Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jan 1888, p. 7

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i furnÎshCdfr,' and "p WaRdý,, fnouthe 0ooui lttttl1decl t. âKüs, a d ej a a [1t la t .1 'i iii s11 hI wrd Cu St n Ucae,,c. 1e witi O -.'c3()tjfinet "Ms te oîeee te of' Ije oI ""ofthe ît'tîmade,0fnej 18 a m10in ha ilnt 'ncve, asOcre hube tYrcme n of'Ma o harer,. Yer s f héWhiy e d yusai a gre1n an nlty ery ti bcaetUe te the cen Msaachne tat will e mtSIff foasrre ag bosu weas rnu7ch pnadpes "ne eA t r Whis Y sema Cone aiU, and 4o, You reev JOFINSON NG, ALS - ADAMS, ouré frorl, 9 a.il. t 22 e'P. In. Re denceci BATE~ wpSi liaio n îimpiT1ed a ReliadiHlq, y.t ,erîdAret, IOCOU~Prize sze.y.Over 450 Pol ta" wus ogootedin a.h~ms.'S' Milto for1 sP earwhieh i. a&bout' bêuu o a àw tbathao oued to 1Ovi W_~ ~@ mtt Cxcet atie. tlrêêtus a mch as la geerally 00- Her beauty bad taded, her forer-h i F l.ontrCreo atl.te Mirita had given Plb. to a duli laSBitudei. E hatd T,,t bail eaused this change? Ffl,10na~Gl lROEU"E .JAKRB R. LAWLk, WUITBT. Te elcocf thenorh wrdThOrn- derangement; she was suffring trom those __ ____ JAw S #im Iorta t p itet b e b rTeledtor Of~lSO DIY Conil- ailments peculiar to her se. nd se their - - cf ct tc lrs ad wet onminste 'anceonWC you glives drfted apart- Hbw need0I> El 1 XX -rI1 I 1 l I' in the winter care o ateare lr ndar se> how cruel 1IlHad s taken D r. Pierce's J~ r.L L V ..) J' . an edouiino to.S!Iuruay. avorite Prescription she ,night have besnauOBBAE[DI HETAZ andtiedCn ldoiton tock. mn ae Rdan Graven- etored to halth and happineas. If a&y ÂI RICES NEVEUB OR E HDINT T D. cate a aldolvOOtinhroba iergt am alleea cted ltber bs no time in procurlng ÀmJ Go' 0 I9I r1 ~for 0l12.00, r& WîLbout shleiter of any kind, hrt, 8 si rt7 hadby adl lar wi fiat d eader o! t. Ils 5 iilarglye0 s i. a et d tobringinýZ th,,'n back jute ed a few days - the "Favorite Prescription." lwl ieiG U UI i.u U~JLV .L .V itien tho foUlowiog euwwmer 18 Broýwn'9 ib ot yn ber a new lpase e1 life. Sold by druggista' oaes au that et k8opiog theAlresokmfSôe well Whiliat Chopping a be.in the iceuneder a positive guarantee f rom the 1limlIa.nu re-to of 9ctcEn'gli8h andc anaian Tweeds, BlackWose, d totd during thie oolIest part te water the -stock, Williams Bobinson factures, el perfeot s&tisfactien in everyet.t eecfrm r. In the other extre'n, f Sriuley Lne fell on his log brekng case, or money refunded. Se guarantes on ect eetfot ders bave tionIo mach the boue between the ankiet and knee. btl rpe.A poà n fR V hinAcopbee n ntteprion fePie ore Boys' Wear.COOF00 UIRE t the aot tu'àt c otthin coiu An agle, w ieh was h et it he ba corpena t he Meris n tor o ie er ce gsuitable. for BusinessSuits for o ys' wo 75e ntaprr.a quire a greater 8uppiY Of foed township of Wood, was îatelv taken toe authority. l eu in 00 LcJaluantIhII2teY de Port Severn by Mr. 0. Mc4enzie. t F L T C -O R C R E places; aud in erier tae ecen measured 7 fois 2 inahes rom tet Every observer who walks the rt et A U J L S O K 0 R C R I3 SIIR LS ai aipa osil a great city, and scans with intelliicent eYe LÂSO HADONOtlA iasmcaspsblthey tip of wings. the colorlesfaces ot more than fifty per AWY NEAD every entrtince for fresh air Th-tye u n eeiigacnt et the Peoplebeo meets,ean easîly agree the stable hot by filliîg it full The Sus lu th sun iment, tat thîsaace, lighest markiet price paid for BiitteT and Eggs. pare air, wUich je as mach te budcocT i he nstrumenatn wn, wicb makes snch drafts upou the working as; toliffie boat. By Teisriinaif nteenergies ef the greater part ofmen in the RC ttin tilw t'st reqults, without piano by Misses Elannah ana Hislep intense pursuit et busineng, has destre!ed ot olesolbaewas k l.