrie'. Block', Whitby "BELL" ORGA-NS. -Unapproached for Toue anj Quaity. LOQUES FREL OOGuelph, n t SAESTABLES, AS--ST, WIiTBy. RTH & DEVERELL. ou ShortuNie.l reveo ie.ra lliy<15 (Fýroon our regular corrOepolde*t) WABHIlgiGT')Nl DDec. 28, 1887-80Q; tanuchoppoBitIofl busdeveloped 'againet Mr. Lamer,ilt te Sanate has de- ferred final e )u,,idearati9n aftýhisfODninM- lion nneil aftt r thm holiJmye', Whou the cabinet nomm in ins will týe laken UjP in their order-Larn5r, Vila. ê:iIj Dickinson. It ia understood that the H Bnate's action bas greatly anuoyed tbe President, who had hoped to begin th. new year with a roconetruoted esbinet. Mr. Lamar je disappointed, neot b Bay bnmidiated, aI the delay, fer h. had fiattered him.nelf that his former oonnea ion with tlie sonate wonld in- sure bis confirmationl in a roasonable Iength of lime. The Bepublican Benators have on their piltical -war- paint, and il je their purpôe to over- haut the Southern statesman's record in polies, especially bis recnt eulogy. ofCOalhonn ansd hie; peculiar views of the constttio, and the amondment lhat resultAe from the civil war. Mr. Don M. Dickinson the prot;pec- tive posîmnaster gAneral, is epending a few daye in the Capital very qnietly. Already large numbers of tler,.e for hlm reach tbe Postoffice Departiment, and b. calte there occaionally to read hie mail. Theo potmaeters and postal elerks are realizing that Ohristmas ie athand, for their work le almost doubled a few days by the transportation of presente lhroirgh the mnails. Mach of snob malter that cornes lrom foreign coun- tries je beld by the post office authori. lies tor the non.paymfeiit ot custonm dues or fult poetage rates ; but in ai] snob cases the postmaetei's bave had lbe grace 10 notify the intended reci- pient, @o that îh@y eau prepay charges. Formnerly those wbo sent packages ol second. third or fourth eclasa niattez tbrougb lh. mail were irtquested t4 desiRnate in writiog on the back of the package the obaracter of tb. malter but Ibis bas lalely been changed, ane any writing on tbe packages now, el ebpt the return request and tbf sender'e addrese, subjecte articles Ibui sent 10 lelter rate postage. And se i is bigbly probable Ibat many wbo re ceive Chrietmnas and New Year's gift througb tbe medium of tbe mails, wil be required to pay extra postage. The Treasu.yy department je noç making prepa*atione le pay, on Jan. 1 n'iarly eigbt million and a baîf dollar intereel on United States bond% au, Pacifie Railroad bonds, wbieh is i addition to a eimilar amount thé woutd bave fallen due on Ibat date. ha it not been paid with rebat.. The spacions vauit Ihat bas been î course of conatructiof aItbh Treaiuî since last spring, and which je desigut te oontain the millions of!eliver thi - onstitute a considerable portion of i - surplus, ià oompletod and will soc -give place to ite precions burden. ine. my last leIter, Congress hi ,oentinned le hold short sessions, bu s usal litîlt, bas been dons in tbe fe deys precoding tb. holiday rece f 1-, o!flMarily much cf tbe lime has bei > consumed in planning l.gielaIion te1 conidered when lb. wvork of the e sion begins earnestly. In lb. Senate 'Mr. Pagb madej enbusistie speech for tariff reform. the firet of the present session on t] subjet-Ib e ek, and hoe eideni luapressed xnany cf hie colicagues, Weil as the general public, in a favt able manner ; Mr. Sherman annouic ad that ho would disous the same ou te ýs ad ila ýt ed kat on tu ut, eW 08. b. e-n MIy à oe- nb- P me bnk- 500' e-lt- te Town qOucil'. Tise regalar meeting 'o! lb. lovn 0ounoit wu a.tla on Monde-y evsning. Ail members