Whitby Chronicle, 30 Dec 1887, p. 4

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* b e b. * a ~NPOflATff rt The reinainder of our Stock of i'XMA 8 and fIEWYEA4R'S8 GOODS AT, AND E i BELOW COST.1 Before buying a New Yearis'Prosoni Ca/I and Sec Usl AT TE MEDICA L HA LL, G.l la GI BDA RDe ONLY Si oo PB£R ANNUM. Whltby, Friday, Dec. 30, 1887 Nominations. K3ARI) LOWS AT MA',;OaESTgL.-.TEMPBR. ANGE MESN THROW DOWN TUE GAUNT- LET. -PRIZC RING FORMCD Ar BROoK- LIS.-MUNICIPAL RACES AT PORT' PZKSRT-PîCCçRINGDECLARSFOR WAR, AND TUE OU> - WAR-HORSE, MILLER, TAKES A RANDI) W TUE FIGIET.-09HA WA, UXBRIDGE,BEAVJXR- TON AND CANINGiON IN ARMS.- FIGETWKG IN ÂLL TUE TOWNSHIPS. Uro th whlenoproviens muni- Cipseletio intherecords cf Ontario oounîy ahowed a more apirited strugie for pisc.s at municipal conueil boards. Thoe bai boeens good deal of tslk in the varions municipalities abous nov * ossdidate@, but il vas thougbt bbis- vould end in talk. Hovever, nomaa-- tou day closed vitb ful ickets in lh. lisld everywhere, sud in aahnost every mtauioipality long and exoitiug dis- simuons took place. 'WEKtBTTOWN» The Reuemal anunal meeting 'ofthle grési Whibby municipal hippodrome ind isenagerie wvas beid lu lie arena of tie main canysas on Monday sêl, M..Tboses. Ho th le veterau otage- manager, oeoopying lie chair. Tbe objeî 'o thle oeoig vas to select Performers for ibhe season of 1888. 4.11 tb. oid actoe w er, tiers-vire (pulli'ng) .34009r@, s.rpootvisîioai charmesra, lieu ? usa> l-amner., bigh kickers. double (dedli. aq> sorobsts, ring i*boere.s brougit fervard s lik.ly le «ire lb. béat performuances fer '88Were Mayon Long, ot. 8eve B 1ev, ex- &Mayor Green- vood, Reeve BÀati, Dapaty.Reeve Ruliedge sud otiors. Kayo~ L o ctled i gobave kept th5esbêvrusuing At ids fuil oapaoity r dorigtiuipetysar. Lrge crovdu Performance. ',Net a aingle part et lb., wbveeeagerie b.deenu'veakeued sud h. Ibougit bh oul00!4alli gîivo su entertainmenut or 4140e bovinu canada -ortheý n Ied taies. Besides keep. k~Ing a fulliâI t factertand vla îmalo ho ~ bad ia' ocoeed'! lu sarbiug tbree ide.. *-aoo, 6V granting thoos bonas.su îd IW bsouid 1.li put lies.thbrougi a * y.ar'a traliig betore ho quit lie sircus ng. gA large isomber >cf pop4 be hd eaked bïm te stick le lie comtlnstion, tomet h yaar an . bsd ooosont.d. Mr. 81ev ou-sa mach.vasostthean éiot oCould put thse nev 44à.. ýr«ba course of eprosats witla 1 1 The old barraoks liat dosa duty for a towu hall iu Brooklin vas filied to repietion on Monday wbeu Mr. D. Holliday, lthe gealcirk, declsrd tb. nominations olosed sud hie officiai dutios, for the day at leset, at au snd. Somestnrdy yeman thoretipon, raised bis vroice above the, tumuit that pro. vailed sud movod, seconded sud 'r.- soivd sornebbing Liat rosultod in Lhe rostoration of s certain degres cf order. At precisely 1.15 p. mx. a riug vas fonin. ead a heb. se ntied of tie hall viti Mr. D. Holliday as hime-keeper and referes. The Marquis of Huoklebeýry's raies were read, lirnîting the rounds cf Lie princi- pal combalants go 80 minutes esch wbile lh. seconds vere le do as utIe pro- liminary sparring of 5 minutes oaci by way cf diverting the. orowd wbile tbe principale were beiug rnbbed down- or rathor up, te speak more correotly. At 2 P. iM. lime vas called, and ex- reeve J. L. Smith vas lhe firgt te te tb. scratch. Hie appearance vas the signal for loud snd prolonged applauae ou the part of bis backers, wiob did mach tevards stoadying bis nerves, sud giving hum, an opportunity to aizs up bis recowned eppouent. Mr. Simith as ex-champion claimed thaI tbe present champion, Beeve M the veon, shouid show cause why, from being de- roueot lu bis duty, sud for other ros- sons he sbould net b. declard tb have forfeited the bell. Hies daim vas sus- lained sud Matheveon vas ordered ho strip firet wbioh ie, did vîtbeut de- lay and @ot forth liaI his dlaimas te thc boilt vas fcnaded on seversi knock- dovus liaI sbould b. credited bhum during tb. year. Tiie ex champion thoreupon bock issue, leecithe scratch, sud desait a rigbh bander full ait lb. bump cf extravagence, wbii Matiew- sou parriod, sud sbruck ont -with bist loft kuocking dovu lthe eUerke a sary ur4 hhat of ïeveral ohr officiaIs Smnith made s feint vithie fse athe alary cf ounty counoillors sud land- ed one witb hi. night liaI knocked dovu seversi bridies on tie Srd sud 4th concessioend secured for hum r firît hlood. The sparriug nov became iiveiy sud the total acreage cf Eéat sud West Whitby ver. oovered, vien turne vas eailed,andîhe combatanîs r.