-in.propeltioflSte degraesthe animal healtb EL C iiLw et&ble si hlod have sken etrnd." omand robust constitutionl. Nature,' in this BROORLIN, ONT. mi p~d ahss tat e Auas riek ouretrnin frin tage et exhanstion, cannet be rest.ored ot oïn -%Il urôn aey of the Wylie's Camp te Midlaud on Sanday jtself, but requires Pomek stininlatinti ei,_ hi ld reo free frein iamxp- lamt, brokethrnah the ice at t ttbre ndkete yt iinrg l T i iI T g. i tili liiztetl and sutfioiently mile point auil wasn't drowned bat erder, and in Nerthrop & Lymafl's Quinine %1î; l/U£ el. Sicî a blewilo baffly frighteoed. Wine we have the exact remedy require'lli.E m be ocllorth~nthos in hiol Tho. Caaher of aelp tewahip The pculiar operation eft tUs mediciue, luin~ RACUt O cases ot general debility and nervous pro-R4 ~UI~. U E bot air is net allowelte escape, shot a horned owl near hie chicken etaion bs nergofle long anl ci sebewe Br ktnadClm ss nthf~ ff~ PI E le will ibrive bpttar in it than coup the otbe1t night. It (the owl) wae observation, and it le heilieved it wii! neyer Md a ew nBroiad p, d'ark, bat baie, wbîch manyawopr nauigfv feet eihfai, il properly and judiciously administer-wClmuo th tables are. juches frem ip o t e .eT.orepoand slby &Il raitrp Lma7th Conceçsswn. .8er nnoh ne glect'îd part of Our Mre. D. T. N. Mitchell got a rustyTontndadbyaldgita care is that etf watering. SOe sewing needie in bier throat while eat- Another $5,000 worth of the stolen Grand mers. st g, and it ~~~~~~~York. W r o rprdt aealknso ole 11s1t i continue1 the Old iug breakfast the other morning dt Truuk bonda have been discevedlNw earno pepred tomkealkid f oNew~>str~ines o f allowmng the cattie ta wade took more than au bear te get it eut. Look outFor 1t.God, uha T eds FliC th Uno Flinl, , e angitoreb là snw-drifta te the pod or t was in the bread she was eating. GLt you araseTwrdsubFledCwththUaoncold ors in heic, troghwbih he The Peterborough Ttme8 a sye: owever lipht the attack, look eut for it, doe eig Shirtings, Ail-wool bed Blankets, Ulofse anpt.hei sein theren te nwait uDtn iiitosotiaonboelagg iracouhShetng leaste are expected te drink water and on almncet every street in the tewn the cough by loosening the tengb phiegmin es,'wdYrisi l vreisacco matl ino IDhO ~jew de-grees above freezing peint are to e b. en the bine crda, signifi- witbH Eagyard's Pectoral Balsam. Knitted Goods kept in stock for the acm o tinof 1 Sos h thig. îS4fi a course is shitteses and cruel. Cant cf the saffering of soea poor vic- The citizene ot Victoria, B. C. eiected ptos only a ttee lscf Lune and tira of the bouses wbarein thay appear.91 Counileor Grant, M. P. P., mayer et that ptos aconeniecbit tore s alossof Cty.Dyeing in al-colors doue to order. 0 d 3 imaoasthere nth r Dnld cnbhlioE ity. oYo oee nSfl ae treitel. A puinp in the barn. met with a seriens accident ast week. We do for instance the ine eftotrpid IHighest price paid for any ouantity of WooI1. serves the purpose watt, previded When ho was atteuding te, bis stock a iver are yeliow eyes, sallow complexion, A ra sure that ne soakingq troin the Cew heoked hlm in the oye, pierciflg aîn under rigbt shoulder, irregular Ail ord ers promptly fliled. r.Slîcil impurities notî oulY cause iteseeoket. Médical &id was Called and nasa. Ail ttese signe mas' ha reinovt'd by W u.ON MHO D es aun the suîmals, but aise, it wae foud 1neesssary te, remeve the tBurdoçk Bl'.Iýýd Bittýer,,iwlic'ih j a sure cure b J V fI IIlV- o ot o'RBoO e case of milliersthere is great eyefor iI rrg ulaitiesf the liver. W e B E M g 8 8 LFThe totali c)et ef new Gïovpmument build -_____________________________________ er that the germs cf disease mny Two Yoang men bslonging te, King- luge at St.. Thomas is $69,667 811. rrjed jute the family throngb the sten rentad tLe bar of an Qiesea botei, V "~ utpbihd a dtclc Coughs and Coldes-If everytbing bas f aled '- n i.U U.L..