~~t' ~tYZ~V't~' e IMPORATffT! --- The rernaider o unr Slof F.ANCY GOOIDS! AT, AND BEL0OW COST. BEFORE BUYIffl, Ca/i and See Us AT TME MEDICAL HALL, ONL IxooPER ANNUM. WhtyNrday, Feb. 1888. As gsnerally oocoure when there is, any unoertainty in snchobsaee, the Toronto papere are giving the position of Kinister of agriquiltnre so Choas. Dury M. P. P. -for E. Sirccos, and Jno. Dryden, day about. But wben the time cornes ail Mr. Dryden viii have tW do is walk up and 1tbe ther ut down bis noms in the place and ho viii b. Hon. Jno. Dryden at onos. Nov tbat the criinal justice auditao of Oarlo have delivered judgment spcn how tbe, affaire of the Dominion, Provincial, eounty sud oriminualouorts sbould be coudduoted, perbapa il would net b. tazing Iheir energies and gond nature too rnnob W ask thecu te cattri. ais. their ides. on th. question of Oomtuercîal Union, the Fisheries mat- ter, paupâr -immrigration, the Es.tern question, the Crown Prinoe's throst, the sucs blookade. Lahhly, there is a question of importaunte and vhich bas -b ulong saiting ouideration -aome pelnoun mïght acrtain Ibeir opinion ou tb. subjeot of Rats. Tbls bas beena -à week off iu the question ef vii in Europe. Koat of 4he soldiers of the belligerant powers aue busily eugaged in propping up tb. roofs of tbsir barracks Wo prevent tb. esali roofs from esving in, nader lb. veight of the fifteen or twsnty feet of mc, th*,ý bas fallen, while the rexuain- d« lure digginx snow avay from the ,deoru, or building &tairs Wo gel on top to m . hà t kind cf vesther it ije up abov.-thbeamu. Oimneysaremail that esau b sean cf bouses over there, aud theeq tu eooee places require a *le te b. stood op beelde lhem iu orr thut theaxuoko May b. able tu ûad ils »aY ont.,>luthe meutirus- tb. lsmp«o end trou Chancellor are a vo.k eider, âud tbe Crovu Prince's dooto rae gtviag bis illustrlous Ibroat à ,broeithiug spe% ansd, if th.y kesp avalyià fou$npight louger sud mot tWuob Il, h. May get veli. & Yww =ore Irish Membera et Par. ,Iiuunt sud riman (JaîholieOclergy. men hakvt tak«uo w veaingthe green- the grey-grfien prison suit.et the Irish .Jatte. This uew religon of patent martyrdoux i. Ires es air over there, 'Xr aUour havlug laken op bis rosi- doues lu Dublin iu order that ne applL osut may b. turned oavsy uudecora.d by lii. gnoomela. Amy niember et paKlstent ci othorrespousible poraon, vho May fanoy bisel la=s le uotoriety1 &» «siolooked, bas ouly le lake th. atum soowhee aadbave a report cf bit remorke- seul to,4r.< Balfont. -fia thy oigt llwoug)i vIlh de4z al tue Umîton lx auother ooluma viii b. found th. lait p.ealeffort et the crinnmi justice auditqrs b regulý1é th. affaire of the olunut*1 ýiu gemoral.To read ilin snob à manuer ma te fully undersland vhal Ihese two poveuful minmds-are driviug ab in every 0ase, wouid b impossible for men of lover mentlf clibre, sud es- pecîally 8e as ve bav. mot space te give their other extensive ukase etf 1886. However, tbough ve do net pretend tc, obe sto tlly expîsin the great docu. v.itw might sà y that lu 1886 their report, urged the aboliiionl of quarter sessions, aud eofinries te as great an extent se possible. They suggested that bail be taken for prisoners commit- ted te oouuty courts of justice, aud thon instead ef gôing We Whitby let the accusedl be brought up st the Division courtsud have bis oase board. This simply means that, guilly or innocent a mn is le b. retused a jury le try bis case. Bobbing a man oftIbis rigbl vould, %bey believe, eut down con- stables' tees, sud jurise would become eue et the iMag@ et tb. blossed past. If eueeoft hes. criminal justioe auditors vere accus.d ot steaiing a sbeep w, dont know vhether he vould car. Wo bave bis fate *divid ed upon a hait heur'. hearing in th. division court, sud a jury eftwIeîve dsuied hlm. It might do for a guiity misu but the innocent vouid