- turn.d tb their respective cornera, vihà honore &boutlaeu. a The. second avant vas cailed. vbich b prmved le b.os sott giove conheet bis- e Iveen tb. present holder cf bie trophy fi Mr. A. Wilson, sud a nev aspirant Mr. 0' A. Kebebsu. Mr. Wilson stsrld off vitb a lithoe spsrring that siov.d ho vas going to sol ou the defonse. Re si eîhubi hod bm. or four fiucy enta- ho si had iearned d!aring lie yesr, sncb autI eulting dova lie seeary suid li. ti number cf oounty conoillors, aud ia knocking tbe uudorpinning ont ot n, parly polibios. Tisse nov touches À vée. quit. Usaifactory sud grealy-la- fc ereasd lie zeai of bis supporters. Il Ri. opponent Mtr. Ketchen &ace@truck w st thb nnp cf extravagance sud knock- ai ed dovn the commissionier, wvie 4.11 El ever Lynde.o bridge., In striking ont hi vith bis Ipft,Kebchen foll short and D liait a bock bander tei S. Medisud liaI X recollild ithconsiderabie force On tîl Dt. Warren. Medisnd aprang to hiei. g [séel sud struck eut vith - hosufief. 0 ýFo u ea imedl by botb parties sud ni the refergs deoided to-coe tbe round.- P Méf. Ketchen a0howedhoie a& tirofi oir u four loft bandera -tinresemve t-altho et woulddeal!uon thÛiamrtoppeÈtuaity. B Heh supporters clainièd ûratblood, .1 bOtthe' raeoe dOOIded a draw.. 3y ki 1887 Hl'OLIDAY,.ý -01à Monday last sides ovre ohosen forw4be great -municipal t, g.of.war tb corne off on Monday. nekt. For years the champion tng-of-war beai bas been fronkhouse, Percy, Mackie, Palmner sud Parker, sud Ibis conibinatien bas beeu open le challenges for aIl corners; but now thal age bas filled 1the strong oid inuwitb Y'earg, sud honors have been beaped npop hum, satislyiug bis every ambition, Monkbonse bas witbdrawn from. the teain, sud challenges are coin- iug in in nucubers. Perey aspires te ho- corne captain cf the next championehip beaux sud Maclrie, Pl'amer sud Parker have gene Up oeetp, lcaviug th. botoera footboid vacant. Old Jue. hfiller, the tug-of-war herse cf former days, seeme b féel hie joints sud back yeî able te taire a pull aI the municipal ropso, sud bas formed a new tesm sud outered lhe liste for lb. great atblotie evout ou Monday neit. Mr. D. R. Boston sud somo twelve or fifteen dep. uties froin differeut parts cf lhe vealtby old township are te b. referses snd jndges, wbiio aIl voters in tb. munici- pality are te give their- opinions cf tb. conlestauts tbrougb the medinin cf the ballot. Pull for yonr live., gentlemen 1 We don't care Ibrée straws wbo vins. WBITBY TOWNSHIP. ou the bumps ofàelE ostaeeuVansd 0"-. butivenoe 8kuocked Medlaud 'over' .the ropes. à. shoIt of mingled r~age :and derision on the -ome band, sud'cf hearty- approval ou the other foliowed Ibis fes4. 'Tbey smiied to 580 the dougbty hero liin, Bat at theji, smile hoe soon revivedl agin.3 Mcad1aud calme up smlling and. wbils be was as strong se ever on hie ins ho was mot so oautjous as foruierly 'and etruck ont reokleseiy,, ln pOflequeuce of wbieb several -foule were cailed against hitn that required the inter- ference of tbe refere. Ho provodl garne t tbe very laut, and altbough r.oughly handled by the champion vas alwaye ready to corne to time. The referee called timii, deoided that the fight could be renewed nightly lu differeut parts of the townlship, if they .aw fit so to do, sud one week hence ha would amra np the.points aud award the viotory acoordiugly. AIlLbh coin- batante appeared to be more or lesa brnised, sve Wiilis and Vipond, but ai were eager and wiliing to renew the etrnggle aIt the firet favorable oppor. tnity. Ail proeut feit justified in saying the exhibition was lbe best of its kiud ever seen- in Brooklin, aud tbsy beupeak fôrýtbe eornbination a big bouse wherever shown. The fol. Iowiug is the oombinsîjon, for Beeve ~L. Srnitb, à. B. Mathewson; -for Dsputy-Reeve, Ale. Wilson, Alle. Ketchen ; coniliors, Chas. Lynde, Jno. Willis, Jue. Vapond, Chas. CJalder. PORT PEuT.O When Mr. N. P. Paterson, Beefeîary of tb. Municipal -raoes here, declared tb. entries clused on Monday last, it wss found that there vas a full fieild of contestants. Many of tbose eutered bave bad records, sme have gooid, others fast, some slow, sme with no record at ail sud Dot worth giviug a mark to. Several bave been in traiuing for weekéi, aud have been bandaging np tbeir weak joints pnblicly, white otbera bave t-àkeu a few beats on them sly, with a view bo testing tbeir probable speed. The following are the entries ini the diffèrent events whioh will pobitively take place ou Mouday neil, (no post. pouement beiag allowed on accont of the weather) : For Beeve.-Local Trot.-Messrs. J. W. Curtiéï, Caleb Craudle, H. Gordon, and J. Boxait. Boxal sund Oraudeli witbdrow froin the race- Gordon may oppose Curte but nos beiug iu goocl trotting condition il is mot likely ho will trot. For deputy reeve.-Named race.- MIesers Willcoz, Wm. Joues, Boxaîl, Nott, Bruce sud Yarnold. Mr. Yar- nold withdrew deerng the company too bot for a colt, thie being bis firet appearauee ou the course. Bettiug la unsettled. It was originally intended tbat*Willcox, Nott aud Bruce shourld atone compote fQr tbie purse, wheu it was supposed Willoz and Bruce would run usck sud neck tb heo*wire, with Not left on the bacls stretcb. Nov, boy-J ver, Jones thicks he eau get there sud Boxall le a bot favorite in the pools. [le bau been regarded as the "Dark Elors." ail along. The chances are 'bat by the last day Wilcoi sud Boxail wih-bave the course to. ithemmselves, in rhieb case, yon eau bet yonr pile on "Iîal. Ho Is the favorite vil4' Ut For oon à1ilors. -Groeenraoei--Tbia tee bas bronght ont nearly a score of iorues. Seventeen ver. entered. Walliug, W. Rosa, Park, Meharrvy, A P RO0S P ERO0U S NEW Y E-A R SEÂSON THE- WHLILE WO-RLD SMILES' MNAS 1WA -Rin, Scarf 7ige Plate Tabi for Sugar, Jelly Pie, Crumb JaCKsaiS r JJhitbe DECEffl LOCAL WIIAT lB BOINS 01 * BUDGET 0F LMV "4A chiot'. a An' f aiti b izv- E. B."1 àbali sud & vill addresi eîing. kMONG lhe 5m ret Glass mn Ibis cmi suce, nov bi Îtiite sud--i êWbitby Cel T'e laies c1 !dy, letolesta Icave- Wbib gýrWhitby Dry Goods Emporium. P~armers, Threshers, and Mili-Men Fi nd it. to their advantage and profit to u-se M ýL1Qr(OLn'S LeA RDINEN MACHINE OIJSO :Guaranteed not to gum, and will out-wear aill other -'t Machine Oils. 'Cr'Try our Cylinder Oïl. It -bas no equal. For sale in1 Vhtby, by WM. BRYAN & SONS., Duuda. Street. H CD BURNS' COLUMNU.' Noble Deeda. "I Ceunt Ibis lhing le ho grandlytlin, That a noble deed le a stop bowarda .Goàý Lifting the soult from the omnmon-od To a purez air and a broadoz vievW., . Heaven la notf reaobed by a single bouad-i But wê build the laer by-vbich we rS.,~ From the lonely earth te lb. vaullede ske And wo mounlte oits summit, round b round, Tis.Holiday Besson in s favorite, lime f0! those gracions actions vhioh develop s& poi- sons beller nature IfJyen would ej<,y 4 glow cf-trxqe happineoEsbestow a uase! ni <ift where it le needed. AÂmong .usofàl .pres- enta, Ûone are more -acceptable Ihau youceuno go wroingiueleol GlobhH-or-sSioe, lippers uiMocoamss ar..!o mi C4E E L a lies litby RITe,. cf oui bOL moL- b- Es, t loi du. o H 0' Neiglibors and. Friends greet each other'-with And ail are on Good Terms. BRYAN à SONB.9 istingoýf Jakek Dato. for reeve ; Pote [Olt for firet deputy.reeve ; Ned. -Nev. n for second depucy ; Ab. Bose" and 4a Porkins, for-councillors, --, Ne. ittriôk for celevlk ;-sui Tobe Parktfr sasourer, sud Jim Brosd- for meeu- or. 0f lthe oldcUouancil MoFarlasie, briee- Tink, suad Martin, .vea" ioeinatsdi SUdaruei n thoir menit. lr sonie reasou the. oieerk wofo..d the iusey nominations, presumatiIy e. s" ho doesu't lke the. cratUe, àr. ' BrAbazon, Port Perrv. "e" Chos» " COMPLIMENTS 0F. THE SEASON»i . 1 - 1 ý.1 And wish our many Friends, the Public, generally, and thé People of South Ontario in particular, a BRIGHT, HAPPY -A JŽW.D Goods Dundas Street. 0 0 0 smi TOO M#q itbp 9 ronitlt. NEW Emporium.

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