188 arrings, Soarf Y Pins, Col/ar Buttons Oine Plate Table Ware.-Odd Spoon, for Sugar, Jelly and Preserves. Fruit, Pie, Crumb and Bread haîves. Ie Se BA RNA RD PAR BROCK ST., WHITBY L j itb- - - -- --- -- - JANCARY 7thi, 1888. LOCAL LACONICSI COLU MN., le Deedis. ug to ho graudly truej Bd is a step towarda 004. ron the coummuneod' nd a -broader view. .hed by a efingIe boand; 1t ldder by wbieh wetrio*" arth to tise vaulted skie.; to its BUMMit, round hpr "soù i, a favorite turne for ions whsoh dovelop a per. l-If you wouIld enjoy a iestq, bestow a usefuil et A. AMOUR usefuj pros- '0ccp~ît than 00OTWAIRE I g or something to gv iin selecting a pair of eut iSlippers, Overuhees. eaise much adinteti. .EARLY ai begianing 1 0 tise giad refrainr sorrow anmd olde"r ste- h6edaY and beginaâgai Art oftforoyer, 1284 which God hoe md sad days,, and bed rer, i wth thoir bleomn amil hufshne or gomrwfd "e caO mlot relie-va the=n, 1 au1 flot"atone;- bve, forgvej50jm ; iare our owan o-ayalne.. world made mv f sorrow anmd sfnug hope for- you- hope for yen. d aIl of our nnu.oe *OT1ERS 11Kg ITI. CWILDREN LIKI 0111 OF 5,Apç ME JvÈR COMPLIN, rij~ D8RE WHAT 18 BOING ON IN AND AROUND TOWN- BUDGET 0F LIYELY LOCAL NEWS GLEANED BN ORfRONICLE REPORTERB et& Iuiellmang ye, takba notes, An, f aith he'll prent aI. HAà PPY New yean te aIl. TEE, old yeen wentilt in a rage, b the N ew Year came in lu basrs. TEE toboggan lide is uowluntig trim anmd the aip. zip. sm of Ihe lobc gan eau be board nightly. Ta cEntranoe. Eanatien ai Lc don was more destructive cf the hol of the youth cf that city than vas1 exaininatiofl st Ont Institule. Ont 147 candidates but 20 vweto succesef et the feilurus 103 vere made ou histery paper &lone. TazLE vas snob a rush for1 Ohroniclt' lest wesk thai, although had publiehed a large edilion, vo 0<, net snpply tb. demaud. W. hi not a eopy for ouneelves, se if auj was se fortunale as te gel Ivo cor, ho vili confer a greal fayot by senc one ote isoffice. - Oua subeenibers viii please besr mibd that aIl subeiptiens are due adysinoe.et aIl limes. W.odenon solleclors aud expeci remaittar eiîhur by mail pr by calling et thi. fice. We have net mueh te grumbl as te the menuet lu vbieh paywi are inade, but or mauy toaders a bear in mind thatiti coatis a PIl mouey te mu Ibis paper. So pi psy up ai once. (Bevare cf the gri yard for -slow subsenibers.) Ta:folloviug office vwote imets ut the lait negniar meeting of C posite Lodge A. F. & A. M :-Brc, M. Ros, W. M ; Bro. C. Johuson W. ; Bru. R. Cermriek. J. W.; Bro Wüils ect.; J. B. Powell, Tri Bre. E. J. Jehnson, Chaplain;Brc Murray, S. D. ; Bro. G. Y. Sithî D. ; Bro. A. G. Elendeneoil, I. B. Bro. Thos. White, Tyler, Ster Brcs. R. tlnov and J. Smith. Ou Thursday aflernocu wO et boy that eau knoek Mark Twsjn's1 painten higher thon a kits. Ho made a aucv.piow -by uaililag boarde'toether mc they formed an cf forty ftve degnees, sund th. thought il Was fun te bu hitched i pieu and b. driven op and dowi aide valk. After a hall heurs It pleying herse it vas found tbi rode cf side valk ver seas dean oi am a pettorftloer. That boy vill hie maik jet. TU£ d uing