Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jan 1888, p. 6

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t'17 B gMe th&tl BýggAjgain. eaui excuse it. I have always said noth- lesst another fortuighi singme thaï 1ssug again 1i oùthe fwloùg aide cf forlv;- sud, who- It eemed like a1 ohI how tie lang ftrsi ,èver ho- wa, h. mitb. rich. Now, I neyer feit so lik.euei TbrWo .tireugi my hoart, 911 my bosein believe rvcjuet bit upon the very man thc 'distanc'e oie Baur o'erflovs, te suit me." dore, thb-- dark curly Andi gare my cars tingle; For en instant there was a gleam ef active, rnanly figure cl For tiere volces mingle Tbat long bas beau huticti in a volclesa w9rathinir elen'a bine, eyes; but it fad- "But 1I yul net got repose. cd quiokly. sic refieoted, 1"I vili ing me thal sang againi1 "Why eheuld I let ber sec boy she Rec him again, if I ci Oh 1 that beleveti train stabe me 2" oie thonght. "Better lot it. Oh 1 wretohed be Pllas a' my heurt anti brain, Wl' a joy tare, it page. I muet endure te the end.",, i e on e Watlu me oros e cmain, Tc Wt hereewhuHeenvd ep reiâgmy pst] By the burneaide'% again, Tenx feno,*e ee a epcosù ypt Laps me lu peace 'mang thc gowane ance sitting eut of doore vaitiug for Claudia "lGood newe frorn1 maîr. -te jein ber, the beo of tbe pienlo camne queried Mis. Ives, eoi Far ftra lite's gloaming grcy, pacing slovlly up the esplanade' wbere bad rcplaced ber lettei Backi ts dawning day, she sat ; but, beforo hle came quite up and was buried in ti Borne on thse bre..tli et that bailati I fly; te viere uic vas, the Ivesee-a briu. "Yes, vefy good, thb Back te the haunte ef joy, liantly-altired trie-had joissed hsm. plied, abeently. Ance mair a happy boy, Sho hoard a muhmur ef VO ices, as4d, III arn alwaye gladN Bock teie rvel oet sarti and et aky; leis p eed e ope:fi, at r.I Baok te the siminer days, loigobblPtacul fi, adMs v Back te the broomy braesei yards frorn her, her 41d love, lier le-,tknowa what tsatinge it Bock wnar tlie burnice trays swectly alang, love-George Elliot.,, have been in daily dre Back te the whinny kisowes!1 Perbape il vas the shock canged by ed away te se. a @ister Back te the hazel howes i ber alîered looks Ibat preventedl ail boànd wio le very ill. LUeten.ing ance mair te the wec linties sang. outward recognitien on bis part ; per- better, I bave proias Bsck through tic vale et ycars, baps it vue the joy of s;eeiniz hlm aRain Londlon to se. ier." Mity wi' meny te-4ru, htkpbeBietadeil ia. - pjunysno a'hng aronnd vi' a dark cloudy rack; vr tha e b e s fuen tn s aive he t "bs. e îuel ne Borne on thfât bleseed strain,evri anibrethngaeb.mkdile. A' le cleared up amain, - slightesl aigu te the unsuppecting Ivemes O in44i ent Wiile the auld bills agasnwelooemmoback, that lbey bad ever mnet bofore ; and, I don't care I- e avei Back whar the lav'reck epringé 1 ors tbey could po8eibiy bave unds ceiv- evpr, if I hiave ta Ro, I And on bier fluttering wings- ed ber, Mrs. Ives bad introdn-eed them chaperon tbern, if tbey Welogipe ln siovors eh. flitgs unIeti the eaoi others e trangers. "Mre. oning. It seems abeni dawn, 'Ere yet frac wiese tender Cbaytor-Mrs. Blluet." yen are se young you Pure touches et spiendor Helen inclined ber bead, while rnarried et caurse mal The grat Ngît ici suantie et gloom bas George bowed ; and tbe Iveses came suce', withdxawn. nnwittingly te the resue witb