Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jan 1888, p. 3

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1 V1-OtTDPIL. he Il FLtlS, o*ul'itr purigaU iNe îethe£Ditpe suë' til il Ill à iti' Lel 1t tIt i' r-uu'liîl pwe of th a tVttr i t 1't'y toi' ist'uusef, $5QQ00W hu li'c i the muutruuîftic (tus tirDr. 1,14~t4Cat il v i d, o acI ('hu-utu t' u'î t tttt a w tu.I x it ut ui thet. uîl :îl îttt- hît uug tr tiîultelg , 'tt~ t uit'tt't ut(uif oîtleely 'r tittu tur'tltstîiuu uters 4 audt iets wa tiutuitlcu u-uîtu't i il aludt iltiînt rtr ami Iil ft'w tut tîte 1utît tt-UMaunel tlikely tu)tiLt' un'tîhlui i ii', 1 '1tts &f 'îtIt'$ iuîu1'iltt wit110t1 q1 tf ttilttuttu t' tux n îutn Y*.' 'ui1itlIr il utti tuuti b r t turrh Ilî'uîii't tir-tu 4titi' wet srr-lb, "tiiId lis flie ia t c'atarrhatl llettdaculie.* iggit-lt". ututlît-vi;5t'n IAoy'front Catarrh.» ut-tutti ~ ýýI vi: u t1'tl ituttltt usu il Wnitdl1 riuttilït'.My'crise Wn WOlldbuultu60 oltîSe t coMN Io lia t'elttt 1. ri 1 he iornh ti t'13arl ue t(if mn v t lin-mtt wol 1"Itut ttc ti t' tof Dr. is t t Iiittuuo ttuIiîtt. I wasi.a eur()t ýtit-cu pertitautcflt" ly' Hawitklg aud SptIflng** Ili,'sutts<i, Rt. 292 jt Pie SNwi.d twt'it4,,, 'l 'Was a agree s. uff! le, antd watt Colu1taitly ~huuwklul &nd fo (tr the lust eiglit ninti mtuhe t lroîuruî tite nostrits.à iiuun coutl[iL[tdutufrtu îe. Luc* mîtse uttei try Mr. l4tttrts Catarni 1 i uunow caivel mmii. 1.I eo î-ly suirre miedl ftor oatairrh nneî ti, ual ooe bisont> to give *0 t Peruèeu îasîouiing rst cure-." c flottiescure c4Sarrh. t N, Rtitpne P.JO1. ,CouîmbtS jily dauguhter ho atcîtark eû ors nid t-cri'battit. K 1W. rbitouuiutly îîvertisetl. ud iPM if'for ter, tîmi uuôigo saWU]lthat ia thirdtl litt'ettt>ctt( '4aienm S te s Inw vigbtm e m yc Wdot!m insurînco Î.T COST. ueserve Éu.nd LifeÀAssmnr" ce of New York. rtistrtt' ftaiiîd -vtr) 816,000 pil uît irîli -t! 47990OS isI 3 m is., i1bâi, 15,000,000 e ptr r t-it toutail assestqmeti -wîtlî the t> Ctrtul rntist Cota - Vtrk,as irtittes tf the R... -Itc e .t lets thfin tne-hl the 'S' anti stciciry - erltut.tOl t3 utîde lmn,1881, 1a82,18, ".BELL» Uuapproached for Tioae a"4 QUaI#y. LOGUES FREM & Gue, llIph, On RSES, NEW 3108. ad SAL"' STABLES lDS-T., WMIBY. lied ou gBbqrttlotlo,- Fam%'t' Ztftute~ 1~i~ ullirsIse As &ni3n Ila30013th,,, outh Ontarioj I'snnerslu o1te tti -d imeetings bttrc on. FIriiay e St&tnidty iset. Mr. eeo. Mowbi Presideu l ocupied tîùe ehair. ttoqF lt frnu The firâtp' xFu froti vss Upolu he . tjcCt oitld.irying, seerned ta Iead tu th@e onclnsion tùaài it would be most Prlfitable for Our farinerA ta ship nItl thoir milk tn To. ronto. Ili as oewbere it was dekrab"e le make butter, hoe advi@ed that the oream tu i,,iîd le takeu of by the fasteeLt Possible pi '"Cet4Lqini aider that Lhe milk wsay bo lýi W10oalves wbilst yet warml. To rutk upii)for htiviug takfu a way the ceaflu11(l ivi8ed the utie ci oicake, flaxseed, etc. Vib eon pier wa8B y Prof. Brown, "Is 1Be#31 indjsagréeuent mt.t Botter," 1,3 the po ofcinî tbeef of Imotî 1[tt'r(atflioothan but t-r, cu'i can- net bo't ;edt-ier?' restit (A t li tîi of faraîirs i- in Ou- tarto h 'trof year,;t l~s tuen gooti, n l in ubtWitnY-r et lis. Tit- lt t. u t bteî'u fier cropd, Ou SNt tM t n lCrtpplflg bet¾îg In Lwost caseï thet 1w-t we koow of, Our re- oord as ttré,.itlrtiof catli is good, ini fact t n nintry c0in talk Mure Oitt(IQ tbau Ctw'i i. \We lt-ad thîe worlP ini shet i'. I-lei wiî h the e1c"ption 01 eattie, eutumttr cropéI anid tiiry pro- duce cotr rveotr is iiot egttod. WVe bave a fair greit,,r proportion of eatile Ihiuiishet p-2 '(It l,îlokî esleand l,. 