vere present. The printing comrniîteo, lbE love and market psoperly oommittee, tite fise and vater commlttee andt be relief commit- lee. eoh presented reports. Those re- porte mesely reornmend lte paymenl o! tbrfollowing aeoounîm :-Mrm. Allen, 01465 ; J. Blow, $59-54- J. K. Thomp- son, 75oe; J. Bell, $9.5O ; U. H. Je-me- sou. $2; John Bryme, $21.0 Wben Mr. Brymna accouaI for te. peiring sîreet lampe vas -before tb. aooneil, Mr. Fox i d Ihal lite pressaIý oà oit le-mupm mIbonld e bo lilhd ei- togéther os seonre th. eleowrlo lgiht-, for tbo ceaI o! ligbeÏng lbe lova with ceai oil lampe le getling Ion 'expansive, se bill1 efer billornes je for reped-inn leape wbicb are broken, and,,- u heb parties are Ibatbreaks tem go body te ble te find eut,-,*', ý-: ;r. Butlodge dId ol laver dapeqns- ing with lb.ele-mpe, bauinlg every efforIte obrins these. lamp depredaiteU le justice.* ~ho Mayor se-id 113e- everythil s, be Ug donue _thltpýcOMtb toferret ent th s,.lamé:brakérW:,-and-holeasurdc 111*councilt 113,if eaugitt l13y wàlmdauemp _ètwchould bel A varning t4 othr. oLed by.ffrel4~ eid~ ~ M .Noble, ltaI lie saff, itu e b#7- ve4aai A c<bsè1ee l Carrent Literature. Frank Le8lie's Popu-Zar Mont!hly for9 Janusry, Ireland i. likoly te b. a promninent European Iople in 1888 as in 1887. Te meet readerse-a brigbt article doeriblng the Partiment as lte-t; Island once poesessed il, viii b. something acceptable. The opening article of Fratnk Leslie's Popslar Monthly for January witt givo general pleasure. The Hodse, the Halls of eaob Houso, the prominent mon who figured en tho floor, are e-lt drawn gre-pbîce-Ity vtb peu and peno1. &"The bidren Coming Home" le a po.rn thal vii touch boarte in me-ny a bousehold. Auna L. Ward lakos us elong the South oet Cee-el of Nova Scotia in a very pleasant wmy. Tbose fend of the theatro, will b. enterte-inod witb reoeiniseencep of the Watte-ck fe-iiy by Walter E. McCann. One of tb.eCurioue enater lakes ofounr Western coasl le well worlby o! roading. The "«National, Sports of Canada" are well doscribed a-nd obime in witb the soason, for eus neighbor seeme loeonjoy herseîf more in Winler Ibmn in Summer. "Italie-n Sohebîdbys is sonetbing lun a new vein, introducing us te lb. weli dre-wn chare.ters in De Amicie's book eo ase le interest, Young and old. A vindication of &utralia and incidente-lly o! eur own continent, from -the charge o! being a New Wortd, vhen we are realIy tho oldeet, will b. found in "A Fossil Continent." The stories, are veried, fuit of interest for Young and old, and the wonderfal novol, t'Prince pLucifer., by Elle- W. Piesce, deepena ta ils intense and absorlng botd on tb. reader. emperance and Bcott Act Ams- ciation. th. s Ti e-t lb te-s'y ho meeting Se e ce-biof ihe- le u meet a 'Vi lmu Baby wa s tik, v gave ber Castoel bue @h.ovas a Cbld, she oried fer Castera, len abs bocarnoMiss ,&holung te CascIons. tueuab*hbeChfd eogse vthem Castmia The W.C.T.U.0 Oakville have opened al free public readiug room. Mîid, soothing, and hee-Ung le Dr. Baegs Cete-nb Bomedy. A 115,000 jolnt stock temperance holel for Barrie lu projected. FI w 'f/ 6 WOBSmane'8 W torm .POWdCT dntroyjt rma, ani oe Pel them from fia a8tem. Te-sa voted e- roler imMl SM00o! a lbau by 51t04. «4If there vas ouly eule boulte ofe!hgyerd'a YoUlow 011l u Meaitoba I would Rive eue hundred dollars for il," wites Pbilp H. Bre-nt, of Monte'lb, Manitoba, afler he-vlng uaed il for a severe wound and for frosen fingers, witb, as ho maya, "asleniahiug good ut lt 1'« i The annal meeting o!flte South mIe-rie Tempérance alliance a-nd Scott Lot Associe-tien va. b.ld lu