Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jan 1888, p. 8

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a - j e e l 'h o 4~ ~ .M r. F r a n k y Ii l L 4 . P r . r ,y L W e iua . ýftxti1-tisow ld iii Jkk vswu etown w.deay. iký* d*sIrgrati ed by'Le'Y aea ?f.Pba.Tim-o0, Detverton, lrviit. ~ ~ted c ~ t ~ins Ui .Donald OaxÙbe1I. kft dwidiaig 10 reumiaî tbeir pastor, r, . OIIJ>r,.e shv, laoospting tii. cai wblob wu. extend. ât"nmMoe f Oshwa, w Mm .foliowlng .resolution a whicb We"t - Wirden bMoukhou0e vasibere Monday andrR M, aodsaIed nwthcut one dissent- Tnesday asalatlng in seleoting jurong for ivoice îw eiter.&hurch, show lt.epostin "C~ h. in In, and thiesteem ln which lie 's beld, 1Mr. 3J. .parvis, toreman ci the «Ifea for ie «klasak. PrntiÈ CO" Oonoifih. pidns a visit i.Whe«ua%, vo bae learned that an of- on Tneay last. fort 13 beig amade to-induce our Pastor, te D.4 .lre,-t v i il flb r Mo0allum ofTrno aintw IbOy. J. P oBare, tebatewhI. ld fbo*r, on2&iond&y iotton to a nown 6 er!eby v prominent physicians. -xrsintthe faitl«Ui manner in hc W.t, Bner ha. perforined oeary duty pe-Moeusrs. G. H. Gnienson, Oshawa, and Jno. talnlng to bis position during ail thi ear Miler» Bronghan have been engagea hbuasabored with us:- ad vs desire ye durîag lhe past week ini auditlng the . imoualy te e«proesour deep consviction that oriminal justice aceunts..i eacssol i .idcdt ev u onn ~ ldih a at ui.ii ury wonld resait to the. Master', Misa May Greenwood left Wedneacsyle 1 fielat he reset tme.courge cf study and training for a proies- 2. 'Wbereas, we deern the.werk which oc- sioflai Dnreinuthie hoapital of that great l O eupîsa bisiwhole titne te b. tiat of the. whole clty. Chntch ot Christ, art we are iinder indivi- Mir.R. Robinson cf Parge, Dakota, vas w . duel obligatitr;o prSecute it.-Therefore, "frevîsBiting glimpses of the moon"q in -bis PeSolved-Tbat vo pledge ouÈWs va ew te native town laet wesk. It is ton years more energetie activity in the work cf tb. ince, "Bob" went veut. Hie father, Mr. Ohu-ch, and undertake to co-operate with Thos,. Robinson is in Toronto. -Bob" to- our Paster, in whatever plans nIay be for the gether with hie brother '<Tom" Je making ronotion, and extension, of the Master's money with a novelsy Wood work ini n-gdom among us., -ae ite115 Iii or excellence proves 3. Accepting au we do the Apostolie rmie, - a1I iy hmso oet Stn a ater that The Lbere ta wrthy f bi bite :5:It 18 used by the UniecStted <ITon.5:8) " Theat t bes wrty wo i im cum NteEndorsd by the. heada ef the gg lb. cipl uouH ireof Gosel (I . he~' lornoe"eliutothe ee~ewih Mes as tee trengest ,Pureait, and (I Ti. 5:1) and4Thâtthey ho prélaim tgrÀtie 140rene" deigfuithe prplePrthceL Dr. iei on theo Bs.klngn the)Gospeliatbo ieofthe ris el" ICohou ngîng &a he oBaptiat ohuroL She does net contain Ammonta, Lii be counted wortby of double hcnot" (I Tian. r indringexv.k ldoylam. 6:17Y we desire te, pledge oureelves nas be go Piston Banken subjecta next Lord'@ Day X'RICE BAKING POWD] daifuliy admi"m t t us in spiritual vil b.. lu the. moring-g*Tii, Mlnstryeof NUw bEL OmOAco. thingu, w. $alal tabe pîssure as Our abili> Christ." In th.eveiguavso. Win i r nt, llfurtiien meeting bu s peoial meetings vil b. oontinaed in the Bseds lu carnaiing.Baptlut C hhoeeh vening ut 7.80 [ 4. TO-ouryontlb spirit of these resolu- o'olook, exospt Batnday evening», until181 tlens. eeoî ved-Tbat tbe member. cf tbe turtiier notice. Anl are eloome. Obuees confer tegether, and decide on snob@a lurtiier action, m mray b.e ened neceesaDO Yér lreu Intending purchasers cf prosej bc induces on paator te continue bis wol Have fits O onfvulsions, gnînd their heeth, boe, wbere the Lord evident!y oalled hum te pick thein nos., have a bad bresth, on aAY 8E labi. changeable appetite? Are tbey resîles. or, Uf0L 1D Y 8 leverish et ntgit P If se,ausk your drngglaî Bott e a s«. fer Dr. Sinith's Germain Worm BLem.d Bhould insec my Stock, tûse no otien), il onîy costa 25 censl arg nd varied The, fellowlng cases vote heard boe .be.