600,000 sbotp. We are doing uothiug iu the imuter of w inter orop - -suoh as rnaking wiuoure, etc. \Vtth suoli keen eooepetiion comung from eovery part of tbe world we muet of absolute noessîty bestir ourselvee and prepiure to fi ht Our way as farmners agninst the w hale world. But whast we are le îidlk about particflarly at thie moment ue whethý-r the production of beef le in agreemnent vith that of butter, wbether bath mav b. produoed by Ibe siesmofermer witb sseured sucoe6s. I tbink it don't pay sny fariner 10 give bis whole sergy te à speoialty. Stll itilwould ho a dangeroue tbing for farmapes 1 change mueh from a lino of farming he bat; been ding wefl upon. Stîl liglit changes woul'i uearly be of advantage. Borne men don't grow whest, but it shonld be borne in mmmd that il je aii necest;ary to produoe wheat now s il waei thirty yeare ago whem the priot sveraged $1 per bushel, and it je n talkinR nonsense to gay oo. Lgt it be anderiitood tien that tbe old produc- tions are not to b. dropped, but lta vo wieh te sdd dsiryiug, and 1 thinl a&H we need te do je to, change oui mode ofentamer sud vinter mainten ance. I, in order to talk butter, mus; Wk botter pasture. We do not requir, te change Our cows. Ia the Duirbai yen have an animaal of the very bigbeà degree of both milking sud feedin qualities. Iu Eugland in the dairie it ls Durhami al lb.helime. Wo muf get rid of this unnecessary talk abou breede. I amrnont bore to express th views of the Otario Geverument,c of John Dryden, or any bey ele, bi am on indepeudent feeling aud me express My Owu vioe without hesîit tion. I amn ail Durharn. I flke A.j sbire, Htalstein, Jersey and Pali Augue cattie, but give me Durhamr rî refrnce. W. muet seo hoese as rigont dainy produce aud be»f. Ai breed will naturally produeâ a fi milk 00 W. But se s general thi goed bèefers are alwsàys good milke Wh&% yon vaut to do lis select s- go grain growiflg. Mr. D)ryden said Prof. Brown'e vice te farrn for dairy produce as us beof and grain is a sufftloent sn te 1Mr. Smnith'e question. Mfr. WM. Bmitb, M. P., was *ailed upon. He said il wouïd given bim rnnoh grealen plesu bave remaiued s listener Iban t .slled spcn tb peak. He vas al ,sorry ou, such Ocasionls se Ibis Il ueerued te b. hie place*,sw.U, l Drydens. le do- duty u, *0580 speakers. Bevever leie l i occasions tb meet farmens in placi under cirenmstancea whero coi intereste may ho dlsenuae.neH. vltb Prof. Biewn - î'tb ying vis slmteady lu ibis prciee vory'eg fer produoing boll"i btacd >ntt u*ed fermera te adopt these t ]Ro then be.uebed off, sadaspe farmere' sous 1fàtinp borne té, ti sway, ho etd, "weé'06l7-tm&6 These the faere'wouid ver spare, buet, there were te ahould b. lnduced ïnu oma waky rosin* t borné. 8u~g.s- sebools seemu'4 to-give the boys ~ pn ides roe îold over ba et dilt ivheu fart set y ear. good crop pat the fa Prof. B light witb boratingR Mr.. D, farmers the farmi their vali third. Prof. E buRiness. mnira tion 8eiitimF'e Mr. Di son Prof. luat se05805proved s pmoo u Lô Bores tinder ere, snd b.