Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jan 1888, p. 4

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's e * II PORAI T -c Tii. nmainder cf our Stock of FANCY GOODS AT, AND BELOW COSI BIEFOBE BBUYING, Ca/I and Sec (J AT TE MEDICA L HA LL, ONLY Si oo PER ANNUM. Whitby, Friday, Jan. 20X 188e TEm fight for existence between th great Toronto dailies goes bravely o1 each keeping ite weathor oye on ti Empire. Lt is a aingular thing th& no matter how men in one brandhi trade in a town may figiit against eac other, the. moment a new xnan come n tiiy aul peunne. pon hurn. Au th other Toronto papers wore good and th Empire Îs a good one too. The. mai vho oarefully perUses the Globe, Emi peWorid and Mail viii soon fin, huuseif fairly posted in publie affaira. AT the. farrnera institut. bore on Fri ni OS :e le ke 4- day sud 8aturday the h1"l as cramm. ed vith Lie very best farinera we bave iu the. county, soin. iaving driven bobveen tvcnty aud tiiirty miles to attend. Tics. vie di'! net take interest énouginluthe procoedinp o teceme viii Sud a ptetty faLir report of sonie cf it lu cther columne. To any mnan vho lias borseatofe. t! las vortli vu. traveili ig oue hundre'! miles go hean Prof. <ironsi, V. 8 ., viies simple but pratical address upon lthé subjeot faily âvept Li Ouse. Many finn ex- tfd hemInoves upon the question, luinth, ianland out, but net on. ueemed te, disagne vith Grenside. 0f the. vale cf ProL Brovu'e a'!dressesil io net neessary te speak pa mout frin. ors have heard hlm beforo. Bo long sas votake the.liberty of oritolsng the. actions èf the town tounil we shail ciieerfullyaccord that body the. xiht te give us au ovenhaul. iag ooonally, and it =ay poaaibly boeifit eah of us te havb tii. other', «ua.!. W. don't expet tii ceundil Itive nus any homage. and' ne sensible moen in lie-oounei expec.any wershi frOi us. It ulves us ar' pmn wheii wo »Md ne 0I iabout <'car worty an~i~t. y~r,"or "or ,~ udpoulr eove,"or 49cOr obn*w4 aud Mghyiu ui~t council, - beauae tiers là a printng te d. W.neyernisu an o»QprtFmityt AU ecaforthe tOwu, and viien w. do a-y printing for il 'W, only ask dwent rates. W. tinsgivefui!,'Value lu the monsy va remeive, ed o n't gst dowu on.onr kneeslubecinr "M fay coonil.W. boee ,the. prment towzi councifl f hutbwilI prove s '7 good on, =4 a sensble if anit os te bo sot v. are Assurd it wmill t eedi and wviiifar. prefor ind11e utlà oe- Who don't ca«M r nybody. ca our ed, and g w. u9 o tlvo4tirde ft tiLe nêeni Mayor Long expressedl hie pleaur At meeting tueue'w olancil and 'a feeing ail present at the. firat meeting The flrst business h. had te. direct tiet attention te wuashbisoslection cf 1 cemmittee te strike the. standing cern mittees of couneil for $he year. Hi migit s"Y that it vas /Uustomary foi this oornmittee teo onsit cf the. reeve deputy-reove, and oe concillor fron each yard. Ho hoped tiioje commit tees would b. e selected that AUl varc feeling wcald b.e etingtLiuhit and thal mach feelings might net 6o e rvivec during the. year. TUhis he beievec himmell bid fot been the. casein thi put ab there had beau more or leue ci ring management in or ommnitte. He. alic called theu attention to thi feot tiat the. town solicitor vas net re. munerated by hise mniala ry for tie great amount cf vork heoiiad perforai. ed lu connection with the. recent pàasing cf bonus by.l*ws. I'eaise speke of the justioe and advisability cf alloving tiie police magistrat. a smn cf money in addition te hie fées fer cames, whioh latter are eften Tory email. Lantly, h. Might aay ha vas glad some membera cf Lbe proes er. prosent, Ai h. vished te eau the attention cf the council te thie manner in wiiieii on. cf the tcvn papers had ridiouled