Whitby Chronicle, 27 Jan 1888, p. 6

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0 6 e Violel î EfrLhday. 3&uày 22uND. My dsrliug dlàugbteu Violet, ilk eràfo ls. lthold, WitIhiu Iheitu old, Thé sw.et ping blosmome hidden Il doth appean, ý1nlunuiaeéd by eue fond regret. Thé buirs that-mlng, aiug isweot te For sweet thoy elng, Lit'. bonuy spring, AUl rosy bright i wth sadowe few. ye Syoi A.nd golden hued the key of hope. To cloudiese skies, Sweet reveries, Thy drearningoyes ehail softly ope. 1 love thee darling for the cars, And tboughtfubnese, MiIle£hat gentiy bles y itewth comtort ev'ry whero. Thy tender love that watehes se, How true thon art, 0 faithf ai heart 1 Ged keep thee ail the years that go. O love, thy mother praèya for thee God's love to guide, Ali l caobeside, WilI thon b. weII for thee and me. AALEK&WEBTN The Pareonage, Jan. 1888. At )Parting. Itosunot be-oh thia is worm. than deut To say our last good.bye in snob a way 1 Without one amble, one tear, or tend word, Though ail the while my breaklng hea maya, «Stay P, If ho wonld spéak the wod-but no!1 b pride la stronger, stronger even than hi. love. And I-1 f..l the wrong wae ail of bis, And humbly pray and look for stretigt above. Be eil, My heart 1 Ob je hie loveE dead That ho eau la thome meaaured toues r peat This uolormn last farewell, and coldly tur Prern ail that once ho looked upen o sweet ? Blis, bless of Heaven1 At last hie ailenc, brea.ks 1 'Tic love hath eonqnered aIl the strongt] et pride, "My lite 1" ho wbispers and "my love 1" laehond beart tlirobbiug ont in joyfi tide. PAUTLlà. SvDZ>wu Her'First Love. 13Y TUE AUTRaOR 0F "MISS LITTOY' LOYERS, " "TRI COURSE 0or TRUI LOY," ETC., UTO. CHAPTER IV. (Contine&ed.) III tbought yen bated waiking Helen ?" ehe said. "Have you reaW uncle'. lotter ?" "IYe," replied Helen and Mr, Elliot listened keenly. "1What la hi. newm ?*" "Notjbing; only &hat ho oan't oome dowa heu'. for aWfortnigt-perhape nei thon."' "Tht.ais the good news 1" mentally jseulated Mr@. Ires. "60( oeuree yen are incoosolable? en«ed Claudia. "Ceois on ; don't loi us stan~d about," oh. contiuued. "Loi us gofor a good wa1k."' But ne one reupouded ge tho pbopesai. tien*, ouIy Hila maid, omewhat sharp. ' 48appoee yen go by youu'set, Clan. dia 1" Claudia, hovesu, remainoil erfin. aoiuty by Mr'. Elliot'a side until dis. pa.d by a politie movement of Mrs. Jvew, vho jadg.d il botter to appro. go ite hl eumeif nsbthu' thau se Plrenoe loft ont iilb.he old. 'IIhave hom ehatting tb poorUn.. Ohaytot ,P oh. sald. "Bus80h a aweet omo» rsshesee, b*t -e0 Veryo, very 'l. ab* ?"% rejoinoil George. "Why abould oh. be ? "He1&rposition asosu ne .apcia George litsa'heoaa tbq g flanee" #to wbrdh lb.e re*=i.olued iarum. 11111éeh. unkini te ber-?" he demanàd- e&ebau'peIy. - "Set very kind, oertalnjy," laugbed- th. widow. 'rote strange te eay, Mr'. Elliot that evenîng p -roinendeil with Olaudial wbile . e ës ani Helen lookeil on. CHAIPTER V. vas oekw habest, when the-prt frore the .1oleof Wiqht came te me ia Ola*dla eOR uld ee.ly- .onoeaL ber triuüph sas byd'v pl.~enin approaob; whi e lon al tbaek -uttea'. h~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o *hmilw.mdmWVIfE i~J wtah te beau amy more ehildish bje.