Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jan 1888, p. 4

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. . & g' TITI Tisae.remaindor of unr Stock et F AN N-C Y * GOODS 1 AT, AND BELOWG1 OST. BEFORE BUYINGO CaI and 8ev Us AT TE MEDICAL HALL, ONLY Si[ ce PER ANNUM. WMtby, Friday, Jan. 13, 1888. Tise ocoasionailrumars cf wvu lu Europe have nov bocome ohionie. Roasle o ontinually making military tileplaye msnarnng éither Gorman>', Ausiris, Turbo>', orBritiishslain. Ea*eh in tom gels ils hism onp vison mensceti b>' lie greal bear. Juil sl eo.t Austria i. loading Ils <un fer Their Bapreme ELghneaso, tb. WaahluinouNimiorles commissiou, are holding meetings lvi.. a veek at Waiingtonaui-maj b. oxpoeieto1 gel a nIlleemI rrivedtia betore A. D. 19W. ,Il appoavIh a proper sow of dlgitjc ot olb. obierveti b> rneeting oftener thau lvi.. a veek. Bat$thesame time ihejc0» koep up <ealtoim la d mnig out ever>' day. Tis.y bave oI>'b.d dtuner aettiseir bheel omee ase they fireI veut le .Wassigtom. Wis.u thelr digimt>' le propidiemabllihe tisY mal' b Î4i*i.d to lalk aboutlib. Tim Llnmuy Pott omplslai ai, *6 is rs.utuuisipil el"9lio14,tory lewid-g griltem perame.s monoutinluthse eisud havlmg s ue.ming pritèennos birtory MW$antil se of gril o!*0an>' kini. DEul .tisePoil knov ihal ail tom meer n..se,boilgril anud tory, #ail ateoperamme men, both â«rît an& tory, do tIls. ver>', gamot1Tbey yl .sil isolti baek a long lim betore l.>' vii bedge an lacis tram-.party lUe.--nuee fela ablaek man lu ais feus«. Whem dld lb. Poi ever ré- ommemd gVil voler. lu voeofor a tory_ tom peracoè,esuadidige for orne; or whmis ds itatory paperstivoetethe eau1..eo! î gris limpermoue.mmmaat st tenue b vole for isios TieOshava, pe*0d kaevpreil>' WOlUly4Oro4I orans-M ýOs f lie>'li"14s Eirrn somobody is ljmg vholwal. or .1.. theScottI Actlae-a greant ue.. ln Baoh ad Poil P.rr. Inu lir evi. doue. gi en'- ait veeWëk, th. holel. keepera frorn Primo. Albert, tia, Ep- som - BatleltiBengrve anti 'Port' Pu ofar as trlo case e ebhard, Sil elo'" tey solti nothing fleuy t0the doVos veDoni ni o ,nor do lh y ee auytb noiaigfor gale. If Deum nan iMiR.a e oaring falsoly, thon the Scott Act muet ho vorking vel lu nthal part of 1h. county. If th. hotel-keepers are lyiag in îaying thoy keep uothing for sale, thon &hey must b. a pretty gel of mou 10 keop public house... A. oot any people coneider th. Soîl Act a bati law, but aU peoplo regard th. law againul per. jury s being a gced one ; mo that 1h. min who may b. admilttedtlebave don, no great wroag in violating the Scott Act calinot aitail by any sort of reason- log b. exouseti for 4breaking 1h. law againet perjury. Whou 1h. people of Reach andi Port Perry corne 10 look at th. evideno lun another columu, th.ey will b. able to know who i. l.lling th. truth, andt bey will ali e b hle de. aide whether ihey vil.1%vote 10 &gain graut licenses le mch men as lbey have in thoar holels. W. clip 1he.-feilowing from 1h. Port Hope rima .:-pSoRHope musaion take 1he glautitha tbelite va of Portage la Prairie has aisuuet relative 10 iDe Indobtedmeai. Portage la Prairie eaý il has reached a sumoiiently high raie- cf taxation anitithstl lîcan only in future moot forty per oul, of il, liabiliios; anti th.neorth il viii pay foîty per cent. Port Hope'. daims are mest anti canuot be toe oflen reiteratoti. 