Whitby Chronicle, 30 Dec 1887, p. 8

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<C 4fo fo.'l-Page)- Kw. G3ladâtone Oro"ssad the.6olihelThui ttmperac Party. H.euhowed that thoe ouldnldo sànpthing ba*d-au*aNe luide d, pain in the Ohest, ai th. Spott Ador 1h. ause cf Tompier. disosses oft h. Luagi, arecure& by Usi aboeli thn. ompetlyknckdAUenI'a Lng<Baleam. ~> thé *tnd ont of 1h. fanaties by show. The' St. Lawrenc lo ommy rOAinslng1 Ing thstt the eont ouncitneiher dibiksMOkOo, .hwed, nor treat.ed.Parmors and Meehanion.-Provides youm Il vat evident th om, th«ý word go that nelves with a bottle a1 Pain-Killer at IL -~. . vs radyfor he aile. easn of the year, whenmOum merocomplaîni ho or he *'tle"ae so Prévalent il is a primpt, sal e an KE..TinA vent imb 1h. oouneil mure ocure. Itlmay save yon days of aie) lUt YOU ethe Most guIiosU in t~ h. eas, 1ýanBd Yeu wiI find ilmore valuable tha 139 a Do as uanig as rill Beure. you bay the genaine Perr fox Hojusgoo spake an a avis'Pain-iter and take no *thei fox.- R ina god seakr ad kowemixture. how ply upn 1. telinu cfhie The Emperor of Germany ùa enjoyln, hearers. i. ablunt, plaingood health. adsttn b k Mr. Jno. Martiq n-a lapli tremoves wrlnkleeasoiestesi mau. H. soon defined bis Position Ou The regalar use ai MurPh &Lama th. Temperane question. Hie va. Flanda Water at Utc toile edy t rvi golng tb lake a glass 9f wbiskey wben. mad remove wrinkles, the softnes ai thi ever ho wanted tb; and w.muId treat akin produced by il taking away the natura ( very lime ho goL acae ; furtber- in l"tîn 01 the Outai o om into ridgeî more su a. crowd followed bim bo the and f irrows. bote! alter the meeting vas over ia ta aiThe French have annexed E&satta, ong b. presumed ho ball a good opportu lb O te sooiety Islands- to oarry ont bis detormînatlon. nt Murray & Lauman'. F'larlda Wator.- Tioeoly Oraglu standng cadi. fr ha etly urge every purchaser ta asi date. Ho 'rune every yoar and gela Lanman &hiKemp, ;ew yrkd by Mensere loft. On the platform ho downu lh. mole proprietors ai the trne pertume. AIL party.RHoridiculed Dobeon and Si ther OÏSO-called Plorida Waters are only John le perfection for protonding ,u bordinar.v Golognos. M ntgreot in gmate1&;sneeDow, *hile Dr. Mackenzie oudsesuother hopeful re. two earsago hey ombinod thoir port troa BanRemoa. suegies bo defeat Mr. Baruett, who in ae eaA Neighbom-r atborongh bomperanos i.- av ueadose ai Dr. Smlth's Germnau 'Wormi Rernedy and it remaved a large Geo. St. John rune n.a aemperanea nbr ai wormm tram My chldren, alter candidate. Heo ugbt tu bave been alf ooalied worm medines tail.-Thou earred ont of lte hall ; laken tb a re- MeBitigott, Si Ânderison street, mantroaL. ligions meoeting sud sllowd tu inn off 25 cents, Of a&U drnggluts. hisegas. kny minuwho disousses municipal maltera by pr.aobing OnUbl Ril Tm Tbe to 'ho cooopelled to ait dowa. His ieTbe long addres, full of boastia?,' wearied GRN RNK AND MIIDLA.ND. 1he crowded audience. Ho olained GRN U &îthafih had eaved the township aI OI(fWET differenstlimes about 840M.. This Express ..................... 6.48 a. M dlaim was dispnto, and il was finaily Lo<ci (tram Cobourg) ......... 828 a. m proved thst lbe credil belongu indivi- Express ..................... 10.10 a. Mn dually tu about a dazen mon), eaoh of Mîixed ....................... 408 P. Mn Whom is firmnly oonviaood Ibal ho Express...................... 9.15 p. mn &lone desorves lbe oredit. Lt reminded QOIN0 EAST. On. of tb. dispute aboutl ubo je tbe Express ..... ........8.10 a.m Pallier of Coneéderation ; or of a baîf Express (Limited) excePt Sunday 10 a. mn dosen litth o bys qnarrelling about a Loeî(aOo g......................2 9 .m KorsoeocMrlSt. ohnCobou.................. 