- siple, ate, and pleasat te take. If fore police magistratee Born'..lut webk :- teear8owomilrmvemh Bei,,, vs. Hodgaeiu-lHodgeon keepsanmd bile tiat breeds them, teneo up the Reliablo BOuus et uuui Quieen'@ bote! ah Port Perry. In tb&fcaeuSYst.m Smd viii mare mmny a dector's bill. 11-ea. aor. he vent nto Eiodgen'a hoes!& word ote bwise, etc. Tbouimndu of Bargains in Watcbes mnd Jewel on Nov. 28th, te the bar and played the tetimoniais. ti-fal Geedi in Diaxnond, Pet r u e - tr v in g t eo s e l s m o r e c ig a r e . G o ltr l f o l n a q l tl o p y n u y G m R n s man defr 0.Treated Hodgson, amother M . W pedn uls,, elycmlin " mRns Muadbimmef. Hodgson and ho.okvt h rsnris wblskey. Did net kuow what othea. man Tbothacbe.-Doyou suffervwitb il? Go buy took. Then. nilgit have been teur persan. a batilee 01Pain&wr amd ftnd relief in the SLVRPATD 6 prsn u scertain lteevers net ilvo twin"e of au eye-tot toothache it is a SLVRPATD G Co.dne indentify my nov but Hedgson. IPOliftO. Btadmdu ulte nSl Hodzon, Marnon and BIikely 'vr. o Bas R The GermnOonPic' odto eIadieia ults aS look cigar. Hodgson &ac soworé tliat h. ont est mp rove. in cnito had not kept amY Intoxicating tiquor forcniu oipoe Baie, Blakley oorreborau.ng.Ca&" reisrved. ' ny'Ou ving COnfumptîve patients, Knives, Forks, for rguent.andbavig filedto ure them by theîr Regia'v,. Paka.-arkekeep ho ela wn prescriptions, aboula not besitate ho PrinAlbert, eeu ol hprescrîbe AIlen's Lang Balsam. il; bas i d p Pri Nce Aber. I1 e swor-e hoewvas le .cnr.d oas.sviien ail cher rernediesihave -n No.221h md bsd dwnnet. Asked for taileil. and obtained a glsaiof whskeyvbengog It iâ barmlesi te moit delicate child. Ivory handled Table and Des8. in te dinner. Parka took a elgar. BntaýyPd Price 1-00 part ell!. tizen. until tour o'cicck lunlbh& atterneon. Lr Salisbury spoke t mu etn Bav other persons cerne la d geî drinks. oLords metn Pank»Smvre MeOR..vas then. that day and in Liverpool Wedsaed&y nigbî. Personally selecting My Goodi ar Maid ho b.d beeau tom bj' Port î'erry teîîows Congieanmd colds.-.If evenytiing buas h ta o4IL.Squeîcî and 0Cooanb ve r st a tiled, tny Allen'. Lung B"alum d b. e- A V hb ie P lm. licasanted din-en ad b.e Outd. B .. M RKE &4 Parka vent te dmnner together. Mea. Tii. Itallan gegediy advmncing on Ealsm eofrgetidc Z c-04an viienhoecame ont and pald ô cents. Donglla. Cash Cetoofeguat inds. oBa.ned e«eH bock dlask in prosence et Photc7«rply cm qivs us only thimagesCahinoes SuI gli "oband Ooonb. Had not kept lei- ef the Moers, but iw urra> & LAman'.JAME f910In ttn fsonrado. Cocmb's stery did Flerida Wateri ch.eitry basprerved -J0HNS 9 be oumba" Parka' but 'dld regard- thiranomalie essece. It inlteraîy the A S J H S Z = 4 Phes pIF t ake . a!orvd ton bottled br.ath of the mestftgrant produdcta rcia acmkr 8tfqmffi$ O t $hiOh.t dorail in n Ualb. void. ~~~~~~o NO tee*&unuwoehe~~a hg. been reoeied froin Stani.>' EOOK.TREET W Viethsro 8 7 o. Sh.licHa. boldiieré me Dmmenn in e n ad ot a Resut.ye« gel the Gennine Mumry ~H %Iuk fv1rilel.>v, as I10cote MRseLaumumi Flotada Watet. Thorearen COMMERC IAL HO aven.Du~Y, bldbemevil le en 0eunterfelîs, but if yen vil hold a lest et aMd «Mt4l * 1 . cherdrnDeninie ~pampIIUhlet, wvhî.s round esciz botlle, tep fez. fféet vblskey tee. Boh 'vote te the ligit, yen vil u w tnait letter., Jarvàis t, TOrOIII lms ne =so e ioible. Newion wurevatet-mnanke inthie paper, 1>.vrdhKELEe un iR.