8h. bailt a rsilwîy. deelared, afterwarde to b. a provincial benefit in opening op the baok townships. Theoefore Port Hope, for that rosauo alune, ehoulti onl ho calleti on te psy th. money ah. borrow. ed from lb. Province. But, moreover, sftsr having lent money, tho r.pay. ment cf whieh vas dépendant as wu weil kuowu, upon th. recipts-from the roati construoteti, 1h. province prao- tically bouit anothor roati that took frorn Port Hope the ability 10 repav the loin. Port Hope, lîk. Portage la Prairie bac reacheti a lioeit of hor unjuet taxation ami a ne-arrangement muet coine. The Manitoba Government appointeiorn. Msionere t e enquirit. jte .condition et the d.fautuaw muniolpalities in Manitoba. Port Hope is flot op defauit. inq moniipality, but eue with a griev. suce thal deerves 'as mueh consider- aition s h. defaulters of Manitoba have reoiveti. Lot Port Hope's dlaims b. examineti impartialiy anti theon eau b. ne doubt about th. remilt. The Wmnd-up. MME COUtNOfL. 071887 DEUNT.-NTO QUORUM On TUE8I>AT EVEEInG.-A& WATOH mEEinG HEL ISEAI> 0O18TEES AND67HEEE uBLACK CEOWS."-AN uaLDE- The lest chapter lu 1h.municipal hustory of the leva of Whitby for 1887 , le a blsnk. Wheu a OuonxcLu re. porter. entereti the conucil chamber on Tu.ïsday .venlug at .zaotly 7:80 p. m. ho vas urprisedt 10 otieouiy meu or olght pere promeut, for during the HUI Kelly ; Donald -Oampbel atter- *vda came il udnt ok hi.safli-lu the contre yard. -Jook Proutifoot in. re'. preseute t h. noble .outh yard. At 7:40ther. eîtil ouly six candidates for oyetere-"tho Major1 two- neeveusud three conucilors. Oyoe.r for six t11 Great Scoit I (mêt.Jeronto.) They vould. eur.ly1 devour a quart- maybe thréi ututUf Tbtr all looketi '! éfuels ani peep.dirueih crack. Inàdtautly aIl ii itili -é the, 10mb, anti aIl oye. glardetith *par tnre tb see if il vaswu et the rioïeade aldermien. No. Il wai os »r.Io 3eîowe 8coll, who proeently, qg e th. door andsqueeae&,§litspoty3* through eigeo. No« furlher-t Zp Wuvas mt eMrise a Song, though JUse. Hopper whietlcd lu a lo* key- It lu vaiting anti watching. At 8:08 th. Mayor retumd pte glaneei keenly round le eseif Ri. Smuith lhaicaptureti an alderman, 'sd ai 8:05 Reeve Smnihroturueti witbh o prisonors andi squinted round tb se if the Mayor had any lnok. Tise f sig nov became gemeral ihat the oyiters. woniti be du@ vithin a tew mluutee At 8:10 1he patriotie six est dov*t lu their places anti Mi. Huston callet b. The Mayor saiti he vas diappoluled lu net being able le holti a meeting. Il appearedt thlie membere cit he lIet council bil tounti themuelves bêlsmti in the vote, but etliiho hati hoped ýthey wouiti "acquit themsolveî"' by finlis. img their werk. Mi. HallbI, thougis defested, bad orne up lik. a man, whiie ihe reel bail absentoi themslv.. Ho bopedthelb.nov conucil' voulti "acquit therneelves" more hono ~y- As tiser. vieno quorum lie vouati cltetlb.counoil adjourneti. wiih the proù-ndnoalloüof et4ia vs!.