a string "I den't go anywvi With heart still unweunded, et platitudes, for wbich the Ivo, once iy," rejoined Helen. Wi failli stiii unbounded, se rmach toeoaci otber-now se nemi "Oh i but yen must Entrancet with lie beauty et Barth sud et and yot e far-feît nrpeakabiy grale- won't let yen off. Sbi sky; fu.gayety and adwiratic N~o &irk cloutis are brooding, I No dark doubte întruding, î" ;'t il a delightful day ?" observ- fond,' added Mrs. lysR Tiat knock at the hearttforau instant rcpl y, ed Mis. Ives. 1I arn sure il ougbt te III remernber, aboutt Bing me tisaI sang agalu i1 do yen good, Mrs. Cbaytor." as had a great flirtat Blce'd be tiaI magie aIrain 1 "It is lovely," ape ted Selen, feel- eue and realiy gel terri One other.drauglit ot ite spirit divine, ing liaI George's cye vere- riveted I triedto te rason wiîb Peur intomem'ry'u cup;uo e ae i sygo h a Ob ict me drain it up, upnbrfc.idayod;bsa Tesà, vitiIlie rapturons joy o' ljgsý,np. IWicre je Claudia ?" iuquired Mra. duiged by ber oncle." AxasratStstion, Ont. ALi-n.iLàcuL,&N. Ives. "I1 vonder aise lets yen cerne "Ho is vmry kindti l Omo________ ont aloue 1 It muait be very dulI for Helen. yen, Mrs, Cisytor ?" 1"I have ne deuil ef: Eugland's -Avarice. 'I like il." returned Helen. Ives. "Sic is a very 'I suppose yen arce eofthoiee tbougb a littie tee bri M.f. Tennyjson Treazby in Dosvthoe' AMg're. happy mortalu vie are nover dull,'" re- in&, te be quit. my styl Bgadia lro ntomarked Florence. III de not admire he Engan tea gorlus atin,'I suppose se," rojoineti Helen. with an amount et Prend ber name anti higi ber station; "loere cernes Claudia te answar fer wbieh greatiy amused1 Sihasulande anti geltigalore ; Who would think uhe'd look for more ? ber in," ebserved Hîlda ; ansd tihe 6"Weil, nov you bae Sie has power anti wealti anti tame; oye. ef tie party iuvoluntariiy Iurned usind admîsiig liaI U<Novwanmeun ovboy aIl tiese came ;) tevarde lic approacbiug figure cif Miss laugbed Mr@. Ivels. III Her fagu are fauneti by every breeze ; Cbaylor, vie vas looklng vcry brul- thinke Mi. Elliet doeea Her chips are ploughiig &Il the ses ; liant in an elaborate costume et cîcam- ber 1" s ecieasuthc poor man et his teil Bi e tsher share et rob' erýspoil; ' celer adorac ti vlideep crimoon tieve, Helen booked, sud sa Sicueslic lord, and grinds tlip seri; and vith a Dutcicus et Devouabire bat appîoaching, Clauiiae BElesc tho gemsudani boldo thé turf ; te correspond reisting upo. ber siining leading the way, the tu Tic wealti et India le her oevu; black baur. brieRiug up tic icar Poor Irelanti muet support her tirene ; Agoiggeta und u bteiggyy e But sewas poor witi ail lieue riebles, uiu een 68ed;adcatrj glyozin Until uic itole 'O'Bri'en'e breecies." Claudia iestled a meut bewitcbiog snd tien jute Mr. Elio ___________________________mile upon Mr. Blluet, iutending ne moat arci, yeî mtlese doubt te luu. laI gentleman'. hesd irig tehioe, agreeing wv Hfer First Love. for tie reet oethle day. Floreuce expressed il,a W. bave icen abusiug vou, Claudia," itma-okcdber wcll feri M rit AUTaOR 0F "'MISB LITTON'B obsorveti Mn. Ives. "Yen bave juat bowever, waem uaintain corne iu lime le defeati yonrself." exprespon. LOYEZRS," "TiSCE o Esaor TRUE "Waiu't tiers any eue hore te de-. "Yeo seaie hau tal LOVE," -ETC., ETC. fend me ?" e@aakcd, looking areily iim," s&id Mns. Ive@, aI, George. ",Puer littho me 