0 , . e . I bear. 4& ritenpeare"0noi affs e b hi i tbhumtometer. They lie vith Ch*. sm wootber. Tbalr lset-featte to-makt lit.Ohabenaluoui next Governo Ge Xl rî. Ohamberlain, how.ver he I*leye obut* mucigreater offce, *»e in h. gli of Ch. peope 0f Eug. laud. .Firet the cable agent, whojes m b igaias th. Amenlosu correspon. denè t aIOlta,.,had Lord Stanley *ppinlted (ioveraor Goueral, îheu 1: v*as Lord Ohurchuli nov ite Joi -Obarnbe rlaiw sud ptsently it will be Mnr. Parnell. Thc fuct le Lord Laus. dowae's tenm dose not expire iii Au. guttl8th sud in Ch. preseutcompiicsî. .d stat. cf affaire iu England Lord Sallobury le tul!kely to offer a nyoue Me posutiounasuce cnîtical ime. A MAN WITH À NAXE. Talklug cf tie Goveruer Generali t Vilterest your roaders to perume the siguature Of Hie Elceieney Cc tbê pro- clamitation enjoining members cof Par- iament Cco appeur at Ottawa ,go treat, do, set, s»d conelude upon tics. Chînge loi e ayq by the favour of God, be ordatuied. lu téestmony viere- of vitnusJohn J. 1MtQe Esq.. Depuly of Our Bigl Trusty aud -Entiroly Be. JuaeulOuuhith ifatHonoraible Sir Henry Chare Koiel Pcsty Fitamaurie., Mrusof La wneu in the Couuty cf n. Oeroet,- Earl cf Wycombe, of Ohippiug Wycoorbc, in tie County cf Buoke, Viscount Caine sud Cain- atone,* in the Couuty cf- Wilts aud Lord Wyoeznbe, Baron cf Ohippcng Wycombeini Ch. Connty cf Booke lu 1h. Peerage cf Great Bitain ; Bari of Kerry and Eau cf Sheiburue, -Viseonuat Cîmumaurice sud Pitzmaurioe,. Baron cf Kerry, Lizuaw, sud Duker- ion, lu Cie Peerage cf Irelsud ; Ku ight -Gr*id Crosscof 0Our Moit Distinguisi. ed Ordr-but I muet ent it short or you wul requin. a new font cf uppen case type, If the Englisi Government eau eparo a man wbcse naine la juet s "freuile" bit briefer or officiai print- iug bille wiii ehriuk. TUEE ANADL61S QYSTEIL Word corne from dowu by the ses Chat Ch. business of cysten flehing ie.be. ing vigoronsly proscouttrougi idles i& Cie ice. Lt le gcnerally known that Chie violesome bivalve forme an im- portant pari cf eut maritime fieherles nov se mach diicuesed. Tien. le au almoatunlioîited field fonCie cultiva- lion cf Chie industry. The condition of Cinge lu New Brunswick sud Prince Edward Island ie highly favorable for oystor growth. The interior cf Mira- miobi Bay le <fl cf tics. ' mollueka. Qynters are aise fonud along lthe shore f' Northumberland Strait, Shediac aud other baye. Prince Edward Island i. kuown Cc b. almicalengirdled witb cysters. The baye cf Chat beantiful ait watà lake Ch. Bras d'Or' in Cap. Brelen, faîten ,lb. cyster --The few ojaen l.udlu Nova Seotiarenc ief- ly at 3.ddoro Head. Le le not extra- ordinary, w. are toid by Mr. Esunoil Ingareoil, Cc <lad Canadimu coystens olgît C ton inches in length. Tic cyster tiai i. thin sud veo n uur. a Wall meritcd iobiec centempt. - In pice dward ead Cbey Bsll cysters &t'oue dollar a banrel. The Dominion law forbide lie taking cf cyseers b.