Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jan 1888, p. 5

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C Y LUMN. le Deeds. Ul t be grandly Iruea ,ýeaise a tep îowamesGO&, froi the cormmen sod and e broader view. mched byas.ile bouM j earth tc the vaultod ikihus it le its eumnil, round ib 4eson ie e favorite Ume tu Letins which develop a pp ire If yen wouildoen01yl ,ines,betow-a useful <1 î ded. Among usoul pef :re acceptable Ihan FOO TWA RE I ing fer eomettalng W g#v% reng inelecti g a pair of au es, Slippens, Overthoml i ae a1isemuch admirel frosh beginnlng 1 i, t the glad refrain, (Id sorrow aud eider do th day and bee glu ga a art et foiove bea wbihhd M ye aMd sad days, aud hW inover, more wth their blessali U nbizieor souffle e. o enit relie"e p nd cari nol atone; y revi, forgivo t; rdays are Our ovu ad to-day alono. - trsb beginnlng ltho wold m.nziov; a of sorrowiMA- i hope for yn- mid a he.for o. h sud mailoet-oui n 1ERY CHIRIST WWYEA1. mI &nO sIITB OUTT Obuncil iîtuqdsTavToopst' oatre A v4ee A~D'T43 Be]) PORT PrrY Scott Act triehle gm O EsIDi o nim er muir . £.UL~D.L~ A~. ~ we go to prose.PartiOlla next beaue 01 ldee bswnto of BAIxnrnthe barber; oranlume OvO!- 16 ho D 1. ~' Tza i~w.k t lrgjo tokhaulod,ecraped and 8ehorn- '17' feùndzy. offering atoostthiilflofth W. G. Walterî 0 G THEz members of Eastorn Star Lodge Uleo Dr. Dorenwêfld'Il Great German 1. 0. O. F. are earneStlY requested te Eau ma#io for baldlue, gr&y hair, 'a lie lias ever lied. meet in the Lodgê roorn on MondaY for sale -by 611l drggisia eveinRnet a 780), as business of imi. Muiîs and yeuth'5 oveicôate at greatly -- ~portane e iste b.transacted. reducê3 privesi et W . ale THB annuel 0meetingz of St. &ndrew'e Horse blenkets cbeap, W o lear out Ocongregation was beld in the basement the stock. J. R. Philp. OLD ~~~~~~~of tbe ohuroh on Monld&Y evening leist., Anwsoko rk aie W A T HEShon the managers'1 financial statement . ttond. soikcf r.nk a vaise eAT H Sw ubinitted. showing liabilitiesu nil mt ehadJJuBship iAIQ lbassets of over $12,000. A. nice lot of belle, body 8triuge, verY C HA WlS I the Cage of Geo. Stafford, charged 0h05p. J. oy. Phlp. n1potgah before P. M. Harper on Menday lest Wanted. -o elan htgeh With bsving remeved articles froinithe ing. A.pply to W. J. Uuderwoed A1Le taîbonary store of Stafford & Cormack (ecoceesOr teO'Brien.)1 Ibefore the dissolutîoDilb. magistrats The Royal ilote1 Barber shop je the 'nrÇcD fonnd Stafford guîlty f inidemeaflOr place te get a hair ut or e nice esy R a nd inflicted a fine of flfty cents and shave. costg, def endent. to aIse setti for goode. WRTblntsndrd ofrtr Lock tsIT bas been saggested te nu and WO we are offering nt opel Ibis week W.- G. L ck sagry publish lb.e ugges long thet a Wles B rochs, ood subject for those f are' institu- Aà fine stock of cutter barnees, the tel te discues would be the production cheapesl in the county and werrantêd. rrins>of fresh eggs during the winter. There j. B. Phlilp. rrngare always plenty Of eggs wben they NOTICE. &I Parties Or persons are a ding upon lbe markt4,t n wirhing te get photograBphe, crayon S carf Pins, wbeu a fellow's mouth jei wateri!IR for work, or lifo-size work,abuao e C o//ar Buttons fhemepeole inghb e h.n y diect to nyseif, as I bave ne bueineel fod o e p e p e i al h u C yd s ectionc l w th M r. O 'B ien, lete pro - c Pate Table Ware.