lb. bowu e-lt Brooklin on Tuesdey 2Oth-liet. There wus a fair atoudance o! lem- oe-no. workera presen. On accouaI f bte absence of lb. Preident ead Becrete-ry &ndrev &nnis Emq. and T. J. Elotliday vers pro tout pI-ced in Ibis. positions. The meeting wa. opened. by Re,.Mr.Me-niing o! Oshaaeeding ia prayer. Mae"lmMcTaggasl Eeg. o! Myrlie; wus unanimouaiy eiocted Presdent o!' the asaàoe-ion andi John Le-rke Ee;q. o! Osha-wa Vice Presiden4, Mri .v .B Derby, Seeretary e-d Mr. Royal R-0oer rree-surer.t- t- - The folloving gentlemait versplaeed on the oxecutive .om mttée.- the, Ih toue o! Oýshe-w-R. MeLe-ughliha, The s. - Merrsie, Je Larke, Fred FI>w*Ies Le K. Munton, 0. Hozziewood, Âudriw H1all, Je Hlggmnbolbe-m, IRer. Mn. Manning a-nd Bey- Mr. Ememan. For lte lowe o! Whiby-Ohas. Tayoo., De Ormisten, A. SherÏardlRoi Johnson, H. B. Taylor, Y. Gibson ead Mr. Bowell. But IMWhilby - Henry Deolitle. James Burne, A. M. Scoîl, &ndsew Annis, Lewis Dnev, Honry Drov, Je Bright, Jue. A.; Farewell, Esq. Be«. J; Wititby Tewnhip-Aiez. Keltoen, Je T. Moore, T. J. Holliday, John Stu- clair, John MePhorson, H. Willoxi.l B. Bnipgs, Rer. 'J.ei;ddy and Bu-s. Mr. Philp. - Dr. ýPennes, O1ark<u Rogers, P. U. Huomot 0. Dale, D. Piokett, Ne--L. Bbevenson, -W. Bedeli, John Kerlon, Obris. Nighewandet', Bevr. W. Hall Sud Beyv. R. Me Craig. Bue-oit-C.Sberrd, 'Jas. Watson~ D. Cash, Joite- Dobson, Or. SI. Johna,P, Phenix, B. Miebie, Andrbv Horn, Jos Je-mo&'OUDplit, Jà4ns-»Akaey ,J M. BuianeMr.,-Monroe, Thos. Allia omt 1Rae r Kw,,Hau. Fort Psry-.4#obu to# W B Jas .v~~-Th. 0~tUo, - A U< lot need on. 51ÀTIONAL PILL8 <ore the favorite tsrgative antd anti-bifliotu mediCilM; ley oe mild and thorcugh. CoUingwSffis Kechaitice' Inaitule lib- .ry .ontaines 8,00Vioumes. Thal pure blood -ln lbe lif. nourlahmenl o! the body, e-nd meaus perfect heatlh zno oe ce-n dony. Oteanse the btood from aIl impuritios with B. B. B., thebutoa blood purifier kaown. M-Skdale nseeaineorporatlin ma - owu by specialse-c. Public speakerssd lusgr -s f troubled villa soes Iroaleand hoasseame and are le isb ave»;rebonohle-latteok vkh lht b.e tned sudouzod by 1h. boat Ibroean ad Lung remedY in use. 5e-le-57e- Pluasal a. ryrup nolhlug squale Il e-s e- *âéom edicine; lte naine in Mthe raves WorM E hle MintO. The pgreblworM destroyer ci te Ae. 4àrtIur Est swi.:-à- great =any We widoware ngelling me-rý thIae MU. .*Interltee-raose-gowidowb bgMMo* beue-r otroIr$çdveltrppe. #fteafrtfut and iii thM tWormsa 47 f>a . )gt.Lo~.WorsVSgrp front doort of lutoaomwith eOM l 11 - thon fil.d lte buIldIngs.0n buule njgbl litreealosest ite busines eI1ti te lown vers burnl. b. Pald ,overta e .sid .omp".yfirn1 lime tg inme as 1h. said omapm u in-s1' llsled I te h.mue uader~1.eib-a 1h. sai e edmior ta repo$ jolho sald oontaoil front lime 10ltime -before »nY p&ymenti*! -made ta uaid oompsn'y.i tb. bo"ilreê or buildings ta be banded1 in to the said finance omrnýîltes before aey money l p id ous, ad report the amont paid for boiter and. ngin.- Carried. The Mayor invlted th. members of the special committee te meet on Bat- nrday to draft a petision týo the Domin- ion governmnenî a»king Ihat the îown of Whitby b. rocouped for moeny grant- ed to railways by way of bonus. Mr. John Smith, secondd by Mr. Hewie,- introdnced a resélution to euh- elituto wire for boards on the fonce, on Brook slreet, of Mr. Go. figgiabotb- ani's farm, ta prevent now drifting on 1he idewalk, 1he alteration ta cost about $80. As some members of the concil were under the impression tbat Ibis would not prevent the snow from banking on the sidewalk aI Ibhis par- ticular place, othors that if tb. concil put tbe wire on the poute thal the town will alwaye b. expscted ta keop tb. fonce in repàir, others that, it would not be fair ta put wire on Ibis fonce and then refuse otherpeople wbo migbî desire tbe smre thing doue on their property, Mr. Smith coneented ta with dzaw bis resolution. The oouncil thon adjourned. D IRECT- CONNECTIONS- Theo 0omeroWciaable Go. The ~ItimreahOhio TeL, GC>. The Poital TelegaPh CGo. 