- spokefP Botter te ,uy the. put,l tiens ; ho wiehed ber le go-thal vau lry te fouges ttl, t Iil oust, leliq *nough.out Ou' lives." * B elen had obeyel.him, asud went, "Apuut t le hiteunupted, bltteuly. looking dangéroualy lovely ; anil Mre. "ApatP Yes," she aaswer.d, liftir Ives more. Ihan eues repeâted, le Hilda hor Iovely oye. for tbe firet lime le hi heu' thaukfulness that Mus. Ohaytou' "Do yen know what yen have mai wu. ea afely maruied. Fou Mua. Ivs, me sufer 2" ho dernandei l amoi dem pie Olaudia's ailvautages te Mc. savagely. «Do yen know yen have- Elliot, bail a conviction that that "Dou't," he cried, '1dou't repuoe gentleman wae tee eensible anil far- mué1 Il je dons ; w. are parted. eoeiug te shlow hiunself te b.e anghl by sernetirnes hope I arn dying ; I ha, a girl like Claudia. ne wieb te, live. Let me die vithom Mu'. Obsytor wau net looking bis sdding sin te my eonrow ; happinoesý besl ou the day of the excursion te impossible for me. But yen will gi Caryll Court. H. wae attireil in a over it, George, yen wiIl mako soin tightly-fitting surtout, with the etiffet oeeclose happy ; while I-" of black catin lies ;.and wau neitheb.. Yen have choeen your lot," ho maii meut amiable humoe. He iueistedl on oruelly. --O my dauling 1'" he exolairr kéepiug Helen by bis aide, worrying éd, emddéuly repenting cf hie bar ber with constant uemarks, made in an woude-"O my love 1 my Helen, m undertone, wbich was moant te auuoy little Helen, forgive metI But I ar heu'. mail! How eau I osesyen witb lbh Mr. Elliot, in bis gray sunit, bis wide. man, how eu I think cf yen as bi awake, andl withbhie handeome, ena- wife sud forgelthat yen ought te hav burneil face, wae a contrs&t indéed te been maine, test yen are mine etil il hrru-a ceutrasl non. noleil se keenly ail but uine ?" as Helen. III hopeil I ohoulil neveu ses yoi Tboy bail come early, and thé fiet again)," eh. remankeil, proaently. &à thiug te be doue wua to vieit the gar. pu'ayed thal yen migbl ho kept fron den@, thoir bout tbld tbeai ; thon they eremsing my patb ; feu', by Hoaven' wene te have a luncbeon ;an impromptu belp, I meuu-ye, I do beneetly meai ,xy. tes in lhe wooe was projectoil, te b. -te beoa lune wife. Ah!1 George,,i followéd by a buté muiner. can't hé wrong btotlyen I care fe Mu'. Elliot, te make tbe panty corn. yen etili, for yen know it 1 But ebom plt, bail invited tweý frieuda of bis that yen cars for me by gnaud ing ru owu te met thei, s»d intuoducéil evon freni a sbadow. - Miserable .» theai as Mu'. Brook. and Major Sey- arn, I sbon.id b. fan more mimerable if1 tmour. This wuau an nezpected boom forget for eue instan t that I amn anothoj ler to Claudia, wbo magnanimoualy ré. man's wifo." solysil Ibat thé néw arrivais sbould bho "Teli 'né what tompteil yen, wbal art Florence and Hila'. cavaliers, while poames8ed oi entoeiuel yeuu'eelf, Helen. as appropriatoi Mu'. Elliot. Mrs. I muet kuow ; I hav, a right te know.1 Ivesud Helan coulil entêrtalu Mr. Thon as sobbed eut ber misenable Obsyter. Iu 1his way abe cleverly dis. etory in a few brokon sentences, puay. posed cf the panty in ber, own mind; img cf bim neveu' te om n bauhér hbut, Unfout.unaely fou ber, Mn. Ebliot aRain, whilé ho listoued, tén by cou- attacbed hirueif te Mns..Ivs, whi.e flicîing feelings. How hé bail blame< go umal Mu'. Brooks, te Claudisa.mind ber 1 Andl uow ho could omes that ahe a most insiguifleant littho cueuture, hail bail been sacnificeil, isold, aud for se the audaeity te select hou. Florence uaught. sud Major Seyrnonur wlkod together, "Andl Henry is ozone tee," sh. addéc Swhile Mr. andl