1I Wiat hysterleal laugi. "It onAj'ERnu vhave I done 2" - amusing lo sec aI vbul * Allowed Un. Obsyter le ait ont ticy ané. Rc la dyit (Coninue)bhre aIons." said.I filda. Florence,, sud Flerenoi Helen haesdee tt moun for her, "Dear, doar 1 tien I desire te de poor cbild ; eh@ je siOin lather ;-howuasafe, aud, obie trusted, penanco iadeed fer sucb a frigittul Tic "poor ebild" at happy. fier uorrov vas ait for tic ', rime. as my sanal icea ceuplain. vas bengiug te infliel living, net lhe dead. fier grief about îug 'of my crnelty ? AIta&l overals 1 race upon Claudia ;à H[onry oeed le asepen ratier tia aia'a't reluru ber evil for oi. Hors Hilda ceulti net help leesn; ito~gî et lm eauîesîy; a letter for you, fiels., frern yowur ht iii wrnreally t10e i nh bqb fhmoyse caes . otrh b;ndcetmdabus 11oadrn oî ah peor liapaltt ee stiag et eavelop inte Healen'. lap.mtert lrec;" 11yuhave cajoyeti yguîc.ît," sai "Let il b. mon-do 1" urgeai Claudia, rani bloesom to pie'es Helen. viit s rippliag futIle laulti Miiuitcbylic èver lie gren "Eo 0oyed Myseif ? I abeal thi î IIanneyiug te Plorence, vie did net saidently Ibengit mat haeô 1 deoi c d * ui, là * JoMPIl Uk11haiffl tn eigtblo ahe hé eut inelgaserioup,,fgr mie j tou. I ele hvemet My tI. kuewa sud p pllti<<Ob iitlpropesed Ibat Helen ai ait" ~reeeudtied away frm ez."J'in theai, wiici liey' "RBeally 11rHpn eolen, indiffer- Tocil eynsy 0nz essation in Claudia *PIY 1" eciceti Claudia. Tesday, ?".sakot Mrs. Ives. vih~ersne a 4,1lly"fi iS uy '!,ca' le aayîhing,"replietie -sný u9 jSt oli l cry man I aedia.v"sHe eorg.gallantly'; "my oaly stipulation (To b. contin delermiacdto -t. mary-avtubLy gecti 410f oue, ai ced r Ies; "h looiingt a gentleman, and as8ras aà cfrm,"agrcd is&Iv thei more tic userrier. Mis. Cisytor, v.weAlasl 'TbI~U ui sit en" su HlenWO'tlo yu oèff." "'Didu't 1ItlliYen o"l?i qngtli heywes.ofrri g to the meai cOU tte trbet;- "1ilse ",Jut" agresti Claudia. "He bua !a Crl eli i> 'Wist'o aiways i Îh. 'W beautifulplace lin-Hampubire. The- pendiwg exemrion to a. l Court, for mutnal frisuticfthe ti> n Iveses havebaltr. i <OY syi i t:ien. -âea 'wî la' lovely-.ueïh a bouse, anti suncb1'IVkt.hire, tic last turne 1 mot ardons I Anti Flqrenàe hlas 1beiu "Oh.1-nonuons.;yenaee 06tb.41111tc "~ Yenu eting her cap aI bila luke aytîiu, émp1ainUea aloes <ý s but ah. hau'l igth le t ofa chance afrai 1" broiem« Claudia, fizng la look aveato, 01ev spirits ani with'a e.feseueilbe<ulupaHelën, vbi9b -,George" neled imiabl a sior aymptol Moinste: Wi t e te-ay; sadnti f'U,. mcdiaîoMual' D-inca- ronce go, pgrtieotîy gnn itit age" -DogMsa. Ohaytor,1 ý - aid George, dits,ùU Tt ubiniu )iePojoyeti 'itersecl fancyiug eh. Perceivei lu hB.ue sec aihealîiier lokig mai aclien,?. lbee a - -1ee.a- 1 Remrn Or7" bas -suatchii- -Ihons -&No,,I .hpiid ntt ai.dd;but, îigf.q ?ole~ ad ber ewmnPtivcs graveu3. I nei cf eirse1I pcIe4ted ntlenoic « oucharma, iutanliyv. d HèIen ftom tlïe. SiitIt's aIway thoi Olis, forl *Mtl"e gelhl o er e, aq5*IY lyipL OpkygRD r1uex b oinsr:tog sud l muat imaie use cf thoe u lre. -"Irë 4 esb lth-ëiliô és ooe.,61iced!titi»ba uâibs poeelhie ehetti asiuts oEW h3l b$ 1f1 s sbbg$etrat cý1~io a ht, if, iudood, lic reprievs. Il had as nov, when lu thc broad ehoul- hcbad, sud the Df Geerge Billet. te Caryli court," i avoid him, neyer can pesuibly help wing that X arn i re 2 Why will he berne, I hope 2 oeing that