- orviug OoI, lly and" tilt, riOQO w.rtb o I siei. Hé, ffrenlî limes seen sard year ,ers complained se Ioudly sM ,but a few yê&re'of generally Pa have slways follewed te rxmers iu good humer again. Brown exprei;ied-hie great de- b Mr. Smith'@ viewe, se corro* hie own rnany times expresed. *Dyro, of Darlington Wad woro not prosperofle. Half e woro mortgaged for half [e, snd the other half, for oàe Brown said it was Po with -Ili Ho ae gain expromied hie ad- Sfor Mr. Smith'e %expressed Dte. 4 ryden eaid no doubt tbe rea- 1 BrGwn wasG 80pleased with if1la iai qmRhosiseitw&@ 'av' lighýUba senseu u a , 1! bave nover taken trouble enougli about <-iualty. -1( je qu.lIty w.e ould look ît. It le Ir* trouble 1fotdr itgood judg to seb quilyi ahos@ f il P"-oses sny. Re looke st thé hçý0f,' 1h. e O notices the -fatueîse ofboue, thé, liesith skin, ÎaIlky bair nMm and t1511 snc, clesn out. &s vel s e h.ansd head. These qualities in lightl herses ' tanoulY, corne frorn fromn ee soune-ths tbcrough-bred or Emilish race'horsë.. The tborcnith bred cf Ibis cises lu purer bred Iban lbe lyderidale or any othen breed cf herses, aud is simply an îrn grotement on tbe Arabian. Ibois more pointe cf qnality Iban any othen hersae ln tbe world.* Some think the îhorough bred toc light. This may bu. se sud beavior light IMMes may bo more valuable, but eize muay b. regplat- ed by neing heavien mares. The gel ef s Iboro.bred herse will stand the moel reading. Thero je at the prosenl lime lean e- sacote uiore pjokening Vifiý.11 -8. port Perry.... -- .4~- uxbriage... 5. anulnton. -6. BeavertOfl.....-9 7, upteérgrov.. Fiîst.Ciassi TO WNSHII B E-G pART front of the 8 ig190 acres, with good out.uildinge, eti. and ini a splefl t nfo the pl âir. ruuiiu0 V.vws a etu"v theý firet time sucit a man Iiad tned grest b. hfr addrrn horebraeta Ip hese eau only belid ar tiec Prof. Grenide, 'V. S., was then eal- butes80ttieje tI <n l e the n o. - C Tais- Pd upon te discuse ltehe brie question. bess ih onvls h nls new tretmenuthasb0oiidi-ta He said be had hoped Mr. Arthur demaud fer csvalry b-ors;es. The way covered whereby a permanent. H J1ihntstou would have been present te vo have been brepdimw we could net ex- am u ofe this hitherto incurmb1c, have opened the question by diseuse. pect te hoid the EugliBb rnarket. He disease je absoluteîy effocted in igClydepdales. Ho toit that il u'.o is not talking in tavor ef breeding from one te three app4eatiofl8, On tc ieyng c@pr otppl hldrace.borsee, but the general cîss - i tter wh iirncding 0onsi knowt more about herses than is kuevu et'If h herses waubed n Ouc~~ofry8r.Tirmd at presteut, sud if propenly managed aa.O.tô rou ib m o t a rot laonl ya lied once M wlêL believeti as Much Money could ho vutWtbred ligtt hrse.go lea trte (ULo matie eut oft herses as cattie, sud the ter, sud if thoy dontl gel a trotter they b;sines. Descriptive pamIphet (armer would have whal work h. ueed- have a peor hoese. But stili t.hey WahI sent free on receipt of stamp by ed ont oftlhem te the good. He thoagbî' more readiiy pv $25 for the service ef @evPn mares oun a farm wcald doeas a trotter Ihan $10 for a tboro.bred, and À. ILbIMOI & sel, Mlai. It~L mach work as five geldingesud meet l.pouto eeal el o 7 et t-hem breed coite besides. Thoes.lese. The ceo hereje net s bad oeeI ooald aise ho made te do s great deal te, breed from, if mares are propeniy se- of 1 of orkbefre heyareof he eetagelected. Mares sbonld net b. tee ceerReBe v o k b e o e h y r e h e bfIm o r o r e 3 0 i s e a v y e a ubo r r d 0 0 1 0s c te sit-five. Ho thinks ail the work fr 13br ee t Ieno brd, 00, 100 eo ou ordinary fermueouid bh o gelout eo Po.frvutonadreed1. u mares sd colts. He el-ves