Mr@. Chaytor, witb -"gene ntterly ; fou mioutbs I have H ilda, followed the. otheus i heir tour board uotbing of hiu. I arn weauy of 3e et inspection round tbe gardons. Snob beping against hope-if is kiiling rue gardons tboy wono, sncb broad walkP, wiîh my other mrrowe." h sno fragraul fioweue, snob fruit-trees, "I will 4ud Heury," b. mid, préeet. sud snob vineujea. iy, "if hé eau ho founni. I met biru "A good sert cf place," Mn. Cbaytor onace in town aud sakeil hlm te corne le, ail admitteil. Tbere's evideuîiy ne lack seoom.; but ho nover camce. Cheer-np ef mouey bhe'." rabout hlm, 1Helen."1 r. But th. beantios of nature, aideil_ by "tYen wiIl fiad imlm ? oh exoiaiaied, nart, wore net unsafflcieutly ougreeseil eoy7flly-a toue George almoet reul-t mako bim numinilful of lb. £ppnoaoh ed. et lunnceon, Ho drew ont bis watcb 1 But théir drive was over. The ramI agate and again, until the sl otruil. etf Lb. party jotueil tbsm ; sud Claudia, ef ed George, who bad observeil ite con-, notioing at once Eeleu'e ugiltateil face, euIn repotitien witb astouisbmeuî,tbat Iqniokty du'ow ber own déductions thero. il wam lime te returu le the bouse. from. Helen shouli net drive hack Lunobeon wus laid in theosok-panol. with lbe master et CaryLi Court if Clan. sil diuiug-rom, sud George aakod Mrm.I dia seul prevent il ; sud, seIng upon Ives if se.would do the hOnore. As ber suspicion@, Claudia attaehed her- be mail. the request, ehé oaught a fooet, self 90 Hsien's ile, whilo Florence and ing look ut Helen. Claudia's keu Hilda, assieted by thé gentleamu made "blaok eysm had seen îl tee, sud ber merry over lb. diffloulties te he over. d suspicions were aroneld; but uotbingl, orne in making tes out et doors. conlil ho gloaned from Helen'. pale1 (To b. centinuecl.) face, uotbing read in tb. weau'y darlk. blue eye. Cb&ytou' loveil good living ; ho R.alwaY Time Table. " asl bis oyes approviugly upon the - tdelia1îe endte, the cold gaimon, the GADTàN N sel s, the gaine, the prapes, the oe wzr asi t profusion et lbe well.apoi Ex~press ................64a.i repuet. Thi. was botter, be tbonght, L.l.fo 3bng........86.48 a. M Ihan séeiug tbm gardons, or baviug ab- Express ..................... 10.10 a. ru s urI teouet ef dooas. Âdded to ether Nizel........... . .....4.08 p. mi thingu, lb. wiue wus irrepreuchble,the Express.......... ......9.15 p. i isoil champagne cansed even Mn. Chay. corse BAS?. t0 ive Dng lie. tde oh I bv. )ut ie get krd Dy Tve iu st il. er t D p u'nled.Thie <Id aliver Opoon, the fau2ily upoent "Do lot Mu. Elliot drive yen upMs. rec.hme penta ymdon Chaytoî1 1 amn sure yen an. nrt erng bloor y s oenub hfor lb. va'lk." trn HwbI en i evuparet.ea lips te ri! « Dolet e 1 plâde Geoge.sivo il, "Do ot ie '~ lesioilGeoge. How nususeone thé slnD that il boue temy Andl Helon coneentel, diruly rouliz. longue,1t lug Ibul e.was going te ho danger- And the Pain ut Sy luvards , ag,@ ouly happy for a brief space by thé coutl relieve lb' hna àh ile ef heu .lli lover. Thongh tsar ds gusIt ria my eyebatlac 641t won'î tare une-more thun twonty Theols" vr poltemdoieses minutes," mid %eorge as the carrnage, How awf ni thé slnDf that Itloft1 on ýMye bnraened witb a ham pcontaining tb. longue. neoesary app4banes lor tes, 'Made itmBach is leoffél t fzasnm.e,grinlg sha b tor ~Méiàea7 et bore. Dr. PAeroels PL*t 'IIdare s&y -eaal eteeasrypfftv as eei," rved afIyu 1.Pugaie Plets, on the-, oeutrary, *e REllen ofta' after dsîys lriedW -ot» r-5cet call *h u~~t pasmeil niungthe drive. 