Helen er la ils onvelep, onght. -nk yen," she re- when the post is eg. "One nover t may bring. I ,ead et being caill r ef My poor bas- If She gets ne Sed te go up te ývery long," re- se journey. But My girls, How- oiàc sure you wi;l y require obaper- arb Le ask yen, for Urseif ; but being ,es aIl tiie diffdr ere, unfertunate- beRin! Clmnia is se vory fend of eon-alilttle tee s, confldentially. Iliree years ago, Stion witb seme ribly talked about. ber ; but il neyer ia tee mucl inl- ber ahili, aaid il,"9 ro'plied Mia. rbauduome girl, illiaul in celer- 'r," said H1elen, caudit i aicerity ber companien. esait il, I don't neither doe, 'do doîjeve ase B.Juil look at av tbc quartel aud Mr. Ethelt vo Misses Ives Lr. Claudia vas; ng up every nov il 's face viti the glaneu, appeal. riti bim,nîil, se aie coulai bave it. Mr. Elliot, ning s vcîv grave kken possession et witi a slightly t'a really quite bt cross parposu ng te he Viti edoWe. '4 socil, necent."l kt liaI moment summary ion- ad avena iutly acinoledging is my friencdj' lad I mcv ho ýar, anti go gooti- noe ib*t ornes a if tie bada't reti-faeti, oedies, ligilav bay it 0ow. Boy nic. a ntil nowV'1 amcd ici aliter, et tetryle mcclt mer voulti bau. thaïe dresse if 9 vas puttng cut sale." )re cross liait I i.«It'a encugi -Juatlookeita cot fer valet- net à'ppaàretly pulbe th le fag- 9asnd acattoroti. id. liraIves ceru vore grow. icnped up ý,anti and t.e hould s di mcuita,ý iýg eln cle~ bd aOb Cauion. A adbrofetmach- ut! hoalth, je neglecteti Constipation. Thc utmnout caution ahoulti be observed te keep the bowele regular. The bout regulator ef tic bowelu te promoe their natural action is Bardock Bloond Bitters. Try il if troubleti with constipa- tion. Russia and Austria are stili sending treope towards the frontier-ail with tie Mest pacifie intentions. Presence cf Mmnd. Presence ef mind je gooti in case et accideuts and emergencies, and when coupled with Hagyard's Yeilow Oil will often Bave a liMe. Yellow Oil cures al painful injuries, burns, tecaids, bruiBes, f rost bites, rheuniatio and neuralgic pains, and is in fact a handy and reliable surgical -aid. Ewen Caîneron, ef Soutbwold, ElginF Gou ity, (lied d' Sunday ar, the age ef 100 y cars b nientha. Rtemarlkablc Resteratien. Mathew Sullivan, of Westover, Ont., was iii with dympé.psia for four year,4. Finding d-cto,-s did littie good he tried Burdock l3lood Bi3tters; sir bottlet, cured him, andF lhe*gailed lu weigbit te 178 pounds. B B. B. cures the worst known cases of chronic dysipepsia after ail els fails. The Budget Committee of the Chamber of I)eputaeu Lbas rejected M. Tiracd'Èi fLn-n cial scheme. TEB Gl-asgow &London inenrancec. cf Gieat Britain. CAPITAL, 82,5W0,000. ANN'UAL INCOME, 81,500,000. MAKE Faim Pioperty. anti Dvelling Houssa a Specislty. Very 1ev rates. Easy terma Of paymeul. Simple policies. Ne vexations conditions. Prompt sîtiomeut ef bses vitieut discount. Bs sure yen do net inaure until yon kno eu terme andi conditions. Enquire et E. R. B. HAY- WARýD, ouGsi-oral Agent for Senti On- ~tro ffice lu Wiitby-Part of D. Ormie- ton's Loy-Office. Ali llttersa ddresaed bo Lock-Bex 78. Whitby P. O., wiUl receive prompt attention. 1-tesidence-Ham Col- lage, Byron street, Whiîby. 