~ sa ýwhîie O e m O s~t CeMM01en epened eut on Christmas Eve, was tr Aleû' Liung Balsani sud be cursd IlVuiIU are cf fover germe, etc. oerved on San-lay with sammenses fer -' yIlA he Moest favorable solution cf this violation Of tue bcott Act,and ou Mon. There was a smail ice aboes at Cornwall tien le parhape lu placing the well day was fined $50 and ceaIe. ou Saturday. onapCiynucdbece oealid- rt distance outside the yard, TELDESTyeuTABLISHEDfar thea«aoyac"earby demNnEtrata. 'frpm T hem n i i plib le ,n s s w ê ,c r i e n pailou iget grund. The aye the Enterprîe, .hal :"Publicofetlei." T EODS SALS run plan, tee, as foltowed l in any intelligence le dead, lain by the com- Bruekvjlle police muade 457 arrasts lasI hteertdatel hsamr ,îtbas much te Commend 'L. A bined forces ef ignorance, fobiy and year. AND THE LEADINO NEWSPAPER 0F CANADA thryyes ucsfiprti, i ized wîedjeu cieterti place] in- i;elfish vindicînees. The fanerai on For inflammation et tb. Lunge and ai________ ,ha barn (net Ithe stablè) rnay be M onday W" satîende bhy 305 m eum ners. Boweie, give IIMaud S.". Condition iowdera A L L B o .î g E ui n 5 00 p ra n m uab toc i pe etan n feul actd witb a trongh in the yard, Goi peed the resurrectin." Tarned te yoar cattle. DIYO03,MrigEiln 50 a nm i arrngd ha n touleisex column i-nies adern the paper as evi- An interview with Mr. Parnell was pub- 6 3 66 64 8.00 §à a terwa i odtonmyb,îYoz enced frein frost: Snob a cistemuj dne fmnrig u s rsti iiblhed lu The uiuFemn5JunlWEL to~ l etfilltd frein the eves et 'the nt cause Bro. Brady te take te his e dy AUDYDAL LBý10 i kl ept B ATofR D A Y D AILb t G LOtrst i.0 0 'l 1 D uTlin Fecturea Jour ald beXiY O B. h 1.0 nand bas the adranlage of con tain- biar. The Signs of Worm8 are weiWknowm, « noiùt o!tpurevory AyonntHoph sud averidde- utahenemdu s he awlanJeer st oiahr cf these plane the cattie AMutHp aie ae lde un t/e ,'modti erga da? s <r The différent editions of The Globe cari be procured (rom ail News Dealers anycde5 e~Pio eop 3.o ee etut byadwiaheton caried strychnine, wbieh ho b.d mined. Wr oweawil tdatry Sntundr stCanadla. t bles are being leanod, and- having beuRbI for poisening foie@, nbstOf---TlE LBESCALF TTRI--.-TeCLVRWEL EDAL Oi a àshort distance Le go, wil drink ail pookel in wbich wu alec soeakernabestqir.T ukeTHEnn se wet owsinl.hbto cdllte tionBE St I888 FAs TRAIN rvsa odna 4 etOo e l a nattai- uspossible, tb. caIlleocaialy oating tho wheat and in 6 OO bet Tornto and càdo 'wbch bas beezi runlgdiysne3dMi )ul b kpt orth Mot ar inths aytoo eouh o te oisn o c, mîaking coanection with aIl the early trains- frein tbat point securing for ___________ nIdal box keptfor b. most pa fr thein Ib is watok-enc ha ab. piso t D..F'Y& Globe a delivery througholit Western Ontario hours lu advance af al' mn taîa, ox~îaie eiu nad or hein ahlto-e sapfl thoan agphuiaERYCO ýves aloue. The floore et the etalle, calan bamteb. d.Ud hc anaed e e tbTOAUVRTIERS- DR DO EJNWEND' iic'ae batmade et cament, shoudad 5V bis lita. Ti. fariner will donbt' eme p . g ra d a dly b a c,£ t e a gu tta rt 1w ie l ess ha m o i-a c re fa l in fu tu re re