- CWea May let -sud Beptember but it vlewed Wr. the prchlbited s"lg" in wril vnter as Cc wiieh a Shèdise leeran oncoe said publicly :-"MIy = adatberakeocysCcn, my <aCier I»kléoes ywre vie ovant 'em sud by r.1 rake hlmtoc.", l ton poliing là ied for Che 74i the, ohoe lying beveen -Mr. Win. lieLcde a&.Wardu of Cie eeunty, Lô asudMr., David Heuderoon, Ooniervillve. Mn. MaLecd nesidos iu G.orgtown, Mn.'icuýderson ln Qoton.0 Halton hie - 6W votere.The Libenal ajo$ýty et tlhe gengral electîcu vas 9. ?hi sau nuceoua' able d.lsay in honIing the writ for Kent whibicwva vacant long 'boféo Rlton. Haidi, ruadîs tw b. given a test for Che balance cf Che terms Di. Montagne bav. labeen coufihed iu hi. seat. Tbere *0 several eppeals Cc h. 8-upremee court in regard Cc h i: me'nthe lirnit sud the lieue ocf write iu Russeil, Giouqanry, ;»., Simooce sud penhape Price. Edward is tbereby delayed. -h Tii hlg la certain, ail lie vacant sest. êaunn@C b. lied. by the openinjg of 10 SrJO", tomnrow. WATT AQLTIS i. b..' -~ A~I 701 k* .elà epopunîon of .84456r776 brlnge *the igureB o -4468 per.. hebd.On Le British goode theduly olleeted *us ai )f averageof20Per oeîi sd on Ameni * a oodo 416 p or cent. Our Importe S frim Great Bitaiu exeesded oui ex. D orte Cc hst country by ouly. &bout , 400,000wie our importe from the *United States emceeded our exporte tc *thaï *oouuey by #7,000,000 odd. There *was an aJI round incrsed trade with the ahidf couotries, The. cosi of ..cI- Slecting cuetome ,revenue wae almost a e million* dollar.. Thon. are s greai many other instructive figuresin Chose *returus whîch 1 wiI demi with laCer as occasion offere. * BOXE OCITY XMES. The Capital of the Dominion visbee e cu large iCi limite sud has prepared a' bill for the Legisîstion which provides for the annexaîlcu cf a number ci tie saburbe, al of <hem i fmt. W. wiei le emulate Wesinogou sd be. orne a City cf magnifloont distance. The boniy figure of Major Gencral LfiddIeton le a farniiar cight on our sta-cets. né- le a thorough goink soldiez, and as blunti speechs e la1* baxideompin face. Tâlkingtheotberd&yý about Major Genersi Oliver'a efforts toi get Ch.eniversities Cc aceept the coure of h Military Collage as equivalout Cc a degrae. BirPrederjck cxolalmed-:' 1111'd a d-d sigit rtCher -have lb. military training than aIl Che university courses *în lhe world." The gallant Commander ill I undcretand follow Up bis firet literary effort by writiuR cthoeson the echools of instruction sud the velunîcer system cf Canada. The servants and employees cf Rideau Hall werc tmode happy on Saturday by-the observance cf auan-u fluai oustein. Lady Lansdowne dis- ,ributed presents toeaeci sud evcry ou.. As an offset to a Land League cable to Mr. O'Brien a nesident Englishman squandcned a portion of hie goveru. .meut sslaty by cabliuR Mr. Balfournt ",Heed not ti. ravinge cf Ottawa fenians. Englishmen everywhire ex- peot you Cc do youn ducy." By far Ch. rn<ut important political occurenco of the pant we.k i. tie an - nouncemeul CiatSCir John Macdenald bas intimated Cc Mr. Mowat bis vill. ingusa go seuls imperial legislation te enfiri lie beundary cf Ontitrio wbioh Mr. Ilowat Rot Che Privy Geun. cil. te fi. Tic firmiet admirer cf lb. veteran Ohieftun muet acknewledge.'- wistth. Premier iimpelf nov admit. -that be ws e ul beaten in this GENIRALNOTES. Hon. John Oarling baa just complet. ed bis 6Otb year. The Tremier sud Sitr Icptor Lange. vin attend a banques go Sir Adolphe Caron st Quebeo on the 11&b. The P. 0. Savingo Bink bus deposite- smounting %c0419,818,291. à charter for a raîi#ay from Bëu- frew to Parry Sound vis Egauvile le applied for. Dominion eiection appeals Wo the Supreme- court: - L'Iftlet, Quebeo West, Montoeagny and Rimouski. (Colmeintsbdfrom Finui Page.) suod caýn take Thursdsy sud F'riday for the ...p. No exi5ense will b. entailed upon lhe nty ini the malter. VTbere wuabigh