2.1 lP .BWAI PAIN4 R SIGN GLAZIER, HAN,~ KALSOMINE,. General House Deco1 Paper furnished (rom àc, " and upward&, Orders from the country ir~ Kýe SIOP-First door Son Mi. G. Y. smilh's loy office, Whitby.' Whitby, May l2th, 1887.0 INISURANCE!IAGENTS! AGEN'[ RATES, LOW i ADJUSTMENTS LIBE bAL 1 LOSSES PAID PROMPTLY! A Really Gnod Travelling Companio- ICempanies among lhe beat in tic world, Perry Davis' Paiu-Killer, 1I snçî os,1 Stephen Helber, thc eminest composer, i8 ùead. Y !OUNG MEN suffering from the offets of early evil habits, tho resuit of ignorance or folly, who flnd themselvos weak, ner-vous, aud exlsouBted; also MIDDLE AGED and OLD MEN, wîîo are broken down from the offects cf abuse (ur over-woi-k, sud iu advsanced 1fe fbel the cousequeuces of youthful excess, seed for sud aEAD 11. V. Luben's Treatise on Diseases of Meu. The brok will be sent sealed te any address on roceipt of two Se stamps. Addrose U. V. LUBON, 47 Wellington St. E., TorontVo. Lord Charles Berestord hau rtsigned from the Admîralty. Croup sud Throat anti Lung Troubles are treated ucceesouliy viti Allen'@ Luug Balsam. The Montrealers have decideti te held ne carnivil t.his year. The envy et ber friends, a lètdy who uses '<Lotus et the Nile" Perfume. Police anti peasants had *a confliot at Gweedore, Ii-eland, Monday. Tamarano For Boareenes and ail Bronchial Troubles that uiualýy ,fiect puhlic sçl)eakers, Tamarac Elirir will give speedy relief. Try it. Lord Racidolpb Churcbill will leave Russia for E nginad at the end eft tis week. We ought net te be tee anxieuq to encour- age untried innovation, in cakes ef doubt- fui improvement For a quarter of a century Dr. Sage's Oatarrh Rernedy has been befere the public anti passed through the severest test and in preneuncedth ie mont rehiable remedy fer that disagreeable maiady. Theusandu ef testimoniale et its virtues. bu cents peithttlc. By Uruggistâ. Biehop Roeuvéhemently denoutncedl the Ceercion &t in a sermon at Skibbereen on Snnday. Chc.p, trahy Baking Powder muet go. Imporiai Cream Trrr Baking Pewder le pure anti reliable, it ie madcet best Grystal (ireain Tartar anti Englisi Soda. Ail Grecers tell it. Good The. Year Rsond.-National Pila are a good blood purifier, live, regulator and milci purgative for ali 42 YEÂRS!1 Steadl"ty for torty-twe yearsthe Wxzx- LT Wittisa has holdt t prinoiples which have utooti the tests eft tue, ridicule,. and ef oppositàon, faiz anti unfaW, anti the Wrr- xEsU to.-1ay ipeake te sixty, whero in 1846 it- speke te eune. Ise growth has been boou rapid anti eteady. Ih. Publishers, tic- sieus et etilI#nrther lucreauing its *circula- tion, have, thfs Yeau gene te large expense te meure n reproduction et the Latest Manter- picot Davitison Knowlea (whe was select- ed bby Queen Vietoria te patit the scene t Prineas Beatrice'. Wetiting, ontitleti .11 UPFR LITTLE CHLDRBN TO 00MB UT E" Il tiopiets the memorable seene witb startling roalisi, roproduoing in cils aU the riohuouu etf Oriental Oolering. The picturo, exeenteti by thc greatoat sart firi lu Eng. land, woulti bring $1 .50 il sold, but la re- serveti exolusively -for surubers tu the WIT"uss. Thc price for the Wzzxzv Wnrxziss anti pioture is 81.25 ; the paper aloue,t1l 00. 119 180the J)AJLr 1WrzuSOSs ws lunche4, and, liko the Weekly, te adwvucte tie came pr icile, regardies@ ef ceaI.