ý1ctory lb. ouncil ot 1887 eod te lve, an ti i lpa.iei va conlo HalletI tummd hi. mdale anti meurn- ful oves up te heaven andi uticeed a allent prayer for ils eveet repos. dur- ing th.eases te cerne. Thon th. i adjourne t 10an upper rnomanti vieil led voracionsly with the ojatere, wvie th. conneilors-eleet and ti eofetus vis e tot a like craving for cystera hati le content oureelve. vuth a cigar snuîa drink ot colti water-iand for ne other reasou n th. enrd Ihan beeauso thos vagabond aldermen hati faile t1ornoe andi vote lb. 8100. Board of E9ducation. The board met Wedneeday evening. Prespnt, Mr. J. B. Powell, ehairmnan anud Meus. Dow, Farewell, Foi, Bar- clay, King, MeCioblan, Ormision, Rut- ledge andi Smith. Ater psuingtishe minutes anud <ding over ithe report.et the different echools for Dec. th. finance comrîtte report- et s toolv, iceounts rcomrnmded 10 b. paid :-W. a. Howse, $10m1; W. Noble, 878.84 ; A.. Scelem, 8 weeks s.aehing 0. 1. $2500; J. Nowport, 2 corda et vooti, $11; A.. O. Wilson, $2 45 ; J. Poeauo, i; F. Bias, #1 96-, T. Wilson, $6 ; W. Bryau & Son, $28.29 ; W. Murray, 84 ; Wm. Noble, $10.14 ; Jas. Plaikett, 88.75 ; Win. Dolhy, $6. Motions ver. oarried as follovi Te procure ô nov deeke for Mr. Qal.'à division et Dufferin St. ichool ; tise tesobers of Duflerin St. ichool b. low- eti until RBuier t10 open sati ichool aM 1 P. M.ineu'adotl.80 P. . mat disaisst880 or 8 p. m. alsé h opio-;th tovnasueerlo laite 0 scoel cess vithout'extraslu ; the principal of th. Collégiale maIl tatatleg.lau additenal table for b scieno. noom of tls. Institut.;-91' th principal. oft1h. publie c oeli 1 tur- muh tise board vilS 1h. marnes of -aIl chiltiren ot RL 0. parent. vho ie att.udiug the public sehools ; thse qee. rotary toinquirif »a u misaretis eblhren cf supporters o etBlbR.,O.Z Il bus alwaym boom Ibrovu up,as»lte fatal waaki eusand ciot cause for Whitby's nover becoming a 1a: lcrta beëin' tho e"ounty tleva vud 'varanl, tiIt i s, teSirTrat.Poasc.sng ai vo $0, 1h. unrivalilcdadvauj fl 4,& of -lake Ontarie.,fine hbrbr. éxcaet rail.- 10 lho'wsng th. fie ;TOC h h 'Ver ha&. IOLD WA TCHES IAMOND~ Rings, Lookot 1 rrings, Scarf #CeWhitby .Dry Goods Farmers, Threshers, and Mill-Men Find it to their advantage- and profit to use la 0Q1LL 9s l'.~ LARDJNEr, :Guaranteed !J-Try ou Whiitbye by not te gum, ana wiil outwear .Machine Oils. ir Cylinder Oil. It has no equal. ail other, For sale in WN. ERTAN a. BONS*#, Dundas Street z o Q Emporium. CI BURNS'9 COLUMN. Noble Deedi. 14I1Oounîlbhiffthlnig to be âran Thisa"nol dïi'fle à s4ot Lifting thse soul frein 1h. commn Te a eu m- &au4broadir v Heavon le uotreaohed by a sine ButvFe builtilthe latter by w'l Frein lbêiouoly oarih lu lb. vat Ai e Mouant to, il. iumm This HoUiy seaSOn ls atavorie "0me those zalu actions wbioh d.v.lop a p sens bolter':natSnro -If you m'oidenj giow etft&ue bappinees, bestov a umsoog vicre -il in need. Amung rneetul pu cule, noue ire more acceptable tiss WARM OTWR col/le Bi lino Plate Table War.-C for Sugar, JeUy and Preseni Pie, Crumb anai Breacl E BROOK ST.) JANUARY l8thl LOCAL LAMO BUDGET 0F -LIVELT LOCAL NEWd 8< àHRO14ICLE REPORT ÂA dde i sug ye, laki An' f aith hell prent il. The Women's Christian ,uin are pl'ossedtiv = :e5lg iliendaisce ai I --A triend, lu Toronto -a I litof wiitby,has en a 1 boeanti magmsines. VW - "tut. a -bookoase la holti ie ladfies are ver>'<a :5i0 msud othor f dents avho amagasinesanti-Pei vMaY poioéns have de. lfos U V. B olaI 8rd. en!et eb. If von are * d t t t.' Pins,

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