tii. lait conil. Tis ridicule h. said, did net look weil viien read Ah a distance and ho iicped it would b. etopped. Beeve Smith said ho, toc, vas glad soin. of the. urutors were prosent, as ho was sonry te se. some ratier ligbb remarka passe' about the. last ocunoil. A ballot vas tien taken for tiihern.m mittee toestrike standing committees, reeulting Ai follove :-Beev. Smeith, L)eputy-reev. Batledge, councillors Noble, Burns and 8mith. Aftor a fifteen minutes adjourninent the committe reported se follova: Finarne and A8semme-ni-G. Y. Smith, Rutledgo, Willis, Noble, Annes. Street# and Improvements.-N chie, Hart and John Smith. Fîre and Water. -Burns, Gibson and Wbitnvy. Printinq.-Anne, Willis and! Soott. Town and Market property-Rutledge, G. Y. Saill, John Smithi, Gibson and Applwcatwna to office.-Scott, Hart and Whitney. Licens.-Jno. Smith, Sott and Barns. Rch.df.-Burns. Willis and! Gibson. Reeve Smi'h introdueed and earried through a by-law te appoint auditors re i.past year. TebleuIs vere fi.' witb the. naines of B. H. Lawder by the oneil, and H.- B. Taylor by the Mlayor, salary $10 oaci. Deputy-reev. Butledge introduce'! and carnie'! tinugb a by-lav to appoint a truste, on baaf of thia concil te tth. Cellegise Institut.. Ho peid high rubute cf praise te tthe retiing member, Mr. Farewell, aud moe.' hie uams with vhicb $ýie blanuinluthe. by-lav Deputy.beeve Butledg. mcv.'! that, ff, tevu solicitor having rsport.d tthe soditions ofthe Atlas Wool.u mille eonus by-lav as being f611.'!ou the arzt cf the oompeny, that the. finance om0mibte b. empovene'! te seti. .tthe natter cf the bonus money with the *Inany.-Oarnied. Ocun. N~oble imove'! that tie Mayor, leeve, Deputy.r.eve Bnbledgs sud [suars. Beitii and Jas. Campbell b. ýppoinhed a comunthes ho interviev Mr. L8& Paterson, regarding ies inten- enu as ho pnttlug bis foundry lutc, ti li bi A-nnual Meeting, The «uerwa annumetiN ewhi i.!'! lu thes ocunoiohember hon. ou Wsdnesdy lui-t bbPresdeut, J. R. Thes aul report vas resuis', o . oempaniedby tus auditors' rport 9sud on motion adop.d. The audihos're.1 port lis mfollova: Bal»n"sen Moets ar. PZhuesf 1 us'!am Meiliber pa Gs monoj 8psmipr*e TOI IÀ8 Lda ahsn'!t last !...8 4814 m deneble ..........165 aDrimon ............ 100 peuSt........ '0 00 ...tal.........IIê9 foi psvlosyss.t 950 ipsuasa 00 J. Curta F . Hyland N. P. Patenson C. F. Stewart Jas. Lawder W. J. Gibson W.J.MeMartry,ak. 15 Shêrlif Paxton.1 Mai for Port Perry-17. PORT PERRY VS. eBKÂwA. Laing Hilliard Jno. Lawder Malcolm, skip P.owe Joues Ramnan 17 Grahamn Curta J. Dingle Jas. Lawder Wiloox Paterson C. Dingle McMxftry, skip 17 F. Dingle, akip Ma.; for Port Perry-7. PRESIDENT VS. VICE-PRESIDENT. Wm. Boyas F. Hyland J. Camnpbell H. B3. Taylor Win. Bood W. J. Giibuon Judge Dsrtneil,sk. 21 R. Snow, slip Wm. Westhke L. B. Embre. W. &. Howaie B. Armutrolig, aI. 13 M. Crawforth D. Ormiston L. Sehert O. Johuston, slip 14 C. Snow 8.H.- Granam C. Boit C. Ray. slip Â. G. Henderuo ÂA.. PosI J. Stanton J. Tweedie, slip RNKE He bas ever iia4. A discussion thon toek Pla&e-as t.tie amalgamation of tb. townshup sooie&ies of Pickering and Whitby with the con- tg escity, whioh question was after. varda handl.d by the dirootors. DIREOTORS XMEEIN. A meeting of board of directorsevau thon beld. &fovod by A. Wilson, seoonded by Jue. Vipond that W. B. Pringle be te. elected socretary with a salary of $100. Movod by Wm. Beith. secondaid by B. B. Mowvbray, that J. Hl Long b. re. elected Treaurer with the. usu»l salary attached. On motion it wau arranged to hold a special meeting cf the. Direeoer on the. second Baturday lu Febrnay, t. wbioh the. 8ooretary vwu inatructed bt invite by latter eaoh director of the township mietles, to diaclase the ae. gamation of the. township and oonty, socioties. After smre routine business,asnoba pasmer mail s.ountm, the. board ad- journed tifI Baturday, Feb. llth. Tii. Port Ferry feilowsaurenoursr from avay back north somewhere lb viii take Whitby carters a l.