« tnhbing "Lannian & - Nw ork." and bereHARRY. BL#Proni b -,..dYou cannot find t ,- ma,=y b. mure e 41tbt deai ad u ozosavtlm b m articlO e u fot genuzine. lieR. avre "" . 108 bohd bdint, t whigkeyt onNvM....................010 * ois Sf odLnsa>-sme bock flasa*.Re IRidon, Par lb........e .OS 007 okm med nOhher part vho teck hie »A». POri4parov....0.....00 si1asoàbe tà1u Olhi5kqso t Md thon gwaOe 0 u O:4a.,,ï,.,.,,, 08 O 04 to Be, r oeshod obikeiapehb.:::,..080 04() 't.he, sav ieither booksercgr,»eupnb......0QOU___________ Dm&I mdM5a ve h .>ot' -»r 0 ' ' 0. 0 ST/?AV EIE sme Jute ihe promises of the sb'l ie 2t t1i middle et September, arted ard me Io-yean id Reiter. The evuer là TWEEDIEB BROS 1111I UI J -. Dec. 28 1887.-8- i v hltby P. o 04t L I M HO~~ESTO LIST---:0:- g ~ ilor.02 BfrefueBoPCreOW[JX 'E L L M ~ 1ETORET -AND A HALF BRICK, 'S. W. U ~corner Dundas and H or' î., 10 roams. «rt upror and on e bd room, celan, ceil,!isteérun, stable, bonbons, 1 acre ]and;'! lava, choice fruit. Warm, cemfanhable Benl #7 or upvatdgà according le imprsvc-, mente desiired by heuant.j ALSO THREE-ROOMED HOUSE, unug l i co and coy, ith cellat good vaet mnd largea La I mi ngb 1 o -arden ha dy te market.I r ~a en F. HOWARD-ANNES. gTeatUnvr5.Whiîby, Nov. dli, '87.CO TN E C k most health -_______________ WMATBE WRSWINTER( The Subsenber vshes te conve>' te hi. ralile8ean7Pienda and cutomers hie inoereF Ibnsfor tisir liberal patronage in th Ii.eRO E p atnsd te assure them laI ho bau better t R unts for the taciltie an ever fer exeeuting aU eores 480 N Monument, Headstones, OVER O ] :whlcl if lu ate and Marbie Ma e, ~, And mny oher verk iu bie Une. i M en's and 3oi Oe rrices AUl Wrk guarmntced firet-lauo. Pi te suit lb. im es. 1 Ir>'. Beau- WiIJ ..lays be.fonnd aI th.e ld stand o ot tJ. h.i.jjJ Le.lQW Ba! mnde J. & B. W lfeden, east et Dominion Bank. R. WOLFENDEN. P i s lvet.iiite Dreas Goods a: WOfl, r<Greatly -Redluced J p ,retMstllineriy Sold nd buyiug P 19ess Qf Cost sinents to POWEL roN,8Z04 Whfd03 Io K Whiby China TEL. Mi_"WIBthe place where yon will lSnd the to w - 1 Xmas Goods ini Tomi erietor, Mvar/Ie usne8 The Stock is now compl1 à itvy's Urdof Sap. '=IHeadstones 8Au rao8 edm eto t1 DEMI , I ý ueYFRY alol jsboudke.P insit oê U2z. JR S I F n « . " 1Granite 0f a Al W a, fun o od Monuments, GR OCERIE'S, FR UTd R China Tea*Sets foi,$8.5O China tqpsand-Sauce per dozen, irnil other Gooda àpoportie. <[W» Corne and seefo"~yo2srselves. - LISE-KEEPER 'WiNTEDOU MAfl kind8 of farm procZuce China, i Ci" S IL- >N00LL andi P8 at 008t, Faoctory. ýndW ol L 'Regard-ý 3largeet Stock 0o£ WHIITBI 8ANTA- CLA'JHA. :~Established 18J ý SIBSORIPTION HM kpnannnim in advance- L Srubecriptians are a1v. eofie et publication. L~~~ aa eqimxlsu eâýd Job prlutlg plan ào, capable cf executlng el1roUI he large pester ta Abill. Special mention ù ù'passed proe. adilihies c Î, with ils oelcbrated.S &den pressud other -rn oea. Every'orden neceives STEBMS OF ADVERJ 4"th ius3eiieu,-PsrUne, 1I Wequcfenserhi"ol, 5 cenhi, iipiayodAdvertiseuieita b sosie aof solid >Ionpareil irdiuçly. Ldvertisements sent vil kfuctiens ineerhed u.nti 1 mngd for fanlime.- araer for. discaatinlluig. Lut b. in wniting, otiervil v ilj ual be responsible.. à. liberal discounltfon cent uts b>' the year. Cep>'1 âtract advertisemeuhs shd ualt laler than Wednesda uninheuded olisuges shq lalre Tuesday noan. 01 ents neceived up ha Thursa Business uotices lu local o Lve cents pet line veeki>'. r lino weekl>'. ' errespgudBuce solicitea heGarnt>' etnelghbo ,rrespoadents are roques ler commnications «a loible, HENDERSON' «HN STANTON, uphMecl-iancal Dep1 JORN 1E.; F&EECWU O DVI» 01LUU A TTOBHEY-ÂT-TLA I. hauery, Couve. Omnno-u the. Oa Blhi t ., -ýy laux o!ami 1i~oYs 1E yew' . Q 0 . 1 - I a .'*~ ~ * . - ~ I -.. 4 4 a * . f mj china,

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