tero is rf rw hnadrse h n moe os rrnbd aagmn t cf stilute ou "Selecting Catlle," but we Eil herse ls than bil aaRm cannet mako roem fer il. ______________________________________ ameugst thern. Wbere the gzrealeut Qo nt Lterature. mistakes are made iu handling herses is in feediug. A horse's bill et tare-F ALST S dees net embrace much vsriety, sud The Homilet ic Review fon Jsuuany te herue dos net requin.rnsuay Opens with s remarkable papen by Dr. ALSIB changes. In the firet place ho bas ne J. L. Withrew ot Chicago, entitled -hesitaticu iu sayinR thst ene.thtird et "Pregrees lu Thelogy." Prof. O. A. t lte bay ted te oar borsos ie vasted. Brigge, o! Unien Theelogical Serninany 6And net oui je Iis bay lest but t Rive a very incisive sud cbaracîeristic atstt the boeail je ted te. W. teed article ou "Christian evidencos; How far tee muci heaY, ad ise ver-fed. &fftcted by Ileceut Criicisme 2", Dr.- - - ing reudens the herse liable te take Robhert F. Sample gives the cieeiug E ~ E lE every form et di;eatqe which rnay bu palpere in lbe symposium, uuIev May JEUH N E lUi O E u'pidernic at any lime. Il is net Ibis the Pulpil BesI Oonnterct the Influence b eavy fpediug which pute *a herse in et Modemn Skepticismn ?" It is oeeoft W si8OWING à SUPEBIOR. STOCK OF k ondition. Nething eft he kinti. People vory gréai value. Three socb articles r hould bu able t-e ueo frorn a herse's are seldorn tonnd in suy single Beviev, and tb hl onpesdit,0pRs1SocEnglish and Canadian Tweeds, fine, sloek ceaI sud fiue spirite vhelhen n ievtl epesdilB b eicooudition or net. Herses ueed Net a whit bebiud thee inDi.an: c th le net b. fat, but healtby. The hersee au Dyk'ks ceurteens but nevoroly adversefo piguts An area n nover ho put in condition by heavy crilieism lu repiy. te Miss Frances B. àan otlieotfne unes of (lothsfrSnngsie IIgret efeediug, sudsaherse mupt havé exeoise. Willard's sympcsiflmlsrticle in Decem-t made np in latel style on shorteet notice. g Aboutoeue Pound of hey pur day for ber number ou "S4hsll Wemnen ho es ds1. ese ;eighn Licned ta Pem " Dr. B. F. RaY-made Men'8 and Boys Suit8, Gents' Furni8hlflga and ethhde d a nd hers, udlb vr Williams bas a bnief but valuable paper @&smne in regard le este whiie the herse on "Borne eft hi Bes t fte Reeout Underclothing of ail Kinds. is werrng Ti etm Do15nt a Lives et Christ.,' Tbe nov Exegetical ormoreiy ipecUlative onu, but the re.uît Dep&rýt ooneutains a very admirable rT 1 S R CTIB E OVERKU LLS ! ut ethe xoiee.Thns hr i 0 *it1sal paper by Pref. L. D.,MoOmbe, " W> grest savlug in outling hay, thengb au > o anbyDr.poard Otud r.b . H TThe -S1 AT - sonegreat stables where they have n"rpeuDpr etéudrD.H T IH .S A S e every-faeflity fer noting theme thinge Stueeubuu gdti-f&n, ii . funLas tei yles in Hard ana soft poiilHale VBBY JHEA.P. ini say titane in.-Tis la probably fouud ,0ddilioeIbn. JOHN FEBRGUBON) to be e beease if nent te hor e e. Beaudin, M. D., Hull, P. Q., rte tolillers a geod deal of bis foed. Osto D)r. Thowta' RLeetrieOioucoemanmdsa Dna a.,htY air are préferrd Msà grain ration beebuse lange aud inereamina sale vluihi il iy Dna tWib eI ul1 se ilt'af cases of Rheu'uatisoe. Lng elegRing lte ,grnacitby allowing 1h.e as ka . tu. a md domatins. et1e orehl hopoottermni )aeawy on teedul ___________________________ nse. etommèliacide te enter thotu and ruade use ef t i uyseif tb caix the pains of a _ ted facilitate digestion. Whoat ilfted h.. broken Ieg wih dislocation