ýng time te set the. orld afis the, May thingo go at present. la curling againet Oshawa on Thursday isatour club came ont 19 behind, and 17 bohind with Port Ferry on Tuesday. Reeve Ourts, cf Port Perry, is muni. cipal leader of that burg, and is a good lead ourler. They have a Q. 0. at Port Ferry wiio is Quit. a Ourler. PORT PKRRY Vs. WHITBT. J. B. Laxng 8.-H. Graham R Hullard R Snow Jno. Lawder J. Tweedie R. Malcolm, skip 31 JudgeDartnell,ekipl Goods Colkw Bul ne -Plate Table Ware-Oa for Buàgr, j elly-andiPreseve, %i, Crnmb aud Bread KI JaaBARNi aIs. 18 1 JLevIer Fred EHalai T. WhiC. 0. .vgte G. SonthvsU H. BLoas W. BEkith, skip, 20 Sherifl Paxton, sk, 18 Maj. for Vle.Pres-ii. Whitby Township OUýid Tii Conoi cfBroolI n e. 16, 188M. The ouno ofthe.Mumoipaity eoflthe Tovnship cf Whitby met et lie tevu hall panneant te, statuts on Moudey last visa lhe folloving dal7 eleots'! memben fle' hm sentmfoates cf qualiftoatiOn Mnd!et, orne. and! bock th.fr usa"sfor 1888, Jas. R. Mathoeon, neroe, Atm .Wison, '!eputy- reeve; John Wuhhs, Stepien Medimn'! sud Char'..Calder, eounomlo rs. Mutes ci luet meigvers nos'!an'! cfirme'!. On MOtio a«" svsloftt h.e hain for oe heur, Ocunel neuais'!ahi1 o'olock Oomunlshlnsfrotu D. Ormisbon. J. U. Sm"mita'!a "Port of th. Beraiof Hesiti ver Zad !by the. Bte. Aby-4v vasintroducui by Mr. WIIIi. o = utbwnship sudilors vbicii passe!il uemù ay. jý OMed nuthiechair. on Moon IL. roi!M*luo0waao. veut cfilo4 1%ftli oum., vasleaseit Mn. John Blir,ý ho haVlng agr.d to puehas."-=. On motio f Mr. Calder a by4av vas bitrodoe'!Md'!pause'!appeltigasBoud' en mo tio fMx. Wlflsàaby-lav vas LuIrodumd'!au'!passe'!appolnthig au msos«. son fer hk sMunjels0141 Ur. Wlllu, second!by Ur. caoder, mois th"athLe.,,, '!eputy.rssyMdu'! l moisi e cpiuèdà oQmuillbsefor One PIwe nt einn-..Ms!luj,-.nilnam On îmela btbe bronoaalvee bteeulobs ISsu'! I-itber not le b ont villl i istcf th.es Mon siherAi c H q QD With Patent Fire-Box is revolutonizum ' iug Oookiug with coal. It keeps- Qre al uight, is, durable, easy to manage, and economioal. ~ f XAttheýQuebeo Exhibition it reoeived the only SILYER u MEDA.L awarded to any stove this pear. trobEvery, Stove Guanteed to be as represented. Don't buj uiitfl you see thesie cooke3 and ranges., Callat timonial Stoves. my shop andi Ia aashow sep theSe Stoves and red sme tes' you. No ,trouble to show youth .7. XOINTTR BURNS' COLUMN. Noble- DeedL "I~~~ejý Oonêha hn e .aualy trgnsz Thslat .a "op lovaib.Go'!, Lifting thoeul ûfreili the ommuon aoMd Hoaveulis not *newehdbya asloboun Butvsebuld hsle,~ v~~ prom the. lcnsly-eant ielb. ene!uls Ana '! vo munt leits- unqnith oa!l TusHiEoliday eaon -lea favoilte llme tw thom graions action vilci devep a Pmoe. sosm otu & uatur Ifyou veul& onjoy aà glov cf brus h bsp es.sov asuzeiug vwhae it la c<ng -useful g ente. itono are mono acceptable %Me WAUAIRY 2Oth, 1] _OCAL LACONi 18 BOING7 ON in Alto- AROL IDSET OF LIYELY I.OOAL NEWS BY CHROMIO1E REPQTU k . i e l > a a m a n g y , L a k , . n'f aitii hel pmet il.. a egulan mneeting cf hI îl b hield this (Friday) ?cOkin the. free readi kmgx>sK'f, the. Plo, btn-au an ise h iOlaremont, vas taka Qi pu lumaàN ye eut in 0OIÙ viii Ie -enay.wiitef by 14r. = ~s oot ou ga s -eaub ma'! hme cf cte INTEREBT f. . f . 'e irrings, Eifnporium. ~ X BT.I. - w IRM FOOT onaeloi ýOLD WA TCHES,0 Rings, Lookots, Broc g~Whitby Dry fi nm 91 1 4 a . 0 . 4 Pins, Eq

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