fsncy he vas r.bbed et bis rlghts sud liberties. For the next montb thore vil be an electin-eitber Dooeinion,'or Provincial -almost every day, aud sîmost every day oeeParty will bow itisel boarse while the other veepa ever a moral viotory. & greal deai of corruption wiul go on, but the wiuuixig.side will get the blame $i ail cases Those who have the largeot sumo Lu spend in bribery will offer the largest îeward. fer the apprebenuien et boodiers, sud viii proolaicu themeelves strictiy honest. The eus etfindividuals wbo go &rouund sumping,, becanse et their love te pro- mote the country,* bost interesîs, viii talk the unfortunate voters bolite datb, sud notvihhstandiug their love for the patriotio work, vill expeot lu returu for tbeir services s good office or somne other soIt suap frein tbe party. Meu in fui costa, uitb cas puiled do wn te bjWls their -bonest faces, viii b. beard et aiq,&ong the back concessions, aud it uiii attorvards ha preveu on oatb tatltbey uveshuntiug for sick relatives. lu s feu cases oeeParty or the other vili arreat smone unluorder tW be ahie W raises sboul of brlsery on tbe day betore su election sud Ibus injure lhe other Party. The man arresh.d viii b. reiased next day. There uiil be a oigbly good time generally la political circles, until spriug, vhen th. mouey uull ail be spent, sud the -logis- laters" viii bave Wo go home axain un« til'auotber fuud ut public money bas beau drainsd ont of the hax-payers. Tnz Fishery Commission continues dining out at Washington, at s probable expeuse 10 Ibis ceuuhry of $200 or $800 pet dine, 'the.ostensible objectote negottationa instW cosx the Arniicans net te hake oui fish sway frein us. The Yankees are ohviouusy determined Wo have thora, sud don't make a»y boues about saying se : sud thera le mo& lh. leset doubt burî Lhey vould take Iben uihhoul eetrernony if il yere net tbal Englsnd te bossofeth.e oes. This being tb. cîs. Uncie Samuel thinks h. esau arbitrate. us oul cf oui righa, s ho bas doue seversi limes beforo. Inatâad of Iaklng Lbe Yankee lulruders.by Lb. suruff et the. ueck sud nakciug Lheun sos-oie t ut fisbiug grounds,oui people dignity the attempled robbmryby ccli- ing it a rnndersttanding about inter-. national temies, sud go Wo Washington to try sudcocuvinoe. tb.robbeus et their Moral uronge. 0f course lb. Ameni- cana, belng the gainera eutir.ly. csanuol ho oouvlnoofet heir dishoueety. Thon Up sptiugs another sectiountof ur Osuadian people sud eay, "Bouy our fisb frem theAreriau-glre theni oui blrthrighl--onî oxurnerical privilèges. W. boye ncthlug el"mo Wgive." If Englaud vculd station tvo or tre. mon-e-vs, nnam the fisbing grouuds sud lad thera- Up for bear, il vonld settie the se speedily. The Ameni. cane viii argus aIl yesr if lbeyoeau seurs vhat diesmol beloug te thein, foi uotblug. Pools -if they vouldolt. Faou Ibcreporl publisb.d sjsewb.r. il viii b. sien Ihat the criminâl justioe audiW»oneuuirake mol only tle dises Lb. eniminsi affaire ofthl.e otýaly et -Ontario, but lio those ef lb. ro vin e tbose of tlb. Dominion. They do mnl 11k. lb. vay lbe ProvkncIalGovoru. Oriminal Juistice. REPRT Or THE AUTORS FOR ONTARIO To the Oounl of Lthe Oo. of Ontario. The audîtors ot criminal justice accounts ieg bave lu prsent their report for lhe peut ycar. Iu Ibe meetuion of their dutios, tho audi- tors have found ýthe saine urxsatisfactory atate ut things te sxist, lu refore#ce lu, lhe ftýnsncial arrangements between the couuty and th. govornment of the Province, lu whicb a previons report called the attention ufth h.council. l hetr. ftespadl New additions otetrfofespado ufficers, nsmee.r- sheîi fs and dlerkiof the peao, are continusily boing made at the in- stance ut the Government, andI which the Goverument rocognizes as comiug withîu the scipo of the Act C. S. 1U. 0. Cap 120. Ludoed, il wouud soemn as if lh. lime was nol far distant, when the maintenance ot those officer. in lu ho borne by the counties alto- gether, snd on a dystom on whicb theo oun- tics would have nc voico. The c'unties would have to ftnd tbe eneani, to pay for mnany usoiess, unneoessary and extravagant services, for which nuo ober sanction ai ex- cuse can ho found than that they are nece.