Whitby Chronicle, 27 Jan 1888, p. 8

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a I ~ 4 4 s -Ou Ottawa L et'e.' TrAn1"KuZ IVES. - oovmmINENT AND NuwSPAPES.-POLrITIOÂ, OOXAL AND» RNSRI' GOSSIPs- RONOR 70à A OAlMIAl<. (Prom eour regiý1&r correspondaeul) OTTAwA 24.-Ie Canada l0 continue tob.emde a refuge for publiceand privato, thieves? This is a serions question vbich 1 underetand i. the euh- * jeet ef ,orrespondeflOe btvesn Ottava Mud Washington at tb. preeont Cime. Tho Amerioan Sate is nov consider- ing a nov extradition treaty vhioh for bwyem.rsth. Senate bas refried frein raCifylng beomnse.it centainî somo dynamite clauses eaid te be objection- ableotC, thoe sSenâsre ibo are sensative on the euject cf the [rish *ote. The objeot of the negotistion nov in pro. grogs s leteeniarge th.e cope of h. pro- poste-i reat>' 50 as tCc Jacilitate h. surrender ef defsuiteeswhc skip over theé border tither coiutry. Canada is about tireâ of funuiahinlg a refuge for imen wboee example je far froin vbole- soin., snd the goeront are hopeful thaI a treat>' viii be ratified by th. Amerioau Senate durine its presont sesion. Since June 1886 over flfty posons guilt>' et embzzeleut have eseaped Ce Canada aud rested ber. in séfely. These fifty yankee boodiers got avay viCh 18,850,000. à GOO1D ZJJIPLB. lu Ch matter of subudebiflg for neye- pJpewsth. goveront sets a good oxample to, Cbe people. The depset- mente expend à,Cotlof $12,000 aunuall for Chie purpose aud no doubt Ch. in- formation hus broughl Ce lb.e foantain head well repayae h. utis>. A étory ie told of one cf the sub-heads exclairn- ing "At Imet 1 have fonnd au honcst uevepaper mn." Elerese a pubiieher vho coredits ns vith 82 ou a subseription of whlch v. vonid bave ne reollection. The bill resd.-"'To Cwe year uubscrip- lie o eCh Cape Bron - 812; by aunount overpsid on luas acount 82 ; balance $10.,, The correspondent Cc vhom ho spoke quietiy got bhe file eftChe Papor aud pointed enttChat Ch. ordinary pabhiostion pic f the veekly va. $1 ayear 1 lu ai, Canada there are about 050 nevepapere sud peuiodicaifi. Ot hfs 72 are daily, 12 tii.weekii, 21 semi-weeki>', 458 veekly, 13 ,emi. montbly sud 74 mouthi>', Ontario bau Me7,Quebe. 118 . ooording te tiuc imet esnons retataiS th. printing offices empioy 5,811 bande. 0f h... 6,810 knev mors titandise ediu.or. During La seseion of Parliamnt the news;popers recolve about 5,000,000 words of reports by vwire. ROYAL ILITAIT COLLEOE. Mforts are being matie Ce affiliate h. Kingston Military Cohiege vith h. Universities 50 hat the course at Kingi. Con vil ecunt as au arts course sud sUinc uh of the eadets a., desire Ce- cindy lav vithout undergcitig speciai oamination. The gradustes attended a reunion banquet Ssturda>' evening lu Ottawa. There are nov about 115 gradcale of whom 85 have ,ntercd Ch. British army. Ouly si% of the gradudates ms an d U t . lunCh.Unitedi Stato. At = 9»» nChe reove! 765dosti st alth. oheo aght by a staff cf 17 professeré who coït 18,00 for salaries. Thé total annal eost oeth. coleoge le $60,000. TalI IAILWAT OMISSION. The Royal Oouisou appointed in 188go teake .videnee lu regard le Domainion rmilvays bas just on leted Mtlbeasd Mr. Lonerg" the sc-00 viey a un vyoterdaY prosentlng C.report tCe Ch. Srs o!Stale. The reoomlelldUOmatis d are undor- Obto e o mOrsin saudnmnimous bu thCey vil prrbably romauiin a&secret Clii th, e oCu4 o1, pae4Iam'Dl. Mr. Louega e v est.rday ChaI h. ro~ct . n~sboomprobuasive ee air. H.].L GlCJe