-Odd Spoofle THE Gauette, ini referriflg te bsptrc this gWooery. W. J. Under Sugar, 3Jelly and Preserves. Fruit, journal, coula save type, t et o he of Ou reers h r.d Pie, Crumib and Brea.d Kuives. trouble by leaving ont "eOpposit'n.ineaoaadohe ot-et Tb ORoILEwîlpnage in fiendly t aoaan te o th-wosO ThelCRiaryo strEitopii g , if neslspart, while tbey bave le chein hel c> rIAA be. ivalyou ral cf P iOlnrnkbu selves te a ton snor when tbey gc beiith jIuraI o it owdr n eutont to hold themgelves againet blizzards BAR AR ,it bas ne desire te waslcpwero the weatber in Ontaiio je clear, lbE lieerpB," or te enter tbc liet agairiel aea eprue en abttl 00K ST., WHITBY. ..Scrap.Aibumn. Laestweek's Gazettd ari eper i ongaott 00LST1did net contai!' a colmu cf erginelaoezre _____ aler riteii ls. office, wbilel Ibis ON Friad&y night lest about six 0'01001 cre tie itteen . Ter je a widc Mesers JOS. Stone andl Wm. Gould cn h ,*kn diffre oaed etn toln g aler eiggd nwreslling jut inside tl ij ii.fIii QLhtufliCItealiningait. maket door. Afler mre pllirig au officerscf Eas.twisting botb fell, andl eomebowsîrnuc THE followiug arce eofies fFis hefoo nsnob a ranra obe - - - ten Str Loge1. O. O. F., for the l.femrnra ebe '2th 188eorntStarrrn :-ePast G., Bro. F. A.. Stne,& leg below the knec. W. ai Jd~A.Powel; N.88.Bo . S. Campbel[ v vrv sorry le hear M. Storie e th PowelBro.N.nG.,Work; B. SCmpbell;.. V:sUfferer from snob a painful aceiden G. Rowlan . WrS; . . Bro. . B-ay TuE funeral of tbe late T. M. Shi LOCAL LACONICS. Treas., Bre. W. Wioks ; R. S. N. G, e,0155 aelrcyatne Bro. B. Madill; L. 8. N. G., Bro. j. Snnd&y lest, mariy beirig preserit troi AT 8 GINOON ~ AO AOUN TON-ALyrde ; R. S. S., Bro. W. ililep ; L. Wbiby, Bowmanville, Linidsay, Poli Ai 1 GONG O INAND ROS. 1S., B L ro. . By; Wàrdon, Bro. D. bore andl snrreundillg country. h BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS GLEANED Viokers ; Con., lire. D. Wilson ; 1. S. Shirley slogiicaeyaoi By CHRONIcLE REPORTERS 0., Bre. Thos. Bice ; O. S. G., Bro. ed witb the commercial iriteres Thos. Elîjot; Cbap., Bro. Wrn. Bob. OshawVa, &ad bis genial anid generoi taltn ntea so ; urgonDr.Oaron.nature endeareul bim te a lartre ciraIs A atuels amrkng ye..tk o.a o; ugo.Cro. frieridg, Wbo regret ezceodingly hie u An,'tfaiLli h&ll prent IL youug ari riamed Frank Sur- 1,tîrnly decsse. Tupn rogular meeting of the W. 0. T. prise worked a couple cf wesn RfTB1 town counoil ije tthIe cu will be beld Ibis rdy fenOIepe co saa olame 01go, defaaltirig oeeon tb. oyster questi( 4 o'cloek in the free reeding iooi. when be tcok siek with e spinal dis-. w tePewr aet e 'WHITSKOWSKI, the Poe, Who @hot et case wbicb oompleely depirved hlm cf reîînîng ]Brantford council togethen a falher-i-law arid aIse bis mother-in îtbo use of hig lege. The