old tmme auiog thc conu. ty fathers on Thuraday ntght. A curlin match wau organized hetween cightgun-ta M9d s many tories, aud oeeof the monm itiflo matches on record wae contested. The reeves of Oshawa sud Port P"rr bosscd the job for th. Grils, wbile th. Reeve of TJibridgc town sud tie 2nd depnty-reeve of Oshawa guard- cd tie inlerSsftf1h. Tories. Tht, eloues commenced to bunt for the. tee about 8 o'clock p-. , and <rom liaI hour until il the rings were load.d witb granite to thier fulil cspacity. On the uorth rink Ourtesud Couithard selecled their mmx with care, but Coulthard by mistake cslled Race %McKay OfReb o ule . sd neyer knew MqKay was a eri until ic garne s almSoo douc# wben Brother Carsuell cf 1h. Oshsaa Vn. ,dicator wa ut oný Murten'. gril rink to balance 1h. 'hng. Soin. vieka-i were ekili- fully taken off the usill and hop', énougi weinde tocks1Xrk ficoy Ilwould' and fun, sud excitament,, sud good shbots, and good ekippingK, ud blowing, so wc ccn oýQ1y gime 1h. remsû 'Grils. Mcwbry Whîî Flummerfeit- Roe lJ. tp. Ourle Ev. P. Py., skp-22. Trenouti >Reeve ]Ru»n Tories, Reve Reaci Gray... Reeve Tihrmh Coulliard 2 D. -R.O"iwasp--i st. John 20.-RBrocký Glcndinning Reeve JBrok The OOoetites te ioted lufv* tii. fOIIowln»g stadinug oamtw. - eBObOOL !MÀNÂGECXM-.r pâr * Ormiston, 8Smith, MoOlellManRdI Md OL PesvrtOmbî, RutledgtsedgPosB elay, -Osmeron-. PMITING-FOZ, FSreWcll,Ru1i The Board adjourned outil next Wi te i. le it ADJII-- r ve 't il NT OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVN l a r- uance of thc Reviscd Statules c f On- tarie," ia snc asumade and provided liat ail persons bsving cdaims against tic estate cf UrIi Young, laIe cf ticevilage cf Brougham, initie County cf Ontario, Yeoman, dcceaed uho died on or about thc 81.1 day of Decezuber, A. D. 1887, ar, ne- quired te sund by pot prepmid sddressed te Broughamu Poil-oficeor te deliver le Ibe undersigned executorti on or before lhe lOth day cf Match 188, their naines and md- dresses with fui! partîonlars of their clama, duly verified, aud hie securîlies (if any) held by thezu. And notice le iereby given that lmmiedi- stely aifter tic said data thcesiîd Exc=oos ,wlllprocecd te distnibule lhe assole et lie said deoeascd azucuget tie partie etitlcd tiereto, hsviug regard ouly W lieeljsà u-pf whioli notice ha.t licou ÃŽfru'à soo :: nt*..l cd, aud the said Ezeouton wiIlnà tlkýlfà b for the assola or any part liereof se disable buted to mny person or persons cf wvie ciaini notice shall net have been recelvcd by tierniat tie lune of suci distribution. Dmted luis lti day cf Janusry, 1888 ESTEER YOUNG, GEORGE YODUNGExecu'ton, WILLIAM COWIE,) J. B. DOW, Brougham, P. O. Devere' Block, Wiitby, solicitor for Bzculors. Ils superlor exoellcnc pro'ven lu mul lionsc homes ror more than a quarter cf a centtM It is nsed by thc Unied Statee Oovermn, Endorsed by the heade of lhe great iUniverÉ lies as lhc Blrongemrt Purest, sud moot hea1t fui. Dr-Privee the oniv Baklug Powdsr th& does net coulaiu Ammonia, Lime, or Alijz Bcld only in Cans. PRICE BA.KRG POWDER C0. NU w TOUX. OmoAGO. BT. teurs. -W AN T E-D An sausà ant Laindress st lie Oulari Ladies' ocil. Jan. 26Lh, 188. F z %U à t Executors' Notice to Croditors 7-Sm q c VÂLUÂBLS VI LLAG E PROPERTY' Tic uuderslgucd bae receivcdInut frein ticexczcu#oc i eT Chin, to Mil by PblcAuclioni Wednesdaà y, Februaeryl5th ÂtGerow's BOWe, inlue" VilgeoBroughi