8. î's.. ae 5 ot reruemberel Gýemg'els fetWord$ when Parain te h emtornpart eof Nebuuask tboy foundl thmolvgealne. ' hàv been helping lbemaebièâs leào.froin "H9elen, vwiat have yen b amsy te Union Pà cava, having noe otie ez' z meeh of proeuning fuel.. Butibeneveu reaiembýred ...heu' je. Mn.-A.. Nelson, Bratfod, wÈte <f. «I ply; o, kew . upi~aebd br ps- suere frni hiet.Dyspepela for 01 eionately fer hau fichue foneakiug et olevezi years. AMways miter esta n g ý h l o ï m, t i n t esto te ryhe r hr ele a'rsèb ë à ial . P l ene'a- duooping- e4 ;b ehà dbaaTleeued I eit *g.anallanguid feeling, which *oula -iaet Wfu havebee clu Àjtse psibsuner day. -sevoral honatSs ea i ng. I eQQ-ý "Aht Hlen?'h.--- uep#.bt.d', 'h mehdedIby Mu'. Opp evl h1i, Ourqe. ye u thigl tell m«0 ?11'? ai' Wha ool4oh 111 iat Wnl I îhnî fu 4Me ~a 1eueA hpl~ *.e. ffai a...-____ _ . '- - ibpead - &l Gold. The rumor -of a rich find of gold in, the Richardison Bil at El *Dorade, Madoo Township, appears te have some foandation in faot. Borne six weeke ago Mu'. J. B. Churob, of Madoo, and another gentleman of the samne village,- purohaeed au option from the pussent owners of tbe farnonî' Richard. son mine and aftér engaging Mu'. Mark Purcell, of Marmora who first diseover- od geM i thehill, and who has long olaimed that ho kuew the exact locat- ion of the gold bearing Iode, they had a new opeuing made under hie direction.' From tbis oening, whioh is as yet but 14 foot deep, I bave seen a epeoimen of dolomitie rock in wbich there le a good "show" of gold, and muoh other ma- tonial was prornieinR. Mu'. Purcell and bis friénde are ef course veu'y jubilant, as they déclare they have etruck a bonanza in disoovering the main veiu, which was enpposed to oxiot, and which bas been vainly sought for at great expensc for unany years under thé direction ef mining experts. 411 pro. viens exploror s enceoeded in fluding was a séries of uieh pookéts, and it je u'eaarded by many as probable that thé lateet dinEovery je of a like character. Furtber developemente eau alone determine thie question, wbich je of great importance te thé future of the-_ nerthern part cf thé country, for if a vein is pu'oved toeistB in the Richard. son bill other localities in thé district will b. cau'êfnlly exploned and @moeof the old mines reopened and worked.J - -ee-4 - Iu hie Vegetable Pille, Dr. Parmelée bas givon te thé world thé fruits of long sciez'- tiSeo research in the w iole realm Qf médical science, combined wiih new sud valuable diaeoveriea nover before kuown te mue. For Délicate sud Debilateil Constitution, Parmee.' Pilla act bUre a charm, Taken in amali doses, thé effectisieboih A toule andl a Stimulant, mildly exciiing thé secretions et thé body, giving toue and vigor. Cardinal Manning is reperteil te have wnritten a letton te Bome, oautîoning te Vatican againet opposing Mr. Gladstone i Irish affaira.1 SAUil .. em bard te Lbe rhenmaiic. Thon he3rken y. peevisb suiferons I Apply Dr. Thomazs, Electric Où t t your aching jointesud muscles. Rely ou il that )ou vili expérience relief. Sucb, ut Joet, is te testimony et those wbo have nsee it., The remedy i. likewise succeasfubly remet.