* The picture, -f orLittle Oh"ltiue teCorne Unte Me-', andthe lieJ.)u WrZ<sUBs, 825 la jear; the papersklotie, $8.00.1 The Noummnq Mzesoumi iuicontinues 10 bo i favorite in lthe home cirle and Sabbac shool, -anti oommenolng with aJnuary firet withoew type, ftneî paper- 'aud otheriaprov z.tu, wItt! homoe, At- ttactive titan. ever. Prises of- beki are «ilvezttoflionds Who ceais tdlôrit. Auina! oueqçriptieng;",Boa..wih re cues, te aibs. Bample copies ofthle different publies.. tiens malled on application. -,Agents wiant- -duii very t advillage. The LANGASHIRE, Thse WATERLOO, and The -NORWIGH UNION, Loa mrvI f0niMT aneE t sut a loweat rates. W. B. PRJNGLE, NOTÂBY PUBLIC, Whitby, T RE WESTERN BANK F CANADA, WHITBY, - ONTARJO. THOMAS DOW, Manager. Whitby, Nov. fth, 1882. ly-47 MONEY ro LOAN'! $100-000 FOIR INVESTMENT. ON REAL ESTATE BECURITY. At iewest living rates of interest. Money eecnred within- 10 days of ap- plication. Apply te JOHN FARQUHABON Whitby, February lGth, 1880. 9- $500,000 TO LOAN. At 6 per cent. early.Termietfrepay nmenteofprincipar Indcto suit borrowers' Fuiet ant second mortgages bought. Ad- vances madle on second mortgages andi to parohise farms. No conte incurred inl kgappli a tot me for monoy; ne a ent'1 fee; no delay. Parties paylng h gler ra on mortgages' sboild apply tei me et once for iewer rates and save money. Write or «M î mmedlately for particulars. B. B. REYNOLDS, ly2 20 Adelaide Street Bait, Toronto. TmCÂADIAN TO A GENTS NIRuDLiZ Co., 46 andi48 Front Streeit Bait, Toronto, eu the Neateat nmeut Complete and Best SeUing Needie Packtage in America. Senti 25 Cents ftor Samples et N,-w No. 4, flniahed in Fine Flash. Ps.rticulars sent when staûps are enclosei for reply. Don't werry if yen, are outof employment Write te Mr. Cowdy, 41 Wellingten Street Beat, Tero-nto. Seni stampi tor reply. WBLUE L.0.L. No. 168 moe luinTemperance Hall Lotige rom, Geruie's B1oc*s &eit Wed.uesday Uý. each B Seoy, Wbitby. Dominion: Wood#Workis,;U WHIBT Geo.rak N OW EADY-Our new book, " Sea aud Sky; or, Marvel, Univert5e"; boing a full and gap~ acription et ail that is wonderiul in cont-nent et the Globe, in the wOje waters and the Starry Havons, Dcs> tbriiiing adverstures on lond sud sý nowned diseoveries efthle world'e pr explorera in ali-ages, and romarkabki nomnena in evory realm of niature. bracixsg lie atrikîng physîcol festinei earth, lhs peculiar choracteristies q human race, et animali, birds, inseCý including a vivid description efttieý tic, Pacifie ond ludion Oceans, sud Polar Seas, tise Monsters of tise Ileautiful seashella anti plants, mi fisbea anti dwellere lu tic world ci M romarkable Ocean curreuta, etc., t with the A-MAZING PHENOMENA OF r BOLAR AND STABBI SYSTEâ HzNRn DAvEINPORT NOIRoe0op,I Embellished with over 800 fine engm Liberal terins te Agents. OXFORD PUBLÎIIHINGi 6 JenRD&s ST., - TOBONTO, Cortificate of Major .Harper,1 of Whitby. -1882- Towhom it may concern. Thi s ete certity that having exai repaired and used a great variety of 8 Machines. 1 have corne te, the cenÉ that the White Machine soiti by L. banka is e e fe the he st made, as 1 opinion il je a machine that will' not get out et order, and wiil lait mach1 than meut mÉchlues, as care has been te, prevent wear as mach as pesi ean honestly reoomrnend it te parties ing a geod andi laeting sewing machii purchased'ene et the White's some n ago, andi it gives every satisaction. MAJOR HABJ -1887- Atter five years ug eofthte WhiteE Maohi2ne in My tamily I van fally a the above certilicate anti eu llyi menti the machine As a 1tai iil machine Coste les-for