- sary.lu provide means tu support offers sud services nu longer in accord wîth the albersd îcharactor of the social and ecunomic position of the county. For the year ending the SOtb. day uf June, 188, the sherifi was paid by the county $1679.64 ; 1he clerk of the peso. sund Co.-Attorney oonjoined $1417.80,, md ve venture the opinion th tw*th respet lurny iteus of these accunta the pubo iuterqtsu vould winuovise have suffor.d if th. e,.è vices bawi nover beau perferiued. As au instance ont of the xnsny, lt herliR. walks into turns round sud valirs onut f Ue ou. Judgesa Criminal Court, sud thep eh&"ge the county $2 for thoe xploi.i1 ufficia:i duties sncb as these were uecessary at snme remoteperiod of our national history, they are so nu longer, sud their exorcise brings mbt stmnng light the necesity that existe for reconstructing such offices, and wo have n lemitation in again expressing the opinion that the iucumbent.s ut those offices shouid bepnaidby fixed salary in any case. We beg to roter the council lu th. atate- inonts madIe by us in a former report in roter- once lu the appointmnent ut auditors. W. thoroin referred particularly but not entirely lu the auditors ut criminal justice accounts. Ouir remarks, bowever, bad a wider signifi- cation. It i just ai; difficult in our opinion for two mon new lu the business, andi neither of tbeui practical accountants, tu enter into. verity sud adjuat Lthe accunte ot the ou. -Treasurer as it woulfi ho for two new mon lu ait t the statutes, tarifa sund Orders lu Conuci.l noces- sary u rItermine whether an account coin- ing vithin the scopeofu criminal justice sbould ho paid or flot. W. beg to call the attention ufthlie coun- cil lu a point in unr report, preseuted in Janu- sry 188, n which ore ref or lu the erpense at- tendod on the trial ut criminals, eilhor at thme Quarter Sessions or aI Lthe Judge's Crnin.] C'ourt. W. desire tou endorse th, statomnents then made hy naud add s fow fnrther re- marka on th- subject. L)liberate cousideration forces the conclu- sin upo iaItii.hsphere nf action of tho cout u Qn-tr Sessions ln su changed, ils upportunities for action su curtailed by thme operation uft he Co. -Judge'@ ci iminal court aud the goneral appointaient ni police muag- intrtes,its puors su mu'eh neglected to coun- ly counci's, its draft twice s yoar of seventy -two Jurymen un escm occasion, with, sas sumetimes happons. notiing fur thein lu do, su serions a charge upon the peuple in ime awd money. Its acîkcu in bencm, when the. 0-uuîy Judge, the. Clerk ufthLie Poe., vith, perbape s couple ôt nouent.ity J. P's, insy maire orders besed n pou uld forms or obselete prat-ces, which resulttin drats upon the con&y puise, inutho mutaterssouconnty affi. cials lu p&y fer useles, sud unecessa7 seer- vices, Ihat the, lime bas arrivai for filn re- coustruc.iou or abolition. Ites esua'miiug finan - cia atibutes should st once b. transforred lu tho counuy couincils. Its trial by Jryper conîI b ex-ci.hy tbe courts whicm sup. plant il in snme suo way as is novdoune un- der th. Divison Court Adt. lu f so iu mauy respects thili court soeema lu have simaply out- lived its usofnlness. lu unr reort ut January, 1886, weexpress- ai 1h. opinion that bailin crunînal cases aioud b. allowed lu surreuder Iheir princi. pal. Smo. his expression ut opinion 0oununr merye 1886. th.. em nka epotufly eu. drs,. Thmex re lite op nio h lb. eun- cils ahnld elas, tun inio ngh"btheidout everyOu Cunc.in lb.e province in briugiu beor