- ted te for Ibrcat sud Jungdiaesris braises, etc. Thirteen firemen were se badly frosi- hiton ut Saturday'a fire iu Montréal au te b, incapacitated for drïty. Gilbert Laird, St. Margaret'e HopeJ Orkney, Scotland, wnrite: -"I -am reqùested by sons] lfniénds teonder another parcel Dr. ThornaS' Electric Ou. The lau lot I gel from yen hsving beon testeil in séveral cases et Rheumatism, ban i n éurelief wben docters' medicines have faîlid te havé any effect. The excellent qualities eftihie medicin. shoul ho made knowu, that 1h. milions oet sufforers thronghout thé world may benefit by ils providential discovery. New York bay was frozen over on Tues- day morring. Gamuaou. A sonnr.etfmuch ili iealth la neglectel Constipation. Thte ulmoit caution mhould ho observel le keep thé bowels regniar. mhe beut regniator ofthIe bovels te promoe thefr naburui action in Burdôck Blo Bitlons. Try iL if bronbled with constips- lieu. 42'Lw YIEÂRLS! Sboalfastly for torty-two yeurs the Wxxx. LTr Wrn.ISs bas bell tc, prnnipies whxch bavé steod the teist. cf time, ridicule, sud ef offpomtiou, faix andnfini, unI the Wl?- vs bo.day speakm le sixty, wheie in 1846 il spoke te eue. île growtit hae been bote rapiil sud at.ady. lIa Publiaheis, il.- aLouon st1 ili ther inemaug ita cclt. lion, have Ibis year gene te large expena. to secure a reproduction efthe Latéet Master- pisce et Duvideon Enowles (who was.eect. éd hy Qneen Victoria te, paiul bite scene aI Princeas Beatnlce'm Wéddlug, eutited "BUF9PFR LITTLB CUIDEN TO COlLE UNTO M'B." Il dopicte lite memorable sceus wîth abartling reallem, repreluoing in cils ail thé nichuses et Oriental Ooloning. The picture, executel b ylthe grestest art Brm inlu ng- land, vrouil bring fl150 If sold, but la ne- served exlusivély tor subsoibeis tg 1h. Thes prie forer b.WamiLiWrnuss sel picînre in 01.25; the paper &loue, SI100. Iu 1860 tee Dmy WiriszmB vas Ianéhed, aud, 11k. thé Weekby, te, advocatee sas pnlnciplés, regardiceu of coul. 'The pletute, "Buffer Little Citdren to Ceaie UuIe Me,"1 anal lthe DulLu' Wuzs, 18.M a year ; the paper alone, $.00. ý' Thé NowruzmanMissuîuia stifcontinues to e .the favorite i intheihomie cirai. sud S&bbath séchool, sud cemmencing vitit Janna'ra rt 'viit néw bype, fluer papen sud ather lmprcveaients, 'vil b. more at. tnactive' tian ever. Pnizes et books are given, le fuleelswvitecauvusfeor#. Ananua subsoiptiene, 80c., vl outest Satupi. copies. et1bte«e utpubRoa tiens inaicd on Applicacion. ÀAgents vaut-. ed, lu every tlovand illage. Joui Deu*mxzt & Bei, inz~rêuc* THB P. RWA] e Glagw 5zLondon Inewura Of GreatBritain. CAPITAL, $2,500,000. A1NNUAL INOOME,11,50,< MAXE Farm Property and DwoUl Hlouses aSpeeialty. Very low rates. Ba terme of payxnent. Simple poficies.1 vexations conditions. -Prompt settieme of losses without diseount. Be sure you not ineure until you know oui termea conditions. Enquie of E. *B. B. HA. WARD, oui Genleral Agent for South0 tario. Office in Whitby-Part of D. Orm, ton's Law-Offico. Al bttera addressod Lock-Box 78, Whitby P. O., wiil recei prompt attention. Besidence-Ham 0( tagesByron street, Whitby. 21 I NS UR A NC E RATES, LOW!1 ADJUSTMENTS LIBERA'I1 LOSSES PAID PROMPTLI Companlos %moDg the best in the worl such as, Theo LIVERPOOL, L OYDON à UL OB Tho LÂNCASHIR E, The WATEBLOO, and The. NORWICH UNION, M C)IN-:E ZE . lowest rates. W. B. PIRINGLE, NOTLEY PUBLIC, Whitby. T HE WESTERN BANK 0O WHITB y, - ONTABIO. THOMAS-DOW, Manager. SWhitby, Nov. 11h, 188. lY-A MONEY TO LOAN1 0100-000 FOR INVESTJIENT. ON RIEÂL EBTÂTE SEOUBITY, At Lowe"~ living rates et intoiest. Meney seoured within 10 daye of ap- plication. Âpply te JOHN FABQtJEAB SOIN Whitby, Pebruary ISth, 1880. 