646p.m Marblo Mro r.S onExpress..........91 .mn thougbt il vas bis privilpge 10 reply ta ..........._.._._ .r eory speaker, sud at tlb.esud every speech, bis long baur woold rime np TinauCi and Commercial. sud bis emele woold renne tho baye $0 oeauies, snd crieofaf ~it dovu" greet.. Office of Wbitby CRwRONIOLE, ed hie every effort snd proved 'tbe un. Whitby, Den. 80, 1887. dueed. RTYXBE RC8 Mr. no. Borneulad ho had rather Ful t.# 7 l0o8o b. nominabed sud def.aled ae a totu. S!irimg Wea......O75 *O80 PelaDe. mn, titan te b. bronglit out GooeWheat .............067 0 O701 Ud .l.etedici sny othor cause. H pecv....2 26 O2 50 #Mborat a tenperauce mnu, snd Brle.................0 60 O070 Ivould maittaluhbisprinolples selong P).........0206 sAi,llw.d. lie b.d nothing te *ay Poas, bsk.e....O 60 0o66 Ugalat snY OPPOnent Perionslly, sud Blue eas........ 0 * o065 vea«ld hold no illfeelinR agalusî any Oass..............080 @ 0~84 MMa*ho voted aialast hlm. &t Ibis RAY................... 1060 (91100 Almike Çlover seed .......8 60 O600 SbM Of -te preceedlnCe lb. sturdy BEW Olover sed .........4 60 5 600, y.omsny begg o e"out of lte Appi.perbb.....1 60 290 baL - M. Holmtàn tried b move i Tomatoos"....... 100 O1 90 'Vtot tako te somnebody, while PotatOesprbg.....O90 i13 eotsboy.l.tl.do rsdinsubrll erSU................017 O 20 tous04b th 6=«cf lte candid&b a nesd .. . . 0O18 O 25 *bpooplýi.wst hmo.» t Wms4leIy .......... ..04 le06 t1t<> at &Il lte peaker t Dot a S...................... 40 050 vohdof direchibbi. vas indulged in,Ost1......040 060 lté, ot7thing btesartheb. ulillty of Hides, purlb..... O 006 O007 thO Uaalngbeing 1h. Interruptions ÇPoarwt .................a0 0622 *us. bymtuîiot.beopernLsem ;nCetery', p1Mdon.......O 80 aO040 wb.wt u .l" .fli, sud who had Ohikes, Perlb......008 0 010 ssuuyun. tb o Y somé. Turkeys, per I....0.9000. 011aoi18 <tlas. ueks, per lb ...........010 011 i v~u TW.Geese Ver lb ..........o o08o o10 Bt iPs ite Ldý à- Ty g ln rit I pu 8TRAY' HE-IFER. came. fuIe thepr mises et the subcriber about the middle ai Septembor, a red sud: white twa. pear old Houier. The owner lu requeuted te pay exponses and lako the ani- 1Dec. 28, 1887.--": TWEEBDIB BROS., COMMERCIAL HOTEL, 56 Jarvis St., Toronto, HARRY 'KEEBLE, Proprietor. TECRMS-1.0o Per Day. èStabing for 100 Horseau..uu-a ..I'/ ADJOURNED- :0: ~IGy M0~ SALE 0F LANDSj POWELL& CO. have decided.to clear out their stock. FOR TAXES. of Manties and Mantie Cloths, Mink, Beaver, -S. S. e It speîo eSiene roeninmMnsof1[ YVIBTUE ai a warrant under thé Porsian Seal, Persian Lamb, Astrican and Nutria1 Caps hoes forn ore rovon lu1.3nionsaBb5d0î the Warden and -Suai of the airero a century. Croaion ai the C'oanty ai Ontario, datedd MuifOecas Sl adecifs, Teecec It lgu sed by the United? Statesgovernmaent. tCorph arat etmer 87,cm andOecat,51 fadeches ieec, Jt. Endorsed by the head afithie great ui i m aIeyeenbe,18, amad fui. Dr. Prlce's th~e on], Baklug Powtder that tioned for arrears ai taxes therein and c a bg di hies as th SotaineAt, Pre, sudme cehàlîh. ntc ey ing upoth leathei o-adonbfr h oias nta fwii dols foonta in amaLm, rAu oIcelhrygie btune.head until their patrons are supplied and the season over. «W6 1.1 ~ P W D a O arrears and 00911 are so ner paid on the lots ________________________ remaining unsald at the saleon the 14th day mean to clear them out'and will give big reductions, iniai NEW Taux. emcÂo. s, u. ofI.a Deceuber, 18'87, 1 shali, in campliance wvith 1h. Asuessmnt Act, proceed ta seil by linos. Now is the time to buy suitable, useful and elegani i 81-Vldsiths H[1-888 PUBLIC AUCTION, Christmas Presents for your friends, and we have the --At lb. COURT HROUSE, iu the Goods. A big Stock of Dress Goods, Flannels, Blankets, Inenin prcamrsafreenutrteTO WN O FVVH ITBYP Comforters, Shawls, Quilted Skirts, Yarns, Gloves, Hs. HO0LI1D A Y SE ASO N -os iety, etc. The best Robes in the market CmHxsr1I-YE RY Should inspect mny Stock, which is W1-HEAP Y25t1dN 88 large sud varied ""'"~ CHEAPI ,!