Î.Irmmu. Th. anuitaireport of the Departntt Of Ce b. 4ol»imse4 Chic week, vil cbow >Chat haesane11,221 miles oves vlaeb Ceie pauces. The (*iverUmneut <?pU5Cs5 1,190 mil"es -Bsstu canada vbehooti M0000sd voSheett mn niml to! ofabout $190t"P. lio maIyear Ch.Gowe!nineft sold a 1egomo ofles o! ovaS luBeitishCohuni- biaCo the 0. p.a. The bulk ofth. reveue 4o. h. Interolflslcomes « Iceigbi t ua t nov it Je unable te bad. 1 hat la offert. More relliug tokle la MIed-or- The sonlteuin arleton 6onuty, Ont., le aa interectiiig ru»betweon bye ou-o senalives, Mt, Dickinson bas gel a lottos from 8r John visbing hlm a ses5,but 1er. Powell bas Senalor Omo, is brother lu law, bobinti hlm anti a gOOtI ouunty coneetion. Poll»g ou Che lit Psby.- There sare efght easl tho commous vacat, Peines 3ivd, Laiton, Esseil. Gien- 0, gE SmO Oiand VItorIa, B.O09 In the Cames f.lp#ine Edvard, - auccp11 sud Gleuga t Cers ste .ppealS e tii. Curme(ourt. I La iton Me. Hen- deso viiagoi e b t onuvalve 3mtlt Obut t i.nid M M. WaltiIe h. sunseilti member viidd0ilpe lbte ReférinDomination Kb the oi ' déu omorrov, letltmeprodi ohvw Clstba Mr. waatie viiput hiauisif Cot he1 bands etfh. party »ait hat h.figb Branoh hors have fer jears beop the AUAL reelpiente et unnumoerable mampleso! Ç L3oWfR V L AGE PRO PERTY w.ddlng cake pooted by loving ouples PU R £ -FO SLB la vidons parthe 1Dominion t10si- peétat Mouds vho inevoie reesivo the Te underigned bas r.ceved inetructionà cake becs »e Insufftaient postag.lapaid. hmte Bzecutors pf1 the )&te Thomas Civil servante gencrahly ha" ou mn ;ednnqdaY,»Fbr ubrlc th, '88,O luzurious tCmi.but the Dead Lettes WdaIay Gebrua Hotl, lu l elerks Cake the sake. A eol oei h Mr. T. C. Keefer et Ottawa hau been oloted President ef the America Sooiety ef Civil Engineers. Mr. Keefer viaborn at Tborald Ont.and ha. had charge during hie lifetime ef snob works as Brio oaual, Grand Trank, Montréal vater works, Hamilton vater vorks and many othero. H. vas a. commis- sioner Cc tb. Paris Exhibition and je an effce of the Legion cf Houer, and a C. M. G. He la 67 years cf mgo. GENERAL NOTES. The Kirncardine and Teenvater rail- vay vii ask ParliamentCe extend he time for the commencement cf h. work. On Satiirday a cablegrain signed by Hon. M,3sre. Costigsu and Soott cf Ottawa was sent Cc Wm. O'Brien cf IreL'nd congratulatiflg hum ou hie ro- hem.. frein gaol. The convention for a parcel post ssrvie bai been signed betveen Canada and the States and go.. into effeet Maroh lot. Dueing Dee.mber the Dominion imported goode C. he value ef $6,759,00.061"I have forgotten 'orne- hing" ssid the Minister et eailvays th. other dày witbhbis baud Ce his bead. "dYen forgot te raies my salsy Sir." said on officiai standing b>' vbo bad weetly spplied for an incresse. Mfr. Pope mer.i>' gave hica s broadaide Gradle. Fred White, son of Ch. Minster cf the Inrerior, viii be married in Ottawa toma d aghter et AId. Gordon on Feby. &. Duriug Deember voe eported $4,- 472,000. The dnty coilected on Decein- ber importe wus 81,547,000. Xli. Gavernoe Gouerai viii donate Cvo modals for lb.besC essaye on Jaoques Cartier, Engliih and French. Tb@ ocean mai contraot le net yeC swarded. Hon. Alez. Mackenzie vili be 66 yesuoid ou Che 28lb. In the. subjeot cf bister>, outrance candi- dates viiibe .zsmined on Ch. auCUnes of lbngii s ulCry; the outtinesofcf anadisu histor>' general>', vith particular attention te tee events subsequent Ce 1841. The municipal institutions o! Ontario, sud he goderai form cf Mue