of the foot, ad N usstemmoli and sauses acuali digestion. -entrul 'nOGraim5 vitheul mucit hallJ ay ho efe- Anotiteno! lb. ploneen ettions o St and ly ted lu small quantilios if crushod OstiDiOs, Mr. Hugh biAKoovn, %paid the Don'l be led seffy by fleming sdortisemenla but Sà l m >uld sud mixe8 viti t ey or chaïf. This lait debt ef nature on gatnrday. .mixture should b. darpnedvwith Mont eexcniing are tb. Ivinges which TJIE B R Z L A N W A E H O F vater te ruais th. mou sdhere t teack the muscles san jints o Pr*citai!. Grain sbeuld aivays be ground matie. Nlorthrop & Ëym' Vgtbe O,<LVSt wemr eligOooeysd lswe mb sud mreovryan yqptie oureb promet- sadasee for y---dves hItw r a gCrc ya a lud aforcoels, sn they canel masticaule il Iincrsed acio!of he. kiduy by udrct o aho rae. WieGàntýe'etl-4pee91 vitilot teîbing. Soins herses est hc the bbeed le more eflectwilly depnt ne ol o aho rdc. WieGaieTeBte 4peem ~ lgreediiy sud dou't cbevtheir grain. ed, rrmones truhl.ntrloaul 2.Oprset, Handome Oolored Te SeBtta, 44 pieceaI$SO)pe Qb eprvent thi&it uheuld b. mized wiîh certain acni& elements in thoe - ÏUuletioiMotét -n i 10 otayochi.I.always Wall ~te whizh preduce rheuxuatiom ansd gent. rho Fine China Tes. Sella, 44 pîeces, eýt $4.60 paseitBstflMteOrl Il miutx o oaf t sa edcn s aalee afILne laxtive in'-Cu ps mn4 Saucers M±25e., Colored Du eafrom $7.5O ereto- ml be a lithleocoanse bay or*ohaff With medicireesud g0-ePar corrective" toba grain se il makea te herse ohev. mdcn n êea orcifi n u hn n oreSoine tiink they use bran enoeeesfaily l. G sonentert.ainod lbe offcers e c ei Ohmbr ette, piîeces $ 25 prt0%sdbas Chnan Rodte mix vith grain, but tee mucit bras b Byat lneni saudye iteFedBt riig vrg.k ev ls Tmlr ,pedss ooicouses indigestion sud skis diseases. Glà jmiits nouGi8ssete S'a Wt evesulMugaou .nct Whnbre r vrnn rfuyte Siok Headache and I >Yqppa are quaollyGlsGbetOC.prdenGasSlasdWli eb uvrou a. ,hich' Wbuhre r vrsoolny sdispe»ed by Carnpbefl'iC*thartâoie 0 te= Our famflygroceriOs arue tii.besaa.hhhSl>8b t- et1bO ,der* ttey are oflon quite incapable o! ms. Pound. Ê' osaI1e arl. orh-c Uo ri' ei4èi"~ ticalluR. A horeos diet siteuld sot b e à ho bwrh5c U'ë,"bit9 O-lteesmineok atter weok, but îhey 1 d feau dé withot Ivery much change.smpefesd oovnoê s kuti SO n4p r9.ia vol1~~~~ie but ee met biledgrai b angeons ï po>. ' itbni6ugst4*ck119. &d hioi@ 61g lMbs. freeres Oýtsa neXchý tekE modnaie, r-n enal ustiiesm1a -- lAp. Apply SL. Fairbanl ity, N'ov. 911 )ndon a T . 11 f 2 8-8 2 '8 8'9 1 10 20 il 21 12 22 97 29 Oierk o! lie PesOO Fann .for Sale,' p 0F WHITB Y. O? LOT 26, I1Ê TEE 8rd Conceilsjou, contaili- Ssplendid dwellinýghcflee, ;golod orchaird, wefll exto- lid stato of culivation. ing situated julit ontéid Lud within a a nilesud - wu, posseeses mnany advanl- nirohasOn. will be BOUd ,te Pr .opnieter, WhitbY. ka, Anc., Whithy. 11887. nd Lanoashi»r-O, bhis Company issues .very desirablelorm Lite policy, and ita depositetl wilb the mine! General ID appnov>ed-Oeit>adimu 5ulties oven 8100.00 fer euch 1100-00 e!f biiity, Ilium affording A2BSOLULTB se- 'artieà desinons e! asuing their iimes Il flnd Ilte otheir advantego te ,ousult e.undonulguod before- assuringr else*hefl.' JOHIN FABQÙBIBONt Generai Agent WANTED I- 1.000 yO0UNGME gin, ar fe r e ightw 0lI Wrle .t rutcnrae ao. e okeupI à - Mr 'erj n.Arthur J*uuuuwu Su ' ' - th p, wlrot1 tori to l ,- M*- . -os L ý i -ll,ý

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