Mayor dis- wjnd upt and on ech ocasionriti follo w etClaemot, as tken10 ing- cverod that hie relations llved in Linr idol rns y Coming witbin crieoc wnt pu r ot , wie Iir e a e't e rn i e y e;r nd that ho w u a resident cf Ibet s u s bo se i Iz utanc bishe r ee will be. Btw; owsteeersîpe equorum. And net a s e i e essay w n ttee, tyereforebat placedW hat B r ntford new epap er m on g e il aiea voatenbyco mtitier as Oshawas Maycr's surprise letst e onrulhlosely, deprive inne4 Farffl ~~ ~Thursday to have the Man d .i OdWsomisof hrwne uld " ooding sailtle." hlm i1k. an ezpress perce1. The muni- lOUIt ofeIher ontedl'@uimeepI i-r is etated the higb .cooltD.OhOrn ipal athriet ofLindsay rOflIb o WB «Bthe e t entep ion oe's* «e'oof kwocd bas diSered a procese by cars for bu and sbip!ped hiM baok te Wadoe l h. aentibon e toserof0 jcb ges can ho madeo teoqual lb. Osaa. on Friday OChiof ConstleOre ,adrhe ep herses te Prof. (i ectaineligbl witboilt lbe force cf m- a. nnoooitted him tW the Wbitby side's djo5 o er.oding, eîy wnu otm ill b. (m u aohr ouu ieytgencralo olectricilY- al n avagie!'1. coula nelgive au the discussions ai WBenk brsd c theîblo, uï cs c i A. Meeting for tb. pur-pol ofetre-or- tarmeî'î institute, but have reoc ý»kbor ofcatieparhue byMr.geniziag tho W. C. I. LiterbrY Society ac muha we bâd spese toi. ryden wbilo in Scetlend reoontlys je a&Bheld Wedndsy, Mr.LEE br!n trust nnoue of our breedors WÎil arrive.home.i Broekli__on1-1turde Utllodispesitien, ma deomany P,ý» horby Mayor Long in bis usiiol dlgufied upen the, subjesi. In iekiug1 uni Moueds n Oshawa who vil barstyle. Shert&addresses vere delivsred ti 10 oOur coureit le basi hor death with uafoiglied sorrew- by j. H. Greonvod E oq., Dr. ,Mo. anoîher pper et about equal Mai Wn asr@ glad W b. ablo W eanneuncO Brion, et Oshairs, Dr.HRos of the Ou- with its.lf, Ibe Port Ferry 01> arry Webbr'l oera troupe tOi tarie Ladies' Co11ege, Principal BEmbresma end verel jaLliW dd onde>' nught 061%, Jeu. 28rd, in 1h. of 1h. Cellegiste Instituteu John Dry- loafeil, Who an 3dtheV quotai noiehallbore t Nup and Tnok." deu,.M. P. P, Wm, Smilli, M. P-, aMd dence aginst us by vilIluEa et having b.d e ieehly geed combina Professors Brown a dGreenside. The anonymous lbIbis 10 1h.ev tion haro inaWhitby for sevoral mouthi Glas Club, and 1he BOY S' sud Girls' 00-W. cma vOU ford 10 tek. 1h... ov, thon mehould hoe abig houle lO eteî Clubs, oet1h.eColleglete lutitle, toma tuedi>, hevlu, Our i lwi ai this eompel'y- rendered velueble soàtauceaud their ed by' whet le cf MOre Velue toiù Wz li bc ofowngfrm St. Louis efeorts voie hlgbly aprOslated.Onuilioussud subseribeisudma 'lu ,moc te f.