Dominion goverument. lu Drsving-Book No. 6, vii be requlired. The nexi Entranoe Examinstion te hiigh scool sud Coliegate institutes vil ho b.Ild on Jul>' 11h, 6Lb and 6tb, 188. vIn bthexpuectdof quteane ndiase ofl speci eut tron .porzed psaesc Lons, vho ve publihed u ale se bu aise su>' arcf e bl-Cloe ua e sill>'p asribd uof enortion. At e ul>' re scezmnatol mie>' vsaiii u. Atte te hxae menorizsd -8 cl h. olloviug, ICh. t beve mberzeu1-inathe 1-8,sud at ah e acmintoner eainteri o C-8.afdoMl.wîuex seheoion viate&Hoth lein 1 The shorte tbaets- (LW. given on page 8) 2 MI inda ayaor make it,... 22 8 The .lsbadonu--------- 6 1 62 4 To Mary in eaven----------.. 97 98 5 i ng eut viid Bell,---------.. 121 122 6 Lady Clar ............-----. lS 180 7 Before Sedan------------..... 190 8 The Chree Fishert&--------------- 220 9 Ridlug Together .............. 281 282 10 Bdînhurgl2 a!ter Flotiden -2... 77 M8 il The Foreaken Mernus........ 2 801 Chureh bNetes& A.O.U. W., lb. annual seemon for WhiV b>' Lodge No. 97, vil be preohed ou Sun- day sveulug nsxt, the 29 htuni., b y Bey- Mr. Baxrker, in th. BapeClt ohurob WhILbyr Pacter Barker vil preacb uezCI14l Da monnng sud ev.nlug. Subieu AMY.-"The Christian% Divin. iarn." P. M.-"«Anuul Sermon for h. A.O.U.W.I# The specialmeett ing th Me Baptilt ohuroh are to e b.otinued, anti mucb les ing ia being reelie. 8 h sberman Brown, aq 4i seding a fev blOUa>'. in lewis. "o, l Ucosn produoe dealer in Chue «UWindy Oity,," Tue Conservstivea of Quebe.cCity ied bolAiug a big dmutaiz on P.lmm 9. Bpugs fX.,e8lut. Ch. night, sMd sloe abOl 900 cgileOUtOmdlettees. Summer Heat.-Tl s thl. eaUmfor Bowel oemplalnte.Oronapples Md ucumbersproducelbemc sudFerrY Davis Esln-KIher enes temn. To theCreuble stoumh it corne s k a balm, and as>' 'ipeso., b.e tiusIl,» anIhe intiseaus-à.ed Andtl# t~a rouble e esm. ve"rrg the lai&kes Che' PSWnXMir, udne imtber aboult b. 'i*t ut#h$a is f li>. A Oltisens' Aseealon rgonSti for he P vDMo .atehlngthe CityOouuoil.bas Its superior excellence proven in millions of homes; for more than a quarter 01 a century. It is used by the United States Governnient. Endorsed b y the heade of the great Universi- ties as te. trongest, Purest, sad monthbealth- ful. Dr. Price's the oulv Baklng Povder that dosa not contain Armmoni, Lime, or Auni. Sold only ln Cane. - PRICE ]BAXINO POWOER CR. NEW Tol<K. cHICÂlO. ST. Le-tue. Indipensable.-The» re xemre u~e reinedies indispensable iu every fmiY. Âmong Miese the experience ci year s sure ues hould be reeorded Perry Davis Pain. Killer. For both internai and exiernal application we have found it f great value especially eau we reoomend it for a oold, rhenmatl.em, or f resh wounds aud brises. Sir. A. P. Caron'@ Qnebec friendu propose giving him a banquet .hortly. Murray & Lanms.n's FlorisA wa"er is probably the siîuplest aud puret perfume ever mnade, bein< absolutely nothng more tlan the delicion fragrance of rare iloers, vreserved and made permanent, and It le doubtiesa te this pnrity of composition that its immense popiilarity 15 in a gfeat measure Lu b. ascribed. Executors! Notie b Crsdftorse NOTICE 18 HRERIBY GMVN in pur- suance f the Revised statutea of On- tarlo, in such cse made and provided thst aIl persons having daims agunet tete C of Urish Young, late f tbe village of Brougham, in the Coauty cf Ontro, Yeoman, deeeased who <ied ou or about the 81st dal of December, A. D. 1887, are re- Vired toend by post prepsid addresed to Broghsm Pott-ffce or to deliver te the