Rlnk bas oponed ss ufor thi eesoon. Amai cosavu vs urld -ou MONUdY coon and resultod lu a vletery fit home lub by 14 shotu. The C boys curied a rattliug gco4l gauz .eming ight ent e b. e. atter1 drive %bey oonidnt #14hoir lb until asera nstsdsb 1 = lng vilcidînewthoyà lesot haavâl of tue clii beads of the home 4.5 bave aprIvae dkl cue long 1 ,hcowed thsuaselVo5 In u asood I Whou ti ahthevas&fired lut 1 E.anlntlo5-The folo*d4' resuite et the.eut Vf twOmO4ý natleus, tho natuest k« rê order oet u5rI tIl ?on& Allen, RHatti. Prinle. John Bobt. Jameqi@9, BenhI .av iTaibu. Tace BIV~1J- Tuu, a ingood skaà tinag ai the BDay, ag, but yen hâve tW dlg for lB. IWooI> te oogmlng l'a, in isige quWil' nîiai I U W -- ~IQ £YiD TUt ÂRN ARID la howUg the finest rA8S.STOCK lie hau erer ha&. kOLD WA TCHES, CHA INS. IAMOND Rings, L ookets, Brooches, aJ. G. ; had Ivo angle boys fun et is 40 make 1 huai- tor the De. but adur- Wm mae motion Ta flloving are the olUOete1tMlb in Whitby division Ne. 84# 80ons'cf W Tompenance for the quarter oooine00 1 l ing Jenuary 1888:-W. P., Bio. B. lbt Maille ; B. B., Bâter L. Wikinscn»# k*- B., Bru. W. H. Boeel ; chap. r. W. d'W Bcbsn ;A.0.Sister W &-MY ;P- Tà W. P., Bro. Jas. Abbey; W. A., 81.1er b, Hauna ;A.ILB. 8.,Bro. C..(Wuin; ,M Trees Bro. B. IMaitîn ; Con. Bro. Aloi. Wilson ; 1, B., Bue. J. Pongolly. Mr. &biasi Morse, vbo reently dled s lths &ge Of 889. M 8mithvulteo nt., vos oue cf thie beut kuovu oeflséesl Iâ Ù Njisaane sdiutRct e vasauneactve temperance vorbo- for elxty-sux yeuirs, p bang .onueeted viltheb.order of Soue o f Tenapcrancefor sabout 40 jes, ait ou. ina &Js4"b * aMn suadeinjSud utiliuty, land$, oblo, of zEdna sou et Mn.McalO The deooasd vasIse.' o1f -nia "a hon eela o bufldIng amy castIOs, 'but v. Tam 0irdlsrboys eof hofic ave oid$ tg istu a book (scv bm1>) bey- ýgathsed in se,1much'wedth, on h* lts ronà ii* iaI ley have made ,ofrit6h55 thebusiness.They THE PRIlCE$.. .4 hbi tmoufl NI. dILES, ASON. Partrideaud dnck shootiug closed tij0gand. alIifgatILg0d prlià - jjL- 4-f (2-t! U Q lI II jVLj,%II-, 'l on N~ew Yeara, ae well s the hotuls. BiiwxL the~ barbe; craniumi over* TaE days are gettlng longer ad yenu lede -seraed and ehoru._____________________________ have an heur extra, of daylight within IT was a alose. eaU, but J*rèuiiab got Oi A C O D EA T EN Saebiln ihfrehGod itbeft which to pay yonr subseription. tuere ail the saine. "A C O D E A T E T r rliit ih s GET ont your cutter anid take youT NEw stock of opera shawls at W. e. he Xmas Season. boat girl to Qreenwoedl to-night (Friday) Walters' Oddfellow's Block. andenoy onsel a th Rr. r. SxAThNe at the rink ie the grest HAJDKECHIEF-in Silk, Linen, and Fauoy. Westney's tea and concert.atrcon Ws have receivcd a vsry handseme LA.DIES' JERSEYS-ini Beaded, Braided, and Plaine calender from Mrt. E. O. Graham, Bo SCOTT ACt Cases in progrees au we go chester's Ilpepular - nuracryman, fo; rose. WOOL SHAWLS-A Beautiful Lot at LOW PRICES. whieh w. return thanke.' CLEÂN yonr sid.walks and give a Man TEEB Timea says ont bump of veraeity a chance to live out him deys. FA.NCY WOOL GOODS-Wool Squares, Tamt O'Shanters,, Hoode, Mittso Glovesi was knocked into a ocked hat. Give DENNIN sud MaRae are the attract- afsB teIn nesCi,&o us eometbing frcsh, friend Timeâ, or lend ion at the Court bouse thfis week. 1Saû-Boes nateCfé o us your hatchet te, crack that chestnut. TEE regulur meeting of* the Sohool D ESG O - rn sotetiiBao n oo6 ikStnVles At preisely 12 p. mn. on Saturday Board on Wednemday evening nexi.