repsiu tbà machine 1 have ever ha& d y' is with. MJRHB Sold èheap au thc chcapest, and bet f hebes.L. FAIRBANRS, Sole Agent for this Disi C.AlLrm 014T In,. DeoereI's Block jfor y IDRAWINQ aROOM StJITS, D$OROQ.M S.UITS>. BEDROOLSUITS At: P ricst fly CoBp Corne On., Corne al, an, tor YOurýselys Ieboud Prise Esy I hoe WViuterCare et Cattle. JMUS -R. LAWLER, WHITBY. -beimportant -peints le bi inl tic wintes' care et cattie ar yanti goed condition et Stock ol atîle eau anui de liveont il frs vithont shelter et any kitd 08t et brnigiuthem back i 4tîuib the llo-wiflg surner -' u thal et keeping thor:a va mdfed daring theoidJeý-t pal »Sir. In tie ocher cahtrea ýýeederu have given tee mai in.itO the foot liat caIlle in col require a greator aupply offc ý,heien uonlitien thon tieyi GÉlaeS0; ant inluorder toe cc teed os mi au aspossible, tlb ip every critrance for fuesh -s Bpthe stable bot by 1lhing il fl îipare air, wieis, as muait cdý as 100 littIe heal. ibtain tbe besî results, witho ai besi he stable ehonit ba wind-proof voIle,' se laia ii' etu faîl upon auy et- t le. - 1 sheulti be froc from damu 'vell lsghted and su1ficieul itcul. Sai a stable wiil ~vbe colder than theue in vbi 4otair îe net aîbewed toesc505 te will tirive butter in ilt t 4,aip, dark, hot bole, which mai i tables are. chIrare la thal et wateriug. S0 m~ aiera sui continue the ztiice of'allowiug lhs caIlle-to Wi S snow-drifta te tic - pend 1-'u'i tiere wait nunil a hole i4.nthic ic,thbrongl iehlc bhassare expectedti t drink v 4jpI3jY, e4W degreos abeve freczing p( ousc esiftîesandi cr 1Ç:àtI oni1 y is liere a beau eftlime >f½ýàt4uconveuienc, butI lere is a loi an4 sd goutttiies a 10as et lite lu gor s tre ated. A panmpin the b pffaîtmserves lie purpese weli, prov "'oxaésure liaI ne soakings trera ýopiaflire heap eau possîbly geltalct waler. Saob impurilies net erily et -ii@-k4eU8 among lie auiqaals, but F ,the of ceetmilkers, tute e s £~agr liaI lie germe et dliseage ce-arried itb lie family Ibrongis .nlki, vbîi u éeef et icmo8t com à Amrcetfoyeer germe, etc. 't'h# meut favorable solution c on is peniapu ln placîug lte shot distance oulaide tie yard, -, ~gsib on o higiot grounti. hos - ra pl-a, tee, as tolcwet in I ,ttuàËet, has*imuci teo outmend i R 4 ized wooc<ca cialern place id the ban (not le 9tblbb) me S; '>- eti viti a trongh in tic e. -arrangedti laI ne Iroubfrl in cd freut froatî Sncb a ciat -kepI filleti from thles avest uti bas thc ativantage tif cc - ing but pure walcî. C citier oethlese plane tie 'let outinmb tic yard wvi Rarc being niemneti, and., sahort distance le go,-viiart ii rquise. Te make deaà -nistte s posuible, Ithe - b. kept 'for-lthemost 'p l' ifs lalle, box stalle bciug netid - alone. Tic fleors et tbe ar . bybeet Made ef cernent, graualy bdigte a gatter. idbe fillati vihtBandi, eawd7 -o ot her dry abaoriugin k a np tic urine, wvic is tI ile part ef thle manùre but - rixtted te inki mbti ths te .productive et diseasi tecmalter ef-bcadiiug,ui have corne te lte conaiueal lraw ahoutibe ec ntôI-lE incItes. Tic laber cf cù great, vhile tie savug lu cria lis yryccaadcràblc, ie iS ann s mener fittet enlihe fieldtiansain long.'.- h îh- regard le feeffipg, tlb hdifférence of epianià t% eao hatin, "ant ýil E.J. J A dv4 e k.' 'E if s * a - 6. 4 g 4 0 0 * 0 1 funds in sumo to suit at 1 1 3nouranct

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