9- $500,000 TO L OA N. - At 6 per cent. yeariy. Terme di repsy ,méuî et principal made te suit borrowers' Firet sud second mortgagoe bougitt. Ad- vancés ruade on second, mortgages sud le purchase farma. Nc coose rrel lu making applications te nue forrmoney;.ne aqent'a tees; ne delay. Parties paying bîgiter rates on mortgages ehoul spply te me ut once ton le-ver rates sud save meney. Write on catlilmmediately for purticulars. 2. R. REBYNOLDS, ly2 20 Adébaile Street Boat, Toonto:1 TO AGEN TSNZDLIRC0., 4 sud 48 Front S"ot East, Toronto,' gel unp tee Neuteet meelt Complet. sud BosI Sslfug Needbs PacJlaae lu Amerlos. Seul 25 Cents for Samples et Nw No. 4, finisitéd in Fins PluitII. Particulars osent wbén etampu are enelomel for re»ly. Dou't wenry if yeu areeout oftmpboymnu Write te Par. Cowdy, 41 Wellington Street Baab, Toronato. Seul stamps tonr rply. W ALLAOBE TRUE BLUE L.O.L.Meo. 168 Ilieetsin Tompermuce Hall, L orom, -Gennls Block, ft Welneay luneoit nontb. .85 BAMUEL MrTIN Dominion Wood. Work8,2 WHITBy,. Geo'. Oormok, 17 .PAINTER ,- 81GN GLAZIER, PAPER. WR. KJ4LSOMINER, General flouse Di Paper [urni8hed from 5v,a and up wu.ds, Orders from the countuy prorapt attended to. Kfr SHOP-First door Sontj Mr. G. Y. Smibh's law office, Whiîby. Whitby, May l2th, 1887. l Ling 48y No ont Ldo and OnS- 1te ivo et- 'J SOLAR AND STARRI' SYSTEMS RiENB DAViiqPOBT Noiruop, D., Embellised with ovor 300 fine engraving Liberal tonna te Agents. OXFORD PIJBLISHING 5JORDAN ST.. CO.- TORONTO, Ont. Certifcate of Major Hlarper, Eq.; of Whitby. -1882- l'o tohom ii may concern. This i. le céertify tat hsviug examinel, repsirél sud usel s great variety o eSwing Machines. I have cerne te thé conclusion test tee White Machine sol by L. Fuir- banks lu oneof e bist tmade, as imy opinion lb le a machine that will net easily gel oui t ondér, sud willt e mnéh longer titan meut machinés, as caré ha. been taken le prévent wear- s mucits possible. I eau itonestly rAcomménd ilte parties want- ing à gool sud Iusting sewing machine. purcitasél ene et thé White's some menthes ugo, unI il gives évery satisfaction. MAJOR HARPER. After Byve yoars use of te White Sewing Machiné in Miy farily 1 can.-fuily endors. bte aboyé certificate unI cen f ully recoru- imoud the machine s- a tennily iewing machine coesa eau for repaira than ww'g machiné I have evér had an=, te do'ý wiit MAJOR" S1 Sol cheap as thechéapeut, anIdlA'the bout oft1he best. L. FAIRBANKS, Solo Agent fer this District. Q.&AJIL Oe.-T JOHNSON ln Deuerell'8 Stôok for your FU8I/iflTUBE DRAW114G BOOM SIITS, DNNG ROOM STILTS, SEDROiDM SUITS, - K'ICENSt71TS At Pricos thttOfC , ~ Ij Corne Ono, corne aindsèe Ke. j. JOEINSoy.1N-r Tho firet meeting e Of lhléil fer a dmoud-s'y Jalný. IStI. Me'i .11 ,, p analt udsigunde tse leolSua' Comnmunicaions weto nrea(l fréti' Insu Genenré rne uinî efregistu'" for lte yeat 18879 frela i: witlbreferenée le bis e s.nl Applications vers iérOey a umeretpandies mkm8ngfor sivu . o-wet 'sec- y R»u H gno*ed that l-b. R.."grant hie 'iL.ah fou lbe. unaiOft #18 héfgA of lhre e8eP kilt.1 by dgs' liesîeto tthe Of l .M.poweou, sec, by -Mr.* '~dthat the _Beeve _gual i i the Trnalsrfo 1. ua c L. '.ecfou odjbIt O s XM. oer O, sc6b0 u' ,..A lo n sv A e t ro 4 n UNDE: j' The-o The Farips doao AND H< 1-r- f 6. 