> RE SG O -A rad sotîn i'lcadClr, lh stn, night the obimes of AIl Saints' rang Tee asa eeiting shootiiig Pliish,-Broca.de Velvets, Fancy Goods,_Dress and Mantie Ornaments, Braids, Buttons, fortb-their merry peal as a joyens wel- match on Monday. Results Nil, par- and Trimin=gs. orne te the new 'ýborn year. The tienlars ditto. annuai services were held frein il P' W. Thompsonts, for cysters, cigare or Or Gent?ç Fine Ordered Clothing a RSpeialty. pw. to 12. candies, nortb of the Mentreal telegraph GetLUdrer is olrCis rcs lvs o THs 8cott Act Association cf thie office. Give hum a caUl. Glt' newaTeClas ufBae' lvs Riding will hold a meeting in tbe Metb- Sous cf the Xmau tnrkeys muet have odist cbnreb, Brooklin.. on Tuesday beeu bcavy drinkers, they were a: FURS-Ladies' Muifs and Caps, Gents' Caps, Children's Caps. afternoon neit. Mr. Dryden will.ad- bloated. drees the publie meeting in the eveflifg. Menle and voutb'e overcoate at redqe- Our assortment of usefuil Goods, is simply immense. An idea of the extent and i - A large leigh Joad cf. pleasure ed prieset W. G. Walter'OdclfelUows iety of oOur Stock may be Jiad by a visit. to the, People's Store.. seekers took advantage of ýthe excellent Block. 8elighing by driving te Pickering on Svadfeetculswr are _____ Tueeday eveoing te attend the parlotin PorSt; hopee nt eueveg.e ae - social given by Mr. and r. oin PrtImi n ne m.. vvTe ar Devenul. AIl wcre highly delighted te Port Hope le $1.10 W.. not only with tbsir drive but aise with. Wanted.-A boy te learn pbotogr&ph- %he royal nnuer ini whieh they were iDg. Apply fe W. J. Underwood )entertained on arrîving at Ibeir à eutina. (ouccessor te O'Brien.) . Wic are nt at ail dieeatified with U. will be held this (Frîday) afterneon E 1r1E ISGEI, I/ B JS N J S the south ward'e ehoice cf conillors, In the Free Reading rom st 4 o'eloek. Sit being their privilege and duty down The Royal Hotel Barber shep je the 3L A.S OS T& BJI 1 8 J there to eleet whoever thoy like ; but place te get a hait ent or a nice easy w. feel like saying a good word for shave.- Mesors. Foi sud Srnitb. the retiring 0 TENuE W wer only twe conueillets li A I. JO N ~ 4 A ' councillors. Each cf these men has a frein th. ol acocueil after the peu vlastB 1G ' A ENWG 0 1N GO -very good knowlege cf the affaire of the closed on Monday-Biirna and Noble. __ corporation. and each bas been a bard Men's Poes n lamb caps at lowest - .QT -1! A IJr W r- --r -u *- worker in tbe couneil. Thuy deserve prices at W. G. Waltera' Oddfllow s s..~ < 1~ JY...L J iJ...J.. the lihanks cf thuir ward. Block * PRtoMOTIONS Henry St.- Sohool, Dec. IF we receive any more poetry about lot, 1887. Naines ini order cf merit. Ibis beautjftil @Dow, E. 3. Johnson wil 'For the next 10 days lie w9ll seil at Sacrifice Prices. 