l.Lefilaure tiisasudau etb.ra- Jecls, action on vhbieh vould t end to liéBâten the. chargelunconneotion vi 'ral s- Iu couclum e fwv telcompelbcdte brlng ta your notice tlim uçt of MÇatls ly mau ofet vieconstables aounts are un-, ucoessaily iieresue<, t e edetrimultof the oeunIr sud b. ulc - VERY CL-OSE FI'GURE s-it In order to make sure of a big red action in our winter Stock we have cut Our filurOB- very close. We realize tha.t it às A ]PRE-SSING MATTER., The people muist have winter goods while they will be of some use to them and we have re8olved to settie the inatter at once by mà king A Gliecat Redue-ion il' On our Large Stock of BLANKETS, F11111, 11001), CLOUDS, uriesl SIIAWLS, WIN. OEYS, FLANNELS9 DRESS GOODS, GLOVES, HIOSIEIRY, YARNS, &c. It is not a damaged stock, it is not shop worn, it is not a fire shle or a bankrupt sale, or an emergency sale or a giving up business sale but it is A GENUINE To ma.ke room for new Goods. Cone and See Us. IQ 88 gý,p Whitby Dry GO ' ro PRINGLE'S MERCHANT TAILORING For -ORDERtED CLOTHINU OVERCOATS, at GREATLY REDUC- ED PRICES. MADE TO ORDER. -J. R. PRINGLE. FL. GREEN, GREENWOOD OAT MEAL MILLING 00., GREENWOODU Manufacturor of a-Il grades of Oett Meal, CJorn hMeal, Rolled Wheat, Split Peau, Graham Flour, Cracked Wheat, &o. W. have a first-class Miler and are determined to turu out firet-olase meal. Rý Chopp coxstantly on hand. Chopping don. for 5 cents per two bush. bag. We have thc best chopp atone inith. Couuty. A 8pecialty made of exchanging oat meal for oats. Qats wanted for which hîghiest prie will be paid. ,W. ask yupatronage. GREENWOOD O&T -MEA LMILIING (-0. N. B. Plour exohanged for Wheat as- usual at Greenwood Bolier Mile. I have juzt put in more relis and other machiuiery, and the Flour is, better. than ever. H ighest prie païd for 'wheat. F .GEN LE~VE MmnIcxi~m ALQ2~EJ. Thii e the esudid adnveo gir. b a il viteor.sfern ro ypepui l9 oaeu t ent Of10 mediolues do more hmrm O=a good sud rallier bin'der tbm ,le te atreli THE7,RIGHT THING TO DO SALE We need the room anrd must have it. 8I~ Emporiumn. BURNS' COLUMN. -OUR 6&NNUAL WIN TER? 8LA UGHTEI? Tu avoid carrying over fuît gouda, vs bave commenced to siel thein aI whole- sale puicesi. Wide-awake people would do well bo cal early, before their mise. are isold out. s0MB PRICES: LAis' Wm£,Th pon.bt-ae Clatht Gies. .......... :24, Flannel.lined, very warm, re.-. bail price...........i ..l50 Cil)'h Laoed Bua..... i6 Lined thiroughout, b'h eul,. rebaü price...... .......1 85 Ololli ButtouedBos .... 7 lEid-faced, flanneI-1imedc sy. lis)'out, relail pie. 200 Club)' shoo-PlyBIppr.... I Fur-b.qund, Satin bôwt very - hb~smerelail m!icee..1,45 Olot)' HIouse-Bie............ i»1 Fla2nnel-lined, very, warm, easy pliable moles. t 5)'owing th0 eal e*e psi toi LD pi WA TCHES,. t CHA IN8. t 9IOND Rings, Lookots, - Brooches, ings, kcarf Pins> Collar Buttons. ,laIe Table Ware.-oaa4 spouuls 1 , ar, jeliy anadPreserV88. Fruit, iCrumfb e.ud Bread ICuivos- 8BARNARiD, L T;. WHITBY.1 ,GÊAL LACONICS. ON lm>801 1 ANDU AROURD O1WN- DE0FLIYELY LOCAL NEWS BLEA>IED ay CHROMIIOLE REPORTER8S A &MVisxng ye, tekin nls An' fasilli h.'Uprou1 '- i~~~~ h8"~moi~e b W. O. b; bea od his idisy efteiilooD Piso peaing oom ah 4 e'eiock. B uli~ svealfure5hauliuig ~telîke. Thie lu a g oi go is cleaoee au e bo M k Iwo foot thîck - T are plessao le e i.T round aau ietROY . en .eis trokte-of pstiYl'. e eyweak. several :emnliXi Pr ý.Aet cases wOte h10 hveb9e11 Wod,,,O5dy, before Polm e Uorfle, but the witne5s, Me et on hs ud lba a uesha ,Urn,.a-for two?çwcoks. 0 . Fox, refted On Weeisd b1,s sin e plaOOd pon the of Sehool PropeiLYoft-Lb.- J 1ucaho-ifor the reb"D I no diffeience bow ue' eSouît' wid fellowSe, ley fate vy sdma cn5O ds* afl i 'tace th s aad I Ail ut Wb.ility, P, * # ' , - 'O 4 4.- 4 6 0 e e CLEARANCE Goods L. MACKEY,1 'Piqui4j U 0» be