g a rd in g dv. .ad P, s oeSA s a n a v e ti iu e d ni , TSER e bs n- q a u a a a ouid be filed with saud, sawdst, dy strychnine. i8"Aan-detsnrmiu TeGlbhm oeql nCnd. s rtborothr ry berbtigmaeril, M.DanslParah frmaYrinut, EED circulationl, which appears at haÏ iitàdtrilcl ni li s fax ini eoak ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~a npteuie h~ el.iotwsl.voi !asml cietl.A4UA. .dnc tai other Cariadafipapers, and it is the intention ethe man- bose wbose baud is botter 11110<110 grow vle aim uyvritd Jan" Yale$, sau.am Ir eewlbn datgain muach'by a-. lei e eua-i Ken- m.itarx Whttby, or the undersigiid,titr teaming or beiling. But il Muet evor uk ne i sith o oiàor-norbletgeFt1 e keptin Min that otfed attleD., 188. nd that immediately after Ihatà -r ý0 and lo ng >eaney s Weilas thos, dry dre .atet. e li m nistratrix w ll po eed te di-Po. d. If bot. foading io folowod, îil e I a audpaaoicl atv bute thess o he Bia d dcoeaed C es leus a"arin fui-nuce" or some can't belp remarkibg Ibat foge nover arnongat lheparties enthtled lhereto,bAtD eaviBMu. qE5, AÀ= WXvZ 'w XeZ the vrley f tev mdeozpeslywou1d be mist. regard oamy ttc ldaims of whîch the. mud~~re or hi pupoeis he reuie ýLse1-. ORMTON, Sohalotir. s fuel tle hat a large amnt eof tb. Most appropialO hyinc for aàci-rea- Dated 11h J329 on m '88.-SIm.0â k aloi- Ian lb. ordinmry steve. Tho toi-y fanerai. vu WUUXh. à» umumus5 . ut faad may h. plaoed jn oovei-ad bine, Lt is a gced îbing fr aun > oi UP1IIA-5g. that whsfl the water is thi-ewn on long tuthe ehnrch, but or ]M frH US S rQ T vmioUIWM XXSIXe="SScaID~ tod .yge atbU&g soinf a mau itothink that the oharoh belonge _- _sorLR, oit zacas. ' , r lthe bolier May bo fitted with a lin t bUim. versuda lthoi-a feinlb.beior e Adam (juit afler getting aoquainted 8,,Secu o Bfro oueBo ora e o ' oebothe coeking Ihas bemng wîh Bve0)-Wi owîth nme tO.nghtWP eue enftarly by steamn, bs.1.aias vIbv o Wbether or Det bot feeding la follew- SOB 1)Â&~BIK w 111. strihe attention should b.iDg flS a iua nBzr t. lraia l. U fi .Wv~y ven tue baesoning c homners à"La Coffec nêb "as.~a 'giaté lu pàrîtbzs$d aone béd "P~m, clr cd fa~ boes, s foo lot quikly change. Oan't say thal t tUk il ie. . W14. cishorfl, stable. henholis, è acre tend,. ~~' 5 oaits*O i-sfod bona@insesodlma t k onThe dikta rceedi it =ny bolawnv, cheice fruit.:Wrn, omdigeOt. a ~ ~ si) bouseilu bout Iolty .nd -Very counie pof il, limas casing mnh wssud howevOi-. - ul- aeos-n.inè n huee ton mueb siknes am ogteatlte. W eu a man makessibn adverlîiin Kg a unrdgasbpdz t4i 1~e6 Ye a .1.a nc1we .1u-show of heing extrenoYrlila ndmlédele y ~aê Mona food is cloared away every day, 'ignlimnat.Iy philanthropio e o s mntý i -lýn;6tls n'hý i 0Wr go*animal je doing, and @0 r.- apt te b. a thiof. ALOTMSRO ElOUIIE oug ira'i L lvre &180 ]sê nu le fedn a eobtain lime béat A ,al junl alelnt-epi l oawli el- od ee .n ag s lleLuconclusion',il muet b.- re- "1ev tle .wboÎa ssbeep." Lv I oYitli gardentfldyt.O uiariet émbered thal lb.e bjeOl of tIis work persuade Ibem t lel01the0 rlhwhen Y.H<>wÂBÀ N",- gt. te chIai tlb. greatolsI relaz'n with 11 aathe -90d0ge. ~>&~v'tt, &et catbsy, an&. 111.tthe objeco t B -Why, dbnt yoi< gel mnari-led._______________ g~~~~ m-tawy b el v. sdM- W. (ftet~~ r eul r u Ahtsa> bfood4er Mue1, y careffali tdhavem.Sal-*slit Ibotien, finl- soin -one ~ 01 uSnlYU yoiiiav - L thods whieb produo lb, Most < ~ ~ ynbi u'us~ est Most, milbk erbon%, sthecrise, ______,aoefu over*. <'M ý.4 . 1 a11.hiejont Il.ko'If - -4 U_ -, .. *-t Â4 leY

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