3rd te 4th Dîv.-B. Bobb, C. A. Con- have hie bands full. - oG. MaBuirney, A. flowden, B. F. Mantle clethosud eloakinga al re- Dress Goods, Black and Colored Cashmeres, Gr£,y Fla - Howdeu, a. Till, G. Dartnel, A. Ilain. dnced in price. a W. G. Wa)ter' Odd. qu ln es ap ts lo u C oh e 'y v r iliou, C. Buruhain. 2nd te Brd Div.- fellew'e Block. A. MeArdel, Geo. Underwood. A. Me. n lB a k tC r es lo i lt s e sO -r Burney, L. Newberry, Jno. Collinson, MOCOLL Brosl. & Co., Toronto, manu-Co tB y ' ve oas a d B ys B. Chambers, M. Damidire, C. Tanner, factureras cf Lurdine cils, send us a C as o s v ro tM nsa d B v 'L m s N. Barker, ltito 2nd Div.-G. Addi- beantiful oalendar. E~1 son, M. Underwood, M. Noble, F. Con- Us. Dr. Dcrenwend'a Great Germen wbIllTÎts, n D a es n al w o nets, G. Hevis, P. O. Connor, F. Cal- Haîu Magie for baldueà s, gray haït, lu but verley, J. Wilson, J. Watson, D. Wil- for sale by ail druggit.,.. Tweeds we hold a large variety of Pat- son, G Blow H. Rob. ULtue bachelors ronnnag i h ght Leopold JosephbWhikowaki the townsbip got elected,who eayste ladies terns whi ch must- be sold at ýog- Pole frein Poland or the Roe frein do net control the ballot. omarie TJollmnd, vas tried before Hie Houer Tia old concil vas so badly shatter. o ep i . ion- JdeBrho n ovee ne ed in the latee octest that there 1 o ' B yaD lar'w rhuni o lo to r tc n W two counts cf Oboti0g with jutent tO scarcely bu a farswell meeting. TeD ntB yaD la q.o t ni o lo t-u ,tc ' th kill . Reshot once aI hie father-in- u»wcondil met on th. lBth. of eà ad y vood fortune inied bitn. Mas. PuavEs, cf Columbus, met with get our Prices. fnl oR tried a uhot as bis mother-iu.law aftlacdn nTusa fli thei and by wretched bungling issied ber. a fatal8h.cfent monlb. ulanda ru of. JlestE' EI L The court oould isot overlook the bang- iudnjrefenwihehd.d teling and sent bina dovn. Mr. Fane- welprosecnted and Mn. Theo MoGil- W. Bro B. Shorty, D. D. G. X fa m Prdc.ak ni oehn e * livray dufended the prisoner. During yl viuit Ceomposite Lodge o. Tu.ayPrd ieta e nEx h n e audibe exarnination the County AttorneyevnnthlOhliad outio la" advise Mr.MGiliivray tefollow the lodge, Bruoklt, cn Wednesday aft.r- ave covisoeMn.2_p.__m. 00brief set forth in the OuRoNICLE of lut oo t2p n PiP, wssk. The *dvice s acted upo W EN ay cf tlb.amalt towne toteh q ' S 1-r 7BIT ligsud th.ecase-alst north cf us vent a roally gced art"ea m uUI ~ ~ ~ ~ ReNom Bell att he Colegialê-FcTin tbuy send to Whitby for it. Uxbridge J %,/J ' ~ I 4 . /..~ ï; t IV, University las-Hetly Bumes, j NlO n.H.ry atmtia a in Laur& Gordon. Form JIV, Second in&ter of ont Coilegiste Inatitute. It e Ciass-Walter Thcom, Arnold Gregory, GComumuJTioiqe frein eoiior ýnes Liazit Noble. Potin III, Third Clam A.unie and Buaverton, Manceeuter, 13:- Util theochilly blas of Winter have frozen the marurow n o~ bus '~ cf. Jauis Amnod, erti Da.yNellie bridge sud sev*l other places unavoid. O- - a n@ lm aggi e Liton ie a ndr- aby el o erimelbnd 'oi. o ente so sud Rte Andrsen, Hrv.y Grl onc a yea boys bAut5 L te su letche, - "" dlyand th,