4 1 1 UMM 1 l' 1 1 1 1 E L ýl 1 1- 6 & 1 tUS :dtefreli of Zchaues.by-là poux n~RBB'O-mué thersto~eoeu5glu thie town. Id isunOf ine uviLg béeen sounde me 1.1 ei4 aviSalvation A.rray pull àng the central W.bel udGb ,the brigade 0cme aLlng ho me- W te hem se0 wildy that theY took Gib posito direction l hr h o :as.Mnr usil meeting of thé Peterbero h ytory will be héllhère on the Th ýd TuésdaY inMatch, eu d Greénfielîs Jas- MoFaddîcuanaud ,0 Gleeseon, on charge et being culed in bargIstY sud safc.blowiug 8't Peterbor'ough, wero breugbt e thé police Magisirsie yeeterd&y dischsrgod, On a&Couukt-Of the Fi e athbor'ties at Peterborough net s g snioieib évidence te convict- ', 01t t wo -O'cioek Sanday morning in grist lnill owned by Mu'. John L l, Gardon lali WSB diEICOVOeid te t nfire, sud was totanly destroei. (C enigin et the fire was a mystery, as8 'e bau been no firé ou the promises e e the proviens foreneen. Theé lng waà partially iusured. It was t nate that thé roofs ot the adjoiningj dingé were- covered witb eueW or Orange Hall anil Meibodiet chureh Outla have been enrély burut- -The snnual report ef the minieteu of 'ie Works for the fiscal yearI886-87, 'jusi been rceivcd. li i 1*thé owiug zefercucé le Peîcrbo -rough z- t the session et 1886 the enai of ,000 WBs voted te continue work on posoffice at ibis place.- tnoniioiiod luaI ycar's report as beiug unden utruel;. and the unexpeudedi balance appoPistion for 1885-86, $4,975-781 Ds ceared terward. On the Bt 'clober, 1886, a couiraét wasentuired- te wlth ru. J. T. A.skwith for s. tower nthe building, fer bhc sum e!o$a ai or a rgréescil e;teadilv, sudu clos etthéfiecalyear thé building ;î *snearng completiofl. plans fol > 1 & bot waiéir bcatiug appartus wsni tre ".p1 pareil, ana a coitradt ton t'ha work bas aînée bicile. ExpuiturE $15,984.92. Total expendituro on tii -bilding, b,0.9. Thé Gl6esl" as -ehanged -band "W. L. enmids bas sold ont te Bobi, n Bres., laie et Toronto. Their fix 2 s ue Shows Ibai unIon ibeni thé GU er wili bela ils higb standinlg aB > an, nest littiéebeot. Wo 'wisb liii veiy eucéé55.. r tthebofiret-meeting of -thé 'villi 1- onneil of 1'888, Clé"k Hon's seui as neduccil tu'm $75 to $50 ; thé é 1clore freai $20 te $15V 5mBO'it 20 le 15;cstables oia& udil výere rcduced $1 escb. Hesîlt Inaj Ion Joues waaSlnicky 'euougb te go luis f'$5, sud hé"egarved it. t Ye new VillRge conncitl iste be, grtluted upon thée epebiion - hbl@b hey d1ýéù oeèf thé bugeino ~, onêy ngbl, asudit àjeole .h, Sthey witl centi nue-to do, 'mes.' prfloioid=iSUéflmeetings as-Wý suy whêiO 0j1e..-GZane?. AG8E N TS! A6GENS NT 0W READY-Our new bboo, L~Sea, and Sky ; or, Marvels of~ Univerae'"; being a full and graphies acriptien of ail that i. wonderful inin, continent of the Globe, in the world waters and the Starry Heavens, contaj thriilixxg adventures on and and seaza nowned discoveries of thé worid's gresfj explorem a lal ages, and reinaikable nomena In eve-ry realin of nature. Iýd braeing the striking physical featuregaof t4-, eartb, thé peeliar characterietics of Ujjý human race,, ef animaisq, birds, insecte, et&.., iiuld*n a vivid description ef the ÂtlWý tic, Pacife and Indian Océans, and of thi Polar Soas, the Monsters of the %ee beautifal soasholse and plants, singuiü fishes and dwellers in the world of witel% romarkabie Ocean ourients, etc., togethe with the AMAZINO PHENOMENA OFf THE

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