undermigned eeentor* on or before th. 10h day f Maroh 1888, their naîeusuad ad- dresses witb fullparticulare f their oWms d"14 verified, aud Che gecuiritles (if anyl beldby them. A04 notieb je hereby given Iliat ivumesb- &.ely saflr Chesid dte the sad Executore pi proed to distribute the ses ft h !Ie gaid decesse amonget the parties entlCls thereto, hving regard only te CthediMSs of whoh notice hau been iven as aboe requis. ed, ad the said Ezecuters viii nothe hable for the asets or any part thereof se distri- bnted Cc sny person or pereons of Whoue .laim notice sa1 nt h ave been reeeved b>' them at the ime f euch ditribution. Dated thia lSth day cf Jine", 1888 ESTRER YOUNYG GEORGE YOU1«l xozee" , WILLI &X OOWE,) . B. DOW. Brongham, P. 0. Deverell'a Block, Whitby, S,:lici.tar for '~eues 7-Sn WANTEDO Au assistant Laundresat the Ontarlo Ladies' Coliege. Appi>' at College. Jan 26th, 1868. TENDERS.- Winl b.e lve& until Mreh rt188oe tblrty-slz a «res oet aud lylng asu d I- ià Ch. osa ln.e ofPicksuu epg 011« . r n desdrition d parti aa md X 4. LISAnNqB, care Armour Bios'.Bi%nk, Km. as Cty, Missouri4 . !J. rngest os77= tender net neees5ady 4X'eP$& At Une o'olook, p. M.* the fooiowlgvaluable property, iz: PÂRCEL 1. Village Lot No. 8, on uorth aide of Main Street, in th. VllofBroug. ham ,on hliei ereoted a large Brick Buüiing, consistiug of two Stores, now ce- oupied as a Genersi Store and Post Office, *ith cooioOU5dwellhug above. There le a stable on thie parcel and a good garden, Chie ie a most deirable property., The par- celwill be sold subjeot Cc a leaee which wili expire oA the l7th day of Jauuary, A. D., 189. Bent $260.00 per annum. PAROBL 2. Village lot 2, on Main St., Brougham, coutalxdng about a quarter cf an acre, on which are erected two trame stores, one uaed as Stove Shop, Ch. other sas an In- plernt Shop. PARCEL 8. A part cf Lot 1, Main St., Brougham, contaiuiug about quarter cf an acre, a valuable building lot. There vill be a reserve bid on .ach parcel. TBMS.-One-tenth cash at Cime cf pale, and enough with the tenth te unake on. hall cf te.purohase mon.>' in thirty day., witheut interest, for parcels one and Ivo, and balance secured by Mortgage, conts.in- ing- ineurance clause and bar cf dower. For 9pArMe No. 8, 10 per cent. cash, balance iu ;0 days. Possession of Parcel Ones provided on jesse. Paroel tvo iu 80 days, sud parcel thee ven pu.rchase le oomp leted. Tîtles ludisputable. For fuerTerparticulars apply b Mr&. Chinu, ina. Viýpond, and Wm. Kerr, Brook. lin; and te Vendar's Solicitor, Whltby. W. H. BILLIYGS, Vendo'a SoUitor, Whitby. THOS. POUCHER, Auctioneer. CAUSE AND EFFECT. \'Mauy persona vonder st the tired, vern "'d vear>' feeling thet oppresses them with- cut any apparent cause. It msy b. povert>' cf h. blood or a disord.red etomach ; in eitber case the stomach, blood and liver are net performiug Choir regnlsr functions, and, withmsny persoas hers viii follov a duil, heavy headache, nasee and man>' other sytptorne Chat precede a weil devel. oped case cf Dyspepsia. Purif>'the blood, cleanse the system cf the ologged secre- Mion. by using Meacham's Mandrake Mixture, prepared by J. B. Meacham, 133 Venge St., a Obemiet of nineteen yeare' experience. Bold in Whitby b>' W. R. Howec. 