'And cal otlzer 2!aph Lins- To soue rmp ipatoliuse the O.P.EBy Co0. Telegah. I OPPinB ie"lhadon' Block,:noiar Origla of Bwsarlg. ThbrotbOo01the latry PalriB-on w4à only thirly juches )iigb.hlM beazd wus thlrty two foot long and extended 'horI2on- lally lu front Of him a& ha walked. Ho-hi-; ,onted swearlflg 10 elpress hie foelingi when rb-scuita werc sel on his table. RI wà iecndawl a o suis le suit hlmnby using Imperial CreamnTatarBùking. Powder. The WalkertOIi HOraZd maya: Mr. Lewis, police Magistrat. in WeIigteon, whoi lite lu Bothsay, experioncod quit. a surprise recently. Hiam biiff hmd ueized A 0rtar amjount O! Wbiskoy, and tOrd ilt in,1h. magistrate-g collar. parties knowing li go4. up a 11111e gaineon LewiO whOu ho*was away from home. Somoebody wasle-heu whiskey iIlete in the evening, and te mare life ln the emergeflcY. MMs Lewis was pro.. vailed upe o 10 somre of the wbhkuey te, the amount of 81-6.5. As 8a resuit Mr. Lewis was finoti 1,0 and cosle. Tis certAWiOe strong sauce for Mr. Lewblsm ganaor. Mr B, C. Winlow, Toronto. writem: t"Northrep & Lyman's Vegetable Dlmoovory le a value-hle medicine l ail Who are troubled wlth indigestion. 1 tried a boblie o! it mter lsuflsring for Smrneton 76am, and the romulla are oertainiybeyoud My eta- lions. It assiste digestion wonder!. dlgetmIY !oda.'wilh ne aspparnt effort, and amrnuow entirely free from Ihal sensation which every dyspeptlo well knownscf un- pleagant fuinees efter eu-h Meal." ohimnir aksfansrflOfl teOret'M JOHN FEROUSON 18 SHOWING A StIPEBIOR STOCK 0P Scotch, E*nglish and Canadian Tweedq Is, A.na other fine unes of (Clotho, for Spling suito. All gaxments made up in latet stylQ.on sahortet notice. Ready-'made Men'a and Boys'. 8uit8, iOeft8' Furni8hing8 and Underolothing of ai Kinda.- ,iNDPaTRXTOTIELE OVER&~LB HATS I HXTS! -HATS! Orders taken for Cei Sitkypsej Wat.rlimo, &c.,for The.llathbùnuCo.>- a 4are quantity of ,Lsnd Plaersa Salit n adIverpol sud Canadiati Barrls a&Be-gm, il "ofl-te- boau' tque-j ia lovesI lpïice. Do6n'tforgelt to -cmii t .and 04uga a. ,qrosentsg. 'éhi Lonbnand Lanoa8hi This Copsyissue evey*teia I JOHN erel &geNl 1 jl PA-,TE LatosI styles in nard sud SofI Fuit Esta VBBY OHEÂF. 'JOHNFERGU SON, CONSIDER YUL/UR..PUCKE TS Don't b0 led awsy by flaing savrieet.u ala TEB[eAZA WfAREEIOIUSE s"dm a.for youraeves that-wo e eslhg(rokr sd(asware;a n undr culfor (3ssor produqe.- WMte(Oramtet TeaseBtta,44 peoa, Tht. ohms Tes Setla, 44 peeat'$45oprett,,Beutiful Mo4tÇ hm lups ana Saucera at 25c., Oolore& Dinner S&ttà -from $7,50 pur -sut, 001 --ed Qhmbir Butt,- 9 pieowa t $»0p àsé n sê Mainaan, -GaWffl5rYnflg .veryUweek. -XHeûvï lssumlam SO.Pur domu -1 t 1 'l chimnies sud bu=erB. 'à Rwh vainauon- Bmr It ta umn& nu th& lbl&W«iL HkTS 1 HATS 1 ------000 Becelver Goueral in appreved Cw sectunties oves 8](00.00 for eola $10 liablily, Ihus affordiug ABSOLUJ ciînly. Parties desirous of a.uringltel itreatmnthasboef !"4m~zbt a parina 1 1 1 1 dans end doeenotimterlOSWitm business.Descriptive>parnphlet ,sent free on receipli of steànp.by; 'PA ILI 1 -. 1 , 1- Whitbyo May 180 186. -lyý ýi 1 1 1 1 1 4 FALL SU UTS.

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