ire@ bd. tI ti r i i s e sti Bu ne b: H The <roi of t PGWD ER Absolutely Pure. This pwe nover varies. AÂ marvel of Punty, =tr nd wholesomeness. More eonomlal than the ordinary kinds, and, isunot b. sold in ompetition with th. M1utitude of law test. short w.ight aluni or plosphaW ~powder. iSold onlyi% ean. IÃŽoyalBsking Powvder Co., 16 nSt., N.Y. BEFCILO#ANDM2SE fl you are languid and w.ak, and your appetitc poor. Ky B.d, Iron and Wiue ih the lhing b. Bure. As au invigorating îonio il is reeoguized à y thc Medical Profession as the. bout irengtheniug medicine tins fat produced. t n invaluable ",& blood-and-muscle mà k- r, .specially in Mose cases where weak- '5 ie 5 lje eresuiltcf imperfeot or inmuffiolent >od, cf wastiug fevers of any sort. Il con- ains 1he nutrimcut cf Beef, lb. 'stimulent ?roperties ot Wine sud tc 0ou powers cf ion,a isua dmitably calonlated tb build ip th. emaciated. system. Sold in Whitby >y W. B. Bouse. TIEND E RS 1111 be received until Marci iraI, 1888, ou uirty-six acres cf land lying and'adioiuingz me est lune cf Pickering College. Por <nil ýsciption and particulars address K. G. ýEAVENS, cste Arment Bros'. Bnk, Kan- se City, M issouri, U. S. Highesî or asny ender flot neoessatily aooepled. 7-8in. Intendiug purchasers of presents for thc H 0OL/1DA Y ielable 800ds at Clse Prices brgains lu Wstches and Jewelry, Beau. tiful Goocd. in Diamond, Pearl sud Ruby Gem Rings. 8EA8ON inapeel my Stock, bd and mediumi Qualities in ilver-Platcd flives, Forks, and Spoons. vory handled. Table and Desert Kuives. rsonally selecting my Goodà âmd bayne. M th. BEST MARKETSI tbles i6 te offer greit inducements 10 Oash <Justomeris. AMES JOHNSTON,~ -> Practioal Watohmsker, *OOK-TBBBT- - - WHITBT! A»D OTEL PROPERTY eunderslgn.d hs reolei str*ons, m lb. Execatora cf- Tiomas Ohum,laie ho ilagecfBreekiu, Hoel..kceper, le %veet forsl. yPublic Auon ou redne8da,, Feb. 29the188 oue o'ciock p. in., tie floigvlal properCy vui»t >ARELI., That-desirable Hotel sud P OW EELL FURS, ROBES, and OVrýbRCOATS.at Co'st. Men's and Boys' Uncler- Clothîng Prices, Below Fa ct 1ory '3 4 Dress Goods and-Wolis Greatly Reduced. Millinery Sold Tegard- lesa of Oost. POWELL& WbiIby ,ChinaT-Store Is the place where you will find the~ largest stèèk f Xmas Goods ini Town. The Stock is 10W' coump1ete in C0rockery, Glass ware, Fancy Goods,*. GR OCERIES, FR UiT.c,.OYýSTERS Chinaf Tea Sets for $3.e ' China, Chips and, Saucer.s, -81.25 per dozen, and other Good in proportion. L~Corne and mee for 1/or8elve8. -WANYTED--411 kinds o frmprdue W. J. ýGIBSON, WTBY ùH 4X, T STO SA.ý NT CLAUS,' HEA-DQUARTE . Tho: =~es ad 1io$assortment4of TOYS.,AN.D FANOY GQ D Evetimportea here -for the H1olidayse à 1 Qai aa1e '0nethM'~ii & Di$UNT SALE Board cf Iducation. I'The g ' ' * -g * 'I. I g g j-.. s * g ' .' "i.' t: S s.- ~ s . p s s s * ,. Ç ~ a ô . CONIfINIJES ON AL VOL9 Ilper sa is.Subi ]Book sud Qrlarlo,, Ca work frouà h Ãndbill. 11 LE, wth 0cylindier pi ences. iS. Pirsti ju subsequcu Dispiaye by a scale i scordingi: Âdverti. instrietion pharged fo0 0Orders <c muet be in crs wili nol A liberal m entiby contrant ad in not late cf any-iute before Tu menti rece *Five centi pef li ouw CerrespenU Choir 0Co possible,' JOHN s - 9b 0 a .a li»- R 1 AN ADDIV at COHAPIÇ AT LAST. JOHN bould which in 8IL VER-PLA TED SOUS. Of all kinds. Also a* full - Stock. ofý-. ES TA TE. 19 > ' 0 a . ODS. Chinaf rALVABLE- REAL