-" Ni sud Toks,as playd Moltonetf Ueo'. jBulmasudPrealdeal orMM@e 10 eqmuealu- 1he a.' y Mr. Hariy Wcbbei eud Company 'i8 Mowbray &heait>' Voie of *theh Xlaiotaumbei be <-ulb Melthlng ont -oftlbe. beete traok Of teuderod 1he Ml rsud ma a wlIo lied *'he * G.i..Obaône. aaSa ama is. pl Isa .dpma o t- aken partlu 1h. .ve'u14' i mtrtMu-papag l s t>eoojuiY Who me c ce bcbgrova i suteresitilioach ment. t Or ies Wà wonld net oceedlng sot. The firt Isieacts aie The fiei 1urly nse.tiag oet-the.thegepapeste teks Oui aide meoullail>'dremel saud afford fineWhlthyPresbytery -as held inu St. question, M their agresg1 pc for intoiligfli dramls tlOaig# Audr.v' b cu"cihore on Tueuda>' lest, ould bho k us a uiroug sud con hoeiiuto de brimmillE over Wl1h sud th. ailondanse oft isIBiÏt sudargumentl ths e wo e r vuD. M6 Tic Ivo doleetivai cros-fin Of' eiderswuas unusuall>' large. .Tisar. e ouiroparboos sud ne le» é lever rom lpoila froinithe différentea l surisswitis- ,lte& doclv scio1her, ma[ -th. -rai# lath e syter>' voie m oorstoupOig alieaBw miuw coulôu etofgresti cmrieol whlh tu,. e a v. i ppen OlàDBip eiiBaem CIhuSIUh s>, «esng Rt I lainai.1'M"in maillma n e ,ul the va. elebd moderaieL The Préaby- sept hBatrda>' .vealig, AThflwi eholder lu lb. es toi neko "Ni# ma r asei-are.lto upriEmsl~1Is'47e~' o"nueetf he MW ojoyleibi' m il,. rIcpal Greni 01 Quen'. Vol- hUýWle !4 o.eli o @ignloiihrtduelfrle. as mod.ràtor .oflthe Gergsl M0OUt et.Assemhly.fThe Woumeun'# FeroelFý tom Ta nul etn t lieWhltby mishuan>' Societ alal4au $u1eot-ins 'W* esAnMt d E-au Wiby AgrituoflllSI 0oI.y eion in thoe aieruO6 d mt lb. o J è beld la Oshava Thurd8.f.lM,. BOWep 5U tit Mal BWCk*9tthtm= W 0ý týT iii., th.eBoreluè senie*w t heiu ,ObvO ua rpot si.I Slutseisbde lk.l Mbb r fh.Treïe- f .battw* sowild g ebeIr Pla", WOU, Ptteont bu bt Yeua. oreport. The e léaton. -very utmSoë <I50S tek pe ,,tb.éIluspai lu. bà - ST GOODS' FOR. THE 1-JOLIDA Y Il' 8EA 80N. I - Our FA.NCY GOODS'DEPARTÙEITS. are brilliant withfehGodsutbefo HIËDKERCHUIIFS3-ifl 811k, Linen, and Fanoy. LADIES' JEiRSEYS-in Beaded, Braided, and Plain. FPLNCY WOOL GOODS-Wool Squares, Tam O'Shantes;Hod, ite Scar1fs. Bootees, Infantees, Cuifs, &o. bii~ Plush, Brooade Velvets;, Fenoy Goods, Dress and Mantie Ornanients, and Trimmings Gents' Underwear, Ties, Collars, CuiTs, Braces, Gloves, &0. FUIIS-Ladiesi' MuiTs sand Caps, Gents' Caps, Childreii's Caps, 0uiý.ssortment of useful Goode,- je simply immense. An idea of the extent iety of our Stock may be had by a visit to the People's Store. REqÙ.nTIRING 'Vevets. 3uttofl8. -I FROM BUSINESS BIG SALE NOW GOING- ON AT RJ 0&JO~MBLS For the next 10 days he will seil at Sacrifice Prices. ]Dress Goods, Black and Colored Cashmeres, Grey. Flan- nels, Blankets, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, Meu's Over- Coats, Boys' Overcoats, Men's anId Boys' Lambs' wool Shirts and Drawers. In ail wool Tweeds we hold a large variety. of' Pat- terns which must be sold at some price. Don't Buy a Dollars' worth until you look at ý,ur Stock and- Farm Produce taken in, Exchange, DO WAF tintil the chilly bMute of Wiuter have frozen the marrow mn your boues. NO0W IS THE-TI1ME- TO BUY YOIR WARMER-LOTHNG.' Overcoatinge, Fu Caps, Underweârpý &O., &o. .It is the largeet âad moat vàaedstock anyw] 'liE eus NOT wo 1 DL sHAWL S-A Beautiful Lot at LOW PRI CES. À ci - ý" .,. -1 bý batins, BraidF3ý and var- -wi GrI-JA gel our Price.s. -W--. ]Rw rr .. m 8 BUSINESS FROM

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