-t JN# 18 Atth hurofTva o'c!ock in the afternoon, SPECIAL -NUE E T nTioi n il Reliable Goods at Close Prices the said parcets of land rernaining, nnsold ID C MET nTalr9 adfn or se much thereaf as mnay b. necesssry for Stock to Select from. Bargains lu Watcbea sud Jewelry. Beau- 1he taxes snd iawfui charges încurred in tiful Goode in Diamond, Pearl and sud about such sale.Stc Ruby Gem Rings. J. B. LAING, Ful tc of Seasonable Mllhinerv. Treasurer, Co. Ontario. SILVE-PA TD OOS. Co. Treamnre'r Office, Big assortment of men's and boys' overcoats our ownl SIVE-PATD OOS. Whitby, Dec.. 201h, 1887. make at your own prioes. Shirts, Drawers; Socks, Bra.ces,, Best sud medium Qualities in Silver-Piatod oar Rfset.innds vity Knives, Forks,R QU ST N !ColrCiet. indesaity andSpon. To J.. H. Long, E8q., Don't 'wait un l the Season is over, now-,,.. an pos e, 1h. undersigned ratepayerse oretfscr enieB r the Town af Whitby, request ihat you wili Ivory handled Tableansd Desert Kuives. accept the positian af Mayor af the corpora- s-h li et seu G n n B r lion for the cainng year 188 Peuoalyuletngm Goa-u R. H. Jameson, J. D. Howden, W. New- gains. 147 e bound l sell1 h in the soig n, W. H. Warner, S. G.WilkintionL. Se- r ~ h bârt-, W. Brown, Je.. Stone, F. Hatch, P. Goo ds. Taylor, J .Thampson, W A.Yule., B ES'T' MAR KETS 1 Stephunacu, Walter Ttxorpnn, Peter Suth- erland, Frank Brysu, J. H. Greenwood, J. Bnabkai m6 ta affer groal Inducemeuts to Smith, Wm. Baimey, Win. Brysu & Son, T. Cash Custamers. Dixan, G. Ward, J. Winn, T. H. Ellilott, D. ATM S O HN SO N Ormiston, J. Farquharuan, J. &. J. Blackt Ja.Wlli, P. Mahison, James Camnpbel, PW .ce A. D. Frasor, Samue4 Hanua, J. Moore, G.- Practloal W tohmakerB. Gibbard. G. H. Dartel, Bill Kelly, J.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pracica W at h ma erM o tgom ery, C. H urîbut, C. P. Stewart, N . IROKBTEE - - HIBYH. Scott, H> B. Taylor, B. J .Johusatou, M at. thew Coffins Audrew M. Ross, Orvali Ding. - man, Miohaei Grtffu, Dan Cranan, George D WU ~ eGiIUivray, Major Harýper, G. A. Canion, BUT JenEal;twHood, John p.rgronD. Âskyou Grce fo ToR.H. Tamso an~ olara;teln. Isthe place where you w1«»11fInd the largest sitook of GE TL MB ,-î asXm as Goods S T wn lion te deo.ine &il municipal honore for thoeh tc s11Wcmlt Ibo JOHISTON FLWOUID" iE coming year, hw ç ncomplianco with lhe above requluition 1[ heroby consent ta beoé-a candidat" tor the position a of. ,- Ma.IJ~ yor for te year18. vIuwcey, Cwuual 1887TMA 1887ý AT DOMINION WARER0O1JS. Big Bargains for the Holidays. BEAUTIFUL GIFIS, IN"1 - .H. LONG I UXENhJ>GETOWN. -' Par mayor-Dr.Baot,>.K 'Card;- rotiin-R. P. Barman, W. H. par r~v-Tbos. Todd, 8. PIumer. fitfr4eputy-O. Witson, acd;m MUterses. -Pure. INGI'OL- W' I rîuuayruzzîel A.nd if yen canniol gel oe e onles ria en. cent etamp te lte JOHNSTON FLUID BEEF Co.,.Mouîr.I, and w. yull forwsrd one,, and boar in mind that I Johnsten's Ploid - Beef is TEB Gr] :?rE3AT&m 4» 'itp eogé Ts WIO U1 1î.Fm 10. - venoon, Glas-88ware, Fancy- Goods, VOL*, SUR *ise.-Subsx »,le office aof s team eqI Boansd J io tari;;, asn?& handIbill. B: OCLE, with j ulattenior * Fi.r st u mubsequent: Dîspiayed by a sosie ai acco;rdingly, Advertiae Instructions sharged tor Orders toi must beinm m oswill ual àAliberal, monts by i9 eantract saa in not lator of anyifltel betore -Tuf -ments recel Business IT@ conta periUe We CoresPR of othe Coum Correspond tiro=en Bsup 't UR OCERIES, FR Ui T &d"0OYS T. China Tea Sets for $3.50 China Oupa and, Saunoers per dozeiz and other Goods inproporio. WANfPEDmiAl km wJ 3ANTA CA US'- of TOYS 18870 WAR)l -BOOMS. GOOD TABLE niti- 0 .-- - FUR GOODISi - - - ' « 1 -17 Strength

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