1881Goldffith'sIIa~188 les of oWt lntenGdin rhseru c preouts fr th HIOLIDA Y SEASON Reliable Boods at Close Pdces Braiy s in Watches sud Jeweir>. Beau- IulGoctin luDiamond, Pearl sud Ruby Gem Rings. Bout sud medium Qualtiet in Silver-PIated Knives, Forks, and Spoons. Ivor>' handled Table sud Deaert Kuivea. Peonall>' selectiug in> Goodusud buying te 1thé POWELL & 00u Wbtby Chia T Store Is the place where you will flnd the largest stockeof Xmas Gooda ini Town. The Stock is now complote in Glass ware, Fancy Goods, 0f ail kinde. Also a'Mui Stock of * BES uses M A 0cie RETa Sucmuu hn aSt o 35 hn Cups and .seFB IT O Suera $.2 JnAblmeS J o Hfrgr NdS mnsTON Prsotical Watobmakor, IBBOOK-STBEET --- WKTBY VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AND HOTEL PROPERTY Tue izndersiged bas reoelel l i«uotiona from tbe lEzecuors ef Thomas Ohinu, lateý ofet flb. laeo! Brooklil, Hotel-keeper, te ofer for sal by Public Anotion on Wednesday, Feb.429th, 1888s At theBBOCKLIN H<ousx, in Ateue oolootp. emi, lb. fpnOflovng 'Valble p~~Q3 rll e Tb$delrbie uotel ana per dozen, and other Goods ini proportion. Cff" Corne and sec for yjourselves. WAINTED--AW kinds of farmprodwcèe. W. J. GIBSON, SANTA- CLAU8'HEADQUARTFR8.-ý The largeat and fineat aeeortment of, IQYS -AND, FANCY ""rQODS Ever imported herolor the, Holidays.OaII an& émiethm lot ot entirely INew (Ganies osad FURS, ROBES, and' -OVERCOATS at Oost. Men's and Boys' Under- Pri*ces, H :ooo: ~Iu~ POWELL DISMNT & si vie I'e y-E 'OL. -XXXII- CONTINUES ON AL WINMTER GOODS WhlIby, lau. 27 V1888 ig~~~~~6 @b~se.,... >7 070 ,,rel...........200 *250 17... . eae ..eu.0>60 O070 ..046 0 -89 a * f 0 s i b Dress Goods and Woois Greatly Reduced. Milinery Sold Regard- :000*. înspect my Stock, large and wazied which in 1 shoula GOODS. 1 1, cols, zstablisjhed 1856.' SUBSORIPTION RATE-S. ro M pir annl advauc-41.50 other- r1îe SusOitons 1are ways payable at icfâce of publication. Steam equipulent and beet furuished ok and Job printIng Plant&a lassertof Ctaria, capable of ezeclug lcasecfI- rk from tChe large poster te Ch.e malleet adbill. Sp8cial mention s0mde of the keurpssed press f aciIliiegcf Tus Cite- v TAi, wlth jils celehrate& . -Y.-Cate11 linder press mnd other modern cauveni- ýceq. Ever>' order receives prompt, care- al attention- TERUS 0F ADVERTLSING. Piret insertion, per line, 10 cents; -emoli xLbaequ.Xit insertion, 5, cents. Dispae Cderis.iuents are measur0d IV Sal 01soidNaupareil, and chargead Umetruclions inserted until forbiadefl,.sud Sbarged for fuil ime. O rders for djscoftnuig advertielents muet he in vriling, othervise Ch. publiSh- ïws wil net b. responeible. A& libers.1 discount for.ccIttract mdvertise- ýmente hy Ch. year. Copy for changes of ,ouIrsOl avOri'CisentUs ehouila be handed In oC later than Wednesdy ; ana notice of mnynten~ded chan e hould b. given before Tuesday no. Other advertise. -nients receivea up te Thureda>' noon. Business noticeai' local or neye <iCluOIU . I-ve cents per lino veeki>'. Locale, 10 cliý per limee eU'. fenalpr Cerreepeudence eolicited ri a u 04 te Contyor nelghbeor]'g tovuehipi . boresondntsare requeeled Cc seud z , m o ommiuuications as prcxiptl - , o sible, HENDE RSON &GRAHAM, Proprietor -J 0H1 STANTON4, r Bp't Meohauuical Dep't. ;.- JOHN E A E EL LB -AURITBRICouiily OroviiAtto= g, "B aCout slctr feeSo r~3 IT3R, &c. Oflo umel ieldb Faeei utledge,1 e Royal HaCel, Brook Bt.,Whitby. DAVIrD ogiSTON, B.&- Cm ci>, cuey5icer, &o. OIOEin the Offce eouth o01the ce, lx Mo &iIs ' 810k, Brook B- ~33IT3R,~&o.-Idonoy_ t Lnr fariage Licenees. Yook IM., Wbitby. ta.Blooki Brok. ON~TOLDPrVe Lup te 800 a lov z't Below Factory, SIL VER-PLA TED Crockery, China, STOPa

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